SE ER EE SI gio SE ———— "INK SLINGS. ——The latest information con- cerning one Gifford Pinchot is that he is an interested spectator “of events in - Washington. ..—When the new post-office build- ing is completed Spring. street will see people licking stamps who nev- er licked them there before. ——Senators are now persuaded that Watson isn’t big. enough for floor leader and that Moses is too funny to be President pro tem. —Having been elected a Justice for the township of Ferguson the Hon. J. William Kepler is now a ’Squire. Until we hear from friend Bill we shall not know which of the prefixes he prefers. Certain it is that he is entitled to both of them. . —Yesterday it was the Fourth of July. Tomorrow it will be Christ- mas. Do you realize that Christmas will be here in thirty-three days? And have you thought anything at ill about the remembrances you will Ye wanting to send those good friends »f yours? —Talking about being in hot wa- er, it paid Miss Juniata Hansen, of White Plzins, N. Y., rather hand- jomely. She scalded herself in a shower bath in a New York hotel ind the courts of that State have ‘ust awarded her one hundred and iixty seven thousand dollars dam- ges. Rarely has getting into hot vater such pleasant after effects. —The tenth member of the party hat disturbed the last sleep of old {ing Tut has died. Possibly he vould have died at the age of forty- ix anyway, but the fact that those xplorers—or vandals, if you prefer o think them that—have been drop- ing off so regularly ought to cause thers who are thinking of meddling vith the graves of Pharoahs to con- ider whether they are quite ready o cash in. 7 —If you were to ask us how much 7e enjoyed the State-Bucknell game 7e might express our reactions to he nth degree of accuracy by say- 1g that we got about as much leasure out of it as we did out of )r. Stokowski’s interpretation of travinsky music over the radio a sw Sunday nights ago. State is on hearted, all right enough. One ould see that when she held her op- onent for downs three times within ae five yard line, but outside of pos- (bly three men she doesn’t seem to ave foot-bal’ “It.” —To L. E. R. who writes to know that we would say about him if he ould say he wants “to stop the Jatchman” we reply: The coming, nd going of subscribers to a news- aper is a matter of everyday oc- irrence. The publisher, of course, kes to see a net balance in the wnover. L. E. R's action in can- slling his subscription would be a igrettable matter, of course, but 1st what every publisher of a news- wper is steeled to expect, and noth- g would be said about it in the lumns of the paper, for it wouldn’t » parallel with the case he had in ind when he wrote us. If he should rite to request us to cancel his ibscription and ask for comment on ie fact that he had done so we wuld think of nothing else to say ian that we have known him since » was a boy, a darned hard working yy at that, and we are glad that he \s gotten on as well as he has. —The savants of the world are jsembled at Princeton, New Jersey, ght now. We don’t know whether ey are having the temerity to do or not, but it is generally suppos- | that they are going to attack nsten’s theory of relativity. We lieve that Einsten has beaten a lot wise men to something and that ost of them hate to admit it. If our rmise is true we draw a red her- the trail by asking ag over meone to solve the problem at obfusticates us right now. e are writing this stuff on e dining room table. Atour leftis e sideboard. On it stands four ndles. The two at the western end the sideboard are melted and ining to the west. The two on e eastern end—rather erect at the oment—indicate that they are go- g to sag in an easterly direction. >w why do they react to the heat the room in that manner? If the se men can answer that problem » will rally to their support. If the President’s plan for stim- ating prosperity in the country re-, its in over produetion nothing will gained. We are not much of an onomist but our idea of prosperity very much like “Topsy’s” idea of w she came to be. You'll remem. r that when asked that question e said: “I just growed.” Produc- more when we can’t sell what we producing now seems to us a jastrous policy. And spending sat sums taken from the pockets those who support the gcvern- mnt on public improvements, mere- to stimulate prosperity, is dis- inting a future no one knows any- ng about. We are not a pessimist all. Talking with a friend a few nday mornings ago we said: ake hope out of my life and I can y nothing to live for.” No one hopes yre for better days for everyone \n we do, but we do believe our try needs a lesson and it ought to left to take it right now. The un- scedented wealth that the war yught to the United States has r > 3 z bued too many people with the idea it they ought to lie in the lap of | ury forever. VOL. 74. Arnold’s Corrupt Scheme When the first lobby committee of the Senate presented to public view a pen portrait of William Shearer it was widely believed that the most despicable figure in a contemptible fraternity stood revealed. But that was a mistake. Senator Caraway, chairman of the second lobby com- mittee, has uncovered a greater scoundrel in the person of J. A. Ar- nold, president of the Southern Tariff association and the Taxpayers’ League. Shearer directed his ener- gies to the task of making ‘suck- ers” of wealthy corporation execu- tives for his own personal profit. In- cidentally he antagonized some of the cherished policies of the admin- istration but did comparatively little harm because nobody trusted him. But Arnold employed more vicious methods to accomplish more sinister purposes. With the intention to de- ceive the people of the South he con- ceived the idea of procuring the nomination and ‘election by Demo- cratic constituencies in northern dis- tricts of colored men to Congress, thus alienating white voters of the South from allegiance to the Dem- ocratic party. He presented his plan to Senator Reed, of Pittsburgh, and Senator Watson, of Indiana, and with or without their approval had the temerity to ask President Hoover to support the enterprise. It was aban- doned, subsequently, probably for the reason that means to finance it were not available. It would have cost a lot of money. The southern people are averse to social equality on the color line. Mr. Arnold imagined he might capitalize this prejudice and use it to the ad- vantage of the party which employs him. Intolerance is a strong force in the South and sending a colored man to Congress as representative of a northern Democratic constituency would cause a shock to a community which for more than a generation has been indulging, if not cultivating, prejudice. But it could only be ac- complished by corrupt means and at great expense. That would make little difference to Reed and Watson ifthe money could be provided. But President Hoover may have vetoed the proposition. Maybe it was too raw for him. farm bloc Senators are willing to relinquish their position on the flex- ible provision in consideration of high rates on farm products which will do them no good. The Tariff Fight at Present The organization of a new bloc in the Senate justifies the expectation that the tariff bill, as rewritten by the coalition, may get through the Sen- ate before the end of the special session. The new bloc is composed of a group of first term Republican Senators who are anxious to save the face of the President at any price. They offer to let the coalition- ists write the rates on agricultural products if they will consent to the rates on manufactures contained in the existing law. The proposition has not been formally accepted by the coalitionists but the indications are it will be. At any rate no op- postion has been made against big tax increases on agricultural pro- ducts since the offer. The consideration of the agricul- tural schedule was begun immedi- ately after the organization of the new bloc and the tax on fresh toma- toes was increased from one-half a cent per pound to three cents and that on preserved tomatoes from fif- teen to fifty per cent. advalorem. The tax on turnips and rutabagas was next increased from twelve to twen- ty cents a pound and that on onions from one cent a pound to two and a half cents. The duty on peanuts was increased from four to seven cents a pound; that on fresh milk considerable and that on beans from one cent to three and a half cents a pound. The tax on mushrooms, nuts and fruits was increased and all these changes were made without a roll call. These increases of tariff tax rates may seem flattering to the vanity of the farm bloc Senators and helpful to the purposes of the new bloc which has been derisively christened by the old guard the “band of pa- triots,” but it is not easy to see what other good they can accomplish. Very few of those commodities are im- ported and the tariff tax on them will afford little advantage to home growers in the long run. They may increase the cost of living for a short time but they will add little to the revenue and competition among do- mestic producers will soon fix the lev- el of prices. But the tariff taxeson the things they buy, which might be obtained cheaper abroad, will count. ——General medley Butler pro- tests that he is not a candidate for Governor but would like to have the office. It is a question whether the ‘Secretary Mellon’s Quick Change. It wouldn't be wise to put too much faith in the promise of tax re- duction made by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon the other day. The : De Secretary, after conference with the President, announced. that pres- ent treasury conditions are such as to justify a tax cutof one per cent. on incomes, which in the aggregate would amount to approximately $160,000,000. The announcement came to the public ear as a distinct surprise. Uncle Andy has not been in the habit of predicting tax reduc- tions. In fact in the past he has been reluctant to even permit them when voted by Congress. All recent tax cuts have been made in the face of his protest and against his warn- ing of disaster. The last fiscal year was unusual- ly generous to the treasury. A mod- erately prosperous period in manu- facturing and carrying trades swell- ed the income tax receipts consider- ably and the immense profits . of speculative activities filled the vaults to overflowing. These results in- fluenced many financiers to suggest a tax cut during the regular session of the present Congress. But Sec- retary Mellon did all he could to discourage such expectations until now. Meantime the speculative mar- ket collapsed and the sources of revenue which built up surplusses in the recent past have been closed. The signs point to a treasury deficit rather than a surplus for this year , and therefore the announcement of a tax cut was a surprise. There is an old adage that “whist- ling keeps courage up.” Probably Uncle Andy is testing it out by his announcement of a tax cut at a time when the ordinary observer was pre- paring for a plunge into the depths of dispair. According to the news- papers of the country the promise did exercise a strengthening influ- ence on the stock market and check- ed the flow to lower levels. If that is true it was a helpful rather than a harmful gesture and nobody will have just cause of complaint against Secretary Mellon even though his promise was a subterfuge. His in. tentions were probably good and if the expectations raised by hid an- nouncement are disappointed next year it can’ helped. «uso. ——Upon the not too ethical the- ory that “the end justifies the means,” President Hoover’s plan to stabilize business may be approved. But it brings conditions perilously close to Joe Grundy’s political phi- losophy, which is that only rich men should have a voice in government. Absurd Hopes Based on Voting There is an old adage that “drown- ing men catch at straws,” which is probably true but futile. But in any event it is no more absurd than some of the theories upon which politicians build hope. For example, we learn from an esteemed Phila- delphia contemporary that the friends of William S. Vare imagine that because Mr. Grundy outraged the corn belt Senators by publicly stating the States they represent are “backward,” and Senaor Reed, of Pittsburgh, offended them by liken- ing them to communists, the chances of Vare being admitted to the seat strengthened. The , he bought are basis of this conclusion is that west- ern Senators believe that if Vareis not seated Grundy will be appointed by the Governor. It would be utterly impossible for any intelligent man or woman to think that under ~ny circum- stances Governor Fisher or any oth- er man ouside of aninsane asylum would appoint Mr. Grundy to that or any other important office after his evidence before the lobby committee of the Senate had been analyzed. He expressed a direct repuliation of ev- ery principle of popular government as contemplated by the framers of the constitution of the United States and the traditions of the Republic. A government based ‘on the political philosophy expressed by Grundy wouldn't endure a month. To ap- point Grundy Senator would be an endorsement of that philosophy and equivalent to writing the epitaph of the party. ihe Go The western Senators who have justly taken umbrage at the lan- guage of Grundy, Reed and Moses are intelligent men. Some of them stand as among the intellectual lead- ers of Congress and the party. They know that Governor Fisher would not sacrifice his party and destroy himself by making such an appoint- ment. When Vare’s claims are dis- posed of on the assembling of Con- gress in regular session Governor Fisher wil appoint a Republican who, though a bitter partisan and an ul- tra tariff-monger, will not be as ab- horrent to public sentiment and mor- al principles as Grundy or Vare. Governor Fisher has not given up hope of future party favors and is not a “son of a wild jackass.” STATE RIGHTS AN FEDERAL UNION. D | Sound Advice Women Jouett Shouse, chairman of th executive committee of the ‘National ‘ Democratic = commitee, gave the members of the Philadelphia Dem- ocratic women’s luncheon club some sbund advice and wise counsel at a luncheon meeting of that organiza- tion the other day. “There could be nothing more destructive of the par- ty,” he said, “than to have alleged leaders of the organization, whether in State or county or city, who will lénd themselves and their following to an alliance with the Republican party or to the election of Republican candidates.” He may have had in mind an admonition against the faithless Democratic organization in that city which has been betraying the party for years. Or his vision may have taken wid- er scope. There are county organi- zations. in this State which expended all the energy they could command to induce voters to oppose the can- didates of the party for President and Vice President, and in at least one county since, party favors and honors have been bestowed as re- wards for such betrayal of party obligations. But whatever purpose Mr. Shouse had in view his words were both wise and timely. The Democratic party has great oppor- tunities in the near future but com- plete harmony, unbounded energy and absolute fidelity to the prinei- ples of the party are necessary to realize on them. We must work and watch to achieve results. It is true, as Mr. Shouse said, that “the Republican party is more hope- less, more disorganized, more be- Given ‘to “Democratic BELLEFONTE, PA., NOVEMBER 22. 1929. NO. 46. Milesburg Plans to Beautify State Highway Residents of Milesburg are already planning for a beautification of the new State highway being built through that borough from the east- ern borough limits to the highway leading to Bellefonte. The distance is approximately fifteen hundred feet and the plans provide for planting catalpa bungi trees (better known as the umbrella tree) on each side | of the road, about tweny-five feet | apart, which will form a boulevard of beauty the entire .length of the | highway from the eastern line of the borough to the soldier's monument. | As figured now it will take about | 125 trees to do the work, and if per- mission can be obtained to plant them additional trees will be plant- ed as a background for the boule- wildered right now than it has ever been,” and there is no section in which this demoralization is more apparent than in Pennsylvania. No right-minded man or woman can, give even casual approval language expressed by Mr. Grundy before the Senate committee, and supporting the Republican party in this State is endorsing that language, for he is the mouth-piece of the party. He is the agent who collects the slush money which buys majorities and the disburser of the favors which serve to reimburse the con- ——Borough council, at its meet- ing on Monday evening, entered into an agreement with the Pitometer company to make a thorough survey and test of Bellefonte’s complete wa- ter system for leakage and wastage of water. The company is to be paid at the rate of two cents a thousand gallons for all leaks or wastes found and overcome for a period of one year, or a maximum payment not to exceed $1500. If they fail to find any leaks or wast- age they get nothing. They have computed Bellefonte’s per capita con- sumption at approximately 400 gal- lons a day, and it is because of this to the . spector when the ballots were print- “the two persons having the greatest that they are willing to gamble on a large leakage. imum fee of $1500 the company will To get their max-! have to find leakage and wastage to- taling a quarter of a million gallons ‘daily, or 75,000,000 gallons a year. At the present time Bellefonte is pumping two and a half million gal- lons daily to supply the town, which means approximately nine hundred million gallons a year. At the pres- ent rate of pumping by electricity to pump the 75,000,000 is costing the borough less than $1300, but of course that is an annual cost, while the Pitometer company will get paid ' for only one year’s saving. | ——Some anxiety is being express- | ed concerning the disposition of the i contempt case of Big Tom Cunning- i ham, of Philadelphia. Delaying the ‘issue is becoming increasingly diffi- | cult. : ——Senator Hi Johnson, of Cali- . fornia, has been assured that he will 'not be slighted the next time a | White House dinner is given, and Senator Hi pretends to be satisfied. ———The contributors to the Grun- dy slush fund, last year, will be dis- appointed when they “cash in” on . his promises of reimbursement. ——A new parachute jumping rec- ord has been established, sixteen per- sons having stepped from a plane at Roosevelt field on Sunday. ——A new war has broken out between the Republican factions in Pittsburgh; this one over the divi- sion of the spoils. ——JIf Al Smith had been elected | President everybody would know ex- actly who was to blame for the Wall street debacle. ——The voting machine was de- feated in Harrisburg by a group of 700 colored voters herded in a single precinct. vard on the west side of the Belle. fonte highway, opposite the soldier's monument. The monument commit- tee has a fund in hand left from the monument and it is proposed to use this money in the purchase of the trees. The umbrella tree grows only about six feet in height with a top just about the size of an um- brella. By proper trimming it keeps | this shape all the time, no matter how old it becomes. | The state highway through Miles. | burg will have a twenty-foot width of concrete with an eight foot berme on each side, and it is inthe berme that the trees will be planted, the Highway Department having already welcomed the proposition. The For- estry Department has also offered to keep the trees properly trimmed and cared for after they are planted. As now planned the planting will be made in the spring. Howard Will Have Two Republican Inspectors Howard Borough will have two Republican inspectors of election as the result of the election on Novem. ber 5th, and so far as it has been possible to ascertain there is noth- ing in the election laws or court de- cisions to give the Democrats repre- sentation on the board. There were no candidates for in- ed and it was necessary for the vot- ers to write the names on the ballot. When the vote was tabulated it was found that G. Frank Williams, Repub- lican, had 24 votes; M. E. Pletcher Republican, 21 votes, and J. Diehl, Democrat, 4 votes. Naturally, if the minority party is entitled to repre- sentation on the board, Deihl would have: been declared the inspector, though he had only 4 votes to Pletcher’s 21. But the election laws state that number of votes for inspector, shall be declared to inspectors of elec- tion.” Nothing in the paragraph pro- viding for the election mentions the political affiliation of the persons vot- ed for. But in Section 12, of Article 15, providing for the filling of vacancies on election boards by court appoint- ment, it specifically states that “in the appointment of inspectors both shall not be of the same political party.” * Just why the law provides for a minority party inspector by appoint- ment and fails to do so by election is one of the inexplicable peculiar- ities of legislative enactments. “Watchman” Wants Deer Kiiling Re- ports Before the next issue of the Watchmain reaches its readers most of the regularly organized deer hunting parties will be on their way to their hunting camps in the moun- tains. To those, we say the Watch- man is desirous of having an early and accurate report of the number of deer killed and would appreciate it if hunters will make a special ef- fort to get the news to us. Tele- phone the first day’s kill. Also, why not include a camera in your camp equipment and get a good picture of your spoils. We would also appreciate a picture, if received early in the season. Pic- tures should be marked with name of hunting party and location, and if any of the hunting party appear in the picture names should be given so they can be identified. — Geo. E. Rhoads Sons, con- tractors, expect to start pouring con- crete on the post office building to- day. The forms are all in place to the ceiling joists and all that will remain to be done after this pour- ing will be a three foot fire wall all the way round the top. The firewall is so designed that in the event of adding more stories to the structure it would be utilized as the wall on which the sills for the second story windows could be placed and right on top of the flat roof the second story flooring could be laid. | consumers, i favor of Charles Anderson, " 1 ; SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONR | —Five Wilmerding. election board mem- | bers have been bonded for a hearing on | Sweden fraud charges. —The West Penn Power company, serv- ing Pittsburgh and a number of western ; and central Pennsylvania counties, has : filed a supplemental tariff with the Pub- f lie Service Commission, prescribing a i new rate for large industrial consumers. —Berks county’s pancake eating record was thought to have been broken at the | pancake supper held in Zion Lutheran church, Womelsdorf, when one patron ate forty-two. There was no limit to the number patrons were served, with real maple sugar. The supper was most sucessful. —John Cluston, 18 years of age, playing tackle on the Lock Haven High school { football team in its game Saturday against Barnesboro, suffered a fractured left leg. He was taken to the hospital during the game, and was given atten- tion at that institution. His condition is said to be good. —Two proprietors of a Harrisburg .hat cleaning establishment had reason to re- joice over their use of two cash registers for convenience. Recently their shop was entered by a burglar who rifled one cash register which contained 75 cents. Twen- ty dollars in the other machine was not touched and went unnoticed. —Complaint against the Tyrone Gas and Water company alleging an insuffi- cient supply of water has been filed with the Public Service Commission by three The complaint charged that at times during the summer there was no water at all and the supply of water is inadequate for fire protection. —Bruises and shock were the only in- juries received by Walter Keller, of East Prospect, when he fell a distance of six- ty feet from the new Columbia-Wrights- ville bridge into four feet of water near the Wrightsville side of the Susquhanna river, last week, Keller is a carpenter in the employ of the Wiley-Maxon company, bridge contractors. —A dog’s bite cost A. B. Ranishewski, a Phoenixville baker, $318. A jury in Chester county common pleas court last week awarded Mrs. Elizabeth Sakal, 64 years old,’ of Phoenixville, the sum of $279, and her nusband, John Sakal, $39. Mrs. Sakal was attacked by the dog and severely bitten. The husband sued for medical expenses. —When the will of Mrs. Rosa Diem, of Harrisburg, was probated it was dis- closed that she had left the sum of $500 to carry on the work of caring for crip- pled in Lock Haven and vicinity, through the Lock Haven Community Service As- sociation, Mrs. Diem was formerly Miss Rosa Floruss, of Lock Haven, and her gift is the first bequest to be received by that service association for its work. —Mrs. Mattie A. Cummings, of Dewart, must agree to accept $11,349 for the loss of her husband, S. L. Cummings, who was killed at a Pennsylvania Railroad grade crossing there April 24, 1928, or a new . trial will be. granted, President Judge Strouss ordered in an opinion. made of record in the Northumberland county court at Sunbury. She had been awarded $16,149 by a jury, but the court found this excessive. | ~—John McClure, principal of the Falls- : ton public school in Beaver county, waiv- ed a hearing before David H. Stewart, justice of the peace, and furnished bail for court to answer to charges of aggra- vated .assault and battery. Maxwell Ayres, Fallston, foster father of Eleanor Scott, 14, made the charge on behalf of the girl. Ayres alleged McClure whipped the girl on the legs with a rattan walk- ing stick, wrapped with tape, until the blood came. —The first jury trial in the federal court in Pittsburgh, of a war risk insur- ance case ended in a verdict, last Friday, of $6,900 against the government and in World war veteran of Sharon, Pa. The case, based upon Anderson's claim of permanent dis- ability, involved monthly payments due from the time of Anderson's honorable discharge April 5, 1919, to the date of fil- ing suit April 11, 1929. - Thirty other similar cases are waiting trial in the same court. —E. S. Edmond and John MacWhite did not mind the loss of $3 and a watch so much when hold-up men robbed them Friday night but they did think it was a pretty nasty trick for the bandits to take their shoes on such a cold evening. The robbers forced the men into an auto- mobile and rode them to another section of the city. They forced them to remove their shoes and hand over the $3 and watch. Then they blindfolded them and left them standing on a street corner in Pittsburgh in their stocking feet. —Howard Cramer, aged 21 years, a resident of Karthaus, is in the Cleariield jail following his arrest and confession of having entered the home and dug store of Dr. I. S. Flegal, at Clearfield, and stealing money and checks totalling $225. About $165 of the amount was in money and the balance in checks. He had “blown in” over $100 of the money and the checks were hidden in the woods near his home. He had made a trip to Baltimore and Harrisburg, bought him- self a new suit and two extra pairs of shoes. —Roland Lemoyne Clayton, of McDon- ald, Washington county, who admitted during his trial that he kept as many as 100 dogs about his home, was sentenced, on Saturday to serve 11 months and 26 days in the workhouse for failure to sup- port his wife and seven children. When arrested last December on a non-suppert charge Clayton was ordered to dispose of 28 dogs which he had at that time. At his trial, on Saturday, he said be still has ten of them and admitted that at times there have been as many as 100 pups about his place. —Robert S. Bachman, Easton attorney, is back in that city nursing an injured leg and lamenting the loss of two tickets to the Yale-Harvard football game. Bach- man, an alumnus of Yale, was robbed of the tickets near New Haven, when held up by two armed and masked men. The bandits also took his watch and chain and a diamond stick pin valued at more than $600, the loss of which he keenly feels, but not so much as the tickets to the gridiron classic. Bachman sustained the injured leg in a scuffle with the bandits as he tried to get back into his machine when he discovered he was the victim of a holdup. He had been forced to stop his machine on a lonely highway when the bandit car cut in ahead of him and stop- ped. He found out he was being robbed when he got out of the car to argue with the “fresh” motorists,