Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 24, 1930, Image 3

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Bellefonte, Pa.
January 24, 1980.
Make Wider Use of Olives—
from the tree, the olive
When picked
is . exceedingly bitter. This taste
rmoved by immersion in running wa-
ter for several weeks, or by placng
the fruit in an alkaline solution for
Green olives may be
they make appetizing condi-
but are
some hours,
compared to
not to
The ripe olive
In this country,
bottles or cans,
green apples;
of doubtful value,
be compared with the
state in oriental lands.
they digest readily.
The only
in .many of
the . bottled
green or ripe,
a family
two or three days,
no inconsiderable
One man who found
pensive delicacy says:
into a little Italian shop one day
price olive oil. Here I saw olives
huge casks, olives that looked sorhe-
what like small prunes, wrinkled and
their own oil.
they were twelve
cents a pound, Since the war they
) fourteen or fifteen
I bought a pound each of two
small and
though quite
Italian kind,
larger, riper and very black. They
black, shining with
was told that
have gone up to
yellow-green in color,
ripe; the other the
one the Sicilian,
were dished out of the casks in
wooden spoon, and weighed in
paper bag lined
ily because they were delicious.
days since, and speaking
condition of
and I am putting on weight.
revent constipation I eat half
bay of olives before breakfast.
never found any such benefits from
is in Italian sections
the bottled or canned olives.
place to get good olives at a
sonable price
of any large town.”
Commercially, olive oil
place among vegetable oils.
known as Province;
trict, Italy, and
oil. The olives
hand and carried
mill, where they are first
tire day. This procedure
the extraction of the oil
of similar material,
covered with crash,
ur Health.
is highly nourishing.
it is chiefly sold in
being preserved by
like other canned fruits.
The olive is usually eaten in the ripe
Green olives
are practically indigestible, but ripe,
kind of olives to be found
the larger groceries are
kind put up in brine,
Bought this way ol-
ives are an expensive luxury, and if
consumed a pound every
there would be
outlay for this
olives an ex-
“I happened
with wax paper; and
they disappeared rapidly in my fa
have averagd a pound every three
for myself,
I find a decided improvement in the
my alimentary trath
holds first
section of southern France formerly
the Lucca dis-
California produces
the best olives and the best olive
[ are gathered by
to the nearest
out and slightly heated for an en-
when the oil vesicles are expanded.
The whole process requires a great
deal of skill, for even slight over-
heating will damage the product.
A paste is made when -the fruit
is érushed or ground until the oil
begins to swim on top. The paste
is then put into rush or alpha weed
baskets called “scourtins,” into sacks
or iron hoops
A certain
This column is to be an open forum.
Everybody is invited to make use of it to
express whatever opinion they may have
on any subject. Nothing libelous will be
published, though we will give the public
the widest latitude in invective when the
subject is this paper or its editor. Con-
tributions. will be signed.or initialed, as
the contributor may’ desire.—ED.
i Long Beach, Cal., 1-6-30
Dear. Mr, Meek:
We are spending the winter in
California and enjoying the balmy
climate but the climate in the on-
ly thing California possesses that
surpasses Pennsylvania.
May the Watchman ever survive
to fight the cause of human rights
above property rights.
By way of explaining Mrs. Dorn-
blazer’s knowledge of the Watch-
man and its aims we might say
that she is a daughter of that de-
voted and highly regarded Democrat,
the late John Long, of Philipsburg.
She is now a resident of Philadel-
phia and very prominent in the po-
litical activities of the Democratic
women of that city.—ED.
Medina, Ohio, 1-7-30
Editor Democtratic Watchman:
We appreciated greatly your
“Christmas Memories.” It was by
far the best thing of the kind to
come under our observation during
the Christmas season. It is one
of the things we have liked to cut
out and preserve to read again and
Yours truly
1 New Bloomfield, 1-6-1930
Dear Editor:
The “Wesley” story sure gave
me a hearty laugh for it reminded
me of the continuously vanishing
scrap pile that we tried to build up
under the steps leading up to the
paint shops of our carriage huilding
establishment on Bishop street.
Mr. Bartruff is now one of the
Judges of the Courts of Perry
county. He refers to a business
establishment that stood on Bishop
street on ground now occupied by the
home and the City
Bakery’s plant, That was before
“Wesley's” day so he has an alibi,
a |but we could name a lot of Belle-
1 | fonte’s successful business men of
today who might not be able to
prduce a good one concerning this
scrap pile. They were living on
Bishop street at the time and boys
were boys in those days.—ED.
r Grand Island, Neb. 1-9-30.
Dear Sir:
I am going to surprise you and
in doing so I am just as much
pleased as you can possibly be, * *
* % The Watchman is ever a wel-
come visitor in my home and it
constantly carries. my thoughts
back to the happiest days of my
life; those of my childhood on the
farm in Centre county.
It is always a message from
someone I knew years ago, but not
many of them are left.
With kind regards to all who are
working to send us the Watchman,
I am
number of these receptacles are CLASS
piled together with or without slat-
grating between, and are then put Philadelphia, Pa, 1-10-30
to gentle pressure. This first oilis Dear Editor:
of the finest quality. The second] A negro servant overheard his
pressing requires more force and is
until nothing further can
be extracted in that manner.
The oil thus obtained varies
vegetable matter,
moved by repeated settling and
canting.” If an old-time firm makes ,
it is next taken to under-
ground cellars or vaults,
settles for about two weeks.
cleared oil is run off and
several times, and it is then ready |
for market.
The extracted oil contains
a large amount of water and some
which may be re-
“de. | voked because he had much
master and a guest discussing a
question as to how many drinks one
could take out of a bottle, replac-
ing them with equal amounts of
water, before the bottle would con-
tain nothing but water. Knowing
'that the discussion had been pro-
to do
with the bottle in question the ser-
vant said to himself: “I'm gwine to
it git out o’heah, The first thing I
The knows dey’s gwine git me mixed up
filtered in dis argument.”
Herewith Iam getting out of the
delinquent class. Wishing you a
One hundred pounds of oil yields Prosperous New Year.
an average
depends on many
of fifteen or twenty
pounds of the first and edible oil,
The quality of the ER Drodngs
nts—the quali-
ue Ty ns when ph, ITE OF WASHINGTON Io
ed, for neither unripe nor overripe
: Yours
fruit will give the finer grades, and. A historic motion picture depict-
the methods of refining.
You can easily tell the best olive
oil by its flavor and color, That
a golden or straw-yellow tint isthe
ing the life of George Washington
is being prepared under the direction
of the Washington Society of Alex-
andria, one of the oldest patriotic
vrs best. Many times Jou 508 it societies in America.
h a gree hue, which OWS
that it is either an inferior grade dy iiiam Buckper McCreary: bres.
or has not been well refined. If of Y,
the oil is fresh and of good quality
it has a sweetish and nutty flavor,
While the Italian olive oil
more fruity in flavor than French,
of a decided olive
it is more neutral,
softer and more delicate, California
steadily increases
among the best class of customers
for the finer grades from our West-
it has more
taste. Most people
French because
olive oil has attained front
and the demand
ern State,
Tt is regrettable that so small
percentage of our American peovle
of olive
“When the fashionable hostess serves
truly appreciate the value
oil. One enthusiastic writer
a delicate salad, its medium
usually olive oil. When she
at herself in the mirror and
with olive oil.
light an impression on the
she drinks a wineglassful a
hour before meals,
hour after meals.
end to the uses of olive ofl”
a few new wrinkles, she massages
When she makes too
When she wish-
es to fill out the hollow of her neck,
she applies olive oil. For constipation
ghe takes a wineéglassful half an
There seems no
picture will begin with the arrival
of the boy Washington at Mount
Vernon, the home of his brother
Lawrence, anc will portray him in
successive scenes during the fifty
years he participated in the life of
Alexandria, .
The scene at Gadsby's Tavern,
still standing, where he enlisted his
first command for the Fort Mea-
dows campaign, his meeting with
General Braddock in the Carlyle
of 1775, his activities in the town
and at Mount Vernon prior to the
The celebrated birthnight ball of
February 11, 1799, his last public
appearance socially among his neigh-
bors and friends, will be participat-
ed in by a large number of the
citizens of Alexandria, The close
of the first section of the film will
see General Washington reviewing
the steps of the old City Hotel.
The completed first section of the
picture will be made available by the
society to patriotic and civic organ-
House, his departure with Virginia |
a militia on the disastrous campagn |
the Alexandria Light Infantry from
Chicago's stockyards, sometimes
called “the cow and hog butcher
for the world,” have assumed a
new role as medicine chest for the
world. :
Through their medical by-products,
mainly glandular preparations, the
great packing houses of the Union
Stockyards have become known
throughout the world as one of the
recognized centers of science for
‘the relief of suffering humanity.
“In the Armour laboratory fifty-
one preparations, including liver ex-
tract, pepsin, pancreatin, extract of
red marrow and pituary liquid, are
produced for the medical profession
under the direction of Dr. Fred
Fenger, former city chemist of
Recent discoveries have made ani-
mal liver, formerly thrown and
given away, one of the most im-
portant sources for preparations for
regenerating the blood. In addition
many other medicinal agents are
being made from the membranes
and glands of hogs, cattle and
sheep. Pepsin, from the liningof a
pig’s stomach, is used to aid diges-
tion, Pancreatin, made from the
hog’s belly sweetbread, is employed
to peptonize food for infants and
invalids, For use in diseases due to
lack of thyroid secretion, such as
goiter, thyroid glands of sheep are
ground into powder and made into
Superanalin, a powerful astrin-
gent and heart stimulant is worth
more than $5000 a pound, but 135,-
000 sheep are necessary to produce
that pound. The preparation is
made from glands located just
above the sheep’s kidney. It is al-
so used in bloodless operations on
the eye and nose and in India it
is used for cobra bites to stimulate
heart action after the snake poison
curdles the blood.
Liver extracts are used for the
relief and cure of secondary and
pernicious anemia.
Scientists declare that the use of
animal glands as medicine is still
in its infancy and that the by-pro-
duct of the stockyards will in the
future. become one of the most im-
Do not fail to give the proper
signal when starting, stopping or
pulling away from the curb, S. Ed-
ward Gable, president of the Lan-
caster Automobile Club, warns mo-
torists. The fact that the windows
of your car are closed or the cur-
tains in place, does not excuse you
for failing to signal your intentions,
he says.
“Too frequently accidents are
caused through failure of the driv-
er to give the proper signal,” said
Mr, Gable. “This is particularly
so in cold weather, when many drive
with windows closed or the car
completely curtained.”
“The Motor Code
the driver of any vehicle upon a
highway before stopping, starting,
or turning from a direct line shall
first see that such movement can
be made in safety and shall give a
signal plainly visible to ‘the driver
of such other vehicle of the inten-
tion to make such movement. The
signal shall be given either by
means of hand and arm, or by an
approved mechanical or electrical
signal device.
“Whenever the signal is given by
means of the hand and arm the
driver shall indicate his or her in-
tention to start, stop or turn by ex-
tending the hand horizontally from
and beyond the left side of the ve-
hicle, or, if he is driving a closed
vehicle, by his hand 3nd arm in
such a way as to be visible through
the window in the rear of the ve-
This places the full responsibility
upon the driver and if an accident
happens through the failure to give
the proper signal the blame rests
with him, In order to avoid acci-
dents that happen in this way be
sure that you givea clear and prop-
er signal when about to start stop
turn or pull away from the curb.”
provides that
Simple as That
Over lunch in a London hotel one
day not long ago, a certain wealthy
but unlettered man was invited by a
friend to join his shooting party in
Scotland later that week. “Man,” said
the prospective guest, “that’s a splen-
did idea. I'll get on the telephone at
once and get my man to clean my
He rose and rang up his house. “Is
that you, Forbes,” he said to his serv-
ant. “Well, I want you to go ahead
at once and get my gun cleaned.” “Beg
pardon, sir,” said the man, “did you
say ‘gum? ” “No,” shouted the Scot,
“I said ‘gun’—G for Jew, U for union,
and N for pneumatic.”
Tinned Stuff Used in Navy
More than 19,000,000 pounds of
canned goods are consumed by the
sailors of the United States navy in
a year. Canned tomatoes take the
lead in vegetables, followed by peas,
corn and stringless beans. Among
fruits, peaches lead, followed closely
by pineapple, then come prunes, apple
sauce, apricots, pears, figs and rais-
ins. Figs are relatively new in the
canned goods products, but the navy
uses them to the extent of 540,000
pounds annually.
Thrifty, Lying Americans?
About one-half of the homes in the
Revolution and afterward will be | (pjteq States are »wned by men with
| incomes less than #4000. So, after all.
this thing of saying Americans are
not thrifty is based on imagination
i instead of facts. Wa guess that about
99 per cent of what we Americans
say Is untrue. We bave developed into
a race of liars, we regret to say.—
Atchison Globe.
izations, high schools and other
institutions throughout the United
71-168-tt ot
Oh, Yes!
vl gr.
Call Bellefonte 43.
W.R. Shope Lumber Co. |
“Dutch Treat” Makes No
: Hit With Modern Girl
To the young man who writes to ask
if it is proper to let the girls pay. for
their share of an evening's entertain.
ment we reply that it is. Perfectly
proper but highly improbable.
Experiments have been made In
this direction, but somehow or other
they didn't work. Even when the girls
propose the idea it doesn’t make 4
hit with them if the boys take them
too literally in the final settlement.
Posi-tivvly. the girls don’t like it. May:
be it is because woman is more con.
gservative than man. and one of her
inherited privileges is to say that the
woman pays while she sees that the
man does it.
Of course. when the girls suggest a
dutch treat the wise thing is to seem
to fall in with the idea. and then ta
buzz your own girl into granting you
the very special favor of letting you
pay her shot. You can do this in the
strictest confidence and with the safe
promise not to tell anyone. You won’t
have to tell. The chances are that all
the other hovs are begging—and re
ceiving—the same inestimable favor of
paving the bill.—San Francisco Chron
Bear’s Propensity for
Hugging Termed Myth
The proverbial hugging propensity of
bears is probably a myth: notwith-
standing a vast amount of alleged
testimony to the contrary. Literature,
reference books und works on natural
history contain numerous references
to the “crushing embrace” or “deathly
hug” of beurs. Pope, for instance, says,
‘“rpis a bear's talent not to kick. but
bug.” Nearly all careful observers are
agreed that this notion is erroneous.
It probably arose from faulty observa-
tion. Dr. W. Reid Blair, director of the
New York Zoological park, says on this
subject: “In regard to the proverbial |
hug, the story is apparently devoid of
foundation. A bear, on account of its
anatomical structure. strikes round
with its paws as if grasping, and the
blow of its powerful arm drives its
claws into the body of its victim,which
action apparently gave rise to its hug-
ging reputation.”—Exchange.
; Feminine Punctuation
Of the national magazines especial-
ly devoted to the interest of women
and largely written by them 1 dis
cover none which applies even a mod-
erately civilized degree of editorial
restraint in the matter of purposeless
quotation marks.
Women—apparently without any
teaching or encouragement except
from each other—have evolved their
own idiom in the quotation mark, the
exclamation point, the dash, the un-
derline. So instinctive is many a
woman's use of these devices where
no man would think of using them
that one actually hears them con
stantly in her oral utterances. Femi-
nine punctuation alone can make a
statistical essay on insurance read like
baby talk.—Wilson Follett in the
Street of Monuments
«Victoria Embankment, London,”
writes “Looker-On” in the London
Daily Chronicle, “may well hold the
world’s record for. monuments in
any thoroughfare of the same length.
For variety, too, it takes a lot of sur-
passing. Monarchy fs represented at
each extremity by queens: Victoria
at Blackfriars and Boadicea at West-
minster. In between are statesmen,
scholars, poets, soldiers, journalists,
musicians and composite memorials.
Everybody, of course, ‘knows all about
it’ Yet I doubt if one person in ten
could put on paper six of the names
or deeds represented.
Up to the Barber
Bill had bright red hair. He bad
heard so much about it that he hated
it even though he was only three.
One day his mother told him she
was going to take him to the barber
shop to get his hair cut.
«Then take me to a& barber who
will cut it black,” said Bill.
Is One of Natures Warnings of Dan-
ger Ahead.
Mrs. Annie L. Denson, 214 Wykes
St., Aliquippa, Pa., says, “For 9
years I suffered agony with my
bladder. Was told the only hope for
a cure was an operation. Dreaded
to see night come as I was disturbed
many nights an operation. D ’)
many nights every 15 minutes. Af-
ter taking Lithiated Buchu (Keller
Formula) a few days, I had much
relief. I am now almost cured.
Sleep all night without being dis-
turbed. I have gained 18 pounds. I
am always glad to tell or write my
full experience.” It acts on bladder
as epsom salts do on bowels. Drives
out foreign deposits and lessens ex-
cessive acidity. This relieves the ir-
ritation that causes getting u
nights. The tablets cost 2c. ol
at all drug stores, Keller Labora-
tory, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, or local.
ly at C. M. Parrish,
sible however, the entire soil
. was covered and the strips of paper
: the paper.
' much trouble and expense was in-
‘ling weed growth,
: gardens
consuming nations,
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofin,,
Final figures on the kill of large
game, and the kill of small game
exclusive ‘of rabbits and squirrels,
which to date have not been com-
piled, are as follows: re
The deer season of 1929 has been
acclaimed the greatest in the history
of the Commonwealth, and - total
figures reveal that 22,714 legal
male deer were taken. Of this
number 3,194 were two. point bucks,
5,721 were three-point, and 13,799
were “four-points or over, A great
many deer had antlers ranging from
six to 12 and 14 points, and some
even more. The largest of the
animals, their generally healthy con-
dition, and their extremely large
racks was one. of the outstanding
features of the season, although in
sections where does were not killed
last year the bucks were not up to
par. The illegal deer taken
totalled 1,098. It is to be remem-
bered that during the buck season
of 1927, 14,374 legal animals were
taken, Last year during the season
on antlerless deer, 25,097 were
The kill of legal bears totalled
445, and was larger than that of
last year when 427 were taken, and
of 1927 when only 221 were killed.
Twenty-six illegal bears were taken,
Twelve legal and eight illegal elk
were taken. Last year only six
were killed,
A slight decrease was noted in
the kill of raccoons over last year,
but the figures greatly exceed the
kill of 1927. This year 37,600 were
taken; in 1928 41,008; and in 1927,
The kill of wild turkeys totalled
3,334 as against 2,362 during 1928,
Ringnecked pheasants increased
more than 63000 over 1928. This
year 206,600 male birds were killed
as against 143,239 during 1928,
Quail dropped slightly despite the
fact that excellent reports of these
birds were noted both prior and
during the small , game season.
185.268 quail were killed as against
125110 during 1928.
Despite the slight decrease in one
or two species, the 1929 game sea-
son both large and small, can be
considered one of the finest,
_ Numerous trials were made dur-
ing the past year with the use of
mulch paper in the production of
garden crops. :
Gardeners using the paper be-
lieved that it might prevent weed
growth, eliminate cultivation, and
produce earlier crops by raising the
soil temperature and conserving soil
Generally, the paper used was
black, impervious to water, and as-
phalt-coated and impregnated. Var-
ious methods have been used in
laying the paper. Wherever pos-
laid on sloping land so as to catch
a maximum amount of rain water.
Soil, wire staples, or laths with
wire staples were used to hold down
Despite this assistance
curred, A strong wind is likely to
tear the paper. It also is easily
torn when the spaces between the
strips of paper are weeded. A tiny
hole in the paper usually is found
by some weed or plant which seems
to make the most rapid growth
without any competition.
According to reports from vari-
ous parts of Pennsylvania and the
United States there is no doubt
that the paper is effective in control-
conserving soil
temperature, Ross states. The cost
of the paper at the present time
and the difficulty in laying it, how. |
of vegetable crops
ever, make its value doubtful
the production
for market, Actual yield records
during the past year are conflicting,
The paper seems to have a place
with certain
market value and in some
where it is desired to
eliminate cultivation and to utilize
space to the best advantage.
e—————— eee —
Monday wash-days anu Saturday
night baths have combined to place
Americans at the top of the soap
This is in spite
of the reluctance of little junior to
have his ears washed. according to
Roscoe E. Edlund, general director
of the Cleanliness Institute, at the
annual meeting of the Association
of American Soap and Glycerine
Higher cleanliness standards incul-
cated into our people by physicians,
public health authorities and educa-
tors have made necessary the out-
put of 3,000,000 pounds of soap each
year. Compared to our 25 pound
per capita average is the 4 pound
average in most European countries,
January 26. March 9
Saturday Night preceding Excursion
Leaves Bellefonte -----——- coeereev 1030 P.
See Flyers or Consult Agents
early crops of high,
CY. Wagner & Co. Ine
' 66-11-1yr.
Pennsylvania Railroad
se ap Sa 3 i
KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney at’
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all
courts. Office, room 18 Crider's Ex-
\ - B1-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt atten-
tion given all legal business entrusted
10 his care. Offices—No. 5, East
J M. KEICHLINE.—Attorney-at-Law and
Justice of the Peace. All professional
Offices on second floor of Temple Court.
business will receive prompt attention.
" G. RUNKLE.— Attorney-at-La w,
Consultation in English and Ger-
Office in Crider’s Exchange
Bellefonte, Pa.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his residences.
66-11 Holmes Bldg.
Crider’'s Ex.
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
C tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. BSat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames = placed
and lenses matched. Casebeer Bl(. . High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. 1-232
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist,
by the State BT a oo 11
every exce urday,
fonte, In the Garbrick bullding. opposite
the Court House, Wednesday afternoons
from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m.
to 4:30 p. m. Bell Phone. 68-40
We have taken on the line of
Purina Feeds
We also carry the line of
Wayne Feeds
Purina Cow Chow, 849% $83.10 per H
Purina Cow Chow, 249, 2.80perH
Wayne Dairy, 829% - 3.00 perH
Wayne, Dairy, 249% - 2.75 per H
Wayne horse feed - 2.60 per H
Wayne Egg mash - 8.25 per H
Wayne Calf meal - 4.25 per H
Wayne all mash Chick
Starter - 4.00 per H
Wagner's All Mash Grower 3.40 per H
Wagner’s Dairy, 32% 2.75 per H
Wagner's Dairy, 209% - 245perH
Wagner's Dairy, 16% - 2.60perH
Wagner's Pig meal - 280perH
Wagner's Egg mash with
buttermilk - - 8.00 per H
Wagner’s Scratch feed 2.40 per H
Wagner's Standard Chop 2.20 per H
Wagner’s Winter Bran 1.90 per H
Wagner's Winter Middlings 2.10 per H
Wagner’s Pure Corn Chop 2.30 per H
Wagner's Cracked Corn 2.30 per H
Oil Meal Rie - 8.20 per H
Cotton Seed meal - 280perH
Gluten Feed = - 2.50perH
Gluten Meal - - 8.25 per H
Fine ground Alfalfa 2.30 per H
Meat meal * - . 400perH
Tankage, 60% . 4.25 per H
Manamar Fish meal 6.00 per H
Orbico Mineral and Bone
Meal - - 2.75 per H
Stock Salt - = 1.10 per B
Oyster Shell aw 1.10 per H
Let us grind your corn and oats
and make up your Dairy Feeds with
Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Alfalfa,
Gluten Feed and Bran Molasses,
We will make delivery of two ton
lots. No charge,
When You Want Good Bread or.
Pastry Flour
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished