Brwora dp. Bellefonte, Pa., April 25, 1930. Your, THE FIRST CONCERN. Methuselah ate what he found his plate, And mever, as people do now, Did he note the amount of the caloric count— He ate it because it was chow. He wasn't disturbed, as at dinner he sat, * Destroying a To think it was fat, Or a couple of vitamines shy. He cheerfully chewed every species of food, Untroubled by worries or fears Lest his health might be hurt by on roast or a pie, lacking in granular some fancy dessert— And he lived over nine hundred years! Of one type or another, the muscles have most to do with the makeup of the body. The heart is a muscle, or a mass of muscles. Almost all of the substance of the alimentary tract consists of muscles. These contract in waves, pushing the food through the canal. The organs that are mot muscle are surrounded by muscles. If the muscles are weak and flabby and relaxed, they cannot do the required work of digestion. They must be hard, tense and strong, in order that we may have good health. The only way to keep these mus- cles strong is to use them, Vigor- ous exercise every day for everyone must be the rule if the muscular “tone” is to be maintained. Proper food must be the rule. We need certain roughage in food, bulky foods, the great part of which travels through the colon and en- courages the muscular action ot the bowels. This effect is known as ‘peristal- sis,” that wave-like action of the muscles of the abdomen. These bulky foods are necessary, in the propertion of three to “one, to stimulate the muscles of the howels to proper action. _Let us consider this peristaltic movement in the intestines. Like other muscles unless they are given work to do, the intestinal muscles become flabby and weak. The muscles making up the outer layers of the intestines run length- wise, while those on the inside are ring-shaped. Both sets work to- gether in a wonderful way produc- ing wave-like motions which carry the food along through the intes- tines. Fruits and vegetables, with their skins, aid greatly in stimulating tnis action. Also the unrefined wheat and oats are helpful in pre- venting constipation. The acids of fruits are stimulat- ing to the intestinal tract, besides having great value in their mineral and vitamin content. All fruits ex- cept bananas, which otherwise are valuable, are beneficial in exciting peristalsis and figs and prunes are especially good. There are some foods such as honey, molasses, cauliflower, spinach and onions, that causes a slight gas formation in the intestines. “There is nothing about this to wor- over. Indeed this is a helpful condition in cases of constipation, Chronic constipation leads to or accompanies some serious diseases. Cancer, chronic appendicitis, dis- placed organs and deformities are certainly not benefited by obstinate constipation. There are plenty of authorities to charge constipation with having a real part in their production. —_While it has always been WoO- men’s work to cook food for the household, it must be admitted that when men get right down to it they make excellent cooks also. But that any group of men should undertake a course in cook- ing as part of their regular work may come as a surprise to you. And that this group of men should be professional men, doctors, may still further surprise you. And yet a news item some months ago announced that the medical students of John Hopkins university will be given a course in cooking. Now whilst Hopkins is not the oldest medical college in the United States it ranks with the highest and that it thinks it necessary for a medical student to know how to cook, is an indication of how very important is food and its prepara- tion, for sick folks. The news item stated further “The importance of diet in the treatment of disease is generally rec- ognized. Students should be taught not only what food to pre- scribe for their future patients but also how it should be prepared to make it digestible and tasty.” Now the cooking end is most important and these new methods whereby the juices in which food is cooked are retained, means that the patient gets the full value in cal- ories of the food cooked, and also the vitamins. . Food is now prepared in a way that makes digestion easy. Howev- er the other point, its taste to the palate, how the patient wants or looks forward to eating, is just as important as the quality, cooking, and digestibility of the food. —Read the Watchman and get all the news. PATIENTS TREATED AT CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL. John Roan, of Benner township, was admitted on Monday as a .sur- gical patient, Edward George, of Pennsylvania Furnace, was admitted on Tuesday for surgical treatment and dis- charged the same day. Miss Grace Neidigh, of State College, a surgical patient for the past twelve days, was discharged on Tuesday of last week. ; Mrs. Andrew Garver, of Spring township, was admitted on Tues- day of last week for surgical treat- ment. Mrs. Anna Thal, of Bellefonte, be- came a medical patient on Tuesday. Samuel Shirk, of Bellefonte, R. F. D., who underwent surgical treat- ment for three days following an automobile accident, was discharged on Wednesday of last week. He was 83 years of age. Thomas Mensch, of Wilkes-Barre, was admitted on Wednesday -of last week for surgical treatment and discharged the following day. Mrs. Rebecca Flack, of Bellefonte, R. F. D,, who was under surgical treatment for three days, was dis- charged on Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Paul Richards, of Bellefonte, was admitted as a medical patient on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snoke, of Union township, are the proud parents of an infant son, born at the hospital on Wednesday, of last week. Peter R. Neveras, of Hazleton, a student at the Pennsylvania State College, a surgical patient for four weeks, was discharged last Thurs- day. Mrs. L. R. Woodring, of Miles- burg, a surgical patient for twelve days, was discharged last Thursday. Mrs. Fred Harvey, of State Col- lege, who had been under treat- ment for two weeks, was discharg- ed last Thursday. Mrs. William Seckinger and little son, William Jr, of State College, were discharged last Thursday. John Bair, of Bellefonte, a re- tired postoffice employee, was ad- mitted last Thursday for medical treatment. Miss Louise Best, of Bellefonte, a student nurse at the hospital, be- came a patient last Thursday and was discharged Saturday. Helen Schrefiler, of Pleasant Gap, was admitted last Thursday for surgical treatment. Mrs. Richard Devenny, of State College, who had been a surgical patient for eleven days, was dis- charged on Friday. willard Barnhart Jr., of Belle- fonte, was admitted on Friday for surgical treatment. Miss Hazel Woleslagle, of Union township, was admitted as a medi- cal patient last Friday. Miss Charlotte Spencer, of State College, was admitted last Saturday for surgical treatment and dis- charged the same day. Miss Lizzie Weaver, of Bellefonte, was admitted on Sunday for medical treatment. Henry Sowers, of College town- ship, became a medical patient or Sunday. Master Demming Smith, seven- year-old son of Mrs. Ellen H. Smith, of State College, was ad- mitted last Saturday for surgical treatment. Mrs. Elmer G. Way, of Belle- fonte, who had been a medical patient for some time, was dis- charged last Saturday. Mrs. William Shaffer and little son, of Milesburg, were discharged on Sunday. There were forty-four patients in the institution at the beginning of this week. ————————— REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Margaret D. Garbrick to Paul E. Resides, tract in Benner Twp.; $564. Philip E. Womelsderff, et ux, to George F. Dunkle, tract in Philips- burg; $1. George F., Dunkle, et ux, to Philip BE. Womelsdorff, tract in Philipsburg; $1. Willard Hassenplug to Mabel Hassenplug, tract in Gregg Twp.; $850. J. L. Wilson, et ux, to Lynn R. Dougherty, tract in State College; $1. ; B. F. Haffley, et ux, to Lloyd E. Bartges, tract in Haines Twp; $1. Samuel Cramer, et ux, to Clara T. Bateson, tract in State College; $1. John L. Holmes, et al, to George W. Sullivan, et ux, tract in State College; $950. Clara T. Bateson to Samuel Cromer, et ux, tract in State Col- lee; $1. . Matilda A. Henderson, et bar, to S. Reed Morningstar, et ux, tract in Philipsburg; $1. J. H. Brindel, et ux, .to J. W. Shessley, tract in Haines Twp; $5,500. Mary B. Hosterman, et al, to Irvin A. Meyer, tract in Penn Twp; $1. Irvin A. Meyer, et al, to Mary A. Hosterman, tract in Penn Twp; $1. ¥. P. Guisewhite, et ux, to A. S. Stover, tract in Haines Twp.; $1. Daniel G. Tligen Adm. to Harry W. Ilgen, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1,030. C. W. Swartz, et al, to Thomas Swartz, tract in Potter Twp.; $1,250. Jacob Sharer, et ux, to. A.J. Sharer, tract in Potter Twp.; $1. Anna M, Allison to Joseph Park- er, tract in Potter Twp.; $30. COL. LINDBERGH MAKES RECORD FLIGHT, SUNDAY. In a high altitude, one stop flight Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh flew from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast, on Sunday, in 14 hours, 22 minutes and 50 seconds, beating the record of Capt. Frank Hawks by LUMBER? 71-16-tt Oh, Yes! W.R. Shope Lumber Co. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing Call Bellefonte 432 over three hours. The only stop made was at Wichita, Kan, for gas and oil. Col. Lindbergh's average altitude was given as 10,000 feet. He reached Roosevelt field, N. 11:11 o’clock Sunday night. If he passed over Bellefonte it was at such a high altitude that his flight was not detected at the Bellefonte field, either by N. A. T. officials or the men in charge of the electrical | signals in the U. S. ' way Corp. and the local post of the g ¥ e U. S. weather bureau. | American Legion are rushing plans Tf the Colonel's flight over Penn- | sylvania mountains was at an alti- | for She-sunusl Fisgday; eslebrgtion tude of ten thousand feet it did not | Another patriotic program in equal the record made by pilot Wil- | which Legion posts from all liam C. Hopson, on June 15th, | sections of Pennsylvania participated ALTOONA PREPARING FOR FLAG DAY RACE CLASSIC. the direction of Walter While more than a score of work- men “dress up” the Altoona Speed- way, directors of the Altoona Speed- the mile and a quarter oval ! 200-mile race. the news. __Read the Watchman and getall | J celebration is being planned by the Charles R. Rowan post here, under Gipprick. | Prizes will again be offered by the Speedway corporation to drum and | bugle corps in competitive hs at ust | before the speed knights start their 1920, who flew from New York to last year, will again precede the Bellefonte with a cargo of mail at according to ar- Free sik HOSE Free ! 200-mile classic, | an altitude of 16,000 feet or over three | rangements announced by Paul C. Mendel’'s Knit Silk Hose for wo . 3 ; ' Pommer, Speedway manager, miles in the air. When he reached Bellefonte it | Lou Meyer, for the past two took him twenty! years champion of the American minutes to bring his ship down and Automobile Association, heads the | me guaranteed to wear land on the field. , flist of drivers already signifying rg a a ___At the election of teachers ' their intentions of racing on the: FREE if they fail. ce $1.00. for the Philipsburg schools, last Altoona boards June 14. Cliff Ber-' YEAGER’S TINY BOOT SHOP Friday evening, Miss Mary F. Robb, gers, the Hollywood movie shiek, | | | | | of Bellefonte, was elected a mem. who will come east within a few = weeks after completing his winter | ber of the High school faculty. contract of stunt work before the ! camera, also expects to wheel his | $ 2 5 27 TROUT COST $270.00. mount here. Bergers was a victim MAN of the “breaks” last Labor day Round FISHER GOES TO JAIL. yon he “burned out” his motor within 10 miles of victory. wDeacon” Litz, one of the heavy boys of the gas fraternity, and Gordy Condon, local youth who rose to “big time” last year are also on the top of the lineup along with | Zeke Meyer, one of the last of the! Having twent-seven trout, all un- der size, cost Walter Randusky, of Shenandoah, $270 last Friday and when he couldn’t pay he was com- mitted to jail. He told game warden Lithwhiler = 3 = 3 — S pug ~ SUNDAYS May 4, June 8, September 14 he had caught only four, but a “old school.” ti sON TRAIN search revealed the others in his _ All winter long the gas jockeys | : J , hunting coat, The game war den said have been revamping their cars for Lv. Saturday Night Preceding Excursion the fine wouldn't have been so stiff Ihe 1930 campaign and within aj} I": guests: ~ o LUEN See Flyers or Consult Agents ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT Pennsylvania Railroad few weeks the finishing touches will | be applied. Then will start the last | ' minute scurry climaxing month of ; labor—the tuning process. if Randusky had told the truth the first place. in | | —We will do your job work right. The Legion’s part in the Flagday | A ST st ARN MENTS Special S52 Bargains $10.00 Given Away! hauled. Remember, a car which ‘ : : can be bought with a down-payment Fill out this coupon and apply it on of $50.00, if your present car is any used car listed in this adv. worth $40.00, the coupon to the left will be sufficient. NAME oiabr ETT i dapuii ales We can save you money on used cars. To prove this you must see Address i merase the car. Tires, Paint and Mechani- cal Condition are the main features. ires April 29th, 193 Exp Pp ’ ° Our cars have these. 1923 Chevrolet Roadster, Pick Up Body...$ 35.00 1923 Ford Touring ....oceecomeomseceneess 25.00 1925 Chevrolet Coach ..eeoieeeomeceeee 50.00 1925 Ford COUPE -.occcoomemmememerecscsmmmmeamsensasnana 65.00 1927 Ford Roadster, New Tires ............. 75.00 1922 F. B. Touring, All New Tires ........... 50.00 1925 Maxwell Touring .....ooeeeoecenecaeees 50.00 1925 Ford Four Door Sedan... 110.00 1926 Ford Coach . 150.00 1927 Ford Coach ... 165.00 1927 Star Coupe 225.00 1927 Chevrolet Roadster, All New Tires, Natural Wood Wheels.....coecreeeveeve. 200.00 1926 Chevrolet Sedan, Looks Like New...... 200.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach .....ccoooaeneecee Si tit 375.00 1929 Chevrolet Coupe “6 cyl” orreeeneeee 400.00 1928 Imperial Landau (very low mileage... 400.00 1927 Chevrolet Coach, Natural Wood Wheels ... 300.00 1926 Chevrolet Coach, low Mileage.............. 275.00 1027 Chevi'olet Sedan 250.00 1925 Cleveland Touring Balloon Tires ........ 150.00 1929 Pontiac Cabriolet like new................... 400.00 TRUCKS 1926 Chevrolet Truck, Open Express ........ 200.00 1927 Chevrolet Truk ....... cocci 250.00 1925 Ford Truck 24” Extension Ruxetel Axle, Stake Body ; With every Used Car purchased you will get a Prize. No matter what Price Car you buy, you will win a VALUABLE PRIZE. ‘Small down payment will allow you to drive the Car home—the Car that you will be satisfied with. Fill out the coupon and bring it along. Open Night and Day .... Phone 405 Decker Chevrolet Co., Corner High and Spring Streets .... BELLEFONTE, PA. isfaction . and lenses matched. Casebeer Bids | St., Bellefonte, Pa. “ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney a! Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in ali courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Bx- change. Bi-1y KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—ALt ab Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt - tion given all legal business entrusted to his care. Offices—No. 5, East He street. M. KEICHLINE.—Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All professional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-6-1y G. RUNKLE,— Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in lish and Ger- man. Office in Crider’ hange. Bellefonte, Pa. ora Ure Ww R. R. L. CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. State Col 66-11 Holmes Bldg. D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis- tered and licensed by the State. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- guaranteed. Frames placed , High 1-22-tt S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centra county, Pa. Office at his residence. Bellefonte Crider’s Ex. VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, fonte, in the Garbric the Court House, Wednesday afternoons | from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. 88-44 to 4:30 p. m. Bell Phone. FEEDS! We have taken on the line of Purina Feeds We also carry the line of Wayne Feeds Wagner's 16% Dairy - $2.20 per H Wagner's 329 Dairy - 2.70 per H Wagner’s 209, Dairy - 2.30perH Wagner's Egg Mash - 2.90 per H Wagner's Pig Meal - 2.80perH Wagner’s Scratch Feed - 2.30 per H Wagner's Medium Scratch 2.40 per H Crime A tm Wagner's Chick Feed - 2.60 per H Wagner’s Horse feed with molasses - - 2.25 per H Wagner’s Bran - 1.80 per H Wagner's Winter Middlings 2.00 per H Wayne 329% Dairy - Wayne 249 Dairy i Wayne Egg Mash: Wayne Calf Meal Wayne mash chick Starte ; Wayne mash grower == 5 Purina 8149 Cow Chow - 2.90 per H Purina 249,Cow Chow - 2.65 per H Purina Chick Startena 4.50 per H Oil Meal - - 3.00 per H Cotton Seed Meal - 2.60 per H Gluten Feed - 2.40 per H Gluten Meal - 3.25 per H Hominy Feed - 2.20 per H Fine ground Alfalfa - 2.50 per H Tankage, 60% - - 425 perH Beef Scrap - - 4.00perH Oyster Shell - - 1,00 per H Fine Stock Salt . - LlOperH Seed Barley, - 1.25 per B Feeding Molasses . L1Li3perH Cow Spray - lw 1.50 per G Let us grind your corn and oats and make up your Dairy Feeds with Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Gluten Feed and Bran Molas. ses We will make delivery of two ton lots. No charge, When You Want Good Bread or Pastry Flour USB “QUR BEST” OR ~ “GOLD COIN” FLOUR C. Y. Wagner & Co. ine BELLEFONTE, PA. ammo s———. i —— it em 66-11-1yr. Caldwell & Son Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces PAS AAPA AAPA PSS Full Line of Pipe and Fit-- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully ana Promptly Furnished 08-10-t£,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers