Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 18, 1929, Image 4

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    Bellefonte, Pa., October 18, 1929.
Em am—
P. GRAY MEEK, - Edi |
Te Cerrespondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real.
mame of the writer. ]
eotice at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance
Paid before expiration of year
Paid after expiration of year
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
ing. ‘Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa. as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tified when a subscriber wishes the paper
discontinued. In all such cases the sub-
scription must be paid up to date of can-
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
For Judge of the Superior Court,
HENRY C. NILES, York County
For District Attorney,
. PHILIP H. JOHNSTON, Bellefonte
For Jury Commissioner,
J. C. CONDO, Gregg Township.
ee mee oi.
Items taken from the Watchman issue of
October 17, 1879.
At the great Democratic rally in
the court house, last Tuesday even-
ing, Senator William A. Wallace.
Hon. Geo. A. Jenks and Gov. Andrew’,
G. Curtin were the speakers. The !
town was crowded and not half those
who tried could get into the building.
The Pleasant Gap, the Zion and
Burchfield’s Bellefonte band kept the
Terms of Subscription.—Until Te.
= = SL5OI
- 1
LEETE.—Dr. ‘John: H." Leete, who
at one time was favorably mentioned ;
as a possible candidate for the presi-
dency - of The Pennsylvania State '
College, died at his home in Ann
Arbor, Mich., on Sunday, following
an illness of some weeks.
He was 61 years old, having been
born in 1868. He was a graduate
of Colgate University and received
his degree at Harvard College in
95. Along about 1898 he accepted
a position at State College as head
instructor in mathematics.
became secretary to president George
W. Atherton and also secretary to
the faculty. When Dr. Atherton died
in 1906 Mr. Leete was mentioned as
his successor but before any final de-
cision was made he resigned to ac-
cept a deanship at Carnegie Institute
of Technology, Pittsburgh. Later he
became a direccor of the Carnegie
library. Some eleven or twelve years
ago he moved to Ann Arbor, Mich.,
where he lived until his death.
Dr. Leéte was a promotor and ar-
dent patron of all kinds of sports.
He held membership in a dozen dif-
ferent societies and fraternities and
the cause of education loses an ar-
dent exponent in his death. He is
survived by his widow, Edith Payne
Leete ,and one son, Alexander. Also
one sister and a brother. Burial was
made at Detroit, Mich.
BOREST.—Oliver Borest, of Pine
Grove Mills, dropped dead, about
three o'clock on Monday afternoon,
while at work at State College. For
some time past he had been trou-
bled with heart weakness and a sud-
den attack caused his death.
He was a son of George and
Mary Ellen Borest and was born in
Stonevalley on November 30th, 1884,
hence was not quite 45 years old.
streets lively with their stirring
Hot, hotter, hottest. Oh, how dry!
and dusty it is.
The mountain just back of town is
a fire and the sight at night is very
Mr. Jonathan Hess, of Pine Grove
S, on account of failing health, is
quitting the mercantile business and
selling his entire stock at first cost.
It is rumored that the Pennsyl-
vania railroad company will shortly
construct a turn-table at this place
So as to do away with the running’
of the locomotives reversed from
here to Milesburg.
In all the churches in this place,
last Sunday, there were prayers for
rain. The situation is becoming des-
perate. i
Kemmerer, the Lock Haven walk. '
ist, who entered the contest for the
O’Leary belt in New York, played
out after having made a little over
200 miles. i
The big land suit of Pruner and
Burleigh vs the Houtz heirs, repre-
sented by Geo. M. Brisbin and Dr.
Good, of Osceola, and Harry J. Mec-
Ateer of Huntingdon, is on trial here
this week. The litigation is over the
ownership of the land on which Os.
ceola borough now stands. Man
prominent lawyers of the State are
engaged in the case.
Father O'Bryan, after some weeks
of absence for the purpose of recruit-
ing his health, is again at his post
of duty here. We are glad to know
that the Father's health has improv-
ed, also that he won't have to work
So hard in the future because an as. |
sistant, in the person of Father Ken-
nedy, has been assigned to aid him. '
W. F. Reeder Esq., and his wife
have moved from the Bush house to
the house next door to Geo. W.'
Jackson’s at the corner of Allegheny
and Lamb streets. :
Th waters of the “Blue Spring” on
the Shugert farm near Pleasant Gap, |
have been released at last. A chan-
nel has been dug to Logan’s Branch |
and the additional water from the
spring adds so much to the flow of
the creek that the mills and Mann’s
ax works, along its banks are able :
to run again.
Prof. Phillippi, the Bellefonte bal-.
loonist and rope walker performed
in Bedford last Wednesday a week,
and while hanging by his toes from
the rope stretched 25 feet above the’
street, his hold slipped in some way’
and he fell with frightful velocity to
the earth. No bones were broken but
he was badly hurt. !
Married—On- the 3rd of October, !
1879, by Rev. J. Zeigler, Mr. Eli
Stere to Miss Harriet J. Ingram, !
both of Union township.
On the 7th of October, 1879, by
Rev. Zeigler, Mr. J. C. Stere to Miss
Susan E. Blair, both of Union town. !
ship. 3 |
———— i
An interesting feature at the
State Sunday school convention in
Williamsport, last Friday morning, '
was the awarding of gold medals to
men and women who have served as
officers or teachers for fifty years
continuously. Among the number
to receive a medal was Mrs. Susan’
Gramley, of Greenwood park, Al-!
Mrs. Gramley began her career |
as a Sunday school worker in the
Lutheran church at Boalsburg over!
fifty years ago. At that time she:
lived near Oak Hall but went to’
church at Boalsburg. For twenty-
three years she served either as
an officer or teacher in the Boals-
burg Sunday school then moved to
Altoona. She immediately joined the |
Trinity Lutheran church there and
started in as a teacher, a work
she has continued until the present
——Now that the ‘“Afaletics” have
won the world’s series in baseball the
sports writers of the Philadelphia
While yet in his teens he came to
Centre county and for a number of
years worked as a farm laborer.
In 1924 he married Miss Mary
Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Moore and for four years
| they made their home in the Moore
family. In the spring of 1928 they
went to housekeeping on east Main
street, Pine Grove Mills. Surviving
the deceased are his wife and one
son, George, at home; also one
brother, Samuel Borest, at Storms-
town, and two sisters, Mrs. John
Hilliard, of Baileyville, and Mrs.
Thomas Wobbie, of State College.
Funeral services were held in the
Lutheran church at Pine Grove
Mills, of which he was a consistent
member, at 2 o'clock yesterday af-
ternoon, by the patsor, Rev. J. S.
English burial being made in the new
cemetery at that place.
I Hl
BEHRER.—Jacob W. Behrer, well
known retired farmer of Buffalo Run
valley, died at the Centre County
hospital, last Friday morning, as the
result of injuries sustained when he
fell from an apple tree the Saturday
previous. Mr. Behrer was a broth-
er-in-law of the late John W. Hart-
sock, of Buffalo Run, who dropped
dead as a result of a stroke of apo-
plexy on Friday evening, October
4th. It was the next morning that
Mr. Behrer was the victim of a stroke
of paralysis while picking apples, fell
from the tree and sustained injuries
which resulted in his death.
He was a son of Jacob and Mary
Augustine Behrer and was born in
Buffalo Run .valley, having been 72
years old on Wednesday of last week.
His wife died a number of years ago
and his only survivors are two sis-'
ters, Mrs. John W. Hartsock, of Buf-
falo Run, and Mrs. John Grove, of
Lemont. bie ;
Funeral services were held on Mon-
day afternoon by Rev. W. E. Smith,
of State College, burial being made
in the Pine Hall cemetery.
I! 1
CASHER.—Mrs. Elizabeth Casher,
{wife of George Casher, of Winburne,
died at the Philipsburg State hospi-
‘tal, Thursday evening of last week,
following a lingering illness with a
complication of diseases. She was
67 years old and was born in Scot-
land. When four years old she came
to this country, with her parents,
who located in Snow Shoe and it
was ' there she grew to womanhood.
Following = her marriage to Mr.
Casher they located in Winburne
and practically all her married life
was spent there.
| She was a member of the Presby-
terian church, the lodge of Rebekahs,
Pythian sisters and the Ladies of
the Golden Eagle. Her husband, one
| son, James Casher, of Clearfield, and
two brothers survive, namely: Alex
Houston, of Akron, Ohio, and Wil-
liam Houston, of Clearfield. Funeral
services was held in the Winburne
Presbyterian church, on Saturday
afternoon, by Rev. J. W. Cribby,
burial being made in the Advent
cemetery. i
LUCAS.—Edward P. Lucas died,
Thursday of last week, at the home
of his son William, near Monument,
following a prolonged illness with
asthma. ‘
He was a son of Charles and Nan-
cy Lucas and was born at Runville
over sixty years ago. His wife died
several years ago but surviving him
are two sons and two daughters, Wil-
liam D. Lucas, of Mounment; Mrs.
Joseph Greenlee, of Polk, Pa.; Miss
Verda, of Milesburg, and Wilson, of
State College. He also leaves one
brother and a sister, Frank Lucas, of
Bellefonte, and Mrs. E. R. Lucas, of
Altoona. Burial was made in the Ad-
vent cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
——Woodsmen having rejected
railroad ties, mine props, fence posts
and other woods for sale might find
papers will be lost for something to!
write about. .
a market by referring to a “Want”
The Undine Fire company received
their new quadruple pump.
‘er, on Saturday evening, and the ma.
chine is so big that it will require.
‘an expert driver to handle it on the
streets of Bellefonte. To be exact,
it is 38 feet in length from the out-
side of the front bumper to the tip
of the ladders in the rear, and is al-
most ten feet in width from the edge
3:00 ' of the preparatory department sud of the running boards on each side.
Later he
The pumper was driven here from
Allentown, where it was manufac-
tured, by a representative of the
Mack company, who took two days
to make the trip, as the big:fire
fighting apparatus was displayed in
various towns enroute. When mem-
bers of the Undine company learned
by telephone that the truck had left
Lewisburg, George Carpeneto, Bob
Kline, Harry Flack and J. M. Cun-
ningham left by auto to meet it
which they did about the
had such an appealing look that sev-
eral of the firemen got onto the wide
running board and road all the way
to Bellefonte on it.
On Monday afternoon the truck was
given a tryout on Spring creek, in
the rear of the Beatty garage, and
there is no question about it throw-
ing a powerful stream.
The purchase of the pumper was
authorized by borough council six
months ago, or to be exact, on April
15th. The cost price is $11,000, half
of which is to be paid by council and
half by the company. The acquisition
of the new pumper is supposed to
result in a lowering of the insurance
rates in Bellefonte.
In order to satisfy themselves that
the new apparatus is not too long to
be quickly handled in our streets and
alleys the Undines ran it through
them all. They experimented spe-
cially at all corners where streets are
narrow or turns are difficult from
other causes. They had no difficulty
any where. While the truck is 38
‘feet long the apparatus at State Col-
lege is exactly the same length and
firemen of that place say they have
no difficulty because of its length.
The Undines are exceedingly grate-
ful to all who helped them to pro-
cure this very modern fire fighting
Three sportsmen’s organizations—
State Centre Game, Fish and Fores-
try Association, Philipsburg Rod and
Gun club and the Philipsburg Na-
tional Rifle club—are making exten-
sive preparations for a big field day
shoot, to be held at Glass City park,
at the ganie refuge, near Philips-
burg, Thursday, Oct. 24. They hope
to make it one of the biggest shoot-
ing matches held in Centre county in
The events will include trapshoot-
ing, skeet shooting, small bore rifle
matches, running and rising bear
shooting and 200-yard hunting rifle
matches. The rifle matches will be
shot at the new range at the park.
Every sportsman and hunter in
the region is cordially invited to be
present and take part. Take your
rifle, shotgun and ammunition and
try out your skill before the hunting
season opens.
Stephen J. Derry, of Universal,
near Pittsburgh. isa Sophomore at
State College, and being one of the
thrifty kind, decided to hitch-hike it
to the institution at the opening of
college several weeks ago. He wasa
little’ late in starting but pinning a
State pennant on his back he set
forth, hoping for the best. His first
lift on the road was a short one
but his second was with a stranger
in a snappy roadster to the airport
at Altoona.
~ “Let's take a ship from here,”
casually remarked the driver of the
roadster! “I'll drop you at the Belle-
fonte airmail field.” Derry scram.
bled into the cockpit of a two-seater
and almost before he realized it he
was deposited at the Bellefonte field.
Another lift in a car to State Col-
lege and he arrived just in time to
enter his registration. x
years ago, last Saturday, Columbus
discovered America and what a sur-
prised man he would be if he could
See the country today. The banks
were the only business places ir
Bellefonte which observed the anni-
versary as a holiday, all other busi.
ness being carried along as usual.
A ———— pen em———————.
WILLIAMS.— Frank Leslie Wil-
liams, a native of Centre county,
died ‘at his home in Altoona, on Sat-
urday morning, following an illness
of some weeks with a complication
of diseases.
He was a son of Meshack and
Adaline Ingram Williams ‘and was |
born at Martha Furnace in 1883. His
early life was spent at that place but
twenty-eight years ago he went to
Altoona where he had lived ever
since. For a number of years past he
had been proprietor of the Keystone
lunch room, in Altoona. He married
Miss Ella Lytle, of Port Matilda, who
survives with a son and daughter,
Fred and Marguerite, both at home.
He also leaves three brothers and a
sister, George S. iams, of Derry;
D. C., of Norristown; J. A. and Mrs.
J. A. McLaughlin, of Altoona.
Funeral services were held at his
late home at two o'clock on Tuesday
afternoon, after which the remains
were taken to Martha Furnace for
| advertisement on page 5 of this issue. interment in the Williams cemetery.
Union county line. The big machine
——Four hundred and thirty-seven |
— 1 —
Arrested and Fined $10 Each by Following is the list of jurors
Burgess Hard P. Harris.
Coach George Herrick, of the
Johnstown High school football team,
came within an ace of being short
three players on his trip to Lock
Haven to play the High school elev-
en there, all because several mem-
'd Twp.
‘bers of his squad stole 28 postcards J's Bauserman hronie
from the display rack at Bellefonte’s VFL Ceury 3 i
Big Spring and broke open the coin I H. Sarman State College
’ y . D. Gu ;
box for the.purpose.of rifling lof £ D. Gensaliup TN Benlefonte
it’s contents. Edward Johnson .... Rush Twp.
"The cards are mostly views of the Davia Kefler Spring T¥p.
Spring and interesting locations in Eimer Lowder Sollzgs Twp.
and around Bellefonte. They are the alter Lingle Pglisze. Twp.
property $! photographer ~~ Wil- Charles Musser i] sliefonts
iam J. Sager. They are sold C F. Noll State (olege
at five cents each and tourists and Henry H. | Peter’ Le ar:
others select what they want and John Pennock, Jr. Rush Twp.
John A. Shaugh lef:
drop the money in the coin box. Wot. Whines nessy iellefonts
The Johnstown boys came to William H. Watso ....Unmion Twp.
Bellefonte on Friday afternoon and EO um JURORS FI Walter! 795.
put up at the Brockerhoff house. On ! SE ex
Saturday morning five of them Andy Barger. Penn Twp,
went out to see the spring. They al-
so saw the postcards and proceeded
to take what they wanted. Not con-
tent with stealing the cards they
broke open the coin box in the hope
.of finding some money. Frank Me-
ter caught them in the act and the
boys ran.
them, hunted chief of police Duke-
man and pointed out three of the
culprits, all he was able to identify:
Dukeman searched the three and
found the postcards on them. The
boys denied having found any money
in the box. They were taken before
burgess Hard P. Harris, where they
gave their names as Wilson Corelli,
Fred Geho and Richard Cox. They
were fined $10 each.
As they had no money coach
Herrick was hastily summoned. He
agreed to pay the fines when the
team returned to Bellefonte on Sat-
urday evening, after the game in
Lock Haven, and the players were
released. At Lock Haven they were
defeated 18 to 0, and when they re-
turned to Bellefonte coach Herrick
paid the fines.
——————— A ee ———
What! Ho! Another year has roll-
ed around and Hallow-een time is
here again, time of the year when
the young feel gay, when the old
feel young.
The “Y” will again be host to the
community in its annual Hallow-een
party. Every person is invited. It
is extended to you by the “Y”, and
it is hoped that you will use this op-
portunity to enjoy yourself in the cel-
ebration of the season’s festivities.
Meter, however. followed 'G
Those who came last year will sure-
ly remember the fun and will come
‘again. To those who were not there,
set aside the date and don’t miss
the fun. 5
Due to the large number in at-
tendence last year .it has been nec.
essary to make a slight change in
the arrangements of the party. All
boys and girls under fifteen years are
invited to the party on Wednesday |
evening, October 30th, at 7:30. Now
this is the party for the young folks
of the community and it is reasoned
that the older people wouldn't care
to intrude upon their good time. It’s
| Wednesday evening for the boys
land girls.
'at the same hour,
the party will be
' young folks, having had their fun the
previous evening, won't intrude upon
the festivities of the older folks. Just
remember the dates,
the ages for the party, put on your
costume, leave your troubles at home
and go down to the “Y” for an en-
joyable evening.
There will be prizes for costumes,
to be announced next week, enter-
tainment and games. Refreshments,
too. Also ‘Spookland. The ghosts
and the goblins have been waiting a
"whole year for the opportunity to
. greet their friends and to play their
little capers upon them. Don’t miss
; them as they are waiting at the “Y”’
to greet you on Hallow-een.
Further announcement next week.
Don’t forget the dates, Wednesday,
October 30, for the young people on-
ly; Thursday, October 31, for the
older folks. The time will be 7:30
{ and the place the “Y”.
{ In it's “Twenty Years Ago” col-
| umn, last week, the Lewisburg Jour-
;nal contained the following pertinent
Mifflinburg is to add another in-
dustry to her many factories turning
out buggies and vehicles, and will
keep step with the times by starting
the manufacturing of automobiles, G.
Willard Hall, of Bellefonte, has in-
vented an auto, and has contracted
with the Hopp carriage company for
the manufacture of the machine.
Mrs. John Weaver has been ser-
iously ill at the home of her son
Glenn. .
Mrs. Mae Wilson, of Osecola Mills,
is a guest’ at the Frank Millward
home. .
The young ladies bridge club will
be entertained at the home of Miss
Garbrick on Thursday evening.
Miss Gunborg Ericksen, Red Cross
nurse of State College, was a dinner
guest of Miss Jean Noll, on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millward, ac-
companied by Mrs. John Wilson, of
Osceola Mills, spent the week-end in
Philadelphia, where Miss Grace Mill-
ward is a nurse in training at the
graduate school, formerly called
Polyclinic hospital.
: Mrs. Nellie Peck .
On Thursday evening, October 31st, Bruce E. Runkle ...
ge. A.
in honor of the older folks, and the ! Oliver
: Jacob Sunday .
the hours and | Dale Swartz y
Willan ‘Houtz
drawn for the November term of
court. The grand jury will meet on
Wednesday, November 6th, and the
-regular session will begin on Novem-
ber 11th.
Budd Benner .
Harry Benner
Samuel C. Bower
oo , e
William Brumgart
Prank Butler ene
» A. Breon ........ te Col
Arthur G. Cummings Milos Tose
Charles W. Corl ..... Harris Twp.
Walter Cohen ...Bellefenie
Fred Craig ......
David Dorman Haines Twp.
Charles Erb ..... ...Rush T D.
dolph Fauble.......... Bellefonte
W. YX. Fleming oe cSellefonte
G. McC. Fry rguson. Twp.
J. P. Gates -.E'hilipsburg
W. BR. Grazier © TTT Tee Millheim
Williaim Garland .
Herman Griffin ..
J. G. Harpster ..
Charles Heverly
song 30 Philipsburg
alf Moon Twp.
Ferguson Twp.
...Howard Twp.
Clayton Heckman ....._...... . Bellefonte
Ellis T. Hoover .... ush 1 wp.
Spring Twp.
son Twp.
... Philipsburg
State College
we Bellefonte
-.State College
aioe .Mileshurg
Union Twp.
.Union Twp.
..State College
Spring 1 wp.
“DD, Fo atton y
D. A. McDowell ....... Spring wp,
John E. McWilliams Pel guson Twp.
Roy Oyler Granny ...Marion Twp.
J. F. Rossman Ferguson Twp.
Lee Rhoads .... ring Twp.
Lio d £ Shuey as 3 se College
s'7, very atton Twp.
W. H. Swartz Penn Twp.
E. M. Smith .... Centre Hall
Malcolm Schenck ..........ooooeeeoonnonn. Howard
Ey Uhl cuUanio i Twp.
Robert Adwin Tussey . s Twp.
Harry R. Wolfe Gregg Twp.
ec. eaver les Twp.
J. M., Ward ..... ..Bellefonte
Claude J. Witmer . Potter Twp.
J. A. Yearick .... Walker Twp.
Edward C. Zerby ... ..Gregg Twp.
Edward Zimmerman ............... Bellefonte
William Batchelor ..................... Philipsburg
lon Beck ...... oon Twp.
Daniel B, Bloom ..... otter Twp.
John Callahan .. Philipsburg
W. E. Cole .... tate College
William H. Coder ...Liberty Twp.
James I. DeHass .................... Liberty Twp.
Milson . Davis .... ....Snow Shoe ‘Tap.
Qeorze GQ. Fink ..... .... °°" Philipsburg
Lewis Fetzer .... ..Benner Twp
Elizabeth Goodyear w Shoe Twp
Daniel -Gates ......... Howard -T'
. F. Heaton .......
John H. Knarr ..
Charles Kustaborder
P. Ganlin Kragle .
George Kellock .......
Charles E. Korman ... Worth ,T1\==,
Tussie Kelley th Philipsburg
Kitchen State College
HON. ‘Koch ........ State College
W. A. Loding 0... 00] Philipsourg
Ellery Lucas ...... Shoe Twp.
Harry Lutz ....... Soring T
Sir O. Musser ....o..onho TN Millheim
William Minnig ... Miles Twp.
Ralph Miller ...... Boggs Tw
Gilbert D. Nola tate College
Lott Neff .... Boggs Twp
B. F. Peters
George Rogers ...
Charles E. Rockey
. G. Rote
Walker Twp.
William Stover ..... .Miles Twp.
James W. Swabb Harris
Elmer Sager .......... Spring Twp.
Ralph T, Smith. .............ccc....l. Bellefonte
Charles Swartz berty Twp.
pring "Lwp.
.Snow Shoe Twp.
W. M. Tarman
Edmund Waring ... ...Half Moon Twp.
Philip Wilenzik .....Philipsburg
J. R. Waite .... Curtin .
C. H. Weaver...... ..Snow Shoe
John H. Winklebleck Penn 7
Anna P. Wilkinson... ....Bellefonte
W. E. Williams Port Matilda
William W. W. Haines Twp.
W. B. Wedver ...............5 Millheim
J. B. White ...... tate College
William J. White ...Union Twp.
H. P. Woodring ..... Worth Twp.
fers sseor orion State College
James P. Waddle
Mrs. U. S. Bender, of State Col-
lege, spent Wednesday in town.
Mrs. A. J. Hazel spent part of last
week with friends in Madisonburg.
Messrs. Hurst and Haskins, of Al-
toona, transacted business in town
last ‘week.
Jacob Felty and grand-daughter,
and John Hess, of Altoona, were in
town Sunday.
The pupils are enjoying the week’s
vacation while the teachers are at-
tending institute.
Edward Weber, mother and sister,
of Huntingdon, were callers in town
on Saturday evneing.
Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart and
daughter Martha, of Crafton, were
week-end guests of Mrs. E. E. Stuart.
C. U. Corl is having his residence,
on west School street, beautified by a
coat of paint. John Jacobs is do-
ing the painting.
Dr. W. W. Woods and Oharles
Faxon are on a trip to Philadelpia
and New York, traveling in the doc-
tor's car with Mr. Faxon driving.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer visited
their daughter, Mrs. Lee Brooks, at
Spring Mills, and also enjoyed the
G. T. V. S. activities on Friday.
Preparatory services will be held
in the Lutheran church on Saturday
evening, October 19th, at 7:30. Com-
munion services on Sunday at 10:30.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Meyer, ac-
companied by Miss Anna and S. E.
Weber, enjoyed a motor trip to
Philipsburg, Osceola, Clearfield and
Snow Shoe last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacIntyre and
four daughters, of New York, enjoy-
ed a visit with friends in this vicin-
ity and at Mrs. macIntyre’'s parental
home. The MaclIntyres recently pur-
chased a farm near Rebersburg,
where they expect to locate in the
. | ember 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shirey and
son, of Williamsport, were Sunday
Yisitors at the home of Mrs. Arista
The baked ham supper served by
the members of the Stover cemetery
association was well patronized, and
they cleared about ninety dollars.
Quite a number of people from
here attended the missionary lecture
in the M. E. church, at Milesburg,
on Sunday evening, and report a
very interesting discourse.
Miss Leta Bissett, who has been in
Clearfield, employed in professional
nursing, under Dr. Waterworth, is
home on a ten days visit with her
mother, Mrs. Jesse Hall.
After several months absence
Miss Mary Reynolds, of State Col.
lege, returned to her class in home
economics. Miss Lovelas came with
her and assisted in the work and in
a short time expects to take charge.
The Dorcas class of the M. E. Sun-
day school will hold a Hallow-een
social in the Community house Sat-
urday evening, October 19th. Admis-
sion, 25 cents, if masked. Ten cents
more if not masked. Refreshments
will be served.
Monday evening the Junior League
was entertained at the home of Mrs.
Askins, by Mrs. D. Buck, the super-
intendent, assisted by Mrs. Askins,
Miss McClellan, Miss Bauder, Miss
Brugger. They wore Halow-een cos.
tumes and spent a very pleasant ev-
One evening last week, as Mrs.
William Eminhizer was walkidg
across her kitchen, her feet sudden.
ly slipped and she fell to the floor,
injuring her spine. A doctor was
called who found her condition very
serious. At last reports she was im-
Rev. McKendrick, who has spent
nineteen years as a missionary in
Africa, gave a very interesting ac-
count of his work and experience
among the Africans, on Sunday
evening, in the Presyterian church.
He expects to return to that coun-
ty in the near future.
No school this week, as the
teacher’s are attending institute in
Bellefonte. ’
Mrs. Edward Gardner and grand-
daughter Pauline are visiting in Wil.
liamsport this week.
J. B. Pletcher, who has been
home ill for the past three weeks,
is able to be out and is steadily im-
Mr. and Mrs. Neff, Balser Weber,
Gilbert Neff and Charles DeHass
accompanied the football team to
Snow Shoe.
The Win One class of the Reform.
ed Sunday school held their regular
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. Gass, last Thursday evening.
Guns are being cleaned and oiled
and hunting equipment is being
overhauled preparatory to the small
game season which will open Nov-
| None of own . baseball fans were
able to get tickets to see the world
series games, but the majority of
them were pleased that the Athletics
won the crown.
Edwin Robb was at home for a
few hours, Sunday. He saw the W
and J.—Bucknell game, Saturday,
and left Sunday evening for New
Castle to go to work.
Several Howard football players
and fans motored to Lewisburg,
Saturday, to see the Bucknell and
W. J. battle. Others took in the
Johnstown-Lock Haven game at
PD: | Lock Haven.
The Howard football team motor-
ed to Snow Shoe, Friday, and kept
up their steam roller tactics, crush-
ing Snow Shoe High under a 48 to
0 score. On Saturday they will
play Avis High at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McSherry and
children, Mrs. Monroe and sons, Al-
fred and Harold, of Dunnstown, and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fenstemaker and
son, of Lockport, were Sunday visi-
tors at the home of John Helby.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tice, Mrs.
Etta Painter and Mr. Kenneth Lantz,
all of Altoona, and Mrs. Sue
Knisely, of Mexico, Pa., were Sun.
day visitors in Howard, calling at
the homes. of C. M. Tice and Geo.
C. Painter.
Last Thursday was fair day at
our High school. The exhibits were
wonderful, especially the farm and
garden produce. At 3:30 Pp. m. the
crowd was entertained with a vol-
ley ball game between Howard High
school girls and Centre Hall girls,
Howard winning in three straight
games by the scores of 15-9, 15.7
and 15-1.
Henry 8S. Elder, of Pine Grove
Mills, and Kathryn B. Ralston, of
State College.
Howard Holzworth Rowland and
Frances S. Emery, both of Philips-
William C. Luse and Mary E. Zer-
by, both of Centre Hall.
Brader A. Page, of Mill Hall, and
Julia A. Jackson, of Lemont.
—————— es eeen—
Don’t forget Junior Endeavor for
the little folks Saturday at 3 p. m.
This is one of the most effective or-
ganizations of the whole church.
Remember the Sunday school at
9:30 Sunday. Sermon at 10:30 by
the pastor. Intermediate and Senior
Endeavor at 6:30 in their respective
meeting places. Public worship at
7:30, with sermon by Mrs. Snyder.
This month will be a good time
to get the habit of going to church
as the month of November will be
“Church Going Month,” when there
will be registration of all the mem-
bers each Sunday, and annual roll
call the last Sunday, Nov. 24th.
How many times can you be mark-
ed prsent?
Watch the papers for announce-
ments for October 27th, rally day.
Consider yourself invited to attend
these very helpful and spiritual
Rev. W. M. Snyder, Pastor