Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 01, 1929, Image 8

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    i Bellefonte, Pa., November 1, 1929
: Desertion and non-support and
leas of guilty court will be held be-
fore Judge Fleming tomorrow and
‘Mr. and Mrs. George Hassing-
er, of Moose Run, Boggs township,
icelebrated their golden wedding with
i@ family dinner, on Monday.
: A dispatch from Washington,
@n Saturday, announced that Alfred
N. Kliefoth, of Boalsburg, Pa. now
consul at Riga, Latvia, has been des-
dgnated as second secretary of Em-
ibassy, at Berlin, Germany.
i ——Owing to next Tuesday being
‘election day the grand jury will not
meet until Wednesday for the con-
‘dideration of bills of indictment, but
las the list is not a very long one they
lwill be able to get through their
iwork before the end of the week.
li — Next Tuesday will be election
{day and the Watchman hopes that
ievery voter in Bellefonte will care-
fully consider all the candidates for
iborough office and vote for the men
{whom they candidly believe will make
ithe most capable borough officials.
——Thirty members of Constance
Commandery Knights Templar, of
Bellefonte, attended a division con-
clave held in the temple of Moshan-
non Commandery, Philipsburg, last
Thursday. Degrees were conferred
upon a large class of novitiates, the
order of the temple being conferred
by the officers of Constance Com-
——Contrary to the popular belief
the! driver of fire-fighting apparatus
is not exempt from action to recover
for any damage he might cause,
through wreckless driving on the
way to or from a fire. While fire,
police and hospital motors have right
of way, when on duty, their opera-
tors must drive wica due regard for
the safety of all persons using the
——The first piece of furniture for
Bellefonte’s new postoffice arrived
in Bellefonte yesterday morning. It
is a large safe, second hand, pur-
chased at East Liberty by the White
brothers two weeks ago. It was
brought here by the Shoemaker
Bros.,, of State College, on their
truck, and placed in the old Valen-
tine house until the postoffice has
been completed.
——The Bellefonte camp, No. 887,
P. O. S. of A, will hold a Hallow-
‘een social in their hall in the Pot-
ter-Hoy building, Thursday evening,
November 7th, at 7:30 o'clock. All
members are requested to attend and
take their friends. There will be a
Special program, with prize awards
and refreshments. Those who can
should wear costumes and masks.
Admission, 10 cents.
- ——About seventy-five members of
.the Altoona post Veterans of For-
eign Wars, accompanied by their
band, visited the Rockview peniten-
tiary. on Sunday afternoon. The
band gave a concert in the prison
iter which all the visitors witnessed
a football game between the black
and white teams. Later they were
shown through the buildings and en-
.tertained at luncheon.
i Mrs. Gilbert Boyer and daugh-
‘ter, Miss Elizabeth Labe, of Belle.
fonte, are chief beneficiaries in the
-will of the late Louis Lose, who died
in Altoona last Friday evening:
Practically his entire estate, esti-
mated at from $8,000 to $10,000, was
left to them outright with the ex.
ception of a few small bequests,
one of which was $200 for the care
of & favorite bull deg.
- ——Mrs. O. P. Morton
‘went down to Philadelphia, on Sun-
day, and on Wednesday evening
‘brought home her daughter Betty,
who had been a patient at the Ma-
sonic hospital since early in the
Summer undergoing treatment for
infantile paralysis. She has now
‘recovered to that extent that she is
‘able to get around very nicely with-
out the use of crutches.
: Miss Alyce Rote, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Rote, of
Chestertown, Md.,, and a grand-
daughter of Mrs. J. C. Rote, of Axe
‘Mann, this county, is teaching phys-
ical education at Penn Hall, pri-
vate school for girls, at Chambers.
‘burg. Miss Rote took her degree at
the Marjorie Hill school in Wash-
ington, D. C., and is reported as do-
ing splendid work at Penn Hall
{ ~The attraction at the Cath-'
“aum theatre State College, this af-
ternoon and evening will be “Street
“Girl,” the all talking musica 1 ro-
‘mance that has just completed a
three month's run in New York city
at: $2 prices. Tomorrow night Ann
Harding will be featured there in
“Her Private Life” a screen version
of the daring stage play “the Right
to, Kill.” The Cathaum is going to
show “Rio Rita” soon and if you
miss that you will pass up the year's
greatest musical extravaganza.
+——A small house located in
Mann's Narrows, Mifflin county, and
‘which housed the family of James
Moyer, was burned to the ground,
last week, which makes the third
time the family had their home de-
stroyed by fire. The Moyers are na-
tives of Centre county and formerly
lived in Pennsvalley. Their home
there was burned to the ground sev-
eral years ago. They then moved to
Yeagertown .and had not lived long
there when their home was burned.
They then took up their residence
in’ Mann's Narrows and last week
it was destroyed by fire.
| finld, tomorrow afternoon.
i The
The new concrete highway from |
Waddle to State College, a distance
of over six miles, will be at least
partially built this fall. The Ross
Construction company of Pitts-
burgh, which has the contract, is
getting its machinery and equipment
on the ground ready to begin work.
The Highway Department en-
gineers have - established headquar-
ters. at State College and began
work, on Monday, staking out the
route of the road, which will follow
fairly close the course of the present
road. Herbert Bilger, of Bellefonte,
is a member of the corps and he and
his bride of several months have
taken rooms with a private family,
at the College, for as long as the
job will last.
Charles Cruse, a former Belle.
fontian, has been delegated as inspec-
tor on the job and, with his wife
and child, arrived in Bellefonte the
latter part of the week and will
make their headquarters here.
The Chemical Lime company has
secured the contract for the stone
for the concrete, so that everything
is all set to push the work as fast as
Rhoads Bros., of this place have
the contract for all the bridges on
the route and they began work ex-
cavating at locations on Monday
While the route through “the Bar-
rens” will not be changed much
from the present course of No. 250,
when it reaches the Buffalo Run val-
ley it will not follow what is known
as the Scotia road, either back to
Waddle or on to Gray's church. In
fpet it will emrege from “the Bar-
rens” west of the Horseshoe curve
on the Bellefonte Central R. R., cut
north across the Sellers farm and
hit the Buffalo Run highway, Route
550, at the Hartsock farm, now own-
ed by Harry Ebbs, just east of Mat.
ternville. .
| The best amd biggest football
thrill in any game played last Sat-
,urday was furnished by Penn State
in it’s game with Lafayette on Beav-
er field, at State College. The
visitors kicked a field goal ear-
ly in the game which gave
‘them a tally of three points.
: And then, for two hours, the fifteen
thousand spectators watched a rath-
er listless exhibition of the great
collegiate sport. It was a monoto-
nous struggle, back and forth across
the gridiron, neither team showing
any special brilliance, with no
really spectacular plays to awaken
"undue enthusiasm. :
Toward the end of the fourth peri-
od State = seemed to waken up
and managed to work her way down
to within striking distance of the
Lafayette goal. A delayed forward
pass sent French over the goal
line for .a touchdown but it was
not allowed because the pass was
hurled too close to the line of
scrimmage. The ball was awarded to
Lafayette on its own fifteen yard
line. After two tries at bucking
the State line Lafayette punted. It
was the last minute of play, only a
few seconds, in fact. The punt was
taken by French who threw a later-
al pass to Deidrick, waiting at the
side of the field, and the latter
tucked the ball under his arm and
sped down the field like a frighten-
ed deer. His race to the goal be-
ing cut off by the Lafayette backs
the suddenly veered, ran across to
the right side of the field where he
met the State interference and un-
der cover of their protection com-
pleted a sixty yard run over the
goal line and a touchdown. Lafay-
ette protested the legality of the
play but the referee decided in
State’s favor. An attempt to kick
the goal from touchdown failed be-
cause of the frenzy of the mob
which rolled in billows over the |
field, even before the timekeeper’s
whistle announced the end of the
BELLEFONTE ACADEMY WON FROM The Brooks-Doll post of the Amer-
BUCKNELL FRESHWPN ican Legion has completed its pro-
Coach Carl G. Snavely’s yearlings gram for the Armistice day celebra-
came up from Bucknell, last Satur- ‘tion in Bellefonte. All members of
a ee the iighen (Ge Yate, Vets of en
m 5 ars and ex-soldiers will meet at
lost to the Bellefonte Academy by | the Legion home, cn Howard street,
ie Jone of » Io 2 At ho start not later than 10:30 o'clock on Mon-
tors might be. ame. ve pit apa os | 3 morning, November 11th, Prom
: - | the home the Legion, under escor
teresting contest, Put thelr ig rush | of the bugle and drum corps, will
wien the Abate Tote atin | et 1 the Dismond for the ums!
got into operation it was at once | o'clock. Commander Walter Gher-
evident that the only thing to be | rity will be in charge and after two
considered was the size of the score. minutes of silence will introduce
Se ns Jeliomy. added to fat Bey. [iobert Thena, who will be the
almost a : n one occasion speaker.
“Spooks” Temple caught a Buck- At 1:30 o'clock the Legion and
nell kickoff and ran eighty yards drum corps, Troop L and other or.
fora touchdown. In the second half | ganizations will form in parade at
quite a number of second and third : the High school building, where they
i) id A yu to [wi pe fined by i Jen (Sctifo]
cademy team 0 lan e school baad. arching to
Philadelphia today for a game with |the Diamond the High school wi
Penn yearlings tomorrow. The game {hold a few minutes pep meeting
morning, ‘and Watchman readeps | nile ihe Parade continues down
) igh street to the depot; counter-
in Philadelphia who are anxious to march to Spring, Spring to Bishop,
See the Academy team in action can | ang Bishop to Allegheny, where the
do so tomorrow. High school will again fall in line
HUNTINGDON DOWNS BELLEFONTE. 2nd the parade will then march to
The one disappointment of the | Hughes field for the football Fame
day was the overwhelming defeat of Petween Bellefonte and Lewistown
the Bellefonte High school team by | High schools. ;
Huntingdon High, by the score of The annual Legion banquet will be
46 to 0. Whether it was an off day ; held at the Penn Belle hotel at 6:30
for the team or not cuts no figure |©'Clock in the evening. The speak-
in the result. But defeated though :erSfor the occasion will be Judge
th>y were their spirits have not M.- Ward Fleming, Rev. W. E.
been quenched and the boys are; Pownes and Secretary of Forests
working hard this week to overcome | 81d Waters, Charles E. Dorworth.
the weak spots and get in shape for Other guests who will be invited are
the game with Tyrone, on Hughes | burgess Hardman P. Harris, S. D.
2 on 9 2 Gettig Esq. Co. W. F. Reynolds,
George W. Sunday, Prof. A. H.
Sloop, Rev. Robert Thena and Dr. M.
J. Locke. i
The armistice dance will be held
in the auditorium at Hecla park af-
ter the banquet. i
Not a team in the western con-
ference has the honors safely tuck-
ed away and until that time comes
there is always a fighting chance.
In any event the Bellefonte boys
are going to give their best in ev.
ery game to he played,
Mrs. Eliza G. Irwin, widow of the |
late Daniel Irwin, during his life one
of the prominent residents of upper
Bald Eagle valley, was 90 years old
on October 29th, and the event was
duly celebrated at the home of her
only daughter, Mrs. J. H. Turner, at
Julian, where she has lived since the
death of her husband many years
ago. Mrs. Irwin was born and grew
to womanhood in Huston township,
and all her life with the exception of
several years immediately following |
her marriage to Mr. Irwin, when |
they lived in Towa, were spent in|
Bald Eagle valley, most of it in Ju- |
lian. |
Mr. Irwin, who conducted a gen- |
eral store at Julian, was one of the
H. C. Cridland, a worker connected | original subscribers to the Watch-
with the State Sabbath School asso- man and for more than sixty years
ciation; Rev. H. E. Oakwood, of | Mrs. Irwin has read every issue of
Milesburg; Prof. J. H. Frizzell and | the paper. Today she looks for-
Mrs. Leitzell, of State College, and ward to it’s weekly visits with the
C. C. Shuey, of Bellefonte. For as- | same eager anticipation that she did
sisting with the music at the var- | half a century ago. At her birthday
ious meetings the committee ex- | celebration, this week, she had with
presses gratitude to Mrs F. J. Hold- | her, in addition to her daughter, two
en, vocal soloist; Mrs. Gregory, of her sons, C. A. Irwin, of Bigler
violin soloist; Mr. Casselberry, the and Edward P. Irwin, of Bellefonte. |
male quartette and the instrumental | Another son, living in New York
trio, of State College, and the choir | State, was unable to attend the
of the Bellefonte United Brethren | momentous family gathering. Of
church. course the celebration included a
big dinner to which all did justice.
Mrs. Irwin enjoys remarkably good
health for one of her age.
A zealous party of Sunday school
workers made a tour of Centre coun-
ty, last week, holding meetings at
the Methodist church, in Snow Shoe,
on Monday. evening; the Methodist
church. at Port M=t173, on Tuesday
evening; the Methodist church, at
State College, Wednesday afternoon
and evening; the Salem Reformed
church, west of Millheim, Thursday
afternoon and evening: the Church
of Christ, Howard, on Friday even-
ing, and ending the tour with meet-
ings in the United Brethren church
of Bellefonte, Saturday afternoon
and evening.
Speakers at the meeting included
enthusiasm created by the
week’s meetings will no doubt result
in increased interest and activity
among Sunday school workers in
every section of the county, and if | ——One of the most important of.
this result is attained those who fices in our borough is that of tax
took part in the meetings will feel collector. Vote for Charles Schaef.
well repaid for their efforts in the fer. He will take care of it for
good cause. you 43-1t
i nately, the building stood some
1 pool,
"Should a’ franchise be
At the state convention of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Un-
ion held in * Warren, Pennsylvania,
last week, the Centre county organ-
izations received many honors. The
county was on the honor roll of the
Standard of Excellence and ten lo-
cal unions, Bellefonte, Pleasant
Gap, Centre Hall, State College, Un-
ionville, Blanchard, Philipsburg, Half
Moon, Port. Matilda, Howard, each re-
ceived a cash award of five dollars
for excellence. Julian and Wingate
had also completed the requirements
but failed to get work reported in
time. As the standard exacts many
different lines of work, and each one
includes a gain in membership, the
showing for the county is excellent.
Mrs. Maude H. Bell, of State College,
has served as president during the
Another honor that came to the
county during the convention was
the diamond medal for declamation.
Miss Beulah Harnish, of Wingate,
won the medal in a competition with
an unusually strong group of young
orators. It was Miss Harnish’s first
competition outside of the county.
She won a silver medal some years
ago in a contest staged by the Loy-
al Temperance Legion in Wingate.
The gold medal came to her in a
county convention, and two years la-
ter, a sufficient number of contests
having been held in the county to
furnish a class of gold-medals, she
competed in the county convention
for the grand gold medal which she
won. She is now in line for the
Grand Diamond medal contest, which
is held on alternate years at State
conventions and each year at Nation-
al. Mrs. V. C. Ridge is director of
the department in the county.
Second place was won in the State
essay contest for 7th and 8th grade
students by Gene Ziegler, of State
College. The prize was $8.00. Mrs.
Maude Herrman is county director
of the scientific temperance instruc-
tion department and Mrs. R. M.
Beach presented the plan of this de-
partment recently at the teachers’ in-
situte in Bellefonte.
Mrs. W. A. Broyles, of State Col-
lege, was elected as editor of the
state publication. the W. C. T. U.
Bulletin. The Bulletin has a circu-
lation of about thirty-five thousand
and its issuance is one of the major
details of the organization program.
Those attending from Centre coun-
ty were Mrs. Frank P. Knoll, Miss
Gertrude Adams, Mrs. W. A. Broyles,
Mrs. Fred Henry, of State College;
Mrs. Ida Witmer, Miss Beulah Har-
nish and Mrs. Harnish, of Wingate.
The Western Union telegraph of-
fice in Bellefonte and the National
Air Transport at the aviation field
have been equipped with teloprinter
machines. Up to this time, however,
manager Mack Hall, at the Western
Union, continues to hammer out
messages in the old way as he has
not yet become sufficiently familiar
with the new machine to manipu-
late it expertly. So far only one
machine has been installed in the
telegraph office but two more are
to be addded later which will con-
stitute the full equipment, and then
the the old-time key and ticker will
be thrown into the discard.
The machines were installed in the
N.A.T. hangar because the De-
partment of Commerce will discon-
tinue giving that company radio
service today. This does not mean
that the big wireless station is v
be moved from Bellefonte, as suc
is not the case. In the future, how-
ever, it will be used exclusively for
Department of Commerce business.
With the teloprinters the N. A.T.
will be able to have twenty-four
hour service on weather reports
both east and west, and will also be
able to send any messages they
have to go out from here.
An early Sunday morning fire,
which had all the earmarks of a de-
liberate case of arson, completely
destroyed a frame building down
near the old glass works site, and
which belonged to Isaac Underwood
and was used as a storage place for
second hand machinery. Fortu-
tance from any other buildings and
the only contents were a second
hand traction engine and thresher.
The fire was discovered shortly
after two o'clock by the watchman
lat the P. R. R. engine house, who
promptly turned in an alarm of fire,
but the building was old and dry and
by the time the firemen arrived on
the scene it was parctically burned
down. It is stated on fairly reliable
authority that only a few minutes
previous to the fire a man in a Ford
car, without lights drove up and stop-
ped attherear ofthe building. He
was there only a minute or two when
he left and drovein toward Belle-
fonte. He was hardly out of sight
when the fire was discovered.
——Frank L. Murphy, general
manager of the Central Pennsyl-
vania Gas company, was in Millers-
burg, last week, in’ the interest of
‘securing a franchise to erect a gas
plant there of sufficient capacity to
supply Millersburg, Halifax, Liver-
Newport and Millerstown.
granted a
plant similar to the one erected at
Axe Mann and now supplying an
excellent quality of gas to residents
of Bellefonte, State College and in-
termediate points, will be built.
—George McClellan will drive over to
Wiles-Barre tomorrow for an overnight
visit with some of his maternal relatives.
—Miss Ida Showers, of east Bishop
street, has been entertaining her sister,
Mrs. George T. Smith, of Saginaw, Mich-
—Mrs. Clarence Williams is arranging
to leave Bellefonte within a few days, to
join Mr. Willilams, intending to make
their home in Philadelphia.
—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Breon left the
early part of the week to spend the win-
ter at Bradenton, Florida, as has been
their custom for several years.
—After a visit of several weeks with :
her brother, Dr. Walter Stewart, and
some close friends in Wilkes-Barre, Miss
Margaret Stewart will return home early
next week.
—Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hazel had with
them over the week-end, Mr. Hazel's
daughter and her husband, Mrs. Charles
Smith and Mr. Smith, who are located
at Jersey Shore.
—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klinger, of
Howard street, have had as guests for
the week, their daughter, Mrs. David K.
Hughes and her son Billy, who arrived
here from Wyoming last Saturday.
—Mrs. Wayne D. Stitzinger, with her
small daughter, her sister and her sister-
in-law, Patricia Anne, Miss Katherine
Johnston and Mrs. Ernest * Stitzinger,
were in from New Castle within the
week, on one of their frequent visits
home with the J. K. Johnston family.
—Thomas W. Downing, of Downing-
town, with Mrs. John Fox and Mrs. George
Thomas as motor guests, stopped in Belle-
fonte for several days this week, while
on a drive through Central Pennsylvania.
During their stay and while visiting with
relatives here, they were guests at The
Markland. *
—Mrs. Robert Evey is with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Walter Van Camp, in Pitts-
burgh, having gone out early in the week
with Mrs. Van Camp and Miss Annabel
Vernon, who were here for a week-end
visit at the Evey home on Bishop street,
and with Mrs. John Smith, of the Hever-
ly apartments.
—Benton D. Tate, Mrs. Clyde Love,
Mrs. Gilbert Boyer and ‘daughter, Miss
Elizabeth Labe, motored to Altoona, on
Sunday, for the public funeral services
for the late Louis Lose. Burial was
not made until Tuesday afternoon and
it was private, only railroad employees
being in attendance.
—Mrs. Elmer E. Sager returned to her
home, in Philadelphia, yesterday, after a
two week’s stay in Bellefonte, the time
having been spent looking after her prop-
erty interests and in visiting with her
sister and brothers, the Isaac Thomas
family. Mrs. Sager is only now recover-
ing from an illness of several months.
—Samuel H. Taylor of Bridgeport, Conn.,
and Charles J. Taylor, inspector in
plumbing at the State Reformatory, at
Huntingdon, with Mrs. Taylor and their
daughter, were here for the day, Sunday,
guests of Mrs. Henry Taylor, mother of
the men. Mrs. Taylor has been in ill
, health at her home on Spring St. for a
year or more.
—Miss Helen Beezer left, Saturday of
last week, for the Pacific coast, hoping
"the trip may be of benefit to her health,
Having relatives all through the middle
west and on the coast, Miss Beezer's
time will be spent mostly with them. Ac-
cording to her arrangements when leaving
she expects to return to Bellefonte be-
fore the New Year.
—Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Klinger, of
Germantown, and the latter’s sister, Miss
Mary Chambers, of New York, were
among the State College alumni, back for
Home coming day. Coming from there to
Bellefonte, they spent the night here
with Miss Chambers’ and Mrs. Klinger's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cham-
bers, on Curtin street.
—Mrs. Cora Cardon Noll who, when
first planning to leave Bellefonte the
first of November, had expected to go to
Philadelphia, has now changed her plans
and will go to Pittsburgh, this week, to
spend the winter with her sister. Mrs.
Noll will then go east to make her home
with her sons, Fred, in New York, and
Nevin, in Philadelphia.
—Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Cobb, of
Chicago, arrived in Bellefonte, Sunday,
and have been spending the week with
Mr. Cobb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron
M. Cobb, at their home on west High
street, Mr. Cobb, who is with the Nickle
Plate R. R. in Chicago, is making his
first visit home with his bride since their
marriage in Waterman, Ill, in Septem-
ber. : :
—Sister Oliva and Sister Hiltruda, of
Collingsdale, will come to Bellefonte today
for an over Sunday visit with the former's
mother, Mrs. William McGowan, and the
family, at their home on Spring creek.
In order to be back home at the same
time as Sister Oliva, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Barry Case will drive up from Wash-
ington to-day, to join the party at the
McGowan home, expecting to be there
until Sunday afternoon.
—Mrs. Emma Jones, of Bellefonte, ac-
companied by her daughter, Mrs. Wil-
liam Rimmey, of State College, went
out to Pittsburgh, Thursday of last week,
to see her daughter, Miss Margaret
Jones, a professional nurse, who is still
suffering from injuries received in an
auto accident over a month ago. While
she is able to be up and around she is
still undergoing treatment. Mrs. Jones
and Mrs. Rimmey returned home on
—Dr. and Mrs. Robert Beach, Miss
Mary Blanchard, Mrs. A. Wilson Nor-
ris and Miss Lucy Potter will return
to Bellefonte this week. All leaving to- |
gether two weeks ago, Dr. and Mrs.
Beach and Miss Blanchard went to At-
lantic City, while Mrs. Norris and Miss
Potter stopped in Harrisburg, where
they spent the first week of their stay
at the Penn-Harris, later going to be
guests of Miss Anne McCormick’ at
‘‘Rose Garden.” Upon her return home,
Miss Potter will - join her brother and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs, James H. Pot-
ter, at the Bush House, for the winter.
—The Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Campbell's |
recent guests at the Evangelical parson-
ago, on Willowbank street, have included
Mr, Campbell's parents, the Rev. and
Mrs. W. J. Campbell, of Berwick, and
their son-in-law and daughter, R. E.
Hoyt, one of the city engineers, of Los
Angeles, and Mrs. Hoyt. Mr. Hoyt has
been on a tour of observation to some
of the larger cities of the United States,
stopping in Berwick but two days wi‘h
Mrs. Hoyt’s parents.
the parsonage were Mrs. Campbell's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Long, their son
Bruce and Howard Knep, who drove in |
from Liberty for the past week-end.
Other visitors at |
—DMiss Charlotte Powell and her nic
Mrs. Peabody, were able to leave a w.
ago, for the latter's home in Tulsa, Ok
where Miss Powell will be while con
lescing from her recent illness, and wh
she will spend the winter.
—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirk will le:
today, on a motor trip to Mrs. Kir
girlhood home in Minnesota, where ti
will spend a’ part of November with |
sister. Their two sons Norman Jr. £
Vernon will be with their grand-parer
Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Kirk, during th
parent's absence.
ely eee esses.
The “Black Cat” opened seve!
months ago. by “Little Joe” Desin
in The Forge House, just south
Bellefonte, where spaghetta w
served in true Italian style, is
more. It was raided about t
o'clock last Thursday morning,
county detective Leo Boden, w
found parts of two pints of liqu
on a table and the place was promj
ly closed. Little Joe protested th
the liquor was not his but had be
brought there ‘by some men w
came to eat spaghetta, but he w
Placed under arrest and spent the 1
mainder of the night in the Cent
county jail.
On Saturday he secured bail a
at once proceded to shake the du
of Bellefonte from his feet. Coin
dent with his leaving the town w
the moving of his wife and mothe
in-law, Mrs. Roth, who kept hou
for a man on Halfmoon hill. B
‘none of them left the county as i
are now located in a house ne
‘Martha Furnace and continuing t!
restaurant business. She
He had a hearing Tuesday mor
ing and gave bond for trial at cows
pra ease he
The fourth of a series of ten cai
parties will be held in the audito
ium of St. Mary’s church, Sno
Shoe, next Wednesday evening, N
‘vember 6. Mrs. William Sickel ar
‘Mrs. W. I Budinger will be ti
patronesses. 2
These card parties have been ver
entertaining events in the social li
of the Mountain city, and proven 1
‘nancially successful, as well. Priz
are awarded at each party and pa
atable refreshments served.
All are planned as anticipatory «
the tenth party when the gran
prize, a beautiful table lamp, will t
the reward to the player having bee
the winner of the greatest numbe
of games in the series.
tells sae sta.
} Harry T. McDowell, one of th
best known residents of Howar(
.was a Bellefonte visitor, one da
last week, and just naturally drog
pedinto the Watchman office to as
sure us that his Democracy is sti
-as steadfast as his religion. Sinc
he has retired from active busines
pursuits he doesn’t get to Bellefont
as frequently as he used to a fev
years ago, hence his visits are. mor
of a delight than ever to his man
friends. Just now he and Mrs. Mc
Dowell are looking forward to a cel
ebration of their golden weddin;
‘anniversary on Thanksgiving day
The real date would be Novembe
27th, but as that is just one day shor
.of Thanksgiving they decided t
. celebrate on the latter day. Mrs
McDowell's maiden name was ‘Mar;
Bella Kline, and she was a daugh
ter of ’Squire and Mrs. Samue
Kline, of Howard. Her parents liv
ed to celebrate their golden wedding
-and so did Mr. McDowell's parents
{Mr. and Mrs. Perry W. McDowell
-and it is only natural that Harr
‘and his wife have a hankerin’ to di
| — Your vote for Charles Schaef
fer, for tax collector. will be great
ly appreciated 43-11
RE a —
i ——Jacob Rhinesmith, who lef
"Bellefonte, last week, to locate ir
Uniontown, Pa., is said to have tak
en charge of the Ritz, the largest
(hotel in that city. The Rhinesmiths
rcame to Bellefonte to manage the
‘Bush house and did’so until W. J
Emerick, the owner, decided to take
over the management himself.
——Tomorrow (Saturday) is the
| day for the meeting of the Centre
{county conference of Women’s clubs,
in the Lutheran church at Pleasant
‘Gap. Club representatives are re.
quested to take reports of last year’s
‘work. The meetings will be open to
the public. Box luncheon of sand-
wiches. : ;
} ee rm
!' —J. G. Walters, an official of
[the Federal Match company, in
| Bellefonte, with his wife, moved this
week from the Dr. Rogers apart-
ments into the one side of the Emer-
(ick house, on north Spring street,
recently vacated by Robert Farrar
and family.
-——Mrs. W. N. Hill left for New
York, Sunday, to get all the latest
aids in beauty culture. 43-1t
On Saturday, Nov. 2nd, at 1 o'clock
. m. a lot of house-hold goods will
'be offered at public sale at the resi-
dence of the late Mrs. M. Fauble,
east High street, Bellefonte. ,
A. FAUBLE, Executor
| 41-3t
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
[ Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
WHEL ccrrrsrnssmsmssmessssssimsssssssssmsnrssssesens $1.30
{Corn 110
| Rye 1.10
Oats 55
BOPIEY .cecicrrersimmmmosmscessioesvseericuioses serseresecerns IB
"BUCKWHBEE crerrrsereeemsiceseremmsesesvsissnsn. 0