Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 24, 1930, Image 1

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    Brwciffiddm, |
© ——Premier Tardieu of France!
seems inclined to fling a monkey
wrench into the machinery of the
naval parley conference.
— We see little” hope of valite from
a ‘referendum on prohibition. As
long. as men vote dry and act wet
a referendum will be futile, i
‘ ——The Veterans of Foreign Wars
are asking Congress to make the
Star Spangled Banner an “official
anthem,” by legislation. That would
Ye like gilding pure gold.
—Garet Garrett, financial and po-
litical writer, is in a serious condi-
tion in a New York hospital as the
result of having been shot in that
city Saturday night. . If the motive
hadn't been so palpably one of rob-
bery we would suggest that his as-
sailant might have been one who re-
sented his statement that any up
and doing local merchant can buck
any chain store that comes into com-
petition with him. Every merchant
in Bellefonte could get some good
ideas and some helpful information
if they were to read his article “The
Wild Wheel in the Business Ma."
chine” published in the Saturday Ev-
ening Post of January 18.
+ —In Springfield, Ill. last Friday,
Federal Judge Fitzhenry ruled that
mere possession of intoxicating 1li-
quor does not constitute a vielation
of the national prohibition law, He
said the liquor must be possessed for
some particular purpose in violation
of the amendment before it can be
regarded as violation of the amend-
ment. Since manufacture, transpor-
tation or possession for beverage
purposes are all unlawful the Judge's
finding evidently is based on the pre-
sumption that mere possession
doesn’t prove that it is possessed for
beverage purposes, Between you and
me, the Judge is doubtless a very
smart man, but if you had a quart
of liquor on your sideboard what
would you imagine it was there for.
—The possibility that Democratic
National committeeman Sedgwick
Kistler, of Lock Haven, will an-
nounce that he will seek the nomi-
nation for Governor on our ticket at
the May primary leaves us in won-
derment. Wonderment not as to Mr.
Kistler’s fitness, but as to who would
be his running mates were he to
succeed in winning the nomination,
for much would depend on their abil-
ity to rally votes, We are only
guessing, of course, but we think
that there isn’t another paper in the
United States that has been more
consistently and virilely Democratic
for seventy-five years than the
Watchman has been. We say this
to reassure those who might think
it. is wavering in principle: when it
suggests that it might be good poli-
tics for our party to consider the
possibilities in a co-alition ticket of
some kind for the coming campaign.
There are thousands of Republicans
in Pennsylvania who will vote for
Democratic candidates if they do not
approve their own. There are many
more thousands, however, who would
think of such a thing only if the pill
they thought of swallowing were
sugar-coated a bit, To get them is
the problem. And it seems to us
that in Pennsylvania, where the
odds are so overwhelmingly against
us and the machine is so impreg-
nable, a Democratic paper is not rec-
reant to its principles when it sug-
gests the idea that half a loaf might
be better than no bread at all and
that we might make up a ticket
that would enlist the support of
those Republicans who do not believe
that when Mr, Grundy, and Mr. Mel-
lon and Mr, Fisher crack the whip
they have to jump through or lie
down and roll over.
—Strange, what memory is. Just
now when we're trying to concen-
trate and consolidate a good para-
graph out of
things that have been flitting in and
about the cells, that lie just below
the skating rink we maintain for
flies in August, = they open up and
pour down on us a flood of condem-
nation, Condemnation for countless
letters lying on our desk unanswer-
ed. God forgive us for not having
answered such letters as we have
received from dear old Mrs, Hannah
Osman, of State College, She must
be nearing 83, because the little cells
tell us now, that two years ago, she
wrote saying that she was then
“nearing eighty-one.” And forgive us
for never having told Rev. Wilson
Ard how wonderful we felt when we
saw that a paragraph in this column
had enough meat in it to give him
a text for a sermon to the people of
Denver, Col. And forgive us for
having tucked Harry TUhlmer Tib-
bens’ encouraging letters from Can-
ton and those of that grand old
friend, W. A, Kerlin, of Rudd, Iowa,
who has been reading the Watchman
for seventy years, into the pile of
“unfinished business,” They are all
right down on the desk now, along
with many others. Memory tells us
30, Tomorrow, perhaps, will sweep
gverything there into the basket
that goes to the baler, It will not
oe because we want to. It will only
oe because we have just now come
ut of the dream life we'd like to
ive in forever to discover that we
wre cold, (Cold, because the furnace
nust be nearly out. And it is only
‘ailing because we have not been on
yur job of feeding it coal-Moral—
Jne can’t write all the letters he'd
ike to because he has to spend too
nuch time in keeping himself com-
'ortable enough to want to write
some vagrant some-
The State Farm Products Show
Fourteen’ years ag ago a modest ex-
hibition of farm products ‘was given
at Harrisburg under the name of
the Pennsylvania Corn Show. Last
evening the .uccessor of .this unpre-
tentious enterprise closed the four-
teenth annual session with an ex-
hibition of farm products that cov-
‘ered a floor space of 114,000 feet in
four buildings and was visited by
considerably above 100,000 interest-
ed participants and spectators, It
is now known as the Annual State
Farm Products Show and the State
is erecting a magnificent building
in Harrisburg for the future use of
the organizaton. It will cost a good
deal but will be worth the price.
There could hardly be imagined a
more accurate measurement of the
increasing interest and rapid devel-
opment of the agricultural industry
in Pennsylvania, While not classed
as an agricultural State this mani-
festation of deep interest in farm
products proves conclusively not only
Pe fertility of the soil but the
adaptability of the people to the
cultivation and development of the
products of the soil. The splendid ex-
hibits of live stock, dairy products,
swine, potatoes, corn and poultry
indicate that manufactures are not
the only line of endeavor that ap-
peals to the progressive men and
women of Pennsylvania.
As a feature of the show meet-
ings were held each evening at which
capable speakers discussed the sub-
jects in which the audiences were in-
terested. Congressman John C, Ket-
chum, of Michigan, member of the
Committee on Agriculture - of the
House of Representatives, Washing-
ton, was the principal speaker. But
it is not invidious to say that some
of the speeches of the Pennsylvania
farmers in attendance were quite as
interesting as his very eloquent ad-
dress, It is to be hoped that the
next show will be in the new build-
ing, now under construction, which
will be capable of concentrating it
under a single roof.
—Who licked the first stamp in the
new post-office? Whoever perform-
ed that feat had better let us know,
for while fame’s spot-light might
never bé focused on them it is rea-
‘sonably- certain: that whoever isscom= |
piling the Watchman’s “Fifty Years
Ago” in 1980 will blunder onto the
gentleman or lady’s name and it will
be mentioned among the notable
happenings in Centre county fifty
years ago. This will be one way to
see that a posy is laid on your
grave at least once in a half a cen-
An Obligation’ on Democrats,
Chairman Collins, of the -Demo-
cratic - State. committee, has been
doing some efficient work in the
service of the party since the elec.
tion last fall. Almost “since time
out of mind” it has been the custom
of the Democratic organization in
this State to cease all activities
with the close of the polls on elec-
tion day. In contrast with this prac-
tice the Republican organization
| functions every day in the year and
with the opening of each new cam-
paign is ready for the work which
devolves upon it, At the expense
of much personal sacrifice Chairman
Collins has been visiting various sec-
tions of the State, urging local or-
ganizations to activity, with the re-
sult that the future of the party is
The approaching campaign is one
of great importance to the people of
Pennsylvania. The Republican party,
under the leadership of Mr. Grun-
dy. stands committed to the inter-
ests of Big Business and the crea-
tion of monopolies, The welfare of
wage earners -is of no concern to
those who shape the policies of the
Republican party, The poorer the
working man becomes the easier he
is to manage and exploit. Unless this
trend is checked we will become
communities of paupers instead of
independent and self-respecting citi-
zens, The purpose of the Democratic
party is to remedy this evil and
alter the conditions which foster it.
It is a just obligation imposed upon
the followers of Jefferson.
Chairman Collins has been dis-
charging his duty fully and well but
he can’t accomplish much without
the co-operation of the members of
his party in all parts of the State.
Every Democratic citizen in the
Commonwealth is as much concern-
ed in the purpose as he. In this
county, for example, there is a fine
field for energetic and intelligent
effort. It is no particular - man’s
work. It is a joint service in which
all must participate. There has
been no time in recent years that
united, energtic and intelligent ef-
fort would not have produced vie-
tory for the party in Centre county,
We have been handing elections to
Republicans by default, Let us all
follow Mr. Collins’ example this
se ——
Ee ——
Perplexed Bosses and Servile Fol- Beste ta Concentrate on His Rea
"A. writer in the P Pittsburgh Press,
a Scripps-Howard newspaper, says:
“There are something like ten mil-
lion people in Pennsylvania but their
voices are not as potent in the crea-
tion of a Governor as those of the
Pittsburgher and his associate from
Bristol.” His reference is to W. L.
Mellon and Joseph R. Grundy and
the thought expressed . was inspired
by the recent return of Mr Mellon
from his usual mid-winter -sojourn
in the South, There are a dozen or
more ‘Republicans in Pennsylvania,
some of whom are capable, who
would like to be nominated by their
party for Governor of the State, but
they are all afraid to defy the
bosses by openly appealing to the
favor of the people.
The Pittsburgh writer made one
exception to this general rule of
subserviency. “Off-hand” he writes,
“but one man stands out as deter-
mined to reach a decision within his
own mind, unaffected by what the
political chiefs may say about him,
He is Gifford Pinchot who knows be-
fore hand that he has nothing to
gain from either Mellon or Grundy.”
But if he is not restrained by the
same considerations which hold the
others in leash to Mellon and Grun-
dy he is prevented from challenging
their power for other reasons. May-
be he lacks confidence or possibly
is a trifle weak in courage. But a
real crusader takes no such contin-
gencies into account, He battles
for right at any cost.
Neither Mellon nor Grundy is. sure
of himself in the impending dilemma,
Melon would like to place General
Martin in the executive office at Har-
risburg and Grundy has a strong
preference for Sam Lewis. But each
is afraid to force the issue upon the
other, Governor Fisher. has a prime
favorite in the person of Ben Tay-
lor, who is at present Secretary of
Property in his cabinet, Fisher is
bitterly opposed to Lewis and Mel-
lon is not willing to increase the
leverage which Grundy has recently
acquired by making his servile fol-
lower Lewis, Governor. That praec-
tically eliminates Lewis but doesn’t
help Martin or Taylor. And the
Vare machine is a horrible aight.
mare to all-op them | # Seliger
- ——Senator Watson, of Indiana,
Republican floor leader, favors ana-
tion-wide referendum on prohibition
enforcement, But most people sus-
pect that it is a new form of pass-
ing the buck.
. —s
President Hoover Exculpated
Properly disciplined ‘public opinion’
will, with practical unanimity,
approve that feature of the Senate
Lobby committee’s report which ex-
culpates President Hoover from
blame in connection with the sugar
tax. There will be persons here
unfamiliar with the details of pub-
lic life, who will continue to cherish
suspicions. The old adage “where
there is much smoke there must be
some fire,” holds tight grip on the
minds of many and the lobbyists
certainly did “bandy the name of
the President” in connection with
their activities with surprising fre-
quency and unblushing effrontery.
Senators accurately ap-
But the
praised their statements as bunk,
“President Hoover was guilty of
no impropriety nor of anything cpen
to censure or criticism,” the report
declares. The men who freely used
Fis name for selfish purposes knew
they were lying. They had falsely
represented themselves to others
equally selfish as influential men in
Congressional circles, capable of
shaping legislation. ' It was a prof-
itable business, Some of them drew
salaries well up in six figures. One
of them solicited employment on
the ground that he “could call every
Senator by his first name.” The
claim of intimate relationship with
the President was probably worth
$100,000 a year. One woman lob-
byist got compensation for services
at the rate of $50,000 a year,
The lobby investigation has been
an expensive enterprise but it was
worth all it cost. It has probably
put anend to all professional lobby-
ing in Washington. “I hope,” said
Senator Caraway in presenting the
report, “that responsible business
men will cease paying tribute to
these lobbyists, these grafters who
have nothing to sell. The whole
scheme is nothing but simple graft.
It’s worse than that, because it
plays upon the public and under-
mines the confidence of the Ameri-
can people in the integrity of their
government.” But at that the lob-
byists are no worse than those who
pay them for their services. Taken
together they form a criminal con-
spiracy to promote selfishness.
——A faint whisper from “Uncle
Andy” Mellon would sound like a
loud call to Secretary of Labor Dav-
We note with gre great satisfaction
the action of the board of trustees
of the Pennsylvania State College in
finally having added a school of ed-
ucation in athletics to the six other
schools of that great institution. It
consummates a tentative agreement
between the late Edwin Earl Sparks,
then president of the College, and the
graduate advisory committee on ath-
letics, made in 1919, before Hugo M.
Bezdek was persuaded tO resign his
position as manager of the Pitts-
burgh National League base ball
team to take charge of physical ed-
ucation at the College. It wasnot
the intention of the committee that
brought the change about nor the
ambition of Mr. Bekdek to confine
his life’s work to foot ball coaching.
We remember the conversations well,
for we sat in every conference, and
all of them were predicated on the
hope that State College would be-
come a leader in the development
of intramural sports to the end that
every student in the institution
would have the time, the equipment
and the trained supervision neces-
sary to play if it is intended to de-
velop the mind with the body.
At that time Mr, Bezdek made it
very clear that the proposal only ap-
pealed to him becaue of his desire to
be = of service to young manhood.
And the opportunity presented seem-
ed to open a field of great range to
him. We are convinced that he
would never have come to the Penn-
sylvania State College had the pros-
pect in 1919 narrowed itself to noth-
ing more than coaching football and
base ball teams.
Just why the change was not
made years ago we are unable to
say. But now that it has been made
we expect great things from the
head of the new school of physical
education, bécause - we have always
had confidence in Mr. Bezdek’s
ability and genuine regret that cir-
cumstances which we could never
understand deterred him from con-
centration on. the
of what we knew to be his
“go far as the Republicans of
ng district are con-
especially since only two
candidates have thus far entered the
* field, it looks as though it might be
a Long Chase.
Republican Machine Shattered.
The adoption, by the Senate, by
the decisive vote of 48 to 38, of
Senator Harrison's amendment that
the tariff tax rateon sugar fixed in
the present law be continued in the
new measure is significant in that
it ‘indicates the administraton ma-
chine has been literally “shot to
pieces” and that the tariff is no
longer other than a local issue,
even in New England. The bill
passed in the House of Representa-
tives provided for a rate 2.40 for
Cuban sugar and 3 on imports from
other countries, The Finance com-
mittee of the Senate cut the rate
to 2.20 on the Cuban product and
2.75 on that of other nations. The
existing rate is 1.76 on Cuban
sugar and 2.20 - on that of other
In the vote on the Harrison
amendment 18 Republicans, nine of
whom are classed as ‘regulars,”
voted with 29 Democrats and the
Farm-Labor ‘Senator from Minnesota
in favor of the lower rate. Four
Democrats, Broussard and Ramsdell
of Louisiana; Kendrick, of Wyoming,
and King, of Utah, voted with 34
Republicans against the amendment.
The Louisiana Senators represent
cane sugar constituencies and the
others beet sugar producers and
they voted to rob probably 110,000,-
000 consumers of $100,000,000 a
year for a trifling advantage in the
higher rate ' to maybe 10,000,000
sugar growers in the country. They
may be able to justify this perver-
sion of power to their own conscien-
ces but it is an act of selfishness.
The Republicans who voted for
‘the higher rate of tax on sugar,
among them Mr, Grundy, were sim-
ply approving the old-time policy
of the party, to provide means by
legislation to reimburse the liberal
contributors to the campaign fund.
They are not deceived by the false
pretense of benefitting labor. It was
shown that labor in the sugar in-
dustry, whether in Louisiana or
Utah, is the poorest paid of anyin
the country and that their workis
under the worst . conditions. But
they know that the party is kept
in power by slush funds contributed
by beneficiaries of tariff legislation,
and as Mr, Grundy frankly admit-
ted, with the. understanding that
they would be reimbursed.
——Losses through bankruptcy
proceedings in 1929 amounted to 610
million dollars which is a consider-
able sum for an exceptionally pros-
perous year,
real development
NO. 4.
Authorship Unknown. !
A Cannibal maid and her Hottentot blade
ahey Soot in a rocky defile,
A Fhe” agle plume was his ‘only costume
ile the lady wore naught but a smile.
And slowly they strolled, while his pas-
n pleading and tremulous tone,
While softly they trod on the blossom
: strewn si
And spooned, in the twilight, alone.
Then soft. she sighed as she shyly re-
With Poder and fairy like mien,
She murmured the word, when a war
whoop was heard
And another had burst on the scene.
A heathen Zulu to Hie J trysting place d
Demanding his Can ig bride ry
But the, Jig ientot iba) with a toss of
I'll have your degenerate hide. 2
The Jicttentot flew at the heathen Zulu
Zulu—he went for the blade
And ‘hercely th Fe vied, in the strength of
And fought for the cannibal maid.
She oni fu 5 stone with her shapely
he in her tapering arms,
And “atone the blood Ry With a "love
laden eye
While the warriors fought for her
While fiercely they fou, ht and the ring-
wien 11E, Slows caught
rust an and punch
She said, with a smile, ina A
I'll have those two fellows for lunch.
The Hottentot, nit b. the Beathen Zulu,
The Zulu was struc blade
And each of them a he gasping he
"And gazed at the Cannibal maid.
She made a nice stew of the heathen Zul
And scrambled the Hottentot’s ra
"Twas a dainty menu, when the cooking
And she dined on her lover's remains.
Now the & heathen Zulu and the Hottentot,
Both ou in a - Hottentot tomb
The three ree ore made one—the story is
And 1 maiden strolled off in the
gloom. -
Grain, Cotton and Banquo’s Ghost,
From the Philadelphia Record.
Is the farm relief question
tled ?”
The Federal Farm Board has
been active, It has done well—so
so far as it has had opportunity.
i But it has not been under heavy
Encouraging co-operation among
the producers of foodstuffs and
staple crops, -the severest opposition
it has yet met, or could have met,
is. that. which comes from middle
men, fearing: hey. will be squeezed
The Farm Board ‘has: not met the
test of a bad crop year,
It has had a battle with the com-
mission men in the grain market-
ing business. It has warned the
cotton growers that they must re-
strict acreage if they want the sup-
port of Government loans on the
1930 crop.
The fight with the commission
men is a clash between two econom-
ic -theories;; one that movement of
crops direct from grower to consum-
er can be managed co-operatively,
under Farm Board direction and
with the help of crop movement,
with regard to domestic and world
markets, justifies the existence and
requires the services of the middle
In one view, these middlemen
are parasites, feeding upon society,
grower and consumer alike; making
no creative contribution.
In the other view, the recognized
evils of speculation in grain and
cotton are far outweighed by the
provision of financial support for
the marketing process.
These are matters enclosed with-
in the circumference of the tremen-
dous problem of how to bring
grower and consumer together most
cheaply and profitably to both, with
out waste.
‘ ‘set.
The task of lifting agriculture to
a level with industry is a problem
far too big to be solved merely by
legislative action regulating the pro-
cedure of farm co-operative, eleva-
tor owner and market manipulator.
It is a task in which one feature
is in present danger of being whol-
ly overlooked; has been . overlooked
in the Farm Relief Act.
Suppose the middleman to have
been eliminate and his place taken
by the Farm Board, as supervisor
of all marketing processes.
Suppose the farmers, scattered,
individual enterprises, to have “be-
come completely imbued with the
spirit of co-operation, ;
No equalization fee. No export
debenture, No farm subsidies of any
kind—even though Alexander Hamil-
ton did shrewdly note that the in-
dustrial tariff itself is a subsidy.
And then suppose there comes a
bad year. A year of drought, fields
burning under ceaseless suns, with
no rain to soak the roots of the
growing plants. Or perhaps a year
of phenomenal precipitation of ex-
cess rains, when crops mould and
rot in the ground.
Then what can the Farm Board do?
Will the weather co-operate?
Can Congress control the weath-
er? Regulate the sunshine, turn
the wind and the rain on or offat
The ecualization fee and the ex-
port debenture plans, killed by the
Renublicans, would have provided
assistance from the Government in
all hazards, natural as well as hu.
The Farm Board provides mech.
anism for the handling of good
crops, What will it do in a bad
crop year?
"| —Because
- George Nearhoff,
—The , Baldwin Tommetive’ ont, of
Philadelphia, has received an order for
ten large locomotives from the St. Lowis-
Southwestern Railway. The order is
valued ‘at about $1,200,000. :
' —The homes of seven rich residents,
within one to three blocks from police
headquarters, in Lock Haven, were bur-
‘ glarized early on Monday. Cash reaching
| $107 was obtained. Chief of police Earl
| Harvey is working on a clew. pre
of sub-normal business
: conditions, the Mt. Carmel News, pub-
lished for the past two decades as a
, daily, has retired from the daily field.
' Beginning January 31, the News will
be published as a weekly tabloid. The
paper was established in 1877. ur
—Three hundred and ninety young
people will receive.. normal school cer=
tificates .and fifty-one will be granted
baccalaureate degrees at the mid-year
commencement which will ‘be held at
the different State Teachers’ Colleges
and. Normal Schools on January 24 and
25. -
—When justice of the peace L. R. Mitch-
ell, of Shickshinny, suffered a broken leg
last Friday, for the second time in recent
months, he did not bother to call a doc-
tor, “setting the broken bone himself. The
reason was that the leg is crippled and
whether the bone mends rightly makes no
—Pittsburgh will" soon ‘have an or-
dinance against ‘‘jay-walking’’—if the
coucil passes the measures Safety Di-
rector Clark is preparing to present next
Monday. The law provides $1 fine or
five days in jail for the first offense,
and fines of $2 and $3 for the second and
third violations.
—Compensation payments to Mrs. Aud-
ery Runner, of Juniata, were terminated
under = a decision handed down, last
Thursday, by Commissioner Joseph E.
Fleitz, who ruled the woman had been il-
legally married to Clifford Riley Runner,
for whose death two wives had been col-
lecting compensation.
—Dr. C. P. Bishop, of Sunbury, has
been appointed head: of the tuberculosis
division of the Bureau of Animal Indus-
try, it was announced last week by the
State Department of Agriculture. He
succeeds Dr.. S. E. Bruner, of Camp Hill,
whom Governor Fisher discharged as the
result of the recent $129,000 cattle fraud.
—‘“Thanks to increased efforts of the
State and local health bureaus; increas-
ed public interest in quarantine mea-
sures: and a fuller appreciation of the
value of antitoxin has resulted in a
study reduction of the death and -gick-
ness rates in diphtheria,” - according to
Dr. J. Bruce McCreary, deputy. secre-
tary of health. ar
—Formulating plans for a. campaign
next September to raise a minimum of
$650,000 for Susquehanna University, con-
stituted the chief business of the ‘recent
meeting of the board of directors of the
University. Of this sum, $150,000 will
be devoted to improvement of buildings
and the campus. The remaining $500,000
will be placed in the endowment ' fund.
—Wilfred Jones, a lawyer and former
solicitor of Luzerne county, sentenced in
Wayne county court to serve six years in
the eastern penitentiary and fined $1500
on an arson charge, has surrendered to
Sheriff Forest Taylor, at Honesdale, after
a futile legal fight to esca ‘prison. He
will be removed to the pen tentiary with-
in two weeks. "Destruction of a factory
at Prompton in 1915 led to Jones’ eonvie~
tion. E
‘~—Mike Rose, or ‘Yeagertown, was Touts
fying. in. Mifflin county court last week
in an assault and battery case in which a,
neighbor was alleged to have struck
Rose with a club. The attorney ‘asked.
him if it was dark when the attack took
place, and he said that it was. daylight.
He was reminded by the attorney. that his
wife had testified that it was dark at ‘the
time, ‘‘Well,”” he said, ‘she had ‘beer hit
over the head, she was color blind. ”
—Accosted by two bandits on a lonely.
mountain road north of Green Ridge,
George Jeffries, of Mt. Carmel, a miner,
was severely lectured because he had no
money on his person. Jeffries had pre-
viously sent his week's wages home by
another person and had nothing of value
at the time of the holdup. The spot where
Jeffries was held up, has been the scene
of many holdups in the past. Efforts are
being made to round up the bandits.
— Catherine Murphy, aged 10, of Port
‘ Royal, Pa., and Robert Wilson, aged 12,
of Maddensville, while skating on Augh--
wick Creek, near Maddensville, .. broke
through the ice and were drowned -on
Monday. The bodies were recovered in:
a short time by neighbors, who tried
vainly to revive the boy and girl. The
girl was visiting her grandparent, Robert
Ramsey, and the boy resided - with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. T.ock-
well, of Springfield township.
—Motorists along the Susquehanna
Trail near Sunbury, rubbed their eyes
and took a second look when they saw
a fine specimen of deer floating down
the Susquehanna river on a large cake
of ice. The animal stood motionless,
with head high in the air. It was but
a few rods from shore and small boys
pelted it with snowballs as it passed
under a bridge. The deer jumped to
another block which broke under his
weight, then swam to the opposite bank,
and disappeared in the timber.
—A. L. Moyer, 28, of Yeagertown, was
burned to death and four other men were
injured, last Thursday, when a cable car-
rying a five-ton ladle of molten steel
broke at the No. 1 open hearth of the
Standard Steel Works company, at Lewis-
town. Moyer, who was married, was
burned to a crisp beneath the molten
flood. The injured, all expected to recov-
er are: Grant Davidson, 21, of Milroy;
51, of Burnham; KE,
T. Mitchell, 29, of Milroy, and John L.
Harbst, 26, of Lewistown. Officials of the
company expressed belief that a faulty
cable caused the accident.
—An appeal for immediate co-operation
by sportsmen, school children and others
to prevent starvation of game in the
woods, a situation caused by the heavy
snowfall over the week-end, was issued
today by the Game Commission. The
Commission said its entire fleld force has
started placing food in the woodlands.
“But they cannot cope with the situation
without the help of many others,” the
commission stated. Game protectors have
been stocked with food supplies which
can be obtained by volunteers for plac-
ing. Corn on the cob, stuck on sharp
twigs at points known to be frequented
by game, was recommended as the best
food. Loose grain and nuts placed In
cleared portions about the foot of trees
or clumps of underbrush also are suggest-