“The Bellefontian,” the in- teresting bimonthly publication of the students of the Bellefonte High From we take the following ac- count of the foot ball game here last Saturday, between Tyrone and Bellefonte. The result of the game was Bellefonte 13, Tyrone 0. . Saturday afternoon on the Hughes field, Bellefonte High school ran rough-shod over their ancient “jinx,” Tyrone. For the first time in the last sev- en years that Bellefonte High school has played Tyrone she was able to come off the old gridiron with the bacon, and a joyful feeling. The “Red and White” warriors came back to defeat their old oppon- ents, after taking a beating at the hands of Huntingdon on the preced- ing Saturday. The pulp from the “paper-mill” town tried to stage a comeback in the final quarter but were held at bay by the “Red and White Cheetahs.” As usual, Sammy Confer played a brilliant game, and Kelley showed some fine playing, but “Old Ironsides” Shope ran with the best of them. The new right side of the line, con- sisting of Tom Fisher playing guard, Keeler at tackle, and Gettig on the end did some beautiful work, hoth offensively and defensively. The first quarter B. H. S. received the kick-off, “Sammy” toting the old pill back about 40 yards before he was downed; then Kelley, Shope, and “Sammy” started working on the “Orange and Black” line for re- peated gains. “Sam” took the ball through left tackle for the rirst touchdown as the quarter ended with the score 6-0 in favor of the “Red and White Cheetahs” and the first downs stood 7-2 in our favor. In the second quarter the “Cheetahs” kept slashing the line of “Orange and Black” back toward their own goal. Sam made first downs, hitting off tackle, Kelley made good yardage through the center and Shope ran the ends for consecutive gains until the ball was advanced close enough to the Tyrone goal line to let “Max” rip their line for the needed ground and our second and final touchdown. A pass, Kelley to Shope, gave us the extra point. In this quarter the “Red and White” had 5 first-downs to Tyrone’s ome, and 13 points to Tyrone’s 0. B. H. S. received the kickoff as the second-half began, and contin- ued to make yards and first downs, but Tyrone held the snarling “Chee- tahs” better in this quarter than in any quarter of the game. The “Red and White” could muster no more school, than three first-downs to Tyrone’s one. The score remained 13-0 in our favor. In the fourth quarter the «Red and White” got within strik- ing distance of their opponent’s goal but penalties set the ball back into deeper territory. This quarter also with the score still standing 13-0 in favor of our fight- ing team and first-downs stood 21-6 in our favor. - Derr played well for the “Orange and Black.” Friday and Blowers al- so played good ball The team should have a “loud hand” after defeating our “Jonah” and the students of B. H. S. can be praised for standing back of their colors after the beating we received at the hands of the Huntingdon “Wildcats” they tore the “Cheetah,” but not enough to break his spirit. We are looking forward to Lewis- town on Armistice Day. We took plenty of beatings from Lewistown in basketball, but do you think they can make us “bite the turf” on the gridiron? We shall see. The lineup: B. H. S. Tyrone Haag L. E. Irvin Fecario Y. T. Barr Capt. Spangler YL. G. Aurand Dry Center Gates Fisher R. G. Snyder Keeler RB. T. Rogers Gettig R. BE. Eckart Heverly Q. B. Derr Shope L. H. B. Blowers Kelley R. H. B. Albright Capt. Confer F. B, Friday Substitutions for Bellefonte, Bricker for Ficario, Zimmerman for Shope, Ficar- io for Keeler. Touchdowns—Confer, Kelley. Point after touchdowns, Shope. Referee, Morrell, State College. Umpire, Daugherty, Michigan State. Head lines- man, Stauffer, Gettysburg. Time of quarters twelve minutes. PENN STATE TO CELEBRATE [ HER 75th ANNIVERSARY Celebration of the 75th anniver- sary of the Legislative grant of a charter to the institution that is now the Pennsylvania State College will be observed next year by the college. Trustees of the college have ap- proved the suggestion of president Ralph D. Hetzel to mark the anni- versary celebration with suitable educational conferences during which dedication of buildings now under construction will take place. Hach of ‘the six schools of the college will have a new building completed by the time college opens in late Sep- tember of 1930. The anniversary of founding will be celebrated over a riod of at least three days in Oc- ober or November, and in this per- fod each school will conduct’ meet- ings that will attract educational, agricultural and industrial leaders from the State and Nation. Penn State received its institution- al charter through an act of the State Legislature on February 22, 1855. Four years later the first students entered t was then known as the “Parmers’ High School of Pennsylvania.” —Since 1900 the banks of Penn- sylvania have paid into the State Treasury, in interest on State depos- its, approximately $13,020,000. —Read the Watchman for the news Listeners Didnt Quite Get Shades of Meaning It all depends upon how you say it. There was once a clergyman by the mame of Twitchel. In the pulpit he maintained a gravity of manner and expression, but out of the pulpit was a regular fellow. Occasionally he would. if the emergency required, introduce something queer in a sermon for the sake of arousing the attention of the congregation. One Sunday, seeing that his hearers were becoming sleepy, he paused in his sermon and said: “Brethren, you haven't any idea of the sufferings of our missionaries in the new settle ments, on account of the mosquitoes The mosquitoes in some of these regions are enormous. A great many of them would weigh a pound, and they will get on the logs and bark when the missionaries are going along.’ By ‘this time all ears and eyes were open and he proceeded to finish his discourse. The next day one of the church members called him to account tor telling lies in the pulpit. “There never was a mosquito that weighed a pound,” he said. “But,” replied the minister, “1 didn say one of them would weigh a pound; 1 said a great many, and I think a mil lion of them vould.” “But you said that they barked ai the missionaries.” “No, no, brother; 1 said they would get on the logs and bark.”—Boston Herald. Relics of Wesley in House Where He Died Wesley’s house in the City road, London, adjoining the chapel of which he laid the foundation stone in 1777, has been converted into a museum of interesting relics of the famous preacher. Here may be seen his bedroom as it was when he died there on March 2, 1791, intact with its beautiful Chippendale furniture. one article of which, a massive bu- reau with curious secret drawers. has been valued at many thousands of pounds, apart from its associations. Adjoining the bedroom are his pray ing closet and his study, the latter a spacious apartment, also furnished iu Chippendale. Here are preserved his preaching gown of flowered brocade. his riding shoes and stirrups, and many other persona! belongings, in- cluding the pen he was writing with when he lay dying. Opossum’s Pouch The opossulu is the only American animal that belongs to the class of marsupials or pouched animais. There are usually two litters a year and from five to fourteen to a litter. Ac- cording to the investigations of Dr. Carl Hartman of the University of Texas, an authority on the subject, the young are born undeveloped or in embryo form and crawl by their own efforts into the pouch of the mother. There they remain for 65 to 75 days, never leaving the pouch and depending entirely upon the mother Even after they are able to provide for themselves and leave the pouch, they may return there or may attach themselves to the mother’s hair or tail, : Feather Trapped Thief Few women have “broken the bank’ at Monte Carlo, but of those who have done so the most amazing was Baroness Groner—she did so twice in one evening! As she left the tables and started walking toward the restaurant, two hands shot out from behind some ferns and clutched her by the throat, while her ostrich feather handbag was snatched. Detectives could find no trace of the thieves. Later, in the restaurant, she caugh sight of a single ostrich feather on the leg of a man’s trousers. He and his companion were searched, and the baroness’ winnings were found in the girl's stocking. Sportsman A Londoner, a strong swimmer, was spending a holiday at Le Touquet. He bathed each day at a part of the coast generally considered to be dangerous. He noticed that on every occasion a Frenchman on the shore watched him with gloomy interest. One day the! Saxon broke silence. “You like to see me swim?’ he asked. “Mais, non,” the other shruggea. “But here they pay five francs for the recovery of a body.”—Sporting and Dramatic News. Treatment for Botulism Botulism is poisoning from infected ripe olives, preserved fruit and vege- tables. The symptoms and treatment, according to the Red Cross textbook on first aid, are similar to ptomaine | poisoning. The person afflicted be- | comes sick at the stomach. His skin j8 cold and clammy, his pulse weak and there are severe pains in the abdomen and often eruptions of the gkin. ‘The treatment is to administer ¢astor oil or epsoni salts and a tea- spoonful of charcoal, and send for a doctor. The Moral Guide—Here you see the waistcoat worn by Lord Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar, The bullet that ended his life went through this hole here. Nurse (to her charges)—Just take 9 lesson from that, children. If that hole had been mended at the proper time the bullet could not have gone through it, and he would still be alive today.— Weekly Scotsman, , this work. RA IR PR A A a President Hoover, enrolls in the annual Roll Call of the society, who is also president of the American Red Cross which occurs from Armisties Day tc Thanksgiving Day, November 11 to 28. CHURCHMEN ASK SUPPORT OF RED CROSS ROLL CALL Leading churchmen of the na- tion have joined in asking public support of the annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross. Two dis tinguished leaders who have seul messages to their congregations all over the country are quoted, as follows: 3 “] plead for an extension of ou! Red Cross membership until we can call a roll of every adult Amer ican,” stated the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore. “lI would like to see the children listed in the organiza tion by their parents. 1 plead for it because of the spiritual reaction { visualize in our millions of con tributing members.” “As president of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, | bespeak for the Roll Call of the American Red Cross the fullest cooperation of all the churches in the constituency of the Council,” writes Francis J. Mc Connell, president of the Federal Council. “I cannot imagine that there is any minister who will not be grateful for the opportunity to call the attention of his people to the work of the Red Cross and to urge them to enroll in its member- ship.” AID FOR VETERANS 1S RED CROSS PLEDGE Service and Ex-Service Men Are Helped in All Problems. neni Service to World War veterans in hospital, for able-bodied veterans, and for dependent families of both called for expenditures of $738,000 by the American Red Cross during the year just ended. In addition, Red Cross Chapters spent $1,963,000 in veteran relief, and also for men still in service. Although eleven years have passed since the Armistice, there remain 25,600 disabled and sick veterans of the World War in hospitals, and the peak of the number who will require hospitalization is not expected by Veterans Bureau authorities ‘to be reached until 1947. For these men, the Red Cross must continue its serv- ice of providing recreation and com- forts, according to James L. Fieser vice chairman of the Red Cross. “Under its Charter from Congress, the Red Cross is required to maintain service for veterans of wars and for the men still in the service,” Mr. Fieser said. “The funds for this work come from the annual roll call mem- bership fees. ‘In addition to the sum spent in maintaining contact with the veterans, the Red Cross expended | $308,000 in its service to the men still {n the regular Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The society and a majority of its 3,500 chapters handle claims for these men for insurance, compensation and other benefits they are entitled to under the law, and also where neces- sary arranges to provide for depep- dents of the men. “Red Cross workers are maintained in forty-eight Veterans Bureau Hos- pitals, as well as in all regular Army and Navy hospitals, whose duty it is to supervise recreational facilities for the patients, and to provide small com: forts. In the Army and Navy Hos pitals, the workers also do social serv ice for the patients. These tasks alsc are performed at all Army Posts and Navy Ports by Red Cross workers, and in addition Red Cross representatives to handle claims are established at the majority of Veterans Bureau regiona: offices.” : : Mr. Fieser urged that all citizem enroll in the Roll Call, from Armistice Day to Thanksgiving Day, Novembe 11 to 28, in order to aid in supporting WOMEN KNIT AND SEW FOR RED CROSS RELIEF Volunteers Aid Through Motor and Canteen Corps—Send Gifts to Service Men. Recalling the days of the World War, many women still make pajamas and other hospital garments, wmany knit sweaters, and more than 2,500, 000 surgical dressings were rolled by volunteer workers for the American Red Cross Chapters all over the na tion, in the year just closed. The hospital garments are given to ¢eterans and the surgical dressings go to civilian or Veterans’ Bureau hos pitals, or wherever needed. Many Chapters also maintain well stocked closets of surgical dressings and gar ments, in order to be prepared should a disaster strike their communities. Volunteer workers make children’s glothing and layettes which are dis- tributed in time of major catas- tpophes. The Motor Corps of Red Cross women and the Canteen Serve ice, also first created during the World War, still are maintained by maay Red Cross Chapters. Last year the various Motor Corps, some with am: pulances, answered about 30,000 calls, cand the Canteens - served more than 20,000 persons. They were especially active where floods or forest fires or other catastrophes called for feeding refugees or firemen engaged in active’ work fighting disaster. Another activity of women volun teers is that of filling Christmas bags —small cretonne ditty bags—to send to soldiers and sailors who are sta- tioned at posts or ports abroad. More than 40,000 of these are sent each year for distribution to the Americans at Christmas time. LABOR ‘HEAD URGES SUPPORT OF RED CROSS «invariably it is the masses of the people which suffer most when disas- erg occur,” stated William Green, president of the American Federatiop »f Labor, recently. “Because they suffer most and be .ause of their helplessness, the minis trations of the Red Cross organization take on added significance and impor tance. No doubt many lives among these - particular groups are saved through the prompt service which thir _Jrganization gives. “Because the American Federation ,¢ Labor appreciates this fact, we have supplemented the appeal of the Ameri can Red Cross at each Roll Call period for memberships from the great mass of working men and women and their tamilies. : “The continued service 0. the Am .can Federation of Labor in this most humane and unselfish work will be most cheerfully rendered.” Mr. Green is a member of the Board .t Incorporators of the American Red Cross. FIVE RED CROSS CAMPS HOUSE FLOOD REFUGEES A total of 27,791 persons were main- tained by the American Red Cross in camps or in their own homes in the three States of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, following the disastrous floods of early last Spring. Five camps were organized, of which four were in Alabama and one in Florida. Small temporary. camps were set up ! in various. piaces in addition to these, but the persons not sheltered in the five main. camps soon were able to re- turn home or to friends and relatives. Red Cross nurses were at all five camps, assisting the State health au- tnorities in care Of tne Bick and 1d inoculating against epidemics. Little St. Eustatius Island in the Dutch West Indies gave reruge to American ships during the Revolution The hurricane of last Septembe: struck the island, causing heavy lose ‘The American Red Cross was glad to send a small cash relief fund in ve membrance of the historic friendshir "uf the island tolk for this republie. . Banking varied occupation. The than receive money on and lend to borrowers. Banking has become a early banks did little more | deposit, pay it out on checks, These duties, while still the chief functions of a bank, now are supplanted by many others of im- portance. For example, National Banks, in recent years, have been granted all the fiduciary powers of a Trust Company, and can act as Executor, Admin- istrator or Trustee. More and more the public is becoming financially interested in our great indus- tries, in public utilities and carriers, through the ownership of stock in these corporations. Today expert knowledge is necesary to the prop- er settlement of an estate. We advise everyone to make a Will, and to name a proper bank as Execu- tor. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. \ Ae) AR SCS EANINARRBAAL Stronger Than Steel TEEL affords strong protection from material loss, but only faith, hope and love can guard the spiritual treasure of mankind. Let us be faithful, both in material and spirit- ual things. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK DANS CRE STATE COLLEGE, PA. i. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PS CeIn SEI AS A ISAAC ES | This week brought to the Fauble Store the Greatest Clothing “Oalues ever offered in Bellefonte. Suits and Overcoats that are at least fen dollars un- - der the regular price. We want you to see them--- the saving is so big that yeu will realize it at a glance. Don’t wait. Come at once and profit by what we know are the biggest bargains in the store’s history. A. Fauble