Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 25, 1930, Image 1

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    Shunk Brown's platform is more
accurate than complimentary.
the step of
wild turkey farm in Juniata county have
reported the discovery of a score of
nests hidden away in the natural cover.
- \ ©
- his ice wagon to the street, John Raw-
se— leigh, of Chester, fractured his skull and
ie £ ” died shortly after he was admitted
INK SLINGS . the Chester hospital on Saturday.
Mr. Pinchot’s analysis of : 3 —Keepers at the Game Commission's
— Inasmuch as the temperature
has been sticking around 32 degrees
and snowflakes have been visible for
three days we're inspired to remark
that it was a short summer we
—— Reports from Atlantic City
note an absence of ‘‘celebrities”
from the Easter parade. The Phila-
delphia politicians were too busy
conjuring up frauds to give the pub-
lic the usual “treat.”
—If all is true that certain Re-
publicans lay to the influences that
are back of Mr. Brown's candidacy
for Governor we fear we'll have to
change that h in his middle name
to k and make it Skunk instead of
The borough of State College is
furnishing about all the local polit-
ical pyrotechnics that are being
sent up these days. Mayor Lederer
is telling it to Judge Fleming and
the State College Times is telling it
to brother Dorworth.
—We notice that use of the tooth-
pick has come back into vogue. God
be praised for that! Now we shall
see restored that little whiskey
glass, bulging with splinters of
wood, that always stood on a table
at the exit of second class hotel
jining rooms and from which one
plucked a “pick” as he or she exited.
(n fact it was the only way one had |
to prove to the loungers “in the of-
Ace” that hotel food had actually
oeen partaken of. Not only that,
jsut we never have been able to
stomach the sight of those who go
jigging for shreds of this that or
‘he other particle of food and then
irape their hand or a napkin over
che excavating machine. That
:amouflage to us, has always been
something that impels one to bust
nto laughter.
——Not that we care a whoop
vho is the nominee of the Republi-
san party for Governor of Pennsyl-
sania, but we want to go on record
ight here with a statement that is
ikely to give a lot of our readers
v jolt. Thomas W. Phillips, the
vet candidate, is the only one of
hem all whose platform will stand
he acid test for consistency and
ack of personal aggrandizement. We
hink, if we could vote in the Re-
yublican primary, we would mark
in “X” opposite Phillips name.
Jot because he is a “wet,” but be-
.ause he is a citizen who has not
een inspired by political expediency
.nd has the courage to be what he
s, regardless of the votes that may
ome to him. If nominated and
lected Governor Mr. Phillips couldn’t
lo a thing to advance the “wet”
ause but he would certainly be an
ixecutive for the people rather than
or some political machine.
—We understand that the Mayor
f State College has called a halt
n county detective Boden's practice
f pressing the chief of police of
hat bailiwick into such continuous
ervice. The Mayor has gotten it
ato his head that chief Yougel is
eing paid by the citizens of State
‘ollege to keep peace there and not
o be handy man for the officer who
an assault respectable citizens
ight under the scales of justice and
et away with it. It appears that
loden has been taking chief Youg-
1 out on many of his important
ases. It is being whispered ’'round
nat the county's high priced sleuth
sually orders himself to surround
1e premises to be investigated and
rders Yougel to make the entry.
f this be so it is thoughtful in
[r. Boden, for what would the
unty do if anything should happen
> him? If chief Yougel should
appen to find himself at the re-
siving end of a “rod,” of course
tate College could find another
olice officer. It would not do for the
>unty detective to take chances
ke that for Centre county could
aver find another Boden.
—Last week we announced the un-
tpected retirement of Charles P.
ong, Spring Mills merchant,
ailosopher and gentleman, from the
epublican contest for nomination
ir Congress. We recall having of-
wred to bet that he wasn’t Chase-d
f. Also we stated that the true
aport of his retirement would
robably never be known, It was
ie Secretary of Forests and Wa-
rs who got Mr. Long off. Under-
and us, we are not saying that
ie Secretary got Mr. Long to get
2. All we know is that Mr. Long's
tice of withdrawal reached Har-
sburg after the moment set as
he dead line” for withdrawals
1d by some manipulation his name
as even then stricken from the
it. The manipulator is revealed
rough a typed letter that was to
\vé been released to the newspa-
rs of the District the next day.
was never released because Mr.
mg refused to sign it. The letter
mmitted him to the candidacy of
van J. Jones, of McKean county,
r Congress, as well as to the en-
‘e Dorworth ticket in Centre coun-
, and evidently was the pay the
wcretary of Forests and Waters
pected for having manipulated
ings so that the clock was set
ck so far as the time of arrival
the withdrawal of the Centre
unty candidate was concerned.
VOL. 75.
NO. 17.
Monopoly Moving Forward.
The Electric Bond and Share
company, of New York, is having a
fine time plucking its victims spread
over twenty-six States and number-
ing 2,101,000 electric and gas consum-
ers. According to evidence of ex-
perts heard by the Federal Trade
Commission, in Washinton, the
other day, this holding corporation
exacts on what it calls “servicing
fees,” considerably more than 100
per cent a year on its investment.
The service upon which these fees
are levied are constructing generat-
ing stations and stringing wires for
the little companies, which are
! charged to operating expense and
made the basis of fixing rates to the
During that year the Bond and
Share company charged for its
services to the subsidiaries
000. The cost to the holding com-
pany was $4,563,000, leaving a
profit for
The service, according to the evi-
dence, in addition to construction
help in the marketing of securities
and the like,” probably “the like”
consisting of watering the stock and
inflating the values so as to justify
exorbitant prices for the commod-
ities produced. The Bond and
Share company, of New York, is
| an expert in this line of work, hav-
[ing practiced it a long time.
{ This information borrows interest
in view of the recent merger of the
General Electric company and the
Westinghouse Electric and Manufac-
turing company, which will control
the Radio Corporation of America.
These giant corporations are striv-
ing to acquire a monopoly, not on-
ly of the essential elements of in-
dustry, but of the air.
ping of the Norris resolution for gov-
ernment operation of the Muscle
Shoals property, by the House of
Representatives, in order that it
may be brought under control of the
monopoly, is an additional admoni-
tion of approaching danger. The
Boulder Dam project has already been
practically absorbed and before long
the whole country will be controlled
by it.
——It may be noticed that Mr.
Jim Beck has availed himself of the
first opportunity to betray the party
‘he professed to favor into the hands
of its worst enemies.
Penalizing Recreant Democrats.
Former Senator Jim Reed, of
Missouri, recommends some form of
discipline be imposed on the recre-
ant Democratic Senators who voted
for the Hawley-Smoot tariff bill.
“They have sold their birthright for
a mess of pottage,” the Missouri
Democratic War Horse declares,
“and no longer deserve anything at
the hands of the party which has
honored them.” There were eight in
this bunch of mercenaries. They
are Brousard and Ransdell, of
Louisiana; Trammell and Fletcher,
of Florida; Britton, of New Mexico;
Kendrick, of Wyoming; Pittman, of
Nevada, and Copeland, of New York.
They betrayed their party and
sacrificed principles for selfish and
sinister considerations. They are
moral delinquents.
The Hawley-Smoot tariff bill, as
it came from the House committee,
was an abomination. As it emerged
from the Senate, after six months
of tinkering and trading, it was a
crime. There were a sufficient
number of conscientious and fair-
minded Republicans in the Senate
to have corrected many of its blunders
and eliminated many of its evils.
But the moment Joe Grundy set up
his trading-post in the Senate
chamber the recreant Democrats
abandoned all sense of obligation to
their party and their consciences
and raced to the “bargain counter.”
They may have driven a hard bar-
gain with the professional lobbyist
but the “ultimate consumer” will
have to pay the price.
In order that the sugar growers of
Louisiana may graft a few thous-
and dollars out of the increased
tariff tax on sugar the consumers
of the country will be mulcted to
the extent of $100,000,000 a year.
The fruit producers of Florida may
get a few thousand dollars extra
but for that favor the consumers of
fruit will be taxed as many millions.
The western Democratic Senators
who entered into commerce with
Grundy may have gained trifling
sums for the producers on hides,
wool and lumber, but the people of
the country will have to pay in the
ratio of thousands to one for what
they must buy, In view of these
facts Senator Reed is everlastingly
' right.
consumers. There are forty-five’
subsidiaries under control of this
| The record presented to the
Trade Commission, the other day,
was of the transactions for 1927.
the service of $4,810,000.
and wiring, consisted of “engineering '
The scrap- !
| The County Debt Grows.
We received a copy of the Audi-
tor’s Statement of the financial con-
dition of Centre county too late to
give it the thorough study such an
important matter deserves.
A glance is all that is necessary
to arouse concern in the minds of
the taxpayers of the county as to
where we are drifting. Notwith-
standing a two mills increase in
the levy in 1927 the county has
been piling up debts every year
since and if new offices and their
attendant expenses are to be added
at the rate they have been since
the present regime came into power
it is not at all likely that the two
mills additional levy laid for 1930
will stop the drift toward higher
and higher taxes.
While the Statement shows the
liabilities in excess of assets to be
' $42,159.22 they are likely very much
more, for the reason that $86,857.68
in outstanding taxes are counted as
all good in order to reach even SO
favorable a figure. Probably not
“half of those taxes are collectable.
Besides this we are informed that
shortly after the first of last Janu-
ary the Commissioners negotiated
large loans on notes in order to
clean up pressing bills. Necessarily,
any such loans do not show on the
| Statement just issued. If they were
to pay pressing bills they must have
' been for items that were purchased
'in 1929 and should have appeared
in the accounting for that year.
Aside from the bonded indebted-
ness of $100,000.00, we are inclined
to believe that the County is fully
| $100,000,00 further in debt and af-
| fairs are not going to be any better
| until those in charge of our local
| government realize that long suf-
| fering tax payers are going to rebel
rather than submit to further back-
beaking loads.
——John P. Dwyer, who for a
quarter of a century was connected
with the Philadelphia Record, rising
in that newspaper's organization from
a reporter to the office of presi-
dent of the Record Publishing
company, died on Saturday, at his
‘He wr “of ‘William
‘and when but fifteen years of age
|began his newspaper career in
Renovo. It was Dwyer who started
the Renovo Daily News and his
resourcefulness was demonstrated at
the time of the big flood in 1889
when his entire stock of newsprint
was washed away. Not to be out-
done he bought a supply of wall
| paper and printed his paper on it
| until a stock of newsprint could be
received. As secretary of the draft
| board at Overbrook during the
| World war it was Dwyer who in-
| sisted that Grover C. Bergdoll
should serve in the army and it
was mainly through his efforts that
he was convicted as a draft dodger,
Quite a number of municipal re-
forms in Philadelphia can be traced
to Dwyer’s trenchant pen. He sold
his interest in the Record in 1928
and had been living retired since
that time.
——There was a big drop in
temperature on Tuesday night, and
Wednesday morning thermometers
registered several degrees below the
freezing point. In fact the ground
in newly-dug gardens was frozen
hard enough to bear the weight of
an average sized man. Whether the
ly plum trees are the only kind out
in blossom but the buds on most
all kinds of fruit trees are far
enough along that they may have
been injured by the cold]
A ——— A PE ————
— There are signs of treachery
in the Brown-Davis combination. Mr.
Dewey, the slated candidate for
Secretary of Internal Affairs, isto
be traded off in the interest of Jim
Woodward, friend of Cunningham.
——Senator Robinson, of Arkan-
sas, is eloquent and persuasive but
in trying “to save the face” of
President Hoover.
ap ro ass es
——Incidentally Mr. Beck paints
a true picture of Shunk Brown's
temperament, He reveals a mix-
ture of cunning and cupidity.
——— A san.
——We can’t hate Shunk Brown
because he was once a Democrat,
but that “a renegade is worse than
ten Turks” is proverbial.
——As an agency for the decrease
of expenses of the navy the London
conference has been a failure in
all the known languages.
——As yet there has been no
“hard and fast” alliance between
Grundy and Pinchot, but it is com-
ing as sure as fate.
home at Overbrook, aged 65 years.
freeze will damage the fruit crop |
remains to be seen. Peach and ears $1000 was authorized for the bor-
he is wasting his time and talent |
Borough Council to make War on
At the regular
‘ough council, on Monday evening,
secretary Kelly read a communica-
tion from borough solicitor N. B.
Spangler explaining the dog law as
it affects canines allowed to run at
large and commit depredations on
private property. There is nothing
in the law that requires an individ-
ual to fence in his property against
dogs, but the law specifically states
that owners of dogs must keep them
under control at all times and not
permit them to trespass on the
property of others. Failure to do
so subjects the dog to capture and
impounding, whether he wears a
license tag or not. The dog canbe
' reclaimed by the owner on the pay-
ment of costs, and if not reclaimed
can be sold or killed.
The dog nuisance has been al-
lowed to run riot in Bellefonte for!
many years until patience has ceas-
ed to be a virtue. The Woman's
club has taken the matter up which
doubtless spurred council to action.
The matter was referred to the
Fire and Police committee
prompt action.
Mrs. Ed Spicher appeared before
council and requested a permit to
erect a garage on her property
south of Logan street,. The matter
was referred to the Town Im.
provement committee for investiga-
W. C. Coxey stated to council
that he wants to construct a curb
and gutter in front of his properties
on east Bishop street, and requested
an official grade and lay-out.
ferred to the Street committee with
Secretary Kelly read a notice
from the secretary of the Associa-
tion of Boroughs stating that the
20th annual convention will be held
‘at Beaver Falls June 11th to 13th.
The Street committee reported
putting down a sewer to the Wil-
liam Kline property, on east Bishop
street, the repair of the Lamb street
bridge, cleaning streets, Etc. The
committee also presented an ordi-
nance for the opening of Burnside
rreet which was read and ordered
The Water committee reported
various repairs and the collection of
$1975 for water taxes, rent, Etc.
Mr. Cobb also reported that in com-
pany with the burgess, Hard P.
Harris, he had visited Harrisburg
for the purpose of securing a per-
mit from the State Sanitary Water
Board to lay a feed pipe from the
big spring to the proposed pumping
station at the Gamble mill. The re-
quest was taken under consideration
but so far mothing has been heard
from the Board.
The matter of the surveys being
made by borough engineer H. B.
Shattuck to establish the borough
lines on both the Phoenix mill and
‘Gamble mill sites was pretty thor-
oughly discussed and the Water
committee was instructed to hasten |
the work so that all lines can be
definitely established.
A petition was received from resi-
! dents of east Howard street ask-
ing for a .street light near the Ed-
“ward Klinger property, Referred
ito the Street committee.
{ The Finance committee reporteda
i balance of $228.81 in the borough
| fund and $2597.50 in the water
fund. The renewal of a note for
| $17356.40 was authorized from the
(water fund and a new note for
i ough fund,
! The Fire and Police committee
' presented a check of $50 from Frank
Hockman, a voluntary contribu.
{tion for the services of the Logan
| fire company at a recent fire at his
mill at Hecla. One-third of the
above amount will be paid over to
the fire company.
| Mr. Ardery, of the Special -com-
mittee, presented the much discus-
!sed fire zone ordinance and recom-
{ mended its enactment. On motion
of Mr. Emerick the ordinance was
| passed without a dissenting vote.
| The question of the purchase ofa
new fire alarm was discussed at
some length then referred to the
Special committee.
Borough bills amounting to $597.14
and water bills for $243.22 were ap-
{proved for payment after which
council adjourned.
——In estimating the vote on the
confirmation of Judge Parker his
opponents may have understimated
the force of party prejudice.
——Probably the old Steel trust
has something to do with the fight |
against the merger of Bethlelem
and the Youmstown concern.
——A ticket of which one candi-
date couldn't speak to another with- |
out sacrifice of self-respect would
| be an anomaly.
meeting of bor-
for |
' nonentity.
Emporium and proprietor of a
, There's the wonderful love of a beautiful
And the love of a staunch, true man.
And the love of a baby that’s unafraid—
All have existed since time began.
But the most wonderful love,
of loves,
Even greater than that of a mother,
Is the tenderest, infinite, passionate love
Of one dead drunk for another!
—Lou Wood
the love
Items taken from the Watchman issue of
April 23, 1930.
—Mr. William Thomas, the ticket
agent at the railroad station here,
has taken unto himself a wife in
the person of Miss Sara Zimmer-
man, of Milesburg, and intends to
take a trip west asa “wedding tow-
—At the Logan festival last Sat-
urday night the handsomely frosted
cake presented by Miss Lib Baney
was chanced off at ten cents a
chance. It was drawn by Katie
Lose, a little daughter of George
Lose and granddaughter of Isaac
Lose. She held ticket No 16. The
other principal prize, a nice picture,
was drawn by Miss Nellie Bowen.
The Logans have asked us to pub-
licly acknowledge their great ap-
preciation of the assistance render-
ed them by Mrs. Geo. A. Bayard,
Miss Lala Klinger, Miss Hannah
Kiley, Miss Bertha Schrock, Miss
Theressa Hazel, Miss Nellie Bowen,
Miss Ada Haupt, Miss Maggie Ross
and Miss Lizzie Schrom.
Editor Watchman:—In last week's
issue of the Watchman you publish-
ed a glowing account of an enter-
tainment given by the Marsh
creek school in Boggs township,
The contributor of that article be-
ing afraid to sign his true name,
signed it ‘“Visitor.” According to
our estimation this “Visitor” must
surely #ave come from some back-
woods district because there was
nothing worth listening to at the
entertainment in question unless it
was the crying of the babies pres-
ent—and the Lord knows there was
plenty of that.
“A Ss.”
—The Anglo-American Marion-
ettes will appear at Reynolds’ opera
house next week Wednesday and
Thursday nights. Anthony and El-
lis’ Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., will
play there next Monday evening.
—Mr. John Mason Duncan will
open his private school in this place
on Monday, May 3rd.
—Among the callers at the Watch-
man office, Friday, were Miss Lizzie
Schrom and Mrs. George Wolf.
Saturday Miss Jennie Morrison and
Miss Lide Johnston called, accom-
panied by Miss Stewart, of Burnside
Twp., daughter of Dr. Stewart,
—The Centre Hall corn planter
manufacturers must be selling large
quantities of their machines, as
wagon load after wagon load of
them passed our office yesterday
—The public schools of this place
closed yesterday for the summer
| season.
: —Mrs. Henry Swab, who lives;
near Centre Hall, had the misfor-
tune to fall from the loft of the
barn to the threshing floor, a dis-
; tance of eleven feet, sustaining seri-
ous injuries. There was no one else
in the barn at the time and the in-
jured lady was only discovered ac-
‘ cidentally later in the day.
—Mrs. Eckel, widow of Daniel
Eckel, of Ferguson township, and
mother of George Eckel, of Pine
Grove, died on Thursday morning of
‘last week, rather unexpectedly. Her
age was 78.
—The curb market hasn’t amount-
ed to much thus far this spring,
but as the weather gets warmer it
will get better.
—Wheat is $1.20, corn 50c., oats
| 40c., potatoes 30c.. eggs 10c., but-
‘ter 25c¢., bacon 7c., and hams 12c.
——Republican leaders of both
factions in the Twenty-third Con-
gressional district must be impres-
ed with the fact that politics is just
one d—n thing after another. Hav-
ing forced Charlie Long out of the
race and lined up for a fight to the
finish between Chase and Jones they
are suddenly confronted by unex-
pected activity on the part of
George W. Huntley, the gentleman
from Cameron county, who hereto-
fore had been considered a political
Mr. Huntley was in
Bellefonte, last Saturday, and spread
his literature far and wide. He
president of a bank in
dynamite factory, so will have
no lack of explosives behind him.
——The average rate of casualties
by automobile accidents in Penn-
sylvania during 1928 was 148 per
month. During the nineteen months
we were cngaged in the World war
804.2 soldiers died monthly from
all causes.
Keepers do not aproach the nests too
closely or disturb the female turkeys
during the hatching period.
—Flourishing revolvers, two men, one
masked, held up the restaurant of
Conrad Jacobs, in Wilkes-Barre, Satur-
day night and, after lining up thse
manager and six patrons aaginst a wall,
robbed them of $14, took $379.50 from
the cash register and fled in the dark
—J. Franklin Farne, Jr., 32 years
| old, chief deputy United States marshal,
ja resident of Philadelphia, has been
held in $1,000 bail by magistrate Wil-
liam Morgan, on charges of driving an
automobile while intoxicated. In de-
| fault of bail he was remanded to the
| county jail.
| —Because of a conflict in dates between
| the September term of court in Colum-
bia county and the Bloomsburg fair, the
| Columbia Bar Association voted to set
i the date of the court term back two
| weelts and Judge Evans assented. The
date for Montour county court will be
| advanced so as not to conflict.
| —One rather large, and one
sized bay lynx or wildcats
| cently trapped in Potter
. game refuge keeper Ernest
| Trapping instructor C. E. Logue and
{his assistant, Blair Davis, transported
| the cats down the mountain and thenge
to the Williamsport Zoo, where they
will be held temporarily. Later the
creatures will form a part of the two
traveling circuses of the Game Com-
—All three Texas shippers from whom
the Game Commission has purchased
about 15,000 bob-white quail have start-
ed shipping and the birds are arriving
in good condition. About 1000 quail have
been received from one shipper alone
The bob-whites will be distributed gen-
erally throughout the State, although
most of the restocking will be done in
the southern counties. With this year's
restocking approximately 65,000 bob-
whites have been purchased since 1916.
—The State Highway Patrol has one
| of the largest and best equipped pistol
were re-
county by
'and rifle ranges in operation in the
| Bast. Daily instructions are given
. students, and a ‘refresher’ course is
| offered men in the field who show prom-
| ise in the handling of firearms. In-
| vitations have been extended other
| Pennsylvania police organizations, with
the idea of holding a competitive shoot.
| The meeting will antedate the contest
| held annually under the auspices of the
| regular army at Perrysville.
! __A voice over the phone, on Monday,
| informed Frank Russell, of the Lewis-
town station of the State highway
' patrol, that a man was lying with his
head in the ditch and his feet on a
bank along the William Penn highway.
| Patrolman Russell made a hurried trip,
| expecting to find a hit-and run driver's
i victim, but instead rag 9
| Mostyn, of Osceola Mil
3 taken to the Lewistows
ied, but was unable
‘how he came where
| —Professor William Gundy Owens,
! Bucknell, has rounded out fifty years
‘as a teacher in Bucknell University
| without having missed a class on ac-
| count of illness. He became an instructor
in the old Bucknell Academy late in
| March, 1880, and in 1885 became an ad-
junct professor of natural science in the
college and as the science department
grew he became the head of the chemis-
| try section. In recent years, with the
| growth of engineering work, chemical
| engineering has been headed by another
—William Hoffman, the Mahaffey mer-
chant, who recently stopped eating and
thought he could live simply by drinking
water, after a fast of twenty-eight
days, started to eat a little on the
17th inst. During his fast Mr. Hoffman
lost 49 pounds, and was told by rela-
tives that he must eat or they would
take him away. He decided to eat, and
Dr. H. W. Buckingham, formerly of
that section, started him on a malted
milk diet. He continued to take his
daily walks during his twenty-eight day
—With his abdomen ripped open more
than five inches, Charles Arter, negro of
Altoona employed as a waiter in an
Altoona hotel, ®ied at 5:55 Monday eve-
ning while on the operating table at the
Altoona hospital. Harry Swisher, aged
40, also of Altoona, whom police accuse
of inflicting the fatal knife wound, is a
prisoner in the Altoona jail. The
tragedy grew out of a quarrel, and
five other persons are being held as
witnesses. The affair took place at the
Swisher home, and liquor was respon-
sible for the tragedy.
—Peter G. Cameron, State Secretary
of Banking, stated, on Monday, that a
shortage of approximately $2200 had beer
discovered by banking examiners in
the accounts of cashier Everett P.
Hogg, of the Parkesburg State bank
The shortage was covered by a bone
and has already been made good bu'
prosecution will be brought agains:
Hogg as soon as the facts can be laid
before the district attorney under th
State law making prosecution in suc!
cases mandatory. The money was los
by Hogg through speculating in the
stock market, Secretary Cameron said.
—Ralph J. Boyd, former City Con-
troller, of Lancaster, on Monday wa:
sentenced to serve from 5 to 10 year:
in the eastern penitentiary by Judg
Charles I. Landis, after he had pleade
guilty in quarter sessions court to te:
indictments charging the theft of $11 -
700 in public funds. The sentence ca:-
ried with it a fine of $100 on each in:
dictment and the costs of prosecution, :
total of more than $1000. Immediatel
after the sentence was pronounced Boy:
was escorted from the courtroom to th
county prison, from which he will b:
taken to the penitentiary. Pale, bu’
immaculately dressed, Boyd appeared iv
court and went almost at once to the
desk of the Commonwealth. Seated be-
side District Attorney Hosterman, he
signed each of the ten indictments in
brisk fashion and without reading them.