PINE GROVE MENTION. WINGATE y truck loads of Christmas| A. B. Wieland is here with his 1ave been hauled through here, ; family. sast and west. funeral cortege of Edward passed through here, last lay, for Milesburg, where fun- services were held and burial Aunt Mary Burke, of Marsh Creek, is a guest at the W. R. Port home. Roy Close has flitted to Harris- burg where he. has secured a good position. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed, of Greensburg, are visiting friends in the valley. John G. Miller is making a new foundation on which to move his farm house, Rev. H. N. Walker, of Bellwood, spent Sunday with his father, A. Stine Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gearhart are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of another son. Rev. W. W. Moyer and wife were entertained, for dinner, at the J. E. McWiliams home, on Sunday. John Hanna has acepted a good position at Rochester, N. Y., and flitted to that city last week. Why go elsewhere to shop for Christmas when Pine Grove stores are well supplied with everything. ‘Squire E. H. Auman has come back from Maryland and will spend the Yuletide season among Centre county friends, J. H. Bailey and wife and W. H. Glenn and wife, attended the funer- al of Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, in Al- toona, last Thursday. Mrs. Adaline Fye entertained the members of the ladies Bible class of the Lutheran church, at her home, last Thursday evening. Samuel H. Tate and wife motored over from Lewistown, Sunday, and Belle Kepler has closed her in Baltimore and moved her 0ld goods to this place. For esent she is staying with her r-in-law, James Snyder. nds of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Fish- re them a kitchen shower, at me of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Irwin, the other evening, at time -they received enough articles to stock a good-siz- shen. Refreshments were serv- ing the evening, Those pres- sluded Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cus- liss Dora Flack, Miss Ellie Mrs. Jennie Poorman, Miss Watson and Miss Unie Taylor, lefonte: Mrs. Catherine Fish- | son Lloyd, Mahlon Smith, Geraldine and Berenice Mur- fr. and Mrs. Ralph McLaugh- r. and Mrs, Lewis Davidson, Mabel Burns and daughter, Nellie Custer, W. S. Fisher, Glenn Mitchell, Mrs. Fred and daughter, James Snyder, Sharles Reese, Mr. and Mrs. ‘isher, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Flor- aucas and Donald Irwin. aA AS ASB AST LTD : Y | were dinner guests at the A. B. 4| Musser home, on the Branch. »| Mrs. R. L. Watts has been dis- LTOONA BOOSTER charged from the Blair Memorial [ERCHANTS SAY: [4] voce of fer home at'State Gor ege. tronize Your Home Mer- ge Ford car was badly wrecked ants First, but shop in Al- na Booster Stores for e things Your Home ores cannot supply. against a telephone pole in the Glades, Sunday night, but so far as can be learned no one was badly hurt, Mrs, R. G. Gardner and daughter Elizabeth left, last - Friday, for St. Petersburg, Fla. to spend the win- ter. Mr. Gardner will keep the home open during their absence. After spending the summer in California Walter Woods, wife and daughter Virginia have returned east and will spend the Christmas season here at the Dr, Deorge H. Woods home. Charles Goss, and lady friend, came up from Harrisburg and spent several days with his mother, Mrs. A. F. Goss, who is not in good health. He also tried his hand at hunting but failed to bag a buck. J. F. McCormick and D. S. Peter- son motored to Bellefonte, last Thursday, to visit Max Wara at the Centre County hospital. They re- port him getting along nicely and will likely be discharged in the near future. Jacob M. Kepler came up from New York and spent Sunday with his parens, Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Rome merchants *| Kepler. He has’ accepted a position with the Pittsburgh and Rochester Coal company and left for Indiana, VAT ATL AY AT AN Altoona yoster Stores ARE pen Evenings Until 9 o’clock ening Opening of Booster .s has been arranged for the r gout: of patrons who | PhoenaX Christmas Shop- TA VAT ATA ATA I PAT ATA TAT ATA TA TAA TA g o 88 22 - w!m Wd gg -~S ov sible to : 8 are ready to sat : call Pa., on Monday. ir saustdctory service a 3 : , but beg to s uggest that b A Christmas cantata will be sung lin the Presbyterian church, Sunday SE WHO ARRANGE TODO {| evening. The same evening a IIR SHOPPING DURING ? | Christmas entertainment will be giv- MORNING WILL FIND ¢|en in the Presbyterian church, at ATER SATISFACTION IN b Baileyville, while an entertainment ING SELECTIONS THAN ¢| will be held in Meek’s church, Mon- ING THE RUSH HOURS !|day evening. \FTERNOON AND EVEN- {| Last Saturday. as Paul Musser » | was backing his car out of the gar- 4 VA age to attend the funeral of Mrs. L t <| Anna Reed, it took fire and was a e y | completely destroyed. With the as- | sistance of Mrs, Musser he managed Ch 5 t a to push the car far enough away ris m S | from the garage so that it did not 3 catch fire. Shoppers es 11 be Pleased with the Wide riety for Choice provided BOOSTER STORES r Those Who Must Neces- $ BOALSBURG : ¢ 3 : 9 ily Delay Their Gift Buy- : d b 3 Mrs. Stiver, of Mill Hall, is the guest of her niece. Mrs. Edward Jacobs. : James Irwin lost a fine milch cow, Saturday, the result of an overdose of corn. A Christmas service will be ren- dered in the Lutheran church on De- cember 24th, at 7:30 o'clock. Wallace Kline and family, of State : College, are occupying the George ; Until he Last Mindte, Meyer house, on church street. matter what kind of gifts Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Rockey and Mr. may. need, if your home Willis Grove visited friends at Buf- s cannot supply them, you §! falo Run and Petersburg, last week. pe sure to find something to e in Booster Stores and at a price. Mrs. Ralph Blaney and daughter, Jean, of Bellefonte, are spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Dale. The choir of the Reformed church is preparing special Christmas mu- sic for their regular church service on Sunday. Prof. Leroy Freeby and Miss Maud Huey, of Fillmore, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dale, at dinner on Sunday. A number of friends and neigh- bors gave a party at the George Rowe home, Tuesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Ackerman. Mrs, David Bohn spent Thursday among friends in town and also par- ticipated in the sewing party at the home of Mrs. Charles Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher re- turned to their home in Danville, after spending the past six months at the Fisher home on Main street. The young ladies class of the Lutheran Sunday school held their nta Claus Says: erybody Finds that Christ- s Shopping is Easier, icker and More Satisfac- vy in Booster Stores! Altoona ouster Association ATA TAS TATA TA TAN trand Theatr ALTOONA, PA. A OBC LV LH VA AV AT AV AV AVY REPEAT ENGAGEMENT OF 4 regular monthly meeting at the P. vo Sensational Attractions Er Serger home, Wednesday JECEMBER 20 and 21 JACKSONVILLE. n With the Show” JECEMBER 23 and 24 “Desert Song” \rting CHRISTMAS Day Show of Shows” Clarence Weight returned home ing 77 Stars, 1000 Girls, All Natural Colo , from the Western States, last Sat- A TATA TAA VL VAS | urday a week. Mrs. Harry Hoy and son Willard | and Miss Genevieve Lucas spent Sun- , day afternoon at State College, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Neff. Franklin Weight left, on Wednes- day, for Ohio. Mrs, Ephriam Lucas spent Thurs- day afternoon at the Mervin Hoy home. - FATA VA TA TAT “HELL'S ACRES” AND =e “AVIATOR'S GRAVEYARD” Coming to the editor's desk, last week, was the following: December 11th, 1929 Democratic Watchman, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. I am doing my Christmas shop- ping early which explains the en- closed check for two year’s advance subscription to the Watchman. I enclose a clipping from the New York Times, which you may have seen, and from which it would ap- pear that your cowboy nitwit jok- er is getting back at Bellefonte for the little squib you handed him some months ago as to the dis- tinction between a fool and a clown. This unfortunate accident to the avi- ator happened many, many miles from Bellefonte and could have been saddled onto many other towns as well. To the best of my recollection Bellefonte has not contributed to so many fatal accidents as to compare with the sudden deaths, murders, etc., of Rogers’ own immediate vicin- ity, which of course includes Holly- wood. With best wishes of the season, I am yours, Sincerely B. WILLIAMS C. The clipping to which Mr, Williams refers was Will Rogers’ tribute to the lost air pilot, Thomas P. Nelson, published in the New York Times of December 7th, and was as follows: Beverly Hills, Cal, Dec. 6 Our foreign friends always accuse us of being a loud, boisterous na- tion. Well, if you don’t think Amer- ica can stand still and keep its mouth shut you just watch it as I have today when Hagen and Diegel are putting. The morning paper states, “An- other mail pilot found crashed on a hillside.” Well, he might have been just another pilot to that newspap- er, but he was more than that to me. This same boy Nelson, and right out of that same grave yard of aviators, Bellefonte, Pa., tried to get me through those mountains to New York one stormy night. He set he and I down that night in a pare spot no larger than a film ac- tress’s living room in my first forc- ed landing, and without a scratch. So you wil pardon me if I look on him as a little more than ‘just an- other pilot.” He was my first hero. Yours; WILL ROGERS Bellefonte and the Allegheny mountains have repeatedly been re- ferred to as “Hell's Acres” and the “Aviator's Graveyard,” phrases coin- ed by a certain newspaper man at the time of the tragical crash of Charles H. Ames. The airmail has been carried over this route eleven years and during that time fewer pi- lots have lost their lives in the Alle- gheny mountain section than have fallen to their death on the plains of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois or the low-lands of New Jersey.—ED ye ww ~ A rw Aan by : CASH GIFT APPRECIATED Mr. Editor: : One of the most delightful sur- prises ever experienced by the writ- er was a donation of $25.00 recently mailed to him by the Moose Lodge, of Bellefonte, to help defray the heavy expenses involved in main- taining the athletic life of the Belle- fonte Academy. | The spirit that inspired such & generous gift is beautiful and all in- terested in the success of the Acad- emy will feel most profoundly grateful to the Moose Lodge for the real inspiration the gift will afford. It is a pleasure to publicly acknowledge such a splendid il- lustration of the Yuletide spirit. Very cordially yours, JAMES R. HUGHES. ESTHER. K. GRAY She is away On some new quest. She is not dead! She sends a welcome glad To all the friends she meets, On earth’s wide road, at home, Or on the heavenly streets. She went through life Taking her best, a friend to all. ing trust. high How, unafraid, to die. — Tonight Bellefonte Council of the order. His visit ——House slippers for men, guar- With beaming face and cheery voice She knew no fear! With smiling face Her cross she carried with unfalter- With faith and courage both serene and She showed us how to live aright, —Susan L. Harlacker Council, Knights of Columbus, will have the honor of entertaining P. J. McCar- thy, representative of the Supreme to explain several improvements in . r—— ct NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE. —Desirable residence on East Linn street. Enquire of Mrs, W. L. Daggett. Tel. 543-R. 49-2t ALE.—One half of a double house, in State College. Eight rooms, five bed rooms, 2 car gar- gage. A good business proposition. ALSO a lot 60x150, with sidewalk, on Park Ave. near athletic fleld, in good residential section. Phone 16W or write 216, south Ather- ton St., S.ate College. 74-49-3t 5 TATE sONLRs PROPERTY FOR centrally located tion for clemency will be made to the Board of Pardons of the De- partment of Justice of the Commonwea th of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, at the regular Jesting of said Board in I’'2'eme= ber, 1929, on behalf of Arthur V. G2ar- hart, sentenced April 26, 1928, from, (.en= tre county, Pennsylvania, to two and one= half to five Fars in the western ni tentiary, in Pittsburgh, Pa. barge for - 4-47- N OTICE is hereby given that applica lica- e to the Board of Pardons of the De- ery is N OTICE is hereby given that a tion for clemency will be - anteed solid leather, only $1.95, Yea- ’ the insurance laws of the Order partment of Justice of the Commonwealth ers Tiny Boo hop. 50- » | of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, at the g y t Shop 1t one of which permits the member | regular Tyeeting of said Bo Ein ann to borrow against his HOWARD The Bald Eagle road, Howard to Milesburg, was opened by the State Highway department last week. 000,000 of insurance in force. insurance equity in order to pay assessments. The Knights now have over $278,- ary, 1930, on behalf of Arthur V. Gear- hart, sentenced Sept. 26, 1928, from Cen- tre county, Pennsylvania, to two and one- half to five years in the western pend tentiary, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Charge ore ery. 74-50-; OTICE Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Elder were in 5 Altoona, attending the funeral of Mr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. — IN DIVORCE.—Carrie BE. Armsirong, vs. Winfred B. Arm- strong. n the court of common Elder's mother, Mrs. J. A. Elder. re Edwin Robb stopped in Howard for a few hours while on his way to Philadelphia to take up his new the Jennie High street. OR RENT.—The third floor apart- A ment for light house keeping, in organ home, on San Pleas of entre county, Pennsylvania. No. 0 Sept. T. 1929, in Divorce A. V. M. To infred B. Armstrong. Sir:—Take notice I have been appoint- ed master to take testimony in the above case, and that I shall hold a meeting for position with the Bell Telephone Co. the purposes of my appointment, on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Willard McDowell A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— Let- urday, January 4th, 1930, at o'clock ters of administrati "|p. M. in my offices, 16-17 Temple Court motored to Lock Haven, Tuesday ters of administration on tho eof | Building Ballefonte, Penna., at which evening, to partake of a surprise turkey dinner in honor of Miss Anna Reid, Thursday of this week, the “Win One” Bible class of the Reformed church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Light- hamer. Rev. P. N. Osborne, the Presby- 71-5064 vania, dece: , the undersigned all themselves In those such indebtedness and thenticated, to Harri Harrisburg, Patton township, Centre county, Pennsyl- having been granted te persons knowi debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment of having claims should present them, properly au- GEORGE M. GLENN, Administrator sburg Academ time and place you are requested to at- tend. W. D. ZERBY, Master, ng 74-49-3 Proposed Ordinance a. | An Ordinance introduced at a re lar meeting of the Town Council of the terian minister, preached a wonder- E——— ful sermon on proofs of religion, 4° 0 Round Trip taking his text from the “conversion MUMMERS’ of Paul.” New Year’s Day The High school girls gave their play “Firefly Girls,” Friday and PHILADELPHIA Saturday evenings, in the Evangeli- cal church, and had a capacity audi- ence each evening. Friday afternoon of this week the Grade school pupils will give an en- tertainment for their parents and friends, and Friday evening the grammar school pupils will hold their entertainment. Deer season being over Howard is back to normal again. Everybody who could carry a gun spent at least a few days hunting. Most of the camps in the Alleghenies return- ed with their limit but the boys in the Seven mountains did not fare so well, being lucky to get one or two. Quite a number of day hunters were successful in bagging game, among others Ralph Fry, Fred Day, John Bland, John Davy, Chester Neff, Edward Mann, Marion Pletch- er and Samuel Kunes. TRAIN LEAVES Tuesday Night preceding Excursion Leaves Bellefonte - - - 10:00 P.M. Returning, leave Philadel phia (Broad St. Station) . 5:10 P.M. All Steel Equipment Pennsylvania Railroad most BELLEFONTE} The electric oven takes full charge of cooking delicious meals | An electric range does exactly what a cook would do . . . relieve you of cooking responsibility after the food is Re prepared. It does the tedious watching and waiting. It : automatically keeps the temperature just right for the perfectly browned and deliciously tender result. COOKS ELECTRICALLY . . . here is why! > WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 You can be out of the kitchen during the entire cooking period. All you have to do is place the food in the oven and set the time and temperature regulators. The current comes on at just the right moment and is shut off at just the right heat. So little evaporation takes place in the tightly sealed oven that there’s no need to baste meat or add water to vegetables. And everything goes farther, too! Home economists have estimated that about twenty per cent less shrinkage takes place in an electric oven. And the savory juices that are retained enhance flavor and make the simplest of electric-oven cooked meals both appetizing and nourish- ing. Cook electricaily for economy! WEST PENN POWER CO poroy h of Bellefonte held December AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF BELLEFONTE, COUNTY OF CENTRE AND STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, VACATING LAMB STREET FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH SPRING STREET, A DIS- TANCE OF TWO HUNDRED AND SEVEN FEET TO THE INTERSEC- TION OF AN ALLEY WITH LAMB STREET, IMMEDIATELY SOUTH- WEST OF THE PROPERTY OF ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. WHEREAS, the School District of the Borough of Bellefonte is the owner of real estate for school purposes on both sides of Lamb Street between the inter- section of said Street with Spring Street and running east to an Alley adjoinin property of St. John’s Episcopal churc on the Southwest; AND WHEREAS, said Lamb Street be- tween the points aforesaid is unnecessary for the accommodation of the traveling public and the citizens of said Borough; AND WHEREAS, traffic on said street between the points aforesaid is danger- ous to the puoi of the Dublic schools adjacent to said Street. EREFOR:— SECTION ONE:—Be it ORDAINED and ENACTED by Council of the Borough of Bellefonte, at a regular meeting thereof, and it is hereby ORDAINED and EN- ACTED by authority of the same that the following portion of Lamb Street, in the Borough of Bellefonte, County © Centre and State of Pennsylvania, is hereby vacated, to-wit: — BEGINNING at the intersection of Lamb Street with Spring Street: thence in a Northeasterly direction two hundred and seven feet to the intersection of Lamb Street, with an Alley adjoining the property of St. John's Episcopal Church on the Southwest. ORDAINED AND ENACTED into an ORDINANCE, this day of JANUARY, A. D. Secretary of Council And now, to-wit, January A. D. 1930, this Ordinance is hereby approved. Burgess Hunter’s Book Store PA. BELLEFONTE, REDE No store gives you such a Variety of Gifts as a Good Book Store To verify it scan this List BIBLE BOOK LETTER RACK PORTFOLIO BILL BOOK DIARY PASS CASE WRITING SET" DESK SET BOOK ENDS VASE BRIDGE SET TALLY SETS INK WELL PAPER KNIFE ASH TRAY BOX PAPER UTILITY BOY PICTURE DOOR STOP EVERSHARP PENCIL } DESK CALENDAR DIARY WITH LOCK INCENSE BURNER FOUNTAIN PEN FOUNTAIN PEN SET PAPER WEIGHT ART PLAEQUE All at Popular Prices