Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 22, 1929, Image 2

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    mn Eid " p—— n a.
ON mm—————————e———————— A RR ——— TT ad BA da , ¥s, > ts o = Be jk tai a ~
' i ¢ is friends, d then he turned | -DON"ES FOR.THE HUNTERS ~~ FARM N
From time to time he impatiently | peeling off a five-dollar bill and two with his friends, and then he 1 S THE E :
wiped away with the back of his | ones. SE ~~ to “the "old man. “We will be back Don't £ X license rn —
Sergeant Brown inside of twenty minutes,” he n't forget your hunting license = —Cut a poor tree when it is young
hand tears which persisted in trick-
ling down his face and into his cious. a
= : beard. “Carline 'ill be turrible dis- | “Step right up, gentlemen, and buy
Bellefonte, Pa., November 22, 1929 app’inted;” and he" choked. “She your : ving turkeys,” - cried
————— worked tremenjous hard raisin’ ‘em. | Sturgis. “Forty cents a pound, and
THANKSGIVING EVE 1—I guess we won't have very much worth fifty!” :
to be thankful for this Thanksgiv-
in’.” . E
The time came when Ephriam
thought himself of the expedient of
disposing of the turkeys at retail
The thought cheered him up some-
how. his horse about, he
drove out to the main street of the
city. Knowing nothingof city reg-
ulations, he did not secure a peddler’s
license as required by law.
not ‘long before an officer who
chanced that way asked to see his
“1.1 ain't got no license, Mister,”
replied Ephriam. “All I've got is
these few turkeys. I won't bother
nobody.” Then he told the police-
man of the trouble he had run into.
The officer was human, very hu-
man. a kindly hand upon
the old man’s shoulder, he told him to
proceed with his . “If any
officer asks you about a license, tell
‘Hand in hand through the city street,
.As the chilly November twilight fell,
Two childish figures walk up and down—
‘The bootblack Teddie and his sister Nell.
With wistiful eyes they peer in the shops,
“Where dazzling lights from the windows
«On golden products from farm and field
And luscious fruits from every clime.
“0, Teddie,” said Nell, ‘let's play for
“These things are ours, and let's suppose
‘We can choose whatever we want to eat,
dt might come true, perhaps, who knows?"
‘Two pinched little faces press the pane,
And eagerly plan for the morrow feast
Of dainties their lips will never touch,
Fergetting their hunger, awhile at least.
The pavement was cold for shoeless feet,
Ted's jacket was thin; he shivered and
said, him that Sergeant Brown told you
“Let's go to a place and choose some | it was all right for this once” he
clothes.” said in parting.
“Agreed!” said Nell, and away they sped.
To a furrier's shop, ablaze with light,
In whose fancied warmth they place their
“Nice tender turkeys!” called Eph-
riam as the officer went on his way.
“Fresh-kiled turkeys only thutty
hands, cents a pound! They're all weighed
And played their scanty garments are | an’ marked! Good, honest weight.
chagged Only thutty cents a pound!”
For softest fur from far-off lands. The passers-by occasionally paus-
ed, but with a toss of the head or an
“A grand Thanksgiving we'll have!” cried | jn3ylgent smile passed on. The while
Nell; i
"Thess make-believe things seem almost Jd Bp igs oy eallsout a thes,
broke a bit. The time came when
he dropped the price to twenty-five
cents, which was about half the
market retail figure for prime birds.
The low price coupled with the dis-
colored skins militated against the
sale of the turkeys. The public in
general was suspicious of the birds.
For more than three heart-breaking
hours did poor Ephriam stand at his
post, but it was all to no purpose.
Ashamed of the tears which finally
began to trickle down his cheeks, he
left his wagon and walked down a
side street, hoping to master his
“I—I guess I'm beat,” he faltered.
“Might jest as well push on toward
Down the street from the adjacent
I've most forget bow hungry I was,
And, Teddie, I'm almost warm, aren't
O happy hearts, that rejoice today
In all the bounty the season brings,
Have pity on those who vainly strive
To be warmed and fed with imaginings!
—— Gr —————
There was a broad smile on Eph-
riam Pooler’'s face as he drove into
the yard. That smile expanded as
his wife came from the house to wel-
come him.
“Mr. Reed’ll take the hull on ‘em,
Car’-line,” explained Ephriam as he
tossed the reins across the horse's
back. “Thutty-five cents a pound | college strode half a dozen seniors.
dressed. I call that purty good, | They were in none too cheerful a
Car’line,” mood, for Thanksgiving away from
their respective homes was upper-
most in their minds. “I feel like bit-
ing somebody's ear off,” growled
Bartholomew Sturgis, one of the
aforesaid seniors. “I thought for
sure I would eat my Thanksgiving
' dinner at home.”
“Well don’t bite mine off, Bart,”
| laughingly said Jim Perkins, one of
‘his chums. “I might want to use it
some day.”
Presently they neared Ephriam’s
, wagon, to which the old man had
' just returned.
| “Turkeys, nice fat turkeys!” Only
and his wife. There were twenty twenty cents a pound! Nice fat—"
turkeys to be killed and dressed, | Ephriam’s voice broke again and
which was no small number consid- his cry ended in a sob.
ering that the old couple were nov- “Look at the old hayseed crying.”
vices at the work. True, Mr. Pool- , exclaimed Perkins. “Something has
er during his lifetime had killed and gone wrong with him, evidently.”
dressed considerable poultry; but it = “TI guess he is out of luck, boy,”
had been almost entirely for home whispered Sturgis. “Those are pret-
use, and he knew nothing about the ty rock-looking turks.’ ’
fing art of killing and dressing for “Nice turkeys! Only twenty cents
the market. He went at it in the a pound. They'll eat fust-rate.
old-fashioned way—chopped the tur- Twenty cents a—a pound!”
key’s heads off, and dipped the birds | Sturgis suddenly strode forward,
in scalding hot water. The feathers and took a sharp look at the birds.
came off very easily, of course, and Ephriam turned to him, the corners
for a time, a few hours, the tur- of his mouth twitching. “I killed
keys looked very handsome; but the 'em yesterday,” he said with pathetic
ensuing morning told a far different eagerness. They'll eat fust rate.”
“That is just splendid, Eph,” cried
Mrs. Pooler, “All that I have been
counting on was about thirty cents
a pound for the turkeys. When does
he want them?”
“He told me I might as well fetch
’em in the day before Thanksgivin'.
Said he had quite a lot ordered for
the fust o’ the week. We'll dress ’em
on Tuesday, an’ I'll start for the city
with ’em bright an’ early Wednesday
mornin’. Ought to be home by ear-
ly afternoon.”
The ensuing Tuesday proved to be
a busy day with both Mr. Pooler
* Jack Whipple arrived on the
scene, and promptly purchased a big he sai
be- | bird,
seven dollars and ten
“Guess yeou know sompin’ ’bout
sellin’ turkeys, young man,” chuck-
led Ephriam in Sturgis’s ear. “Guess
I wasn’t goin’ at it right.”
Little by little a crowd gathered
close to the wagon. About every-.
body was grinning, but there was no
buying, save the college hoys. There
were those who joshed Sturgis; and
be it said that he was quick with
his replies, good-natured shots which
kept the on-lookers laughing.
When the time came when Perkins
returned and purchased a second
turkey, Sergeant Brown dropped in-
to step with him as he was hasten-
ing away toward the Salvation
Army barracks. “What's the idea?”
he questioned.
“We're not stealing them,”
swered Perkins with a laugh.
“No, it is very plain that you are
paying for them,” replied the officer;
“put it is a bit hazy what you boys
are up to.”
“A case of helping the old man
out,” said Perkins seriously. “Bart
Sturgis, the whitest boy in college,
= out the scheme; and we're
helping it along. These turkeys are
being landed down to the Salvation
Army barracks. I guess those who
get them tomorrow will not mind if
the birds are as spotted asa coach-
og.” z
“Ill say they won't, young man,”
exclaimed the officer. “The old man
was certainly up against a stiff prop-
osition until you boys showed up. I
felt sorry for him.”
Meanwhile Sturgis was doing a
lively business for it was not far to
the Salvation Army barracks, and
the boys were making fast trips be-
tween the wagon and the said bar-
racks. The while did Ephriam look
on with bulging eyes. A grin had
developed on his lined face, a grin
which expanded with each sale. He
stood there rubbing his hands to-
gether, almost beside himself with
Finally the last turkey was dis.
posed of, and then Sturgis made a
cents for it.
Sergeant Brown still eyed
‘was still _* here
hasty settlement with the old mat.
“I—I can’t
eyes, young man,”
skeecely believe my
exclaimed Eph-
riam as he smoothed out the big pile
“I—I don’t know just what :
of bills.
to say to ye.
“Shucks!” laughed Sturgis.
W-would ye take it
am glad that I happened along.
Put the money in your pocket. I
was I to pay you ten dol-
“We will ride outwith
urgis who ph |
“I—I'm wonder-
Half-way out to Westfield Eph-
riam turned to St
seated beside him.
in’ what ye did with them turkeys,”
“Well, I'll tell you,” replied Stur- |
s. “We boys make it a point to
help out the Salvation Army each’
Thanksgiving and Christmas, and
the thought occurred to us that
those birds would work in mighty '
handily. Just for a joke I took it
into my head to sell them to my
“It—it wasn’t no joke to me,” re-
marked Ephriam rather huskily. “I
was feelin’ purty bad ’bout the time
ye-ou showed up. My wife raised
them turkeys, an’ I knew jest how
bad she'd feel if I came back with
em. They didn’t look very good, an’
nobody seemed to want to buy.”
“I knew they were excellent birdy
the moment I saw them,” declared
Sturgis. “As I said before, I am glad
that we chanced along; and now that
we are to have a real Thanksgiving
dinner I am doubly glad.”
It was about three o'clock the fol-
lowing day that Ephriam, his wife,
and their guests stood about the
Thanksgiving dinner-table, the same
graced by a wonderful turkey which
was cooked to a turn, a turkey din-
ner with “all the fixin’s.”” Ephriam
bowed his head, and stood with clos-
ed eyes. “Dear Lord,” he said, “I—
I feel that I have—genuwine cause
for thankfulness.” He could not go on.
For a moment he stood there, his
chin wabbling. “Amen,” he murmur-
ed huskily.
That proved to be the most en-
joyable occasion, but perhaps the
most joyous part of all was the ride
that evening back to college. It was
very warm for the season, and Mrs.
Pooler rode on the seat beside her
husband. On improvised seats in the
body of the wagon were the stu-
dents. From the itme they left the
farm unitl the college campus was
reached the young men sang innum-
erable college songs, to the great de-
light of the old couple.
Homeward bound, Ephriam drove
with the reins in his right hand the
greater part of the distance; his left
arm encircled his wife’s waist even as
it had unduobtedly in the old court-
ing-days. Away from the glare of
the city’s lights he bent over and
kissed her.
“Car'line,” he said, ‘“Car’line, this
Thanksgivin’ has been the king-pin
o’all.”—The Reformatory Record.
By an article in the current issue
of the Red Cross Courier discussing
“I've | the late William Crawford Gorgas,
had ten dollar's worth of fun out of | the famous army surgeon and health
expert, it is pointed out the fact
that Gorgas will never lack a mon-
“Wall, all I can say, then, young | yment as long as the Panama Canal
man is God bless ye!” cried the old | continues in operation.
man fervently.
And, when
“I jest hope that yoy stop to think about it, what finer
ye'll have as happy a Thanksgivin' memorial could a man want?
as me. I'm that happy I could shout
for joy.”
Night was fast approaching;
Ephriam shortly mounted to
seat of his wagon, and clucked to
the old horse. “An’ I was plumb
beat,” he murmured as he started for eryone.
home. “Thet was the smartest
young man I ever see. Maybe it was
‘cause he got ’em to laffin” thet he
done so well,”
The time came when Ephriam be-
gan to cogitate that the buying
seemed to be confined to a coterie
of young men. In his excitement he |
and ! wealth to men whose services are
the | highly insubstantial.
had paid little attention to the fact |
that they had returned to the wagon
and purchased a second, and, indeed,
story: + “7 don’t doubt it, sir,” replied
“They ain't quite so purty, Car'- | Sturgis. “I will be back in a few
line, as they was yesterday after-, minutes.” Then he hastened back to
noon; byt I guess maybe Mr. Reed | where his chums had halted.
won't mind 'hout them tein’ so spot. | IIs hand steadying his chin, Eph.q
ted,” remarked Ephriam as he pack- riam watched his first promising cus- |
ed the turkeys away in two g | tomer, ‘ 1d
boxes which he had placed in t o|
thody of his light wagon that Wed-' ‘Boys, that's a mighty tough case,” |
nesday morning. “He can easily A whispered Sturgis. “I know some-
tell that they're nice an’ tender thing about turkeys. My father has
birds; that’s the main p’int, I guess.” j raised a good many of them, andl
Ephriam shortly got under way, have helped dress them a good many
and in due time he reached the city. times. Those turkeys are all right,
He drove at once to Reed’s market. bad as they look. He evidently made
When he arrived there, he found the mistake of scalding them instead
Mr. Reed very busy; but after a of dry picking them. He is stuck.
half hour or so of waiting Mr. Reed His heart is just about broken. I
came out to the wagon, and took a am going to sell those turkeys for
look at the turkeys. him.”
“Sorry, but I can’t handle any «You, Bart!” ejaculated Jack
such stock as that,” exclaimed the Whiple.
storekeeper after having taken one “That's what I am, Jack. Iwant
look at the top layer of turkeys. I you fellows to back me up—to dig
wouldn’ give you ten cents a pound down in your jeans and buy.
for them. Poultry should be dry- We'll kill two birds with one stone—
picked.” help the old man out, and cheer
“They—they’ll taste jest as good them up down at the Salvation
Mr. Reed,” faltered the old man. I Army barracks. Get the idea fel-
alays scald ’em. It don’t hurt ‘em lows? No twenty cents a pound,
none. They may not be jest as either: forty cents a pound is what
han’some, but—" goes. Are you with me?”
“I don’t want them at any price,” “We never have deserted you yet,
snapped Mr. Reed; and as he spoke Bart, old pal,” exclaimed Perkins.
he turned on his heel and started to “Get onto your job, Bart.”
his store. | Sturgis returned to the wagon,
Mechanically did Ephriam cover and placed a friendly hand on the
up the boxes, and a moment later he old man’s arm. “Mister, I want you
mounted the seat of the wagon. to do me a favor,” he said in a low
«Seems to me he’s purty short with voice. “Let me take the helm here.
me,” he muttered as he gathered up I'll have these turkeys sold inside of
the reins. “They's nice turkeys as half an hour. You look tired out.”
ever was. All thet’s agin ’em is the «11 don’t car’ what ye do young:
looks.” | man,” answered Ephriam choking.
Ephriam started up his horse, and “I be purty nigh tuckered out.”
it was but a few minutes ere he While Sturgis was talking with
drew rein in front of another mar- the old man, the rest of the college
ket. Tossing the reins across his boys had scattered. It was about
horse’s back, he jumped down and this time that Sergeant Brown ap-
made his way into the store. Find- peared on the scene. A puzzled look
ing the proprietor, he stated hiser- | came into his eyes as he noticed
rand; and a moment later the buyer Sturgis in action.’
came out to the wagon with kim. ! “Here we have them gentlemen,"
“I guess you don’t know but pre- bawled Sturgis, “fat young turkeys!
cious little about killing and dressing | Fresh killed. Only forty cents a
for the market,” remarked the store- | pound! Step right up gentlemen.”
keeper. I've got no usefor those| Sergeant Brown tarried, wonder-
birds. I doubt if I could give them ing the while what was about to
away.’ Then he turned and made his ! come to pass. He had more or less
way back into the store. experience with college boys, and he
Ephriam once more mounted the was a trifle suspicious. His wonder
seat and drove on. He made a half grew when a second college boy
a dozen or more calls during the en- | stepped briskly up to the wagon.
suing three hours and he met with «I want one which will weigh
absolutely no success. He scaled the | about fifteen pounds,” said Perkins,
price of turkeys down from thirty- | who was the first customer to show
five cents to twenty cents but it was | up. As he spoke, he pulled a wad of
all to no purpose. The time came | bills from: his pocket.
when he called a halt. Down on a “Here is one that weighs sixteen
gide street he drew rein, and for a | pounds and a half” said Sturgis,
few moments he sat there on the | looking at the t
if his eyes had not deceived him, a
third time. He recalled the fact that
most of the young men had one or
more books tucked under their arms.
He called to mind their smart
clothes and also that they all wore | D8
caps of the same style. Suddenly
‘Wrhriam exploded.
“My foresight is always hind-
sight!” he snorted. “I'll bet them
young men was from the college!
What in the world did they want o’
them turkeys: Thet’s what I'd like
to know. Mm. If they ain't got no
place to go to-morrow,
jest love to have ‘em out home
Mm. The chances be, a good share
of ’em is a long ways from home.”
Ephriam shortly drew rein, and
sat there undecided, while the gloom
of the night gathered. ‘“Tain’t fur
back to the college,” he presently
muttered. “I might run agin one
or more on ‘em. I'm going back.”
It was about twenty minutes later
that Ephriam pulled in his horse
near the college campus. “It’s purty
nigh like trying to find a needle in
a stack o' hay,” he muttered as he
looked hopelessly about. “I dunno
jest whar to go.” .
As luck would have it, Bart Stur-
gis and his chums had not as yet
returned to the college; and while
Ephriam sat there undecided just
what move to make, they neared the
spot. “Aren’t you lost up this way?”
questioned Sturgis, as he recognized
the old man, who had stopped be-
neath an incandescent light.
“Purty nigh,” replied Ephriam. “I
declar’ if ye-ou ain’t jest the young
men I'm lookin’ for!"
“What's the trouble?” queried
Sturgis, placing his foot upon the
hub of the wheel.
“Thar ain’t any trouble. I just
driv back here, hopin’ I could find
ye. I thought maybe some or all
on ye was 'way from home, an’
would like to come out to my place
an’ have a real old-fashioned Thanks-
givin' dinner. I live out to Westfield.
The best way ‘ould be for ye to
come right 'long with me, though 1
resume ye could come out in the
Shy come mornin’.”
“We would like to first-rate,” re-
plied Sturgis, speaking for all; “but
I am afraid your wife would think
we were imposing on her.”
“Don’t ye-ou worry "bout thet,
young man,” said Ephriam. “My
wife an’ me is broke well to double
harness. She’d be jest tickled 'nmough
to have the hull on ye out over
night ’an to dinner to-morow. It—
it’s purty lonesome with us folks
late years, for our children is scat-
tered here and thar in different
wagon seat, utterly cast down. “That’s all right,” replied Perkins,
“Sturgis held a brief consultation
wouldn't I |
What Gorgas did is worth review-
ing. Too often we give fame and
Gorgas was a
genuine benefactor of the race, and
his work should be familiar to ev-
After the Spanish American war,
during which he served as a major
in the medical corps, Gorgas was
| sent to Havana as chief sanitary of-
ficer. By 1902 his studies of yellow
fever and his fight against it had
practically rid the Cuban capital of
that dreaded scourge. His work was
so spectacular that he was promot-
ed and, in 1904, sent to the Panama
Canal Zone as chief health officer.
Yellow fever had prevented the
French from completing their canal
there, It was estimated that at least
4 per cent. of the workers must die
of this disease annually. Consider-
the size of the industrial army |
that Uncle Sa:a mobilized there, this
would have meant an annual death
list of around 1400. So Gorgas who
had discovered at Havana that yel-
low fever was carried by the mos-
quito, got busy.
So well and so thoroughly did he
work that a scant year after his ar-
rival he was offering $50 to any per-
son not a member of the health de-
partment notifying him of a case of
yellow fever in the canal zone. And
there is no record that that offer
was ever claimed. Gorgas’ triumph
was complete. :
So the canal was built; and it
stands today as a great monument
to the medical genius who made it
possible. It insures his fame forever.
Offering a bill to make buyers of
liquor equally ty with manufac-
turers and sellers, Senator Shep-.
pard (Dem., Tex.) initiated what ke
called the “last step” for prohibition
enforcement. :
“This will make prohibition com-
plete,” observed the Texan, who ten
years ago sponsored and obtained
the Eighteenth amendment to the
constitution, prohibiting the sale or
manufacture of liquor.
“It is the last step in the national
legislative movement which began |
in December, 1913,” he said.
Chairman Norris, of the judiciary
committee, a dry, said he did not!
“look with favor” on the Sheppard |
proposal. |
e contended it would “block”
prosecutions in a “great many cases”
where district attorneys would have
to “depend on the buyer who might
refuse to testify because what he said
would be incriminating.”
Once again the courts of France
have replied in the affirmative on
the question whether a man has
the right to kill a fellow human in
order to end the suffering of illness.
Richard Corbett, 30, an English-
man, was acquitted of a charge of
first degree murder growing out of
his slaying his mother last May.
Corbett testified his mother was in-
curably afflicted with cancer and
that her suffering was unbearable.
“when “you leave
.1793—which, incidentally,
ome, and be sure
it’s countersigned.
Don’t forget to wear your license
tag in the middle of the back on the
outer garment while hunting.
Don’t hunt on someone else's li-
cense. It'll cost you both $20.00.
Don’t hunt in crowds, and thereby
avoid accidents.
Don’t forget to keep your eye on
the other fellow. He may not be as
careful as you.
Don’t take a loaded shotgun :nto
an automobile or other vehicle. Re-
move the shells first.
‘Don’t climb over a fence witn a
loaded shotgun. Remove the shells,
or “break” the gun first. Don’t pull
a loaded gun through a fence after
you. An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure.
Don’t shoot promiscuously while in
the fields or woods; and never use a
live tree as a target. Target prac-
tice, unless you have a substantial
barrier contructed, is a menace to
human life.
Don’t throw away lighted matches,
cigars, or Sigareties.
n't empty your pipe on a pile
of dried leaves. y P pe P
Don’t hunt on posted lands with-
out permission. Respect the farm-
er's rights.
Don’t carry off personal property
on land where you are privileged to
hunt. Hunters who fill their pockets
with apples, turnips, corn and nuts,
without permission, do not help the
farmer-hunter problem.
Don’t forget to secure the license
number of the hunter who violates
the game laws, destroys personal
propery, or one who commits lar-
ceny of the farmer’s crops. Turn
this number into your nearest Game
Protector. Be sure to get the county
number at the top as well asthe li-
cense number at the bottom of the
tag. If you can’t secure either,
then if the hunter has an automo-
Dit; get his automobile license num-
Don’t shoot within 150 yards of
occupied buildings. It's a violation
of the game laws.
Don’t enter the Primary or Auxil-
iary Game Refuges with dog or gun.
These sanctuaries belong to the
sportsmen and are used to propa-
gate large and small game. Land
adjacent to the refuges, however, is
open to legalized hunters in season.
Don’t exceed the bag limits.
Don’t forget the season for Wild
Turkeys and male Ring-necked
Pheasants ended November 15th.
Don’t shoot a female Ring-necked
Pheasant. It'll cost you $25.00.
Don’t forget the season for squir-
rels, rabbits, and bob-white quail
ends November 30th.
Don’t forget the wood ducks, eider
ducks, swans, loons, grebes, and bob-
olinks or reed-birds are protected.
Don’t forget the season on Ruffed
Grouse and Hungarian Partridges
is closed this year. :
Don’t forget the hunting and trap-
ping season for raccoons begins No-
vember 1 intead of October 1 and
ends on January 15. Raccoons may
be hunted only between one hour be-
fore sunset and one after sun-
rise except when taken in traps.
Don’t shoot a baby bear; they're
protected. The bear season open No-
vember 1 and ends December 15.
Don’t shoot doe this year—only
bucks with two or more points to
the antler are in season.
son is December 1 to December 15.
Don’t forget to take some feed for
the game along with you and place
it in likely places in the woods.
Don’t forget the bounty
Goshawk began November 1 and
ends May 1. Specimens must be for-
warded to the Commission within 36
hours after killing.
Don’t forget that there is a heavy
penalty for shooting at, wounding
or killing a human being in mistake
for any wild creature.
Don't forget that it is unlawful to
deface, cover up, or destroy posters
or any signs put up by the Com-
Don't forget that a sportsman is:
One who is always fair and gen-
erous; One who has recourse to noth.
ing illegitimate; One who is a good
loser and a graceful winner.—Board
of Game Commissioners, Harrisburg.
Dr. Robert R. Gillis, of Hammond,
is the owner of perhaps the most
valuable collection of one-cent pieces
in this country.
Beginning with the first copper
cent minted by the United States. in
was the
first money coined in the country—
the collection includes every type of
penny produced by the treasury de-
partment except two. Half-cent-
pieces of yore also are included.
“The word, ‘cent’ was proposed
by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by
Congress, the cent being 1-100 of a
dollar,” Dr. Gillis said.
“The copper cent was the first
money minted by the United States
mint, March 1, 1793. The first cents
weighed 168 grams (about the size
of our present half-dollar pieces.)
‘ There have been ten changes in de-
sign of the cent.
“Few pennies older than 1885 are
now in circulation. The rarest cent
coins are those of 1793, 1799, 1804
and 1835.”
With the completion of a $290,000
building, funds for which were giv-
en by the Daniel Gugge
for the Promotion of Aeronautics,
the University of Washington will
launch a course in aviation. Courses
to be taught include airplane per- |
formance, aerial design, propulsion,
aerial transportation, aerial naviga-
tion and airships. Advanced courses
will be offered in all subjects.
The Guggenheim foundation award-
ed the building fund to the Univer-
sity of Washington because of a be-
lief that the growth of aviation in
the Northwest will require such a
school and because one of he largest
airplane manufacturing plants in the
United States is located there. Work
already acomplished by the Univer-
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
sity also was taken into considera-
| tion.
The sea-
on the
nheim Fund |
to permit a good one to replace it.
—A good draft horse is a ready
and willing worker and is neither
irritable nor nervous.
; —Pullets and cockerels should be
kept in separate flocks if they are
to develop as they should.
—When raspberries and black-
berries have been harvested, cut out
and burn the old fruiting canes. This
will help hold disease and insect in-
jury in check.
—Good pasture for wing pigs,
brood sows, and all Ba of swine
is so valuable that it often
the difference between profit and loss
in the hog business.
—Fifteen hundred green worms,
each contained in a strawberry leaf,
were imported here by train from
Mooretown, N. J., in the State’s fight
against the Oriental peach moth.
The worms are known as “straw-
berry leaf rollers” and will be used
this winter to develop parasites of
the peach moth that will be set free
in Connecticut orchards in April.
—In sections where the frost has
not killed the tomatoes, pick the
green fruits and store them in a
dark, cool place. They will keep for
several weeks or months and may
be ripened at any time by bringing
them into the heat and light.
—Pullets need ample ventilation
in the laying house after roosting in
open brooder houses and in trees.
Fall colds are the result of faulty
ventilation. .
—One cow often eats the profits
made by another. Feed each cow ac.
cording to her production. A high
producing cow needs much more
grain than a low producer.
—Assist stored apples to breathe
correctly by furnishing plenty of air.
Proper ventilation will aid in keep.
ing the fruit longer in storage. If
the humidity is not right, the floors
should be sprinkled.
—Feeding one-half pound of whole
oats and shelled corn to each ew:
daily will insure good breeding con:
ditions and a better and more uni
form lamb crop. The grains shoul¢
be fed in equal proportions.
—Vegetable specialists at Stat¢
College recommend seeding the gar
den to rye or some other cover crop
The growth will prevent erosion anc
the green material will improve the
physical condition of the soil.
—Cleanliness is important in pre
paring milk for exhibition just the
, Same as in producing milk for sale
i Clean cows, clean milkers, and clea:
utensils and contamners keep dowi
bacterial content and prevent spoil
—Parsnips and salsify are ofte;
left in the garden over the winte
‘and used in the early spring. Wh;
not dig these vegetables in the fal
store them in shallow pits, and hav
them available during the winter al
—If ewes are to have good lamb
next spring, they must have prope
‘esd and plenty of exercise this win
—A good farm record book accur
ately kept will enable a farmer t
know every angle of his business.
! —Using the long winter evening
to learn more about agriculture an
homemaking is a profitable practic
The Pennsylvania State College ha
free correspondence courses on 4
different subjects. Write to the d
, rector of ‘correspondence courses i
agriculture’ and home economics ¢
State College for a free catalogue.
i —In cutting the annual supply ¢
firewood the poor trees in the BY
lot should be taken first, foresters ¢
State College recommend. Thinnin
out the undesirable trees will allo
room for the good specimens to d:
| velop into more valuable timber.
| —The amount of protein nece
sary in a grain mixture for dai
cows depends to a great extent
the kind of hay fed. With alfall
hay use a grain mixture containir
‘about 16 per cent. of crude diges
ible protein. If clover hay is fi
about 20 per cent. of protein is ne
essary. Timothy hay requires abo
24 per cent. of protein to balance t}
mixture pioperly.
| —Give free range to the bir
which are to be used as breede
next spring. They should also be fi
an abundance of whole yellow cor
—Timber now is in prime cont
tion for cutting. When harvest
between now and early spring
keeps in good shape longer than
any other time. Markets for timb
i also improve as winter comes. Fir
: wood, mine timbers, chemical woc
| and saw logs are needed.
—Weigh and test the milk of ea
cow in the herd at least once
month. In no other way can y
tell the differences between cows
| their money-making ability, and t
variations always exist.
. —BExperience proves that go
| soil is important in early plant gro
ing. Soil or manure composts pi
vide excellent material for this pm
| —Artificial lighting of layers
beneficial only as a means of brir
, ing about greater feed consumpti
With artificial lighting the amou
of grain should be increased two
i four pounds per 100 birds daily.
| —
| —Farm crop specialists of St:
{ College report that there is a g¢
| supply of seed corn collected for?
| next spring. With proper protect!
i the seed should be in good condit:
for planting.
|" _Subscribe for the Watchman.