Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 27, 1930, Image 5
PINE GROVE MILLS Mrs. A. J. Tate and two daugh- res are visiting friends in Cleveland, thio. Mrs. Clyde Alexander, of Pitts- urgh, was a Sunday guest of Mrs. .. F. Goss. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hillary spent ise week-end with relatives in haver's Creek valley. Miss Lizzie Mallory, of Altoona, pent the latter end of the eek at the J. F. Kimport home. John Kline came home, the other vening, with a 21-inch trout and ~o eels which were each 26 inches ng. W. R. Port and family and A. S. ailey and family motored to Marsh reek and spent Sunday with rela- ves. H. L .Dale and family, of Mifflin- urg, spent the latter end of the eek at the C. M. Dale home on 1e Branch. The Presbyterian Sunday school icinicked on the Academy grounds Tednesday afternoon. About 125 ere in attendance. The men’s Bible class of the Bai- yville Sunday school were royally jtertained at the J. O. Harpster >me, last Thursday evening. Daniel Lonebarger., an employee : the Tidewater Oil company, at arrisburg, spent the week-end with 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. onebarger. Preaching services in the Pine rove Mills Methodist church the »ming Sunday evening at 7:30 clock. Everybody welcome. Spe- al singing. After six years tate highway Robert Bloom resign- 1, on Saturday, and went to work, ‘onday morning, in the G. W. ouck garage. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Bloom, of Wil- amsport, were guests at the C. E. rank home over the week-end, rs. Frank accompanied them Rome r a two weeks visit. Children’s day exercises in the utheran church, last Sunday, were rgely attended. Rev. J. S. Eng- sh made the address and all the sildren who took part did well. George R. Dunlap spent a part of st week visiting his brother, John , at Indiana, Pa. and Randall, at herry Tree, During his absence gs sister, Miss Katherine, had \arge of the cash register in his ore. Dean Kennedy and wife, of Read- g, are visiting Mr. Kennedy's par- its, Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zimmerman, of -ate College, were in Philadelphia, st week, seeing their son Nelson -aduate at the University of Penn- Avania law school. The young an will spend a few weeks at home sfore he decides on a place to ing out his shingle. Last Thursday Benamin Franklin . | service on the Re Homan was 76 years he celebrated the event by enter- taining a large number of friends and acquaintances at a dinner serv- towering pines at the home of his nephew, Samuel A. forty covers were laid and all taken. Mr. Homan was a son of John and Han- nah Musser Homan and was born on what is now known as the Fry In 1883 he married Miss six sons and three daughters, were the They also have 27 grand-children. Mr. Homan was a successful farmer all his life ed beneath the Homan. One hundred and farm, Maggie Fry and nine children, result of their union. until his retirement in 1917. Before separating it was decided to make the family reunion an annual affair on the third Saturday in June. —— ee ————— REAL ESTATE TRAN SFERS. Kyle C. Alexander, $1. Kyle M. Alexander, Gladys Alexander Armstrong, in State College; $1. Kyle M. Alexander, Gladys Alexander Armstrong, in State College; $1. tract in State College; et al, to et al, to tract Noll, tract in Spring TWwp.; $1,400. Charles B. Shawley, et ux, to Viola M. Shawley, et bar, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. Gamma Company, of Phi Fraternity to R. J. Gilligan, tract in State College; $1. Harry E. Dunlap to W. S. Erb, Exec., tract in Philipsburg; $275. Harry E. Dunlap to W. S. Erb, fxec., tract in Philipsburg; $323. Agnes H. Musser to William L. Musser, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1. Annie F. McGirk to Charles E. McGirk, tract in Philipsburg; $1. James W. Evans to Salem Re- formed Cemetery, tract Twp.; $1. Josephine Way, tract in Union Twp.; $1. Citizens Building and Loan As- sociation to James S. Russell, tract in Rush Twp.; $1,000. Annie M. Guisewite, et Kappa al, to Clayton E. Boob, tract in Haines Twp.; $5,300. A. R. Jackson, treasurer, to J. van Hildebrand, tract in Huston Twp.; $250. John C. Parks to Laura G. Sim- cox, tract in Bellefonte; $1. George W. Way to John H. Huff; tract in Milesburg; $400. L. L. Smith, treasurer, to Mike Wahmunsky, tract in Snow: Shoe Twp.; $32.70. Commissioners of Centre County to Mike Wahmunsky, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1. __ Read the Watchman and get all the news. old and M. Alexander, et al, to Carey of Greensburg, ‘man, of Cleveland, Ohio, have been Rec., ! | Mrs. Annie Weber, were guests of | their | Huntingdon, on a motor trip and | Lee Smeltzer farm, BOALSBURG. family, of Altoona, afternoon in town. Children’s day ‘services will be held in the Reformed church on Sunday evening, June 29th, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hess and J. P. Wagner, visitors in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dewey and children, of Bellefonte, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Homan, on Sunday. A number of friends from Gates- burg, her former home, attended the funeral of Mrs. Annie Barr Young, on Saturday . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mackwith and baby, of the Branch, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Ms. Edwin Dale, on Monday evening. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wagner re- turned home, Friday, after a three week's visit with friends in Adams county and at Hudson Heights, N. tract. David Snyder, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hosterman, and Frank Hoster- spending some time with their par- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hoster- ' man. Mr, Samuel E. Weber and sister, nephew, Edward Weber, of visit among friends county. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey, of In- diana, spent their third wedding in Lebanon | anniversary at the homes of their ! parents, , Coxey returned ' day, Mrs. Coxey In Gregg | longer visit, Saturday, June 21st. Mr. to Indiana on Sun- remaining for a Mrs. Ella Gingerich, her daughter , Marie and son Harry, spent several Shingleton to J. A.!gays last week in charge of the near Pleasant Gap, while Mr. and Mrs. Smeltzer and Miss Katharine Gingerich en- joyed a motor trip. MARRIAGE LICENSES Howard P. Barton, of Saxonburg, and Ethel May Parsons, of Fleming. Walter L. Holt and Anna M. Harter, both of State College. Andrew Manischak Jr. and Irene Barber, both of Philipsburg. LaRue M. Lutz, of Bellefonte, and Dorothy K. Korman, of Howard, Leo E. Krimm and Lillian R. Clements, both of State College. Edward E. McKinney and Maysie R. Bowers, both of Starford, Pa. __ Don't read your neighbor's pa- pe, subscribe for your own Watch- man. time to time. | Y's can always buy a good Used Car at Decker’s. You will find our than any other Used Cars in this vicinity. It has been proved from Used Cars are from $10.00 to $25.00 less We never send a car away from our place of business unless it has been inspected by our expert mechanics. Everybody drives a Used Car—so why don’t you? Trade Your Old Car In—Terms To Suit 1924 1926 1925 1924 1925 1926 1926 1925 1924 | 1926 | 1927 1927 1929 1929 1929 1927 1927 1929 1928 1926 1928 1926 1929 eee eee Phone 405 STUDERBAKER COUPE FORD ROADSTER ROLLIN COUPE FORD TON TRUCK FORD TON TRUCK CHEVROLET TRUCK ESSEX COACH ... MAXWELL TOURING MAXWELL TOURING CHEVROLET ROADSTER STAR COUPE FORD SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN MODEL “A” FORD SPORT ROADSTER, in A No. 1 condi- tion all new Tires, Paint like new. MODEL “A” FORD SPORT COUPE CHEVROLET COUPE CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET COACH ESSEX COACH DODGE COUPE WHIPPET COUPE CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET COUPE, very low mileage, We Have Other Cars to choose from, as low as $20.00, 50.00 in running condition. Every one of the above Cars is Guaranteed in Good Running and Mechanical Condition Decker Chevrolet Co., BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Mrs. of Altoona, were who has been | visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. L. Stamn, in Erie, for the past month, : continued his journey west to visit | friends in Illinois and Wisconsin. Elwood Brooks, et ux, to Ray C.' | i Misses Nelle | | | ee —————— ee es UNIONVILLE. ! Mr. and Mrs. Willard McGirk and spent Sunday Church services next Sunday at the regular hours. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Way spent Sunday in Juniata, at the home of their son, Charles and family. Mrs, Frances Hall spent Monday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Piper, of Milesburg. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stambaugh, on Sunday, and left them a little daughter, Miss Alice Bauder and Miss Helen McClellan are delegates to Newton Hamilton from the Epworth League of this place. Mrs. Margaret Holt and children, Miles, Patsy and Jimmy, of Miles- ‘burg, visited here Friday and Sat- ‘urday with friends. Mrs. Pauline Peters, of Tyrone, spent Wedpesday with friends here, coming on Tuesday evening to at. tend the party at Blackwoods. Mrs. Sadie Emerick, of Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. Minerva Whipple, of Rochester, N. Y, arrived last week for a visit with their relatives here. Union Grange will meet at the regular time this (Friday) evening. The lecturer is preparing a special program. Mrs. Lizzie Gordon was an after- noon shopper in Bellefonte, Wednes- nesday, and an evening guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thompson. Mrs. Margaret Waite, of Storms- town, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here, having been a din- ner guest with her father and moth- er at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo McElwain. A farewell a number of their they move to their new near Pittsburgh. leave here about the middle of July. Mr. C. R. Eckenroth, accompanied Mrs. Walter Holter. Prof. Holter is registrar at Bucknell University. They had a very delightful The scenery through the mountains relatives and attended Methodist church services there. The annual reunion of the Peters family and friends was held here, on the school grounds, last Saturday Quite a good number assembled and a delicious dinner was enjoyed as well as a delightful social time. (Rev. M. C. Piper, ‘of Milesburg, was the principal speak- er and gave an interesting address. followed by a number of recitations. B. F. Peters, the president, is us. ually the first one on the ground and sees that proper arrangements are made for the comfort of all, and at the close of the day is very careful to see that the place is cleared of all paper, boxes, Etc. HOWARD. Mr. Schroyer, of Altoona, is visit. ing his daughter, Mrs. George Painter. Miss Harriet Figgles, of Lock | Haven, spent last week with Mary | Hoffman. | Miss Alma Pletcher is spending | several weeks with friends in Wil- liamsport. | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bowers are | visiting their son, Haupt Bowers, i of Tunnelton, Rev. and Mrs. Maneval, of Avis, | spent the week-end with Rev. and | Mrs. Yingling. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Walizer spent Sunday with the latter's mother, : Mrs. Fietta Harter, . Malcolm Wagner, who is employ- ied at Clearfield, spent the week- {end at his home here. | Samuel Kling, of Altoona, was a | Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yearick. Mrs. Stella Williams spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. Rob- ert Lyman, in Coudersport. { Harris and Sarah Jane Russell, of i Lock Haven, are spending the week | with their aunt, Mrs. Willard Mec- Dowell. Kathryn Walizer, of Williamsport, jand Eva Harter, of Zion, are visit- ing their grandmother, Mrs. Fietta : Harter. Mr. and Mrs. John Holter, of State College, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pletcher, last Friday. | Mr, and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer ' spent last Friday evening in Sun- bury, with the former's sister, C. R. Wynn. Weber, Anna and Josephine Muffly, Anna Holter and Sarah Gardner spent the week-end in Ithaca, N. Y. Prof. and Mrs. Milton S. Mec- | Dowell, of State College, called at | the home of Mr. and Mrs. H T { McDowell, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Waite and | daughter, Caroline, spent the week- ! end with Mrs. Waite’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Confer. W. K. McDowell called on the of Beech Creek, on Sunday. WINGATE rone, were here, last Friday, visit- ing Mr. Boob’s sisters, Mrs. Anna Bavarr and Miss Grace Boob. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher motored called on Mr, and Mrs. George Wil- son. Mr. Wilson has a large cron of cherries this year. P. G. Murray, who recently re- turned home from the Centre Coun- ty hospital, had another gerious at- tack of illness, on Monday evening, but is now slightly improved. Mrs. Jane Estright, who had been seriously ill for some weeks, passed away last Friday afternoon. survived by her husband and five children, Charles and Kenneth Est- right, Cowan, of Altoona; Cassidy and Parrish Estright, at Yingling, of Howard, burial being made in the Advent cemetery. —We will do your job work right. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS She is estate vy. . of Pottsville; Mrs. Robert Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. ANTED.—Money to loan on reak securit, J Keichline. 75-16-3m Mrs. Winifred floors in OR RENT.—The second and thira home. Funeral services were held the Welchmay ofice at the Evangelical church, on Mon- parities suitable, for officss or day afternoon, by Rev. W. E. estate of Maria Struble, late of son township, deceased, all knowing themselves indebted tate are requested to make sss ssmm— NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ment, and those having claims ag the same must present them, thenticated, for settlement. ANTED.—Money to loan on roa) secur y estate Thy Kelchline. Attorney, Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. 76-16-8m DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Let— ters of administration having beem granted to the undersigned upon the: Fergu- persons: to said es- rompt pay- ainst. duly au-- CHARLES STROUSE, Admr.,. W. Harrison Walker, State College, R. D. 75-25-6t¢. UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter OR SALE CHEAP.—4-burner gas A stove. Used onl one month. late of Union township, de Harry W. Flack, in St. 26-2t | In the Orphan's Court of Centre county. Penna. De is hereby _ given TRIE Tr oy. Eis | LS, EC ee Alexander, Julian, Pa. Cal Bellefonte. tions to the final account of 1 931-R11, 75-23-4t. | Tice and Clyde E. Tice, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Let- the estate of John W. Stuart, State College, knowing themselves indebted to said es- tats are requested to make ent, the same must present th - thenticated, for at 3, duly an W. Harrison Walker, of said decedents estate, and to ms ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon late of persons of said Administrators ance with his findings erning the same, an hearing will be deceased, all held at the of rompt pay- and those having claims against change building, 2nd floor, north legheny street, Bellefonte, on the 14th day of Jul a. m., when and where all parties terested may present their claims forever be debarred said fund. 75-24-6t. HAROLD B. SHATTUCK, RAY D. GILLILAND, Admini Attorney. min stators, $4.00 Philadelphia $4.25 Atlantic City party was given to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Blackwood, on | Tuesday evening, at their home, by | friends who will’ miss their pleasant company after | residence | They expect to | July 13, 27, August 10, 24 by Mrs. Lizzie Gordon, motored to | Lewisburg, on Sunday, to the home of Mrs. Gordon's brother, Prof. and trip. ' was beautiful, rhododenron in full of the estate of William A. Tice, Auditor to pass upon the Sxcepn Boyd E. Administrators: distribution of the funds in the hands to and among those legally entitled thereto in accord- and the law gov- for that purpose a ce of the said Auditor at No. 20, Crider’'s Ex- Monday, 1930, at 10 o'clock from coming in om WM. GROH RUNKLE, Auditor matter of Sycamore Island fonte, Pennsylvania. In Common Pleas of Centre County, 60 Sept. Term 1930. given to the Honorable M. President Judge of said Court, day of August, 1930, at 10 under the corporation Act the supplements and amendments to, by G. Camp of Be Ward Flemi SUNDAYS Oscar Gray, for the ghereer, of on ene ors Standard Time tion, to be calle e Sycamor of Bellefonte, Penna., the charac- Leave Bellefonte - - - . . 945 P.M. [| for and object of which is the mainte Saturday night preceding excursion See Flyers or Consult Agents. All Steel Equtpment. Pennsylvania Railroad ment of the members Island Camp and for the social and members, possess and enjoy all the rights, Act of Assembly. | 75-24-3t bloom. They came back by way of Howard and spent the evening with | Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDowell and | § former's sister, Mrs. E. J. Tibbens,' Mr. and Mrs. Claire Boob, of Ty- @8 down to Zion, Sunday afternoon, and | SATURDAY Rin Tin “Rough Waters” Rinty’s New Thrilling Adventures on Land and Water—Also FIRST OFFICIAL Sharkey-Schmelling Fight Pictures Fourth Round in Slow Motion. was really fouled. See for yourself if Schmelling Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Next Week) George Bancroft in the Paramount Super Picture «Ladies Love Brutes” The Great Star of ‘“T'hunderbolt,” “Wolf of Wall Street’’ and “The Mighty,’’ now in his Greatest All Talking Production. Thursday, Friday---July 3rd and 4th Continuous Show 2 to 11 on July 4th A Fox Movietone Talking and Singing Romance of college days and Broadway nights— “Cheer Up and Smile” As college co-eds make whoopee in this Happy, Snappy Song and Laugh Treat—with Dixie Lee, Arthur Lake, Olga Baclan- ova and ‘‘Whispering’’ Jack Smith. STATE THEATRE Saturday Two Shows, at 7 and 9 P.M One Show Daily at 8.15 P.M. Summer Prices 10 and 35 Cents All Next Week Winnie Lightner in “She Couldn’t Say No” With Chester Morris and Sally Eilers A Heart-Stirring Melody Drama of a Gifted Songstress who paid a fearful price for a love she couldn’t hold. PPLICATION FOR CHARTER—In the- the incorporation of the: the Court _of Notice is hereby: that an application will be made the 4 o'clock A. M. of 1874 and: John M. Bullock, Harry Yeager and Mark W. Williams, nance of a camp for the use and enjoy-- of said Sycamore the promotion of: fraternal welfare of its and for these purposes to have, bene-- fits and privileges conferred by the said: y JOHNSTON & JOHNSTON, Atorneys