INK SLINGS. —Vote for Johnston for District Attorney. —Last night was Hallow-een, but Bellefonte was minus her “Black Cat.” —Pity the amateur stock specula- tors who don’t seem to know that whatever goes up is sure to come down. —Vote for Philip Johnston for District Attorney if you want a ca- pable lawyer in that office who will not pussy-foot or persecute when po- litical expediency suggests it. —The League of Godless in Soviet Russia is resorting to murder. even, in its effort to stamp out christian beliefs. What, we would like to ask, has God done to the Communists? We might go further and ask those of our own land who are insidiously and eternally working to snatch away the only day which God has pre-empted in which to do His busi- ness, what would become of them if the Communist idea ruled here? —The Attorney General of the United States is quoted as having said, during the inquiry into the fit- ness of Albert W. Watson for Judge- ship in the Federal court for the Middle district of Pennsylvania, that “it might be possible to find an abler man for the judgeship if a selection could be made removed from all po- litical considerations.” Every one knows that this is true, but it is ter- rible to hear it direct from a Cabi- 1et officer. Day by day we are im- sortuned to have respect for law, yet those who administer it must fit nto the cogs of machine politics, vkether they fit the bench or not. —Of course it was to be expected hat the recent dinner of the Anti- jaloon League in Bellefonte would wave a follow up. A. lot who attend- id didn’t think that far when they wstled down to the free eats, so they iave had some uncomfortable mo- nents trying to frame up excuses or not contributing to the cause. By his time everyone should know that ne never gets anything for nothing. jesides, what other purpose could he Anti-Saloon League have hadin oming here and staging a dinner nless it was to reach Bellefonte ocket books through Bellefonte tomachs. It might have justified he affair if it had urged all present 5 go out and work for Phil John- ton for District Attorney, and it robably would have done that very aing if Phil had been the candidate f the Republican party. — This is autumn and- color is run- ing riot. Nature shaving a hard me_ however, keeping pace wita the themes in milady’s clothes. Not aly in apparel are colors dominant. hey -have invaded the - realms “of dence. as well. A Prussian has wented a cooker that will pre- sre meats and vegetables for the \ble in their natural color and phy- cians teil us that color is a pan- sea for many ills. There might be ymething in all of these new fan- ed ideas. In fact, we sort o’ be- swe the doctors are right in some igles of their new color scheme ire. Take a fellow, for example, ho is just crazy to lick someone rainst whom he has a grievance. ge goes out to do it and gets a raight right in the eye. Next orning when he looks in the mir- r and sees that black and blue ame in which his bloodshot optic poses we'll bet the colors will cure m of such crazy spells for a long ne to come. — According to the Harrisburg slegraph a Mr. D. C. Morrow, an pert hydraulic engineer, says the sllefonte water mains are leaking the rate of one million gallons a . Mr. Morrow is the gentleman 10 told the Bellefonte council two seks ago that Bellefonte’s per cap- . consumption of water is the larg- | : in the United States. Knowing at he was mistaken in the latter \tement we are justified in believ- r that he is equally misleading in » former and shall pay no atten- n to his alarm signals until he >duces something more convincing in his imagination on which to se them. Undoubtedly there are ny leaks in the mains of Belle- ite. but only a daring prophet uld make them aggregate a mil- a gallons a day. We are pumping o and a half million gallons a day. | r industries are using about one \f million gallons of that amount iif Mr. Morrow's statement that ther million gallons are leaking :" of the pipes is true then the per- al consumption is only one million lons. If this is so our per capita sumption is far from being high- in the United States, as Mr. rrow informed council. As amat- of fact Bellefonte isn't interested water at all. Quantity means hing to a community where the ply is ten times greater than its ds. All we are interested in is cost of forcing it to its consum- and we would be obliged to Mr. crow if he would tell us of any imunity that is getting all the -er it wants to use, all the water wants to waste, all the water it its to give to its schools, its rches, its drinking fountains, its jstries, its lawn sprinklers, its thing machines, concrete mixers, ‘ors and what not, nearly as ap as Bellefonte is getting it to- or half as cheap as Bellefonte 1d get it were she toharness up . power at the Gamble mill and all the pumping by water. | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONR —Three Clinton county residents, Rob- ert Huff and Oscar Marshall, of West- port, near Renovo, and Raymond Bryan, of Lock Haven, were fined $480 and costs last Thursday, for the illegal killing of deer and bear and having in their pos- session several raccoon skins. —Although an exploding gas-coal range blew out seven windows in his home at Columbia, Pa., F. P. Salzman, standing in the kitchen, was unharmed. Flying ——_——————————————— —— ———————————— VOL. 74. BELLEFONTE, PA.. Fall Justly Convicted It would hardly have been expect- ed that a man whom the Supreme court of the United States had pre- viously declared “a faithless public officer” would be exculpated by a jury for the crime of which he was charged and upon which the judg- ment of the court was based. There- fore the conviction of Albert B. Fall, former Secretary of the Inter- ior, of conspiracy to defraud the government in leasing oil reserves, in consideration of a bribe, was not surprising. The evidence against him was clear. The stubborn fight he made to delay the trial and the methods adopted to divert the minds of the jurors from the facts, con- tributed to the result. Any other verdict would have been perversion of justice. Eight years ago President Hard. ing issued an order transferring control of the naval oil reserves in California and Wyoming from the Navy Department of the govern- ment to that of the Interior, of which Mr. Fall was the head. At once he began negotiations with E. L. Doheny to take over the Califor- nia property, and with Harry Sinclair for the Wyoming property. Subse- quently he received from Doheny $100,000 in currency and from Sin- clair $269,600 in Liberty bonds and currency. At first he denied that he had received money from either of them for any purpose. When the fact was proved he testified that he had borrowed from Doheny and sold part of his New Mexico ranch to Sinclair but the leases had nothing to do with the transactions. After jockeying to prevent a trial of his cage for eight years under one pretense or another his defense was staged in a ‘spectacular manner with the purpose of appealing to the sym- pathy of the jury. Early in the pro- ceedings he collapsed in court and forced delay. Then his prosecutors asked for a mistrial on the ground that his physical condition was pre- carious, but he insisted on going on with the hearing. The effect of the incident inspired the belief that sym- pathy would prevail over justice and he was brought into court each day wrapped in blankets. But their ex- pectatins _baye.. “been disappointed, ity thought The jurymen and women were deep- ly affected, no doubt, but they prov- ed faithful to their obligations and returned a just verdict with a plea for mercy. Sugar Lobby and Tariff Taxation. The testimony of witnesses before the Senate lobby investigators in- creases in public interest and indig- nation. In addition to the vast amount of money expended by the beet sugar producers to influence legislation increasing the tariff on that essential of life it appears that $75,000 has been expended by the Cuban sugar interests to keep the rate of taxation at the figure fixed in the existing tariff law. The Cuban producers include the National City bank, of New York, as well as some other capitalists and concessionares on this side of the Rio Grande, and their aim is to keep the rate low enough to admit them to the Amer- ican market. The aim of the beet sugar fellows is to keep them out. finers were to produce to full capac- ity they could supply less than ten per cent. of the quantity of sugar annually consumed in the United States. At the present tariff rate they have been able to draw enor- mous profits out of the industry. Itis true that they employ cheap labor imported from Mexico and China, but even if they used high-class American service their profits would be generous and above the average yield of capital. But they want more than enough and in order to procure it spend millions of dollars for prop- aganda to deceive the public mind and influence legislation. The Cu- ban operators are equally selfish but less expensive to consumers. If the beet sugar producers of the far west and the cane sugar produc- ers of Louisiana would save the mon- ey they waste in propaganda they could operate their plants profitably without any tariff tax protection at all. Under the existing law some of them declared dividends as high as fifty per cent. on their investment, and the average industry yields less than ten per cent., while the average farmer is satisfied to break even. If there were no tariff tax on sugar the price to consumers would be lit- tle, if any more, than three cents a pound and the saving in the family budget of the country would amount to hundreds of millions of dollars a year. This is a subject for commun- J Nobody will deny that Sena- tor Borah has the correct measure of Grundy. “Far be it from me,” the . Idahoan said, “to intimate that any Senator has been influenced by a man of the character of Grundy.” —Next Tuesday will be election day. Go to the polls and vote. Don’t ‘stay at home and rail, afterwards, because those who did go elected an | official you thought . incompetent. ; Your vote might not change the re- sult but you will have the satisfac- Grundy’s Evidence Disappointing We own to a more or less deep disappointment in the testimony of Mr. Joseph R. Grundy, president of ; tion of feeling that you did your the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ as- duty as you saw it. sociation, before the Senate commit- ! : ; tee investigating the lobby evil. We ! had every right to expect some in- Eon Sheep and Southern Goats teresting developments when the Two weeks ago we had the pleas- . nimble-witted Senator Caraway got | ure of expressing cordial approval of the hard-boiled Bucks county tariff | President Hoover's promise that “no MOnE€r before him. But nothing longer shall public office be regard- happened to either amuse or instruct the committee or the public. Mr. ‘ed as political patronage.” It im- ee Pp | plied that “shaking the plum tree’ Grundy frankly admitted that he is “has gone out of vogue and that dur- a lobbyist and expressed pride in the ling the present administration, at fact. He declared he spent about | least, the primary responsibility of $25,000 to put the pending bill over. the President would: be “to. select Dut it. was his money, he said some- i i _ what boastfully, and asked “what are men for public office who will exe you going to do about it?” | cute the laws of the United States itn 3 Of course Mr. Grundy will levy with integrity and without fear, fa- a ht gs follow bere. Ivor or political collusion.” Such a | policy would make for greater effi- Bolgrle i he ol {hyough al ciency, cleaner government and bet- his associate vicling ter service. : his testimony before the Slush Fund Since that sincere praise of the committee, Several Years 30, he said : President facts have come into view Be: nad’ Sonus m dollars to OL one Which east sheduws oQyer He hope Republican ticket in Pennsylvania, , SR improyemen.. a S88, .s a business investment, and ex- { some months ago, there occurred a ' f . pected to be reimbursed for all but vacancy on the bench of the Feder his share. ‘The public reaction to 'al district court and the politicians | presented the name of a rather in- mal A os discomsghng: ferior lawyer to fill the post. The y ! ~ this time. But he didn’t fool any- | President demurred and even pro body by his reserver. It is quite tested that he would not make the ! , } ; : generally understood that when Mr. ' nomination. But’ last week, for some Grundy is lavish in ex tives ie | unexplained reason, he changed his y Borin presented the Chang of the is disbursing other people’s money. 'politician’s choice for confirmation. More than two hundred years ago ‘The Senate has not yet acted in the 2 distinguished PE, bi ! matter but as both the Kansas Sen- It. was the. defense. set "ators are in favor of the candidate a } ny he will probably get through. pert B. Fall as Secretary of the In- The Judiciary committee of the terior in the Harding administra- Senate, during the consideration of tion. Tt was natural for Joe Grundy the nomination of Albert L. Watson, who for years has opposed Bumank. of Scranton, for judge of the feder- > 1 lati h al court of this district, called At- BE ee BI ai a ie torney General Mitchell to testify as supporting legislation which adds half a billion dollars annually to the to his fitness. The custom has been to accept the ju ent of the At- torney Ph jthed) Jgmen selection of a Of Xue people of Penn. judges and his very conservative C profits by a few thousands. It statement, under oath, was that “Mr. .. | surprising that Mr. Grundy Watson is not exactly the sort of ii cneriches the absurd fiction that the exporter pays the tariff tax. | timber we would like to have but the Republican machine of Pennsyl- vania and President Hoover insists on his confirmation.” —The writing off of thirty-five billion dollars of the national wealth within a few days makes quite a dint in the prosperity of which - Presi- dent Hoover talked so freely during the campaign. — The latest Paris fad is to make the finger nails match the jew- elry. That will be all right until black jewelry becomes vogue. If the beet sugar growers and re- STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. NOVEMBE TS —————— Reasons for Selection of Reed What impulse or idea influenced President Hoover to select Senator David A. Reed, of Pittsburgh, as one of the delegates to the impending naval conference at London is a sub- ject of speculation in Washington and elsewhere. Senator Reed has not always been subservient to the wishes of the President. He led the fight against a provision in the im- migration law which the President urged and that was the first bump administered by the Senate to the President. on the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions could not have been the rea- son for he is on the bottom of the ‘majority list instead of at or near the ‘top. He is not a seaboard resident ior a specialist in naval affairs. The appointment was quite a dis- tinction and might have been induc- ed by favoritism, by superior knowl. edge of naval equipment or values, or eminence in public life. But it can hardly be said that either of these elements entered into the equation. It is barely possible that the Pennsylvania Senator’s readi- ness and force in debate might have been considered. It is reasonable to expect that there will be opposition to the ratification of whatever agree- ment is made at the conference and that the President wanted to make sure of efficient support. In the se- lection of the two best debaters in the Senate to help write the agree- ment he practically guaranteed cap- able defense of it. Other reasons might be conjured up though probably the last named is sufficient. But to any doubters it may be worth-while to mention that Senator Reed is of counsel for the Steel trust, and that giant corpora- tion has great interest in ship-build- ing and ordnance construction. Ob- servers at the Paris conference, a few years ago, were expensive as well as scandal breeders, and the ap- pointment of Senator Reed would serve the purpose without either ex- pense or scandal. Then again the purpose of the President might have been to humiliate Senator Johnson, of California, who next to Borah, who declined, had highest claim to the r. Johnson defeated the flex- To proviston of the tariff bill. — Centre county residents are not in favor of establishing a coun- ty home for poor and dependent people, as not two thousand signers could be secured to the various pe- titions to put the question up to the voters at the coming election. Cen- tre county, like every other county in the State, has people who need aid regularly and ohers who must be helped occasionally. There are prob- ably families in some sections of the county who are suffering for the actual necessities of ‘life, but in most sections the poor situation is almost negligible, and that is the main reason why the county home question could not loom up bigger. — The opening of the hunting season, today, took hundreds of hunters to the woods to try their luck on such game as squirrel, rab- bits, wild turkey and bear. Most of the hunters will naturally try for squirrel and rabbits but quite a number have turkey on their mind while a number of parties are out making an attempt to shoot one of the bears that have been making themselves rather conspicuous dur- ing the past few weeks. ——The only place in Centre coun- ty where enough voters are suffi- ciently interested in voting machines to want to vote on the question of installing one is the Third ward of Philipsburg, and if we remember cor- rectly that was one of the election precincts in the county in which a recount was asked after the Flem- ing-Walker judicial election. ——The new government of France is fortunate in getting Briand into the cabinet. He is not only the brainiest man in the country but the most sincere patriot. ——Senator Watson, Republican floor leader, is a trifle cruel to Joe Grundy when he says Grundy’s lob- py activities didn’t influence a single vote. — Lloyd George may be hopeful put he is far from confident of the best results from the conversations between MacDonald and Hoover. ——Senatorial courtesy may save Senator Bingham from formal cen- sure but it can’t justify his meth- ods in properly trained minds. — Senator Bingham’s little scheme would have worked well if it hadn't been found out. ——————————— ——1It looks as if President Hoover is trying to stage a scrap with the leaders of the “nave.” i R 1. 19209. NO. 43. Senator Reed’s position - Oil, Navy and the Public From the Philadelphia Record. Public attention in the Fall trial concentrated upon the bribe taking of which the former Secretary of the Interior was convicted, but there is another phase that cannot be skipped without distorting the story. Admiral Gleaves, serving in Asia- tic waters in 1921, submitted to the Navy Department confidential re- ports which pulsed with the navy higherups’ favorite fear of war with Japan. They don’t call it a war with Ja- pan; at least, not in public. There is always a mysterious, unnamed Power plotting to attack us on the Pacific. And the odd thing about it is that the navy highups get as much kick out of this imaginary peril as if it were real- They do not try to fool the people; they ac- tually fool themselves. On the strength of Admiral Gleaves’ representatives, Admiral Robison at Washington urged Do- heny to bid on the Elk Hills oil | lease, because he wanted to see oil tanks built and filled at Pearl Har- bor, in Hawaii, in preparation for this war on the Pacific. Admiral Gleaves thought his sus- picions of warlike intentions in Ja- | pan to be justified by facts. Ad- miral Robison thought so, too, and was unquestionably honest in mak- ing his recommendations for prepar- edness in the Pacific. These navy officers were using their profession- al ability with patriotic purpose— for the nation’s good as they saw it. But they saw it with biased vis- ion. The right “slant” on their beliefs and acts cannot be had unless one imagines that war had been plan- ned and started. In that event, the full fuel oil tanks at Pearl Harbor | would have been a lifesaver for the navy, charged with the nation’s de- fense. Now in connection with the Fall trial, in answer to the Court’s re-! quest for the Gleaves reports of 1921, Secretary Adams withheld them on the ground that to have their con- tents published would be “incompat- ible with the public interest.” Well, the situation in the Pacific is as “serious” now as it ever was. Japanese aggression is no more or no less probable now than it was then-—and it was not reasonably ex- pectable then and is not now. Ja- pan has received affronts from the American Congress, and they ran- kle; but Japan is too much the real- ist to have any belief that she could successfully attack America. (We are taking, purposely, the least sen- timental view: in actual fact, we simply can’t picture Japan aflame with desire to lick America, as the jingoes would like us to believe.) But in view of the mere existence of jingoism, and of public unfamil- iarity with the underlying facts of our relation with Japan, it is regret- table that the attitude of secrecy continues to rule in the Navy De- partment. The navy needs the people’s friend- ship, and would command it much more surely and effectively were it to take the people into its confidence. It is “just too bad” if Secretary Adams is going to run his depart- ment on the Wilbur plan, as if he owned the navy instead of being eiven by the people to rum it for em. Why Not Here? From the Harrisburg Telegraph. Officials of the State Department of Agriculture and the State Health Department are attending a great dairy show in Toronto. Representa- tives of dairying interests from all over the United States and Canada are among the delegates. Canada is thinking in terms of increased milk production and acting acerrdingly. It may not be generally known, but on a number of occasions Harris- burg firms have purchased cream in Canada and shipped it, still sweet, all the way to Florida for use at the winter resorts. What is profitable for Canada ought 10 be equally profitable for Pennsyl- varia, with its great yield of milk and even greater possibilities, and its ever increasing markets. Why not, then, a dairy show for Pennnsylvania, and if for Pennsyl- vania, why not in Harrisburg. Once the new Farm Show building is fin- ished, we shall have here unequalled facilities for the holding of such an exposition, and it could be conducted in the fall of the year without inter- fering in any way with the Farm Products Show in mid-winter. New York and Philadelphia al- ready are drawing heavily upon the Pennsylvania farms for their milk. More and more ice cream is being eaten. More and more milk pro- ducts are being turned out by Penn- sylvania industry. Milk production is the farmer’s best bet. The semi- monthly milk check is the dairy- man’s meal ticket. The farm that goes in for milk is usually more profitable than that which does not specialize in this line. To encour- age milk production is to make for prosperity. There is little danger of over-production in Pennsylvania. The peril, if any, seems to lie in the oth- er direction. ———Even the New York Tribune admits that the tariff bill is dead. pieces of steel from the shattered stove imbedded themselves in the plaster of the walls and ceiling and broke panels in a door. —A. Walter Banks, trusted employee of the E. Richard Meinig company Inc. of Reading, silk underwear manufactur- ers, pleaded guilty in court to theft of about $5000 in money and merchandise and was given six months to three years in prison and ordered to make restitution ‘to the extent of $2500. —When the tobacco in John R. Gubo’s corncob pipe failed to burn, he impatient- ly poured kerosense into the bowl and struck another match. The explosion set fire to Gubo’s clothing and to the barn in which he was working, in Allegheny county. The barn was destroyed and Gubo, 50, died from burns. —David Alghier, of near Mattawana, Mifflin county, was gored badly by a bull on his farm. He was crossing a field when the animal attacked him, knocked him down, striking him in the ab- domen and then trampled him. When the bull left him he crawled to the rail- road tracks, where friends found him. —When Clyde Grouse, of Dry Run, found a valuable cow on his farm so sick that he had to shoot it, he decided to : ind out what caused the sickness. Upon examining the stomach he found six nails, two pieces of wire and several lead washers. Two of the nails had penetrat- , ed the stomach walls. { —Although only 65 years old, Charles | H. Andrus, of Sinking Spring, has been | pensioned by the Pennsylvania railroad. | He has a record of fifty-four years of | service, and is probably the only man on | the railroad’s roster with such a service | record at the age of 65. He started as | messenger in 1875, when only 11 years old. Later he became an engineer. i —Rossiter is experiencing one of the | worst epidemics of typhoid fever ever ! recorded in that section. At the present | time twenty-five cases are under the fears of physicians and as the source of | the disease is not definitely known, the epidemic continues to spread. The epi- ! demic developed from eight mild cases to | twenty-five cases, most of which are ser- ious. —Overbalancing and falling into the i water near a sewer intake, last Tues- | day evening at 5 o'clock, Erma Luella Laing, aged four, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. J.'W. Laing, of Coalport, was car- | ried through the upper ground v which crosses Main street and was dead when she reached the op= | posite side of the street where there is an outlet. . : —Here’s another record! Dave Reed, . 97 years old retired farmer, lumberjack, | oil man, and railroader, of Oil City, es- | timates he has chewed three tons of to- bacco or thereabouts. And he wishes he had it now. His longevity he attributes to “working hard and chewing tobacco. Some people like neither, but I like both. I've chewed. three ounces a day since I was 6. Figure it up, 6000 pounds, three tons. It is a lot, and I wish I could chew it all over again.” —Charles F. Lindig, nominated on both tickets for school director at Lewisburg, made $1 as a candidate, his expense ac- count shows. The extra dollar was do- nated to the ‘alumni association of Lew- isburg High school, which backed his campaign. Expenditures were for print- ing and distributing 1000 newspapers and handbills. Advertising space was sold to other political candidates and a few small contributions were received suffi- cient to pay the expenses with $1 left. —The most extensive dairy cattle own- er in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the Commonwealth itself. Dairy cat- tle in connection with State institutions herds range in number from 50 to 250 cows, with a total of more than 1500 head. Every possible effort has been made during recent years by the Bureau of Animal Industry, Pennsylvania De- partment of Agriculture, to place these herds on a transmissible disease-free basis and to guard them from new and re-infections. Decision to give a wedding ring and an engagement circlet to every bride at weddings at which he officiates was an- nounced last Thursday, by J. Henry Follmer, Lewisburg, independent candi- date for justice of the peace. ‘I am sincere about it,” he said, ‘‘and would like to see everybody happy. Further- more, any couple not satisfied after a year of married life may come to me and get their wedding fee back.” Follmer will receive $5 for each marriage under the law, and at this rate could hardly expect to buy much of a pair of rings, politi- cians pointed out today, unless, they added, he digs down in his own pockets. Edward J. Donovan, of Oswego, ‘N. Y., escaped from the Lycoming county jail in Williamsport, on Monday, by scal- ing the wall. Donovan was in the jail yard with other prisoners for morning exercise and he is believed to have hid- den when the others were returned to their cells. Using a lead pipe which had been left in the jail yard he made a hook on one end and scaled the rear wall. He then swung to a telephone pole nearby and reached the ground. Donovan was arrested last week on charges of burg- lary and forgery in connection with the theft of some blank checks and a check protector machine which he is charged with using to pass several checks. —The curtain fell, on Tuesday, on one of the most atrocious murders in the history of Bedford county, when Harvey Feathers, 17, slayer of Huston B. Croyle of near Queen, in company with sheriff J. M. Fink, was removed to the western penitentiary where he will spend the re- mainder of his life. Feathers, self-con- fessed slayer, was sentenced to die in the electric chair but his fate was com- muted to life imprisonment by the State board of pardons at Harrisburg last Wed- nesday, after alienists, who examined the youth, declared that he was mentally de- ficient. Willis Feathers, 25, also impli- cated in the slaying, and a brother of Harvey, is serving a life term for the killing of Croyle. The latter, a deaf-mute, stood trial, and was recommended to serve life imprisonment by the jury. The brothers lay in wait and killed Croyle with a shot gum, robbery being the mo- in Coalpo t Fe