Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 06, 1929, Image 8

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Brora la
Bellefonte, Pa., December 6, 1929
-——The condition of Dr. Delaun
Stewart was such, yesterday, as to
indicate that his recovery is beyond
——Mrs. George P. Bible, of Cur-
tin street, is said to be quite ser-
jously ill with an ailment that has,
as yet, baffled diagnosis.
Dr, Delaun G. Stewart died
at his home on Linn St. Bellefonte
at noon yesterday. Funeral from
the house Saturday afternoon at
three o'clock.
——The debating teams of the
Pennsylvania State College and the
University of Pittsburgh will meet
at State College on December 13 to
to argue whether or not “Higher ed-
ucation should be limited to those
having special ability.”
——A reception will be given to
the members of the confirmation
class of St. John’s Episcopal church,
in the parish house, Saturday even-
ing at 8:30. The Rt. Rev. James H.
Darlington, Bishop of Harrisburg,
will be the guest of honor.
——The holiday hat sale at the
Elizabeth T. Cooney “Hat Shop” is
attracting many who are looking for
bargains in millinery. She is show-
ing over 500 hats ranging in price
from $1.00 to $3.95. There is no hat
on sale over $5. 74-48-1t
——Wahile everybody knows it has
been unseasonably cold, the past
week just as a matter of record we
state that last Saturday morning,
the last day of November, it was
five degrees below zero in Bellefonte
and ten below in some sections of
the county,
——Miss Jennie Snyder lost her
tortoise-shell rim glasses on Wed-
nesday of last week and will be
most grateful if the finder returns
them to her. She thinks she dropped
them on either Allegheny or High
street. Finder please call 321 north
Allegheny street, Bellefonte.
—Mr, and Mrs. W. Earl McCreedy
of West New York are receiving
congratulations on the birth of their
first son, who was born last week.
Mr. and Mrs. McCreedy are well
known here, Mrs, McCreedy being
formerly, Miss Mary Parker, daugh-
ter of Mrs. G. Ross Parker.
——The Epworth League of the
M. E. church of Bellefonte desire, in
this manner, to thank all persons
who assisted in making their recent
musical entertainment a success;
the newspapers for their generous
advertising and Harter’s Music store
for the use of their excellent piano.
——A ‘dance will be given by the
Acolytes Guild of St. John’s Episco-
pal church in the parish house on
Friday evening, beginning at 8:30,
The Academy orchestra will furnish
the music. The admission, 50 cents.
This will be the second of a series
of dances to be given through the
winter for the young people of Belle-
+ ——Deliveryman Lester Bartley
of the American railway express, is
now driving a new delivery truck
which was put into service last Fri-
day morning. The old black horse
which hauled many tons of express
matter over the hilly streets of
Bellefonte, was shipped to Baltimore
the same day while the company’s
wagon and sled were bought by Gus
Armor for junk.
|——The Bellefonte Trust company
will receive private, sealed bids until
Tuesday, December 17, 1929, 10
‘ofclock A. M. for the sale of the
real estate of the estate of Clyde I
Blackford, deceased, situate on east
Bishop street, Bellefonte Pa., known |
as the “Blackford Restaurant,” and
for the farm property situate in
Clurtin township, Centre county, Pa.,
khown as the William Robb farm.
——Professor B. W. Dedrick in
charge of milling engineering in-
struction at the Pennsylvania State |
Cbhllege, in a recent article in the |
“American Miller” rates the rise of
civilization from the increased use of
breadstuffs. He bases his theory on
the facts that the raising of grains
held the grower to one locality for
five to six months a year !eading to
the erection of more permanent
quarters which eventually grew intc
‘villages, towns and cities.
~-~~—Last Friday morning Miss
Rose Haupt, head operator in the
Bellefonte telephone | exchange, was
‘on her way down High street when
‘she either slipped on the ice or trip-
ped and fell right on the dividing line
‘between the properties of C. D. Case-
beer and Petrikin hall. J. D. Seibert
picked her up and calling a passing
car had her taken to the hospital
where it was found that her left an-
kle was broken in three places—a
double fracture of the large bone
and a single fracture of one of the
smaller bones.
— Owing to the fact that notice
of the recent meeting of the Woman’s
Club of this place was crowded out
of last week’s issue the Watchman
failed to comment on the talk Dr.
Wm. Van de Wall, of the State Wel-
fare Department gave the club, Itis
rarely that we hear so much favor-
able comment on such addresses as
came to our ears following Dr. Van
de Wall's visit here. He seems to
have so thoroughly interested his
auditors that they were practically
a unit in declaring his talk one of
the very best that the Club has been
Fred Horner, the Victim, Died With-
in Half an Hour.
Fred Horner, of Millbrook, Col-
lege township, was the unfortunate
victim of a tragic shooting accident,
on Tuesday afternoon, when he was
shot in mistake for a deer by his
twin brother, John Horner, of Col-
yer. The brothers were members of
day hunters from Colyer and vicinity
who were hunting on Sand mountain,
in the Seven mountains. They were
both on the drive, Fred being on the
flank of the team with John next
in line. Fred got a little ahead of
the other drivers as well as closer
than the original formation.
When about two thirds of the way
over the mountain John saw some-
thing moving in the underbrush. In
his excitement he mistook it for a
deer and after covering the moving
object with his gun held his aim for
some seconds hoping to get a sight
of the supposed deer’s head to deter-
mine whether it was a buck or doe.
In the belief that he had seen a pair
of antlers he shot. Hastening to the
sopt he was horrified to discover
that instead of a deer he had shot
his brother Fred. The bullet enter-
ed the man’s back and came out
through the abdomen.
Others members of the hunting
party were hastily summoned and
preparations were made to bring the
wounded man to the Centre County
hospital but he died within half an
hour, before he could be brought out
of the mountains, and his dead body
was taken to his home at Millbrook.
The victim of the accident was a
son of George and Catherine Horner
and was born near Colyer a little
over thirty-seven years ago. During
the past year he had been employed
on the farm by John Bathgate, at
Millbrook. Over fifteen years ago
he married Miss Margaretta Rockey,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F.'
Rockey, of Colyer, who survives with
eight children, ranging in age from
14 years to 6 months, as fellows:
Martha, Walter, Mary, William,
Doris, Ward, Lois and Betty, all at
home. He also leaves his mother
and the following brothers and sis-
ters: Mrs. Clyde Stemm, of near
Pine Grove Mills; Mrs. Cyrus Con-
fer, of State Colege; Edward Hor-
ner, of Lemont; Rev. Charles Horner,
in Dauphin county; Samuel of Tus-
seyville; John, of Colyer; Bruce, of
State College; Harry, of Millbrook;
Earl, of State College, and Mrs. El-
mer Dashem, of Tusseyville.
Funeral services will be held in the
brick church, at Tusseyville, at 9:30
o'clock this morning, by Rev. Keen-
er, of the Lutheran church burial
to be made in the Tusseyville ceme-
Max Ward, of Baileyville, is in the
Centre County hospital with a bullet
wound in the right ankle. He was
with a party of hunters in the moun-
tains near Pine Grove Mills when
the accident occurred. The men were
standing around a fire, at noon on
Monday, eating their lunch. A shot
rang out nearby and the bullet hit
Ward on the right ankle, richocheted
on striking the bone and coming out
through the flesh entered the right
knee of William Clair, of Juniata,
who was standing next to Ward.
Clair was taken to the Altoona hos-'
pital and Ward was brought to the
Centre County institution.
LeRoy Ralph Krepps, of Spruce
Creek, was killed, on Tuesday morn-
ing, by he acidental discharge of his
own gun while hunting in the moun-
tains near his home. He was
29 years old. and leaves a wife and
small son, his mother and a number
of brothers and sisters.
——The biggest bargains ever of-
fered anywhere any time or any
place is what you will find at Fau-
ble’s 43rd Anniversary Sale on Sat-
urday. Be on hand, as the doors
swing open promptly at 9 a. m. 48-1t
ef eee ere.
Bellefonte Hi-Y club was repre-
sented at the older boys conference
by the following boys: J. Wayne
Morrow, Leonard Witmer and Harry
Beck. The conference was held at :
Bloomsburg and was in charge of
E. M. INelson and W. C. Montignani,
of the State Y. M. C. A. staff. The
local boys made their report to the !
club last evening.
At a recent meeting of the Friend-
ly Indian club of the Y. M. C. A. the
following officers were elected: El-
wood Furst, chief; Ivar Hansen,
tom-tom-beater; Edward Maloy, In-'
dian runner; Franklin Stevens, med-
icine man; Bill Port, wampum bear-
er. The club meets every Saturday
morning and is part of the Christian
citizenship program being carried on
by the Y.
Both the Hi-Y and the varsity Y
basketball teams are practicing for |
the coming season. Each team will
have a strong schedule and some
good games are promised for the
basketball fans of Bellefonte. The
Y has entered the Central State
League for this season, which prom-
ises some keen competition and which
needs real support from local fans.
Back your community teams, they'll
feel more like winning for you if
you are back of them. You can’t back
a team at home, get in on the
games and. help your team to the
——The Fauble Store's 43rd An-
niversary Sale starts promptly at 9
privileged to hear in all its years of
activity. 43
a. m. Saturday. Be there. A big
surprise awaits you. 48-1t
! choir.
| find what you are looking for on one
Pilot Thomas P, Nelson, flying the
night airmail from New York to
Cleveland, has been missing since
Sunday. night and the general belief
is that he was killed. in a .crash in.
the mountainous sections of western
Pennsylvania during a violent snow
Nelson made a stop at the Belle-
fonte field on his western flight and
checked out at 11:15 p. m. That was
the last definite trace of him al-
though Brookville reported that the
plane flew over there about on time
and it is also reported that he was
heard at Clarion and even west of
that point, Failing to reach Cleve-
land searching planes were sent out
early Monday morning and the
search has continued every day
since, by planes in the air and hun-
dreds of men on the ground.
The searchers have naturally been
handicapped by the cold weather
and snow, tut the hunt will be con-
tinued until the missing plane and
pilot are found. If Nelson was not
killed outright in the crash but bad-
ly injured he would have perished in
the cold long ere this. .
Col. Charles A. Lindberg joined
the searchers yesterday. Flying from
New York he reached the Bellefonte
field between four and five o'clock
yesterday morning, remaining there
until 5:24 when he left for the west-
ern part of the State. The N. A. T.
has offered a reward of $5000 for
the finding of the missing pilot,
Nelson was found yesterday after-
noon at 1:30 near Chagrin Falls, 35
miles east of Cleveland. He had
jumped from his plane and was dead
when found.
The Miles store at Milesburg is
celebrating the golden anniversary
of its establishment by the late Wil-
liam B. Miles, in 1879. In the fifty
years that have lapsed this well
known mercantile establishment has
been owned and operated by three
generations of the Miles family and
steadily through half a century it
has been their endeavor to give their
patrons courteous treatment and
sound values. :
. They are celebrating the event in
Milesburg now with a golden anni-
versary sale and to give it a lively
zest a pair of gold fish in an aquar-
ium are being given away to each
purchser of one dollar's worth of
The ladies of St. Mary’s church,
Snow Shoe, are preparing for the
grand bazaar and roast chicken din-
ner they are going to hold out there
next Friday and Saturday the 13th
and 14th. pet
‘The bazaar will be open both days
and there will be booths at which all
sorts of nice things suitable for
Christmas gifts will be offered. = |
And on Saturday evening, from 5
until 8 a roast chicken dinner, with
all that goes with it, will be served
by the ladies.
The patronage
earnestly solicited.
of the public is
The Right Reverend James H.
Darlington, Ph. D., L. 1. D., D.
Bishop of Harrisburg, will make his
annual visitation to St. John’s Epis-
copal church this Sunday and ad-'
minister the sacrament of confir-
mation and preach at the 11 o'clock
Special music will be sung by the
An invitation is extended to
everyone to attend this service.
There will be the usual early cele-
bration at 8 o'clock and the con-
firmation service at eleven. The ey-
ening service will be omitted.
——There will be a beautiful and
useful gift, absolutely free, to the
first 25 ladies and the first 25 men
who attend our 43rd Anniversary
Sale starting Saturday promptly at
9 a. m. No purchase required, just
be one of the first 25 that’s all.—
Fauble Stores. 48-1t
Having gone into business for
himself in the garage at the rear of
the Penn Belle hotel Miles Steele
solicits public patronage and prom-
ises good work at reasonable prices. ;
He will specialize in washing and |
lubricating cars and is equipped to
do both well, using nothing but Ale-
mite lubricants.
If you want a good job of washing
or lubrication call phone 32W or
take your car to the Steele garage.
: 48-1t
——While in Bellefonte for a
Thanksgiving and week-end visit,
the big barn on the farm of Bruce
S. Burlingame near Cazenovia, N.
Y., along with all machinery and
the year’s crops, was completely
destroyed by fire last Saturday
morning, Neighbors, however, were
successful in getting all the stock
from the building. Mr. and Mrs.
Burlingame left immediately for
their home, upon receiving word of
the calamity.
——Interesting local news will be
found on most every page of the
Watchman this week, so if you don’t
page turn to another.
{ While the bridegroom
For the fourth time in little more
than three years the Bell Telephone
company of Pennsylvania will on
January 1 introduce a schedule of
reduced rates on various types of
out-of-towh calls, it was announced
today by J. H. Caum manager for
the company here.
The new schedule will be featured
by reductions of from five to ten
cents on the day rates for station-
to-station calls between points from
60 to 300 miles distant. Station- to
station calls are calls for a telephone
by number or otherwise, on which
the calling party does not ask the
operator to locate a particular per-
son. Day rates are in effect from
4:30 A. M. to TP. M.
“It is estimated that telephone
users throughout Pennsylvania will
be saved approximately $525,000 an-
nually through introduction of the
reduced out-of-town rates” Mr.
Caum said, “while in the Bell Sys-
tem throughout the United States
more than $5,000,000 yearly will be
Out-of-town rates were reduced by
$3,000,000 by the Bell System on
October 1, 1926; by $1,500,000 on
December 1, 1927, and by $5,000,000
on February 1, 1929, Mr. Caum
pointed out.
The January 1 rate reduction of
$5,000,000 will thus bring the total
yearly saving to telephone users
throughout the Bell System to $14,-
Some representative. reductions un-
der the new out-of-town rate sched-
ule are shown in the following table.
Day station-to-station rate be-
tween Bellefonte and: —
Pres. Jan 1
Harrisburg, Pa. $ 55 $ 50
New York, N. Y. 1.15 1.05
Philadelphia, Pa. 95 .85
Pittsburgh, Pa. .85 75
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 75 .65
——There will be a beautiful and
useful gift, absolutely free, to the
first 25 ladies and the first 25 men
who attend our 43rd Anniversary
Sale starting Saturday promptly at
9 a. m. No purchase required, just
be one of the first 25, that’s all.—
Fauble Stores. 48-1t
Smith-—Maurer.—John Smith of
Tyrone, and Miss Zelda Maurer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Maurer, of Martha Furnace, were
married on Thanksgiving day, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Buchanan, in Altoona, Mrs. Buchanan
being a sister of the bride. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Carey S. Thomas, of the Baptist
church, and the attendants were
Miss Ardath Smith and Glen Maur-
er. Following the ceremony a wed-
ding dinner was served at the Bu-
chanan home after which the young
couple left on a wedding trip to
Washington, D. C. They will reside
in Altoona: where Mr. Smith is con-
nected ‘with the sales force of the
Central Supply company.
Holderman—Aikdy—Paul Holder-
man, of Bellefonte, and Miss Elea-
nore Aikey, of Curtin, were married
‘at the United Brethren parsonage,
on Wednesday of last week, by the
pastor, Rev. William Snyder. The
bride is an efficient young woman
is a steady,
industrious young man, being em-
ployed by the American Lime &
Stone company. They have the best
wishes of many friends for a happy
and successful life.
— There will be a beautiful and
useful gift absolutely free, to the
first 25 ladies and the first 25 men
{who attend our 43rd Anniversary
Sale starting Saturday promptly at
9 a. m. No purchase required, just
be one of the first 25, that’s all.—
Fauble Stores. 48-1t
——Among ‘the many cases of
+‘ frozen water systems in consequence
of the sudden zero weather the
worst we have heard of was in Un-
ionville where the hot water heating
system, water pipes, kitchen range
and bath room tanksin the home of
H. E. Holzworth were practically all
ruined the latter part of last week.
Mr, Holzworth was in West Virginia
hunting and Mrs. Holzworth motor-
ed down to bring him home. She
had expected to be gone only two
days and past experience assured
her that the furnace well banked
would keep the home warm for that
length of time. They didn’t get
home until the third day and then
found everything frozen. Out of the
fourteen large radiators in the house
only enough sections were not burst-
ed to assemble three good ones from.
——Lester Holtzman, a former
member of the Pennsylvania Legisla-
ture, was found dead in the’ cellar
of the home of Alter Ulsh, at Mil-
lersburg, on Tuesday evening. Holtz-
man was suffering from a nervous
breakdown and as Mr. Ulsh’s gun
was lying beside him when he was
found it is supposed that he took
the weapon from a closet where he
knew that it was kept and slipped
down into the cellar and killed him-
self. The Ulsh’s are former Belle-
fonters and were not in their home
at the time of the tragedy.
——A young son, Henry T. Jr., ar-
rived in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry T. Gruber, at Ventnor, N. J.,
on November 22nd. Mrs. Gruber, be-
fore her marriage, was Miss Pauline
Noll, of Pleasant Gap and as thisis
the first arrival the parents are nat-
urally considerably “set up” about
—Mrs. L. C. Heineman has been in
Pittsburgh this week, visiting with rela-
—Miss Pearl Royer; of Niagara Falls,
spent the latter part of the week with
friends in Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Hoag will go
to Franklin today, to attend the funer-
al of Mr. Hoag's mother, Mrs. Julia
Hoag, to be held there tomorrow.
—Miss Grace Rine and her sister, Mrs.
W. U. Straw, came up from Harrisburg
this week, Mrs. Straw accompanying her
sister home following a long visit. Miss
Rine had been making with the Straw
—Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Walker
went down to Philadelphia, on Monday,
Mr. Walker to attend a meeting of the
Masonic grand lodge while Mrs. Walker
spent her time holiday shopping in the
big department stores.
—John Knox, who came up from Har-
risburg, Sunday, to spend the week hunt-
ing in Centre county, was joined here
Wednesday by Mrs. Knox, both of whom,
will be with Mr. Knox's parents at the
parsonage, until Sunday.
—Walter T. McCormick, local superin-
tendent of the West Penn Power com-
pany, with his wife and two children,
motored to Waynesburg and spent
‘ Thanksgiving with Mrs. McCormick's par-
ents returning home on Sunday.
—Mrs. Richard Lutz shipped the fur-
niture she did not sell and left Satur-
day for a visit with relatives in Al-
toona, before going on to join her
daughter, Mrs. Coll, in Pittsburgh,
where they expect to have a rooming
house during the winter.
—Dorothy Wilkinson, from the Indiana
State Normal, Frederick Kurtz, from the
Harrisburg Academy, John Curtin Jr.,
and Charles Dorworth Jr., from Lehigh
and Evan Blanchard, from Haverford,
were among those away at school, to
come” home for Thanksgiving.
—Dr. 1. K. White came over from
Philipsburg Sunday, spending the time
between trains at the Stewart home on
Linn street. The trip was made to
see Dr. Delaun Stewart, who was at
one time student of Dr. Write in
his dental office at Philipsburg.
—Miss Gertrude S. Ely, of Philadel-
phia, State chairman of the League of
Women Voters, who is here as a speak-
er at the banquet to be given by the
League, atthe Penn Belle hotel to-night,
is a house guest of Mrs. Robert Mills
Beach, Centre county’s chairman.
—John P. Tuten son of Mrs. Earle C.
Tuten, of Harrisburg, was a Bellefonte
visitor on Sunday enroute to Philipsburg.
The plant at which he has been working
in Harrisburg was closed for two weeks
and he took advantage of his vacation to
visit old friends in Centre county.
—~Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Topelt came
over from Brooklyn, Wednesday night,
for a Thanksgiving and week end visit
with Mrs. Topelt’s mother, Mrs. R. S.
Brouse. The three day closing of the
New York stock exchange, made the long
visit at this time possible for Mr.
Topelt who returned to New York, Sun-
day night, leaving Mrs. Topelt to con-
tinue her visit in Bellefonte.
—Miss Nina Lamb and mother, Mrs,
Michael Lamb, went to Camden, N. J.,
two weeks ago where they visited Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Godshall until Thanks-
giving morning, when they were brought
home by automobile by Mr. and Mrs.
Godshall in time to eat their. Thanksgiv_
ing dinner at the Lamb home. Mrs.
Godshall, prior to her marriage, was
Miss Florence Lamb, and she and her
husband remained in Bellefonte until
Sunday, when they motored back to
—Robert Moris went to Philadelphia,
Tuesday, to see his sister, Miss Lida.
who is very ill at the University Grad.
uate hospital, following an operation
there last week. With Miss Morris
has been her brother, Charles A. Mor-
ris, who accompanied her east from
Searcy, Arkansas, and Miss Elizabeth
Morris, who went to Philadelphia from
Bellefonte, to join her father and aunt,
after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Morris, the latter expecting to
| remain there until her aunt is able to
return home.
—Friend Chas. P. Long, of Spring
Mills, spent a few very pleasant—for us—
moments in the Watchman office Wednes_
day afternoon. Charley is an unredeem-
able Republican, but we can have no
quarrel with him for that, because he is
no worse in his affiliation than . we are
in ours. And, besides he wears his pol.
itics so suavely that acrimony never
has a chance to enter into his contacts. He
enjoys the game, however, and since he
has worked himself into a position where
he doesn’t have to sit up nights driving
the wolf from his door we wouldn’t be
surprised if he were to ‘‘can” business
some of these days and go in for the
fun that there is in politics if one’s de-
sires lean that way.
—An unexpected, though none-the-less
welcome, caller last Monday morning,
was our old friend John Beeber from
Punxsutawney. John had come down for
a little visit with his daughter, Mrs. Jo-
seph Bertram, on Spring creek, and real-
ly intended to spend some time calling
on friends here, but it got so cold that
he just ‘froze in’ up there. He was Jn
his way to Philipsburg and from there
intended to continue the homeward trip.
He has been idling for months because
he cut a tendon on his wrist and hasn't
. been able to do much more than nurse
' the injury. He’ is a crack butcher, you
know, and swings a mean cleaver. He
. didn’t tell how he cut the tendon, so we
‘only guess that the old meat ax slipped
one ‘over on him,
—A Watchman office visitor, on Friday,
was 8. J. Kinney, of Newton, Kan., who
came a long way from home for his
{ Thanksgiving dinner, but as he had the
{ pleasure of eating it with old friends,
(and it didn’t cost him any railroad fare
| to come east, it naturally made the din-
ner more tasty and enjoyable. Mr. Kin-
iney is a native of Rebersburg but as a
| young man took to railroading as a vo-
cation. He is now a locomotive engineer
on the Santa Fe railroad with headquar-
ters at Newton. Mrs. Kinney, before
her marriage, was Miss Florence Long._
acre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Longacre, of Bellefonte. Her brother,
Clarence Longacre, lives in Williamsport
and it was there the Kinneys ate their
Thanksgiving dinner, and on Friday they
took their namesake, Kinney Longacre,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Longacre,
to State College, where he is a Sopho-
more. Of course being named for the
Kinneys the young man is rather for-
tunate as he is well remembered in a
substantial way in his college career.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ebon Bower spent the
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Bower's siste
in-law, Mrs. Swabb, in Johnstown, havi
driven over for the day. Mrs. Swabb
coroner of Cambria county and one
its foremost citizens.
—Mrs. Harold Smith has been he
from Homer, N. Y. since Saturda
being back home with her parents, M
and Mrs. A. L. McGinley, for a visit
several weeks. Mrs. Smith, before h
marriage, was Miss Sara McGinley.
—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shields ar
their two children were Thanksgivir
day guests of the Shields and Galbrai
families, having driven over from Rea
ing to celebrate the day here with tI
children’s grandparents, remaining unf
—Miss Margaret Jones, who came 1
from Pittsburgh a month ago, has bee
for a part of the time with her siste
Mrs. Charles Workman, at Hecla. Hi
present plans are for visiting with he
mother in Bellefonte and her sister
Hecla until after Christmas.
—Mr. and Mrs. John G. Love Jr. ha:
spent much of the time, recently,
Mrs. Love’s former home in Philadelphi
where she was called, several weeks ag
on account of the critical illness of he
father, Robert F. Witmer. Mr. Loy
joined his wife there early last week, bi
fore the death of Mr. Witmer.
—W. H. Stover, of Boalsburg, wt
among the Watchman’s recent visitor
having came over to look after son
business, relative to the balancing up «
his affairs for the year. Mr. Stover
one of Harris township’s best known ci
izens, one of its men always actively i1
terested in everything pertaining to tt
welfare of that community.
—Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson and he
daughter, Miss Margaret, drove he:
from Warren, last Wednesday, to spen
Thanksgiving with the Mrs. Margar:
Hutchinson family, on Howard stree
Miss Hutchinson returned home, Frida;
leaving her mother to continue her vis
until Sunday, when Harry L. Hutchir
son accompanied her home, remainin
with his brother's family for an ove:
night visit only. :
—W. A. Odenkirk, with Mrs. Odenkir}
their daughter Helen and Mrs. W. #
Alexander, drove over from Centre Hal
Tuesday, to spend a part of the day i
the shops and in looking after som
business affairs. The Odenkirk part
was joined here by Mrs. Frank Bradfor¢
who had come to Bellefonte on the trair
but was their guest on the drive home
Mr. Odenkirk, since retiring more tha
a year ago, has now time to devote t
his friends with whom he is always
welcome visitor.
—Robert Morris went to Philadelphiz
Tuesday, to spend several days with hi
sister, Miss Lida Morris, who is a surgi
cal patient in the University Graduat
hospital. Miss Morris, accompanied b
her brother Charles A. Morris, came eas
from Searcy, Arkansas, two weeks agc
Miss Morris having been operated on th
early part of last week. So rapidly is sh
recovering, that it is thought she and he
niece, Miss Elizabeth Morris, now wit
her in Philadelphia, will be able to leav
shortly for the return trip to Arkansas.
About Some of Those Who are Ill
Miss Emma Green slipped and fel
on the pavement of the Luthera:
church Monday, breaking her righ
arm near the shoulder.
Much of the paralysis, which, mad:
the condition of Mrs. J. O. Brewe:
alarming, has now left the toxemis
from which she has been suffering
apparently being cleared up. Sine
being stricken two weeks ago, Mrs
Brewer has been at the Centr:
County hospital.
Mrs, Moesline, of Brooklyn, form
erly Miss Esther Undercoffer, is &
surgical patient in one of the City
hospitals, recovering from an appen
dicitis operation. Mrs. Moesline’s con.
dition is thought to be improving
! rapidly.
Word from New York, as to Basi
Mott’s condition, is far from en
couraging. His illness which orig
inated in a cold, developed a condi.
tion which necessitated his going tc
the hospital on Armistice Day, since
then there has been no improve.
ment, A throat and lung infection
for the relief of which three blood
; transfusion and oxygen have been
| resorted to, with but little relief, has
made his condition very critical. His
mother, Mrs. Odillie Mott, will re.
main in New York until he is better
and able to be brought to Bellefonte,
—————r en meena.
When the board of directors of
the Centre County hospital organ-
ized following the election of new
members at the annual meeting, J.
Thompson Henry, of Martha was
elected president; M. M. Cobb, sec-
retary, and George C. Bingaman,
treasurer. President Henry, has now
announced the standing committees
for the year as follows, the first
named being the chairman:
Finance—W. T. Kelly, G. C. Bingaman,
John Blanchard, F. A. Carson, Ray C.
Supplies—M. M. Cobb, Robert Thena,
Ray C. Noll, J. Randall Miller, David
Medical and Nursing—G. F. Deitrick,
M. M. Cobb, T. A. Pletcher, J. R. Doty,
David Chambers.
Publicity and Publication.—F. A. Car-
son, W. T. Kelly, J. Randall Miller, T.
A. Pletcher, F. M. Torrence.
Building and Property—J. S. Sommer-
ville, Ray C. Noll, G. C. Bingaman, G. F.
Deitrick, John Blanchard, F. M. Torrence,
T. A. Pletcher.
Equipment—G. C. Bingaman, F. A. Car-
son, Robert Thena, J. Randall Miller, J.
R. Dotty.
Legal—John Blanchard, J. S. Sommer-
ville, W. T. Kelly, Robert Thena, F. M.
—————— A ————.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
A —————— A ——————
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
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Corn 1.00
Oats 50
Rye 1.00
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