Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 21, 1930, Image 5

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5s. Bertha Williams is still very
sly ill in the Geisinger hospi-
. and Mrs. George Bauder, of
ta, were Sunday visitors at the
of his parents.
rold Keatley and Forrest Van
, of Washington, D. C.,, were
the week-end visitors here,
\d at the home of his mother,
Maggie Keatley, and Forrest at
ome of his sister, Mrs, F. W.
> meeting here of representa-
or the Agricultural Extension
rtment and the Grange, on
lay, proved to be interesting
nstructive. County agent, R. C,
.y and J. B. R. Dickey, of State
ze, were the leaders and princi-
peakers at the men’s meeting
Miss Lovelace conducted a
interesting session on foods
1e ladies in the afternoon.
—Eighteen people went from
‘onte to New York city on the
sion Saturday night.
pona Booster Merchants Say
e Invite You to Come to Booster
Stores For The Needs Your
lome Merchants Cannot Supply
yoster Stores
se are three fundamentals that
mportant to every prospective
mer as they assure satisfaction
yrotect the interests of the cus-
pendable Quality is assured in |
merchandise sold by Altoona
er Stores because only mer-
lise that comes under that class.
ion is handled in Booster Stores.
le is of equal importance as
ty, and patrons find that Boost.
srchandise for home use, as well
ir personal needs, is always in
d with the latest styles.
using efficient methods in buy-
Booster Merchants secure ad.
.ge of every possible price con.
mn, which together with efficien-
i. store management, enables
to sell their merchandise at
; that always represent good
sisfactory Service is assured pa-
because employees of Booster
s are loyal co-workers and real-
re importance of giving courte-
jervice to patrons. This is one
n why Booster Merchants un-
tingly guarantee satisfaction in
Always Pays To Shop In An Al.
Booster Store!
y Booster Stores are Show-
- New Spring Merchandise
r the convenience of those who
it necessary or desirable to do
rtion of their Spring Shopping
ery Wednesday
tburban Day
Altoona :
roster Stores
good day to meet your friends,
ell as to shop!
ad to Altoona from all sections
Jentral Pennsylvania. Follow
as 36 or 264 into the Business
Hotel District,
F. Gable Co. Garage, Rear of
Avenue Building or at Fleck’s
Alto Garage, 1409 13th Avenue.
ION at the Municipal Garage,
Avenue, between 11th and 12th
ts, for 15 cents.
JEE PARKING on all Streets,
Time Restrictions in some sec-
\ltoona Booster Association
trand Theatre
Altoona, Pa.
: Week Starting Friday, Feb. 21
Richard Barthelmess
‘Son of the Gods”
A Rex Beach Story
Partly in Natural Color
|-Talking Vitaphone Comedy
Vitaphone Acts and Sound News
J. Foster Musser is driving a new
Reo two ton truck.
Ralph Davis, of Oklahoma, is vis-
iting friends in the valley.
Mrs. C. E. Fye spent the week-end
with friends in Centre Hall.
John H. Bailey is steering a new
Buick sedan. It's a beauty.
J. Harry McCracken has invested
in a new two ton Ford truck.
Earl Shively, of Annapolis, Md., is
visiting Centre county relatives.
Hon. J. W. Kepler is spending the
week with friends in Johnstown.
The mercury dropped to 18 degrees
below zero, here, on Sunday morning.
Deemer T. Pearce made a business
trip to Huntingdon, last Wednesday.
State Senator Harry B. Scott pass-
ed through town on Monday after-
Ralph E. Musser, of Mill Hall,
transacted business in the valley last
H. H. Goss and wife, of State Col-
lege, were here on Tuesday calling
on friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Henry and son
Henry were Sunday visitors at the H.
A. Elder home.
J. W. Henszey and wife left, on
Friday, on a several weeks trip
through the. South,
Joseph H. Gilliland has been ap-
pointed an overseer of the poor for
Ferguson township.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Homan had
with them during the week-end their
Sunday by the pastor, Rev. English,
as follows: Elder, Elmer C. Musser,
deacon, James Kling; trustee, H. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Pfoust en-
tertained members of the P. O. of A.
at their home on Tadpole; last Thurs-
day evening. Various games were
played and prizes given the winners.
Refreshments were served.
Our mutual friend, Daniel W. Mey-
ers, who is spending the winter with
! his daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Wagner,
in Altoona, is here for a brief breath.
ing spell of his home county air,
making his headquarters at the Har-
ry Lonebarger home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fye entertain-
ed a family gathering, last Wednes-
day, in honor of the 78th birthday
anniversary of Mr. Fye’s mother,
Mrs. Adaline Fye. A delicious din-
ner was served. Mrs. Fye is still en-
joying remarkably good health.
Miles Walker found one of his best
horses dead in it’s stall, on Friday
morning. Some time ago he lost a
valuable cow, which is hard luck for
a beginner on the farm. George
Reed also lost a good cow. Charles
Snyder lost a horse the same night
and Charles Lohr a mule.
twin brother, Robert B. Gardner, at
Pittsburgh, and later visited his un-
cle, Prof. Samuel P. McWilliams, at
Cannonsburg, whose health is not
very good and who has been compell-
ed to give up teaching for an indef-
inite time.
son, Bruce, of Philadelphia.
Isaac Harpster, one of Tadpole’s |
up-to-date farmers, is planning to |
enlarge his barn this spring. |
Word from the Centre County hos-
pital is in effect that Mrs. Carey
Shoemaker is improving slowly.
Oscar B. Krebs and wife, of Al-
toona, are visiting their brother, Dr.
R. M. Krebs, and other friends.
Miss Rita Ward, school teacher at
Petersburg, spent the latter end of
the week at the Ward home here.
The recently elected officers of the
P. O. of A. were installed at a regu-
lar meeting last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Ruth Frank entertained a |
number of friends, last Friday eve- |
ning, at a Lincoln’s birthday party.
Mrs. Harry Pennington and Mrs.
Earl Kline visited the Fred Roush
family in Altoona, over the week-
Ira Hess, a retired railroader of
Altoona, made brief calls on a num-
ber of friends in this section, on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Aikens and Mr. |
and Mrs. H. L. Stuart departed, last |
week, for a month's sojourn in Flor- |
Harold Walker was discharged
from the Centre County hospital, on
Tuesday, and will soon be himself
Ed Harpster and G. B. Fry motor-
ed to Bellefonte, Friday, in quest of
i of Baileyville, had as their guests,
| over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Luther
some machinery for the former's |
saw mill. i
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Homan,
David Fye.
John W. Miller is swinging the
brush on the interior of the S. A. Ho-
man mansion among the pines, at
White Hall.
The new arrival at the
Walker home, last Thursday,
son, making a family of four girls
land two boys.
Miss Grace Fye, who was home for
the mid-winter vacation, has return-
ed to her studies at the University
of Pittsburgh.
A German police dog came to the
home of William Dillon, near Penn-
sylvania Furnace, where he can be
secured by the owner.
J. H. Harpster and son Roy, of
Mill Hall, spent Thursday in town on
the hunt of a house, as they expect
to move here April 1st.
George Irvin, A. L. Albright, S. A.
Homan and Scott Bressler attended
a meeting of the Dairyman’s League,
at Rebersburg, last Tuesday.
Mrs. G. W. Ward went to Johns-
town, last week, where she will
spend some time with her daughter,
Mrs, Belle Thomas and family.
This is the evening for tne third
annual banquet of Washington camp
P. O. S. of A.,, which will be held in
the I. O. O. F, hall at 7:30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Meyers, Mr.
Ralph |
is a}
Tussey mountain with a number of
college students, last week, Donald
Kepler, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Will
Kepler, was painfully cut and injur-
| ed about the head and face by being
A doctor
is now
thrown from the sled.
sewed up the cuts and he
coming along all right.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ferguson township Brotherhood
was held in the Methodist church
here, on Friday evening. Rev. John
S. English was the speaker and his
talk was worth hearing, Quite a
number of ladies were in attendance.
Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick will be the
speaker at the March meeting.
On Sunday last William Russell
Port was 59 years old and in cele-
bration of the event his wife serv-
ed a chicken dinner to which a few
friends were bidden. Later in the
day a number of neighbors called and
extended congratulations, Mr. and
Mrs. Port have one daughter, Miss
Florence, a member of the Senior
class * at the State College High
The Misses Gertrude and = Maud
Miller entertained a number of lady
friends, at their home in the 3lades,
last Saturday, in celebration of both
Lincoln's and Washington's birth-
days. A big chicken dinner, and all
served. The guests included Mrs. A.
L. Albright, Mrs. D. S. Peterson,
Mrs. Margaret Reed, Mrs, E. 13. Har-
‘mon, Mrs. O. Peterson, Mrs. Maude
Fry, Mrs. C. Irvin, Mrs. M. Harmon,
Mrs. Ed Isenberg and Miss Anna
| Ward.
The last’ Communion service for
| this conference year will be held in
the Pine Grove Mills Methodist
church the coming Sabbath at 2:30
burg, will preach
Miss Alma Budman, of Muncy, Pa,
an evangelistic singer, will also be
present at the service and sing. Ev-
erybody is welcome to meet with us
and enjoy this service.
C. C. SHUEY, pastor.
Mrs. Willis Neff has improved
sufficiently from her recent illness
to be up and around.
Milton Haines and family, of Un-
ionville, were Sunday visitors atthe
Wharton Hosband home.
We had a few warm days, last
week, groundhog or no groundhog,
but made up for it on Sunday and
Mrs. Daniel Barnhart was brought
home from the Centre County hospi-
tal, on Friday, and is now getting
along splendidly.
The oyster supper held at the
Witmer home, on Friday evening,
was largely attended, and a nice
sum was realized for the benefit of
the church,
{ Mrs. Clair Boob and two children,
of Tyrone; Mrs. Arthur Boob and
and Mrs. John Hoffer and Dr. and
Mrs. W. M. Neidigh are spending sev-
ieral weeks in the Lone Star State.
her home at Rock Springs after
spending several weeks with Mrs.
Frank Crosthwaite, at State College.
| Merchant E. C. Martz is driving
{a new International two ton truck
| which enables him to handle all his
goods and produce more convenient-
| Lady Ferguson lodge of Rebekahs
| held a Washington's birthday and
| Valentine party combined, last Wed-
| nesday evening, with a large attend-
| ance.
Rev. John F. Harkins attended a
| church conference in New York, last
| week, and also visited his brother-in-
|law, Rev, John Wagner, at Brook-
| lyn, NY
{ Dr. Peter Hoffer Dale attended a
| clinic of college physicians, at Min-
| neapolis, Minn., last week, and 1ilso
| visited the Mayo Bros, sanitorium at
| Rochester, Minn.
Ruth Gearhart, of Linden Hall;
| Mrs. Agnes Krebs, of State College,
‘and Earl Gingerich attended the fu-
i neral of Mrs. John A. Weaver, of Al-
| toona, on Saturday.
! Rev. Stine, of Franklin and Mar-
i shall Theological Seminary, will
| preach at the Pine Hall Reformed
| church Sunday morning, and in Pine
| Grove Mills in the afternoon.
{ Elmer E. Royer is putting his saw
| mill in condition to cut a large pile
| of logs into lumber. Oscar Whitmer
is also planning to operate a saw mill
on his timber tract at White Hall.
| The newly-elected officers of the
| Lutheran church were installed, on
Mrs. Ella Gardner has returned to !
child and Miss Grace Boob were
i callers at the Edward Bavarr home,
| last Wednesday.
After a pleasant visit with her
| mother, Mrs. Katherine Fisher, in
| this place, Mrs. Maggie Tice has
{gone to Bald Eagle to spend some
| time with her son.
{ A man and a woman
| ported to be from Bellefonte
into a freight train at the upper
Milesburg crossing, last Saturday
afternoon. Fortunately neither of
the occupants were injured but the
car was more or less damaged.
Mrs. Mary Dietz spent Sunday at
her home here.
Mrs. Willis Bathgate greeted
friends here last Friday.
Edna Sortman was a caller at
the Mervin Hoy home on Thursday.
Mrs. George Ertley spent Monday
afternoon at the William Weaver
Mrs. Harry Hoy spent the week
end with her daughter, Mrs, Joseph
Neff, at State College.
Three grey foxes were captured,
last week, by Fred and Byron Lu-
cas and Harry Hoy and sons.
Mrs. Hogan Long and son George
spent Tuesday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ephriam
| Miss Genevieve Lucas and Willard
Hoy spent Sunday at Curwensville,
and brought Mrs. Hoy home from
the College on their return trip.
——Get a radio free.
tisement on page 5.
See adver-
William Grant Gardner and daugh-
ter Mary attended the funeral of his |
While coasting in the foothills of
that goes to make it a success was
p. m. Rev. M. C. Piper, of Miles. :
the sermon and,
Continuous: Saturday 2 to 11 P. M.
almost twenty-two years has been
pastor of the Presbyterian church, at
State College,” has notified his congre-
gation that he will retire from the
ministry the first of August. With
his wife he will continue to make
State College his home.
9:30 A. M., Bible school
10:45 A. M., Morning service;
Sermon: “A Life in Ruins.”
7:30 P. M. Evening service;
Sermon: “A More Sure Word of
Clarence E, Arnold, Pastor
We are authorized to announce the
name of CHARLES P. LONG, Spring
Mills, Centre county, as a candidate for
the nomination for CONGRESS on the
Republican ticket at the May Primaries,
Tuesday, May 20th. He respectfully ap-
peals to the Republicans of the Twenty-
third congressional district, Centre,
Clearfield, Cameron and M’'Kean coun-
ties, for their support and influence.
P. O. Address, Spring Mills, Pa.
We are authorized to announce the
‘name of Harry B. Scott, of Philipsburg,
| Pa., as a candidate for the nomination
i for State Senator, representing the Thir-
| ty-Fourth District, compris Clearfield
i and Centre counties, at the Primary Elegc-
| tion to be held on Tuesday, May 20th,
11930, subject to the rules governing the
| Republican party.
We are authorized to announce the
‘name of Harry B. Scott of Philipsburg,
| Penna., as a candidate for the election
' for State Committeeman representing Cen-
i tre county, at the Primary Election to be
held Tuesday, May 20th, 1930, subject to
! the rules governing the Republican party.
We are authorized to announce the
candidacy of James H. Hugg of Philips-
y barg, Pa., as the Centre County Mem
of the Republican State Committee, sub-
i ject to rules and regulations of the Pri-
mary Election to be held May 20, 1930.
We are authorized to announce the
name of Phil. D., Foster, of State College,
Pa., as a candidate for County Chairman
of the Republican party in Centre Coun-
ty, Pa., subject to the decision of the
voters of the party as expressed at th
primary to be held on May 20th, 1980.
OUSE FOR RENT.—A 6 room house,
F with all modern conveniences, locat-
ed on Reynolds Ave., Bellefonte.
Garden, garage and chicken house. In-
quire of H. L. Zimmerman. 75-8-11
signed executrix of the estate of
Charles C. Cochran, late of State College
borough, Centre county, Pa., hereby noti-
| files all persons having claims against said
estate to present them, properly authen-
ticated, for payment, and those knowing
themselves indebted thereto are notified
to make immediate settlement of such
W. Harrison Walker, Atty. Executrix
Bellefonte, Pa. State Collegs, Pa.
i XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa-
E mentary upon the estate of
| Margaret Louise McManus, late of
: Bellafonte borough, deceased, having
| been granted to the undersigned, all
i persons knowing themselves indebted to
| said estate are requested to make prompt
| payment, and those having claims
i against the same must present them,
‘duly authenticated, for settlement.
James C. Furst, Atty. Executor
| 75-7-6t.
Showing 2--7 and 9 P. M.
RESH COWS.—For sale two fresh
cows and one calf. Inquire of John
Adams, Coal Street, Osceola Mills
Pa. 75-8-3t
XECUTORS NOTICE.—Letters testa-
mentary having heen granted to the
Jndersigned on the estate of Min-
erva Tate, late of the township of Spring,
county of Centre and State of Pennsyl-
vania, deceased, persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are
directed to make payment of such indebt-
edness and those ving claims should
present them, properly authenticated, for
Executors of Minerva Tate, Dec’d.
Bellefonte, R. F. D., Pa.
William Groh Runkle, Atty.,
Bellefonte, Pa. 76-8-6t
OR SALE.—10 shares of the stock of
the Bellefonte Trust Co. Apply to
J. Kennedy Johnston, High St.
Bellefonte, Pa. 75-T-t8
OST—A large bunch of _ keys
Finder wir please notify Dr. J.
J. Kilpatrick, in Temple Co
Bellefonte. -T~:
SALE.—'12” Ls
ter, in excellent
eap for quick sale.
BIR. Coat,
| C. Smi
Phone Bellefonte,
OST.—On Saturday, between State
L Sollege and Williamsport, front au=
tomobile bumper. Finder is request=
ed to return to or notify the Watchman
office. 75-8-1t
Absolutely Free
A New $116 Majestic Cabinet Radio, 1930
Model, will be given away by us absolutely
FREE to the person who gives us the
Most Prospect
Which Result in Sales
within 60 days from date of Feb. 21, 1930.
The names given by you can be prospects
for either Radios, Pianos or Victrolas.
Contest Closes April 21st
Bet Busy....Send In Your Prospects Now
Someone is Sure to Get, the Radio
Harters Music Store
Phone 110-R
Showing Friday and Satur.
Western Electric Vitaphone Equipment
The All-Talking Movietone Romance of a World Aflight—
with John Garrick—Helen Chandler—Gilbert Emery.
Cy er
Monday, Tues.,Wednes
Next Week
A Thrilling Story of the Most
* Mysterious Spot on the Globe, with
Noah Beery
Virginia Valli
Jason Robards
100% Talking
cet TE DE A ame ren em arate
Showing 7 and 9 p. m.
Admissions—Children 10c.,
Adults, Balcony 25c., Main Floor 35c.
Friday and Saturday | Monday and Tuesday---Next Week
Claire Windsor in a Thrilling Talking Special
Pathe Sound Fables
William Collier, Jr., in the Talking Comedy Feature
“Two Men and a Maid?”
Wednesday and Thurs.---Next Week
Belle Bennett in “Molly and Me?”