Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 17, 1930, Image 8
ie. i 0 if equalled, "Bellefonte, Pa., January 17, 1929 Lem = —— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. : Forty-one former Centre coun- tians came to Bellefonte on the Pennsylvania railroad excursion from Philadelphia on Sunday. The Catholic Daughters of ‘America will hold a card party in their rooms this (Friday) evening. The public is cordially invited. A flue fire in Crider’'s Ex- change called out the entire fire de- partment, yesterday morning, but it was put out without doing any dam- age. . — The big blizzard ‘which raged throughout the west, last week, blew itself out before it reached the east and all we got of it was a rain storm with a little sleet. — Stockholders of the Bellefonte Trust Co. will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, January 21st. ‘A luncheon to them will be served at the Penn-Belle at noon. ——W. Harrison Walker has been notified by the governor of the State organization, Kiwanis International. that he has been appointed chairman of the State committee on the un- derpriviledged child. Wandering around in the dark in his room in the Brockerhoff house, Saturday night, landlord M. A. Landsy stumped his toes on a chair with the result that he was confin- ed to his room several days. ——Rev. W. W. Moyer, who re- cently resigned his pastorate on the Boalsburg charge of the Reformed church, has accepted the pastorate of the New Mahoning charge, in Le- high county, and will be stationed at Lehighton. The change will take place early in February. — Among promotions and ap- pointments in the Pennsylvania Na- tional Guard, announced lat week by Adjutant General Frank D. Beary was ‘that of Charles W. Roberts to the office .of second lieutenant of Troop L, of Bellefonte. Mr. Roberts is superintendent of State highways for Centre county. ~——One of the most delightful card parties held by the ladies of St. Mary's Catholic church, at Snow Shoe, was that of Thursday evening of last week, and another equally pleasant evening is promised to all who ‘attend the one to be held next Thursday evening. The party will be one of a series being held during the winter months and the individual who leads in points-at the end of the series will be awarded a grand prize. ——Mrs, Charles McClellan fell on the stone walk in the yard at her home on Curtin street, on Tuesday of last week, and sustained a double fracture of the bones in her left arm, near the wrist, as well as a leg in- fry. The arm swelled so quickly at it was impossible to give sur- gigs! treatment until Tuesday of this igek, when she was taken to -the tre County hospital,” an X-ray ittue made and the Fotavel es set in position. . will be broken for it as soon there- bi ‘E___ While jon the fact that when ‘the Re closed on the evening of Decem- gr 31st Prothonotary S.ClaudeHerr a his efficient deputy, David R. a had their year’s ‘business fpsea up to the last scratch of a Every entry that could be made ge been done and every report made Jip and sent off, This is a recordin © ciency that could not be surpass- in any other office. Go In the case of Marcella Beals vi. Centre county, an action to re- «cover damages for land taken from der farm near Julian for highway purposes, and which when tried in court resulted in a verdict for Mrs, ‘Beals for $661.30, Judge Jas handed down an opinion and «lecree in which he says the verdict. was excessive in the sum of $161.30, and if Mrs. Beals will consent to accept nade by appraisers, he will allow i; to stand, otherwise the county's ‘motion for a new trial will be grant- ed, * — The new Methodist church at ‘Warriorsmark, built to take the “place of the one destroyed by fire on January 27th, 1929, has been built of stone. quarried on Allegheny ‘mountain, ~ The architecture is Goth- ic. of English design. It has been finished in oak and the best furnish- ings have been used. Ample provi- sion has been made’ for graded ‘church school work, recreational and social functions. The cost of the church complete will be about $35,- 000, which includes a $4000 pipe or- gan, but does not take into account the vast amount of labor and mater- dals donated ‘by church members. The church will be dedicated March 2nd. A brief notice in West Penn Life, for January, announces the transfer of Vincent H. Stevens from Bellefonte to the purchasing depart- ment of the company with headquar- ters at Ridgway. Mr, Stevens, who 4s a brother of Dr. R. L. Stevens, the dentist, was originally. storekeeper for the company at State College, «and was brought from there to Belle- “fonte to take charge of the supply department here, His work in that position was so satisfactory that he was sent to Ridgway to assist in the purchasing department. During his residence in Bellefonte Mr. Stevens married Miss Twila Hoy and she ex- pects to join her husband in Ridgway as soon as he can find a place to tive in. it may be .a little late iia cannot refrain from ‘commenting, ‘year. Fleming | $500, which was the award BUSINESS CHANGES TO BE MADE IN BELLEFONTE With the advent of spring the business map of Bellefonte will un- dergo a most decided change. The latest announcement is the retire- ment from business of Sim, the Clothier, whose big closing-out sale opened . yesterday. Mr. Baum has not been in good health, of late, and this is assigned as his reason for closing out. The room he now oc- cupies in Temple Court has been leased to the Penny 25c. to $1.00 store, a chain combination, which . will take possession just as soon as the room can be put in shape after it is vacated by Mr. Baum, The date for the moving of the postoffice from its present location in the Brockerhoff house block to the new building erected on Spring street by the White brothers, has been set for January 21st, which will be next Tuesday, providing nothing happens to intervene. As soon as the room in the Brockerhoff house block is vacated it will be taken over by the A. and P. store and fixed up according to their own plans for the enlargement of their store now lo- cated in the room adjoining the postoffice. According to the tenta- tive plans of the A, and P. they will sub-lease the front portion of their present room, to a depth of about fifteen feet tear out the partition in the rear and connect it with the present postoffice space. The space they will sublet has not yet been contracted for, although W. E. Cross- ley is trying to get it for his jewelry store, The room Crossley now occupies has been leased by the Western Un- ion Telegraph company, their office to be moved there from the Penn Belle block. As stated in the Watchman two weeks ago the Eckman barber shop and Davidson's candy store will be moved into the basement rooms in the old Valentine house, on the cor- ner of High and Spring streets, which is being remodeled by the White brothers, and the room now occupied by the candy shop, in the Brachbill building, on High street, has been leased by Charles Tabel, of Halfmoon Gardens, who will open a flower store there, He will also keep on hand a full line of gold fish, potted plants and garden plants in season. The White brothers have also started work toward converting the rooms on the west side of the first floor of the Valenine building into a store room, which, it is said hag al- ready been rented, but to whom has not been announced. Large, plate glass windows will. be put in the front and also on one side: The basement of the postoffice building will be converted into two rooms, it is said, one for a rest room for postoffice employees when they are off duty and the other for rent, but so far as known it has not yet been assigned, Announcement was made at Har- risburg, last Friday, that the con- tract for the erection of the new armory for Troop L, of Bellefonte, will be. awarded on February 21st, and it ‘is quite likely that ground after ‘as the weather will permit. 1 % —— ee ee TAX COLLECTORS WILL “CONTINUE TO COLLEGE An impression has gotten around among some of the tax collectors of Centre. county that a law passed by the last Legislature abolished their office and that hercarter all taxes will be collected by the county treas-, This is a mistake, as no sch law was passed. For some years past there Yas been considerable agitation in favor of the enactment of such an act, and bills to this effect have been be- fore the Legislature but they have never heen enacted into a law. A bill ‘was passed, however, which provides that tax collectors who are unable to collect all taxes may turn over the uncollected portion ‘of their duplicate to the county commission- ers who in turn will certify the same to the county treasurer, whois then empowered to advertise the list of unpaid taxes in two county papers, make sale of the properties and pro- ceed to collect the taxes in much ‘he same manner as heretofo:e provided for unpaid taxes on unseated lands. But on such taxes tho collector will receive no commission, OFFICIAL CHANGES IN WEST PENN POWER CO. Official announcement was made, last Friday, of the promotion of Kemp G. Fuller, manager of the Keystone division of the West Penn Power company, With headquarters at Ridgway, to commercial manager at Pittsburgh. He will have direct charge of the six division managers and the commercial department field offices and organization. H, EK. Gregory, now Eastern division man- ager with headquarters at Greens- burg will succeed Mr. Fuller as manager of the Keystone division. P. H. Powers, former manager of the Keystone division but of late commercial manager in Pittsburgh, has been promoted to a vice presi- dent in charge of all commercial functions, including the operation of the company’s various division and district offices. ~ Judge Fleming filed an opin- ion and decree, on Monday, in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Wil- lard Eckel in which a new trial was refused and the young man was or- dered to report tomorrow for sen- tence. BELLEFONTE BANKS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Fifty-one stockholders the employees of the Farmers National Bank gathered at the Nit- tany Country Club Tuesday after- noon to hold their annual meeting and enjoy the dinner that followed. While the men were in the ma- jority there were enough: women stock-holders p:esent to give the joint meeting and dinner more the atmosphere of a pleasant party than that of a cold business discussion. and all of President Reed O. Steely presid- ed at the meeting and W. M. Bottorf was the secretary... After the statement of the bank's: condi- tion was read president Steely ad- dressed the stockholders on bank- ing conditions in general and the progress their institution had made during the year. The facts reveal ed were such as to inspire every confidence and much hope of the future of the flourishing young in- stitution. After the ballots had been cast for the new board of directors and while the tellers were doing the counting a general discussion, a sort of question and answer period, was made the order of business. It developed the fact that the stock- holders of he Farmer's National bank are an interested and earnest lot of men and women who are determined to help keep their in- stitution on the sound basis it now stands. A significant and impres- sive substantiation of that spirit is shown in the position the bank has attained in only two years without any high pressure exploitation what- ever, It has moved forward con- tinuously without any special ef- fort to secure business. The result of the ballot was the re-election of all members of the old board of directors. Then the party retired to the dining room and a most sumptuous dinner was served. The food was so good and the spirit of satisfac- tion engendered at the meeting was so apparent that the atmosphere became that of a great family din- ner. In fact it was so enjoyable that the guests lingered at the ‘tables for an hour and a half and many of them remained at the club until well into the evening. The First National held its annual meeting in the directors room of the institution with Charles M, McCurdy, its president, presiding, As might have heen expected his statement to the stockholders revealed a satisfac- tory condition of the affairs of this splendid financial institution. All of the old directors and officers were re-elected, BIG BANDIT SCARE HERE ON WEDNESDAY. Residents of Bellefonte were much excited, Wednesday morning, when a report got abroad that the four bandits who: blew up the pay car of the Glenn Alden Coal company, in the mountains near Wilkes-Barre on- Monday, had been in ‘Bellefonte, on Tuesday, 'ate ‘their dinner at the Brockerhoff house, inquired the way to Clarion, ‘Pa., ‘and were arrested there on Tuesday night, - Some :of the stories were elaborated to the effect that they had held up a‘gas station in Bellefonte and robbed . it of $2000. Investigation revealed the fact that four men, ‘all of whom were of foreign parentage; stopped ‘atithe Brockerhoff- house about 1:30 o'clock on ‘Tuesday afternoon and - got luncheon. They: were all: well -dress- ed and registered from New. York. After eating dinner one'of : the men, who + did most of the" talking; : in- quired where he could: buy ‘some postcards and was directed to « the Index. : He: went there, - got some cards: and mailed them, The man then: inquired: the road to Clarion and was given explicit directions, after which they paid their bill and jeft.: = During the afternoon State high- way ‘patrolmen appeared at the Brockerhoff “house and inquired re- garding the four men. He was furnished all information possible and left. Wednesday morning word reached Bellefonte that the men had heen arrested in Clarion on Tues- day night. While ‘it is possible the men are the bandits wanted it hardly sounds plausible that they -are. On ‘their brief stop in Bellefonte they made no effort to cover up their trail but left it as wide open as possible, and one thing is certain, they did not rob a Bellefonte ‘gas station of two thousand dollars. THE MOTHER'S CLUB IN INTERESTING SESSION The Bellefonte Mothers’ Club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Hoffer, on east High street, last Monday even- ing and enjoyed a most Interesting session. There were fifteen members pres- ent to hear the papers that were read and enter the open forum that followed. Mrs. Ralph Blaney discus- sed the subject of “Habit,” Mrs, Earl Musser followed with a’ thesis on “Correcting Bad Habits in Children” and Mrs. Samuel Shallcross’ contri- bution was a paper on “Fear.” All of them were timely and exceedingly in- teresting. Following the formal meeting the hostess served refreshments and the balance of the evening was spent in a social way. ——There 'is no occasion for anx- jety about a candidate for Governor this year. There's plenty of good timber to choose from. ACADEMY MITT MEN TO MEET LEWISTOWN Y. The Bellefonte Academy’s impres- sive boxing team will swing into ac- tion again this (Friday) evening when they meet the scrappy Lewis- town Y. M, C. A. boxers. The bouts will be held in the centrally located Y. M. C. A. building and accommo- dations are being arranged to seat a capacity crowd. The bouts will start promptly at 8:30 p. m. Alex Morris, local youth, and up- + holder of the Academy's -115 1b. class, will return to the ring much to the delight of local ring followers. Morris ' will meet Sailor George of ' the opposing team, and a real battle should result. : Alex is showing plen- ty of speed and punching power in his daily workouts, and should he un- cork his right hand, the bout may end inside of the three rounds, There will be two bouts in the 125 1b. class, Paul Buckley and “Chic” O'Day, stars of the Academy in that class, will meet Rubens Hackenberry and Mickey Thomas, respectively, of the Lewistown “Y”. Both Academy boys are pleasing performers in the ring, ard there are plenty of thrills awaiting the fans in these two bouts. In the 135 1b. class, Dan McCabe's ability and punch will be pitted against Paul Stump, of the visiting team, The Academy boxer has had plenty of experience in amateur cir- cles and carries a hard wallop. This bout should stand on a par with any other bout on the card. Another local youth will be seen in action in his first ring encounter. Phil Taylor, former High school lad, now attending the Academy, will tackle young Tangle, of the visitors, in the 145 1b class. Phil is a natur- al fighter and is no novice when it comes to hitting ability. Should he unleash his mitts, tonight, there will be a new ring star for local fans to talk about, Another bout in the 145 lb class brings “Duke” Ducanis, popular leather pusher, into the ring. “Duke” will oppose Jimmy Schmit, of the visitors, and expects to win impres- sively, as he has been training con- scientiously since the close of the football season. In the seventh and last bout on the card, Lou Procino, 160 1b upholder of the Academy's colors, will meet “Bill” Haines, of the neighboring “Y” Lou is a fastand clever fight- er and always assures the fans plenty of action. With such a strong aggregation as the Lewistown Y. M, C, A. com- ing to oppose the local battlers, fans are assured of seven bouts of real action. The price of admission will be $1.00. : The meet will start on the minute at 8:30, Ladies are welcome and will find boxing an interesting sport. $m ee mn TO PERPETUATE MEMORY OF PENN STATE SCIENTIST “Frear Hall” the name decided upon for the new dormitory for men at the Pennsylvania State College, makes of it both a monument to William Frear and a graceful ac- knowledgment to the dozen or more agiicultural groups which contribut- ed a part of the funds for its erec- tion. For Dr. Frear. as , yice-director and chief chemists of the Pennsylvania Agr icultural Experiment Station at State College from its organization in’ 1887 to his deah in 1922, rose to a ‘commanding position in the United States in his profession. In his 37 years of service at the college ‘he became an authority on questions involving food - chemistry, fertilizers, lime, and tobacco. Being one of the pioneers on food standards and in pure food legislation, he was select- ed as chairman of the committee on food standards for the U, S.Depart- ment of Agriculture by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley when that branch was or- ganized, and also helped to frame the pure food laws of Pennsylvania, FARMERS’ MUTU AL "ELECTS OLD OFFICERS At the annual meeting of the Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance company, held in Bellefonte on Mon- day, all the old officers were re- elected for the ensuing year. The ieport of the secretary, Frank M. Fisher, showed a decided increase in business during 1929 over that of 1928, and that the company now has close to six million dollars worth of business in force. The Farmers’ Mutual was estab- lished in 1857, almost three-quarters of a century ago, and never was re- quired to undergo a State examina- tion until last year, which was made obligatory by a law enacted at the last session of the Legislature. The examination was made in October, when three examiners went thor- oughly into the affairs of the com- pany. When they had completed their work they stated that it was one of the best managed, and gave it one of the highest financial ratings of any company in the State. JACOB MARKS LEAVES ESTATE VALUED AT $20,000 The will of the late Jacob Marks was filed for probate by the Belle- fonte Trust company, executor, on Tuesday morning, While no exact figures are given on the value of the estate it is estimated at $20,000. After directing that any and all indebtedness be paid the will makes one specific bequest, for $2000 to the testator’s .niece, Goldie Scottneck, of New York city. The residue of the estate. goes to other nieces and nephews, some nine or ten in num- ber. been assessor in NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. "—Both Mrs. H. E. Fenlon and Dr. Jo- seph Brockerhoff are patients, under treatment, . in the Centre county hospital. —Mrs. Lenore V. Burd has closed her house in Millheim and is now with her sister, Mrs. Ebon Bower, on Howard street, expecting to be in’ Bellefonte until Spring. —W. S. Williams, the well known build- ing contractor in Bellefonte, for some years, has moved to McElhattan, Pa., where he expects to make his home in the future. .,.—Mrs. Elsie Rankin. Helliwell and her sister, Miss Mary Rankin, drove to Har- risburg, Wednesday, for a day in the shops and an overnight visit with their brother, Walter Rankin and his family. Byron Blackford returned to Belle- fonte, Wednesday, from Alliance, Ohio, and is now preparing to open an antique shop in the old Strickland house, on Bishop street. Byron will both buy and sell all kinds of antiques. —The Rev. M. DePui Maynard, of Ridgway, former rector of St. John’s Episcopal church, was in Bellefonte for an over night visit last week, being a house guest during his stay of Mrs. E. H. Richard, on Allegheny street. —I. O. Hoffer was up from Valley Forge recently, for a visit with his son ®arl, and his family, and with his sis- ters, Mrs. A. C. Mingle and Miss Fan- nie Hoffer. While in Bellefonte Mr. Hoffer was Mrs. Earl Hoffer, High street. —After spending a week with relatives in Jersey Shore, Mrs. Harry Garber re- turned to Bellefonte, Wednesday. In the party of women who drove up with Mrs. at their home on east Garber were Mrs. Bertrand, Mrs. Trump. and Mrs. Nearing. Mrs. Garber will be for the present with her Sister. Mrs. George B. Thompson. —Mrs. Samuel Rine, who makes her home with her younger daughter, in Al- tobna, is spending several weeks in Cen- tre county, visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Fisher, in Boalsburg, and with friends in Belldfonte. While here, Mrs. Rine has been a guest of her niece, Miss Grace Rine, of west High street. —Mrs. Sarah Lemon, who is teaching the school at Yarnell this year, was in town, Saturday, on her way for a week end vigit with relatives and friends at State College and at Rock Springs. She said she is enjoying her school work out there very much but is frightened nearly to death every time she has to drive her car over ‘‘The Divide.” That hill is a high one, especially to one who hasn't done much traveling in ‘‘the Ridges.” —Frank M. Fisher, of Centre Hall, was in Bellefonte, Monday, in attendance to his duty as secretary of the Farmer's Mu- | tual Fire Insurance Co., that met here that day. Mr. Fisher retired from active business some years ago, at least that is what he thought he was doing, but as he is one of the kind of gentlemen who takes an interest in everything and lends a helping hand everywhere he sometimes finds himself much busier than he was when he was actually in business. —Jasper R. Brungart, of Rebersburg, ' treasurer of the Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance company, and who is now well along toward eighty years of age, is away on a trip around the world. He left home on January 6th and does not expect to return until about the first of June. Before he left he stated that as a boy at school he had always been taught that the world was round but never had time to investigate it un- tii now so was taking the trip to find out for himself if it really is. —John S. Rowe, of Centre Hall, was a Bellefonte visitor last Friday and fa- vored the Watchman with a very pleas- ant call. Mr. Rowe is Centre Hall's plumber and as a side line has been act- ing very satisfactorily as assessor over there for some four or five years. Form- erly he had been a salesman for stone crushing machines, but met with an acci- dent that so handicapped him physically that he was compelled to give up travel- ing. Besides his other accomplishments Mr. Rowe is a Democrat of Democrats. —Former County Commissioner,. James W. Swabb and Frank Wieland drove down from Linden . Hall, Monday morn- ing. Mr. Wieland came to attend, the annual meeting of the Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of which he is a director, while Mr. Swabb merely came along to have a few hours with friends in town. And as might have heen ex- pected he devoted most of them to talking politics with friends. Jim thinks the Democrats will have a great chance in Pennsylvania this fall if they get together and stick together. —H. C. Angell, of Rush was a Watchman office visitor, on Tues- day, having come to Bellefonte to make his annaul returns as assessor to the county commissioners. Mr. Angell has Rush township for eighteen years and the fact that he never has to put up a fight for the office speaks for itself in the matter of placing a fair valuation on .properties. Mr. Angell has covered Rush township so many times in pursuance of his | work that he knows almost ever stone in it, and there’s quite a number of them there. —The Watchman office was favored, on Tuesday morning, with a pleasant call by | Mrs. Tur- Mrs. J. H. Turner, of Julian. ner is a daughter of Mrs. E. G. Irwin, widow of Daniel Irwin, who is now nine- ty years of age with a mind and intellect almost as clear as a young woman cf forty. Notwithstanding the fact that she is four score and ten years old she is a great reader and every morning goes through the columns of the Philadelphia | Record and every Friday morning looks forward to the arrival of the Watchman which she has religiously perused for | more than fifty years without a break. —.J. Milo Campbell, of State College, spent Monday in Bellefonte; having come down for the annual meeting of the Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. of which he is a director. In talk- ing of the farm situation Mr. Campbell expressed views that sounded rather | pessimistic, but when we countered with | the suggestion that certainly farms | must pay some else he couldn't have | retired to a fine home at the College he replied that in any other line of en- deavor, if he had put in the same ener- gy and study as he did on the farm he would have expected to be just as well situated as he finds himself today. And that, we should say, is the gist of the farm situation. If a man has the will to farm and the intelligence to direct that will to the most profitable branches of farming the chances are he will not land in the poor house. entertained by Mr. and township, —Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baum, Mr and Mrs. Claude Aikens and Mr. anc Mrs. H. L. Stuart, of State College left last Saturday, on a several week’ excursion to Texas. —Mrs. Frederick Daggett and he small son are home from a two week’ visit with Mrs. Daggett's sister, Mrs A. W. J. Woche and Mr. Woche, at thei home at West New York, N. J. —Stuart Hoy, his wife and their tw: sons, Frank and Don, are here {fron Lewistown with Mr. Hoy's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jacob Hoy spending a part o the two week's vacation Mr. Hoy wa given on ‘account of ill health. —Mrs. Arthur Harper, of Brooklyn and Mrs. Violet B. Morris, of New Yor! City, were called to Bellefonte within th week, on account of the serious condi tion of their father, J. Willard Barnhart Mr. Barnhart has been ill for severa years. —C. Edward Robb, of the First Na tional: bank, is on a trip to New Yor city,” having gone over early in the wee with Raymond Green, a former residen of Bellefonte. Mr. Green was here fo a short visit with friends before sailing Thursday, on a trip around the world. —Miss Rose Haupt has recovered suf ficiently from her accident of six week ago, to be discharged from the Centr county hospital and is now at her hom in. Milesburg. It is hoped Miss Haup will soon be able to resume her work a supervising operator at the local Be Telephone exchange. —Mrs. Harry Jackson went over t ; Tyrone, Monday, to spend the day ther with "Miss Annie McLaughlin, who ha been so seriously ill there since Christ mas that it was thought she would nc live through the day, Sunday. Miss Mc Laughlin is at the home of her niece with whom she has been spending th winter. —Walter Muffly, with his wife an four children, came in from Washingto last week for a visit with the former parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Muffly, Howard. Walter has been on the paci: ic coast for some years. In fact, soo after his graduation from State he wer out there to become a fruit grower an has been very successful. With a thirt acre apple orchard he is netting eac year four or five times as much as big and fertile Centre county far: would under the most favorable seasor al and market conditions. While in tk east he expects to attend the Washing ton conference on Co-operative marketin; He doesn’t favor the project, howeve because he thinks, and probably correctl: that too complete centralization of Suc projects eventually lands control in po itics, whereas it should be solely in tt} hands of those who produce the produc to be marketed. . re lp mee THE BROUSE STORES JOIN CLOVER FARMS STORES C( ‘The R. S. Brouse store on Hig street and the City Cash Grocer on Allegheny both under the mai agement of William 8S. and Richa | Brouse, respectively, have joined tk Clover Farms Stores Co. and are bx ing remodeled to meet with the i1 trior plans that are the same in a of the three thousand stores in tt Clover Farms combination, - It isn’t exactly a chain. All ti individual stores remain .in contr of their local owners, but their sal methods and general conduct is suj ervised by the co-operative. Ar the buying is all co-operative. Th is the great advantage of the pla for commodities can be bought : as great quantities as the regul: chain stores buy and selling, ther for, can ‘be done as low. ~The fronts of all.the stores in ti country are the same. A distinctiv green with the name “Clover Farn Stores Co.” in large gold letters : the top. eer Sern Ey Markie Himter The * home Mr. and © Mrs, Riley K. Hunter, : Pine Hall, was the scene of a pret: wedding, at 7 o'clock last Thursde evening, when their daughter, Mi Dorothy Emma Hunter, was units in marriage with James Fred Ma kle, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jam Markle, The double ring servi was used by Rev. J. S. English performing the ceremony The a tendants were Miss Helen Hunte sister of the bride, and Thompst | Dale, a cousin of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony a weddil dinner was served after which tl ‘young couple left on a wedding tr south. Only members of the imm diate families constituted the gues ‘present. The bride is an accor ‘plished young woman and is an acti worker in the Pine Hall Luther: church. She is. also organist in ti ! Sunday school. The bridegroom 'a graduate of State College a holds the position of farm manag for Shoemaker and Nixon, the pota | culturists. The young couple Ww ‘live in Pine Hall ¥ etree ee. At the suggestion of Burge Harris, Supt. Russel, now in char; of the B. E. V. R. R.,, has direct that the old lighting of the groun surrounding’ the passenger station ‘his place be restored. The spotlig mounted atop the pole at the watc |er's box has not been at all wh is was expected to be and will taken down. Orders have issued | make the station lights go on a | off with the regular street lightii of the borough. — James .H. Potter, head of t Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., celebrat his seventy-fifth birthday, Tuesds |at his place of business and at } {apartment at the Penn Belle recei {ing the good wishes of his hosts friends who called upon him at bo | places. Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & ( WWROAL ...occinsinrisirssmsrmusitosseninsmesonesarasssrvases ee 9% | Corn .. 1 Oats Rye Barley ......... Buckwheat