Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 18, 1929, Image 5

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The Couch sale in Pennsvalley was
11 attended and fair prices were
M. C. Wieland and family were in
liana, Pa., over Sunday, visiting
atives. :
Merchant George R. Dunlap made
»usiness trip to Williamsport on
Miss Blanche Gearhart spent Sun-
y . afternoon with relatives at
:asant Gap. :
J. A. Albright attended an insur-
-e agent’s meeting, in Williams-
+t, last week. :
Sr. R. M. Krebs was so much im-
ved, on Sunday, that he was able
attend church. :
Tred Williams and family, of Clear.
d, nt Sunday with his mother,
s. Ida Williams.
dr. and Mrs. James Dreese, of
aver Springs, visited old friends in
: valley last week.
Twin Shuey and daughter Mada-
> visited the Homer Walker fam-
in Millheim, on Sunday.
frank C. Homan sold thirty pork-
, last Saturday, to Koch and Kel-
’ for 10 cents per pound.
Ars. Hall Bottorf and Mrs. W. H.
ss visited the John Hess family,
Shingletown, last Friday.
ohn Erb, of Altoona, spent the
ly part of the week with his par-
s, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Erb.
\. Stine Walker and son, H. M.
lker, and J. Ed Elder, transacted
siness in Bellefonte on Friday.
“he many friends of A. W. Stru-
will be glad to know that he has
yut recovered from a long illness.
1. A. Grubb found anothei one of
cows, dead in the. pasture field,
t Friday afternoon, the second in
) weeks.
entre Line young people will give
slay in the I. O. O.F. hall here,
sorrow evening. Admission, 15
1 25 cents.
Javid McMahon, a successful
mer of Spruce Creek valley, was
e early Monday morning on a
iness trip.
sharles Gates motored down from
one, Friday, and took his parents,
and Mrs. J. Cal Gates, along
ne for a little visit.
fr. and Mrs. Guy Clark, Mrs.
rry Glenn and son Harry were
lers at the Will Stevens home, on
in street, Saturday evening.
‘he men’s Bible class of the Pres-
erian Sunday school were enter-
1ed on Friday evening, at the C.
Williams home, on the Branch.
jar] Louck flitted to Coatesville,
. week, to assist Mr. Saltzer in the
sk business. J. M. Crouch has
en his place in the Louck garage.
Irs. W. A. Hoy and daughter Mar-
et spent several days, last week,
h Miss Charlotte Hoy, assistant
arian at Duke’s college, Williams-
reaching services will be held in
Methodist church here this (Fri-
') evening, at 7:30 o'clock. There
_ be special music and everybody
‘harles Goss, of Harrisburg, was
e during. the week to see his
‘her, Mrs. A. F. Goss, who had
te a sick spell but is now a little
m Tuesday evening, October 29th,
ladies of the P. O. of A. will
» a Hallow-een social and serve
oyster supper in the I. O. O. F.
, 5 to 10 o'clock p. m.
fr. and Mrs. A. J. Gettig, of Brad-
i, were guests last week, of Miss
herine Dunlap, going from here
Bellefonte for a visit with attor-
S. D. Gettig and family.
Vhile picking apples, last week,
hie Laird fell from a tree, about
ty feet, to the ground, sustain-
body bruises and shock, but not
ous enough to keep him housed
Villiam C. Frank, a farmer near
n, fared fairly well in his potato
d this year, his crop averaging |
bushels to the acre, ninety per
t. of which are in the No. 1 class.
© Seen
While most e2
Mississippi valldy, besides countiéss
rivers and lakes in all parts of ;
country, bear Indian names, but &
small number only of the towns that
are the work of the white man have
adopted names borrowed from the
original owners of the land. Not one,
in ten, it is claimed, of the 150 large
‘have it is usually an adaption from
some neighboring lake or stream.
The early explorers and settlers
have left their racial mark.
Hudson and Mohawk the trail of the
Dutchman is pretty clear. The French
influence in northern New York and
Vermont and along the line of the
Great lakes {Is familiar in many
names. Mississippi has no “saints”
fn its list, whereas across the river
Louisiana, by nine parishes and many
towns, rivers and lakes, perpetuates
the religious tenets of its early fa-
thers. Kentucky and Tennessee evi-
dence the vocabulary of the hunter
and trapper, Montana and Idaho that
of the miner. All the region acquired
from Mexico, particularly southern
California, maintains in its place
names the memory of its Spanish ex-
plorers and settlers. There are rela-
tively few Indian names on the Pa-
cific coast, strange to say. North of
the Spanish belt cupes and towns fre-
quently reflecy the loyalty of early set-
tlers to the older states of the Union;
for example, Portland, Ore, which
was named after Portland, Maine.
The story is that two settlers to whom
the task of selecting a name for the
Oregon settlement fell were eastern-
ers, and that they tossed a coin to de-
termine whether the town should be
called Boston or Portland.
Nature’s Kindness to
People of Green Isle
Among other benefits of being an
irishman there is to be listed, it is
asserted, an ability to break one’s
bones with relative impunity, as com-
pared with Englishmen or persons of
other races. :
At a recent corouner’s inquest a.
Camberwell, England, Dr. Reginald
Larkin, a police surgeon familiar with
accident cases, took occasion to report
his experience that broken bones of
the Irish heal more rapidly and
strongly than similar fractures, the
victims of which are English; thus
justifying, perhaps, the [rishman’s tra-
ditional preference for the shillalah.
a plaything relatively harmless to his
In all animals the repair of broken
pones is the duty of millions of tiny
living cells which accumulate at the
iplace where the bone is broken and
cement the severed ends together with
stiff. cartilagelike tissue which then
islowly hardens into bone by deposit
‘of compounds of 1ime.—Baltimore Sun.
"" Birdhouse in Prison
Sing Sing prison has sc man)
tamed birds that an imprisoned arch
itect is now supervising the construc
tion of a circular birdhouse of stucco
and wood to care for 100 pets. The
birds belong to the institution and
there are a good many singers and
handsome ones amoag them. There
are several parrots. The birdhouse fs
nearly forty feet in diameter and pro-
vision will be made to accommodate
1,000 birds.
! Miss Mabel Crouse went down to
' Sunbury, last week, thence up to
; Geneva, N. X.
Mrs. Leonore U. Burd, of Millheim,
was in town, Sunday afternoon, and
i called on Mrs. J. W. Bower and Mrs.
1e of his tubers weigh two pounds. | Thomas Hull.
_ number of new members were
iated into the ranks of the P. O.
of A. camp here, at the regular
sting last Friday evening. An
iestra of nine pieces furnished
sic for the occasion. After the
iness meeting an oyster supper
; enjoyed by all present.
oe Davidson and family moved
, their new house, on Friday.
[iss Geraldine Murray became
-e ill with a billious attack, on
day, but is now able to be up
he names of tue boys who tore
m the trespass notices from the
perty of Mrs. Irwin are known
uniess the malicious mischief is
ontinued arrest and prosecutions
.alph McLaughlin, who has not
n able to work since he became
n June, has so far recovered
t he has started in on his new
as watchman on the railroad
sing at Curtin.
ally day services were held in
Jarptist church, at Milesburg, on
day morning. The pastor, Rev.’
G. Herr,
e the speakers.
and George Newman
Four Junior
d boys assisted with the music. %’
(rs. H. B. Witherite and daugh-
Ruth, of Osceola Mills, were”
day visitors at the home of Mrs.
in. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Reeder
two children, of Clarence, were
) Sunday visitors at the Irwin
he remains of Edward Lucas,
) died at Orviston last week,
e brought here and funeral serv-
held in the United Brethren
rch on Sunday afternoon, by
. C. F. Miller, of Runville. Buri-
ras made in the Advent cemetery.
he Frank Peters delivery truck,
Milesburg, was badly damaged in
Hllision with a big Studebaker
near the Murray school house,
Monday evening. Mr. Peters’
Philip was driving the truck
,n the accident occurred. For-
ately mo one was injured.
~ Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Smith, and
! daughter Leila returned home, re-
| cently, from their western trip,
i which extended to South Dakota.
| Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth E. Ardery,
: of Bellefonte, and Mr. Long, of Ak-
ron, Ohio, spent several days last
| week, guests of Mrs. Ardery’s sister,
Mrs. George Weaver, in Main street.
H. E. Crouse and A. S. Stover mo-
tored to Harrisburg, left their car
! there and went by train to York,
| where they attended the York coun-
ty fair. While in York they were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Mrs. William Guisewite took ad-
| vantage of Saturday nights excur-
sion to New York city, where she
will remain for two weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Fred Rachau, and her
two sisters, Mrs. F. I. Pierce and
| Mrs. C. W. Eby.
| Mr. and Mrs. BE. G. Mingle have
| with them for an indefinite stay Mr.
| Mingle’s only brother, Thomas Min-
| gle, who came east from Minneapo-
lis, Minn. It has been forty years
since he was home and needless to
say, it was a happy meeting.
Mrs. Charles Cummings, after a
visit of ten days in Philadelphia
where she was the est of Mrs.
George McKay and Her daughter,
Miss Florence, ' has returned home.
Mrs. W. H. Phillips has also been the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. McKay.
Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Fred Griesing
left, Monday morning, for the east-
ern part of State.
attended the Eastern Synod of the
Reformed church, held in Philadel-
phia, Mrs. Griesing stopping in Allen-
town where she visited among rela-
tives and friends until the close of
Synod when they returned home.
Mrs. Anna M. Stover and niece,
Mrs. W. E. Orwig and son Harold,
whose driving guests they were, mo-
tored to Madisonburg recently. They
called at the George Z. Kern home
while in town. Mrs. Kern's father
Samuel R. Gettig, a former resident
lives with his daughter, is ninety
' health.
Rev. Mr. Griesing |
of this town and well known, who
cities has an Indian namie, if we ex-
cept Chicago, and among those that
Up the
of | Human
in Place Names |
the states of the |
years old and . enjoying very good |
FALE Te a as
x ry i SRR Cee a
on Electric Current?
Ys love simply the result of ‘elee-
trical attraction? Is the human body
an electric battery and our life, ener-
gy, and vitality dependent on how
strong a current we create?
A doctor has stirred up tremendous
discussion by declaring that chemical
activity in the cells of the human
body produces electricity, that His
electricity maintaing the life process,
and that lack of it finally causes
He believes the human current
a great influence over all our a
tions, including love, and thinks his
may explain why certain people are
atracted to one another, or vice
A famous electrical expert says:
“We have never isolated this current.
and the laws of electrophysiology
are not well known, but we have
many proofs that this current exists.
The body produces electricity in a
score of different ways. At every
muscular contraction or irritation of
a nervous center there are vibra
tions that liberate thls mysterious
power. :
“The least movement of a muscle
produces electricity. For every heart-
beat there is a corresponding oscil-
lation of the galvanometer needle.”
Durability of Leather
Shown by Recent Find
. The durability of leather was proved
by the discovery, in the course of ex-
cavating for the foundations of the
new Bank of England, of soles of
Roman shoes, one of which bore clear-
ly the impress of the official Roman
The soles evidently were those of
| the sandals worn by women and chil-
dren. Bronze rivets were used to hold
together two or three thicknesses of
leather and no doubt accounted in
part for the life obtained from the
footwear, which must have been much
greater in weight than present-day
shoes. The old leather was in about
the same state of preservation as
might be expected of a modern shoe
that had been on a rubbish heap for
a couple of months.
Although nowadays leather is pro-
duced with more speed and less me-
chanical erudity, the processes of pre-
serving, toughening, and softening it
are not materially different from
those practiced by the Romans in
England about 2,000 years ago.
Perfect Mother-in-Law
She has a marvelous talent for tim-
ing her visits. She always arrives the
day you need her and never stays a
day too long. She always brings cheer
and helpfulness and a big basket of
things ‘from the old farm... She gets |
along beautifully with her sons and
daughters-in-law. She knows how to
please her grandchildren without spotl-
ing them #nd ruining their digestions, | “°°
She knows how and when to write a
check and when to make beaten bis-
cuit and fry a chicken. She has per-
fect health and a young mind. She i#
the perfect mother-in-law.
There is always the chance that you
will get her it you marry often enough.
—Kansas City Star.
Peculiar State of Mind
“It may be a complex, a phobia, or
a neurosis,” said the street-car rider,
“but there’s just one thing on my
mind when I take an open car. I usu
ally sit on the back seat, or on an in-
side end seat. In either place I have
a good view at the slot which pro-
tects the live wire in the street
below. I've been tossing my ciga-
rette butts at the slot, wondering
if they'd ever go in. It’s really be
come an obsession, since they never
seem quite to make it. I'm meditating
getting off and pushing one in some
time. so I'll be able to get my mind
on other matters while 1 ride”—
New York Sun.
Nation's Fur-Bearers ;
Among the states producing the
most fur-bearing animals it is prob-
able that Louisiana ranks highest on
account of its large muskrat catch.
Martens appear most plentiful in
Northwestern states. Minks are plen-
tiful throughout the wooded areas of
this country where trapping has not
been carried on extensively. Blue
foxes do not occur wild in the United
States. Red foxes are common
throughout the greater portion of this
country, most of them being in the
Northern wooded regions. Fishers
are found almost exclusively in the
Northern states where civilization has
not disturbed their haunts.
No Easy Task
English is one of the wost difficult
languages in the world to master, ac
cording to a young Frenchman, whe
is studying auto mechanics in a De
troit factory. “American tourists
abroad protest against the ‘unreason-
ableness’ of the French language but
consider - your own,” be said. Ord}
narily you. pronounce the suffix ‘ough’
with a long ‘0’ sound. But when you
place an ‘r’ before it, getting ‘rough,’
you say ‘rf’ Then when you make
ft ‘through’ you say ‘thru’ It's al
most too much for me.”
Money's Real Meaning
Money in itself means wothiag. I
{s.only a medium of exchange. How
much you get in. your pay envelope
each week depends on what yeu have
to offer and are willing ‘to give im
exchange for it. ou ure your ows
- Moscow, U: 8. 8. R~=—American
toothpaste costs dearly {n Russia. Six
tubes to be mailed to an American
pewspaper man here were held up at
the soviet post office for minute ex-
amination and then the correspondent
was assessed a duty of $11 a tube.
Creaking of the Stairs.
‘The creaking of the stairs at night
is due to the change of temperature,
which makes the woodwork contract
or expand or something, but it's tee
ribly hard to wemember that whea
they creak.—Ohlo State Journal.
OR RENT.—Seven room house on
Howard St. Bath and all modern
improvements. Possession, Nov. 1st.
Apply to Mrs. Charles Harrison, Belle-
fonte. T4-40-tf.
OSITION WANTED.—Girl about 21
years old wants a (A008 to do gen-
eral house work. Has had some ex-
perience. Address Box 2, Bellefonte, Pa.
testamentary having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of
Clarence E., late of the bor-
ough of State College, Centre county, Pa.,
deceased, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate are directed to
make payment of such indebtedness and
those havin® claims should present them,
properly authenticated for payment.
74-41-6t Bellefonte, Pa.
Farmers National Bank, No. 13118
Slants Bellefonte, in Je Biate of Penn-
, DB e
SYivania, af 41 close of business on Oc-
Loans and discounts ...... foreiiieme a ,527.
Overdrafts ....... e i asasnsssaraNs is ibens pines pis S50
Other bonds, stocks, and secur-
ities owned .........-. ... 10,715.00
Banking House........ |
§ $25,000.00
Furniture and fixtures, $2,950 27,950.00
Réserve with Federal Reserve
in ae OA SSF AR HS 2,798.82
Cash and due from banks ... 16,695.89
Outside checks and other cash
FEOINB ...cosmsrrssrsvrremvresseoweiviorce Seamsvesin 254.13
Total i. a $213,999.68
Capital stock paid in...........$ 75,000.00
Surplus ......... vainenns 17,500.00
Undivided profits—net .............. 3,166.43
Due to banks, including -certi-
fied and cashiers’ checks out-
standing .......... ji 3,368.
Demand 82,113.59
Time deposits .... 15
TOMBE: crm itmimenniv SET5H99:68
State of RCT RL TR of Centre,
S. 8S: I, HAYS W. TTERN, Jr, cash-
ier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
ly swear that the above statement is
fre © the best of my knowledge and
HAYS W. MATTERN, Jr., Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
15th day of October, 1929.
Notary Publie.
Correct Attest:
iy sas
cooking with
UTO MECHANIC—Wanted an auto-
mobile mechanic to take full charge
of private e. Must have ex-
ence as a mec! c on heavy duty
and good references. Write Box
296, Bellefonte, Pa. 74-39-3t
JR SALE.—The Mrs. J. Richard Lutz
home, in Spring township, located
1, mile from court house, Belle-
fonte, along Jackonsville road. 8 room
house, with bath, in good condition.
P Mill Machines, of all kinds,
in A I condition, with motors at-
tached. Anyone interested in such ma-
chinery or wri Ko! o
Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 319 74-39-2t
brick residence with
stone garage -
dence located on east High street, Belle-
fonte, directly opposite the Court house.
Inquire of
. A. FAUBLE, Executor
in rear.
_ Subscribe for the Watchman.
Penn Power
Wings. ee men to sell Radios,
es, Mrigidaires and other elec
appliances. Apply at the ne
0., Bellefonte. 74
Pleas of
ber Term
wife, has filed
Common Pleas of Centre County, prayi
a Divorce from you, now, you are
notified and Fochiested
Court on or
November, 1929
of said Carrie E.
fault of such 3prearance you
liable to have a divorce granted
Oct. 12th, 1929, Sheriff of Centre County
. 74-41-4t
Armstron, vs. Winfred B. Arm-
strong. In the Court of Common
ntre County, No. Septem=
. Libel in Divorce. To
B. Armstrong, Respondent: ~
Carrie E. Armstrong, you
a libel in the Court of
" hereb
0 a) r in
fore the Fith day
, to answer the <ompl n
Armstrong, and in dés
will be
in your
of Harry F. Gerberich, late of Belle-
fonte borough, deceased. Letters of
Administration on the above estate, hav-
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
Persone gIDSEDIEd, 4, mt Cand those
reques 0 e :
Pang claims to present the same without
Uelay JOHN C. HOFFER, Adm.,
ay W. ZEIGLER, Att: Philipsburg Pa.
. W. , Atty.,
Philipsburg, Pa. 74-39-6t
ANTED.—‘‘In market continuall for
8 or 8% foot reject railroad ties 7
and 6 foot 6x6, also 6, 5%, b, and
41, foot 5x5 chestnut, hi ood
mine ties, 8x4 and
foot or hardwood sound
mine boards, white
lumber, peeled hemlock,
pulpwood. Price on chestnut
posts 7 feat long Tot Jens § inches, small
end in woods, alo ghway or ve
k within 50 mile rad State
location of woods
by truc
amount can furnish, 1ooa Oe Box 26
and road condition.
Hazleton, Penna.
————— ————
A. W.
Registered Architect,
Public Sale!
BOALSBURG ESTATE will offer at
Public Sale, 1-4 mile west of Boalsburg,
4 Pa., on the Home farm, on
Thursday, October 24th
at 9 o'clock, A. M.,
6 Good Horses
8 Cows
7 Heifers
23 Hogs
and a Full Line Good Farm Implements.
L. F. MAYES, Auctioneer
+. . here is why!
Good results are certain
“+. . when you cook electrically
Electric cooking saves you all
the worry of having to re-
‘member to adjust the oven
heat at just the right moment
«. « « the bother of having to
keep turning and basting the
food. The oven, itself, takes all
the responsibility of producing
deliciously cooked meals.
When you set the clock and
- - thermostat on the electric
=. oven, you automatically solve
: the problem of the correct
time and temperature for
whatever dish you are coock-
ing. And because you are
real scientific
precision, you can always
duplicate your fluffiest cake
or most beautifully browned
EN E—— wn
Sunday, October 27
Direct to Pennsylvania Station,
7th Avenue and 32d Street
Special Through Train
Leave Saturday Night preceding Excursion
Lv. Mill Hall - -
Returning, leaves New York, Penns.
Sta., 5.10 P. M. Newark (Market
Street) 5.33 P. M.
All Steel Equipment
ennsylvania Railroa
Lv. Bellefonte
Lv. Pittsburgh 400 P. M.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Flavor is enhanced too! For
electric ovens are so thor-
oughly insulated that very
little evaporation takes place.
Meats retain their rich juices he
and vegetables their valuable
mineral contents. Everything
goes much farther than in
the days when the most
nourishing and healthful part
of the food went up the chim=
ney in steam. Cook electri-
cally for economy.