FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT ne of the SENSATIONAL 3-POINT PRICE REDUCTIONS cost less than ever to operate! % There will also be drastic reductions in range prices with improved design, construction, speed and appearance... OS / all the cleanliness, safety, time and labor saving of an electric range for the price of an ordinary fuel range. Announcing a new rate step which materially reduces the cost of operating an electric range . . . thus removing one great obstacle to enjoying the conven- ~ jence of electric cooking. * There will be no more charge for in=- stalling adequate meter entrances . . . whether you are buying a new electric range or moving an old one . . . a #3 revolutionary saving. l IMINATED © _-_- «Watch for further announcements regarding these two important points a week from today. On June first a remarkable new electric rate for homes goes into effect! It provides a fourth step in the descending scale of current cost! . . . Only 18/c for every kilowatt hour over 150 a month! At present . . . : The first step costs (net after discount) 10¢! per kilowatt hour. The next step costs 6c. The third step costs 3c. Now a fourth step for everyone using more than 150 goes into effect. At present, 75% of our customers secure some of the current used in their homes for 3c. They will continue to do so! But if they use more than 150 kilowatt hours in any month, A they get each additional kilowatt hour 3 £ at the new low rate. This is a vitally important announce= ment! For it means that the modern convenience of electric cooking is avail- able to almost everyone in the commu- nity. It means that electric water heat- The 134c rate is wonderful news. But add to that reduced electric range prices and the complete elimination of range installation charges and all the old barriers that kept you from enjoying the supreme convenience, cleanliness, and safety of an electric range are down. Cooking with electricity makes housekeeping modern, just as electric furnaces and electrically driven machinery have made factory production modern. Electricity sets the standards of today . . . it makes far better work and better living. For details about how the rate reduction will affect you as an electric range owner . . . Or a would-be electric range owner . . . inquire at our office. Ques- tions are always welcome. ALSO - ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS This new rate results in excep- tionally important reductions in the cost of operating electric ers may be operated with new economy ... that other electrical appliances may be enjoyed more freely . . . that the cost of ample lighting is materially reduced. water heaters. Complete home electrification is now entirely practical. WEST PENN POWER CO