Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 17, 1930, Image 7

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Mail to be withdrawn from the
ost office may be secured only ac-
ording to the postal regulation
hich prescribes a card to be filled
ut for each piece of mail desired.
This precaution is taken in order
o safeguard the mails. The card
jentifies the person requesting mail
7ithdrawal, and establishes au-
hority. In some cases a deposit is
3 KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney 8
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices
> ie Office, room 18 Crider's Bp.
hange. ¥ A
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt
tion given all legal business entrusted
» his care. Offices—No. 5, East High
treet. 5-44
M. KEICHLINE.—Attorney-at-Law and
[ Justice of the Peace. All professional
business will receive prompt attention.
fices on second floor of Temple Court.
Consultation in
H G. RUNKLE.— Attorney-at-L.a w,
N Office in Crider’ Exchange
: man. er's
ellefonte, Pa.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his residence.
ellefonte State
Crider’s Ex. 66-11 Sennes BIE.
~ D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
o tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes , glasses fitted. Sat-
faction guaranteed. Frames placed
1d lenses matched. Casebeer Bic: . High
t., Bellefonte, Pa. 1-23
NVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed
{, by the State Board. State College,
nte on Lar building oppoeite
e Court House, Wednesday afternoons
om 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m.
. 4:30 p. m. Bell Phone. a8-40
We have taken on the line of
Purina Feeds
We also carry the line of
Wayne Feeds
arina Cow Chow, 349, $3.10 per H
arina Cow Chow, 249, 2.80 per H
‘ayne Dairy, 32% . 800perH
‘ayne Dairy, 24% - 2.75 per H
‘ayne horse feed - 2.60 per H
'ayne Egg mash - 8.25 per H
‘ayne Calf meal - 4.25 per H
‘ayme all mash Chick
Starter - 4.00 per H
‘agmer’s All Mash Grower 8.40 per H
'agner’s Dairy, $29, 2.i5perH
'agner’s. Dairy, 2657 - 2.45 per H
'agner’s Dairy, 169%, - 2.60 per H
‘agner’s Pig meal - 280perH
'agner’s Egg mash with
buttermilk. - : 3:00 per H
'agner’s Scratch feed 2.40 per H
'agner’s Standard Chop 2.20 per H
'agner’'s Winter Bran - 1.90 per H
'agner’s Winter Middlings 2.10 per H
'agner’s Pure Corn Chop 2.30 per H
'‘agmer’s Cracked Corn 2.80 per H
il Meal “ - 8.20 per H
otton Seed meal . 280perH
luten Feed - - 2.50perH
luten Meal - - 8.25 per y
ine ground Alfalfa 2.80 per
eat meal - . 400perH
ankage, 60% - 4.25 per H
anamar Fish meal 6.00 per H
rbico Mineral and Bone
Meal - . 2.75 per H
tock Salt - - 1.10 per H |
yster Shell -ii ov 1.10 per H
L#t us grind your corn and oats
1d make up your Dairy Feeds with
stton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Alfalfa,
luten Feed and Bran Molasses,
We will make delivery of two ton
ts. No charge.
When You Want Good Bread or
Y. Wagner & Co. be
Caldwell & Son
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
ull Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
seerfully snd Promptly Furnished
Car Scientific Breeding
. Produce Men of Genius?
Muman geniuses must be bred as
gace horses by. combining “carefully
selected “pedigreed ‘ stock,” the presi-
dent of the Eugenics Research assocl-
ation said at a meeting of the organi-
zation in New York. Whether that 1s
true of the future or not no one knows
It has not been true in the past.
Physical development may be SO in-
fluenced, and morons may be the de-
scendants of morons. But genius and
leadership appears in so many unex-
pected places and persons that we are
unable to draw any diagram or ar
range a plun whereby we can piot
their creation. One genius may come
out of a family which prodnces others
of no account. Yet the brilliant iv-
tellect and the lazy nit-wit possessed
the same parents.
Eugenists may prove that certain
families over several generations have
produced only mental defectives, while
other families have given society a
high grade of superior intelligence.
But there are often exceptions to up-
hold or break the rule.
Bui genius is hard to trace. We do
not know why one man becomes a
great leader or a wonderful engineer.
It may be heredity, or environment,
or education, or what? That man
must continue to advance through eve
lution and better breeding is undoubt-
edly true, but that we can create a
genius by planning is yet to ve proven
No age has seen so many geniuses us
the present, and eugenics had nothing
whatever to do with the manufacture
of this wealth of brains.—Miami Her-
ald, -
Nigerian Women Hold ‘
and Exercise Powers
In Yorubaland, Nigeria, women
wield great power, having a veiy pel-
fect franchise. In every village, aldi-
tional to the head ~hief and his coun-
cil, is the head woman, or iyalodi,
who also has her council of titled
women. In her hands lies the respon-
sibility for issuing the native admin
istration orders to the women.
The potters, who are all women.
have a guild, and it is their preroga
tive to be buried in their witery.
‘The religions of this essentially
happy people consist to a degree of
ancestor worship, although they are
primarily nature worshipers, revering
a supreme Creator, accessible through
such subordinate gods as those of
thunder, of lightning, or iron, and agri-
Worth Remembering
There are loyal hearts, there are
spirits brave, there are souls that ave
pure and true. Then give to the world
the hest you have and the best will
come hack to you; give love, and love
to your heart: wili: flow; a strength ‘in
your uttermost need, have faith and a
score of “hearts will show their faith
in your word and deed; give truth and
your gift shall be paid in kind, and
honor will honor meet; and a smile
that is sweet will surely tind a smile
that is just as sweet; for life iS a
mirror of king and slave, tis just what
we are and do, so give to the world
the best you have and the best will
some back to you.—Author Not Known.
Europe's Longest River
The word Volga is the nawe of the
longest river in Europe. It rises on
the Valdai Plateau, south eof Lenin-
srad, former capital of Russia, and
it flows in a southeasterly direction
and then south across Russia. and
empties into the northern part of the
Caspian sea at Astrakban. lis total
length is 2,310 miles, and it Jdrains an
area of H85,000 square. miles. It pos-
sesses only a slight and gradual fail,
and this is excellently adapted for
pavigation. In spring floods the wa-
ters at certain parts are from ten to
. thirteen niles across. The river is ice-
free from 193 to 260 days each year.
Scottish Kilt
The kilt is part of the characteris
tie and ancient dress of the natives
of the highlands of Scotland. The
word means that which is girded or
tucked up. It is of Scandinavian ori-
gin, The Danish word kilte, in use to-
day, means to tuck up. The: kilt of
the highlander is short but has a very
full skirt, belted in at the waist. and
reaching to about the knees. The early
kilt was not a separate garment, but
merely the lower part of the plaid in
which the Highlander wrapped him-
self, hanging down in folds below the
Letter Oddly Addressed
Every post office employee has ex-
perienced troubles with performing the
work of delivering letters owing to the
obscure or insufficient directions in-
scribed upon missives passing threugh
their hands. The postmaster of South-
ampton, England, was confronted with
this one recently: “To the Chemical
Cleaners who are Dyeing an Overcoat
for Arthur Lewis, Near the bridge
same street as the Market is in, near
top of St. James Road, Southport.”
The letter was delivered,
Rabbit Was Traveler
The driver of a motor car in Switz:
erland tells the story of the astonish-
ing speed and long-sustained effort
which a rabbit is capable of. He hap
pened to start one, which on its flight
kept to the road. In order to keep up
with the rabbit, the man had to speed
up to 34 miles an hour, and the sturdy
little creature held out for over a
league before it finally jumped into a
ditch by the roadside.
. ———
Temper Shortens When .
©. Age of 40 Is Reached
Are you approaching forty? Beware !
Becween the ages of forty “and sixty
ones “pet peeves” are “at peak.” Sa
vauts of the international congress of
psychorogy announce that the child,
and the young man and woman, are
fairiy broad-minded about annoyances.
Having survived such trivialities until
forty, one is inclined to let go, and it
is from that time until one is sixty
that you should guard against becon:-
ing slave to your dislikes,
A better plan would be to remove
one’s self from the scenes of templa-
tion. If one dislikes mosquitoes, he
should try to find a place where there
aren't any. If a man, and it irks you
to dunce with stout ladies, crash the
high school dances and sub-deb parties.
If, now in the thirties, you develop
murderous tendencies when the saxo
phone player next door tunes up, move
away before forty, unless you wish to
give your murder complex play. This
may be bad psychology, but it’s good
Humble Cow Looked On
as Evidence of Wealth
In the early centuries the cow was
looked upon as a source of wealth as
well as food. One of the first words
for money was “pecunia,” from the
Greek word “pecus,” meaning caitle
or herd, and the first coins made iu
Greece and Rome were stamped with
the cow’s head.
Another interesting connection be
tween cattle and gold is found in the
story of the discovery of gold in Cali
fornia. People came overland by pack
train, around the isthmus of Pana,
and in sailing vessels around the Horn.
More people meant more cows and to
meet the growing demand, large num
bers of cows were brought from Ken
tucky and England. In the early min
ing days these sold for $300 to $Hw
a head—so a cow was almost as good
as a gold mine.—Kansas City Times
When Sails Beat Steam
When the steamer Enterprise, con
manded by Capt. James Henry John-
ston, English pionees navigator,
reached the Cape of Good Hope on
October 13, 1825, it is recorded that
“3 great crowd gathered on the fore
shore to admire the wondrous object
that could move at will without regard
to the direction of the wind and to
the accompaniment, it must be ‘said.
of a ‘mighty pufting and volume of
The Enterprise, which bad left Fal-
mouth, England, on August 16 for Cui-
cutta took so long (113 days) to reach
her destination that every one, in-
cluding her captain, was disappointed,
for under favorable conditions the
great sailing” ships, at less expense,
could make the voyage to Calcutta in
90 days, AR a :
- Probably’ Feryent ‘Wish
On a shore-bound train recently the
Stroller sat behind a fussy old lady.
The seat! in: front of the: woman was
occupied by a gentleman who had bie
window open,
“] wish that man would shut his
window, my hair is blowing around
something awful,” she remarked to a
woman in the seat beside her.
The gentleman of the open window
naving heard the indirect request,
turned, and with the woman's fea-
tures mirrored in his barren dome.
swilingly said: “I wish the wind
would blow my hair!’—Philadelphia
Public Ledger.
Cleaning Plaster Statues
When plaster statues have become
dingy and dusty first give a thorough
brushing and dusting. Take a good
quality of white or cream colored
paint and make it thin with turpen-
tine. Apply this to the statue with
great care so that no paint settles in’
the crevices to impair the modeling.
The statue can then be kept clean by
wiping carefully with a wet cloth.
Many statues in the Corcoran Art gal-
lery, Washington, are treated in this
Wind Sways Skyscrapers
Strong gusts of wind against tah
steel buildings cause the structures to
sway and vibrate, tests have shown.
According to reports, two of the tall
est buildings in New York city bend
as much as six inches at the top of
their towers, three inches in either di-
rection from the neutral fixed position,
says Popular Mechanics Magazine,
Designers of a tall building soon to be
built in Chicago allowed for a sway
of two inches in either direction.
Language Peculiarities
English has twenty-six alphabet let-
ters, twenty-one for consonants and
five for vowels. English has soma
forty-four sounds, twenty-four conso-
nantal and twenty vocalic. To repre-
sent these forty-four sounds in speli-
ing, English has well over 400 separate
orthographic combinations, making an
average of ten possible spellings per
sound. What can you do with lan-
guage like that? And yet there is a
charm about it.—Janet Rankin Aiken,
in the Bookman.
Makes Healthy Plants
Charles Darwin began a long series
of experiments in 1861 which preved
conclusively a fact stated as long ago
ag 1799, says Nature Magazine. that
a better, healthier plant comes from
seed produced when pollen is hreught
from another flower. Two of natures
“pollen carriers are inseéts and wind. .
for Presiding Officer
- suggest the idea of the post office.
was, always: putting big foot in it.
A bachelor, who is the best maker
of decoy ducks on the south shore of
Boston, is also the. presiding officer of
the board of trustees of his church.
When a street widening demanded a
strip off the front edge of the church
property, a meeting of the trustees was
veld to consider it.
“Well, made a sale, did ye?’ next
day asked one of those curious citie
zens who want to know.
“Well, I don’t know,”
churchman. ;
“Why, they going to take the land,
“I'm not exactly sure.”
“Held a meeting last pight, didn’t
ye?’ :
“Oh, yes—held a meeting, all right”
“Warn’t you there?”
“Yes, I was.”
“Well, then—""
“I'll tell you,” said the decoy maker,
“I took the chair, and opened the
weeting, and then I got a chance to
ride home, so I left, and [ don’t really
know just what they did do.”
said the
Romance From Missives
in Cavern Post Office
In Wind Cave National park, south
of Custer, 8S, D,, is a cavern serving §
unique purvose, Some 200 feet under
ground, the cavern ig called the post
Here tourists and sightseers leave
mementos, usually their ames and
addresses scribbled on the back of an
envelope or some other piece of paper,
and stuffed into one of hundreds of
box-like formations on the rock walls
These natural crystalline formations
A perusal of the “mail” reveals some
interesting things. One finds names
and addresses from every state in the
Union and from foreign countries. It
is permissible to take these, and many
a miss or youth has visioned his or
her future love as a half dozen or
more names were selected.
Much Bacon on This Hog
The fossil skeleton of a giant hog
witich stood seven feet tall is mounted
in Morrell hall at the University: of
Nebraska. The terrible pig in his pra-
historic day was as high as the tallest
modern motor car and had a wheel
base of about 40 inches.
The fossil was dug up in Sioux coun-
ty. Nebraska, Only two of the giams
have ever been discovered, the other
being smaller than the university's
specimen. ‘The pig, scientifically
termed Dinohyus hollandi, lived dur-
ing the late Oligocene or the early
Miocene age, which would give him an
antiquity of some 12,000,000 years.—
Kansas City Star's Science: Service,
of - Better Left Uneaid ie
Sanders weant well, but somehow he
Our Trust Department
HILE the Trust Department of this
bank is separate from the commercial
department, all the resources of the
institution, amounting to more than two and
one-half million dollars, safeguard those who
intrust such business to us.
As Executor, Administrator or Trustee,
we can assure proper service, acting always
under competent legal advice; which, joined
with our long experience, makes us feel confi-
dent of the proper administration of any Trust
business given us.
~ Stability
economy in expenditures, wise
taxation, and sound fiscal finance,
the Government can relieve the burdens
upon sound business and promote financial
stability.” It pleases us to render the
very best service to all.
‘At a dance herwas’ presented (0 a [To
young woman whose proportions were
anything but meager.
her for a dance. : ;
“I can only spare you a one-step,”
she replied, “and I can’t actually guar-
antee that, because I'm afraid my
friends will be leaving before it takes
“Oh, how empty the room will seem
when you're gone,” gurgled Sanders.
Unearth Ancient Whale
The enormous skeleton of a 5,000-
year-old Greenland whale was found
at Kistinge, near Halmstad, Sweden,
by workmen digging a ditch near the
geashore. A monstrous jawbone meus-
uring about thirteen feet in length
was unearthed. On account of its size
it was first taken by the workmen fo
be a part of the hull of an ancient
vessel. The bone has been examined
Sanders asked Ni
by archeologists, . who estimate - the | fie
‘whale to have lived-at the end of ‘the fg
fee age, about five thousand years ago. | gf
Where Criminale Hung -
The little triangular garden at Ken-
sington gate, London, was once known
as Dead Man's green and bas a sowe-.
what gruesome history. Tradition
avers that Dead Man's green, as it
used to be called, was the site of the
Surrey gallows, where many a high-
wayman and less romantic scoundrel | J
met his doom in the Eighteenth cen
tury. Here, too, some of the Scottish
followers of Prince Charlie were
“hanged, drawn, and quartered” aficr
the rebellion of 1745.
That's the Spirit!
Several women were being sent
from the Home for the Aged to Yo-
semite for a vacation treat, One who
had no godmother to pay her way sent
the following note to her under-
“Dear Sir: Sometime ago I depos
ited with you a sum of money for the
cremation of my body when I die.
Please return it to -me so I can go to
Yosemite this summer. I believe it
will do me more good.’—FPathfinder
Magazine. i :
Opal Superstition
The opal has not always been re-
garded as an unlucky stone. The
superstition regarding its bad luck he-
gan in the Fourteenth century at the
time of the Black death, particularly
in Venice. At that time the opal was
a favorite of the Italian jewelers, hut
it was said that opals worn by those
stricken with the disease became sud-
denly brilliant and that their lusiee
departed upon the death of the owner.
Thus the opal became associated with
death and un object of dread.
Watch Our Windows
They will Tell the Story
All four will display Winter Overcoats at
prices that will pay you BIG to even an-
ticipate your next Winter Overcoat needs.
We are determined not to carry overa x
The prices we have 5
single Overcoat.
placed on them is for quick selling. One
week should find every coat disposed of.
Watch our windows, and profit by this
Zi unprecedented opportunity to save.
Amazing Reductions on
All Winter Overcoats -&