Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 08, 1929, Image 8
Deworvaic, Waid Bellefonte, Pa., November 8, 1929 f— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. , ——The Edward Gehrets have glosed the: deal for the four Kalin properties, one double house and two gle ones, on west Logan street. Possession to be given on the first of April. ; . ——The Bellefonte branch of the Needlework Guild of America will hold its annual collection and distri- {ution day on Friday, November 15, ‘at two o'clock, at the home of Mrs. . S. Brouse. ——The Ladies Aid of the Luther- church, will ‘serve a roast chick- supper in the basement of the schurch, Thursday evening, Novem- ‘ber 14th, from 5 until 7 o'clock. ‘Price, adults 75 cents, children 40 scents. : ' ——W. T. Kelly is now a full- fledged station agent for the Penn- fiyivania Railroad company in Belle- fonte, having charge of both the freight and passenger business. The tofficial appointment was made last Friday. i} ——Col. Wilbur F. Leitzell has re- signed as prohibition enforcement officer in the middle district of Penn- Sylvania and has been succeeded by ,J. O. Loos, Col. Leitzell, it is said, ‘will become purchasing agent for a chain store organization. Football fans want to be on hand at Hughes field, next Monday after- noon, to help cheer the High school team on to victory in its battle with Lewistown. It will not be an easy game and the local lads will need all the encouragement possible. ——All players of bridge and five- hundred are invited to a card party to be given by the Woman’s club on Tuesday evening, Novemebr 12, at the Elks club. Playing will begin at eight-fifteen. Refreshments will be served. Tickets are fifty cents. Late Wednesday afternoon a collision occurred at the intersection of Spring and Lamb streets between a school car being driven by Ken- neth Hall, of Union township, and a car driven by Carl Stanley, of Hazle- ton. No one was injured but both cars were somewhat damaged. .——Announcement has been made by Mrs. Julia E. Walsh, of the mar- riage of her daughter, Marie, to Mr. Henry Ferdinend Lemberk, on Wed- nesday, November sixth, New York. Mrs. Walsh and her daughters are well known in Bellefonte ,having left here only a few years ago, to make their home in New York City. ——Though this was not a good potato year the crop proved pretty good for Mrs. A. C. Kepler, on her farm in the Glades. According to report she has marketed eight car- loads of No. 1 grade at $1.75 per bushel. The cars averaged over 600 bushels. She also disposed of a few hundred bushels of No. 2s at $1.00 per bushel, and has a fair stock on hand to sell as certified seed next spring. ——Frank Zuschnitt, best known known perhaps of all the traveling salesmen who have visited Belle- fonte over a period of many years, has retired from the road. Frank is no longer able to stand the gaff of riding the rattlers and tramping over the streets of the towns in his territory. He will. undertake to keep in touch with his customers by mail and we hope that he will be successful, for no one could wish of such a fine .fellow anything but good. ——Last Friday Judge Fleming handed down a decision in which he directed the former bank receivers, Messrs. Reed O. Steely, John S. Dale and John S. Ginter, to turn over all finances and documents relating to the defunct Centre County Banking company to Ivan Walker, trustee ap- pointed by the federal court, and to make a true accounting of same to the local court. In his decision Judge Fleming declined to name a fee for the receivers and their attorneys, re- ferring that to the federal court. . —Several weeks ago the Watch- " man told of J. Dorsey Hunter see- : ing four bears while on a walk out - toward the Advent cemetery. Last - noticed three large geese week he took a walk to the top of the mountain above Coleville and returning home through Coleville he parading the street. He passed the birds without paying any attention to them but had taken only a few steps when something snapped him on the leg. Looking around he was astonished to see that it was * ‘the geese that had attacked him, ; ‘one of them having a good hold on his trousers’ leg and presenting a very billigerent attitude. He was . compelled to use his cane to drive . them away. ——1In letters eighteen feet high, : the Pennsyvania State College has . had the name ‘State College” paint- 4. a an ed on the roof of the new recreation hall on its campus, as a location guide to aircraft. Located between the Seven mountains and the Alle- gheny escarpment, the State Col- lege marker is expected to prove a boon to future air traffic. Flying in Central Pennsylvania is regarded as hazardous because of the mountains and the marker will afford easy lo- cation of the Bellefonte airmail land- field, ten miles northeast of the . college. Commendation for this serv- ice has come to the college from the State Aeronautics Commission and the Daniel Guggenheim committee on the promotion of aeronautie. FREE WATER CONSUMPTION HIGH COST OF PUMPING Mr. Cunningham Submits Figures Showing 500,000 Gallons Given - Away Daily Most of Monday evening's session of borough council was taken up with a discussion of the water situa- tion in Bellefonte which followed a voluminous report submitted by Mr. Cunningham chairman of the water committee. The water question in Bellefonte has been one of consider- able concern for some years, not be- cause of any scarcity of it but be- cause of the continual increase in the cost of pumping. During the fifteen years that he has served as a member of borough council Mr. Cunningham has been closely <iden- tified with the water department and undoubtedly knows more about it than any man in the town. It was on the recommendation of the Water committee, of which he is chairman, that the, Gamble mill property was purchased so as to give the borough the water power as a means of of- fering a cheaper means of pumping. At the time it was the idea of the committee to install water wheels and electric generators and use the electric pumps now on hand at the spring pumping station, but the es- timated cost of installation, $25,000, seemed prohibitive at this time. In the meantime the West Penn Power Co., which is now furnishing the electric current for pumping the water, started an investigation of its own to determine if there is any way by which the cost of pumping might be reduced. At the last meet- ing of council a report was submit- ted by D. C. Morrow, water engineer for the American Water Co., in ‘which he asserted that Bellefonte is pumping a million of gallons of wa- ter more a day than it should, and he ascribed it to leakage in the res- ervoir and pipes. Mr. Morrow also advised a searching test of the mains for leaks by the Pitometer company, which would cost the bor- ough $1500. The West Penn, how- ever, offered to make a preliminary test at its own expense to determine if there is leakage, if the borough gives its approval. Since the last meeting of council Mr. Cunningham and water superin- tendent J. D. Seibert have also made an investigation, and they found a small leagage at the reservoir, but they also found that the borough is actually pumping half a million gal- lons of water daily for which it gets no returns in dollars and cents. This big amount of water is account- ed for in free service to. all the schools and churches in Bellefonte, the Y. M. C. A., Centre County hos- pital, borough home, free use of hose at private homes, etc. Mr. Cunningham's report was lis- tened to with considerable interest by every member. of council and at its conclusion he reported that he had received an estimate from the Worthington Pump Co., for the in- stallation of a water pump of 1500 gallons a minute ca- pacity at the Gamble mill property at a total appromimate cost of $10,- 000. The installation of such a pump, in connection with the two hydraulic pumps now in use, will furnish an adequate service for Belle- fonte, and will not require any addi- tional help to maintain or operate. Mr. Cunningham recommended that such a pump be installed. Mr. Mig- not made a motion that the commit- tee be empowered to ask for bids for such. installation. Mr. Cobb suggested that in view the fact that the West Penn Power Co. had very generously, :of- fered to make a preliminary survey for leakage that it would only be fair to apprise them of Mr. Cunning- ham's report and ask them if they still thought it advisable to make such a survey. In its routine report the Water committee reported the collection of $135.27 on water duplicates The Finance committee asked for the renewal of notes totalling $5000 and recommended that $16,000 in notes soon falling due at the Belle- fonte Trust Co. be paid. So order- ed. The Fire and Police committee re- ported that the Undine company’s new pumper had been tested and ap- proved. The committee also report- ed that the fire alarm be repaired to do until soma decision can be reach- ed in regard to installing a new sys- | tem. the report of the borough health of- ficer which showed the town entirely clean of communicable diseases. The Water committee recommended that the entire red brick building at the Phoenix mill be leased to the Beatty Motor company for $450 a year, which was authorized. is Bills totalling $7487.89, which in- cluded the borough’s share of the Undine pumper, were approved fo? payment after which council ad- journed. AIRMAIL PILOT HAD TO JUMP FOR HIS LIFE. Thomas P. Nelson, airmail piloto, had to jump for his life, early Wed- nesday morning, when his plane caught fire at an altitude of four thousand feet while flying over Schuylkill county. Nelson took the parachute leap and landed safely but his plane was burned as well as thirteen out of eighteen sacks of mail. Nelson had stopped at the Bellefonte field on his way east and at that time his plane was all right wheel and a | The Sanitary committee presented | FORMER COLEVILLE MAN KILLED BY OWN GUN -Harold William Lockard, a former resident of Coleville but for some years past living at Ford City, in Armstrong county, was accidentally killed by his own gun about four o'clock on Saturday afternoon. He had been out hunting with a party of. friends and on his way home stopped at a neighbor's barn for a little talk. He stood his gun on the doorsill of the barn, holding the bar- rel in his hand. The gun slipped and the trigger catching on the doorsill discharged the gun. The shot struck Lockard on the right jaw, tearing away the right side of his face and head, killing him instantly. kard was born at Coleville and was 29 years and 4 months old. He has lived at Ford City a number of years and was well known and high- ly esteemed. He was a member of the First Baptist church, of that city, a member of the borough council, Silver lodge Knights of Pythias and the Order of Independ- ent Americans. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Alice. Also his mother, Mrs. Wash Smith, living at Pleasant Gap, and two sis- ters, Mrs. Snyder Stover, of Cole- ville. and Mrs. Charles Emenhizer, of Flemington. "The Snyder Stover family motored to Ford City for the funeral which was held on Tuesday afternoon, bur- ial being made at Ford City. GRAY’S CEMETERY A MECCA FOR MANY PILGRIMS. Conditions are leled in many parts but just because been kept probably paral- of the county, a register has of visitors to Gray's cemetery, the facts concerning it can be regarded as authentic and will reveal the surprising number of people who annually visit the last resting places of their loved ones. Of course interest in Gray's has been quickened during the. past few years because it has been beauti- fied so and maintained in such per- fect condition. It is really one of the best kept country cemeteries we know of, due in no small measure . to the interest shown in it by the secretary of the Association, Mr. Thomas Huey. . Scarcely a day goes by that some visitor or visitors are not seen wandering about in this peace- ful God’s Acre. Aside from those who have gathered ' there until in- terments are being made the regis- ter shows hundreds of . visitors. They come from all parts of the country. In the register we find names of people from Nebraska, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Delaware, Wisconsin, Maryland, California, and several other States; all of which goes to show how little the world is after all. For those people all came back because there is some one they know, ‘someone whose memory is still dear to them, living up in the . cemetery in Half Moon valley. i Be am ! SOCCER AS PLAYED BY SCHOOL TEAMS | The soccer games played in the Centre county High school league ! Friday, November 1st, marked the beginning of the second half of the season. Thus far fine soccer has been played and the last half of the ; Season promises an even stronger competition. = PAA, i Port Matilda has been forced to forfeit all of the remaining games | on it’s schedule because of scholastic difficulties of many of the players. , State College, although they have ynot won a game, has played fine for boys of their size and age. It should , be understood that this team is com- "posed of 7th and 8th graders and’ . freshmen in High school, yet they are playing against High school | teams. ' To date Spring Mills is leading the league with Centre Hall four points ! behind. Boalsburg and Rebersburg ‘are tied and are shoving Centre Hall very hard. The teams are rated by j the point system, a win counting 2 ; points, a tie 1 point for each team rand of course a defeat no points. i The ranking of the teams is as fol- lows: | Spring Mills | Centre Hall : | Boalsburg + Rebersburg ; Millheim 6 } FIUDIOPSDUDE .ovneceresmesessesssssivsisn-simsenssniassansadipaseed | Port Matilda .... -.2 State College... ili ian 0 | NEW BEAUTY DOCTOR - | © AT PENN BELLE SHOPPE. | { Manicuring, marcelling, finger and water waving, shampoo and hot oil shampoo, eye-brow arching and head ‘and facial treatment by a real expert are now offered the ladies at the Penn-Belle barber shop. Joseph Boscaino, the proprietor, is ! determined that the ladies shall have the best and has secured Miss Katharine Pringle, expert in her | line, to serve them. { Another offer he is making, some- | thing that will make for a happy | Christmas day for some one of his patrons, is a handsome toilet set. 1 It will be given away on the night of December 24 and every customer between now and then will be giv- en a chance to get it. | { | ——Twenty-six tickets were sold , at the Belefonte station for Satur- | day night’s excursion to Pittsburgh, ! while the Saturday night previous ! forty-seven people went to New York on the excursion. The gay metropo- lis is always a bigger drawing card RABBITS AND RINGNECKS LED IN THE GAME BAG. Only a Few Wild Turkeys Shot On First Day of the Hunting Season. Rabbits and ringneck pheasants formed the major part of the spoils bagged by primitive man in his lust to kill on the opening day of the hunting season, last Friday, though a few wild turkeys and squirrels were brought in asa proper leaven- | ing of the game bag. ~ The prize turkey of the day, so far as reports are available, was shot by David Chambers, Jr. Snow Shoe, up near Julian. It wasa hen and weighed 18 pounds. Cham- bers and James Caldwell, of Belle- fonte, were hunting together and Jimmie bagged a 12-pounder. Five more turkeys were killed in that section but the names of the lucky hunters could not be obtained. In this connection it might be stated that along during the . summer a flock of twenty-seven turkeys were seen in that section on various oc- casions. On Wednesday of last week a flock, presumably the same, was seen but then there were only seventeen in it. With seven killed last Friday only ten would be left. Two Pleasant Gap hunters got turkeys on Nittany mountain, Wil- liam Bilger and Jared Stover. Postmaster John Knisely was member of a hunting party who went out in the neighborhood of Yarnell on the hunt of turkeys. They made contact with a flock and John got a shot at a gobbler weighed 22 pounds, but he didn’t get it. How he accounts for it's exact weight is what puzzles his companions. Ringnecks are quite plentiful this year and a number of hunters got birds on the opening day. Harry Ward and son, of Bellefonte, with four friends, brought in eight fine specimens on Friday afternoon, but the day’s sport cost Mr. Ward his gun. When they decided to call ita day and return home they treked out of the woods to their car where they all racked their guns against trees while they talked things over. When they were ready to go Mr. Ward picked up a gun and climbed into the car. When they reached Bellefonte it was discovered he had the gun of one f the other hunters while his own was missing. He and his son promptly drove back to the woods but the gun was gone. It was probably found and taken by another hunter who is now one gun ahead of the game. Col. Wilbur F. Leitzell, who is now located at Lewisburg as a hunter of illicit liquor purveyors, came to Centre county for the open- ing of the season and bagged four ringnecks Friday and Saturday. A story is told of a hunter after ringnécks in the foothills of the Al- leghenies who chased up a flock of eight but by the time he spotted the { male of the species they were too ‘far away to shoot at. | As stated in the beginning of this article rabbits led the list of game killed, and most of the hunters who confined their efforts to cottontails got.the limit. One Bellefonte party hunting up near Houserville got eleven. Earl Kline and party hunt- ing in the same locality, got eight. William and Earl Houtz, of Lemont, got their limit of. five each and a ringneck. Charles E. ' Gates, of | Hecla, bagged five rabbits and a squirrel. Vince Bauer, of Belle- fonte, got three rabbits and was home by nine o'clock. A Bellwood party camping on Fishing creek, had eighteen rabbits when seen by our informant and were still on the hunt. From all sections of the county come reports of a good kill of rab- hits but comparatively few squir- rels. THE ZIMMERMANS HAD GREAT DAY IN THE WOODS When the name Zimmerman is mentioned in connection with hunt- ing everyone who knows anything of the well known Nittany Valley fam- ily just naturally expects something big. Bir Zimmerman lives in Belle- fonte now, but he still hankers for the woods and the call of the wild gets him just as often as it did when Mingoville was his post-office address. On the opening day he and his son, H. L., took a little ramble along the foot-hills of Nittany mountains | out about Pleasant Gap, and when | they decided it was time to quit there were nine rabbits, eight quail land three ring-necks in their bag. | Fed up on hunting they then turn- led their attention to locating bee trees. That is another sport that | Bill just loves and he must be as ! slick at it as he is with a shot gun lor rifle. Already this year he has located fifty-one trees. If you want to hear an interesting story have “him tell you how he does it. He knows the habits of the wild bee so , well and is so friendly with them that | he says he can distinguish their moods of happiness and fear by the kind of “hum” they hum. From the trees they have cut this fall they have salvaged 250 gts. of { strained honey. They put the mass "in large vessels and warm it until it will run through cheese-cloth. By doing this they remove all the waxy comb and have only the pure honey left. ——The Bellefonte banks will be so that the cause of the fire is un- | for country excursionists than sooty { closed next Monday, in celebration known. . Pittsburgh. ‘of Armistice day. a which’ —Jacob Cole was back home from Al- . toona this week, being among those who | to Bellefonte to vote Tuesday. ‘Mrs. Henry Wetzel is home from Bui- falo, after having spent the month of October ' there, with her son Paul and his family. i | —Mrs. E. H. Richard and Miss Em- i ma: Montgomery went east, the after- ‘part of last week, for a two week's stay i with Mrs. Richard's relatives in Phila- , delphia and Norristown. —Mrs. Charles McClellan and her son George drove, Monday, to Baltimore, | whére Mrs. McClellan remained to resume . treatments with specialists, under whose ! care she has been during her illness of a year or more. : | * —Mrs. Meyer, who acompanied her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edith Knoff, to | Bellefonte two weeks ago and whose guest she has been since that time, will return to her home at Olean, N.Y., this week, again a driving guest of Mrs. Knoft. spending the week in Philadelphia, hav- ing motored down last Saturday and in- tending to remain until after the U. of .P. —Penn State game tomorrow. They will return home in time for Armistice , day on Monday. | —John Banks and his sister, Miss Laura, drove in from Snow Shoe, Tues- day, the former spending a part of the day attending to some business matters ' while Miss Banks visited with Mrs. O. J. Harm and with her sister, Miss Maule , Banks, at Mrs. T. Clayton Brown's. —Mrs. John Love of Reynolds Ave., her daughter and son, Miss Sarah and Fred, Mrs. Clyde Smith and Mrs. Charles Harrison, it is expected, will be among those from Bellefonte, who will go to Altoona tomorrow afternoon, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Frank Williams. —Mrs. Bidwell, wife of Lieut. Com- mander A. T. Bidwell, has come north from the Canal Zone and is now at the Fitzsimmons hospital in Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Bidwell is a native of Bellefonte and spent all her girlhood life here, be- ing a daughter of the late Dr. Hafer. —Mrs. George M. Glenn, who had been for the summer with her sister, Miss Esther Gray, on her farm up Buffalo Run, went to Gettysburg, Sat- urday of last week, for a visit with her son John and his family, intending later to go to Florida where she will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. G. Oscar Gray, with Miss Julia Ward as a driving guest, will g0 to Philadelphia today for the Penn- State game tomorrow, at Franklin fleld. Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Gray's elder son, with the Western Electric Co., in New York, will join the party to be with them dur- ing their siay in Philadelphia. —Mrs. W. R. Dale and her daughter, who came north from Lake Worth, Florida, have decided to remain in Bellefonte for the winter. Mrs. Dale was called here by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Morgan Reynolds, of east Bishop street, whose condition has not improv- ed sufficiently to justify her return south. turn south. —Mrs. Thomas Rishel returned Satur- day from a week's visit with her sister and her husband, Mrs. Louis Batt and Mr. Batt, at McKeesport. For the drive in, Mrs. Rishel was a guest of her neph- ew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rine, who spent the week-end here with Mr. Rine’s mother, Mrs. Edward Rine and the family, at their home at Cole- ville. I —Mrs. Howard Gearhart went to Philadelphia, Saturday, for a week's visit there and with friends at her for- mer home at Millville, N. J. The Gear- harts came here from Millville in the spring, to locate permanently in Belle- fonte, and since then have been living with Mrs. Gearhart’s sisters and broth- ers, the Joseph Fox family, on east Bish- op street. —Those from out-of-town who were here, Wednesday, for the funeral of the late Mrs. George Lose included her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Jenks, of Atlan- tic City, who has spent much time in Bellefonte, during her mother’s illness; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Labe, of Johns- | town; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith, of Al- toona; Mr. and Mrs. McGuire and Mrs. Dorsey Sommerson, of Renovo. —Mrs. Gideon Payne will leave today for a week’s stay in Philadelphia, where she will be a house guest during the time of Mrs. Lichten and Mrs. Gorden and their families. Mrs. Payne's mother- in-law, Mrs. Mary Payne, who had been in Bellefonte for two months, went to Ohio, three weeks ago, for a visit with her son John and his family before re- turning to Bedford, Va., for the winter. —William B. Given, Esq., of Columbia, a well known gold Democrat of Pennsyl- vania and one of the most prominent and successful business promoters of the State, with lars. Given, were guests at the Brockerhoff house Monday night, while here for a short visit with Judge Orvis and Col. Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Given were returning east from a visit with their daughter and her family, in Chicago. —Mrs. J. J. McKee was back to Bellefonte, from Tyrone, Friday, on her first visit since leaving, the Saturday before. Mr. McKee had ben conductor on the Snow Shoe train and, upon its | discontinuance, was transferred to Ty-' rone, moving his family there at once | from the Page house on south Thomas street. Mr, and Mrs. McKee and their three children had been residents of Bellefonte for two years. —Mrs. Joseph Ceader drove in from Cleveland, Monday, with friends whom she left at Tyrone, coming on from there by train; the object of the visit being, to vote. Mrs. Ceader was a guest of her nieces, the Misses Cooney, until yesterday, leaving then for the return trip to Cleveland. Mrs. Ceader left Bellefonte twelve years ago, and has made many visits back home since then, but never before at this time of the year, consequently her vote, Tuesday, was the first she had ever cast. —Earl Kline, a former employee at the Bellefonte airport, came in from Chicago, Tuesday, by plane, to spend several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Kline and friends around town. Mr. Kline is now planning to go to South America shortly after Christmas, where he and Richard Ingalls, will establish an airport at Buenos Aires, expecting to be gone for three years. According to pres- ent arrangements, Mr. and Mrs. Kline will come in from Chicago before Christ- mas, Mr. Kline will leave early in the year for the south, while Mrs. Kline will remain here until he gets located and then join him in South America. —Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blaney are. - NEWS ‘PURELY PERSONAL. | —Mrs. D. R. Foreman, of north Spring street, has as a guest this week Miss Pearl Boring, of Pittsburgh. : —While in Bellefonte on a business trip, on Tuesday afternoon E. S. Moore and son, of Pine Grove Mills, made s brief visit at the Watchman office. —Mr. ‘and Mrs. Harry Flack, their daughter Mrs. George Carpeneto, her son George Jr., and Mrs. Edward Kane, were over to Tyrone, Saturday, for the funeral of Mr. Flack’s brother<in-law, William Sharp. —Miss Rebecca Rhoads came up from Washington D. C., Monday, to vote at Tuesday's - election. It has been Miss Rhoades custom to come back home at this time, ever since she left to make her home in Washington. . —Mrs. W. A. Lyon came up from Westfield, N. J., last week, with her son-in-law, C. B. Williams, and spent the time visiting with friends in Belle- fonte while Mr. Williams joined some friends from Beech Creek to go into camp for the opening of the hunting season. —Wallace H. Gephart was here from Bronxville, N. Y., for a part of the week, having arrived Monday morning he re- mained here until Wednesday, his time being devoted to looking after some busi- ness interests and visiting with his sis- ter, Miss Elizabeth Gephart. During his stay Mr. Gephart was a house guest of Miss Mary and Henry H. Linn. WEDNESDAY IN ALTOONA TO BE A GREAT EVENT. Wednesday, November 13, is go- ing to be a big day in Altoona—a day filled with interest to every home throughout Central Pennsyl- vania. According to the advertisement of the Altoona Booster Association, appearing elsewhere in this issue, the merchants connected with this progressive Association are going to hold their fall dollar day on that day which is also observed as “Sub. urban Day.” The announcement in- dicates that the booster merchants are planning to offer very unusual values in merchandise of the very kind that is needed right now in every home. Altoona booster merchants always urge people to patronize their home town stores first. They invite them, however, to go to Altoona for the things their home stores can- not supply. This fall dollar day will be a good time to accept the booster stores invitation as they will offer such a wonderful assort- ment of goods at special prices that everybody will be able to shop to good advantage and select the things for home and personal use that they cannot buy at their local stores. . Arrangements have been made by booster stores to broadcast a special dollar day musical program over Station W.F.B.G., on Tuesday, Nov- ember 12, at 8 P. M. This pro- gram is to be rendered by one of Altoona’s leading musical organiza- tions and is well worth tuning in for Those who visit Altoona for the booster stores’ dollar day will be able to park their cars anywhere in the business district for any length of time. This is possible through the cooperation of the city officials who have lifted all parking restrictions for the one day for the accommodatin of out of town shop- pers. The only parking restrictions ap- ply to alleys and other points where fire hazards must be ob- served. j A ————— i it s— AMERICAN LEGION TO PUT ON A DRIVE Brooks-Doll Post No. 33, Ameri- can Legion, will launch a member- ship drive, next week, with the ‘avowed object of making every ex- service man in this district a Legion- naire, according to W. W. Gherrity, post commander. The national ob- jective of the American Legion this year, according to Mr. Gherrity, is adequate hospitalization for every disabled veteran. According to fig- ures furnished by the Veteran's Bu- reau there are now some 5,000 vet- rans entitled to hospitalization who cannot receive it because of inade- quate facilities, and that number is steadily increasing. It is with this object in view, that of presenting a solid front in a de- mand for help for their stricken comrades, that the local Legion is staging its drive at this time. It is the hope of the. post officers that the membership will be at least 200 by December 1st, since it is in De- cember that the veteran legislation will come before Congress. a ———— pp —————— PROCLAMATION It is the earnest desire of borough officials of Bellefonte that Armistice day, Monday, November 11, be ob- served with fitting dignity and sol- emnity in honor of the soldier dead of the late war, and it is with this object in view that we make the following proclamation: All national flags should be dis- played, both by business places and residences. Just prior to eleven o'clock a. m. a two-minute silence will be observed and all traffic will come to a halt in all sections of the town. At exactly eleven o’clock bells and whistles should be sounded briefly, following which the services on the Diamond will be conducted by the local American Legion post. HARD P. HARRIS, Burgess Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. ; WHERE oceovsscresinpriscsmmunysserin $1.20 Corn 1.30 Oats 50 Rye 1.00 Barley .......... 8 Buckwheat oo... 90