Democratic; atcom CH EH Sr ETE, INK SLINGS. ——Nero fiddled while Rome burn- ed. In an emergency of that sort President Hoover goes fishing. —Fishermen, its just fifty-two days until the open season will be here. Do your boot-legging early. ——The war boarders who went South to tell Mr. Vare “where to get off” seem to have failed to “get on.” —Everybody is yelling “hard times” and its a doubly mournful yell to them that can’t blame it on Al Smith. —President Hoover ought not to be peeved because his Florida fishing | trip was a failure. The Lord knows he caught enough suckers in 1928. The drys in the Senate may have good reasons for objecting to an investigation of the enforcement methods but they ought to tell what they are. ——The President has returned from his fishing trip in the South to find his party in Washingtonin a state of panic. “When the cat's away the mice will play.” —It’s not our fight, but we should think that Centre county Republi: cans would be interested in giving a Centre countian a chance to go to Congress. That’s why we imagine they must all be for Charley Long. —Somewhere in this column is a paragraph about Francie Speer. We are ill at ease as to its grammatical construction. Will someone tell us whether we should have used a in- stead of the “an” we decided to let ride. —Mr, Vare sends word from Flor- ida to the effect that he is “not bluf- fing” and that is likely true. It is more likely that the members of the Philadelphia war board down to talk him out of the race for Senator were doing more of it than he is. —Who will be a candidate for As- semblyman on the Democratic tick- et in Centre county? Surely there must be someone capable of being an understudy for the present Member. What would the county do if the good Lord should suddenly call the Hon. Holmes home? —Years ago Francie Speer edited a “That Column” in the Keystone Gazette. In his “By” line Francie proclaimed himself an “ubiquitous re- porter.” We knew Francie well, but tonight we are wondering whether he really knew what ‘“ubiquitious” meant. If he did he must certainly have forseen the age of juvenile “salted peanut” and “potato chip” venders. —MTr. Robert Goheen has decided that he doesn’t want to be mercan- tile appraiser for Centre county.” The Watchman herewith decorates Rob- ert with the “D. O. 8.” insigna. He is the first Republican we have ever heard of who hasn't been eager to take anything he could get. For- tunately, Paul Eckley, who made the cleanest report of his assessment last year that we have ever heard of, has been called to take up the torch that brother Goheen threw down. —Ben Franklin's namesake in Philadelphia got into trouble last Saturday night. Ben drew the light- ning from the sky but the hotel that perpetuates his name in the city of Brotherly Love drew it from the pro- hibition enforcement officers and now the hotel men down there want to know “what is to become of the city’s pleasures when raiders break into rooms without warrants.” Yes, what is to become of them? They might come to Bellefonte and take rooms in the town’s temperance shrine. —If hard times are on us or ahead of us we deplore the situation just as much as you do. Since we can’t help it in the least we are reconcil- ed to whatever happens for two rea- sons: Firt, if it is to be worse we are glad that Al Smith was not elect- ed President, because he would have been blamed for it all. Second, it will bring home to a lot of people the first realization they have ever had of the fact that money doesn’t grow on thistle bushes and that no business can survive that pays its workers more than they return to it in loyal, honest service. —Gosh, the news is cheerful and constructive these days. Digesting the entire purveyance of the front page of metropolitan daily on Tues- day we discovered that Mabel Wille- brant was arrested for speeding in Washington, the sheriff and seven other officials of Potawatomie coun- ty, Oklahoma, were convicted of be- ing in cahoots with a boot-leggers’ ring. Representative Tilson, of Con- necticut, gave the Senate hell for stalling, the ladies demanded that that old woman hater of a Grundy tell them where he stands on the booze question, the Tardieu govern- ment in France fell right in the midst of the naval disarmament con- ference, Lillian Russell’s widower died and the Philadelphia hotels went into a huddle to decide whether they would picket Mayor Mackey or Al Capone. Almost we are at the point of asking what is news? Is it some- thing that the people want to read or something they ought to read? And while we are at it, we might as well ask the collateral question: Is the modern newspaper what it pre- tends to be? Are not the high ideals of its editorial and reportorial de- partments crumpled into servile hy- pocrisy by a greedy business office? who went | STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 75. BELLEFONTE. PA.. FEBRUARY 21. 19 30. NO. 8. The Democratic Executive Commit- | tee Meeting The Democratic State Executive committee will meet in Harrisburg | next Tuesday for the purpose, as ' stated by the chairman, “to present the strongest possible Democratic programme to the voters this year.” That laudable purpose ought to se- cure for the meeting not only a | full attendance of the membership [but a large number of active party | workers who are interested in the | prosperity of the party. There has {been no time within recent years when conditions were so auspicious for Democratic success and there {has never been a time when Demo- | cratic success was so greatly need- .ed. If the members of the commit- | tee address themselves to the pur- | pose wisely much good will be ac- complished. ! In the present state of confusion ‘in the Republican party of Pennsyl- | vania it might seem to careless ob- servers that defeating its candi- dates would be an easy task. The’ | Republican party is broken up into | seemingly irreconcilable factions, the success of either of which would alienate the others. This expecta- tion might be realized if there were any principles involved in their | differences. But as a matter of fact their quarrels are purely selfish and sordid and in most cases will be patched up after the nominations are made. There will be a consid- erable contingent in the defeated faction, however, that cannot be reconciled and if the Democrats act wisely it may be made a deciding force. The Democratic candidate for President received upward of a mil- lion votes, two years ago, notwith- standing the diversion of a consid- erable number of prohibition fanat- ics and religious bigots registered as of that political faith. If. the candidates of the party this year retain that force and secure the support of such Republicans as are not reconciled to the control of Grundy and the Mellon machine, the success of the ticket will be made as certain as that day follows night. The executive committee, at. its meeting next Tuesday, may trans- late this hope into fact, and we have every reason to believe it will i oh do so. Chairman Collins has done his part and it is for the party to do the rest. ——The Republican leaders of the | State have at last come to the opin- ion that Grundy is a liability rather than an asset. Queer Reasoning of Politicians Those Philadelphia pilgrims who have been pleading with Mr. Vare to withdraw from the contest for the Republican nomination for Senator have a queer system of figuring out results. During their recent visit to Mr. Vare at his “estate,” in the South, they held out as the para- mount purpose of their endeavors, the defeat of Grundy. In that they may be entirely sincere, but the method by which they hope to achieve the result is absurd, That is, they ask Mr. Vare to withdraw from the race and leave Grundy as the unopposed candidate for the par- ty favor. In other words, they give him a valid claim on every voter of their political faith and a guarantee of election if the party is in the ma- jority. If Mr. Vare withdraws from the contest Mr. Grundy will have no competitor for the nomination, and however abhorrent his nomination might be to a large proportion and the best element of the party, his name would appear on the ballot at the general election as the undisput- ed choice of the Republican electo- rate. There might be a few voters here and there who would refuse to rati- fy that choice but the vast majors ity of them, including the Philadel- phia pilgrims, would holler their heads off to elect the regular party candidate, and Grundy as Senator- elect would be twice as powerful in the organization as Grundy, Senator by appointment. There's nothing so successful as success. It is plain to any reasoning mind that one of the main reasons for ap- pointing Grundy to the Senate was the belief that it would eliminate William 8S. Vare from future party councils. It is equally obvious that Grundy accepted the appointment with that understanding. For this reason Mr. Vare is justified in feel- ing a resentment toward both Grun- dy and Fisher. But handing Grundy the nomination “on a silver platter” is not the customary way of resent- ing injuries. The only way that Vare can fitly punish Grundy is to defeat him for the nomination, and having accomplished that compel him to vote the straight ticket at the general election or forfeit his ' Democrats of Pennsylvania. rare very few Congressional districts ' greater Republican majorities | courageous; popular and “fit claim to consistent party regularity. Good Inspiration for Pennsylvania Democrats a | The result of the special election in the Second Congressional district of Massachusetts affords encourage- ment to every Democrat through- out the country. That district, formed thirty years ago, has never had a Democratic Representative. In 1928 the Republican candidate had a majority of 8500. On Tuesday of last week the Democratic candidate had a majority of 5252. The cam- paign was made on national issues. The chairman of the Republican National committee appealed to the voters “to vindicate President Hoover.” Both candidates were ‘pledged to favor modification of the Volstead law so the question was not directly prohibition involved. ‘It was a strictly party contest. cam- candidate In the beginning of the paign the Democratic ‘could have had little better than a “forlorn hope.” The signs were all against him. But he had ability, courage and character and entered into the contest with a determina- tion to win. It was a brief cam- paign but an intense one. The va- cancy was caused by the death of Representative Kaynor in an airship accident while on his way home to spend the holidays. It was less than two months from that event until the election. But every hour of the time was employed in active work by both parties and the Democratic victory can be interpreted in no other way than as the expression of a trend toward Democracy. The result of this election ought to be especially inspiring to the There in Pennsylvania that usually gives than the Second district of Massachusetts, Nearly half the districts in this State, in recent years, show less than 2000 majority for the Republi- can candidates. There is no reason why many of these districts may not be carried by the Democratic candidates if the policy is pursued here which won there. All thatis necessary is to nominate capable, dates, and support them with the energy that our Massachusett friends showed. iim From the February issue of Bell Telephone News, we get the | two items which no doubt will be of interest to many in this community: “Following a meeting of the Penn- sylvania. State Chamber of Com- merce, on January 17, it was an- nounced that John Tonner Harris, vice president and general manager of the central area, had been elected a vice president of the Chamber. With the election of Mr. Harris, the num- ber of vice presidents of the State Chamber of Commerce was increas- ed to four.” Then among ‘recent ap- pointments of interest” is Thomas King Morris, Jr. division P, B. X. supervisor, Pittsburgh division, west- ern, of the Bell Telephone company. ——In the Wilmington Del., Morn- ing News, of February 12th, Mrs. Sophie C. Hall, who prior to her marriage was a Miss Keller, of Boalsburg, recounts an incident in connection with the funeral train of President Lincoln enroute from Washington to Philadelphia. When the train arrived at Wilmington it was stopped to permit residents of that city an opportunity to view the body and pay homage to the martyr- ed President. In order to afford the people a good view of the body the casket was carried from the train and placed on top of a table furnish- ed by the president of the railroad company. ——Colonel James M. Guffey cele- brated his 91st birthday at his home in Pittsburgh, on Wednesday. His long and useful life was given to the service of his party and his country. He was the capable, unselfish and faithful leader of his party in Penn- sylvania for many years, and in the peaceful enjoyment of his declining life he has, and deserves, the well wishes of every Democratic voter in the State. A ——— A a ————— ——AIll Odd Fellows in Centre county who have been “Past Grands” in the order are invited to a meet- ing to be held in Odd Fellows hall, Bellefonte, on Wednesday evening, February 26. Speakers from Jersey Shore, Williamsport and Lewisburg will be present and it is the intention to organize an association of “Past Grands” in the county. Se emi dai Thermometers in Bellefonte registered four degrees below zero on Sunday morning, which was next to the coldest morning of the season. Monday morning was twelve degrees warmer. Last year at this time we were in the midst of a prolonged cold spell. candi- | New Milk 13 Borough Council Several interested spectators were present at the regular meeting of borough council, on Monday evening, attracted no doubt to get first-hand information as to any action that might be take regarding the closing of Lamb street, but council fought shy of the question, as it was not even lifted from the table, where it was so carefully laid two weeks pre- vious. The principal discussion of the ev- ening was in regard to selling a por- tion of the Phoenix mill dam site as a location for a milk shipping station for the Nittany valley local of the Dairyman’s League. Mr. Cobb, chairman of the Water committee, reported that quite a delegation of patrons of the local had been in Bellefonte in consultation with the committee and that they had inspect- ted four different sites. One was the point or strip of land just north "of Lamb street where Ebon Bower's ! land for less basket shop had been located, but it is too narrow. Another was the piece of ground north of the silk mill; the third, the small meadow south of the Federal Match company plant and last the dam site. Mr. Cobb stated that the delegation might be satisfied witk any site that will be suitable for their purposes, but they preferred the dam site because it is more advantageously located than any other plot. Mr. Cobb stated that the dairyman would agree to put in a septic tank to’ purify the wash water from the milk cans before its is drained into the creek; that they do not ask for a permanent driveway around the mill but wanted verbal permission to use it in case of emergencies. He also stated that the farmers will be will- ing to raise their offer of $2000 for the land but did not say to what figure. Mr. Beaver talked strongly in favor of selling the dam site, as it will mean a new industry for Bellefonte, he declared, and bring 65 farmers from Nittany valley every day, and all of them will do some of their buying here. Mr. Jodon also favored selling the site. President ‘Walker stated that the old council had refused to consider selling the than $5000, and the weight of sentiment among the peo- ple of the town, so far as he has been able to learn is against selling it at any price. Mr. Badger stated that he had been advised that the farmers will not pay $5000. President Walker referred the mat- ter back to the Water committee to see if some other location for the plant can be found. When council convened only seven members were present, the absentees being president Walker and Mr. Em- erick. Mr. Cobb was chosen presi- dent pro tem. D. A. Barlett was present and asked for an exoneration of a portion of the water tax on his two properties on east Curtin street because both had been unoccupied for six months. Referred to the Wa- ter committee. Secretary Kelly reported that the matter of securing compensation for the widow of James Parks. is now in the hands of the compensa‘ion bureau. The Street committee presented a check for $30.00 from the Wahite Bros. for a sewer permit, the sewer taking care of two store rooms in the front of the Valentine building. The sewage from the rear of the building and the postoffice is deposit- ed in cesspools. Mr. Jodon asked if council had authority to forbid the use of cesspools and compel all sew- age to be run into sewers, and was informed that there is no ordinance covering the matter. He stated that sewage from some place nearby is finding its way into the basement of the Potter-Hoy building and it is a matter that should be considered hy council. Mr. Cobb stated that that question could be taken up any *ime and council voted to accept the White Bros, check and permit the sewer connection to be made. The Water committee reported the colection of $34.29 on the 1927 water duplicate, $125.83 on the 1928 and $289.88 on the 1929. Mr. Cobb stat- ed that he had received a final re- port and bill from the Pitometer company but wanted to check up with Mr. Seibert before presenting the bill for payment. The Fire and Police committee called attention to the serious coast- ing accident of last week and sug- gested that council approve burgess Harris’ proclamation setting aside Logan street and all streets north of Curtin for coasting. One of the councilmen also suggested Wilson street as a safe place and president Walker stated that the matter is up to the burgess and police. The Village Improvement commit- tee recommended that permits be (Continued on page 4, Col. 8.) granted Ralph Hassinger for the erection of a house on north Alle- Station Site Discussed By ¢IFTY YEARS AGO IN CENTRE COUNTY Items taken from the Watchman issue of February 20, 1880. Municipal elections in the State last Tuesday were not discouraging to the Democrats. In Philadelphia we elected six pub- lice magistrates. In Reading the Democrats elected five of the eight select councilmen; have 24 common councilmen to the Republicans’ 20 and are tie on the school board. This is pretty good for Reading Democrats. Lancaster and Allentown both elec- ed Democratic Mayors. Wilkes-Barre elected a Democratic Mayor and York, too, decided to try a Democrat instead of the present Republican official. The Republican candidate for May- or of Altoona won by only nine votes and we came within sixty-three , votes of getting the city treasurer {up there. | College township elected seven { Democrats, six Greenbackers and | two Republicans to township offices. Boggs township elected an entire Democratic ticket. Milesburg eiect- ed a Democratic burgess, E. H. Carr, and Potter township elected a Re- publican Justice of the Peace. Pat- ton township split half and half. Un- ionville went Democratic and Union township elected a Democrat, Ju- cob Roop, Justice of the Peace. Fer- guson township elected a Greenback- er, Robert Glenn, Justice of the Peace. The West ward of Bellefonte elected two Democrats, S. A. McQuis- tion and L. Olin Meek, to council. According to the census in 1870 Centre county had a population of 34,418. Bellefonte had 2655, Philips- burg 1086 and Osceola Mills 813. Everybody who went to Mme. Rentz’s minstrels Wednesday night. was disappointed. Of course none but men were there because it was ex- pected to be a can can, And it wasn’t. It was a nice clean show and the ladies in it had more clothes on and showed less of their legs than they do on most of the ball room floors in sassiety. Died—On Saturday evening the 14th of February, of consumption; Miss Alicia, daughter of Alexander McCafferty. She was a most accom- plished young woman, was educated for a teacher and gave promise of a bright and useful future. Her's was the fourth death in the family in two years. Last Monday was the day the big snow storm was to come but both Monday and Tuesday were as bright, beautiful and warm as might be days in June. Walter Zeigler has sold his drug store in this place to John J. Harris, who has already taken charge. While Bellefonte has four or five telephone lines Lock Haven is just preparing to install her first one and Lock Haven calls Belefonte just a country hamlet. Bunnell and Aikens are now selling a piece of music called “My Moun- tain Town.” The words are by Ira C. Mitchell Esq., and the music by W. Ellis Burchfield. The latter is Register of Centre county and direc- tor of Burchfield’s band. Does any reader of the Watchman know where a copy of this piece of music might be procured—ED. —On Tuesday last Houtzdale had its second murder within three weeks. Samuel Pennington, a young man, was shot in the back by one John Nevlin who paraded the streets of that place, unmolested, for sever- al hours hunting Pennington and telling everyone that he was going to shoot him on sight. —In the report of F. G. Archey, teacher of the primary school in Pine Grove Mills, we note that the following pupils were present every day in January: Sadie E. Dannley, Mary E. Ward, Jennie Wolf, Sal- lie Strunk, Nellie Kepler, Master R. Port, Musser Heberling, Benton J. Heberling, Warren Wolf, James A. Stover, John C. Gates, A. Stewart Bailey, Levi F. Gates, Miles E, Stov- er and F. Glenn Meek. ——So as not to disappoint Penn State radio audiences over Central Pennsylvania the college department of music has arranged for a special studio program next Sunday after- noon, February 23, at 3:30 o'clock, taking the place of the student sym- phonic band, originally scheduled to start the annual winter series of Sunday afternoon concerts on that day. It was found arly in the week that the band could not appear in Schwab auditorium until a later date, and director Grant arranged another program for broadcast purposes only, These artists will perform in the WPSC studio, not at the auditorium. The program will include selections by the band’s trombone quartet, pi- ano solos by Miss Marion Kerr, of the department of music faculty, and soprano solos by Miss Edna Roser- ick, an advanced music student. ——The break-up of the Tardieu cabinet in France threatens serious , disarrangement of the plans of the ‘ naval conference in Lodon. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE —Returning to his home from a meet- ing of the Silver Brook local of the Unit- ed Mine Workers of America, at McAdoo, Tuesday night, Secretary George Billig was held up by two men who bound him and took $850 from his person. —Clark Love, 54, Jeannette, was killed on Tuesday night, on the Penn road near Jeannette, supposedly by a hit-and-run motorist. Love's body was sighted by H. O. Pahl, motorman on a West Penn street railway car, who took it to Jean- nette. —A shortage of $37,000 in the firemen and police pension funds handled by Harry L. Raub, Jr., former city solici- tor, of Lancaster, who committed suicide several weeks ago, was definitely estab- lished last week, when it was revealed that irregularities were found in nine of the eleven mortgages investigated by city officials. —Mrs. M. F. Sincavage, of Port Car- bon, narrowly escaped death, on Mon- day, when the stove in her kitchen ex- ploded. A ring at the door bell attract- ed her attention after she had put coal on the fire, and as she stepped into the dining room to answer the bell she heard the explosion. The stove and part of the kitchen were wrecked. Pieces of dynamite are believed to have been hid- den in the coal. —Mrs. J. Monroe Walter, 82, invalid, was burned to death on Sunday, at her home in West Pittsgrove township, Montgomery county. While her husband was visiting a neighbor, an oil lamp fell or exploded and set fire to the bed of Mrs. Walter. She was dead when two neighbors fought their way through the smoke to rescue her. Pottstown fire- men extinguished the blaze before it had spread beyond the one room. —Attempting to hold up Edgar Bailey, 35, proprietor of Sugar Bowl Inn, at Sax- ton, on Tuesday, Charles Treece, 32, was shot three times by his intended victim, bullets entering his back, arm and leg. His condition was reported as critical. Treece, whose home is in Saxton, had been working in Altoona. He told police he conceived the hold-up because he was in need of ready money. His unrevealed partner in the attempted holdup escaped. —Twenty patrons of the Clover Leaf Inn.,, near Butztown, on the William Penn highway, were held up at 1 o’clock Monday morning by seven bandits and robbed of all their money, jewelry, watches and automobiles. The haul yielded the bandits several thousand dollars. Some of the men patrons had their trousers removed and hidden, while in some instances articles of cloth- ing were removed from the women. The telephone was also disconnected. —Abraham Sam, 40, of Mt. Carmel, was killed at Centralia, last Wednesday, when a stick of dynamite apparently exploded in his hands. Sam, a junk dealer, and his brother, Joseph, were removing old iron from the property of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, and the former was using dynamite to tear down a large engine. wie was blown to pieces when the charge was accidentally exploded. Joseph, who was standing about 100 feet away at the time, was unhurt. —Dr. J. Frank Small, city director of health, expects 1000 measle cases in York before summer comes. With 125 cases of the malady already reported and the number increasing, York's triennial epidemic of measles is well un- der way. Scanning the municipal health department’s record of contagious dis- eases for the past fifteen years, Dr. Small has found that the measle epidemic is of triennial occurrence. The reports show that the disease is prevalent every third year. —Ray Zoltoski, manager of the Penn- zoil gas station at Hdye City, near Clear- field, was held up Saturday morning about 8:45 by three collegiate looking bandits, two men and one woman, at the point of a revolver. Zoltoski was made to empty his cash register of all its con- tents, amounting to about $32.00. He was then forced into a rear room, and warned to stay there for at least flve minutes. The bandits then jumped into their car, an Essex coupe, and disappeared. The matter was reported to the authorities, but the culprits have not yet been cap- tured. —Thirty girls, all about twenty years old were routed from their beds and sev- eral bundled in blankets and carried to safety by firemen when fire swept through the second and third flbors of the Turtle Creek branch of the Young Women’s Christian Association building, in Allegheny county. Confusion, follow- ing the first alarm, precipitated among the girls. The fire is believed to have started in the third floor but the origin is undetermined. Prompt action of the firemen confined the damages to a small loss, and none of the patrons of the place were injured. —The raido once went to Mrs. Carrie Kenworthy’s head and she hasn’t gotten over it yet. Mrs. Kenworthy, a resident of Norristown, last week filed suit for divorce, saying that her husband threw their radio at her with such force four years ago that it is still causing her trouble. The difficulty, says the 22- year-old plaintiff, began, not over the radio, but over the more usual cause of marital musses-another girl. Mrs. Kenworthy’s petition declares that she arrived home one day to find her hus- band entertaining a strange girl in her own dining room. The couple were mar- : ried in Elkton when Mrs. Kenworthy was 14. —A letter, signed by Mrs. Helen Hol- loway, county probation officer protest- ing against a lenient sentence in a white slave case, reposed unread in the pocket of Federal Judge Albert W. Johnson while he filled the pulpit of the North Berwick Evangelical church on Sunday. It became known the next day when Mrs. Holloway made the letter public. Mrs. Holloway, not a member of the church, said she had gone there with several other women in sympathy with the protest. The letter was sent to the Judge by an usher at the opening of the service and he placed it in his pocket without opening the missive. The letter called attention to the fact that the girl alleged to have been sold into slavery was a former attendant of the church in which he was speaking, and criticized the fact that the woman al- leged to have sold the girl was let off with a fine of $100.