Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 29, 1929, Image 1
Lt ! INK SLINGS. | —Don’t be worried about the cold. | It isn’t unseasonable. We notice in our “Fifty Years Ago” column that at this time in 1879 the river at Lock Haven was almost entirely frozen over. * —The Sate College High school football team hadn't won a game’ this season until Bellefonte started to mop up the gridiron with those boys last Saturday. It’s just too bad, what happened to the wind in the sails of our fans. Not so bad, how- ever, as the English of one of them who said: “The officials wasn’t fair. They seen everything we done and never seen a thing the State College fellows done, neither.” —You think you didn’t have much to be thankful for yesterday but you iid. No matter what has befallen you since this time last year, no matter how much mental, physical or financial distress you may have suffered in the interim, you still had reason to be thankful that it was no worse. And thankful that, through t all, there was consiantly at your side one unfailing Friend to give somfort when you sought it. —The lady who has written to slear our mind of wonderment as to vhy the candles on the eastern end if our sideboard are wilting west- vard and those on the western end vilting eastward has our goat. She’s oo scientific for us and has spoiled, ntirely, what we thought might pro- 'oke a controversial question that vould furnish a paragraph or two shen “the old bean” isn’t working acilely. She’s gummed the game, be- ause she leads us into water entire- y too deep for us. —You think the old fashioned girl as entirely disappeared from the ace of the earth. Well, she hasn’t, or we saw one on Saturday. A boy ad tried to “date her up” on the treet and, straightway, she hus- led up town to find a policeman to rrest the “masher.” We haven't eard of a girl standing on her ight to have the boy formally pre- snted for so long that we were ather curious to have a look at this dy, but she was in such haste to nd an officer that we couldn't get front view. —John A. Berkey, President Judge ? the Courts of Somerset county, ag been indicted by a Federal court rand jury of conspiracy to violate \e prohibition laws. We certainly spe that Judge Berkey will be able ) prove that he hasn't saturated ie judicial ermine with bootleg lig- or for that would be awful. He the gentleman to whom a Harris- irg news writer once applied the wubriquet of John “Absence” Ber- sy: the “Absence” meaning that ough he was Banking Commis- oner of the State he could never » found in Harrisburg except on iy days. What a difference years do ake. A few mornings back we ere walking up High street and | me to a pavement that was glossy ith a thin coat of ice. We ap-: oached it with misgiving because e old props don’t negotiate ice like ey once did. At the instant we got the edge of the treacherous foot- | g we noticed that someone had. rown salt on it. Just then two ys anxious for a skate rushed up. hen they discovered what the con- jerate owner had done one said: ‘osh darn it, someone’s spoiled it ” The yardstick that measures e difference between what they ought and we thought is one of ars only. —Of course it was to be expected at Henry Ford would be called in- the President’s conference of eat business minds. Henry was ere with the bells on and promptly | nounced his contribution to the | heme of manufacturing prosperity a determination to raise wages all of his many industrial enter- | ises. Waiving discussion of the | soundness of raising wages unless | ere is warrant of a corresponding ' 'rease in production or admission | at, theretofore, an employer had en unfair to his workers, we mere- | ask Mr. Ford whether it is true | at he recently cut the commission | his army of dealers two and one- | If per cent. If that is so, Henry's | va of stimulating prosperity is tical with the idea that robbing ter to pay Paul is good business. —We fear that the State High- y Department is laying up a lot trouble for itself by issuing spe- 1 license plates for automobile ners. It has issued a tag “A” and ag “B” and sixteen other single tered tags to certain persons ose right to such special recogni- n will doubtless be challenged by ny. If we are to believe Harris- »g news dispatches the distinction having tag “A” is given a lady ause she is the granddaughter of former, Governor Daniel H. stings. As a matter of fact she no relation, whatever, to the late vernor Hastings. Tag “B” has n given to the daughter of Gover- » Fisher. If, as the announcement 's, these special tags are marks of stinction” it is quite possible that ny will rise to inquire just what 5. Avis Hickok Hurlock and Mrs. ry Fisher Brown, and the sixteen ers, have done for Pennsylvania merit this distinction. We fancy t the Highway Department has rted something that it can’ finish hout hearing from a lot of people 5 will feel that they shine with iething more than radiated light. subject of the i Senators among the several States. - allman STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 74. NO. 47. Senator Blaine Understands Tariff The Grundys, the Reeds and the Binghams of the Senate may be able to fool some of the farmers of the corn belt but they can’ fool all the Senators of that section of the coun- try. The other day Senator Blaine, of Wisconsin, gave them a rude shock on the subject. He said, scorn- fully, according to press reports, that the tariff mongers knew quite as well as he knew “that this alleg- ed protection of the farmer by high- er rates is humbug. In his own State” he said, “full of dairy farm- ers, they found that when the tariff on butter was raised four cents a pound by President Coolidge, under the flexible tariff provision, the price of butter instantly fell eight to ten cents a pound. So it will be with all other agricultural duties. They are merely so many figures on a piece of paper.” Scraps of paper, so to speak. : This is literally a correct appraise- ment of the value of tariff taxation on farm products. And it is of no greater value to the government. There might be some excuse for levying tariff taxes on commodities imported if such levies yielded large, or even considerable revenues. Such taxes would have the merit of con- stitutional sanction. But a tariff tax on wheat, the market price of which on the surplus we have to sell, is fixed in Liverpool, or on fresh milk, turnips and rutabagas, which are nev- er imported, is literally absurd if considered as a medium of benefit- ting the domestic producers. The price in the home market is deter- mined by the law of supply and de- mand and the tariff tax neither bene- fits the producer nor increases the revenue. Its only effect, and for that matter its only purpose, is to fool the farmer. That Senator Blaine fully under- stands this fact is shown by his re- marks in the Senate above quoted. That he appreciates the value of tariff taxation is further proved when he adds, “the only way farm- ers can be helped by tariff legisla- tion is to cut down the duties on manufactured articles and materials, like lumber and shingles and cement, which they have to buy.” The Sen- ator might = have continued his list within the bounds of reason. Shoes, apparel, implements and other arti- cles of necessity to the farmer and not produced from the soil are held at inordinately high prices because of tariff taxation. For that reason, as Mr. Blaine states, “the Senate will be exposed to attempting to fool the farmers unless it gets its knife out and slashes vigorously the pro- tected rates in the industrial sched- ules of the tariff bill.” EE————— Senator Reed Agrees with Grundy It seems that Mr. Joseph R. Grun- dy was not expressing his own po- litical views in his testimony before the Senate lobby committee. Sena- tor David A. Reed, of Pittsburgh, is in complete accord with him on the apportionment of In a speech before the Pennsylvania Council of Republican Women, in Harrisburg last week, the Senator said: “Pennsylvania has a population of 10,000,000, while sixteen States west of the Mississippi combined have only that number. But by this provision of the constituion,” he con- tinued, “Pennsylvania has but one voice and one vote in the Senate at present while those States have thirty-two.” This discrepancy in representation iis a sad story to Senator Reed. Be- cause of it, he moaned to the sym- pathetic ladies of the Council that a tariff tax had been placed upon mushrooms but, “on motion of the western Senators and the Democrats it was removed, and,” he added, ‘“du- ties upon other Pennsylvania prod- ucts were cut in two.” This com- plaint has reference, no doubt, to the duty on pig iron. The Smoot com- mittee had fixed it at $1.50 a ton and it was cut by the Senate to seventy- five cents. The records show that ever since 1922 when that rate was fixed, pig iron producers have been enjoying a period of prosperity un- equaled in the history of American industry and the Senate concluded that enough is plenty. Senator Reed's sobbing indictment of the Senate may be, and probably is, justified. “It is disheartening,” he said, “that the greatest legisla- tive body in the country has sunk to the level of reconstruction days.” Reconstruction days marked a dis- graceful period in the life of the country. Disreputable adventurers of the North bought ana bulldozed their way into the Senate to repre- sent southern constituencies and rev- eled in corrupt legislation. But Senator Reed can’t blame the recur- rence of this deplorable condition to the western Senators now in com- mission. Men of the type of Borah, Norris, Blaine, Walsh and LaFollette are not responsible for the perver- sion. Mr. Fletcher's Unwise Speech. If Mr. Henry P. Fletcher, of Franklin county, recently Ambassa- dor to Italy. has aspirations for po- litical favors he is taking long chances in publicly criticizing Pres- ident Hoover's pet project to give freedom of the seas to food ships in war times. The President has be- come very much an idol to the Re- publican men and women of Penn- sylvania, and even a polite dissent to a policy that he has adopted rather than originated is likely to be resented. This Mr. Fletcher did in an address delivered before the Un- ion League of Philadelphia on Sat- urday, the occasion being the sixty- seventh anniversary dinner of that solemn and self-satisfied organiza- tion. Mr. Fletcher has served long and won considerable distinction in the diplomatic service. In his Armistice day speech the President expressed hope for an international policy cf freedom of the seas for food ships in time of war on the ground that de- nial of that privilege makes the starvation of women and children “instruments of war.” Mr. Fletcher responds to this amiable suggestion with the statement that “modern warfare includes women and chil- dren. The whole nation goes to war. Everything is now contraband.” He added that the United States can choose which belligerent nations to trade with in case of war, and “if we mean to abolish war and discourage the making of it that is the least we can do.” Mr. Fletcher was addressing an audience of Hoover worshippers. Probably a good many of those pres- ent don’t know exactly why they ad- mire the President so ardently. Us- ually their devotion is attracted by long continued party service. But Mr. Hoover has only been a Repub- lican during a period of eight years. He wasn’t converted to the faith un- til the party began bestowing fa- vors upon him so that some other reason must be found for their wor- ship. The fact that he is President may have something to do with it. Admiration for power is a common weakness among smug men. But whatever the reason the feeling ex- ists and if ‘Fletcher is an aspirant for Senator he showed more courage than discretion in his speech. —How few of the world’s great are like Clemenceau, who wanted a funeral “as quiet, as drab, as bare as were those of a million of my boys who were killed. in the war.” If the grim man of France had done nothing else to earn a place among the world’s great that dying wish, alone, would have won him an up- permost niche. nit Republican Women for Tariff Taxes The State Council of Republican Women of Pennsylvania, in session at Harrisburg last week, unanimous- ly adopted a resolution ‘commending the tariff fight of the President's embattled adherents.” That is admir- able so far as it goes. But it lacks in definiteness in that it fails to in- dicate which faction of the Presi- dent’s adherents challenged their ad- miration. There were, at the time the Council was sitting, no less than three divisions of his force, each striving for a different purpose and each proclaiming that it voices the cherished ideas of the President with respect to tariff schedules and poli- cies. | Each of these divisions of the President’s adherents has a leader- ship and as above stated a different ' purpose. The Old Guard which, al- most as a unit, opposed the nomina- tion of Mr. Hoover, is led by Sena- tors Reed, Moses and Bingham un- |. der the guidance of Grundy. The ‘insurgents, who with equal unani- | mity supported Mr. Hoover for the nomination, are led by Senators . Borah and Blaine and the other bunch is led by a group of youngsters, some of whom supported Hoover ‘and others didn’t. The Old Guard insisted on tariff legislation for the , benefit of manufactures exclusively. , The insurgents favored such a measure as would give the farmers ‘equal advantage with the manufac- , turers and the youngsters were will- | ing to accept anything that could be , called tariff. In these circumstances the women of the Council ought to have stated , which of these groups they were . commending. One group was hell- bent on increasing the price on food | stuffs, another trying to increase the cost of everything used or consumed by the family and the third seems to have had no other purpose in view i except “saving the face” of the Pres- { ident. All of them were earnest, anxious, somewhat weary and more . or less frayed, so that the adjective serves no purpose of identification. But it may be assumed that the sym- pathies of the Council were inclined | toward the Old Guard, for Dave Reed was “In their midst” at the time and Ihe is a fascinating fellow. BELLEFONTE. PA.. NOVEMBER 29. 1929. Wilson Likely to be Seated The gratifying information comes from Washington that the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elec- tions which investigated the Wilson- Vare contest for the seat in the Sen- ate unjustly awarded to Vare on the face of the returns, will report that the entire vote of Allegheny coun- ty and a considerable part of the vote of Philadelphia be thrown out and that William B. Wilson is en- titled to the seat. This will be a great victory for justice against fraud. The Slush Fund committee had already declared that Vare is not entitled to the seat because of palpable frauds at the primary elec- tion. But the adoption of that re- port would not have given it to Mr. Wilson. But a decision by the Senate that the vote at the general election in the big cities which gave Vare all his majortiy is nullified by fraud, and that Mr. Wilson had a majority of the legal votes cast will accom- plish that result. Even if the Com- mittee on Privileges and Elections should report in favor of seating Vare it would not guarantee his ad- mission. There will he a minority report and the coalition of Demo- crats and insurgent Republicans has sufficient strength to adopt it. From the beginning of the contest all ithe insurgent Republicans have been consistently opposed to the seating of Vare, and recent events have not tended to change their attituda. When Joe Grundy was amusing himself by kidding the Senate lobby committee he ‘was cherishing up hope against the day of wrath.” In deriding what he was pleased to call the “backward States” he was strengthening the bond which held together a force against tariff brig- andage and political racketeering, for which Mr. Vare has always stood. This force, representing the intellect and morality of the body. will not neglect an opportunity to strike an effective blow against cor- ruption in public life. The seating of William B. Wilson will make for a. higher standard mentally and mor- ally, and will give Pennsylvania a voice in the - Senate for something other than spoils. —Listen, Bellefonte water users. If you have that old milk bottle sit- ting inthe kitchen sink with cooling water running over it, for goodness sake shut if off until’ after these pitometer fellows, *who have been hired by Council to find out where the water leaks are, are gone. We don’t like to take a shingle off any- body’s roof, but we know you and we don’t know them. You see, it’s this way: Council has agreed to pay vy them up to fifteen hundred dollars of your money if they find leaks amounting to that much. But here’s the “joker.” Supposing tonight you have turned on a spigot to keep something cool or to keep it from freezing and the pitometer sleuths are sleuthing in your neighborhood, what happens: It’s this: The leak is measured and the Borough (you) have to pay them for every gallon of water that you have wasted, not only for that night, but for every day for three hundred and sixty five days thereafter. In other words, if they find a leak today and you have it fixed tomorrow their contract per- mits them to charge for the leak for an entire year. ——Chairman Shouse, of the Dem- ocratic Executive committee, places the blame for the Senate’s failure to function on the right spot. “The failure,” he says, “lies on the door ‘step of the President and nowhere else.” ——On Wednesday of last week Henry Ford somewhat dramatically announced an increase of wages of all employees. On Friday, in a less spectacular way, he announced a shut down of all his plants for two tr—————— A cs. ——The conferences between the President = and railroad heads and other corporation executives inspire hope. But don’t expect = too much from them. Most men want sub- stantial returns for favors bestowed. ——Harry D. Sinclair, emerging from the Washington jail, condemns the processes of the courts which vindicates the adage: “No rogue e'er felt the halter draw with good opin- ion of the law.” ——~Senator Brookhart will never, be invited to an official dinner in ‘Washington, but let us hope he has ‘plenty to eat at home. ——The whole world mourns the ‘death of Clemenceau, though he was ‘probably the least loved man in pub- lic life in his day. ——That mysterious miscreant, Invisible Government, has at last been identified. His name is Big Business. rE’ 1 : THE AD WAS SMALL There was a man in our town, and he: was wondrous wise, He swore by all the gods above he would not advertise! But one day he did break this rule, and ia thereby han Ss a ale: i e ad was set in re; small type and headed Sheriff's Sale. "7 ———————— tet Income Tax Reduction From the Altoona Tribune. No more convincing commentary on the soundness of American busi- ness could be imagined than the news that the administration, through Secretary of the Treasury Mellon, will recommend to the com- ing session of Congress an income tax reduction that is expected to to- tal $160,000,000. This highly encouraging announce- ment should have a decided effect upon the public in general. Based upon indications that the business profits, dividends, interests and wage payments of 1929 will considerably ex. ceed those of 1928, and that the fis- cal years of 1930 and 1931 will each close with a substantial surplus, the conteraplated tax cut is an outstand- ing demonstration of the fundamental stability of America’s business strue- ture. The announcement not only up- holds repeated statements of the na- tion’s leading business men that the country is financially strong, but serves as a notice that the stock market crash is officially regarded as a sort of sideshow, distressing to those caught in the slide, but with- out any hint of menace to the gener- al prosperity of the nation. It is obvious that there would be no surplus in sight to permit a cut in taxes, if business were not in a healthy state, and if economic dis- aster were threatening commerce and trade. Such an expression of optimism, coming as it does from the highest possible authority, should fully re- store public confidence, if it has been shattered to any degree by the decline in stock prices. The busi- ness structure of the nation rests on firm foundations, trade and industry proceed as usual, despite losses in speculation; the situation, far from holding cause for alarm, promises even brighter events for the future. The tax cut announcement is time- : ly, whether or not it is the result of coincidence or a well-planned pro- | cedure. The White House and the Treasury, in this exemplifying faith in United States business, are mere- ly putting into action the words and beliefs of the nation’s greatest finan- cial experts and most prominent business leaders. The rest of us may accept their words as truth, disregard the rum- lings from Wall street, and continue along our normal paths, certain that no financial quagmires are blocking the prosperity road. rm semen Forests and Farm Reli-f From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. Among the interesting opinions ex- pressed at the Chicago conference of the Association of Land Grant Col- leges and Universities was one by | Secretary of Agriculture Hyde to the effect that the Government's eager- ness to cultivate every potential farm was responsible for crop surpluses. To cure these agricultural ills, which he attributes to overexpansion, Sec- retary Hyde proposed that poor farm lands be taken over by the Gov- ernment for reforestation. Expanding this proposal, which he American farmland, only 505,000,000 were actually cultivatable while 350,- 000,000 produce crops large enough ! “to supply the United States and its foreign markets and to support a farm block in the United States Senate.” The use of uncultivatable tracts for the purpose of replenish- ing our diminishing forests would be equivalent to killing two birds with one - stone. This suggestion may appeal more to conservationists than to farmers. And it would probably be objectionable to members of the Senate farm bloc who are zealous advocates of open- ing up more farms by reclamation to bring more voters into States—to raise bigger and better surplusses. Neverheless, Secretary Hyde's proposal to avoid greater production merits consideration. en—————Ap———— Investigationitis From the New York Times. One of the recognized functions of a Legislature, or of Congress, is to act at times as a Grand Inquisi- tion. In that capacity it has almost unlimited power. It can demand books and papers. It can fling wide its subpoenas. It can disregard the rules of evidence. To witnesses un- der examination it can deny the or- dinary rights of being represented by counsel. It can admit to the rec- ord whatever it likes, and shut out what it does not like. Often in the course of its investigations it has done wrong, and sometimes injustice, to individuals, ia a way making it very difficult if not impossible for them to find a remedy. When this great organ of enforced publicity gets going, it is apt to ride remorse- lessly over all opposition. ——The death of Senator Warren, ‘of Wyoning, removes an unique fig- urge from the public life of the ‘country. He had the record for long ‘service in the Senate. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONR advanced some weeks ago, Mr. Hyde | declared that of 955,000,000 acres of’ their |! —Miss Julia Bottorf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bottorf, of Flemington, has gone to Hollirook, Arizona, where she will become a teacher in the sixth grade of the government school of the Indian Reservation there. Miss Bottorf received her appointment after taking the U. 8. Civil Service examination. —Miss Mary Glossner, of Lock Haven, has won a $500 prize in a short story contest conducted by the McTodden Pub- lishing company, of Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Glossner was notified of her success several days ago, the prize being sent her in the form of a bond for the amount of the prize which is to be held for a time and later can be sold. The title of her story was “They Paid for His Folly.” —Mrs. Susan Cook, oldest woman in Butler county, died at her home in Jef- ferson township. She was 108 years 10 months and 20 days old. She was born in Ireland and when 6 years old landed in Philadelphia with her parents, John and Jane McCamey. Within a year the family settled in Parker township, Butler county. Until taken ill two months ago, Mrs. Cook was active physically and mentally. —More than $2000, receipts of the Red Men's ‘‘pow-wow’’ at Uniontown, last week, are missing, and county and State authorities have been asked to search for Eugene Murphy and Ray Byrne, al- leged promoters. A wire has been sent to Buffalo, N. Y., to arrest either of the men, who started for that city. It is claimed they checked out of their hotels shortly after midnight Saturday and left for Connellsville to board a train east. —Plans are being completed for the an- nual farm products and dairy show of the National Farm School in the new $60,000 farm mechanics building on the campus at Doylestown, December 12, 13 and 14. Dean C. L. Goodling says the show will be the most elaborate and educational in | the history of the school. Exhibits will de- pict vividly the rapid advancement in | agriculture and accomplishments by stu- { dent farmers at the school. The farm | show will mark the formal opening of the farm mechanics building. —Houses for a distance of several blocks were shaken, and dishes sent | crashing from shelves when a large man- i hole was blown 100 feet into the air by explosion of gases which had collected in a sewer, at Allentown. Police declared an investigation would be made to de- termine whether waste oil and other fluids from gasoline stations, dumped in- to the city sewers, might be the cause. Workmen from the Allentown Bethlehem Gas company made investigation of their pipe lines in the district, but could find no seepage. —Harold Parkinson, 19, of 110 West Stockton avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., was ar- rested as a fugitive from justice, on Sat- urday, as he stepped from a train at the Pennsylvania station in New York city. Police said that less than 12 hours before the youth had stolen $125 from a dresser drawer in the home of his aunt, Mrs. B. Tondolo, in Pittsburgh. Police of that city notified New York police headquar- ters, gave them a description of Parkin- son and he was recognized as he stepped from a day coach. He was held in $1,000 i bail for a hearing. —John Miller, aged 40, of Summerville village, Jefferson county, who disappear. ed on Monday morning, the 18th, in the woods of northern Jefferson county, was found dead on a farm near Baxter the next day by members of a searching party. | A bullet wound in his head, believed ac- { cidentally inflicted, had caused his death, {| Miller, who was a trapper, left home ear- ly Monday morning to follow his line of { traps and when he did not return home ! Monday night a search was started. His , automobile was located and one of his , traps found,” but no trace of Miller was ; discovered until his dead body was found . the next day. | —Pennsylvania’s sportsmen are poor judges of hawks, the State Game Com- mission says. The Commission on No- vember 1 offered a bounty of $5 for each goshawk presented within thirty-six hours of killing, and since then over 100 hawks of various specjes have been sent in by hunters. Of that number only five ' specimens were discovered to be gos- hawks. The goshawk is extremely de- , structive to game. The adult is describ- ed by the Commission as being slate gray in color on top and a ‘‘dirty white” heav- ily and finely barred on the underpart. It !ecan be found in the woodlands rather ; than in the open country. —Thomas M. Kehley, a Bethlehem boy, is dead, a victim of the first snowball ac- cident of the season. Leo Moyer a cou- gin, who lives across the street from the home of the victim, threw the fatal snow- ball. The boys were members of a par- ty engaged in a friendly snowball battle ‘near Kehley’s. home. A snowball struck . Kehley on the right temple, causing a slight abrasion and a short time after a ' discoloration appeared. Going home he told his mother of what had occurred and in an effort to relieve his sufferings : she applied home remedies without sue- | cess. Shortly after supper the boy drop- ped dead. His skull had been fractured. —Attracted by what he believed to be a freak pair of ears upon a rabbit, Otto Phillips, small game hunter of Clearfield county, decided to investigate before he shot and was surprised to find that the ears were those of a horse. The animal had fallen into an abandoned well on the farm of Francis Carr, near Sugar Hill, | ana the timely discovery of its plight by the hunter probably saved its life, The animal was found to be too deeply mired for Phillips to remove without help, but {he found a woman hunter and sent her i for help while he saw to it that the horse | aid not sink deeper into the mud, and several men arrived shortly and helped him to rescue the animal. —The State Superior court, on Friday, affirmed the Cambria county court in the conviction of former Mayor Joseph Cauf- fiel, of Johnstown, Pa. The former may- or had been convicted on charges of mis- demeanor in office and furnishing police protection to Jonathan Rager, a reputed gambler. Other charges against Caufflel were conspiracy with Rager, failure to fille with the court an account pertaining to $10,000 received from Rager for :lec- tion expenses, perjury, extortion and set- ting up and maintaining certain gamb- ling houses. At Caufflel’'s trial, Rager pleaded guilty and was used as a witness against Caufflel. He was convicted on six of the seven indictments against him and he took an appeal on each indictment. Cauffie!l was sentenced to one year on one indictment, two years on another, and on others he was ordered to pay costs, sentence being suspended.