—The warring Republicans in Washington are planning to call the President in as peace maker. If we were Herb we'd have none of that. He's some engineer, they say, but we fear that trying to stop a fight be- fore it is finished isn’t an engineer- ing job. ~—If it “is true that Washington consumes thirty-two thousand gal- lons of hard liquor every week we think it is about time for Washing- ton to pass the bottle. Why, count- ing only twelve drinks to the quart —and they don’t pour them that big these days—that would amount toa million and a half every seven days. And, let’s see: What is the popula- tion of Washington? You look that up. We figured the other part out. * —We notice that the subject for the sermon one of our local clergy- men will deliver to his congregation, next Sunday evening, will be “Touchy People.” From what we know of human nature we opine that the good dominie didn’t have to use a fine toothed comb when he went on search of the exhibits he will probably present during the dis- course. If he wants a few of na- tional repute we would suggest Mrs. Gann, Mrs. Longworth and a few of the Senators in Washington. —After all the stock market is the weather vane of business conditions in the country. What is happening in Wall street these days doesn’t re- flect the actualities of today, tomor- row, next week or next month. It does reflect, however, what those who have gone deeper into the gen- eral economic situation than mere “tips” have discovered. They are discounting the future by selling. This or no other country can go on, forever, gradually raising two thou- sand dollar men to four and four thousand dollar men to eight. It can’t jazz nine-tenths of its popula- tion into living beyond their means and hug the delusion that a day of reckoning—deflation— will never come, for it will. —We are one of those Democrats in whose hearts, we said last week. hope is eternally springing. Not that we want anything, but just be- cause we have spent the most of our life trailing along with the underdog we do love to see a Democrat win once in a while. When we say win we mean win when victory bears some fruit. We are not going to the trouble of looking it up, but we ven- ture the assertion that ‘not for many years have the Democrats won as many victories in Pennsylvania as we did at the recent election. Towns and cities all over the State select- ed Democratic mayors, burgesses, councilmen, school directors and other officers for the first time, al- most, in their corporate existence. Our State chairman, Mr. John R. Collins, is all het up over these tri- umphs and well he should be, for they are symptoms that the elixir he has been trying so earnestly to hypo the party with is gradually taking effect. We congratulate our State chairman but we are cold as a well dog’s nose, a well horse's ears or a well woman’s knees so far as en- thusing with Mr. Collins is concern- ed. We can’t do that because few of the victories we won have any- thing in them. Almost we are per- suaded to believe that the Republi- cans deliberately deal to make the Democrats take the “thank you’ jobs. —We note that the President has been asked to bar Dr. Samuel Mec- Clintock Hamill from his White House conference on Child Health and Protection. Four correspondents have sent us clippings of the report of the International Conference for the Investigation of Vivisection in which the resolution praying for Dr. Hamill’s disbarment was passed. If they were sent with the hope that we would make comment thisis it: Dr. Sam is a Centre county boy. He is one of the foremost pediastrists in the country. We attended a meet- ing in the Bellevue—Stratford, Phil- adelphia, some years ago. Herbert Hoover, now the President of the United States, was the guest of hon- or. He took about thirty minutes of the time to tell us that what was needed was “work, and more work.” After he had gotten that off his chest somebody raised the question of infant mortality. He was probably thinking that the war was going to last at least eighteen years longer, but he gave Dr. Sam his cue. Then the Doctor got up and told the best sob story we have ever heard of how po- tential soldiers in Pennsylvania were dying before their dads even got a chance to walk the floors with their colickly little bodies, and he wanted so much appropriated for each coun- ty in the State in order that poten- tial soldiers might be saved. Inas- much as we had never been much concerned about how the other fel- lows get was faring and we have al- ways thought Centre county the best aver, we got up and announced that if they were going to appropriate money for such a purpose Centre didn’t want any of it because we have the best mothers in the world, ap where we come from. We got a “hand” on that but, Dr. Sam spoil- sd it all by rising immediately - to read from statistics that proved that ~entre was one of the highest in the 3tate in infant mortality. Our corres- pondents should now know why we shucked their clippings into the waste paper basket and are leaving the jistinguished Centre county boy lone. Nuretd Ee A STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. NO. 45. Another Rank Humbug Exposed Reed in Deep and Dark Dispair | J. A. Arnold, head of the South- ern Tariff association and the Tax- payers’ league, may have been less candid in his testimony before the lobby committee of the Senate than Joe Grundy, but he was equally il- luminating. He refused to admit that he is a professional lobbyist but acknowledged that the purpose of both organizations is to lobby for any one or any interest which is willing to pay for such work. Within the period since the association and the league were organized he had lobby- ed in opposition to female suffrage, against prohibition and against the Adamson eight-hour day law, and collected money from those opposed to those policies and measures. The Southern Tariff association and the Taxpayers’ league are under one management and Mr. Arnold is president of both. He says he has col- lected $250,00 within a year, fifty- five per cent. of which was paid to himself and his assistants in sala- ries. The organizations keep no books and he failed to give any ac- count of the balance of the fund collected. Some of it, of course, was used to pay office rent, supply office furniture and pay postage and tele- graph tolls. He was an industrious correspondent and in copious letters kept Senator Reed, of Pennsylvania, Watson, of Indiana, and other Re- publican leaders informed as to what occurred, and sometimes what didn’t occur, in the councils of the opposition. For example in a letter to Sen- ator Reed he wrote “at a conference of the farm group yesterday it de- veloped that Senators Brookhart and Frazier, of the insurgents, had an agreement with the Democrats that if the insurgents would stand with the Democrats on the flexible and administrative featuresthe Dem- ocrats would permit the insurgents to write the rates.” It has been proved that no such agreement was made but the tip probably had the effect of making the tariff mongers believe that Arnold was earning the money they had paid him. Like all other professional lobbyists Arnold is a sinister humbug who makes a luxurious living by bleeding suckers who have selfish interest in legisla- tion. a —Up to the present moment we | haven't had any reason to change our mind on the stock market ad- vice we gave last week. It may be that a burnt child dreads the fire. Nevertheless we still cling to the be- lief that 1907 is repeating itself and think it is a good market to stay out of. ' eee lemme i! Hoover's Armistice Day Speech. President Hoover’s Armistice Day | speech ‘presents a happy contrast with that of his predecessor deliver- ed at the same place and upon the same theme a year ago. Then Mr. Coolidge breathed the spirit of war. He inferentially charged Great Brit- ain with bad faith in its attitude at | the naval conference in Paris and rec- ommended an elaborate naval build- ing programme for this country. On the contrary, Mr. Hoover expresses a hope for material decrease in naval equipment in all countries. “We will reduce our naval strength in propor- tion to any other,” he declared, and added, “it cannot be too low for us.” There is no surprise in this atti- tude of the President for every word he has spoken on the subject since his inauguration has shown sympa- thies in the direction of peace and he understands that big armaments, whether on land or sea, make for war. But even in his laudable and forceful advocacy of peace he is not entirely consistent. For example, he says, “progress toward peace can be attained only as a result of realistic | practical daily conduct among na- tions. It can be the result only of a frank recognition of forces which may disturb peace. For instance, we must realize that our industrial life, our employment, our comport and com- fort depend greatly upon our inter- change of goods and ideas with other. nations.” Yet in the face of these obvious facts President Hoover is aiding and i ~. ‘become a: law. abetting a selfish group in Congress to enact legislation which of neces- |! sity will work for the opposite re- sult. Commercial antagonisms are the most prolific sources of armed conflicts. Injustice in trade rela- | tions, whether real or imaginary, | arouse enmities and prejudices that | lead to war. Almost every feature | of the pending tariff bill is regarded | as unjust to the industrial life of | most of the other countries of the | world, and Mr. Hoover has givenit | moral as well as material support. | It is certainly not promoting “the interchange of goods with other na- tions.” ——They can't kill King George of Great Britain even by {issuing false reports of his death. When the Senate, by a vote of forty-eight to thirty, cut the tariff tax rate on pig iron fifty per cent. Senator Reed, of Pittsburgh, aban- doned all hope. “The bill is as good as dead,” he declared, “and this co- alition is killing it right here. We are merely acting a farce” he con- tinued. “The bill you are going to pass will not be agreed to by the House.” The rate which caused Senator Reed such mental anguish is the same as that expressed in the present law when it was enacted in 1922. Subsequently President Cool- idge increased it fifty per cent. by proclamation under the flexible pro- vision. The pending bill fixed the tax at $1:50 a ton, though there is no distress in that industry. The wail of the attorney of the Steel trust provoked a good deal of comment among the Senators. Nor- ris observed that the Senator from Pennsylvania “indicated poor sports- manship.” Walsh, of Montana, de- clared that the rate fixed by the Senate Finance committee was so high “that even four Republicans, than whom there are none more reg- ular, had opposed it, and Pat Harri- son, of Missouri, “laughed it off.” Senator Borah congratulated Sena- tor Reed upon his suggestion that “the coalition undertake the job of writing the bill in full,” which is what he hopes will be done. The irony of the Senator from Idaho “went over the head” of Mr. Reed, who continued to lament the menace to the government in the sacrifice of the tariff structure. The four “regular” Senators who voted with the coalitionists to cut the pig iron graft are Sacket, of Kentucky; Steiwer, of Oregon; Wa- terman, of Colorado, and Thomas, of Idaho. They are stalwarts and ardent supporters of the President. But they are not willing to betray the party pledge to enact legislation that will place agriculture on a par- ity with the other industries of the country. Their action justified Sen- ator Reed’s prediction that the pend- ing bill in ics present form is dead and may fulfill Senator Borah’s hope that a tariff bill will be written by the Democrats and Insurgent Re- publicans during the life of the Sev- entieth Congress and that ————— el —— —Out at the University of Michi- gan they padlocked a student dor- mitory because three occupants were found to be doing a boot-leg business in it. Just what good throwing the other seventy-seven occupants out of their rooms because three lawless ones had been found among them will do, we are at an utter loss to see. At this distance it looks like just plain damphoolishness. Senator Bingham Mildly Censured By the substantial majority of fif- ty-four to twenty-two the Senate on Monday adopted a resolution censur- ing Senator Hiram Bingham, of Con- | necticut, for secretly placing a lobby- ist upon the official roll of the Sen- ate “and his use by Senator Bing- ham at the time and in the manner set forth in the report of the sub- committee of the Committee on the Judiciary, is contrary to good mor- als and senatorial ethics and tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute.” Just before the vote was taken Senator Norris, au- thor of the resolution, consented to the insertion of the words “while not the result of corrupt motives on the part of the Senator from Con- necticut.” Senator Bingham employed Charles L. BEyanson, Secretary of the Con- necticut, for secretly placing a lobby- to act as his secretary during the time the tariff bill was before the Finance committee of the Senate in secret sessions. Eyanson was at the time representing the Connecticut organization in the lobby at a sal- ary of $10,000 a year and classed as a tariff expert. Without relinquish- ing his title or salary in the associa- tion he entered upon his duties as secretary to the Senator. There was no announcement that he had given up one job to accept another less lu- crative, or that he was serving the Senator without salary but was still receiving generous compensation from the Manufacturers’ association. How the people of Connecticut in- terpret the phrase “corrupt motives” is left to conjecture. The whole transaction was fraudulent.. Mr. Eyanson was at no time secretary to Senator Bingham. Senator Bing- ham’s secretary drew his pay dur- ing all the time this false pretense was in operation and Eyanson re- ceived his salary and expense allow- ance from the Manufacturers’ associ- ation. It was a scurvy trick if not an actual crime against the Senate and the public and though so-called senatorial courtesy soft-pedaled the condemnation the people of the coun- try will put the proper construction upon it. Hiram Bingham, of Con- necticut, stands convicted of fraud. it will We i ll a pa BELLEFONTE, PA.. NOVEMBER 15. 1929. Cherishing Up Wrath. The social structure of the Na- tional capital has had several hard ‘jolts since the beginning of the ‘Hoover administration. The contro- versy over Mrs. Gann's seat at the table, though not finally solved, has been quieted for a time. Speaker Longworth and his wife, formerly Alice Roosevelt, voluntarily remain- ed away from the White House din- ner to Premier MacDonald, thus averting for a time the determina- tion of that issue. But a new amd probably more significant dispute has since arisen. Senator Johnson, of California, was not invited to the dinner to Ambassador Dawes, though as a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations he was clearly entitled to that courtesy. The relations between the President and the senior Senator from his own State have not been cordial. In the recent campaign Senator Johnson supported Hoover “because he is the Republican candidate for President,” as he stated at the time. But it was not an enthusiastic or even a helpful support, and since the inauguration the Senator has availed himself of every opportunity to “throw a har- poon” into the President’s ribs or a monkey wrench into his machinery. Johnson’s speech against the flexible provision of the tariff bill is com- monly believed to have killed that fondly cherished scheme to lodge in the President’s hands full power to control tariff schedules in the future. The President had nothing to do with the dispute concerning Mrs. Gann’s place at the table. But he had all to do with the snub of Sena- tor Johnson in the matter of the Dawes dinner. An attempt was made by some outsiders to set up the alibi that it was an oversight of some one in the White House rather than an intentional slight of the Sen- ator. - But that proved a futile ges- ture and made matters worse in- stead. of better. The selection of Reed instead of Johnson, who rank- ed him on the Foreign Relations committee, indicated as well as punish the Senator for real or imaginary grievances. se a means of censoring the air without infringing on the liberty of expression. That is, the industry warts to prevent pollution of the at- mosphere. Dry Enforcement in Washington The evidence of “moisture” in of- ficial Washington continues to ac- cumulate. Some weeks ago Senator Brookhart, of Iowa, shocked the coun- try and perturbed the President by stating that he had attended a din- ner given by a Wall street broker at which the souvenir was a silver flask spite and this: incident following that is convincing evidence of a purpose to humiliate —The_radio industry is trying to . 1 {An Attempt to Defraud Philippines From the Philadelphia Record. Once more the spirit of '76 has stirred in this, our country. Unfortunately, however, it is the spirit, not of the colonists who rose to defeat a selfish and ambitious imperialism, but the spirit of that imperialism itself. : It was seen in the attempt of the beet and cane sugar growers to impose tariff duties on sugar from the Philippines. It raises its head again in the resolution of Senator Vandenberg, of Michigan, to extend American coastwise shipping laws to those islands. When this country assumed con- trol in the Philippines, it promised that it would rule for the good of the inhabitants. : The intent of the shipping scheme is to exploit this dependency for the good of certain groups in the United States. The prosperity and rights of the Philippines are not considered, any more than the prosperity and rights of the American colonies were con- sidered by the ministers of King George III. And, according to Secretary of State Stimson, who should know, having served as Governor General of the islands the extension of these shipping laws would injure and not help American shipping. The obvious intention is to bar the ships of foreign nations from the island trade and then raise the rates on all commerce handled. A stupid policy, as most selfish policies are. Mr. Stimson told the Senate sub- committee that such a move would soon destroy American trade all through the Orient. American ships would automatically be bar- red from the Dutch East Indies. Great Britain would naturally make reprisals. The Filipino Nationalist leaders and the heads of the Chinese Nationalist government are in close contact. Our trade in China would suffer. Any moves to exploit the people of our dependencies to the advant.- age -of - American . speeial interest would be a direct reversal of policy and betrayal of national honor. Fall's Light Sentence From the Pittsburgh Press. Justice Hitz of the District of Co- lumbia Supreme Court has refused to make a martyr of Albert B. Fall Instead ‘of givihg thé former ‘Secre- tary of the Interior the maximum sentence of three years in prison and a $300,000 fine, the judge made one year and a $100,000 fine. The maximum sentence would not have been unjust punishment for such a crime as a cabinet officer ac- cepting a bribe to dispose of the national resources of which he was the sworn guardian. But more than stark justice to its male- | ing the parade. with | mounted from his horse and was rushed factors; it tempers justice mercy. And the rue of mercy should to a the high, who have fallen, | to the rich as apply to- as well as the low; well as the poor. The judge went farther. He was filled with whiskey. A few days la- wining "to suspend in full the prison ter eSnator Cole Blease, a declaration that narcotic joints abounded within the shadow of the capitol and the bootleggers op- erate within the walls of that state- ly structure. Naturally these expos- ures provoked comment and contro- versy and Senator Brookhart has been subpoenaed to tell his story to the court. : Brookhart is a dry and more or less fanatical and Blease is erratic and more or less irresponsible so their surprising statements were not generally accepted at “face value.” But the other day Senator Gillett, of Massachusetts, who is both sane and ' conservative corroborated their evi- dence by declaring that “he had seen Representatives legislating in the House under the influence of liquor. “Gillett is a competent witness hav- ing served as Speaker of the House during three full terms and nearly a term of six years in the Senate. His purpose was not to correct an evil, however. It was rather to ex- cuse a colleague for an offence which both of them characterized as “an indiscretion.” But his statement may serve a useful purpose. There are too many Senators and Representatives in Congress with wet throats and dry tongues and Gillet’s support of the charges of Brookhart and Blease is likely to compel an investigation in- to the manner of enforcing prohibi- tion legislation in Washington. It has long been suspected that boot- legging is conducted under the pro- tection of the municipal authorities which are amenable only to the Na- tional administration and Congress, If these suspicions are confirmed by investigation the result will be wholesome whether it promotes the interests of the wets or the drys. It will be bad for hypocrisy and that is a major evil: —In London traffic officers are now carrying tail lights. That should be quite a convenience for the crim- fnally inclined. They will not be so ikely to bump into them. of South | sentence, not because of false Carolina, astounded the public with! timentality but because drug | of Fall's age and sen- to a man ill health it prob- ably would mean a life sentence or worse. ’ But when Fall insisted upon ap- pealing the case, it was impossible to suspend sentence. Doubtless the country Fall might have accepted the ver- dict and suspended sentence, and gone quietly out of the limelight. . For the country is tired of being re- minded of that dishonor to its pub- lic office. May the case of Edward L. Do- heny, the oil multimillionaire charg- ed with bribing Fall, be prosecuted quickly and vigorously and that sordid chapter in the national life ended. Where Einstein Simply Guesses. From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Only 10 persons may understand Einstein, the great physicist, when he talks on relativity, but a multi- tude will not hesitate to check up on him when he turns to discussion of such topics as those involving re- ligious faith. Recently the savant was quoted against the belief in personal im- mortality, holding that death ends all. Here, however, he is dealing with a mystery in which his guess is no more final than that of another. But faith in the immortality of the soul has continued through so many centuries that it is impossible for any mere statement to shake it. if Einstein would maintain his fame as a savant he will stick to figuring rather than guessing. — The Senate Judiciary committee having voted to recommend con- firmation of the appointmentof Al- bert L. Watson as a Federal Dis- trict Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania it is probable that it will be done. We don’t know any- thing about Judge Watson's qualifi- cations, but if we were to read into Attorney General Mitchell’s estimate of them what we think he really wanted to say we would conclude that the Middle District bench isn't going to collapse under the weight of its probable new occupant. the it | wishes | i | “bury and SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONR —Governor Fisher and other State of- ficials on Tuesday laid the date-stone for the $4,000,000 building to house the De- partment of Public Instruction. —Eyreview, palatial residence of the late State Senator T. Lawrence Eyre, on North High street, West Chester, was sold on Monday to Charles M. James, at a price reported to be approximately $60,- 000. The sale was confirmed by the real estate firm of R. Jones Patrick and Sons. The district attorney's office said that Deysher was not called for sentence ear- lier in order that he could ascertain de- finitely how much money had been taken. It totaled about $15,000, and since Dey- sher’s arrest the defendant has made restitution in part. The money was lost in stock speculation. —Donald Allison, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allison, of Salona, was attacked and so severely bitten by a neighbor's vicious dog Wednesday that it was necessary to take the lad to the Lock Haven hospital, where the lacerations about the right eye and on the left cheek and left ear were dressed and closed with seven stiches. —The closing of the plant of the Syl- vania Products company, at Mill Hall, has placed that town again in the scarcity of employment rank, and has left a void that at the present outlook, will be hard to fill. There are, however, rumors that the above named company will again operate the plant by the production of something other than radio tubes. —“Out of the frying pan into the fire,” was the experience of Elmer Halderman, safe cracker deluxe, who was released from the eastern penitentiary early last week and then taken in charge by police of the Reading Railroad company who took him to Lewisburg to answer a charge of shooting officer Mowery when he resisted arrest on the company’s property. —Pleading guilty to charges of embez- zlement and making false entries and statements by an officer of a bank, Frank A. Deysher, 33 years old, former cashier of the Kempton State bank, at Kempton, Berks county, was sentenced to pay a fine of $500, make just restitution and undergo imprisonment in the Berks Jail for from one and a half to three years. —More than $2000 worth of furs report- ed to have been stolen from Aaron's fur shop, Altoona, have been recovered in Cleveland, according to announcement by the proprietor of the shop last week. Al- though the name of the alleged thief was not learned, it was intimated that a for- mer employee was involved. Mr. Aaron said that all the furs stolen are valued at approximately $10,000. Police author- ities have been working on the case since the robbery was reported. —A dragnet spread by a borough, State police and highway patrolmen was evad- ed by a daring bandit who waylaid Ed- win Ogara, Shamokin, on the main thor- oughfsre of that city early on Saturday. Ogara refused to say how much he had with him at the time, but a friend assert- ed he had more than $2000 in his pock- ets at the time. Ogara and several friends went to the apartment of a man whom they suspected, but he escaped by leap- ing from a window. ' He is reported to be a nationally famous automobile en- durance driver. __A diamond ring valued at $125, be- longing to Mrs. Roy D. Saunders, of Chambersburg, was found in a school dic- tionary in the King street school building, last week, where it had been placed by Stuart Walker, 15 years old, a school pupil, who admitted to police he had taken it from the Saunders home on July 2. For a time after taking the ring, Walker said, he carried it in his overcoat pocket and then transferred it to the school dictionary. He said he took the ring while visiting the Saunders home with a son of Mrs. Saunders. __Robert Gregg, 54 years old, an aide to the grand marshal in the Armistice day parade at Lewistown, died soon after a civilized society grants being stricken with a heart attack dur- Feeling ill, Gregg dis- local hospital where he died five minutes after being admitted. He was the son of General John Irvin Gregg, who served with the Union forces during the Civil war. Gregg served with the City Troop of Philadelphia in the Spanisn- American War and was stationed at Fort Worth during the World war. — When he rolled under a motor truck while making a flying tackle in a football game, John B. Weller, 16, a Sunbury High school sophomore, was fatally in- jured on Friday. William Eichner, the boy who was tackled, escaped with his head being grazed by the same wheel that killed Weller. The boys were play- ing in the rear of a warehouse in Sun- ) did not see the truck approach. Weller asked to be taken home after the accident, and told friends that he did not want to be scolded for playing foot- ball. He died a few hours later. —“Hootch’’ that inspires men to climb rainspouts almost cost Patrick Komer, of Pottsville, his life early on Monday. Komer, as he told police, was full of the “stuff” when he climbed up a spout to enter a room where Dominic Margita was slumbering. It resembled his own, which he missed by a block. Margita awoke and, fortunately for Komer, let the fact be known with curses and threats. The climber took fright and made a hurried descent to the ground as Margita poked a gun barrel over the window sill and sent three shots in his general direction, thinking him a burglar. —A total of 131 prosecutions for pure food law violations was ordered during October, according to the monthly report of the Bureau of Foods and Chemistry, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. These prosecutions occurred throughout the Commonwealth, but were heaviest in the southeastern section. Selling stale eggs as fresh resulted in 27 prosecutions, the largest number for a single law vio- lation. - Milk deficient in fat and solids brought 14 prosecutions, and jelly, used in jelly doughnuts and rolls, adulterated and misbranded caused 10 prosecutions. No prosecutions were brought in Centre county. —A Bible lost in the Argonne during the closing days of the war, 11 years ago, has been returned to G. Taylor Wright, formerly of Berwick, now of Massachus- etts, his mother revealed on Monday. Mrs. Wright opened a letter to her son, and found it was from Mrs. William Davis, of McIntyre, Indiana county, who wrote that a fellow-soldier of Wright had pick- ed up the book and kept it. Mrs. Davis sald she would return it to any relative of Wright, since she did not know if he had returned from the army. Mrs. Wright sent the letter to her son, who has re- ceived the Bible. Wright served with the 814th Infantry, 79th Division.