PINE. GROVE MENTION. tion and enlist your ing later. ionally. credit. your labels. the limit. Notice to Subscribers On copies of the Watchman of Jan- uary 24 will appear labels that will have been corrected so that they should re- flect all payments on subscription and changes of address received at this office on or before Saturday, January 18. In other words, our mailing list will be cor- rected on the latter day, and every pay- ment on subscription that has been made within the last six weeks should show itself in the dates to which labels on papers of January 24 will be extended. We are giving this matter unusual prominence for several reasons. First, because we want it to attract your atten- end that there will be no misunderstand- If your label on the issue of January 24th does not show that proper credit has been given you, please write or call us at your earliest convenience so that corrections can be made that will save much inconvenience later. We make errors. We try very hard to avoid them, but some creep in occas- Because we are conscious of that fact we do not take the position that we are always right. very laborious job to dig through files and books several years back when a subscriber writes in or tells us that in December, 1926, he or she sent $1.50 for which they did not receive proper Please check up on us by watching +The other matter that we want to- call attention to is one that concerns only those whose labels do not show that they have paid up to some date in 1929. As between the Watchman and its subscribers, there isn’t a person on its list whom this paper wouldn't trust to We have the utmost confi- dence that every subscriber we have who is in arrears will ultimately pay his or her bill. The post-office authorities don’t look at it that way, however. We are anticipating a call, very soon, from Washington that will compel us to list every subscriber who is in ar. rears one year or more. When that is done we will be ordered to discontinue sending papers to them, or put regular postage “on each paper. that we will be denied the usual pound rate for newspapers. In the light of these circumstances and especially since we will correct our list on Saturday, January 18, we are urging those who have just “not thought about it,”’ to send in their remittance by that date if con- venient, and, if not, as soon thereafter as Mrs, Emma Krebs ~has gone to Ohio to spend the winter, W. B. Fry and wife and H. C. Fry and lady friend spent Sunday in Al- toona. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lohr motor- ed to Tyrone and spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs, David Hill, of Pittsburgh is visiting her rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rr Pierce O'Bryan and wife, of State College, were Sunday callers on friends in town, A ten pound baby boy was a re- cent arrival in the John Trostle home, in this place. Mrs. James Kline and daughter Hilda spent Sunday at the Frank Al- bright home, at Guyer, Word has been received of the ar- rival of a son in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Foster, in Chica- go. Dr. Hugh L, Fry, who spent the past four years at Little Rock, Ark. has been transferred to Nashville, ‘enn. H. S. Elder is having a new gar- age erected on his premises on east Main street. Charles Louck is doing the job. Mrs. J. H. Neidigh is quite ill at her home, at Struble, and her friends are considerably alarmed over her condition, Hilda Loneberger, a nurse in train- ing at the Geisinger hospital, is vis- ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Loneberger. Young Daniel Mothersbaugh, who has been a hospital patient the past nine months, is back at his home and getting along nicely. Mrs. Harry Homan, good position in Harrisburg, spent the latter end of the week with friends in this section. The week of prayer is being ob- served in the Bethel Reformed church with the pastors of the town taking turns in officiating. Charles Gates and wife motored down from Tyrone, on Monday, for a visit at Mr, Gates’ parental home, the son accompanying his father, J. C. Gates, on a trip to Bellefonte. Samuel Harpster, of Gatesburg, who has not been in good health for several years, was taken to the Dan- ville State hospital, on Saturday, by his brother, Ira Harpster, and J. F. Rossman, The last butchering for the sea- son was held at the D. R, Thomas home, on the Branch. One of the porkers had an unusually hard skull as it took almost a dozen pop shots to bring him to earth. Quarterly conference was held in the Methodist church here on Sun- day afternoon. Rev. J. McK. Reilly, superintendent of the Altoona dis- trict, presided, with Rev. C. W. Rish- el and Rev. C. C. Shuey assisting. Master George Sunday, who swal- lowed a silver dollar several weeks ago was taken to the Centre Coun- ty hospital where an X-ray showed the silver piece to be lodged in a sec- tion of the small bowels. Just what will be ‘done ‘to give relief been decided. co-operation to the who has a But it is a Miss Anna visited Max Ward, at the Centre County hospital, last Friday. The young man is still suffering from a gunshot wound in the leg re- ceived early in the deer hunting sea- son although he is now so much im- proved that his attending physician has hopes of puttng the leg in a plaster cast in the near future when he will be able to get around on crutches, creme perenne UNIONVILLE. Mrs, Orrie Holt was a week-end visitor with relatives here. On Tuesday Mrs. W, B. Parsons went to Johnstown for a day's visit with relatives, John Resides and family are now among the owners of radios, one having been sent them by a relative last week, ; Union Grange, No, 325, will serve an oyster supper in Their hall, next Tuesday evening, January 14th from 5 to 7 o'clock. Rev, ' M. H. Crawford and daughter Loraine, and Rev. Park, were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. J. H. Fin¢h, on Monday even- ing. : Miss Mary Turner left here, last Saturday afternoon to resume her work in Washington, D. C,, going by way of Harrisburg and stopping off there for a day’s visit with rel- atives. The first meeting for this year of the Ladies Aid society, under direction of their new president, Mrs. Estella Parsons, is called for next Monday, January 13th at 2 p. m., in the Sunday school room of the M. E, church. A full attend- ance is desired. On Monday Mrs, « res Bullock accompanied her sister, Miss Grace Smith to Johnstown, where they will visit for a short time at the home of Mrs. Bullock’s daughter and husband Rev. and Mrs. Robert Keel- er, after which Miss Smith will go to Connellsville and visit her aunt, Mrs, Frances Showman. : That means possible. The Democratic Watchman. Tan [sku Mie Gerda. unt Mrs. Katherine Fisher, who has en suffering with . heart trouble . some time, had oll on Wednesday of last week, t is now considerably improved, )st of her children came home to » her during the serious stage of r illness. Miss Sue Murray, nurse in the esbyterian hospital, at Philadel- ja, spent a week’s vacation at the me of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P Murray, returning to Philadelphia © uesday. Miss Marie Murray, jo is a nurse in training at the ntre County hospital, was also me over Sunday. A double oirthday celebration was id at the P, G. Murray home, on cember. 31st, in honor quite a sick |Those present included W. S. Fisher, of their | lion. The meetings in the M.. E: church services conducted by the pastor, Rev. Crawford, are - enjoyed: ‘very much; also, the sermons ' by Rev. Park who is endowed ‘with deep spirtual thoughts. He expressed a wish to answer any question of a Mrs. Susan Fisher and daughter, | religious kind that any one might Mrs. Jack Summers, Mrs. L. E | Wish information on if they were Davidson and three daughters, Mr. Written and dropped in the collec- and Mrs. Roy Fisher, Mr and Mrs, - tion plates. Some interesting sub- Ralph McLaughlin, "Mr and Mrs, i jects have been presented and very Charles Reese and three children, | satisfactory answers given. Mrs. Lydia Irwin and daughter, Mrs, Florence Lucas, Donald Irwin, Miss Julia Summers, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. | Murray, Mr. and Mrs, Mack Murray and little son. son k. A big dinner was a feature and in addition there was music, games and other entertainment. Marriage Licenses. Edgar W. Miller and Edna Neff, both of Centre Hall. Robert Archer, of Houtzdale, and | Mary Leskovansky, of Morann, — __Famonn de Valero simply | Charles Fred Rodgers and Sylvia can't stand Ireland's prosperity. He Czar, both of Philipsburg. is going to organize another rebel- —Read the Watchman for the news as not yet'| Mrs. W. S. Ward and daughter, | aré being well attended. The song 3 17th day of January, 1930 STATE POLICE GET TELETYPE =~ “A telephone’ typewriter to operate as a part of the State-wide commun- ication system planned by the Penn- sylvania State Police has been in- stalled in the Galeton police station by E. H. Martin of the Bell Tele- phone Company of Pennsylvania. Galeton is one of the 40 cities and towns in Western Pennsylvania be- ing provided with this intercommun- ication service, which was placed in operation about Jan. 1. According to the State Police pro- gram, approximately 100 Pennsyl- vania communities will be equipped with these machines for the instan- taneous dissemination of police in- formation. - Headquarters for the Western Pennsylvania zone will be located in Pittsburgh in the county detectives’ office where both receiving and send- ing machines will be placed, From these sectional headquarters information will be flashed over the system to other cities and towns, which will be equipped with receiv- ing instruments only. The outlying stations will be placed in State or municipal police quarters, or some other advantageous point, and will be strategically located with regard to the main highways, At Harrisburg, which is to be the main headquarters, experts will be maintained to operate the telephone typewriters. The sending machines, which resemble huge typewriters, are equipped with standard key- board. When the key is pressed, electrical impulses are released which speed over a network of Bell telephone wires to the machines at the outlying stations, where the let- ter or symbol corresponding to the key touched by the operator on the sending apparatus is printed clearly on a sheet of paper. Switchboards and other equipment will be installed at zone headquarters so that messages may be dispatch- ed to one city only, if desired. The equipment, however will permit the sending of the same information ta all stations, at the same time, at the rate of forty words per minute. Police in communities served by receiving machines only such as Galeton will telephone to zone head- quarters the message they wish to be flashed over the system. Pennsylvania is the first State to adapt the telephone typewriter to police work on such an extensive scale. It is expected to facilitate the capture of criminals and aid sup- pression of crime, as it makes possi- ble the broad casting of details of a crime to all important points in Pennsylvania within a few minutes after it has been committed. The telephone typewriter repre- sents the most modern equipment available for this important phase of police work, and was perfected by scientists of the Bell system only after many years of research and experimental work. Upon completion of the installa- tion work at Galeton and all other points in the State, the system will be subjeced to a series of thorough tests before the service is formally inaugurated. : eee pellet: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Charles F. Cook to Charles T. Stine, tract in Bellefonte; $1. William A. Leech to Fred W, Hollabaugh, tract in Harris Twp.; $35. Jennie Stine, et al, to Thomas Hogancamp, tract in Union Twp.; $800. H. E. Dunlap, sheriff, to Michael Rossman, et ux, tract in Potter Twp.; $500. Lloyd M. Morris, et ux, to H. O. Smith, tract in State College; $1, : Lewis Davidson, et al, to Harold Davidson, tract in Boggs Twp. $300. Moshannon National Bank to Fred E. Ibberson, tract in Philips- burg; $25,000. Ammon G. Bashoar, et al, to J. B. Thomas, tract in Bellefonte; $3,000. : William F. Markle, et ux, to West Penn Power company, tract in Col- lege Twp.; $1. Adam H. Krumrine, et ux, Douglas S. Mead, ‘et ux, tract in State College; $1. 2a 0. E. Osman, et ux, Worth England, Twp.; $800, °- Margaret B. Haupt to Frank L. Baird, et ux, tract in Milesburg; $1. Boyd E. Smith to Orvis W. Lee, tract in Potter Twp.; $1400. Amanda Morrison, et al, to Bond to William NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FPORT OF CONDITION OF THE R Farmers National Bank, No. 13118 at Bellefonte, in the State of Penn- sylvania, at the close of business on De- cember 31, 1929. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Other bonds, stocks, and secur- ities owned 10,715.00 Banking House........ $25,000.00 Furniture and fixtures, $2,500 27,500.00 Reserve with Iederal Reserve $180,495.59 a Cash and due from banks Outside checks and other cash items . LIABILITIES Capital -8tock paid in. Surplus Undivided Pp s—n Due to banks, including certi- fied and cashiers’ checks out- standing ' : 3,069.56 Demand 215. Time deposits ..... . Bills payable and rediscounts 30,531. TOLAL : iinniniscsrsssssesnenisnsrssnsin $250,895.30 State of Pen Nani County of Centre, "8. 8: I, HAYS W. MATTERN, Jr, cash- fer of the above-named bank, do solemn- ly swear that the above statement is Fue Ho the best of my knowledge and b , HAYS W. MATTERN, Jr., Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of October, 1929. Notary Public. We C. SMELTZER W. H. BROUSE . Directors. . Correct Attest: ra 2 to | tract in : Ferguson |' $3,700. James M. Alexander, et ux, to Joseph K. Alexander, et ux, tractin Union Twp.; $1. Bertha Houser, et bar, to F. L Hartman, tract in Millheim; $1. Mary Weber, Exec. to David K. Keller, tract in Centre Hall; $3,000. The New Union Cemetery to J. B. Mitchell, tract in Union Twp,; $16.00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR RENT.—The third floor apart- ment for Night house keeping, in the Jennie organ home, on east High street. 50-1t OUSE FOR RENT.—An eight room house, with bath, good hot water system, hot water heater and all ences located at No. 30, west Lo- an street. The house is so arranged that renter desiring to sub-let a two or three room aj ent can very conven- iently do so. It has a Jarge lot and three car garage. For further information in- quire at this office. 75-2-3t TOCKHOLDERS' MEETING—The an- nual meeting of the stockholders of Whiterock arries will be held at the offices of the Company in Bellefonte, Pa., on Monday, January 27, 1930, at ten o'clock a. m., for the election of direc- tors for the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may properly come before such meeting. L. A. SCHAEFFER, ; Secretary. conve! 75-2-3t FEED We offer subject to Market changes: per 100lb Quaker scratch feed .............. 2.50 Quaker Full-O-Pep egg mash 3.50 Quaker 209% dairy ration........ 2.50 Quaker 249, dairy ration....... 2.65 Quaker calf meal...................... 4.50 Quaker sugared Schumacker.. 2.30 Wayne 329, dairy ration....... 3.00 Wayne 249, dairy ration........ 2.70 Wayne 209% dairy ration... 2.65 Wayne egg mash... 3.25 Wayne 189, pig meal............. 3.00 Wayne 289% hog meal.............. 3.25 Ryde’s calf meal...................... 5.00 Bran... i... oi. 2.00 A..middungs ...................... 2.30 B. middlings ....................... Corn and Oats Chop..... Cracked corn Cotton seed meal..................... Gluten feed Alfalfa - meal ............................ Beef scrap or meat meal Hog tankage Oyster shells aie Mica spar grit............................ Stock salt... Common Fine Salt................ Quaker oat meal ................ Menhaden 559, fish meal........ Bone meal Charcoal Dried buttermilk .. Dried skim milk Pratt’s poultry worm powder.. 1 Pratt’s poultry regulator....... Cod Liver Oil cans gal........... Cod ‘Liver Oil bulk gal... 0.0 "~ Orders for one ton or more de- livered without extra charge. . We make no charge for mixing your rations. Your orders will be appreciated and have our careful attention. A. F. HOCKMAN Feed store—28 West Bishop Street ‘Phone 98-J Mill—Hecla Park, Pa. ‘Phone 2324 76-2tf. PR RONNENNNNN 33RITBBIBENS LOLI HH HN pd DO Showing 2--7 and 9 P. M. : Another Great Paramount Super- «Saveetie’’ With Nancy Carroll, Helen Kane, Stanley Smith, Jack Oakie—co-ed Beauties making Whoopie. Catchy Song Hits, New Dances, and the “Boop Boopa Doop” Girl, Helen Kane, cooing romance. You'll roll off your seat laughing. Hear the latest heart-throb, ‘Sweeter than Sweet” —see the newest dance craze, “The Prep Step,” and a hundred other thrills that will make you feel great. 'M. Hartsock, tract in: Patton Twp.; | 8232323358388 Production —first time in Centre Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XECUTOR’S NOTICE. — Notice -i8 hereby given that letters testament- ary in the estate of Harry ik Hutchison, late of the Borough of e- fonte, , have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills Centre County, All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment of the same and those having claims against the estate to present them duly proven for adjustment and payment, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Executor, 75-1-6t Bellefonte, Penna. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— Let- ters of stration on the es- tate of Esther K. Gray, late Patton jownship, Centre county, Pennsyl- vania, d , having been granted fo the undersigned all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate ave requested to make immediate payment of such indebtedness and those having claims should present them, properly aude thenticated, to GEORGE M. GLENN, Administratier Harrisburg Academy . 74-50-6t Harrisburg, S HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of‘ a writ of Levari Facias issued out of { e Court of Common Pleas of Centre tunis to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at The Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on > FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1930. The Following Property: ALL that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situate in the Towm- shi of College, County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des- cribed as follows, to-wit: — : BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of lot of Mrs. Annie E. Rosenberger, form- erly lot of Ezma Lee, thence East along centre of Turnpike, now State Highway, Route 56, a distance of 75 feet to a corn- er to be established by Jacob R. hots Harry Stover and Margaret Stover, wife,” thence along the described lot and’ other lands of Jacob R. Hoy in a South- erly direction to a corner to be establish- ed between the d Hoy and Stovers, on line of land of R. G. Bressler, Westerly a distance of 75 feet to corner of lot of Mrs. Annie HB. , formerly. Eva Lee, being the Southeast corner of Annie E. Rogehberger a distance ap- proximately 217 feet to the place of be=-- ginning. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the roperty of Harry Stover and Margaret Stover, his wife. : Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M. of said da; . E. DUNLAP, Sheriff ye. H Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. fy 75-1-3t December 26th, 1929 EPORT OF CONDITION OF '"HE R First National Bank, No. 924¢ at Howard, in the State of Penusyl- nia, at the close of business on Decem= ber 31, 1929. : RESOURCES. Loans and discounts United States Governme .... $154,084.38 curities owned 28,800.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, OWIIBA - vevovisersngensprsegss sevtssnssossgtasns 214,863.98 Banking house, $3,800, Furni- ture and fixtures, $3,827.16... 7,627.18 Reserve with Federal Reserve BANK | .oouseremnrisersresssermmmnsyirssssssiesss 16,545.00 Cash and due from banks .... 29,059.67 Redemption fund with U. . Treasurer and due from U. 8. MreASUTOr ..ccceeeessssrerses 1.250.00 OLA] .oemicieresrreriraisiorsssesses $452,230.09 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 25,000. Surplus sevaesvanisesgasressseosar 25,000. Undivided profits—net .. . 32,070. Resofves wr dividends, 75h encies, eC. ....orirveersscicrssenes 750.04 Circulating notes outstanding 25,600.00 Due to Danks including oot! : fied and cashiers’ s out- ; standin 332.18 Demand p4z.o% Time deposits eassarisnsssnsenssasensbensssanasantrtane of Cenire. ss: s ghier of the above-named bank, “do ‘solemnly sweag that the above statement is true fe the best. of my knowledge and belief. © W. K-McDOWELL, Casbivr. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1930. WALTER YEARICK, Notary Public. My commission expires March 2, 1933. Correct Attest: : WALTER J. KURTZ S. A. PLETCHER LINE K A Directors. State of Pennsylvania county Ww. K. MeDOWE L, - BELLEFONTE Continuous Saturday 2 te 11 P. M. Western Electric Vitaphone Equipment . Showing : Thursday and Friday with thrills galore. Saturday —One Day Only Monte Blue and May McAvoy in a Talkie Bubbling Over with Action and Thrills— “NO DEFENSE” The romance of a Railroad Construction Foreman and a Society Girl, filled TALKING COMEDY—VITAPHONE ACTS. : Featuring V . Fifi Dorsay, El Brendel]. have convalsions at this. Monday, Tuesday, Wednes.—Next Week The Record-Smashing All-Talking Singing Comedy-Riot «HOT FOR PARIS” the trio which is making the world laugh—Victor McLagien, If you laughed at “The Cockeyed World” you'll Thursday and Friday--Next Week—The All-American Screen Faverites—Buddy Rogers hit, “HA. AY TO Showing 7 and 9 P.M. All-Laughing Admissions—Children 10c. and Jean a Fast-Moving, All-Talking STATE THEATRE Now Showing All Week MARY PICKFORD and DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS together in an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” Adults, Balcony 25c., Main Floor 35¢. All-Talking