Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 14, 1930, Image 1

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___Mr. Vare declares that he
never “threw a bluff.” When he an-
nounced that he was in the Senate
race "to the finish” he threw one
which was promptly ‘called.’
- —There’s nothing new in meas-
uring. warships by the yard. The
bright minds who furnished the
Capitol at Harrisburg, twenty-five
years. ago, measured rocking chairs
by. the foot.
Mr. Grundy declares that wo-
men know nothing about the tariff.
The sharp cuts made on women’s
wear, as reported by the Senate Fi-
nance committee, indicate that his
more experienced colleagues have a
different idea.
— The primaries are little more
than three months off and up to
this writing not a Democrat has
expressed a desire to have our
party’s nomination for Assembly-
man. There are many Democrats in
the county who would make credit-
able Legislators and we are at a
loss to understand why none of
them have thus far expressed a
willingness to carry their party’s
banner in a contest where prospects
of . victory look so promising.
—The old political crystal
we gazed into years before other
fakirs brought it into popularity is
standing right on the table before
us. Two years ago we looked into
it and advised our friend Phil, Fos-
ter, of State College, that he hadn't
a chance to be elected chairman of
the Centre County Republican Com-
mittee. We're looking into it right
now and concentrating on every re-
fraction that it shoots out—as
a crystal gazer we might be wrong,
but it tells us that Phil will be elect-
ed this time.
— The Bellefonte councilman who
lends himself to the project of sell-
ing any portion of the Phoenix mill
dam site is likely to find himself a
damned sight less popular than he
was when elected to represent his
constituency. The borough paid
twenty-five thousand dollars for
that property. Not for the mill
building or its surrounding land but
for the water, power. And selling
ninety by two hundred feet of its
possible impounding reservoir will
be doing to it what Delilah did to
Sampson when she cut his hair.
—Some chickens that have been
in a pen up around Milford, Pike
county, since 1922 appear to. be
wandering back to Indiana to roost,
Just now, when Governor Fisher is
so desperately afraid that the
shadows of Sam Lewis and Gifford
Pinchot menace the Republican or-
tion in Pennsylvania® and
should be dissipated at all hazards
We “wolild ike to ask him who help-
ed conjure up these shadows eight
years ago? Yes, Governor Fisher
incubated these chickens and it is
as immutable as fate that they
should be “coming home to roost.”
— Congressman James M. Beck
plames the Eighteenth amendment
and the Volstead law on the Dem-
ocratic party. What a grand old
goat the Democratic party is! Beck
got his political start as a Demo-
crat and now he turns to revile the
party of his first choice while urg-
ing the party of his adoption. to
get out of its willy-nilly position and
stand up and be counted as either
“wet” or “dry.” But it will take
more than the ability and oratory
of Mr. Beck to induce the Re-
publican party to take a definite
stand on any principle. It is after
votes and it always has the Dem-
ocratic party to blame the conse-
quences on.
—A recent decision of Judge Wil-
liam H. Keller, of the Superior
Court, in the case of Lochetta vs
the Cunningham Cab Co., seems to
fix definitely the rights of motors
meeting at the intersections of
streets or cross roads. According
to Judge Keller the car approach-
ing from the right always has the
right of way unless the other car is
so far in advance as to afford rea“
sonable time to clear the crossing
and avoid a collision. This deci-
sion clears up a much disputed
right-of way provision of the State
Motor, Code which has been often
construed that the car arriving first
at an intersection has the right of
way. It would be well for all driv-
ers to bear this in mind.
—We don’t know how Senator
Scott feels about the opposition
from his home town to his ambition
to succeed himself as state com-
mitteeman from Centre county. We
understand the people backing Mr.
Hugg have agreed to keep their
hands ‘off the Senator if he keeps
his minions from throwing har-
poons into Mr. Hugg. Hugg's elec-
tion as state committeeman would
mean that the Senator would no
longer have a chair among'the seats
of the mighty. It would mean, also,
that he would no longer have to
“gough up” on the occasion of every
monetary emergency and it would
mean that the gentleman who
brought Mr. Hugg out would, as
mortgagee, be a continual threat
when it comes to deciding who is
to be the recognized boss of the
Republican party in Centre county.
The situation intrigues us. A very
pretty political game is being play-
ed here and we are desperately
curious to find out whether the
Senator or Mr. Dorworth is draw-
ing to an interior straight.
- VOL. 795.
The New Chief Justice.
In selecting a successor to Chief
Justice William H. Taft, of the
President Hoover has named an able
lawyer of wide experience, presum-
chosen so soon after
such eagerness as to arouse suspi-
cion of a bargain on the subject.
Besides his habits of thought and
the lines of his recent activities
suggest an ulterior purpose. Since
his retirement from public life
Mr. Hughes has been a corporation
lawyer and all his energies have
been employed in devising methods
by which corporations may evade
legal reponsibilities and acquire 2d-
It has been, and will continue to
be said that the appointment of
Mr. Hughes to the chief seat on the
bench of the court which will ul-
timately determine all questions of
corporate rights and privileges will
promote conservatism. But Mr.
Hughes is not a conservative of
that type. He doesn’t want to
preserve the system of government
established by the framers of the
constitution. He is more inclined to
the Grundy philosophy which as-
pires to combinations of capital in
corporations and big business in all
its forms. The old system of indus-
try under which employer and em-
as intimate in social as in business
contacts are not in favor of those
who think as Mr. Grundy and Mr.
Hughes think.
It may be justly assumed that the
appointment of Mr. Hughes to be
Chief Justice expresses the sympa-
thy of President Hoover for thein-
dustrial policies of Mr. Grundy. Mr.
Hoover has always been associated
with big business enterprises and
the trend of his mind, like that of
Mr. Hughes, runs in that direction.
So long as big business is flourish-
ing it isn’t worth while to bother
with small enterprises, according to
the Grundy philosophy. Industrial
millionaires cheerfully contribute to
charity organizations and the em-
ployees of abandoned small com-
cerns will be taken care of. But
pursuing that policy is not conser-
vatism in its true sense. It is de-
troying by cruel and wicked pro-
— Speaking of opitmism a bill
has been introduced in the present
House of Representatives to repeal
the Volstead law.
Mr. Beck on Prohibition Enforcement
The speech of James M. Beck, of
Philadelphia, in the House of Rep-
resentatives, last Fiiday, goes a
long way toward confirming a
doubt, heretofore expressed in these
columns, of the value of the report
of the Law Enforcement Commis-
sion with respect to prohibition.
Mr. Beck was formerly a Democrat
and though he has during recent
yeas taxed his mental faculties to
persuade himself that his earlier
opinions were wrong, the speech in
question reveals that some of the
fundamentals of the Jefferson phil-
osophy still linger in his mind. The
trend of his argument is entirely in
support of the principle of individ-
ual liberty, within law, and home
Mr. Beck bases his opinion on the
language of the Commission’s report.
It says: “We must bear in mind
the Puritan's objection to adminis-
tration, the Whig’s tradition of “a
right of revolution;” the concep-
tion of natural rights, classical in
our polity; the Democratic tradition
of individual participation in Ssov-
ereignty; the attitude of the
business world toward local regula-
tion of enterprise; the clash of or-
ganized interests and opinions in a
diversified community and the di-
vergencies of attitude in different
sections of the country and as be-
tween different groups in the same
locality.” These elements express
the habit of thought of the people
and enforcement comes in conflict
with all of them.
Mr. Beck has not declared a
purpose to oppose the enforcement
of the Volstead law. On the con-
trary he states that he is ‘“‘prepar-
ed to vote for any reasonable en-
forcing measure which the Presi-
dent may ask, provided, always,
that it is not inconsistent with the
constitution.” But he contends that
itis repugant to every principle of
civil lberty and revolutionary of the
| habits of thought of the people. For
that reason it cannot be enforced and
the attempt to enforce it isa cruel
and futile operation. The fugitive
slave law was not enforced for the
same reason, though - the attempt
was not so long continued.
ployee were in constant touch and]
the Volstead law is not only incon-
sistent with the constitution but that,
| Effect of Fisher's Bad Blunder
The fight of organized labor
: Su- j against Joseph R. Grundy was for- |
preme court of the United States, mally opened in Philadelphia last | Philadelphia met at the Bellevue
Sunday evening. More than 5000
| men and women assembled
| resolutions denouncing Grundy as the
, most outstanding, bitter and relent-
' less foe of all efforts to secure bene-
| ficial and humane legislation that
{this State has known, and pledging
| the meeting “to do all in its power
{to defeat Joseph R. Grundy at the
polls, either at the primary or gen-
|eral election,” and “to shake off once
{and for all the iron grip of reac-
| tion which the Grundy system has
| fastened on the political system of
| the State.”
| Various industrial organizations
| sponsored the meeting and several
{labor organization officials spoke.
| The purpose of the meeting was to
| protest against the injunction issued
in Philadelphia and Northampton
county against hosiery strikers. A
number of young women who had
| been committed to the Northampton
| county jail occupied seats on the
| platform. Senator Brookhart ex-
pressed his detestation of “govern-
ment by injunction” and highly com-
mended the Shipstead anti-injunction
bill now pending in the.Senate. But
the fact was soon revealed that
Grundy was the main target for the
shafts that were fired, both in speech
and by response of the audience.
“We are not going to allow the
Grundys who represent only 15 per
cent. of the strength of the nation,”
Brookhart shouted, “to rule this
In view of the temper of the vot-
ers, as shown at this meeting, it is
small wonder that Governor Fisher
expresses alarm for the future of his
party. Asked the other day in
Philadelphia how the political situa-
tion stood, he replied, “it’s all balled
up,” and in another statement he
said “the gubernatorial fight has
thrown the situation into an almost
hopeless snarl.” The Vare war
board has served notice that the
a fight, and Vare sends word from
Florida that he will not withdraw
for any consideration. Gifford Pin-
chot is getting ready to shy his som-
brero into the ring and friends of
Senator Schantz are still pleading
with Grundy. It is “confusion worse
confounded” and Governor Fisher's
absurd appointment of Grundy is
responsible for it all.
Anyway President Hoover
doesn’t have to be taught how to
fish. He has that much on his pred-
ecessor in office.
Lobbyists Are All Bad
To Senator Caraway, of Arkan-
sas, all lobbyists look alike. Address-
ing a convention of Democratic wo-
men, in Philadelphia the other eve-
ning, he said, “there is no such thing
as good lobbying. It's all bad.”
Whether a professional propagandist
like Pearson or the proprietor of an
enterprise seeking special favors from
the government, like Grundy, the
lobbyist is an evil influence in legis-
lation. If he accomplishes his purpose
he acquires an advantage at the ex-
pense of the consumers of the pro-
duct. A sneak thief could hardly do
worse by picking pockets or porch
climbing. Those are only different
forms of vice.
In testifying before Senator Cara-
way's lobby committee Mr. Grundy
acknowledged that he collected up-
ward of a million dollars during the
1928 campaign by promising contrib-
utors legislation which would re-im-
burse them. The money thus obtain-
ed was used to buy votes and other-
wise promote the election of candi-
dates for Senators and Representa-
tives in Congress who would favor
the necessary legislation. There is
no great difference, morally, between
that and stuffing ballot boxes or
making false returns of the votes
cast. But stuffing ballot boxes and
making false returns are punished
by imprisonment and Grundy is re-
warded by appointment to the Sen-
ate for his equally nefarious work.
“There are several classes of lob-
byists at Washington,” Senator Car-
away continued, “and the one to
which Grundy belongs aims to con-
trol the country by contributing to
and financing the party organiza-
tions, obtaining vast sums of money
from persons who will be benefitted
by subsequent legislation.” If there
is any difference at all in the sever-
al classes of lobbyists this type is the
worst. It not only involves the lob-
byist who solicits in an odious of-
fence against public policy but incul-
pates the contributor in his unlaw-
ful practice. Are the people of Penn-
sylvania willing - to reward such prac-
tices ‘by high favors?
in the!
ably of judicial temperament and Frakford industrial district of that meeting and banquet. Warner Un-
splendid achievement. But he was city and, after listening approvingly | derwood presided and read a tele-
the vacancy | to a speech by Senator Brookhart, of gram from Dr. J. C. C. Beale, the as-
occurred and accepted the favor with Towa, unanimously adopted a series of | sociation’s - secretary, who, with his
candidate must be Shunk Brown Or
| Centre County Club Enjoys Annual |
{ Zia “xy,
The Centre County Association of
| Stratford, in that city, on Saturday
evening, for the annual mid-winter
family is away on a trip through
the south-western portion of the
United States and Mexico. The
message follows:
5 Mexico City, Feb. 8, 1930
Greetings to the members of the
Centre County Association from
Mexico. The John Beale family has
been having a grand and busy time
here in Mexico for the past eight
days, and it is only the distance that’
keeps them from attending the an-
naul dinner tonight.
Following the reading of the mes-
sage the meeting was turned over to
the entertainer, Mr. Braizie, who
started in by calling on Mr. Under-
wood to sing a little song. Toasts
were responded to by Mr. Under- |
wood. Mr. Ardell, Dr. Runkle, Miss
Gingerich, Miss Beale and Miss
Dale. Then the guests were given
a treat when a magician, who had
been engaged for the evening by |
some very enjoyable and mystifying
At the conclusion of the
and entertainment the tables
removed and the guests enjoyed sev-
eral hours of dancing. Those pres-
ent were as follows:
Mr. Warner Underwood, Dr. and Mrs.
Amos Underwod, Dr. and Mrs. Harris
Underwood, Miss Speigle, Jimmie Mor-
gan, Mrs. Gingerich, Miss Gingerich, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Roan, Mr. and Mrs. G.
R. Bible, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoover,
Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Work, Mr.
Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Stoops, Mrs.
F. MecGurgan, Miss McGurgan, Miss
Corl, Mr. and: Mrs. N. A. Staples,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Meyer, C. J. Val-
entine, Mr. and Mrs. McClain, Mrs. Tink-
er. Miss Tinker, Mr. and Mrs. Naison,
Mr. Shaughnessy, Mr. Hamilton, Mrs.
Bradley, Mrs. Foster, David Beale, Mrs.
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs Ira D. Garman,
Mrs. Leopold, Miss Myers, Dr. Runkle,
Mr. and Mrs. Corly, Edward Miller, Miss
itler, Mrs. Sutler, Miss Mathersen, Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Ardell, Miss Elizabeth
Ardell, Miss Rita Kohlheyer, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Mattern, Miss Nellie Mattern,
Miss Ethel Dale.
— Of course Mr. Grundy will not
follow the advice of those wise friends
who want him to withdraw from the
fight. But he would save money and
avert disappointment by doing so.
A Town Minus Telephones or Electric
In these days of flying machines,
automobiles, radios, wireless -tele-
phone and telegraph it hardly seems
possible that there is a town of
any size in the populated sections
of the United States minus most of
the present day conveniences, and
yet right here in Centre county is
a town with from 75 to 100 resi-
dences, a number of business plac-
es, and 2 big manufacturing plant
that does not have a telephone init
and the only electric service is
from a small plant that is practi-
cally obsolete. :
The town in question is Monu-,
ment, in Curtin township. It isthe
site of one of the Harbison. Walker
Refractories company plants. An of-
ficial of the company came to Belle-
fonte last week to consult West
Penn officials in an effort to have
the electric service extended to
Monument from Beech Creek, a dis-
tance of about seven miles, and the
gentleman at that time stated that
there is not a telephone in Monu-
The town, though small, has all
the appearance of thrift and good
living. The houses are all spic and
span, the main street is well kept
and the business places compare fav-
orably with those of any town in
the county. But because the town
is located in the foothills of the Al-
legheny mountains, a considerable
distance from telephone and electric
lineg, it has been deprived of these |
really necessary essentials.
—__Jf Chief Justice Hughes fol-
lows the example of his predecessors
in office he will have little to do
during the first few years of his
Possibly Governor Fisher has
an ambition to be the last Republi-
RUARY 14. 1930.
led. Thirty years ago the war
dinner tween the States colored and domi-
were hated the political thinking of the
‘be on duty
can Governor of Pennsylvania in the
Twentieth century.
——Maybe Grundy is simply giv- |
ing the public an imitation of the |
effect of “a bull in a china shop.”
——1It is not easy to imagine how
a self-respecting woman can “adul-
terate” the Grundy vote.
_NO. 7.
He Marched with Lee.
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The last of its Civil War veterans
is leaving Congress. It is almost
sixty-five years since young Major
Charles Manly Stedman stood with
his war-weary North Carolina light
infantry that gray April day at Ap-
pomattox while Grant and Lee
were exchanging the somber notes
of surrender and acceptance in a
Virginia farmhouse. Major Stedman
has seen the recovery of the Old
South and the slow passing of sec-
tional bitterness. For nineteen
years he has been a member of the
House, entering soon after his sev-
entieth birthday. Undoubtedly he
would have been returned to the
Seventy-second Congress but he feels
heis “entitled to a rest” and will
not be a candidate for re-election.
When the Seventy-first Congress
convened there were two veterans
| of the War between the States in
its membership. Senator Francis
Emroy Warren, one time infantry-
man in a Massachusetts regiment,
had represented Wyoming in Wash-
ington since 1890. His recent pass-
.ing removed the last Union veteran
from Capitol
Hill. The Yankee
Warren and the Confederate Sted-
man had been close friends for
‘many years. When Major Stedman
! goes back to Greensboro,
‘living reminder of the Tragic Six-
the last
ties will have gone from Congress.
The Warren death and the Sted-
Dr. Beale, was introduced and did man retirement are reminders that |
an era in American politics has end-
Nation. Its veterans still were
playing the great partsin the drama
of politics, but they were beginning
to give way to a new generation.
The guns at Santiago and Manila
had foretold the beginning of a
new political day. William MecKin-
ley was the last of the Civil War
veterans who ruled at the White
House. The stream of history was
running steadily toward another and
greater war that would make of
Civil War memories no more thana
faint echo of unhappy, far-away
The cheers of his colleagues on
his eighty-ninth birthday were some-
thing more than a personal tribute
to the “Father of the House.” They
honored also a great generation
whose thinning ranks are marching
so steadily and swiftly to their
Godcharles for Secretary of Internal
From the Harrisburg Telegraph.
The Milton Evening Standard
State Librarian Frederic A, God-
charles’ home-town news-paper,
makes the bold assertion that “his
name will appear on the Republican
primary ballot” as candidate for
the Republican nomination for Secre-
tary of Internal Affairs. Further
the Standard says:
“Announcement by Mr. Godcharles
that he will enter the race for the
post definitely settles the question
of whether he will be a candidate
for Governor, a post he was urged
to seek by his legion of friends and
supporters in every section of the
Apparently thi means an out and
out contest between Secretary
James F., Woodward, who is a can-
didate for re-election, although not
formally announced. Godcharles was
a candidate last time, but chose to
take himself out of the race in or-
der to throw himself into the con-
test in favor of the Pepper-Fisher
ticket, in return for which he was
made State Librarian by Governor
Fisher, a post he has since held
with distinction to himself and the
Administration. For weeks he has
been talking with his friends of be-
ing a candidate this time.
Secretary Woodward has been
getting about the State for months,
talking of his candidacy for a third
term and, according to reports, re-
ceiving no inconsiderable encourage-
ment, His formal announcement is
expected any day. :
Godcharles is a close friend "of
Governor Fisher and has represent-
ed the Governor on many occasions
when the Executive found it impos-
sible to respond to invitations re-
quiring State representation.
ee — renin
_Tt doesn’t pay to buy cheap
seeds. Often they are full of weeds
and when one devotes ground and
labor for an entire season trying
to grow a crop a few more cents,
spent for good, clean seed will be
highly profitable in the end.
—— When the fishing season
opens 500 special fish wardens will
along the streams of
the State.
— During January there were
507 prosecutions for violation of the
| game laws in Pennsylvania.
During 1929 all agencies for
| the relief of the poor in Pennsylva-
| nia expended $8,451,533.
— The return of the Taft smile
| has gladdened the hearts of millions
‘of Americans.
a——— A ———————
i —Ray Cole, 17, serving a term in the
"| Mercer county jail for -robbery of the
; Wheatland post office on Tuesday, at-
tended the funeral of his father; who
ended his life Sunday because ‘‘dis-
grace‘ was brought upon him and his
family by the son's misdeed. ~~
{ —Establishment of four-year courses
in preparation of teachers in industrial
j arts at the Millersville and California
: State Teachers’ Colleges was announced
{ on Monday by Dr. John A. H. Keith,
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Millersville will be available to students
in the eastern section of the State, and
those from the west can enter the
California institution. ;
—Charged with passing three worth-
| tess checks, John W. Sproul, evangelist,
lis under $3500 bail at Pittsburgh pend-
ing a hearing February 19. The charges
were made by F. J. Vogel, who claim-
ed he received three worthless checks
for $1000 each from the evangelist.
Vogel claimed he loaned Sproul $5,000
to build a ‘‘glory barn’ at Parnassus
and that the checks were given in pay-
— Luzerne county commissioners have
authorized the posting of a reward of $2500
for information which will lead to the ap-
prehension of the bandits who blew up a
Glen Alden coal company pay car near
Warrior Run January 13, killing four
men. The Glen Alden Company will offer
a similar amount, making a total of $5,-
000. The reward is expected to put more
vigor into the hunt for the supposed
| —A radium needle, valued at $1250,
‘owned by Drs. Bryton H. Jackson, Io
' M. Wainwright and R. T. Wall was re-
' covered on Tuesday from a heap of
ashes in the cellar of the Moses hospital
at Scranton. The needle was lost Thurs-
day and was found through the use of
an electroscope. It is thought the in-
strument caught in a piece of discard-
ed gauze in the operating - room and
found its way to the incinerator.
—Charged with passing counterfeit
silver dollars, Harry Flail, 22, and Ed-
ward Bowman, 25, of Mahanoy City, on
Monday were arrested by State police
"and in default of bail were placed in
the county prison at Pottsville. Flail
was caught passing a counterfeit dollar.
| He told that Bowman and his wife
manufactured the pieces in their home
at Quakaee, nearby. The police found
Bowman. His wife is still being sought.
—Norman C. Young, Hollidaysburg, has
been elected to the newly created office
of borough manager of Phoenixville for
term of two years at a salary of $4800 a
year. Young, who isa native of Holli-
daysburg, is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania and has served as
councilman and borough manager in his
native town. The first big problem
which he will face when he assumes of-
fice will be the $500,000 sewage disposal
project of the town. .
Alderman Michael Cartusciello and
private detective John Cartusciello, of
Scranton, were each held in $4000 bail
on charges of conspiracy and kidnapping
preferred by Albert Biman before Alder-
man Frank Slattery. Biman claims he
was forced to leave his home at pistol
| point and confined in the West Side
| police station for several days without
trial, then taken to the New Jersey
State line and turned over to constables.
He was wanted there on a charge of
non-support. :
—A new wage scale for crossing watch-
men, which would increase theiraggre-
gate annual payroll by $129,000 and pro-
vide relief days, was announced at Lan-
caster, on Tuesday, by C. W. Long, vice
general chairman of the Pennsylvania
Railroad System Fraternity and repre-
sentative of employees of the mainten-
ance of way department. Long said the
negotiations were concluded that day in
Philadelphia at a conference of railroad
officials and representatives of the em-
ployees. He said he was authorized to
make the announcement.
__Alexander Rhoads, 22, of Stoyes-
town, sophomore at Penn State, was
killed near Johnstown, last Thursday,
when his automobile: was struck by an-
other machine. He suffered a broken
neck and fractured skull. Eugene Woy,
af Johnstown, driver of the other ma-
chine, escaped with minor injuries. In-
vestigation by the State motor patrol
disclosed that Rhoads’ machine skidded
into ' the path of Woy’s car. . Rhoads
was hurled through the windshield. He
was visiting with - his parents over the
mid-semester vacation period.
—Loose grapes on the top step of the
porch leading to a store room have led
to a suit for $10,650 damages by B. E.
Ruby and his wife, Helen I. Ruby, of
York, Pa., against a chain store com-
pany, according to a statement of claim
filed with prothonotary George A. Liv-
ingston. It is alleged that about a
year ago, Mrs. Ruby slipped on the
grapes as she left the store and fell,
with the result that she broke an ankle,
and was otherwise injured. The grapes,
it is alleged, had fallen from boxes of
the fruit on display on the outside of
the store.
—William Brasicker, a farmer of
Brady township, Huntingdon county,
spending fourteen days in jail awaiting
trial on a charge of driving a team of
horses while intoxicated, was given his
freedom in quarterly sessions court on
Saturday morning, when it was discov-
ered that there is no law to support the
indictment against him. Judge Miles C.
Potter gave district attorney Xopher
Beck all morning to look up statutes
bearing on the case, but on the prose-
cuting attorney’s failure to find a specif-
ic law covering the charge in the in-
dictment, Judge Potter discharged the
—It cost Northumberland county, ex-
actly $84 to have Jacqueline Parker, of
New York city, who was held as a ma-
terial witness in the case against
Clarence Alspach, of Shamokin, locked
up in the county prison since January
9th. Under the law, the county must
pay $3 a day during the time a witness
is held pending disposition of a case.
Jacqueline was committed to jail after
being picked up by officer Harold Sax-
ton at Sunbury at 3:30 a. m. on Janu-
ary 9th and remained in the prison for
a period of 28 days. When the jury in
the case failed to reach a verdict and
were discharged, Jacqueline called at
the office of county treasurer William
Shively and. was. -paid-$84 in cash. “Not
bad. pay,” remarked the girl as she left