Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 06, 1930, Image 1

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——Whoever is elected chairman
of the Republican State committee
will have plenty of troubl: on his
——Considerable time and trouble
might be saved by throwing out all
the votes polled at the Republican
—A lot of people select auto-
mobiles not so much for the make
as for the dealer who can be
“staved off” the longest.
——Premier Tardieu of France
doesn’t seem to be the least bit
scared by the saber-rattling of
Dictator Mussilino, of Itafy.
———If the mass arrests continue
in India it will soon be necessary
to build more jails and vastly in-
crease the number of courts.
——Customs agents have
olaced on all the ocean liners and
:he ancient industry of smuggling
will have trouble in the future.
The Republican leaders in
Congress are enamored of the new
iexible provision of the tariff bill
out it is hard on the constitution.
——1It is to be hoped that Presi-
ient Hoover received ample spiritual
‘eturn for his generous contribution
0 the church at Liverpool, which
1e attended on Sunday.
—Congratulations, gentlemen of
ouncil. If each property holder in
3ellefonte doesn’t personally thank
rou for having saved the town from
. club diner we appropriate the role
f spokesman for them and do it
—The treasurer of the Punxsu-
awney has embezzled forty thous.
nd dollars of the borough’s funds.
magine the treasurer of Bellefonte
cetting away with any such sum.
‘he keeper of our exchequer could
arely find forty cents in the strong
—Bishop Cannon, of the Methodist
Shurch, South, thinks he ought not
o have to answer the Senate in-
uisition as to his political activities
‘he Bishop bgses his contention on
he claim that subjection to such
uestions is infringement on his
ersonal liberty. Since the Bishop
as devoted years to denying that
thers should have any personal
berty it is evident that he thinks
ifferently since his own chicken
omes home to roost.
—We heve never met King
Jfonso of Spain nor have we ever
eard much that would set him up
n a pedestal in our imagination.
n a recent issue of an American
1agazine the La Paloma” Potentate
hilosophizes somewhat ‘to the point
then he says: I don’t know exactly
ow your laws work, but it seems
> me that if you would permit
1e sale of wines, but vigorously
rosecute drunkenness—instead of
rosecuting the sale of intoxicants,
ut not drunkenness—it might solve
1atters. You see, with us it is a
uestion of education. It is just as
wich of a social crime to drink
yo much as it is, well, let us say,
> eat with your kinfe.” Alfonso
tpresses the old idea of temper-
nce in a new way. The fruits of
jucation in temperance were just
aginning to be worth while when
rohibition stepped in to undertake
) do by law what really should be
one by precept.
—Of course it is to be expected that
1e platform declaration of the
ennsylvania Democracy will brand
3 as the “wet” party. An anath-
na , more or less, hurled at a
emocrat means nothing. Every
ing ill that befalls the country is
amed on the Democrats and so
iccessfully does the opposition get
vay with this bunk that we're
‘raid they’ll be trying to lay the
oover administration on our door-
ep unless things brighten up soon.
he platform of the party in the
:ate calls for the repeal of the
ighteenth amendment. As we have
ways contended this addition to
ie constitution was legislation
:terly out of accord with the fun-
mental principles of Democracy,
scause it robs the State of an
dividual right. In that very
‘inciple lies about the only differ.
ice there is in fundamentals
tween the Democratic and Repub.
‘an parties. In consequence of
is declaration some Democrats
ill probably leave the party
it not so many as you might
wiagine, Most of the Democrats
a0 will vote against Hemphill
id Kistler have already indicated
> their registration as Republicans,
order to vote for Pinchot, what
ey intend doing in November.
1ey are Pinchot fans and would
ve voted for him had Bishop
\nnon been named as his opponent
our party. We are not alarmed.
e are glad that the Pennsylvania
'mocracy has had the courage to
ke a forward step in the very
parent trend of the country to
rk back to the principles on
sich our government was founded.
e are not “wet,” but we don’t
lieve that Texas or Maine or any
rer State has any right to tell
nnsylvania what it may and may
t to do in matters that do not
ect their soverign rights. Of
VOL. 75.
An Unseasonable Veto.
For the first time the House of
Representatives in Washington, on
Monday, registered a positive dis-
sent from the policies of the Presi-
dent. In framing the tariff bill his
recommendations were utterly ignor-
ed but the alibi was set up that it
was a question of interpretation.
But no such excuse can be offered
in this case. By an overwhelming
majority his veto of a bill increas-
ing the pensions of Spanish Ameri-
cans war veterans was overridden,
An adverse vote of 298 to 14 is
not only a rebellion; it is an em-
phatic rebuke. Of the thirty-six
Pennsylvania Representatives only
one, Mr. Graham, of Philadelphia,
voted to sustain the veto. Yet
Pennsylvania is a Hoover fishing
The bill having originated in
Senate the veto message was
dressed to that chamber. His
jections were that it provided
the payment of pensions to veterans
“whose disabilities resulted from
vicious habits,” that it reduced the
period of service required for a
pension “from ninety to seventy
days” and that “pensions would be!
paid regardless of whether the
veteran was in need of it.” There
may be some merit in the last two
reasons, though it is rather late to
raise them. The time limit for serv-
ice pensions in the Civil war is
ninety days, and there is no ques-
tion as to the cause of disability
and the matter of wealth or pover-
ty is never raised.
But the statesmen in both branches
of Congress seemed in a fighting
mood and the subject presented an
opportunity to indulge in oratorical
conflict. One Senator, referring to
recent tax refunds, remarked ‘we
give away the public funds to the
millionaires but our soldiers ust
be paupers before they get any of
the government's money” and that
aspersion upon the methods of the
administration was cordially approv-
ed. But it was probably not the
real reason for the passage of the
bill, “the objections of the Presi-
dent to the contrary, notwithstand-
ing.” It was the time that turned
the trick. The Congressional elec-
tions are almost in sight and the
vote was a “safety first” expedient.
— The influence which has kept
Tom Cunningham, of Philadelphia,
out of jail for two years is still op-
erating. The Senate committee has
excused him from testifying in the
present investigation.
Opposition to the Naval Treaty.
The effort to procure the ratifica-
tion of the London Naval
treaty is not having the “easy go-
ing” that was expected. Most of the
flag officers of the navy are against
it and though Senator Borah,
chairman of the committee on
Foreign Relations, has expressed
great anxiety for speedy action the
vote on the question is likely to go
over until the short session which
begins next December. Admiral
Jones, who was a member of the
conference, first voiced opposition
to approval gnd he has since been
supported in his objections by Ad-
miral Chase, soon to become Com-
mander in Chief of the fleet, and
Rear Admiral Pringle, president of
the Naval War college.
The basis of the opposition to
the treaty is that it “leaves the
United States in an inferior posi-
tion” with respect to Great Britain
and that it gives Japan a ratio in
naval equipment which is out of
proportion. “In 1936,” Admiral
Chase declares, “according to the
replacement programme, the United
States obtains equality in numbers
but does not reach equality in ton-
nage until 1942.” That is a long
time to wait and as there is to be
another conference in 1936 it may
never be achieved, for that confer-
ence may completely upset
plans and reverse the ratios. And,
the Admiral continues, “under these
same conditions Japan's ratio with
respect to the United States, would
still be above the Washington
treaty ratio.”
Admiral Jones’ main objection to
the treaty lies in the substitution
of six for eight inch guns on the
cruisers we are authorized to build
within the next five years, and on
this point both Admiral Chase and
Rear Admiral Pringle concur. If
the American delegates to the
Geneva conference had consented to
such substitution the question might
have been settled then. But for the
very substantial reason that we
have fewer naval stations than
Great Britain and our crafts are
obligated to carry greater quanti-
arse the fight will be distorted ties of fuel and other supplies we
0 a pure “wet, and “dry”
t, in reality,
it is a principle
government that Democracy has is to
slared for.
held out then for the larger cruis-
ers. But the important thing now
“gave the face” of the ad-
' ministration at any cost.
__ NO. 23.
Will Also Make Test of New Fire
i Alarm Systems.
Only six members were present
at the regular meeting of council,
on Monday evening, the absentees
being president Walker, Beaver and
Kline. Mr. Cobb was chosen to pre-
side. Monday evening being the
time set for a hearing in the mat-
ter of opening Burnside street
through to Blanchard street a num-
ber of property owners were present
to intercede in behalf of the move-
ment. No one was present to ob-
ject to the opening but a written
protest was filed by members of
the McDermontt family, through
whose land the street will run. All
other property owners are anxious
to have the street opened and will
give the necessary land free of all
claims for damages. On motion of
Mr. Emerick the ordinance provid-
ing for the opening of the street
was adopted and the matter was
referred to the Street committee
and borough solicifjor for whatever
action may now be necessary.
Several residents of the western
section of Burnside street were gain
present to ask for a sewer but no
definite decision was reached.
Mr. Stewart, representing an
asphalt paint company, appeared be-
fore council and advised painting
the electric light standards and the
iron fence at the spring with his
asphalt paint, which, he claimed,
would last three times as long as
any other paint.
Horace Hartranft asked that
sewer connections be made to his
property on east Linn street and
council asked him to submit a prop-
osition in regard to bearing some
of the expense.
A communication was received
from Arthur C. Dale Esq., in behalf
of a damage claim of Thomas Mor-
rison who was injured in a fall on
some ice in front of the property of
burgess Hard P. Harris, last Febru-
rary. Mr. Dale intimated that a
reasonable settlement can be made.
Referred to the borough solicitor.
The Street committee reported the
work on east Curtin street completed
and north Wilson street will be com-
pleted this week. Temporary repairs
were made on the Lamb street
bridge over Spring creek, but the
bridge superstructure and flooring
were reported in a bad, if not dan-
gerous condition, and the matter
(was referred to the Street com-
mittee for consultation with the coun-
ity commissioners relative to re-
building the bridge.
Mr. Emerick called the attention
of council to the fact that there is
a very noticeable increase in the
vibration of the High street bridge
every time a vehicle crosses it, and
it should be thoroughly inspected to
determine the cause. :
Mr, Jodon called attention to the
fact that the White Bros. had un-
'loaded a club dinef which they pro-
‘posed moving to their property on
‘the corner of High and Spring streets,
‘and as it is heavy and cut into
the tarred roadway at the P. R. R.
‘station the owners should not be
‘permitted to move it over the
‘streets. Mr. Emerick stated that
under the new building code and
fire ordinance the club diner could
{not be erected within the fire zone.
The matter was referred to the
‘Street and Fire and Police commit-
| The Water committee reported
various repairs and the collection of
$300 on water duplicates.
Mr. Jodon, of the Fire and Police
committee, reported that he had
three bids for a new fire alarm sys-
tem, one from the Sterling Siren Fire
‘Alarm company for $690; the
,Gamewell Code company for $1462.50,
which he had not even considered,
and the Federal Electric company
for $815 with a five horse power
motor or $1015 with a twenty horse
power motor. Mr. Jodon recom-
mended that both the Sterling and
Federal companies be permitted to
bring a system here for demon-
stration, council to then determine
which one to keep, if any; the bor-
ough to bear the expense of the
hook-up for demonstration and also
pay the return freight on the one
not accepted. On motion of Mr.
Emerick the committee’s recommen-
dation was accepted.
The Finance committee
an overdraft of $76.75 in the bor-
ough account and a balance in the
water fund of $4640.95; Notes were
renewed totaling $9,000 and a new
borough note for $2,000 was author-
ized to meet current bills.
The Sanitary committee presented
the monthly report of health officer
S. M. Nissley.
The Town Improvement committee
recommended that a permit be
granted the American Legion for
the remodeling of their home, on
| —
In a brief item’ in the Watchman,
last week, referring to the removal
‘of the Western Union telegraph of-
fice from the Penn Belle to the
Brockerhoff house block, we stated
that it is the first time the office
has been located uptown. This wasan
error. The first telegraph office es-
tablished in Bellefonte was located
in a bookstore kept by Frank Liv-
_ingstone in a frame building located
‘on the corner where J. O. Heverly's
“auto supply store now stands. This
"was in the days before the Civil
'war. Later the office was moved
into F. Potts Green’s drug store
which occupied one-half of a frame
building located about where Mont-
| gomery & Co. and Zeller's drug
| stores are now, in Crider’s Exchange.
Joseph Schnell was the operator at
‘that time.
Of course there was no Crider’s
| Exchange in those days. On the
corner now occupied by the First
' National bank of Bellefonte was a
{frame building in which were two
store rooms, one occupied by Thomas
Burnside and the other by Baxstres-
ser & Christ, hardware dealers. In
the next building were Edward
i Graham’s shoe shop and F, Potts
Green’s drug store. Further north
was Curtin & Blanchard’s law office,
then a public room used for holding
political gatherings and meetings of
various kinds, and last in the row
was a double building which housed
was along in the seventies when the
First National bank building was
erected on its present site and Ed-
ward C. Humes bought all the oth-
er properties in that block and
erected Humes’ block, which was
destroyed by fire in the latter eigh-
ties. The land was then sold
to F. W. Crider who erected Crider’s
| It was in 1864 that the first rail-
road station was built in Bellefonte
on the site of the present P. R. R.
passenger depot, and when it was
completed the telegraph office was
moved there from Green's drug store
present had been located in the
down town section.
Charging incompatibility and that
her husband was extravagant and
stayed away from home for long
intervals without adequately explain-
ing his absence won a divorce, on
Wednesday of last week, for Mrs.
Mary B. Mott McMillan, of Detroit,
Mich,, from her husband, Alvin G.
McMillan, says the Detroit Free
Press, The decree was granted by
Judge Joseph A. Moynihan.
Mrs. McMillan,
riage, was Miss Mary Mott, a
daughter of Mrs. Odillie Mott, of
Bellefonte. She and Mr. McMillan
were married in January, 1918.
During their twelve years of mar-
ried life there have been several
separations, and they have not lived
together since last January, Mrs. Mc-
Millan making her home at 9235
Agnes Avenue and Mr. McMillan
living at 1384 Balfour road, Grosse
Pointe. The court awarded Mrs.
McMillan the custody of her daugh-
ter, Mary J., eleven years old, and
also $60 a week for the support of
herself and child.
nT ———— A —————-
Preliminary returns of the 1930 cen-
sus show peculiar fluctuations in
population, the general trend of
'which is an increase in the towns
rand decrease in the rural communi-
| ties. Whether this is accounted for
{by a migration of the young people
from the country into the towns
or fewer babies in the country dis-
tricts is a question yet unsolved.
| Haines township has a population
(of 1048, according to the 1930 cen-
!sus, against 1057 in 1920, a loss of
(nine. A total of 86 farms were
| reported and 29 persons without ..a
| job and looking for employment,
| Burnside township reports a pop-
ulation of 247 against 244 in 1920,
an increase of 3. 33 farms were
. returned and seven men looking for
| Port Matilda has a population of
1505 and two farms listed.
| ——Prohibition Commissioner Do-
‘ran blames the failure to enforse
the law on the State governments.
‘But a majority think the fault is
{ihe law.
Howard street, and the same was
i granted.
Borough bills aggregating $1685.07
and water bills $692.04 were ap-
proved for payment, after which
council adjourned.
a shoe store and Smith’s saloon. It |
up town, and from that time to the
prior to her mar- |.
Items from the Watchman issue of
June 11, 1880.
—The Republican national conven-
tion concluded its strenuous and ex-
citing labors at Chicago on Wednes-
nday, after having been in session
since the 2nd. Garfield was nom-
inated on the 36th ballot when all of
the Edmunds’ and Windom delegates
and practically all of Blaine’s, Sher-
man’s and Washburne’s swung over
to him in order to defeat Grant's
third term hopes. Grant's 312 dele-
gates stuck to him to the last. Upto
the 34th ballot Garfield had never
had more than two votes.
—Lock Haven is to have a pulp
and paper mill, Citizens of that
place have subscribed $3000 toward
the project.
—OQur young and enterprising
friend, Geo. Mallory, son of John Mal-
lory, has taken the blacksmith shop,
‘on Pine street, at the edge of town,
that was conducted by his brother
Cal. George comes of a family of
blacksmiths, famed for their work,
and is himself an excellent mechanic.
—The little colored boy who was
put in the lock up for twelve hours,
last Wednesday, for throwing stones,
cried so pitifully that his mother
‘came down and was put in the
i “jug” to keep him company.
—Rumor says that in some parts
of the county a considerable portion
| of the wheat has been frozen.
| —Emanuel Schroyer, of Milesburg,
(had a cow killed by the express
‘train west yesterday morning. It
happened near Milesburg station.
—On Monday evening last Elmer,
the 17 year old son of Henry Brown,
of Millheim, went out into a field
! near his home and shot himself with
la pistol. Members of the family
' heard the shot and hurried to the spot
where they found him still living, but
{ he died shortly afterwards without
i saying a word. The boy had been
away from home hunting for work.
During his absence his father miss-
ed a five dollar bill. When he re-
turned jobless he was asked about
the money and it is said that he
brooded over the suspicion in which
he was held. _
—When her own kittens were
drowned a few days ago a mother
cat owned by Mrs. McEwen, of
Union ‘township, went into the near-
by woods and brought home two
baby rabbits that she has been
nursing since.
—Mr. Duncan and a number of
the pupils of his select school pic-
nicked at the Penn's Creek cave
last Saturday, On the way home
their wagon broke down at Boiling
Springs and they sent back to
Pelasant Gap and borrowed a band
wagon in which they completed their
homeward journey.
—Millheim borough had the first
law suit it ever figured in as a bor-
ough, last Tuesday. The suit was
with a Mr. Ulrich over crossings he
had contracted to build in that
~~ —The day after Cal. Brachbill's
boy baby was born he bought it a
box of strawberries. Cal is likely to
do anything since that boy came.
He thinks it is the only one that
ever was born.
—The Republicans here don’t like
to be told that Garfield, their nomi-
nee for President, was once a Dis-
ciple preacher and that he was ex-
pelled from the pulpit on a charge
of being too fond of the ladies.
—Capt. William Levi, an old and
much esteemed citizen of Milesburg,
died on the 4th inst, from the ef-
fects of a stroke of paralysis suf-
fered some years ago. He was 79
years old and so well liked that all
the Sunday schools of Milesburg
attended his funeral as units. Rev.
1 J. A. Woodcock, Methodist, preached
his funeral sermon and interment
was made in the Union cemetery
—Up at Unionville everything is
booming, B. F. Leathers & Co's.
saw mill is in full blast giving em-
ployment to a number of men. The
tannery is running full. A. T.
Leathers has started out to take
the census. “Bud” Griest is the
father of a boy baby the first fruits
of six years of married life. Michael
Myers is to deliver a temperance
lecture. Dan Hall has put down a
home and everybody is waiting for
those Greenbacker Councilmen, elect-
ed last fall, to keep their promise
and lay street crossings in town.
—James McAfferty, eldest son of
Mr. Alex McCafferty died of con-
sumption on Friday morning last,
making the fifth death in the fam-
ily in the last eighteen months.
————— A ———————
——Connie Mack would better do
something to remove the “jinx”
which Washington seems to have
on the Athletics.
— Bellefonte beckons the pro-
posed federal fish station authoriz.
ed by Congress at an expense of
——The census takers in Philadel-
phia seem to have botched the job.
They are more expert in counting
—Subscribe for the Watchman,
new flag-stone pavement about his
Mrs. Pearl
killed by her husband, Dan Snyder,
Johnstown, Tuesday night.
—Fred W. Hochstetter of New York,
formerly of Pitsburgh, last Friday sued
the Pennsylvania Railroad for $50,000
for injuries he said he suffered last
July 16 near Altoona when a train on
which he was a passenger was wrecked.
—Charged with emblezzling about $40,-
000 of the borough's money. T. B.
Mitchell, treasurer of Punxsutawney for
15 years, is under arrest. The exact
amount of money alleged to have been
emblezzled by the official will not be
known pending a check, authorities said.
—Gold-bearing ore assayed at $2.40 a
ton has been found on the Dr. Tan-
man farm at Loyalsockville, Lycoming
county, by Harry Bryant, of Williams-
port. He and an assistant have drilled
to a depth of 180 feet in their prospect-
ing and have found traces of silver and
copper in the dirt.
—On the charge of stealing $32 from
his mother, William D. McCall, of New
Castle, was sentenced in the Lawrence
county court to serve two years and a
half to five years in the Western peni-
tentiary by the county court. McCall
pleaded he was under the influence of
drink when he took the money.
—Two men were killed instantly, two
others were injured and more than a
score of men and women narrowly es-
caped injury when the powder-mixing
structure of the Commercial Novelty
Fireworks company, situated at Pequea
Valley, ten 1niles south of Lancaster,
blew up last Thursday.
—Missing seven years, Miss Jennie
Snyder returned to her home in Berwick
as suddenly as she disappeared. She
had been in New York all the time, she
said. For several months she was be-
lieved to have been the victim of the
Broad Mountain murder of five years
ago. That victim has never been iden-
—Continuance of the free admission to
the annual State Farm Products Show,
held every January at Harrisburg, was
agreed on at a meeting of the Farm
Show Commission. A proposal for a
charge for admission, considered for
some time to help defray expenses of
the construction of the new building to
house the show, was abandoned.
—Charles Waterman, employee of the
Pennsylvania Railroad company at Lock
Haven, was caught and crushed between
an oversize freight car and the building
of the Lock Haven Chair corporation
Saturday night, sustaining four fractur-
ed ribs, two fractures of the collar
bone and shoulder blade, punctured
wound of the neck and nose and other
injuries. His condition is critical.
—8ix indictments have been returned
by the Montour county grand jury with
12 counts, charging embezzlement and
fraudulent conversion against Alexander
Foster, former Deputy Auditor General
and for many years manager of the
Danville stove works. The charges were
brought by the stove company. The
total amount mentioned in the indict-
ment is about $19,200 and trial was set
for the September term.
—While exploring the yard of a va-
cant house near their home in Blooms-
burg, on Monday, Dick Snyder, 5, and
down an iron pipe they found there.
The pipe led to a buried gasoline tank,
and the explosion ripped it from the
ground. Dick was seriously burned
about the head, and may lose his sight;
Jimmy was but slightly injured. None
of the neighbors could recall when the
tank was placed in the yard.
with popcorn, and of a woman's coat,
hat and umbrella near the swimming
pool in Ivyside Park, Altoona, last Fri-
day led to the unfolding of details of
a tragedy in which a mother drowned
! herself and her two small children. The
woman, Mrs. Katherine K. Stehman,
37, performed the grim act after ap-
pearing in an alderman’s court to présent
charges against her husband, John K.
Stehman, of assault and battery, threats
to kill and non-support.
—Judge Albert Lloyd, of the North-
umberland county courts, had a remark-
able escape when his auto upset on
Poe Creek, while he was fishing at Pad-
dy’s Mountain, on Memorial day. Judge
Lloyd was driving along a narrow
mountain road to a favorite trout stream
when a wheel left the road and the car
overturned. All were thrown out and
got a few briuses only. S. C. Yocum,
chief burgess of Shamokin; Jacob Leisen-
ring, lumber dealer, Paxinos, and Charles
Madara, Shamokin, were in the party.
Representatives of Game Commission
are now. working on new motion picture
material in an effort to broaden the
‘scope of wild life scenery which are
shown in all parts of the State. Pictures
| are now being taken of the activities at
the ring necked pheasant and wild turkey
farms, and show the various steps in
the lives of the young birds. On a recent
trip to Clearfield and Elk counties the
the camera man succeeded in securing
pictures of a red tailed hawk’s nest and
the young birds. A thirty foot camou-
flaged platform had to be erected to
secure the pictures.
—Fire, following a series of gas ex-
plosions, on Sunday destroyed the glass
| bottle plant, at Marienville, Forest coun-
ty, causing a loss estimated by officials
at between $150,000 and $200,000. The
plant was fully insured. The plant
| was closed Memorial day and Saturday
i night gas was turned on to heat the
liens, equipment used in melting the
glass. The gas failed to take fire, and
instead accumulated, resulting in the
blasts, officials said. The plant Was
owned by the Knox Glass Bottle com-
pany, of Knox, and officials indicated a
new building would be erected.
—One day last week a young woman
visited the Pennsylvnia station at Wood-
land and expressed a suitcase toc
point in North Carolina. She went tc
get something to eat and left her 10-
months old baby in the depot. Wher
she failed to return for the baby an in-
vestigation was started. The stewarc
of the County Home went and got the
baby and took it home. The mother
was intercepted at Philipsburg and upon
being questioned said she was without
funds and was trying to make her home
in North Carolina. She was taken
back to Clearfield and later given help
to continue her journey to North Caroli-
, na.
Snyder was shot and
his brother, Jimmy, 3, dropped a match -
— Discovery of a child’s hat half filled .