Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 04, 1929, Image 6

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    (© by D. J. Walsh.)
UR-THIRTY o'clock on a smoth-
, I={ ering summer afternoon in a
downtown office five floors up, so
darkened by the tall building
across the narrow alley that electric
lights must burn ali day long. Most
office working girls know. that dead
alive feeling when they are tired out
and it seems too late to begin some
mew task, yet there is a whole half
four before release.
But fifteen minutes later—how dif-
ferent! A sudden wake-up, closing of
‘desks, busy mirrors and powder puffs
and squirming about to look for new
runs in their chiffon stockings. Cheer
ful exchanges of “What you goin’ te
do tonight?”
Voices in the adjoining room and
the pleasant fragrance of a cigar pro-
claimed the return of Mr. Fred Argyle,
the debonair son of the wholesale
Jeweler at the head of this firm. Bess,
the dressy typist, hummed the latest
dance hit as she quickly sorted and
<lipped together her many papers. The
clerk, Lillian, eyed her critically from
the top of the sleek brown bob to the
shapely pumps, then announced, “I see
Bess has another heavy date with our
TFreddy tonight. All dolled up. You're
a fast worker, Kid.” With sly under-
“Guess again,” tossed Bess, slipping
the cover over her typewriter which,
each evening, she removed to a small
desk by the window, leaving her table
clear fo; other work next morning.
Now she lifted the heavy machine
and, with a deft swinging motion,
made he exchange.
“Look here, my young lady!” Frea
Argyle had stepped in and his tones
were cross. “Some fine day that thing
will slip from your fingers and go
right out rhat open window. Kindly
‘practice your juggler's art somewhere
else!” “How should I know it's a
window? It lets in neither air nor
light!” Bess knew the other girls were
snickering into their discreet “van-
‘ities,” but she soon bade them good
night as though nothing had occurred.
She walked the two miles home to
avoid the jammed cars and to enjoy
any possible breeze on the way
through the park. But the more she
recalled that episode the hotter she
grew. “Juggler’s art!” And she had
not even been aware how she did han-
‘dle the 'vpewriter; anyway that came
‘1nost easily, She had observed that
Fred had never yet offered to lift it
for her. He was too lazy to even reach
across his own desk for the extension
.phone—some one must always run an
shove it over to him! At his present
rate, by the time he reached thirty his
physical profile would resemble that
sunfish she had seen at Field museuin.
- A week and more passed with no
further mention of the matter. She felt
that Lillian was trying to hide a little
triumph—or trying to display it. Young
{Argyle was off on one of his frequent
‘trips for the company. Bess refused to
‘acknowledge to herself that she had
«developed a slight uneasiness and so
‘randled the machine with more care
—strictly on the sly and taking great
pains that no one should notice it.
Then on Saturday, near quitting
.¢ime, the stenographer stepped in from
‘the outer office with a letter she in-
itended to type herself, but, instead of
her usual last-minute haste she de-
iiberately placed her ear against the
edge of the closed door and raised
a hand for silence. >
Wondering, the other girls watchea
until she tiptoed to them, whisper-
ing, “Fred is back, but something's
wrong: They're searching frantically
through the safe.” Then she stole
back to hear more. Lillian followed.
Bess made a move to join them—
ieard steps—and hastily picked up
‘her already covered typewriter in-
Fred opened the door so suddenly
he neavly upset the two girls there,
but he seemed too agitated to observe
them. “Did any of you see—” he be-
gan. A scream from Bess, a grating
isound, her body perilously out the
‘window—Fred there, his arm clutching
her back. Then his angry “Didn't I
warn you that would happen!”
7 Well, it had. The culprit crumpled
down on a chair, too dazed to utter
-a word, unconscious of the chattering
~all about her, of the girls’ earnest
‘efforts to excuse and comfort her.
"Then vaguely aware of a short, testy
argument between Argyle senior and
“Junior about police efficiency. Next
Fred at the telephone with orders to
vhave something radio broadcast imme-
«diately—great stress on the big cash
weward offered to aid in the return of
something. Rising from the phone,
wYou'll find, dad, that cash offer will
bring quicker results than any police
detectives could.”
What did all that matter to her?
But the typewriter, a new one they
had bought recently at her own re-
quest; they had permitted her to
choose it; its price would come out
of her salary, of course, even if they
did not fire her. But remorse ang
chagrin cut her far worse than did °
that prospect.
"Meanwhile Lillian, at the window,
nad reported that no one was hurt.
“ee, but the crowd! Blocks the alley
at both ends! There's a rusty little
Ford, though, that sure got its nose
proken—typewriter landed square om
its engine. People trying to pick up
the scattered keys. A cop's having
a hot splel with the man in the lzdy.”
Then presently, “For the love o'cry-
ing out loud! What's that cop arrest-
ing the man for! Ain't he had trouble
enough with his car all busted I” And
Lillian jammed on her hat and ran ouf
to get particulars at closer range.
Slowly Bess roused herself to go
also. She had to wait. for the elevator |
and when it came up out stepped an
officer leading a defiantly cursing
young man whom he ushered directly
into the jewelry office, closing the
door in Bess’ face as she would huvr
followed him.
Instinctively she remained there
and, amid a buzz of voices, presently
heard the officer saying, “Yes, I had
heard your broadeast not two: minutes |
before. Now, this bird didn’t seem
near as mad about the accident as he |
was anxious to get away—that made
me suspicious, So I searched him and
—here're your gems.”
Not wanting them to find her hang=
ing around, Bess hurried off. Her head ;
was aching now and she longed to get
away, anywhere; so, on an extrava-
gant impulse, she hailed a taxi
“Where to, miss?” “Oh, Greenvale
cemetery. Peaceful there and no
crowds.” After dismissing the cab Bess
strolled a long time amid the quiet
beauty, where both her parents lay. |
Gradually it dawned on her that her:
careless accident had been the direct
cause of the recovery of the firm's
stolen jewelry, and she even began to |
see the ridiculous angle of the affair, |
Bess really dreaded to give up her
position there, sn prudence and pride
seesawed a long time before she de-|
cided what course to pursue. Then
she hurried back to town and to the
savings bank, where her very modest |
account reposed, and withdrew an
amount covering the cost of the type-
writer. This she inclosed with an ex-
tremely dignified letter stating her re-
gret and her resignation; registered it |
and went home, knowing it would
reach Mr. Argyle early Monday morn-
ing. Pride had conquered.
Already, the late afternoon papers’
were featuring the “Amazing Jewelry
Theft and Recovery!” Beside the por-
trait of the thief was her own, smil- |
ing at her mockingly. Bess went home
in a sort of miserable trance and took
her headache early to bed.
She moped down to breakfast Sum
day morning, not feeling much bet-
ter. There by her plate was an ex-
quisite bouquet of roses—also a spe-
cial delivery letter. With her expect-
ant family watching, she eagerly tore
this open, disclosing the firm's check
for the sum they had offered in their
broadcast. Also a happy-looking
scrowl! : “Dear Bess, you've got to for-
give my ugly grouch. We always
knew you could handle a typewriter!
Please do stay in tonight. I want to
tell you so. FRED.”
Treasure Island Ever
Real to Youthful Mind
Two rough men they were, and as
the boy looked upon them one of them
appeared to be an old chap with a
peg leg and a patch over one eye and
a wicked gleam in the other. They
came up from the lake shore to the
vacant house where the boy was at
work tending the lawn, and when he
ran from them they gave chase until
he hid in a patch of vines, After.
ward when he had told his story, po-
licemen and grownups came to search |
the nearby territory and to question
the wide-eyed lad, until some scoffer
suggested that possibly he had seen
Long John Silver, whereat they
laughed and went their way.
He spoke more truthfully than he
«new, did the one who asked about
Long John, for certain it is that the
boy had seen the wily old pirate him-
self. Another might only have ob-
served a couple of ordinary individ-
uals bent on ordinary business, but
not this young watcher. The lawn
where he stood was Treasure island
and the house behind him was the
blockhouse. The brush about him was
pecpled with rascals who carried long
cutlasses and flintlock pistols, and as
sure as you're born it was Old John
himself who came tapping up the
gravel way from the shore.
For Treasure island is not an un-
charted patch of green on some ocean,
as kindly R. L. S. would be the first
to say were he here. It is a quite
real spot in the heart of youth, which
is the abiding place of strong deeds
and stronger men, put there by one
who carried some of boyhood’s fancies
over the borderland of manhood. So
a common patch may be a Montana
trail with Sitting Bull skulking be-
hind an elm tree.
The searchers will not find Long
John, Not unless the boy lends them
his eyes, and that he cannot do—for
which they should not scoff but be
sorry.—Seattle Times.
Landslide on a Town
Any one who has ever visited Que-
bec cannot help recalling that a cliff
separates the upper and lower towns.
Houses of the lower town extend up
to the cliff base, while on the cliff
crest rest the fortifications. In 1800
a mass of rock slipped from the cliff
face beneath the citadel and crashed
over the houses beneath it. The re-
sult was very disastrous, for at that
time the greater and most important
part of the town was situated under
the frowning cliff. Many persons
were killed.
Started Baldheaded
A customer in the barber chair
thought to nip in the bud any sales
talk on dandruff cure, new hair tonic
or shampoo when the barber started
in with the remark:
“Your hair is getting thin, isn’t it?
“No; the fact is, I've more hair
pow than I had twenty-five years ago.”
“Why you don’t look to be a day
over twenty-five now,” was the reply.
“Well, the truth is, I was twenty
five years old last week.”
Ant-Killer Uses Pincers
for Grinding Its Victims
Ameng the myriad forms of animal
fife are to be found many that tax the
credibility, One is a creature only
about three inches long which bears a
superficial resemblance to the spider
and also to both the scorpion and the
vinegerone. Frequently it is mistaken
for one of these, but its correct pseu-
donym is ant-killer, a name the impli-
cations of which are fully borne ont
by its behavior toward these little in-
sects. Its reason, writes C. T. Reel
in . Nature Magazine, for killing the
ants, and nearly all the other small
animals, chiefly arthropodans, is not
pure love of destruction.
After killing the insects it thorough-
ly grinds the bodies in its powerful
and needle-like chelae, which project
forward in front of the small head.
Then through a toothless mouth,
searcely bigger than a small pinhead,
it sucks the juices from the bodies of
the victims.
The ant-killer is dreaded by the
Mexicans as an enemy more venomous
than the rattlesnake. As a matter of
fact, it has no venom and is harmless,
excej® for the rather painful wound
that it might inflict with its sharp.
strong, formic acid-covered pincers.
These large spider-like animals are
widely distributed throughout arid
tropical and semitropical regions,
Man’s Critical Faculty
Potent Factor in Love
Man, as a rule, can be attracted by
almost any pretty and relatively at-
tractive woman. He can be stirred by
any girl who fis superficially charm-
ing, as most girls are today. But the
test comes when that original attrac-
tion progresses to the place where it
meets his critical faculty or instinct
of self-protection. Then he says to
himself. “Is this worth while?”
Men may be charmed but they are
never won at first sight. \When they
become critical they almost invariably
experience a sense of panic—that
panic to which almost all of them will
admit they have fallen prey during
the process of falling in love. Then,
if they are to be really won, they
must find in the girl things which
reassure them and convince them
that it is worth while.
The next step, therefore, depends
entirely upon the girl. It is at this
critical moment that she either wins
or loses the game, almost entirely
according to what she then offers.—
Adela Rogers St. Johns in Smart Set
Who Built Temple Bar?
It is just upon 50 years ago that the
last slopes of old Temple bar were tak-
en away from their site, although de
molition had begun 18 months before!
The stones were numbered and stored
fn Farringdon road for eight years,
when the space they took up being
wanted, the city corporation gave
them to Sir Henry Meux, who
spent 3everal thousand pounds in re:
moving them and re-erecting the gate
in his own grounds near Waltham
Cross. How many people, asks *“Look-
er-on” in the London Daily Chronicle,
could say who built Temple bar? It
was erected by Wren in 1670, and
stood at the City “Bar” for over 200
years. :
Lightgand Darkness
A man who looks toward the light
sees no shadow; a man who walks
toward the light leaves darkness be:
hind him, People get in darkness by
turning away from the light. They
hide in obscure corners; they bury
themselves in nooks, where the sua
of righteousness cannot reach them;
they close their blinds and shutters,
and wonder that they have no light.
A house may be dark, but it is not be.
cause the Light of the World does not
shed beams abroad.—Armory.
Varieties of Wheat
To most consumers, wheat is wheat,
and general information stops at this
point. Wheat, however, seems to be
an extensive family, among the mem:
bers of which are the following vari
eties: Turkey, Marquis, Fultz, Med!
terranean, Poole, Preston, Hayne4
Bluestem, Red May, Red Wave, Kan:
red, Blackhull, Trumbull, Kubanka
and Harvest Queen.
Incidentally, in the five-year periow
from 1919 to 1924, wheat acreage in
the United States dropped off from
78,000,000 acres to less than 51,000,000,
Aviators’ Dangers
The evenness of air while flying
varies with the temperature. If the
alr is warm, or what is called thin
air, it is difficult to gain altitude. In
cold or dense air it is easy to gain
altitude. The air over cities is warm
er than over the surrounding country,
It is when a flyer approaches warme:
air that the plane has a tendency ty
lose altitude. In some places a change
from cold to warm air is very abrupt,
That is known as an air pocket, 01
bumpy air.
School-Purpose Lands
The Continental congress, in fits
land ordinance of May, 1785, dedicated
from the public lands which lay wes(
of the Thirteen Colonies lot No. 14
of every township to “the mainte
nance of public schools within the
gald township.” The policy of giving
public lands for education has been
continued and lands and scrip have
been granted to a total of 117,244,51¢
acres, an area nearly equivalent
that of the German republic.
Find Potent Substances in Chi-
nese Product.
Baltimore.—The dried venom of
Chinese toads: has been found to be
q virtual pharmacoporia.
Four potent substances have been
isolated successfully by Dr. K. K.
Chen, with the co-operation of Dr.
Hans Jensen of Johns Hopkins medi-
cal school, °
One is ergosterol, which cures
rickets in rats in exactly the same
manner as cod liver oil does. It oc-
curs together with cholesterol, a white,
fatty, crystalline alcohol which fis
tasteless and odorless.
Another is adrenalin, identical with
that obtained from the suprarenal
gland of animals, which has been
used widely in medicine. The supra-
renal gland, located near the anterior
end of each kidney, secretes a sub-
stance which has important effects on
the circulatory and muscular systems.
The other two principles have an
action similar to that of digitalis,
which has been employed in the treat-
ment of heart disease. Digitalis is ap
important drug from the leaves of
the purple foxglove.
The venom, processed into drieu
been used in the Orient because of
its medicinal properties. Taken in-
ternally as a pill it Is said to be able
to break colds, while externally it has
been used in the treatment of tooth-
ache and local inflammatory condi-
Experiments have been conductea
with animals but it is hoped, accord-
ing to Doctor Chen, that further study
in man will show the newly isolated
substances to be useful therapeuti-
Mystery shrouds the production on
the cakes, which are rich with sub-
stances identical with animal prod-
ucts on the one hand and resembling
plant products on the other, and are
at once either a virulent poison or a
powerful and beneficial medicine.
Attempts are heing' made to securs
specimens of the toad for a detailed
morphological study, to ascertain
which species produce the venom. The
method of securing the secretions and
drying them up into cakes also is the
subject of inquiry.
Part of Tree 60,000,000
Years Old Found in U. S.
Trenton, N. J.—Examination of a
piece of American chestnut tree found
by a well driller at Bradevelt, Mon-
mouth county, several feet below the
surface, showed evidence that the
chestnut tree grew in New Jersey 60,-
000,000 years ago, the state depart-
ment of conservation and development
announced recently.
Meredith T. Johnson, assistant state
geologist, identified the piece as of
the late Cretoceous age, a geologic
period which js said to have ended
60,000,000 years ago. Unlike most fos-
sil wood found in these formations,
the piece was said to be well preserved
and its texture fiber plainly visible.
Prof. 8S. J. Record of the Yale fores-
try school agreed with Johnson. The
piece was placed In the State museum.
The wood was found in the forma-
don known to geologists as English-
town sand.
House of Seven Gables
Turned Into Hostelry
Salem, Mass.—Memories of other
days, when colonial gentlewomen and
men gathered at the House of Seven
Gables in Salem for a few hours of
refreshment and entertainment, have
been revived by announcement that
the historical building has followed
the trend of the times and is accom-
modating overnight guests with board
and rooms. “Reasonable prices” are
charged for these accommodations,
which are in the old Hathaway house,
built in 1682, and in the adjoining cot-
tages, which have been renovated for
the convenience of out-of-town visi-
tors and others who desire to enjoy
a colonial atmosphere,
.China to Make Memorial
of Beautiful Koo Home
Peiping.—Although Dr. Wellington
Koo, former premier of China, is liv-
ing in exile abroad, his beautiful home
in Peiping is to be turned into a memo-
rial to the late Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The
action has been taken without con-
sulting Doctor Koo, as it is felt his
a rebel, because he worked for the
Chang Tso-lin government,
Cow Removes Tonsils
of Boy in Pasture
Berlin, Conn.—Bernard Mazu-
rek, four, of Treasure Fields,
Kensington, needed to have his
tonsils removed, but he or his
parents had been putting off the
dread day. Now he is rid of the
bothersome tonsils, thanks to the
unsolicited assistance of a cow.
The boy was attempting to
hook a piece of paper on the
horn of a grazing cow when the
animal lifted its horns and poked
him in the mouth. The boy was
taken to the office of Dr. A. J.
Guodwin, where it was found
that the poke had caused the re
moval of one tonsil and Doctor
Govdwin finished the Pb. The
patient is at home, as well as
could be expected.
cakes by Chinese druggists, long has fe
property can be confiscated as that of |
CT ———— ——_ tS ——.
| Registered Architect,
fe] is = Prescription for
Colds, - Grippe, - Flu, - Dengue,
Bilious Fever and Malaria.
It is the most speedy remedy known.
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
1336 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
Fine Job Printing
at the
There is ne style of work, from the
cheapest “Dedger” to the finest
that we can net de in the mest sad-
Isfactery manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of werk.
Call en or communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1918.
It makes insurance ‘compulsory.
We specialize in Placa such in-
surance. We ins lants and
recommend Acci iss Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce Insur-
ance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your Insur-
| State College Bellefonte
Used Electric Ranges
We have traded in, for new Gas
Ranges, a number of electric
ranges, many in good condi-
tion. These are for sale to
those in the outlying districts,
not reached by gas. Many of
these ranges originally sold for
$220 to $275.
Your Choice at $60.00 Each.
Central Penna. Gas Co.
ceed week of
good light
.. for the
.. costs as
little as
a powder
1879 — Lights Golden Jubilee —191
Free sik HOSE Free
Mendel’'s Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
men, guaranteed to wear six
months without runners in leg or
holes in heels or toe. A mew
FREE if they fail. Price $1.00.
A as tm
Y.. nearest neighbors
may be miles away, but
they’re always within
~ talking distance . . .
mn pgm a
Baney’s Shoe Store
WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor
30 years in the Business
| Fine
Prime in flavor, freshness and
nutritive value are our fine
meats. That's why particular
housewives who take pride in
their culinary efforts patronize
us in ever-increasing numbers.
Its why you, too, will be sure to
satisfy your family’s meat re-
quirements when you shop and
Telephone 667
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market