Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 07, 1930, Image 8
Boor Watcu - Bellefonte, Pa., February 7, 1930. Copeman _ "NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. — The ladies of the Bellefonte Presbyterian church will hold a food sale at the Variety shop, on Alle- gheny street, tomorrow, Saturday morning. | — The Bellefonte Academy won its return boxing meet with Cook Academy, . in the Bellefonte Y .M.C. A. gymnasium last Friday night, by the score of 5 to 3. ——Robert G. Goheen, of Fergu- son township, has been appointed mercantile appraiser for Centre coun- ty for the year 1930, and started out on his work on Wednesday. 1 Col. Theodore Davis Boal, of Boalsburg, and Prof, J. A. Fergu- son, of State College, have been re- elected members of the council from Centre county of the State Forestry association, ———If you haven’t seen “The Four Feathers” now showing at the State theatre we can recommend it as ex- ceptionally good entertainment. It is really as interesting and as thrill- ingly presented as “Beau Geste.” We are sure you would enjoy it. : ——An effort is to be made to se- cure compensation insurance for Mrs. Angeline Parks, widow of James F. Parks, a borough employee who dropped dead two weeks ago while shoveling snow on the street. Ac- cording to the rate of pay received by Parks during the last year the widow will be entitled to about elev- en dollars a week, if the claim: is al- lowed. ——George Vitray, leading actor on the Parisian stage and profes- gor of diction and dramatic art, will be the visiting lecturer for the seventh annual French Institute at the Pennsyvania State College next summer, The other instructors are ell native. Among the instructors is Louis Cons, the former French tutor to the family of the former German Kaiser. The fourth diphtheria immuni- zation clinic was held in the W. C. T, U. room, in Petriken hall, on Mon- day afternoon. These weekly clinics have been conducted by Dr. Harold B. Wood, of the State Health De- partment, assisted by the local nurses. More than 400 children were given the benefit of toxin-antitoxin. A similar clinic was held at Snow Shoe, Clarence and Moshannon on Tuesday. ——Caldwell and Son have bought the Blackford property on east Bishop street and will occupy it on or about April 1st. It is their pres- ent intention to use the restau- rant room in the property as a sales and work room for their plumbing business and both the Thomas and James Caldwell families will occupy the residence part of it. The pass- ing of the Blackford restaurant is | the breaking of another link that | binds the Bellefonte of today to’ that of yesterday. It might also be said that the removal of the plumb- | ing shop from its present location ' in the McClain block is another in. ! cident of the same sort. | —Group Six of the Pennsylvania Banker's Association will meet at the Penn-Alto hotel in Altoona, next | Wednesday, February 12, for their’ thiity-fifth annual gathering. Sev- eral notable financiers will be in at- tendance. Among them will be the | Geo. W. Norris, governor of the Fed- eral Reserve bank, Philadelphia; Dr. Paul Atkin, economist of Ames, Em- erich and Co.; and O. Howard Wolfe, cashier of the Philadelphia National wank. Those from Bellefonte banks who expect to attend are:«N. E. Robb, Earl S. Orr, Fred Witmer, Mrs. Helen R. Williams, Miss Rose Carpeneto, Robert Thompson, Leroy Resides and Guy Brown, all of the Bellefonte Trust Co. Mary Gertrude Barlett, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Barlett, en- tertained a number of her school friends at her home on east Curtin street, last Saturday evening. Gam- | es, music and dancing were on the program. Refreshments were served ' during the evening. Guests present included Georgette Purnell, Sarah Bullock, Loraine Murphy, FElinore Murtorff, Wilma Heineman, Rachel Van Pelt, Elizabeth Herr, Mary Louise Walker, Mabel Sasserman, Betty Casebeer, Leonore Morgan, Mary Harvey, Margaret Hassinger, | Ralph Wasson, Ralph Haag, Alexan- der Morris, Andrew Engle, Jack Ma- bus, James Hyslip, Robert Heverly, James Williams, Hassell Lose, John Musser, Lyman Zimmerman, William Scott, Jack Guthrie and William Culverson. —At a brief session of court last Saturday, probation officer Roy Wil- kinson presented a petition for the parole of William McLaughlin, one of the young men implicated in operat- iing the “101 Ranch” last summer and who was sentenced to pay a fine of $200 and serve four:months in jail. One of the reasons set forth by Mr. Wilkinson in asking for a parole was the fact that Mc- Laughlin is a young married man and since he has been in jail has become a father. His wife and baby were in court as material evi- dence, Judge Fleming did not take very kindly to the request for a a parole and stated that the defend- ant no doubt knew he was to be- come a father before he engagd in his unlawful business, and it was no time now to come and ask mercy of the court. Therefore the parole was refused. BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY BOROUGH COUNCIL Every member of council was present at the regular meeting Mon- day evening. J. Kennedy Johnston appeared in behalf of the men who constructed the aviation sign on Res- ervoir hill. He stated that the lo- cation and sign cost over seven hun- dred dollars. That a little over half that amount had been paid and he had been commissioned to ask coun- cil for an appropriation to pay the balance, $336. The appropriation was made on motion of Mr. Cobb. The Street committee's report was confined to the routine work done on streets, The Water committee reported some minor repairs and the collec- tion of $15.50 on the 1927 water duplicate, $33.00on the 1928 and $451.50 on the 1929. The com- mittee also presented a list of exon- erations asked by the collector on the 1925, 1926, 1927 and 1928 dupli- cates, amounting to a little over $1,- 200, the largest portion of which was on account of errors in assessment, and the same was granted. The Finance committee reported a balance of $1767.81 in the water fund, and 438.33 in the borough fund. Request was also made for the renewal of five notes aggregating 66,500 and a new borough note for $1000, which was authorized. The committee also presented a final statement of J. Kennedy John- ston, tax collector for the year 1921. Mr. Johnston gave his check for $370.03 and asked that he be exonerated of the balance of the taxes charged against him, which totalled $1486, most of which he claimed was because of errors. Council voted to accept the check and allow the exonerations. The Sanitary committee present- ed the monthly report of Dr. S. M. Nissley in which he stated that he had taken his final examination as a qualified milk inspector. The Special committee presented the new borough code and recom- mended its enactment. It will be taken up at the mext meeting of council. Mr. Emerick stated that a new light should be installed on Spring street, between High street and the postoffice, and the matter was referred to the Street committee, N. B. Spangler was re-elected bor- ough ‘solictor and H _B Shattuck borough engineer. The Street committee presented a blue print of a new sewer map pre- pared by Mr. Shattuck and it was referred to the Street and Water committees to check up and bring it up to date before it can be ap- proved by council. . Mr. Cobb stated that Nittany valley farmers are again anxious to secure a site in Bellefonte for a milk shipping station. The matter was discussed but as no request or proposition had been’ made to coun- cil the matter was left in the hands of the Water committee. The total of $2711.79 in bills ap- proved for payment included $1567.- 21 in the borough account and $1144.58 in the water account. Among the latter were the pump- ing bill for January of $550 and a second payment to the Pitometer company on account of finding leaks in the water lines of $350. Council then adjourned. SEVEN CENTRE COUNTIANS GRADUATED AT STATE. Sixty-eight seniors received their bachelor degrees and six graduate students received master’s degrees in the seventeenth mid-year commence- ment at the Pennsylvania State Col- lege last Friday night. The speak- er, Dr, John M, Thomas president of Rutgers University and former president of Penn State referred admiringly to the hard fight the col- lege has had to maintain her right- ful position as the State College of ‘a great Commonwealth. The fight has been her joy and strength. But there is no satisfaction,” he con- cluded, “like that. of a hard con- test and coming out the winner.” Those from Centre county to re- ceive degrees were as follows: Margaret B, Bracken, State Col- lege, education, Agnes H. Dahle, State College, arts and letters. Sara S. Jefferies, State College, education. Francisco M, Rexach, State Col- lege, civil engineering, Mary K. Mitchell, State College, education. Sara E. Snyder, State College, education. Richard A. Goheen, Boalsburg, civil engineering. ALTOONA BOY VICTIM OF COASTING ACCIDENT Robert Miller, twelve year old school boy of Altoona, was killed in a coasting accident in that city, on Tuesday evening of last week, when his sled collided with an auto- mobile. He was a son of Chester and Sue Daily Miller, his father having formerly lived in College township, Centre county. In addi- tion to the parents two brothers and a sister survive. The funeral was held on Friday morning, the remains being taken to Pine Hall cemetery for burial, tn amt emi ——Centre county has 89 patients in the Danville State hospital, ac- cording to latest reports. Twenty of the above number were admitted during 1929, which was three more than were sent to the institution ! the year previous. — WOMEN RENDER REAL AID TO COUNTY HOSPITAL As in all such organizations the Auxiliary of the Centre County hos- pital has maintained the standard of devoted service that organized wo- men always render when called up- on. No better proof of this can be presented than the report of Mrs. W. Harrison Walker, secretary, as to what the Auxiliary did for the hos- pital last year. It follows: The Centre County hospital have fur- | nished to the hospital from January 1, 1929, to January 1, 1930, the fol- lowing linens:— 36 abdominal bands, 80 bed blankets, 220 bed shirts, 156 bed spreads, 36 bureau scarfs, 5 pairs cu.tains, 65 diapers, 12 dish cloths, 6 doctor’s operating gowns, 89 linen towels, 30 yards muslin, 36 napkins, 6 nurse’s operating gowns, 12 ope- rating masks, 168 operating towels, 162 pillow cases, 173 sheets, 8 table clothes, 40 tea towels, 158 wash cloths. During the year just passed the auxiliary has spent the sum of $1,- 341.33 for linens, At the nurse's home it installed electric light fixtures at a cost of $29.70, In the nurse’s home and hospital we had painting and paper- ing done at a cost of $144.00. Bought anew rug and table for the nurse's sitting room at a cost of $28.25. Had the davenport and chair purchased a mattress for Miss Eck- ert’s room at a cost of $16.75. We furnished pins for all graduate nurses, ment, refreshments and music for the commencement dance at a cost of $127,22. The Christmas presents given the superintendent, student nurses and nursing staff amounted to $18.15. The operating towels are furnish- ed by the ladies of Pleasant Gap, and other sewing was done by the ladies of the Reformed church, of Bellefonte. We helped with the membership drive and in tabulating the names after the drive. The following officers have been elected for the year 1930: —Presi- dent, Mrs. W. Harrison Walker; first vice president, Miss Mary Miles Blanchard; second vice president, Mrs. J. Laird Holmes; third vice president, Mrs. John Knarr; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Richard Brouse, Jr.; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Charles R. Kurtz; treasurer, Miss Margaret. Stewart. The Bellefonte branch of the Need- lework Guild of America collected 719 articles for the year 1929, which have been distributed to the Centre County hospital, the Mother's Assist- ance, Children’s Aid society, the School Nurse and many needy fami- lies. There are no dues connected with his organization, and anyone wishing to join can call either Mrs. M. H. Brouse or Mrs. W. Harrison Walker. : $125.00 buys an excellent quality jacquard velour three piece over-stuffed living room suite dur- ing February sale, at ‘W. R. Brachbill’s Furniture Store, 6-1t en — STUDENTS OFFER BLOOD TO SAVE THEIR PROFESSOR Four Penn State students, select- ed from 31 volunteers, went to the Clearfield hospital on Tuesday morn- ing to offer blood in transfusion to assist in saving the life of Dr. Os- wald Frederick Boucke, head of the college economics department, who has been critically ill with a kidney ailment for several months at that hospital. There was a series of ope- rations, the last of which was Tues- day a week ago, and it is reported that on that occasion it was impos- sible to remove troublesome stones. Dr. Boucke is one of the most popu- lar members of the college faculty and seniors and juniors deem it a great privilege to attend his lectures in economics. Seven students went to Clearfield on Sunday, but it was found that their blood did not match that of Dr. Boucke. The College department of bacteriology on Monday tested 24 students under the direction of Pro- fessors Knutsen and Anderson. They found only four possessing the pecul- iar type of blood required. They were Kenneth Fitzsimmons, Chester; H. A. Corre, Portage; Richard Mc- Guire, Wormleysburg, and Thomas J. Powers, Williamsport. Dr. Boucke has been a member of the college faculty for 21 years and head of the economics department since 1923. —A mail box has been put up on | the southwest corner of the new postoffice building and marked “for use only between 8 p.m.and7a, m.” That includes the time that the postoffice is closed at night, but with no light in that immediate neighbor- hood the box is not easily located, while the notice cannot be read. A light placed over the box would not only attract attention to it but would also give some illumination along the south side of the building, | which is quite dark at night. ——Dr. Edwin Erle Sparks, for- mer president of the Pennsylvania State College, has been honored by the Phi Kappa Phi. honorary scholas- tic fraternity, through the establish- ment of the Sparks memorial schol- arship endowment. Dr. Sparks was instrumental in extending the sphere of the society during his life, and served as president general and re- gent general. re-uphol- | stered at a cost of $75.00, We have invitations for commence- | fonte. . NEXT WEDNESDAY WILL BE ; DOLLAR DAY IN ALTOONA. | The stores: connected with the ; Altoona Booster Association are planning to hold their [12, according to their announce- tment, which will be found on page 5, lof this issue. | Dollar day will take the place of suburban day next week. Wed- nesday 'is also Lincoln's birthday, but Booster Stores will be open all Woman’s Auxiliary of the ‘day, from 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.! Altoona people communities to their home stores the first It is the policy of the ! Booster Stores to urge the in the surrounding give going to Altoona Booster Stores for the things their home merchants cannot supply. This policy applies to dollar day, as well ag to all other days, but there will be such a large variety of goods offered at special day prices that all go and inspect the offerings, purchas- ing those things that they can use to advantage and which they are not able to buy at home. According to the advertisement, there will be goods offered for home needs, as well as for personal re- quirements, as merchandise of all kinds is on sale in the stores of Booster Merchants. For the convenience of those who visit Altoona on dollar day, the city officials have removed all parking restrictions in the business district. limited parking throughout the day, so that customers may take as much time as they desire to shop in Booster Stores. The only restrictions in the matter (of parking apply to alleys and other places were fire hazards re- quire no parking. musical program broadcast station WFBG on Tuesday, ary 11, from 6:15 to 7 p. m. Booster Stores broadcast programs are always worth tuning in for. Febru- CENTRE COUNTY BOY WINS $100 HARMON Richard L. Weaver, a freshman in the nature education course at the Pennsylvania State College, is one of the four winners of Harmon Foundation Scholarship awards for 1929 in the region embracing Penn- sylvana, West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, the executive board of the Boy Scouts of America has just announced. As an Eagle Scout, Weaver has merited the award of $100 because {of his outstanding service and achievements. He was recommended [by the court of honor of the local . Boy Scout council to the executive | board of the Boy Scouts of America for the award. The board in turn referred the recommendation to the national court of honor which re- viewed all applications and recom- mended to the executive board the winners. Weaver, like the other 51 winners in the United States, qualified for the award by actually putting into practice in his’ daily life the prin- ciples of the scout oath and law, the motto “Be prepared,” and the daily “good turn” to others. Under the conditions of the award, it must be used for higher study. The recipient also gets a badge denoting the na- ture of the award, When he reach- es his junior year in college, Weav- er will become eligible for the Har- mon Boy Scout loan fund. Before taking up his residence in State College Weaver lived at Zion. VERDICT OF GUILTY AGAINST COAL POLICE. A jury in criminal court at Franklin, on Saturday returned a verdict of guilty of involuntary man- slaughter against Walter J. Lyster and Harold P, Watts, former coal and iron police, for causing the death of John Barcoski, near Pitts- burgh, about a year ago, while a third officer, Frank Slapikis, was ac- quitted. The maximum sentence for involuntary manslaughter is two years, but the court has discretion- ary power and can send the men to the penitentiary, Allegheny county workhouse or to jail, or can dispose of the case with a fine. Lyster, one of the men convicted, was formerly a state policeman and at one time was stationed in Belle- At that time he was haled into court for beating up a man but the grand jury ignored the case. He was then transferred to Cambria county where he was mixed up ina case where a man was badly beat- quarterly . dollar day on Wednesday, February ' opportunity to supply their needs, | dollar are invited to; This means that there will be un- There will be a special dollar day | over | AWARD. | NEWS PURELY PERSONAL —Mrs. W. F. Reynolds, who has been among those ill during the winter, was taken east yesterday to be under the care of specialists in Philadelphia. —Mrs. William Grauer will go to Phil adelphia, Sunday, to visit for a month or ‘more with her son Edward and her two sisters, Mrs. Leichten and Mrs. Gordon. | —George McNichol was here from , Harrisburg for his first week-end visit ' with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Nichol, in their new home on Howard street. —Mrs. G. Murray Andrews, who has been spending several weeks in Philadel- phia, will be joined there by Mr. Andrews for the remainder of her stay, intending to return to Bellefonte together. —Mrs. Tom Patterson and her aunt, Miss Margaret Stewart, went over to New York, yesterday, from where Mrs. Patter- son will sail, tomorrow, for her home in | Seattle after a seven month's visit in the east. | —Judge and Mrs. M. Wara Fleming en- tertained Miss Marjorie Womelsdorf, who is a student at Wilson, and Miss Fitch, at school at Columbia Unversity, over the i week-end, the girls coming here from | Philipsburg. | —Mrs. Frederick Daggett and her small ison went to New York, a week ago, for ; an indefinite stay with Mrs. Daggett's i sister, Mrs. A. W. J. Woche, and to join Mr. Daggett, who has been in New York for several weeks, ! —Mrs. Thomas A. Shoemaker returned i to Bellefonte, Wednesday, from Philadel- phia, where she had been with Dr. Brock- j erhoff until he had partially recovered ! from the operation which he underwent there ten days ago. —Capt. Webb, head of the airport at | Altoona, and Mrs. Webb spent the week- | end in Bellefonte, as house guests of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beezer. Mr. and Mrs. | Beezer's son, Herbert and Capt. Webb | have been friends of long standing. | —Harold Hoag, who had been home from Penn State with his parents, Mr. | rand Mrs. Frank Hoag, for a part of his mid-winter vacation, left Bellefonte, Tues- i day, on a hike to Philadelphia to spend the remainder of the time with a college friend. ~Miss Sara Bayard of Atlantic City, | arrived in Bellefonte last night, having | come up for the funeral of Miss McMan- us, which will be held from the McMan- us home this afternoon. a native of Bellefonte and a relative of the McManus family. —Miss Anne McCormick, Miss Marcie Seiler and Miss Mary Cameron drove up from Harrisburg a week ago, in Miss McCormick's car, took lunch here with Miss Mary and Henry S. Linn and return- ed home in the afternoon, accompanied by Miss Linn who spent the week-end with Miss McCormick. —Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Emerick left Tuesday for a month's stay in Florida. Going from here to Harrisburg, they were joined by Mr. Emerick’s brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emerick, for the trip south, which was made along the eastern coast to Miami, where they plan- ned to spend most of the time. ———David Barlett, retired em- ployee of the Pennsylvania railroad, celebrated his 83rd birthday anniver- sary, on Monday. A year or so ago he had quite a sick spell but he is is up and around his home every day. —Miss Virginia Hughes, home from State College f~r her mid-semester vaca- tion, went to Palmyra, New Jersey, on Sunday, for a short visit with her broth- er, James Hughes and his family. From there she will go to Mt. Vernon, N. Y., to spend the rest of her ten days vacation with a college friend, Miss Katherine Diefendorf. —Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ward, with their son J. E. Jr., were in Bellefonte, Tuesday tored to Centre county for the funeral of Mrs Samuel Harpster, of Gatesburg, who was Mrs. Ward's sister. Mr. Ward was unable to tarry as long with his Centre county friends as might have been expect- ed he would because he is an engineer for the National Tube Works and while business in the industry has felt a con- siderable let-up it has not affected his work at all. He doesn't get back to Centre county often and regretted the necessity that made their stay this time so short. —Norman Kirk left, Monday, to go to Overbrook, to enter a school for the blind. Norman is a graduate of Penn State, fol- lowing which he did agronomy work for the government until losing his eyesight, a number of years ago. Since that time he has kept himself occupied doing work in the outside and in weaving and can- ing. Now he hopes to make use of his College training by turning to an occupa- tion which would come from the higher education or mind development for the blind. Norman will be east for an indef- inite time and during his absence Mrs. Kirk and their two sons will be with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Kirk. —E. C. Riley, of Boalsburg, was in town last Friday and during the course of his stay here we had the pleasure of a little chat with him. Mr. Riley has not been well for the matter of a year or more and consequently has been unable to do much. In fact he couldn’t even get out for a deer hunt last fall. We re- fer to that because from our earliest rec- ollection the “Riley Hunting Club’’ has featured stories of the chase that came from the Harris and Ferguson township sections and that brings to mind another thought that often engages it. How en. In the case near Pittsburgh Barcoski was beaten so badly that | he died, The officers were tried for murder in the Allegheny county courts and acquitted, and on a change of venue the case was tried in Venango county, last week, which resulted as above stated. : | NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. scarce the old names about Boalsburg and Pine Grove are becoming. Old families are moving out and new ones moving in so that so far as names are concerned, when we read the weekly items that ap- pear in the Watchman from correspond- ents at the two towns, we sometimes wonder whether they really do refer to residents of Boalsburg and Pine Grove. While Mr. Riley is a son of the late Judge Thomas Riley he is a nephew of | Calvin Riley who is still living, at the Owing to the fact tha. Iam mak- | ing preparations to move my store | to another location all persons hav- ing repair work with me are re- ouested to get it out promptly. Un- der the circumstances I cannot as- sume responsibility for any such work more than ninety days. 5-tf W. E. CROSSLEY, Jeweler ——10% to 309% reductions on liv- ing. dining and bedroom suits dur- ine Feh-uary sale at W. R. Brach- bill's Furniture Store. 6-1t age of 86, with his nephew. We mention the Judge and Calvin because they were fine men and in their active days Demo- crats who had the courage of their con- victions to stand up and tell it to the world. Calvin was the drummer in the Boalsburg band the time it won the con- test here. A silver cornet was the prize Miss Bayard is | now enjoying fairly good health and | morning, for an hour or so, having mo- | —Miss Dorothy Bateman, an ins tor at Cornell, spent much of the week in Bellefonte, as a guest of Robert S. Walker, Miss Bateman h: been a schoolmate of Mrs. Walker. A GREAT SHOW COMING TO RICHELIEU NEXT WI Ziegfeld’'s “Glorifying the An can Girl” will be shown at the Ri lieu theatre Monday, Tuesday Wednesday of next week in all gorgeous splendor that one woulc pect from any production, stag: screen, bearing the magic nam Florenz Ziegfeld. With many of its spectacle sc reproduced in full colors by the proved technicolor process, w scores of stunningly beautiful in the singing and dancing ensem with lavish settings, with com drama and a heart-gripping s this moving panorama of wom pulchritude moves across the talking silver screen in a conti parade of highly absorbing am ment. : Mary Eaton, dancing star of Z feld shows on Broadway, and I: the leading woman in “The Co nuts” with the Four Marx Brot on the talking screen, is the a t tious young dancer who finally m good and becomes a glorified be with Ziegfeld following a serie glamorous experiences. In a special revue scene, a within the big show, audiences treated to the inimitable perf: ances of Eddie Cantor, who app in a hilarious skit; Helen Mor who sings a typical blues song; Rudy Vallee, who croons in the | Vallee manner, accompanied by | band. | It is all too gorgeous to atte ‘a description in this limited sy But it is a safe bet that anyone sees and hears “Glorifying the A: ican Girl” will be a Ziegfeld fan {1 | then on. BUCKS COUNTY MAN : ELECTROCUTED MONL ' The first electrocution for 193 .Rockview penitentiary, and the in four months, took place on } day morning, when Guiseppe Gi of Bucks county, went to thec: He was convicted for conspiring | secure the murder of John Till .of Bristol, Pa., in order that | might marry the widow, Till { was murdered on the evening ' December 29th, 1928, and at Gui {trial in February, 1929, it i shown that through his cousin {had paid $500 to three New York § men to put Tillotta out of the | The gunmen never were caught Guida was the 200dth victim the electric chair since it was in commission in Pennsylvania February, 1915, and a coincid lis that the first man electroc was from Montgomery county, w adjoins Bucks county. Guida's 1 , was claimed and was shipped 1 jie Bucks county for burial, | THREE HURT IN ACCIDENT AT PLEASANT ( About 9:30 last Saturday nigh! Oakland touring car driven by 1 ris Larimer crashed into a telepl , pole, about 100 ft south of the ir | section of the Lewistown and S College highways, in Pleasant ( and Larimer and the Misses S: and Pearl Garbrick suffered se injuries in consequence. Che Houser, the other occupant of car. was uninjured The four young folks, all f Pleasant Gap, were driving st toward Lewistown when Wa Wood backed out of a blind alley to the highway. It was too late them to stop and Larimer swung car to the right to avoid a collis He went head on into a telepl pole. The car was badly dama Larimer suffered cuts on his hs and both the young ladies were verely cut about the face and h In fact it required eight stitche: close up Miss Sara Garbri wounds. ——The William McGowan fa) will celebrate their mother’s ei ieth birthday today, at their hom: Spring Creek, where Mrs. McGo has spent the greater part of married life. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bt Case, of Washington, D. C, planned to join the family for occasion, but on account of wea conditions the drive was abando ——During 1929 a total of 139 idents of Centre county underv treatment of some kind at the C inger hospital, Danville. State lege led with 69 patients, Bellef 25, Aaronsburg 5, Boalsburg 3, ¢ tre Hall 5, Coburn 2, Howard 3, mont 2, Madisonburg 1, Milesbur Millheim 4, Moshannon 3, Nittan Rebersburg 7, and Spring Mills § ——Daniel A. Slep, editor of Altoona Mirror, will be the spe: at a union meeting of the men’st classes of Bellefonte to be held ir Presbyterian church on Thursday ening, February 13th. Editor has the reputation of being a ° interesting talker and every ma: Bellefonte is invited to turn out hear him. Bellefonte Grain Markets and the organization was so elated over | the victory that on the way home the driver of the band wagon got infected and didn’t keen his mind on his business. The reenlt of this defection was an upset in which most of the horns were badly bat- tered and the coveted trophy almost wrecked. ' Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Wheat Corn Oats RIB cremate moceimontomeaimsmsses Barley Buckwheat setertrntertearersssamare re aesnse tess sere smmsas ce nase rentery