Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 25, 1929, Image 8

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Beware Wd
Bellefonte, Pa., October 25, 1929.
There is no question but that
the new Bellefonte postoffice will
stand on a solid foundation as bed
rock has been reached in digging
put for the basement of the build-
{ ——The Bellefonte Woman's club
will meet on Monday evening, Octo-
ber 28, in the director’s room of the
High school building. Mrs. Frank
W. Haller, of State College, Federa-
tion state chairman Department of
Education, will speak on “A Federa-
tion of Women’s Clubs.” Mrs. Haller
is a pleasing talker and should be
greeted with a large audience.
Don’t forget the concert to be
given in the Bellefonte Methodist
church tonight. The Altoona R. R.
shop men’s chorus of fifty voices will
be the feature and it will be supple-
mented by Marimba and a harp solo-
fst. Those who were at the concert
last year were greatly surprised at
is superiority and the presentation
tonight will likely be an equally fine
treat. Admission for an entire fam-
ily is only one dollar.
——The pageant to be staged in
the principal cities of Pennsylvania
by the P. O. S. of A., of which the
Watchman gave a full prospectus
several weeks ago, will be shown in
Williamsport on October 28 and in
Altoona on October 29. It is really
a big vaudeville show and patriotic
spectacle combined and is being pre-
sented as the start of a campaign
in Pennsylvania to erect a home
for the orphans and aged of the
——DLast Friday night some un-
known individual stole William
Garis’ Chevrolet coupe from in
front of his home, on east High
street, and got away with it undetect-
ed. On Sunday night, October 13th,
a car belonging to a Mr. Dowdell,
who is in charge of the nursery at
Rockview penitentiary, was stolen
from a barn near the penitentiary
reservoir, in McBride's gap, and was
found later in the week up at Rey-
noldsville, but the man who took it
made a getaway.
——At a special session of court,
last Saturday, attorney N. B. Spang-
ler presented a petition for the pa-
role of John Smay, of Boggs township,
sentenced by Judge Fleming on May
20th, 1929, to pay a fine of $750 and
serve a term of “wo years in the
county jail for a violation of the li-
quor laws. When he imposed sen-
tence Judge Fleming stated that he
wanted it understood that the court
would not consider an application for
parole until the jail sentence was
served in full. Saturday’s petition
for the release of Smay was refused.
——Tonight’s showing at the
Cathaum, State College, will be “Oh
Yeah.” It is an all talking comedy
melodrama, with laughs and thrills
packed in every inch of the reels.
Robert Armstrong and James Glea-
son are featured. Tomorrow night,
Saturday, “Three Live Ghosts,” with
Claud Allister and Joan Bennett,
will be the feature. Matinees at the
Cathaum start at 1:30. 3 Pm. is
the dead line if you would be on
hand for the last complete after-
noon showing. There will be no
matinee Saturdays
ball season closes.
—On Saturday evening a son
of former county auditor Herbert '
H. Stover, of Smullton, was driving
along the Smullton road in his auto
and along the Charles Stover farm
a big five-point buck jumped the
fence out of a field right in front
of the automobile. Te was hit broad-
side and so badly injured he had to
be killed. The young man notified
game warden A. H. Hartswick, at
Coburn, who went to Brush valley,
on Sunday, got the deer and
brought it to Bellefonte. It was
dressed at Eckel's meat market and
turned over to the Centre County
——Thirteen-year-old Doris Moltz,
who has been a member
Charles Bartholomew family, at Cen-
tre Hall, since she was three years
old, was taken to the Lewistown hos-
until the foot-
of the |
West Penn Power to Test Bellefonte
Water System for Leaks.
Fire marshall John J. Bower ap-
peared before borough council, at
the regular meeting on Monday
evening, and, after stating that the
present fire alarm is badly in need of
repairs, and that it will probably
cost $75.00 or more to put it in con-
dition to operate successfully, sug-
gested that it would probably be
wiser to install a new alarm sys-
tem, one on which the location of
the fire could be given by definitely
arranged signals. He stated that
one of the best that he has been
able to locate is the “Codewell sys-
tem,” manufactured by the Game-
well Fire Alarm Co., of Massachu-
setts. On it alarms can be sounded
and signals given. The cost of the
System is approximately $1500, de-
livered in Bellefonte, installation to
be made at the borough expense.
The matter was referred to the Fire
and Police committee.
A committee of the Undine Fire
company, with George Carpeneto as
spokesman, appeared before coun-
cil to express their thanks for the
borough’s assistance in the purchase
of their new quadruple combination.
They feel sure that it will be a
great aid at any fire and will also
be a big factor in securing a re-
duction in fire insurance rates.
Walter Reichert, of Burnside
street, and Thomas Roberts, of Wil-
son street, were both before council
appealing for water. Mr. Reichert’s
house is located on an unopened por-
tin of Burnside street where he
cannot be reached without crossing
private property, while Mr. Roberts is
out of the borough. The matter
was referred to the Street and
Water committees. .
Superintendent Walter T. McCor-
mick and R. P. Lightner, of the
West Penn Power company, with
D. C. Morrow and H. E. Beckwith,
expert water engineers, appeared
before council and submitted a
lengthily written proposition which
they maintained would help solve
the high cost of pumping water in
Bellefonte. The proposition was
not read in open council but a
copy furnished each councilman to
read and digest. Mr. Morrow, how-
ever, in addressing council, stated
that ne believed the big trouble here |
He stated that according '
is leaks.
to figures furnished him by the wa-
ter department Bellefonte’s per
capita consumption of water is well
onto 400 gallons daily, which is
the largest of any town or city in
the United States. He expressed
the belief that it is impossible for
the people of Bellefonte to use that
much water, and the only possible
solution is leakage. He then stated
that the West Ponn Power company
will bear the expense of a few days
preliminary survey to determine if
there are any leaks of consequence
providing, that if the survey shows
decided leakage the borough will
then bear the expense of a complete
survey and also the repairs neces-
sary to stop the leaks. The entire
cost of such a survey will be $1500,
and if council decides to have one
made the amount to be paid by the
West Penn for the preliminary work
will be deducted from the above
sum. Mr. Beckwith explained in de-
tail how such surveys are made and
gave figures to show what they
have accomplished in other towns.
Such surveys have been made in
Altoona, Tyrone, Miiton and various
other towns and cities in Pennsyl-
vania. After considerable discussion
the matter was referred to the
Water committee with power.
The Street committee reported
numerous repairs and also present-
ed a check of the West Penn Power |
Co., for $144.00, being a refund on
account of one light removed from
in front of the Penn Belle
The Street committee also stated
that superintendent W. T. McCor-
mick requests any resident of Belle-
fonte to notify the West Penn
Power Co., promptly on the discov-
ery of any street light being off and
it will be repaired at once.
The Water committee reported
various repairs and the collection of
$992.50 on water tax duplicates and
$94.00 on other items in the water
pital, on Sunday, and on Tuesday un- | department.
derwent quite a serious operation for
The Finance committee presented
the removal of a cystic tumor in the the report of the borough treasurer
abdomen as well as
Since her operation her
been as good as could be expected.
Another Centre Hall young woman,
Miss Elizabeth Gross, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gross, who has
been a sufferer for some time with
chronic appendicitis, was brought to
the Centre County hospital, on Tues-
- day, while Mrs. D. M. Bradford was
taken to the Geisinger hospital, at
Danville, for observation
———A test of the reservoir has
béén made in order to determine
whether there are leaks in it that
might acount for the abnormal
amount of water being pumped in
Bellefonte daily. During a four hour
period, with all outlet valves closed |
tight and i.spected for seepage the |
reservoir lost so little as to eliminate
it as a factor of any great conse-
quence in the suspected water loss.
Now that that has been settled the
water superintendent is going to
turn his attention to t"- determina-
tion of whether the pumps are really
delivering as many gallons of v.ater
into the mains and reservoir as their
ratings represent them to be doing.
If they are doing what they are sup-
posed to be doing there are only two
other guesses possible: Either the
mains are leaking badly or Bellefonte
is actually using the water.
her appendix. | waich showed a balance of $1303.89.
condition has Request was made for the renewal
of notes aggregating $22,630 and
a new note for $1500 to meet cur-
rent bills.
None of the other committees had
anything to report and after approv-
ing bills totalling $3007.00 council
Seven Penn State students en-
route to New York to witness the
State-N. Y. U. football game, were
injured in an auto collision on the
road near Lancaster, early Satur-
day morning, one of them so serious-
ly that she may not recover. The
| students were Charles Stiteler, of
Philadelphia, driver of the car;
George Shaub, of Eden, Pa.; Eugene
Keller, of Philadelphia; S. H. Ritter
and M. M. Marks, State College;
Florence Edwards, of State College,
and Helen Scimachenskia, of Mt.
Pleasant. The latter suffered a
fractured skull while none of the
others were seriously hurt.
——On Thursday evening, Novem-
ber 14, the ladies aid of the Belle-
fonte Lutheran church will serve a
chicken and waffle dinner.
hotel. :
Pine Grove Mills had a conflagra-
tion Tuesday night that, had it not
been for the fact that everything was
soaking wet because of an all day
rain, might have destroyed most of
the town.
About 11:30 fire was discovered in
the flouring mill of E. H. Auman in
that place and as it was already be-
yond control the entire building went
up in flames. The pine logs with
which it was framed in 1779 were
dry as tinder and made a raging
fire. High winds swept the flames
and sparks in every direction spread-
ing such alarm that State College
and Tyrone fire departments were
appealed to for gid. Both responded,”
but they could do nothing but pro-
tect adjacent buildings. The College
firemen were on the scene first and
did such splendid work that they had
the situation well in hand when the
Tyrone fire fighters arrived. The
Martz store, across the street, and
the homes of Elmer Musser and Miss
Sallie Barr were afire several times.
The new Tydol filling station re-
cently erected beside the mill property
by John Krumrine, of State College,
was wiped completely off the land-
Fortunately for the owner of the
mill farmers had not started hauling
in their grain so that it was not as
heavily stocked as it might have been
a few months later. Mr. Auman
bought the property in 1915. His
loss will be $10,000 or more on which
he is said to have considerable in-
The fire started in a rubbish room
adjoining the mill, supposedly, from
spontaneous combustion, and was
discovered by Miss Maude Kreps,
who lives nearby, and sent in the
The mill was a landmark in Pine
Grove. It was built by Henry Weav-
er either in 1779 or 1780 and had
been in almost continuous operation
ever since. It changed hands many
times though was in the control of
the Ards so long that it was gener-
ally known as “the Ard mill.” With
it gone Pine Grove now has only its
old Academy building left to foster
memories of pioneer days in Fergu-
son township.
The annual meeting of the Order
of the Eastern Star, District No. 10,
held in the auditorium at Hecla park,
last Friday, was a success in every
particular. In the neighborhood of
six hundred representatives, members
of the nine chapters in the district
and visitors from all over the State,
with one from Nebraska, were pres-
ent and witnessed the exemplification
of the degrees of the order to a class
of twelve candidates.
The meeting was under the direc-
tion of Mrs. Daisy B. Henderson, of
Bellefonte, district deputy of District
No. 10. The honor guest was Mrs.
Jessie K. Berlin, of Allentown, worthy
grand matron, of Pennsylvania, while
other visitors included Mrs. Adeline
W. Barnes, of Pittsburgh, grand sec-
‘retary and past grand matron; Lee
Wiser, Wilkinsburg, District No.
tron; Mrs. Mary B. Stouch, grand
representative of Porto Rico, and the
following district deputies. Mrs.
Sarah C. Johnson, Pitsburgh, District
No. 26-A; Mrs. Marion Herrod, Pitts-
burgh, District No. 26-F; Mrs. Cora
Wiser Wilkinsburg, - District No.
26-G; Mrs. Maude T. German, Smeth-
port, District No. 11; Mrs. Bertha
Van DeBoe, Shinglehouse, District
No. 12; Mrs. Pearl F. Diehl, Danville,
District No. 22; Miss Clara V. White,
Lewistown, District No. 14, and Mrs.
Estelle Tomkins, Ebensburg, District
No. 9-a.
During the business meeting, which
occupied all of the afternoon session,
| Mrs. Berlin was presented with a gift
of gold from the members of the
| district, a silver flower vase from the
Bellefonte chapter, a hand painted
ibowl and was given an honorary
| membership in the Bellefonte chap-
| ter.
| Following the meeting a box ban-
quet was served to about five hun-
dred guests by a State College ca-
terer after which a reception was held
for the visiting officers.
The annaul convention of the su-
pervisors and township auditors’ as-
sociation of Centre county will be
on Thursday of next week, October
31st. Their will be two sessions,
one at 9:30 o'clock in the morning
and the other at 1:30 in the after-
noon. Rev. C. C. Shuey will make
the invocation and deliver the ad-
dress of welcome. Other addresses
at the morning session will be made
by C. D. Felton, representative of
burg; S. W. Jackson, highway divi-
sion engineer, of ‘Clearfield,
At the afternoon session addresses
will be made by Robert F. Hunter
and Judge M. Ward Fleming. Elec-
tion of officers will also take place
at the afternoon session. Supervi-
sors and auditors from all over the
On Sunday afternoon Allen S.
Waite strolled down to the Pennsyl-
vania railroad depot and while there
suffered a stroke of paralysis, which
affected his entire left side. He was
taken to his home, on east High
street, and at this writing seems
slightly improved.
held in the court house, Bellefonte,
the Highway Department, at Harris- |
county are urged to attend the con-
For real nerve-racking, high-ten-
sion thrills the football game be-
tween Bellefonte High and Windber
High, on Hughes field, Saturday
afternoon, was a record breaker.
Bellefonte, having apparently lost
the game through two costly fum-
bles, took an unexpected rally in the
final three minutes of play and
scored two ‘touchdowns, winning the
game by the score of 26 to 18.
Windber, ‘a much - heavier
than Bellefonte, and up until last
Saturday undefeated, came here
touted by all football experts as a
sure and easy winner, but the first
few minutes of play demonstrated
the fact that Bellefonte had the
superior team. On line plunging
the Bellefonte backs, or to be more
exact fullback Confer rarely failed
to make good gains. Bellefonte
scored the first touchdown in the
first period but Kelleher failed to
kick the goal. In the second period
Marron, of Windber, caught a Belle-
fonte punt and evading the entire
Bellefonte team ran 55 yards for a
touchdown. In the third period
Gates, Windber’s quarterback, in-
tercepted a forward pass and ran
40 yards for a touchdown. In the
fourth period Confer, who scored
Bellefonte’s first touchdown, again
plunged over the line and Kelleher
kicking the goal put Bellefonte one
point to the good.
When the period was about half
over Morran, of Windber, snaked
down a forward pass and scored an-
other touchdown, but again the goal
was missed. The score then stood
18 to 13 in favor of Windber, with
only about four minutes to play.
But Bellefonte was still full of fight
and taking Windber’s kickoff they
carried the ball down the field with
a sucession of line plunges and for-
ward passes that literally swept the
visitors off their feet and at the
thirty yard line Kelly threw a for-
ward pass to Confer who got around
the Windber field and scored his
third sucessive touchdown. Kelleher
missed the goal, but the score was
then 19 to 18 in favor of Bellefonte
and one minute to play.
Bellefonte kicked to Windber and
the man who caught the ball was
downed in his tracks on Windber's
30 yard line. The only hope the
latter had to score was on a for-
ward pass and the attempt was
made on the first play but out of
Bellefonte'’s khaki-clad warriors
swooped the lithe figure of Kelleher
who jumped in the air, intercepted
the pass just as the Windber man
was reaching for it, and without
a Windber player between him and
the goal line ran thirty yards for
another touchdown. Just as the ball
was carried back onto the field the
whistle blew for the end of the
,game and Bellefonte was allowed
the extra point for the goal from
touchdown, making the score 26 to
18 in favor of Bellefonte.
Summarizing Bellefonte made 20
first downs to 8 for the visitors.
Bellefonte completed 8 forward
passes for a total 121 yards to Win-
ber’s 4 passes for 97 yards. Confer
was the big ground gainer for Belle-
fonte, but every man on the team
played a splendid game. The stars
for Windber were Fagan, Marron
and Gates. Windber’s interference
was perfected to a higher degree than
that of Bellefonte, and was mainly be-
cause of. this fact that she made
her .three touchdowns. egg
Bellefonte wil go to Huntingdon
tomorrow to play the High school
there, and as that is another unde-
feated team they will have to play
hard to win. If they can win to-
morrow’s game they will have a
chance at western conference hon-
Rr ——————.—.————,
Owing to the fact that most of
the Bellefonte Academy students
want to go to State College to see
the Penn State-Lafayette game to-
morrow afternoon the Bellefonte
Academy-Bucknell Frosh game will
take place on Hughes field tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock sharp. As this
will be the last home Academy |
game until late in November the
Academy management has decided
ito make it “ladies day,” and all
ladies and girls will be admitted
free. The officials for the game
will be Dan Kline, a Cornell man of
Williamsport, as referee; Herb Stine, :
of State College, umpire, and Carl
Deitrick, Bellefonte, head linesman.
Down at Annapolis, last Saturday,
‘the Academy defeated the Navy
plebes 20 to 0, and used a num-'
ber of second and third string men
cause of the fact that the Bucknell
Frosh are proteges of coach Carl G. |
Snavely, former
Academy. Every fan who can do
so ought to go out and see this
and F. |
W. Curtis, assistant township en-|
| ——According to statistics of mo-
‘tor accidents in the State during the
past nine months only 109 of them
were caused by fast driving. Another
interesting revelation is the fact that
only half as many drivers under
eighteen years of age were involved
in accidents as compared with those
| over fifty-five years old.
| ——Peter J. Haller, who has been
an employee at the western peniten-
tiary, at Rockview, ever since it was
built fourteen years ago, was placed
on the retired list this week, after a
total of fifteen years of service with
the State. The Hallers live at Pleas.
ant Gap.
doing it. Particular interest
is attached to tomorrow’s game be- |
coach at the
—Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Andrews are
in Philadelphia, having gone down Tues-
day, intending to spend several weeks in
the city.
—Mrs. Catherine Turner left, last Sat-
urday, for a ten day’s or two week’s visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hadley, at
Passaic, N. J.
—The Misses Grace and Virginia Mec-
Curdy went to Atlantic City, Tuesday, ex-
pecting to be at the shore until some
time in November.
—Mrs. Louis Carpeneto and her daugh-
ter, Miss Rose, are arranging to spend a
week of Miss Carpeneto’s vacation with
friends in New York. :
—Mrs. Hiram Fetterhoff went to Har-
risburg, Monday morning, where she in-
tended spending a part of the week with
a sister of Mr. Fetterhoff.
—Miss Helen McLean, dietitian at the
Centre County hospital, left a week ago to
drive to her home in Boston, where she
is spending her vacation.
—The J. W. Blairs will leave the Cobb
house, on west High street, the first of
November, to make their home in Miles-
burg, where they have bought a home.
—Mrs. John Puff, who was over from
Centre Hall, Thursday of last week, for
a day in Bellefonte, is a niece of Mrs.
William Derstine and was Mrs. Derstine’s
guest while .here.
—The Kurtz Houser family of St. Mich-
aels, was in Bellefonte for the week-end,
on one of their frequent visits with Mr.
Houser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Houser, of Water street.
—Mrs. Frederick Kurtz, of Lewisburg,
who is a house guest of Mrs. Charles R.
Kurtz, of Bellefonte, entertained her hos-
tess and the Misses Hart at dinner at the
Nittany Inn, Wednesday evening.
—Mrs. George M. Gamble, with Mrs.
Frank E. Naginey as a motor guest, left
Tuesday for Bedford Springs, expecting
to go north from there then across New
York State.
their return.
—Mrs. Theodore Gordon, Mrs. George
Lawrence and Miss Sara Graham were
all day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Benner, in Centre Hall Wednesday, Mr.
Benner having driven to Bellefonte for
his guests in the morning, bringing them
back to Bellefonte in the evening.
—Mrs. John W. Harper, of Schenectady,
N. Y.,, and Miss Marion Woodbury, of
Great Barrington, Mass., were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Barnhart, of Linn
street last week. On Friday they left to
continue their motor trip to Parkersburg,
W. Va., where they are visiting a friend.
—Ira D. Garman came up from Phila-
delphia, Saturday, to join Mrs. Gar-
man, who had been in Bellefonte for
three weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin F. Garman. Driving to Harris-
burg, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gar-
man went on home from there by train,
while Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Garman mo-
tored back to Bellefonte the same even-
—Guests entertained by Mrs. William
Keen, of south Potter street, on Sunday,
included Mrs. George Allendorfer, Mr.
and Mrs. George Howe, Mrs. Howe be-
ing a sister of Mrs. Keen; Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Allendorfer and daughter, Jean
Howe Allendorfer, all of Johnstown; Mr.
and Mrs. Matthew McCully and Mrs.
Edith Lee, also a sister of Mrs. Keen, of
—Ruth and Eleanor Hoffer as well as
their cousins, Dorothy and Susanne, all
of Philipsburg, spent last week in Belle-
fonte. The former were with their aunt,
Louise Hoffer, who spent the week with
Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Kirk, while the latter
were guests for the schnol vacation, of
Mary Fleming, at the home of her
parents, Judge and Mrs. M. Ward
Fleming, on east Linn street.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Shields, of Read-
ing, with their two children, Mary Eliza-
beth and Michael, motored here last
Friday and remained until Sunday even-
ing visiting their parents, Mr.
Michael Shields, of Logan street, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galbraith, of Bishop
street. Miss Agnes Shields accompanied
them as far as .ilton on ‘the return
trip. She will make a little visit with
Mrs. Curtin Fortney, in Milton, and
then go on to Williamsport for a few
days with Mrs. Penny.
—Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sutherland
motored over from Huntingdon, last
Friday morning, Mr. Sutherland return-
mg home by train the same evening.
Mrs. Sutherland, whois a charter mem-
ber of the Bellefonte chapter of the East-
ern Star, attended the district meeting of
that order held at Hecla park, on Fri-
day, prolonging her visit in Bellefonte .
until Tuesday as a guest of Miss Wini-
fred M. Gates and other friends. Mr.
Sutherland, by the way, has had repeat-
ed offers from the United States Depart-
ment of Justice to go to the federal pris-
on, at Leavenworth, Kansas, but pre-
fers remaining at Huntingdon as assist-
ant superintendent of the reformatory.
—Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rumberger,
with their son J. Paul Rumberger and
his wife and little son, Joseph Jr., spent
most of the past week visiting relatives
in the county. Paul is in business in
Canonsburg and having been off on a
motor trip ran over to DuBois, picked
up his father and mother and headed
for Centre county. The party spent Sat-
| urday night and Sunday with the Waites
| near Stormstown. On Monday they came
‘down to Pleasant Gap for a visit with
the Sam Rumbergers, and Tuesday they
{all went up to Unionville where they
stayed until yesterday. Mr. Rumberger
Sr. is in the wholesale grocery business
in DuBois and from the rarity of his
visits back to the place where he was
once so well known it would seem that |
his business demands his very close ap-
! plication.
—Mr, and Mrs. J. Wallace Reeder, of
Pasadena, Cal.,, arrived in Bellefonte,
Monday, spent the day and night here vis-
iting with friends and left Tuesday morn-
ing, to resume their six weeks motor
trip. Coming east by train as far as De-
troit they then bought a car, continuing
the trip on over through Canada, then
south through New England and on over
into Pennsylvania for the visit to Belle-
fonte. Upon leaving they went east to
the Atlantic coast, expecting to go to
Florida then back west over a southern
trail. Mr. Reeder, who is in the ice busi-
ness and has been very successful since
going west, is the only son of the late
Col. Wilbur F. Reeder, a prominent mem-
ber of the Centre county bar, and Mrs.
Reeder, now also of Pasadena. Wallace
left Bellefonte more than twenty-five years
ago and has made but one visit back
home, that being twenty-four years ago.
During their over night stay in Belle-
fonte, Mr. and Mrs. Reeder were home
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Meek.
and Mrs.
—Mr. and Mrs. Shirk, who have spen
the summer at The Markland, will returr
to their home in Pittsburgh before the
first of November, with plans for going
, from there to Florida for the winter.
| —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craft and thel:
two children. drove down from Buffalo
Saturday, for an overnight visit with Mrs
Craft's mother, Mrs. Jerre Nolan, who is
thought to be seriously ill, at her home
on Logan stret.
i —Mr. and Mrs. John Garthoff with Miss
Mary Wetzel and Miss Katherine Houser,
as motor guests, drove to Reading Fri-
day of last week visiting there until Sun-
| day, - with Mrs. Garthoff’s niece Mrs. Heffle-
finger and her family.
—Miss Annie McLaughlin went over tc
Tyrone, yesterday, to be with her nieces
indefinitely, while recovering from ag
long illness. During her absence Miss
Pearl will occupy Miss McLaughlin's
apartment in Petriken Hall.
—Mrs. H. M. Wetzel will return tomor-
row from a three weeks visit with her
mother in Bethlehem, expecting to drive
up with her nephew and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Schueller, who are coming up
for the State-Lafayette game Saturday.
—Taking advantage of a brief transfer
to Philipsburg Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bil-
ger came over to Bellefonte and spent
Sunday with Mr, Bilger's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Bilger, on north Spring
street, their first visit since their mar-
riage some weeks ago.
—Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Shedd and "Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Philadelphia,
were guests at the Brockerhoff house last
Saturday night. Mr. Shedd is managing
editor of the Philadelphia Evening Bul-
letin and Mr. Clark is a staff man, writer
of the ‘Men and Things” column, and the
gentleman who was so delighted with hig
trip to Centre county, last May, that he
told about it in a two column story in the
Bulletin. In making reservations at the
Brockerhoff for last Saturday night he
specified a good supply of sausages and
pancakes which, of course, he got.
One week from today will mark
the opening of the hunting season for
small game, namely, squirrel, rabbits
and wild turkey. Ruffed grouse,
more commonly known as pheasant,
are protected this year and cannot
be killed legally. The season for
bear will not open until November
10th, or to be exact the 11th, as the
10th is Sunday.
A number of flocks of wild turkeys
have been seen in various sections of
the county, but they are not plentiful
enough to afford good sport, although
a nice turkey is a prize worth getting
by any hunter. As to squirrel, they
have not been plentiful in this sec-
tion of the State for some years and
the hunter who is able to find enough
to make a respectable game bag is
a lucky individual.
Rabbits are reported very plentiful,
not only in the woodlands but on
farms where they can find enough
cover in which to hide. These will
probably afford he major part of the
sport during the early part of the
As stated above, bear are reported
as unusually plentiful, and quite a
number of hunters are living in an-
ticipation of the opening day. To
date approximately 2550 hunters’ li.
censes have been granted in Centre
county and if half of the holders go
out on the opening day, and have ev-
en ordinary luck, they will make a
big hole in the game population.
No definite time was set for ,
On account of the “French Mar-
ionettes” playing at the ‘Richelieu,
Wed. Oct. 30, under the auspices of
the High school, the ‘Halloween par-
ty at the “Y” will be held on Thurs-
day only, All gre invited, both young
and old. There will not be a sepa-
rate party for young and for old as
was previously announced, due to
conflict with many other social funec-
tions in the community during the
week. The date for the party is
Thursday, October 381, at 7:00. The
admission is a costume. There will
be games, entertainment and refresh-
‘ ments for everyone.
{ Prizes will be offered for the fol-
lowing cotumes, the best being se-
lected by the judges.
Prettiest girls costume, handsom-
est man, best fairy, best bum, col-
,ored mammy, tallest costume (from
‘floor to top of "at) largest shoes,
fattest lady, the most original cos-
.tume, the best comic strip representa-
tion, best couple, best children’s cos-
| tume (boys) best children’s costume
| (girls) best pirate, best Spanish girl.
The date is October 31. Only one
(night, the hour is 7:00 and the place
|is the Y. M. C. A. Be on hand for
; the fun.
| — The State Board of Pardons,
| n Wednesday, commuted the sen-
tence of Harvey Feathers, 17-year-
| old youth of Bedford county, convict-
‘ed of the killing of Hugh Croyle, to
life imprisonment. The board also
heard the application for a pardon of
Harry Musser, convicted in the Cen-
tre court in 1924 of killing his uncle,
William Musser, and serving a sen-
«ence of ten to twenty years for sec-
|ond degree murder, but has not yet
given a decision.
A ——— a ——
On Saturday, Nov. 2nd, at 1 o'clock
p. m. a lot of house-hold goods will
be offered at public sale at the resi-
dence of the late Mrs. M. Fauble,
east High street, Bellefonte. ,
41-3t A. FAUBLE, Executor
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
| Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
| Wheat $1.25
Corn 1.10
Rye 1.10
Oats 56
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