_ _ — NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. St RY THREATENED WHICH ACQUITTED POLICEMEN Shree members of the Pittsburgh —Cleaning up the garden this fall will save a great deal of trouble with insects and disease next spring. PINE GROVE MENTION. Joe Stine, of Guyer, was in town on business, last Thursday. PLEASANT GAP. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutz spent the week-end in Lewistown. UNIONVILLE. John F. Holt, who has been SO seriously ill, is reported very much improved. OR RENT.—Seven room house on Howard St. Bath and all modern improvements. Possession, Nov. 1st. y which acquitted three coal and| Abraham Dean, of Tadpole, is suf- Mrs. Foster Shearer, of Zion, was m— m— a policemen of murder in connec- | fering from a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Fred McClincy, of Greensburg, |a guest of Mrs. Elmer Swartz on NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Apply Hh Mix Chatles Harrison, Boner. a with the death of John Borkow-| Mrs. Anna Osman, of Centre Hall, visited his mother, Mrs. Jane Mc- | Sunday. : | = . a miner, of Allegheny county, | was a Sunday visitor at the home of | Clincy, on Tuesday. Miss Jean Noll entertained Elwood RICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—8 OSITION WANTED.—Girl about 21 sr that they have received threat- Mrs. Mary Meyers. Miss Katherine Smith, of Snow Smith, of Bangor, Pa., over the tory brick residence with Aor P years old wants a 2, fo do gen- ng letters. Ome of them said he Shoe, was an over Sunday visitor | week-end. SOY ose $ a house work. Has some ex- Rev. Harry N. Walker and son Address Box 2, Bellefonte, Pa. Ralph, of Altoona, spent Sunday at 74-41-3t garage n rear. - dence located on east High street, Belle- ourt house. treet at Hazle- . s slugged on a stree with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Bullock. fonte directly opposite the C ho! Elwood Smith, Miss Jean Noll and od Saturday night. The jury was, “gm ¢ Martz home. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Jarrett and | Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Noll made a trip Inquire of ter am cn Bisse] 85 Incompeten: after re- Will Fye and family, of Tyrone, family, and some friends from Pitts- | to Lock Haven, on Sunday. Tat A. FAUBLE, Executor ACUPUSTRATOES, _NOTICE. Estate g ; de Ee Ad Se section tn | DUrED, visiied ai the J. S. Askins| Mrs. May Struble, of State Col- of Harry B Cer bed. Lotters of “he jurors are John O'Malley, who home on Sunday. lege, is caring for Mrs. John Weaver, | Administration on the above estate, have 3 he was struck in the face by an | early part of the week. ee ; 2 : . ’ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Way have | who is ill at the home of her son . ling been granted to the undersigned, all dentified assailant; Mrs. Anna D.| Ira Harpster, one of Gatesburg’s| oi. the old post office buildi Glenn. ; persons indebted oo the (said estate ate substantial citizens, transacted busi- ness in town on Friday. rs, the only woman on the jury, i James J. Hasslett. All said they and moved into apartments in Mrs. | having claims to present the same without The Garbrick sisters entertained : : : : Orrie Holt’s house. the members of their Sund hool i i eived several threatening letters,| Will Kennedy, wife and daughters f§ OF ‘thoi ay school | Registered Architect HN C. HOFFER, Adm., i Mrs. Mars asked police protec- | spent Senne days, last RN . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reish moved | class on Friday evening, with a Hal- gl ® lor to 59 Philipsburg, Pa. 1 for her home when she found 2 | among friends at Scottdale. from Mrs. Iddings’ home into part of | low-een party. 74-23-4m BELLEFONTE, PA | GEC, oo ZEIcLER Atty., 74-39-68 the Clara Leathers house, now own- Mrs. J. Weaver has returned to igh sketch of a bomb on one of letters she reecived. “he coal and iron policemen in- ved in the trial were Walter Lys- , at one time stationed in Belle- te, Harold Watts and Frank Slap- s, employees of the Pittsburgh il company. They were alleged have beaten Borkowski so severe- as to cause his death. Acquitted murder charges in connection h the case, they now face charges involuntary manslaughter. mb tS — Horses: Sol up's $165 and COWS | Community house, Tuesday evening, | Mrs. Jack Noll entertained the : THER TOLD TO AID .. $140. : by the young ladies Sunday school | 1,oyal Workers and the Sunday - The World’s Premier Gas - HIS STUDIOUS SON | Miss Rebecca Hartswick enter- | class, was a _very delightful affair. |school class, of which she is teach- \ father is obliged to support his , even though he is past thelegal ool age, so long as the son insists being educated still further, the serior Court ruled in Philadelphia, Wednesday. Che decision was in the form of a usal to revoke an order of ige Schaeffer, of Berks county, iging Harry Gillmor, of Reading, continue paying $5 a week toward . support of his son, Earl, now 17. yillmor was divorced m grammar school into the Read- + High school. When Gillmor, a gas company em- $52 a week, became arrears on the boy's support or- . last year, he went into court zing for a revocation of the order the ground that the boy was past . legal school age and should be ning his own living. rudge Schaeffer, after two hear- yee earning from his wife | During a recent storm a portion of the roof of the C. M. Dale home, on the Branch, was blown off. Don’t fail to go out and vote next Tuesday, and don’t forget Philip Johnston, for district attorney. Dr. E. L. Nixon and wife enter- tained a large Hallow-een party at their farm home, near town, on Mon- day. The Col. Theodore Davis Boal sale, last Thursday, was well attended. tained her High school classmates at a Hallow-een party on Saturday evening. J. G. Miller A. L. Burwell Berks county, friends. Tomorrow (Saturday) at two o'clock, Mrs. Mary Borest will sell at public sale a full line of house- hold furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hess Tate motored over from Lewistown and and wife and Mrs. motored to Barto, last week, to visit | tored down from Altoona and spent | Sunday with friends. A family reception was given Hen- ‘ry S. Elder and bride, on Sunday, {at the home of his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. J. Edward Elder. | George Elder and family moved i to Cumberland, Md. last week, | where Mr. Elder has embarked in | the gas and oil business. W. H. Ghaner and wife motored ed by Charles Houtz. Mrs. Annie Underwood Way, who had been visiting for several weeks with friends and relatives here, re- turned to her home at Grampian, last Wednesday. J. E. Hall spent part of last week on a motor trip viewing the fall scenery and calling on friends out through Clearfield county and the western part of the State. The Hallow-een party givenin the Mrs. Sue McEwen took 1st prize for her costume and Jack Wetzler 2nd prize. Mr. and Mrs. John Rumberger, of DuBois, spent part of last week with relatives and friends here, and also in Bellefonte and up Buffalo Run valley, bringing to memory scenes of Mr. Rumberger’s boyhood days spent in that locality. Visitors, on Sunday, at the home of William Bauder were his sons, George, of Juniata; Clarence, of Wil- Finch, of Bellefonte. Mrs. Pauline Peters, of State Col- lege, is visiting relatives and friends here, having spent the first part of her vacation with Mrs. F. A. Hol- derman of Huntingdon. Her sister, Miss Grace Smith, has charge of her work in the Charles Foster home during her absence. Ruth Root and some friends, of | Bellwood, stopped here, on Sunday her home in Hublersburg, after hav- ing visited for a few days with the Glenn Weaver family. Mrs. Grace Bilger and Mrs. Mar- tha Noll were guests at a masquer- ade party, at Irvin Tates, in Cole- ville, on Tuesday evening. Christ Keen and wife, of Ohio, visited at Ed Mulfingers over the week-end, and the crowd drove to Allentown to visit the Clayton Reish family, on Sunday. er, with a masquerade party, on Thursday evening. The young ladies bridge club of Pleasant Gap had a dinner and bridge party at the Country club, at Hecla, on Monday evening. The club consists of the following: Mrs. Ray Noll, Miss Jean Noll, Mrs. Vera Hile Adams, Mrs. Henrietta Zong, Miss Bertha Rimmey, Miss Pearl Garbrick, Miss Margaret Swartz, and Miss Helen Noll. eee. Friday. P. G. Murray is driving Buick sedan, which he purchased. Mrs. Michael Witherite is nursing a sore foot, the result of a cut with an axe while splitting kindling. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McLaughlin motored up to Warriorsmark and a new recently spent Sunday with the James Fisher .s. ordered the father to continue ; afternoon, just long enough to get | family. Yao “ n over from Scotia, last week, to 5 i 3 ong oye i thou S18 £0, SOU wl" mi 0 SO, MR th | A re Sn trons rond the ag ine | ire and do some shopping. wi e ° Nittany, were Sunday afternoon ely endeavoring to get an educa- a in the public schools.” ee ——— GHWAY HEADS FLAYED BY JUDGE A. R. CHASE vertain high officials in the State shway Department are playing itics in Clearfield county, as well elsewhere in the State declared ige A. Roy Chase, of Clearfield, addressing the eighteenth annual vention of the Clearfield county ad Supervisors’ and Auditors’ As- iation. : Chey are using the power of their ce for personal gain, charged the ist, and he cited instances 1n .arfield county brought to his at- tion which he stated he had veri- 1 “These conditions in the Highway partment today would justify 12 n sitting as a jury in convicting .m for not fulfilling their duty to citizens of the State,” Judge ase said. “The Highway Depéart- nt is now in a position where it st deny these charges, hurled at from all sections, Or stand con- ted.” —————— ————— ___Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wwiddow- \ have sent out invitations to ap- jximately half a hundred friends a dinner at the Nittany Country b, Monday evening, November rth, in celebration of their tenth dding anniversary and the first iniversary of the birth of their 1 Kenneth. eae ____ With favorale weather the At- “Paving company will pour the t concrete on the stretch of State | If the finder of a purse containing | a pen, bunch of keys and money will | leave the same at the Pine Grove | postoffice he will be rewarded. | Jacob M. Kepler, of New York, {and Mrs. Mary Coombs, of Phila- ' delphia, spent Sunday with their parents, Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Kep- ler. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Auman came up from Three Springs, Md., on Sunday, to see 'Squire E. H. Auman, wh had been ill but is now improv- ed. Special preaching services will be held in the Methodist church here at 7:30 o'clock on Sunday evening. Special music. The public is invited and welcome. Dr. E. L. Nixon, of State College, took over the entire potato crop of Mrs. A. C. Kepler, as it stood in the field, and with it and hisown rais- ed and shipped a carload to Pitts- burgh every day last week. It takes about 750 bushels to fill a car and it will take another week to get rid of both crops, not counting the hundreds of bushels which will be “stored for certified seed next spring. The Fleetfoot hunting club were royally entertained, on Saturday ev- ening in their 30th annual banquet, at the S. A. Homan home, at the Everglades. The club has members in Altoona, Boalsburg, State College |& and vicinity. It was originally or- ganized in 1899 and reorganized in 1912. One new recruit was taken in at Saturday evening’s meeting, mak- ing a total of 28 members. F. O. Homan was in charge of the meeting held after the banquet. N. E. Hess, treasurer, reported = balance on hand of $85.35 It was voted to lay an assessment of a dollar a member | masquerade tinued their journey on to Renovo to call on their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Noeker and her mother, Aunt Mary Hall, who they found in quite good health although up in the 90s. HOWARD. Mrs. McKibbon, of Williamsport, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. Reber. The P. O. of A. members held a party and supper for members and friends Monday even- ing. Rev. P. N. Osborne, of Rockview, will preach at the Presbyterian serv- ices in the Reformed church here Sunday evening, November 3rd. Miss Hazel Helby gave a masquer- ade party and dance, Monday even- ing, for the High school students and teachers, at Mayer's garage. Saturday evening Russel Mann and Fred Strawcutter had an au- tomobile wreck, their cars meeting headon. Aside from being scratched and bruised mo one was seriously hurt, but the cars were badly dam- aged. Lewisburg High football team came to Howard, Saturday, expect- ing a picnic at the expense of How- ard High, but the local boys, proud of their undefeated record, won the ame 29 to 0. They held Lewisburg to two first downs and never gave them an opportunity to score. They were more Sociable after the game and treated the visitors to a chicken and waffle supper at the Methodist church. JACKSONVILLE. Mrs. Ephriam Lucas and daughter callers at the Mrs. Catherine Fish- er home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reese have moved from one side of their double house into the other, which has been entirely remodeled and im- proved in every way. Margaret Davidson, second daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davidson, was out of school all of last week with a sore throat, but at this time is very much improved. The taking off of the passenger train on the Snow Shoe branch makes it very inconvenient for those who used it frequently in traveling back and forth along the line. ALL NEW CURRENCY PROMISED BY JANUARY. All new money by New Year's Day was promised today by the treasury department. Although two months behind, un- til recently, in their program of re- placing the large size currency with paper one third smaller, printing presses have been speeded up and the money factory overlooking the Po- tomac is grinding out dollars by the billions. When the process of replacement is completed nearly five billion dollars in new paper money will be in the treasury, the reserve banks andin circulation. Within thirty days it was expect- ed there would be a partial supply of National Bank notes in the hands of all issuing institutions or ready for shipment, to supply the public demand. ’ «a between Tyrone and Warriors- for two years. Frank O. Homan Genevieve spent Sunday evening at 7k next week, and by Thanksgiv- was elected president; Ben Lone. | the Mervin Hoy home. SLEEP ALL NIGHT NOW : dy the road will be thrown open berger, vice president; N. E. Hess, {© Mrs. Mary Deitz returned home, | ——— traffic. treasurer and F. B. Homan, secre-|on Saturday, after caring for Mrs. A. C. Smith, 41 W. Broad, Bethle- Si oa tary. George Rodgers and son. hem, Pa., says, “I will tell or write ___r. Nelson P. Beaver, super- endtent of the public schools of ck Haven, died in Geisinger hos- al, Danville, on Wednesday, 2s ; : bladder as epsom salts do on bow- : ae] pent some time in town last week. Quite a few children are on the : : : TTT oT » result of a stroke o pargigee Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hosterman | Sick list with bad colds. Kathryn gly. Drives out foreign demos and fered last Thursday. He \ were over Sunday visitors with their and Claude Fisher were both SICK |jjoues the irritation ey . o o ws at parents to Cents wi me cn Same Hl Your Vote will Help Elect Hm — ————— REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. i o. w. Friday, to attend Dr. Bilile's lecture | 3095 Joseph Jr., George and John, of | jy at C. M. Parrish’s. 74-4 LM a te College: 1. im the Lutheran church. State College, spent the week-end y 118 k Hi N ] ELM W Lise, atv Wo Reick, JI Bees We es ml Me, pnd : Loo or HIS Name on our d ot . W. » , si °® Mrs. Heverly and Mrs. Harvey rs. Harry Hoy, returning home NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ux, tract in State College; David Dixon to Ellen Dixon, tract Rush Twp.; $1. Sine Hall Cemetery Association Catherine Kemmerer, tract in rguson Twp.; $50. J. E. Dunlap, sheriff, to Rudolph Thompson, tract in Boggs Twp.; 3.35. 3. BE. Dunlap, sheriff, to Charles Cook, tract in Bellefonte; $400. 3. E. Dunlap, sheriff, to Samuel Gettig, tract in Milesburg; $1100. result of a fall . MARRIAGE LICENSES tastaniontary Daving been granted and intelligent. : Jrlanda W. Houtz, et ux, to C. W. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stuart and | George C. Shore, of Lewistown, Clarence E. McCorm.ck, late of the bor- mm = Help him sek, et ux, tract in State College; ‘ohn §. Flack, et ux, to William Mothersbaugh of Altoona, were | John Delige and Frances Coleman J ee Da Musser, tract in Penn Twp.; $2,- weekend Visio Seve both of Philipsburg. [hone vi EO Go out to the Polls and Vote and when r. an rs. n Stover, of| ®marl K. D WALTER T. McCORMICK, Adm. ’ §. MeClellan Davis, et ux, to Cyn- Yeagertown, attended communion Hot, or lapey and Plizahewy A. | 74-41-6t Bellefonte, Pa. you do don’t forget to put that X a G. Dean, tract in Walker TwWp.; 500. Sunday, and for the remainder of Armstrong vs. . Winfred B. Arm- Co zdmund Waring, et ux, to Aman- the day were guests of friends. Price: Yorn ‘of Moises. Pleas strong. Tn he Court “ot omits wher for Burgess. Stonebraker, et bar, tract in Half Clarence Weaver and family mov- | ov mp CHURCHES ON SUNDAY. | %¢f Term, 1929 Libel in " Divorce, Fo on Twp.; $140. BOALSBURG William G. Fisher, of Sunbury, { Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Williams and son, of Houserville, were in town, Schaeffer, of Bellefonte, were visitors at the home of Mrs. James Irwin, recently. o Mrs. Nannie Coxzey is spending some time in Altoona, in charge of the Roy Coxey home, while Mrs. Coxey is recovering from a recent auto accident. Mrs. W: H. Stover is able to walk about the house on crutches, after being confined to bed for a week, suffering injuries to her foot as the daughter Elizabeth, and Geo. Stuart Jr., of Crafton, and Miss Amanda services in the Reformed church, on ed from Main street to the C. M. The kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Milford Heaton was well at- tended, the couple receiving many nice and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neff and Sunday evening. Mrs. Ephriam Lucas and son Vin- cent, Mrs. Merrill Walker and two daughters and Mrs. Hogan Long and son George returned home, on Fri- day, after spending a week in Phila- delphia with Mrs. Lucas’ daughter, Mrs. Walter Winslow. Mrs. Walker and children stayed with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, over Sun- ay. reel eee. and Clara Belle Husted, of West Decatur. Herbert W. George and Alice how I was relieved of getting up nights with Lithiated Buchu (Kel- get up re- | ler Formula). Now I freshed and feeling fine.” It actson each at all drug stores. Keller Labor- atory, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, or local- OTICE.—Our attention has been call- ed to the fact that there are still outstanding considerable unpaid taxes, both county and borough. It is imperative that these taxes be paid mo later than December 1, 1929. Mr. D. A. Barlett has been authorized to collect the same. B. P. COSTELLO, Inspector Philadelphia, Pa. American Surety Co. October 29, 1929. of Ne Yrs : 74-43-2t MINISTRATOR'S TOTO et Letters ough of State College, Centre county, Pa., deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are directed to OTICE IN DIVORCE.— Carrie E. Winfred B. Armstrong, Respondent: Filling Station ontri. | spent Sunday with friends here and | liamsport; Forrest. a student at 2090: es bi iA ‘that | at State College. Sate Gollsge, ad bis Jeuguier, and WINGATE e. Mr. Gillmor since has remar-; C. M. Fry and wife and Mrs. Es- | famiy, r. and Mrs. Clayton Upde-| nr.5 praple Lucas, of Snow Shoe, i and the boy has been graduated ther Ritchie and daughter Jean mo- graff, of Williamsport, and Florence | ..i.q friends in this section last ON THE HECLA DRIVE moco gas Sold ONLY at the Sunflower “ Motor the Amoco Way” MOTOR OILS 100% PURE Give a Bellefonte Boy a Chance to Serve His Home Town Listen! Harold is progressive, young, active after the name of Harold D. Vote! Vote! Vote! FOR Harold D. Cowher FOR BURGESS Next Tuesday He is a friend of the people. and he will help you. Dale house, on the hill, recently va- | gy. JOHN'S LUTHE WHEREAS, Carrie E. Armstrong, y " ’ ’ 9 » iy , yur . jamss % Riss: to J. i cated by Harold Fisher and family, ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. wife, has filled a libel in the Court of 2 URGESS n, trae ny Gi Said by Humid Fisher and fall, | o.50 a. 1. Bible, seipol Soman, Picas &t Centre coutey, braving bie 0 op) john H, Corman to Jerry R. Cor- er home. 10:45 A. M., Morning Service; | notified and requested to ‘appear in. the Harold D. Cowh n, tract in Penn Twp.; $2400. Mrs. David Bolin «The Narrow Door.” | Roe A ED on easy of aro . Lowner ames Harpster, et ux, to Dora oY returned, Thurs-| "7:30 BM. Evening Service; Ser. November, 199, to answer the complaint arp i, y ; day, after spending several months | "upon Tate g 4 - of said Carrie E. Armstrong, and in de- : aner, tract in Patton Twp.; $1. in Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Bohn is very : ember Lot's Wife. | fault of such appearance you will be srederick D. Struble, et ux, to much improved in health but expects Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor spsence. = © Coo. Eo 20 yom Political Advertisement rest L. Struble, tract in State to return to Akron in a few weeks | HARRY E. DUNLAP, lege; $1. for further treatment. —Subscribe for the Watchman. jo 12th, 1929, Sheriff of Centre County