Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 25, 1929, Image 6

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    “Bellefonte, Pa., October 25, 1929.
‘English Bank Holds ~
: Relic of Washington
In the archives of Barclays bunk in
H.ondon is a draft for 5 pounds ster-
ing drawn October 2, 172J. on “James
Barclay, - banker, of Lombard street”
and remitted for the account of one
Paier Barclay in Jamaica. It bears
its back the signature of George
{Washington as part of an indorse-
ment. The draft is in fairly good
ig of preservation. Was it the Fa-
er of His Country who put that ip
gorsement there?
« Not long ago Robert L. Barclay
ade inquiries in the United States
m which it appeared that
eat George Washington’s signature
hen he was eighteen years old (his
lage to the date of the draft) was not
aterially different from this one. It
js not improbable that the draft was
pent to Virginia or Carolina, which in
ose days were in close commercial
uch with Jamaica,
‘ Barclay’s bank was not aware unth
year or so ago of its precious pos-
sion. The draft was discovered by
two girl students from Philadelphia
hen inspecting some old portfolios in
e bank.
Delve Into Secrets of
: Island of Madagascar
! A great deal of mystery surrounds
e picturesque island of Maagascar.
the !
appears to be the lumber room of |
old continent, but which, or per-
ps better, where is the continent,
sks a correspondent: “Some think !
hat Madagascar has broken away |
rom its mother continent, Africa; |
fothers that it is one of the relics of |
fa hypothetical continent, ‘Lemuria,’ |
{which existed long ago in tlie Indian
locean between Africa and India.” This
is not, as the casual reader might
‘think, a passage from some romance
‘of the lost lands of the world. It is
merely an extract from an oflicial !
jdocument, circulated by the British
‘museum to call attention to the fact
‘that an expedition is now at work in
Madagascar seeking the solution of
some of its riddles. It is not, then, be-
‘yond the bounds of possibility that the
scientists may yet send the world |
authentic tidings of a lost continent
toe The Culprit
“My dear,” remarked Mr, Pitt, as he
sat at breakfast one morning, “I think |
there was a burglar in the house last
“Why do you think that?” asked .
his'loving wife.
“Well,”. said he, “I left a lot of
money in my pockets before I went
to bed last night, but there’s none
there now.”
“That’s your own fault,” she replied
snappily. “You should have got up
and: shot the person. If you hadn't
been such a coward, you wouldn't have
lost your money.”
“Yes, perhaps you're right, my dear;
‘but then- I didn’t want to become a
widower.”—London Weekly Telegraph
Looking Backward
There were some strange peoples in
prehistoric Kentucky. Scientists in |
digging deep in Kentucky soil are said !
to have discovered evidence of two
(distinct groups of human beings ex-
isting in different ages and at different
levels. One race buried its dead in
stone chambers whilst another had
granite altars for human sacrifice und
burned their dead in pits of masonry.
At any rate they seem to have had
means of making fire, although they
were here 10,000 years before cigar
lighters were introduced. This is a
darned sight older country than we
think and men with shovels turn up |
many surprises.—Los Angeles Times
It Hurt
Ellen Terry, to everybody’s surprise, |
left $120,000. A New York actress was |
talking about her.
“Her wit was sharp,” the actress
said. “Sometimes it was too sharp.
It hurt.
“She and I and three or four other i
actresses were standing behind the
Scenes at a benefit in a Broadway the-
iater one afternoon. A young and pret
'ty actress said uncertainly:
“¢ don’t think I'll sing, af'~- all.
‘Tm sure they don’t expect me.’
“ ‘Indeed they do expect you, dar-
ling,’ said Ellen Terry. ‘Don’t you see
‘them all leaving?”
: Solved
Four-year-old Bobby, perched on his
father’s knee in the crowded bus,
looked hard at the stout, gaudily-
dressed woman as she bustled mn,
sniffed contemptuously, and wedged
herself into the only seat left.
Then he turned to his mother.
“Mum,” he said, loudly, “it’s a lady.”
“Hush, Bobby, dear,” mother checked
‘him; “we know.”
“But, mummy”—Bobby was puzzlea
—*you just said to dad, ‘Whatever's
| this object comin’ in?”
Parrot’s Comment Apt
A doctor was giving a dinner party.
His favorite parrot was in the room
concealed by some curtains.
During the meal one of the guests,
a woman, was exceedingly voluble,
and talked for several minutes with-
out cessation.
When at last silence reigned. a
sepulchral voice demanded from be-
| neet?”
hind the curtains, “Let me see your
tongue, please”
Color-Blindness in Bees
Proved by Investigator
Bees are sald to be color blind and
learn their way about by experience
rather than instinct, says an investi-
gator, It has been discovered that to
the bee red and black look alike, or-
ange and yellow look the same as
green and there is no difference in
the appearance of blue, violet, and
purple. It has long been known that
the longer bees live in a certain hive
the more easily they will be able to
find their way home. This has been
tested by putting bees to sleep by
ether and taking them to a new hive,
which was then moved to a location
some twelve yards away from their
former home. None of them upor
awakening and flying away could fino
their way to the new home for three
days. By that time 30 per cent could
find their way back. In five more days.
however, 90 per cent had become sc
accustomed to their new location that
they could go away and return to the
vight place.—Montreal Family Herald
Applause for Workers
in Physical Research
I salute the workers in physical re
search as the poets of today. It may
be that they do not write in verse.
but their communications are of such
lively interest that they are on the
front pages of our newspapers and
command space in agricultural periodi-
cals. They appeal to the imagination
of us all. They contribute the warm-
ing glow of inspiration to industry,
and when industry pulls their ideas
down from the heavens to the earth
and harnesses them for practical serv-
ice, it, too, feels that it is an im
portant actor, not only in the makings
of things but on the larger stage of
the human spirit. There may be
enough poetry in the whir of our ma-
chines so that our machine age wlll
become immortal.—Owen D. Young
Romantic Love Is on the Wane
There will always be soul chem-
istry holding a particular man and
woman together long after surface at-
tractions have been outworn. The
great trouble with the Victorians was
that they often deified the surface at-
tractions, and thought because they
were thrilling to brown eyes that they
were drawing close to a kindred soul.
They reverenced thrills so highly, too.
that our grandmothers believed ro-
mantic love would settle automatically
all life's problems. If we moderns
adopt a more challenging attitude
toward the thrill and if we acknowl-
edge that no other human being, no
matter how close, can solve life for us
we are that much nearer to saying.
“The Kingdom of God is within.”"—
Corinne Lowe in Pictorial Review.
Thought She Knew
An elderly couple were getting mar-
ried at the little country church. The
groom was very deaf.
When the clergyman read, “Wil
thou have this woman to be thy wed-
ded wife?” the old man did not hear
him, and asked his bride, “What's he
The old lady bawled in his ear
“He wants to know if tha’ll ha’ me for
thy wedded wife.”
The old man looked surprised ana
exclaimed: “Why, sartinly, Mary,
Although figures made public by
| the Aeronautical Chamber of Com-
i merce and other aeronautical organ-
i izations show that amazing strides
have taken America’s infant industry
' from the crib and placed it alongside
some of the foremost industries of
the nation and world. Aviation lead-
ers regard the exploitations of the
- air still in its early stages.
The revelation, as unfolded in
Cleveland during the 1929 National
| Air Races and Aeronautical Exposi-
| tion, of just how air-minded the
i United States has become during
i the 25-year history of aviation was
highly gratifying. But while a gap-
|ing world stared in amazement at
the aeronautical show, those inti-
mately associated with the industry
| confidently predicted that the world
| “ain’t seen nothing yet.
They picture a future for avia-
. tion that is beyond the conception
| of the imagination of the human
i brain. They startled with their
{dreams that in any other day or |
age would have branded them as
i lunatics. In this modern world, how-
| ever, although there may be doubts
1 as to the materialism of some of the
| fantastic dreams of these men of the
j air, very few have the courage to
| definitely deny the possibility that
| these dreams in years to come may
become realities.
“The time will come,” these
dreamers declare, and then proceed
to visualize a conquest of the air
that sends cold chills of thrill shiv-
i ering through the listener.
For instance, there is the predic-
tion of one aviation enthusiast that
“the time will come” when we will
be able to attach a tiny mechanism
to our shoulders and fly.
That ships of the air will soon be
manufactured in mass production, is
no common prediction. In fact, it is
easily discernible that this one pre-
diction is rapidly becoming a reality.
One airplane designer, who hada
new model airplane on display at!
the aeronautical exposition, claimed |
that he was preparing to go
the mass production of airplanes. nly
His craft was one of unique design
and contained some features
There is still hope for the
Corn has gone into the movies in
a business like way. Heretofore |
the slapstick comedies may have
used a few roasting-ears, with
sound effects, but now corn is going
into Hollywood in a determined
manner and mingling with the great
and near great in its most common-
place form—hominy.
“The film experts,” says Farm and
Fireside, “have discovered that
there is nothing quite so good as
corn flakes for faking a real, old-
fashioned blizzard. The corn flakes
are specially made from hominy and
are thin, white and airy. A bushel
of corn flakes and an electric fan
will make a snowstorm anywhere,
even in California.” :
About one-fifth of the total paper
money circulation has been replaced
with the Government's new abbrevi-
ated greenbacks.
Approximately $1,000,000,000 of
the small bills have been put out, as
compared to the total paper money
circulation of $5,000,000,000.
| Probably 25 per cent. of the Feder-
Didn't I tell thee so Vother,
al Reserve notes are of the small
sizes. Large shipments are being
made daily, but it will require a con-
Wonderful Building
The Mormon tabernacle is in many
ways unique, particularly in the con-
struction of the roof. It was planned
by Henry Grow and William H. Fol-
som. The building is a perfect ellipse,
250 feet long, 150 feet wide and 80
feet high, and has a seating capacity
of over 8,000. The marvelous acoustic |
i properties of the auditorium are due
to the fact that the roof is entirely
unsupported except at the walls. No
nails were used in the roof, the tim-
bers being tied in placed with cow-
hide and held together with wooden
Those Days Are Past
In the mid-Victorian era there was
an Anglican bishop who was noted for
his dislike of confirming young women.
A discreet inquiry on the subject pro-
duced the explanation that it was the
profusion of hairpins in the heads of
feminine candidates which was re-
sponsible for his reluctance—or, as he
put it himself, “I take the lads, but
I leave the young porcupines to my
horn-handed suffragan.”—The Church-
Feminine Habit
“What is a good cure for absent- !
mindedness?” asked a man of his doc-
tor friend. |
“Why, are you absent-minded?” the
physician retorted, laughing at the
“No,” said his friend, “it’s my wife.
The poor dear makes the strangest
mistakes. I gave her a $20 bill the
i other day with which to buy me some
shirts and she came home with some
shoes for herself.”
Not a Thoroughbred
Jimmy E, of Mooresville, was proud-
\y displaying a tiny Boston brindle
puppy to some neighbors. “Jimmy,”
sald one interested spectator, “How
much would you take for him?”
“Qh, fifteen or ten dollars,” said
“Why my goodness,” said she, “he
jsn’'t a thoroughbred, Is he?”
“Oh no,” said Jimmy. “He's a Bos
ton brindle.” —Indianapolis News.
| Sessions of the Peace
| siderable period to meet the demand.
At the end of September $60.212,-
600 national bank notes had been
placed in circulation. Total circula-
tion of national bank notes was ap-
proximately $690,861,000.
Because of souvenir collection, the
Treasury never will redeem all of the
outstanding old money.
Long Enough
After an hour or more, Pat, the new
clerk in the animal store, was becom-
ing exceedingly irritated at the fas-
tidiousness of his customer.
Dog after dog had been brought
from its kennel and exhibited to the
man, its points discussed, and the
price fixed, but something was wrong
with each of them.
Finally Pat brought a dachshund,
The customer turned away in dis-
“His legs are too short,” he said bit:
“Too short, are they?’ cried Pat,
now thoroughly roused. “Shure, they
reach the ground, don’t they?”
the Honorable M. Ward Fleming,
President Judge of the Court o:
Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial Dis-
trict, consisting of the County of Centre,
having issued h.s precept, bearing date
of fifth day of October, 1929, to me di-
rected for holding a Court of Common
* Court, Court of er
er and Termin-
or and General Jail Del Tory oP Belle-
fonte for the County of Centre.
AND the Grand jury to convene on the
sixth day of November, , at_ten
o'clock A. M., the Traverse Jury
called for the regular meeting of Quarter
Sessions Court will convene on the sec-
ond Monday of November, 1929, at ten
o'clock A. M., being November eleventh.
AND the Traverse Jury f
or the second
week of Court will appear the third Mon-
day of November, 1929, at ten o'clock A.
., being November eighteenth.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Coro-
ner, Justices of the peace, Aldermen and
also such Constables, (who may have
business in their Tespective districts, re-
uiring to report to the Honorable Court)
that they be then and there in their prop-
er persons at the time specified above,
with their records, inquisitions, examina-
tions, and their own remembrance, to do
those things to their offices appertaining
to be done, and those who are bound in
recognizance to prosecute against the
DE Contre Cutaty, be. then and there’ to
of Cen ounty, be the: ere to
prosecute against them as shall be just.
Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the
8th day of October in the year of
. and the 153rd year of the In-
aa Ktates of Amer-
dependence of the United
H. ©. DUNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. 74-40-4t
into | uate
that |
were entirely new in airplane devel- |
He confidently called his |g
plane the future “fliver of the air.” |South Gill Street and West Ni
| proposed twenty foot wide Alley to run
salva- | Westerly along line o
i | to line of South Gill Street: th North-
rican corn A ; thence North
tion of the great American j erty along line of South Gill Street 142.4
{lien of a first mortgage.
i house,
HERIFF’'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
of Fieri Facias issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre
County, to me directed, will be exposed
to public sale at the Court House in the
Borough of Bellefonte on
The Following Property:
ALL that certain messuage, tenement
or tract of land situate in the Township
of Benner, County of Centre and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at stone corner in private
road, corner of lands now or formerly of
Henly Woomer; thence along lands of
the Estate of E. C. Humes, deceased North
58 degrees East 110.6 perches: thence
along lands of Henry Lowery South 382
degrees East 197.7 perches to stone cor-
ner; thence along lands of W. Fred Rey-
nolds South 51 degrees 21 minutes West
71.2 perches to oak stump; thence by
. same South 81 degrees 7 minutes West
43.6 perches to stones in center of road;
thence by lands of John Carner and Hen-
‘oY Woomer North 30 degrees 6 minutes
; West 181.9 perches to the place of be-
| ginning.
i Containing 134 Acres, 9 perches more or
' less.
BEING the same premises which Jennie
Gummo Wirtz et bar, by deed dated
| March 24th, 1928, and recorded in Deed
Book 138 Page 475, granted and conveyed
to Charles E. Packer.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Charles E. Pack-
Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M.
| of said day.
i : H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff
i Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, Pa.,
Oct. 7th, 1929. 74-40-3t
Valuable Real Estate.
i By virtue and in pursuance of and in
| conformity with the terms and conditions
| of an order issued out of the Orphang’
{ Court of Centre county, September 28th,
| 1929, reference to which is here now made,
i the undersigned, Administrator C. T. A.
| of the Estate of Park R. Homan, late
| of the Borough of State College, Centre
: County, Penna. deceased, will offer at
{ public sale for the payment of debts of
| said decedent, on the respective premises
| hereinafter described, situate in fhe Bor-
j ough of State College aforesaid.
at 1:30 o'clock P. M.
All those four (4) certain messuages,
tenements, lots and parcels of ground sit-
in the Borough of State Colle e,
Sforesad, bounded and described as Tor
o-wit :
outh-east corner
an Iron pin at the
of the intersection of
| nue; thence Easterly along the gon h as
| of Nittany Avenue 85 feet toa Stake;
| thence Southerly in a line parallel with
{ South Gill Street 142.4 feet to line of a
| parallel with
N: Jiiany thence
said Alley 85 feet
feet to the place of beginning.
to th
following expressed covenamts and Bn
tions, that no dwelling is to be erected
on this lot within 48 feet of Nittany Ave-
nue, and no dwelling to be erected on any
art of this lot costing less than Five
housand Dollars.
And bein, Homestead
Premises of the said decedent, and has
erected thereon a two and one-half story
stone and stucco residence, seven rooms
and bath, hot water heating plant with
oil burner, hard wood floors, and with
walnut finish through-out. Attached to
the house is a stone and stucco garage
for 2 cars.
This property is modern in architecture,
equipped with every convenience, and was
erected under the Supervision of Mr. Ho-
man for his own occupancy, and is one
d ne most complete residences in State
Tract No. 1, will be sold subjeet to the
known as the
BEGINNING at a point on the South
side of West Beaver Avenue, 62.6 feet
West of South Patterson Street: thence
Southerly in a line parallel with South
Patterson Street 150 feet to line of an Al-
ley running parallel with West Beaver
Avenue; thence Westerly along line of
said Alley 50 feet to corner of lot now or
late of T.E. Sauers; thence Northerly
along line of aforesaid Sauers lot 150 feet
to the line of West Beaver Avenue; thence
Easterly along line of West Beaver Ave-
nue 50 feet to the place of beginning.
Being Lot No. 66, as shown by the plot
oa lan of lots laid out by Holmes and
There is erected upon the above de-
scribed Tract No. 2, a two-story stucco
7 rooms and bath, steam
heat; the interior of the house is finish-
ed in white enamel. It has a stucco gar-
age for one car separate from the house.
BEGINNING at a point on the North
side of West Foster Avenue 225 feet
West of South Atherton Street; thence
Westerly along line of West Foster Ave-
nue 556 feet to line of an Alley running
arallel with Atherton Street; thence
ortherly along line of said Alley 186.3
feet to an Alley running parallel with
Foster Avenue; thence Easterly along line
of last mentioned Alley 55 feet to corner
of Lot No. 181; thence Southerly alon
line of Lot No. 181, 186.7 feet to Wes
Foster Avenue, and the
3 place of begin-
ning; being Lot Neo. 180, as shown b
vlan of lots laid out by Thomas and Wil- i
liam Foster.
There is erected upon Tract No. 3, |
above described a two story stucco house,
with 7 rooms and bath, with hot air heat. |
The house is finished in white enamel, |
has a one car garage in the basement. At |
the rear of this lot there is a small frame |
bungalow of three rooms and bath, but |
without a heating plant. |
TRACT NO. 4. |
BEGINNING at a point on the North
side of Foster Avenue 225 feet in an East-
erly direction from the Northeast corner
of the intersection of Foster Avenue and
Barnard Street; thence in a Northerly di-
rection along the line of waoperty now
or late of Thomas and illiam Foster
186.7 feet to a certain twenty foot wide
Alley runnine_ parallel to Foster Avenue;
thence in an Easterly direction along line
of said Alley 55 feet to another twenty
foot wide Alley running at right angles
to Foster Avenue; thence ina Southerly
d on alo! fine of last named Alley
187.1 feet to Foster Avenue; thence ina
Westerly direction along line of Foster
Avenue, 55 feet to line of Lot No. 180, and
the Bas of Rog nnn ya
the plot or plan of lots laid out by Thom-
as and William Foster.
There is erected on the above described
Tract No. 4, a frame building at the rear
of the lot which could be used as a four
car garage.
Tracts Nos. 2, 8, an
subject to the lien of a first mortgage.
The above mentioned tracts and parcels
of ground, with the appurtenances, will be
offered at public sale for the payment of
debts of the decedent, as aforesaid, on
the respective remises; they will be of-
fered in the following order, viz., Tract
No. 4; Tract No. 3; Tract No. 2; and
Tract No. 1.
TERMS OF SALE:—Twenty per cent.
of the purchase price in excess of the sev-
eral amounts due on the within recited
first mortgages to be paid in cash when
property is knocked down and declared
Lit and the balance of eighty per cent.
of said purchase price in excess of the
several amounts due on the within recited
first mortgages shall be paid in cash to
the Administrator C. T. A. of the said
decedent upon confirmation of sale and
delivery of deed.
Administrator C. T. A. of Park R. Ho-
man, deceased.
W. Harrison Walker, L. Frank Mayes
Attorney for Estate
© —Read the Watchman for the news
d 4, will besold '
1420 Chestnut St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium
74-27-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
is a Prescription for
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Free sik HOSE Free
Mendel’'s Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
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FREE if they fail. Price $1.00.
Fine Job Printing
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There is ne style of work, frem the
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that we can net de in the mest sat-
isfactery manner, and at Prices
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Call en er communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes insurance compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce Insur-
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It will be to your interest to con-
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State College Bellefonte
BE Deal,
Pills in Red and Gold metallic
Tabs no other. Bay of fon
years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
. . all the
light you
need . . in
five weeks
as little
as a 5-cent
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
3-3 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
at school —
t.. youngsters away
or working
in the city—would like
to hear from you.
them regularly
SAS eee la SaaS Se
Baney’s Shoe Store
WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor
30 years in the Business
P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market
without something from our shop.
Hams, of course, fresh or cured;
steaks that just melt in your
mouth, tender and juicy. So many
kinds and cuts of meats, but all
you need is to know it came from
us, and you are sure of success.
Telephone 687
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.