Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 04, 1929, Image 5

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4 am—
William Weston Jr., negro, of
iladelphia county, was electrocut-
at Rockview penitentiary, on
)nday morning, the first man since
pe 24h. Only one contact was re-
ired to cause death and four min-
»s after the current was applied
aston was pronounced dead by Dr.
, L. McLaughlin, prison physician
10 succeeded Dr. C. J. Newcomb.
e doomed man was accompanied
the chair by the prison chapain,
v. P. N. Osborne, and made no
\tement. His body was unclaimed
d was buried in the penitentiary
Weston was a World war veteran,
ving served in the navy at New
ndon, Conn. There he met Mrs.
Jen Coles, negress, with whom he
came enamored. A friendship de-
loped which continued until De.
mber 20th, 1928, when they quar-
ed. Mrs. Coles hit Weston on the
e with a laundry iron and he killed
r with an axe. His case was car-
‘announces hat he has arranged with
U. S. Civil Service Commission to
hold a preliminary competitive exam-
ination on October 26, 1929, for the
selection of one cadet for admission
to the U. S. Military Academy July
1, 1930.
Owing to the large number of ap-
plicants Congressman Chase has de-
cided that this is the fairest plan,
giving every candidate an equal
chance. Those receiving the highest
grades, as certified to Congressman
Chase by the Civil Service Commis-
sion, will be designated by him to
take final examinations to be held by
the War Department next March.
Candidates must be of good moral
character, residents of the 23rd
Pennsylvania Congressional district,
physically sound, and not under 17
nor over 22 years of age on July 1,
1930; and not less than 5 feet, 4
inches in height.
The examination may be taken on
d to the Supreme court and the above date at 9 a. m., at any of the
ard of pardons but both bodies re- | following post offices: Clearfield,
sed to interveme. Weston was 30 Bellefonte or Bradford. As the Com-
ars old and leaves a wife and three mission must be notified promptly as
ildren. He was the 11th man elec- | to the number of prospective appli-
jeuted at Rockview this year and | cants it is requested that all candi-
a 199th since the death house was ' dates notify Congressman Chase, at
an early date, when they will be giv-
Harvey Feathers, 17-year-old youth | 2 further information.
Bedford county, was also schedul- Please be sure to state where you
to go to the chair, on Monday desire to take the examination, also
give date of your birth. Address, J.
yrning, for the murder of Huston
Croyle, but was granted a respite Mitchell Chase, M. C., House of Rep-
cause the board of pardons con- resentatives, Washington, D. C.
ued the hearing in his case to the
‘tober meeting.
—We do your job work right.
twin calves.
| The Largest and Best Assorfr
of Used Cars Ever Offered for Sale
in This Vicinity =
Here are just a few of the Real Bar-
gains. = Come in, Day or Night.
Special, Easy Terms, 5% Disc.
$ 85.00
800.00 UL
“250.00 “Uc
- 1927
Many Others to Select From
Trade Your Old Car In
Ford Coupe, all good tires and battery
Maxwell Coach, all good tires
Ford Coupe .
Chevrolet Touring -
Chrysler Coupe - er —
Chrysler Coach Gam - nn
Overland Sedan, 6 cyl’ Balloon Tires -
Pontiac Coupe
Chevrolet Coupe -
Chevrolet Touring, almost like new
Chevrolet Coach =
Chevrolet Sedan, run less than 8000 miles
Dodge Roadster, balloon tires
Chevrolet 11, Ton Truck, express body -
Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel Body - .
Ford Coupe - - -
$25.00 Deposit
will get Your Choice
of Any Used Car
12 Mos. to Pay
A Dealer selling
the most desirable New
Cars is sure to have the
most desirable Used Cars
We Allow You
for your old car
Corner SPRING and HIGH Srteets
Bellefonte, Pa.
Phone 405
Open Night and Day
Decker Gheviolel Company
: Congressman J. Mitchell Chase:
BH lr r——rermreremmmaeteet eee EE ES ey En
"Hamill Gobeen . made a business
trip to the Mountain city, on Mon-
Mrs. Ethel Swartz is a typhoid
fever patient in the Lock Haven
‘ Samuel E. Fleming has improved
to that extent that he is able to
walk out.
W. B. Fry and family were Sun-
day visitors at the John Barto home,
at Guyer.
Mrs. Bertha Ulrich, of Ocean
Grove, visited relatives in the val-
ley last week.
Farmer Ernest Trostle, of Fair-
brook, has been on the sick list for
‘several weeks.
Mrs. Elizabeth Deters, of Grays-
ville was a guest, last week, of Miss
Mary McCracken.
Lloyd and Jared Ripka, of Pleas-
ant Gap, spent Sunday at the Os-
car Struble home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lytle spent
last week visiting the Gilbert Watts
family, at Bellwood.
Mrs. Robert Brennan had as
guests over the week-end Mrs. Kyle
Alexander and children.
Pennsyvalley lodge, No. 276, I. O.
O. F. will install its recently elected
officers tomorrow evening.
W. F. Thompson and wife motored
to Lemont, on Sunday, to visit Mrs.
Thompson's mother, Mrs. Mokle.
Fred B. Goss, wife and son Sid-
ney, of Pittsburgh, are visiting
Mrs. Cyrus Goss, on Main street.
Eugene Irwin and Mack Fry took
a load of livestock to Altoona,
Tuesday, to go on the butcher's
Road supervisor C. M. Powley has
completed a mile of new road from
Baileyville to the Gordon E. Harper
Elwood Harpster, of Altoona,
spent the week-end and Sunday with
relatives at Rock Springs and Bai-
A little daughter, No. 9, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sunday,
in the Centre County hospital on
Judge M. Ward Fleming will be
the speaker in the Reformed church,
at Pine Hall, at 10 o'clock on Sun-
day morning.
Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson, of
Bellefonte, was a visitor at the
Hon. John T. McCormick home, at
State College last week.
The fifteenth annual Chautauqua
was well attended and a sufficient
number of guarantors were received
| to assure its return next year.
Miss Alberta Marshall, a trained
nurse of Philadelphia, is a guest of
Miss Sallie Barr while visiting her
relatives and friends hereabouts.
Samuel Hess Tate, who recently
underwent an operation at Dr.
Black's hospital, Lewistown, is get-
: ting along as well as can be expect-
Last Friday morning J. F. Mus-
ser, on the Branch, found his dairy
herd increased by the addition of
the third set “he haa
counted this fall.
Russell Koch moved from the
' Charles Smith apartment, on Satur-
‘day, to the W. E. Johnson place
‘near town. Mr. Koch is assistant in
‘Squire Auman’s flour mill.
George Woods, of Wilmerding, en-
l ' route to Atlantic City, spent Sunday
with his father, Dr. George H.
| Woods, and found him very much
improved from his recent illness.
| Lester Baumgardner, who was
| confined to his home last week with
an attack of the grip, was able to
go to work, on Monday, as a driver
ion the bus route from State College
to Tyrone.
| Will Hemphill and wife, accompa-
nied by Mrs. T. A. Mallory and Mrs.
Low, motored down from Altoona,
last Thursday, and were supper
guests at the J. F. Kimport home,
near Boalsburg.
The Kline and Stuck families at-
tended the bean soup gathering,
|neld at McClure, last Friday and
| Saturday. It took forty large ket-
tles of soup to feed the crowd dur-
ing the two days.
| Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little, of Ty-
' rone, visited the A. F. Fry home, at
i Fairbrook, on Sunday. Allen Bur-
(well and wife, also of Tyrone, were
| Sunday visitors at the Burwell fam.
(ily home, on the Branch.
| A large crowd attended the pub-
lic sale of the property of the late
5. Lydia Sunday, on Saturday. Her per-
. sonal effects brought $288 and the
house and three acres of ground went |.
to George Barto for $610.
‘| Misses Madeline Homan and Ruth
Frank will represent the Baileyville
Sunday school at the State conven-
tion which will convene in Williams-
port on October 9th. During their
' stay in the Lumber city they will be
: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bloom.
| Ida, two -year old daughter of
: Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Collins, of Bai-
.leyville, died at the Clearfield hospi-
tal last Thursday, as the result of
| complications. The child had been
ailing since birth. In addition to the
parents two brothers and two sisters
. survive. Burial was made at Houtz-
dale on Saturday morning.
W. H. Glenn, an employee of the
| State Highway Department, went
down to Woodward, on Monday
i morning, to assist in highway con-
| struction from the Union county
| line through the Narrows to Hairy
| John’s park. While he is away
| Robert Bloom will be in charge of
the highway east of town and L.D.
{ Musser west to the Huntingdon
| county line.
| Marriage Licenses.
Harry F. Duck, of Spring Mills,
‘and Carrie M. Showers,
{ Hall.
! Glenn L. Fye and Freda
: Schmoke, both of Moshannon.
| Harry Albert Kerns and Bertha
D. Wance, both of Spring Mills.
John Harold Durst and Vianna
of Centre
Blanche Zettle, both of Centre Hall | ambitious to better yourself and willin
Miles B. Resides, of Fleming, and
| Margaret E. Bstright, of Wingate. | office, Bellefonte, Pa.
A ——
‘Merrill Harper and lady friend |
were over Sunday visitors with his.
mother, Mrs. Jane Harper.
Mrs. Clara Eckenroth is visiting
her son Charles, and her niece, Mrs.
H. E. McElwain and family.
Mrs. Frances Showman, who visit-
ed among relatives and friends here
for several weeks, returned to her
home in Connellsville on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shirk, of Belle-
fonte, who have apartments at The
Markland, spent Sunday at the home
of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ry Kerchner.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Holtzworth,
with Charles Stambaugh as chauf-
feur, drove to Hagerstown, Md., for
over Sunday visit with their son
Charles and family.
Mrs. Martha Griest and daughter,
Mrs. Marie Mudgett, and their friend,
Mrs. Kelley, who spent the summer
here with them, returned to their
home in Florida on Tuesday.
The members of the Stover ceme-
tery association will have a baked
ham supper in the Community house
the evening of Oct. 20th. Price, 50c.
Your patronage is kindly solicited.
Rev. H. M. Mitchell, of the Free
Methodist church, was transferred to
Oil City by their conference, and
Rev. Kerry, of Renovo, was sent to
this charge. Mr. Mitcheli made many
friends during his year of ministry
here who were sorry to see him
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bauder and
J. H. Finch went to Osceola Mills,
on Friday evening, to visit their
brother-in-law, Lloyd Stonebraker,
who is seriously ill. Miss Alice Baud-
er took them in her car, and was al-
2 accompanied by Miss Madeline
ere. :
The contribution of vegetables and
canned goods for the Home for the
Aged, at Tyrone, was quite good on
Sunday, and Tuesday it was taken to
the Milesburg M. E. church where a
booth festival was held in the even-
ing. From there all of it was taken
to the home. Quite a number at-
tended the festival from here.
Union Grange, No. 325, had the
pleasure of the company of the de-
gree team and a number of other
members of Logan Grange, last Fri-
day evening. They conferred the 3rd
and 4th degres on a class of eight.
The ceremony was very impressive
and beautifully carried out. The
young folks gave several tableaux
that added considerably to the pro-
gram. L. HE. Biddle was master of
the ceremonies. During the social
hour refreshments were served con-
sisting of ice cream, cake and coffee.
A number of disabled autos have
been towed into local garages dur-
ing the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davidson expect
to move into their new home the
latter part of the week.
Mrs. Lydia Irwin and two daugh-
ters, Miss Edna Irwin and Mrs.
Florence Lucas, Donald Irwin and
J. R. Fisher motored to DuBois, on
Suntay, ‘to visit Mr. and Mrs. Cal-
vin Green.
Miss Sue Murray, a nurse in train-
ing in a Philadelphia hospital, who
spent a two week's vacation here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
G. Murray, has gone to another
institution in New York for three
month's experience.
eee leer
game protectors will be
given special uniforms, the State
Game Commission announced. A
uniform of serge patterned. after the
type used by the English army
officers, a short mackinaw or reefer
and a hat will be furnished by the
The officers themselves will pur-
chase Sam Browne belts and hol-
sters, shoes and puttees to match,
and a calibre .38 revolver.
The uniforming of the game pro-
tectors was adopted so that the pro-
tector will be easily known while on
George W. Gill to Boyd N. Rich-
ards, tract in Huston Twp.; $3,200.
Orvis R. Beckwith to Ida Walk,
tract in Taylor Twp.; $200.
Frances Gardner, et bar, to Ida
Walk, tract in Taylor Twp.; $100.
Logan M. Kelley, et al, to Lehigh
Valley Coal company, tract in Snow
Shoe Twp.; $1
Lloyd A.
FE. Grubb,
Twp.; $1.
John Grosky to Helen Hancock,
tract in Rush Twp.; $1.
Helen Hancock to John Groch-
Stover, et ux, to Nelson
et ux, tract in Spring
wosky, et ux, tract in Rush Twp.; $1.
First National bank of State Col-
lege, Adm., to Joseph A. Glenn, tract
in College Twp.; $100.
Joseph A. Glenn, et ux, to Donald
P. Hoy, et al, tract in College Twp.;
UTO } ( NIC—V \nted an auto-
5 TO SECHANIC. wv ahled full charge
A of private garage:: Must have ex-
Jerience and good” references. Write Box
96, Bellefonte, Pa. :
Mill Machines, of all kinds,
in A condition, with motors at-
tached. Anyone interested in such ma-
or write Kofman &
chi cal
efor 74-39
Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 319 -2t
of Harry F. Gerberich, late of Belle-
fonte borough, deceased. Letters of
Administration, 5 "tng. undersigned, ai
n granted to the ’
ng {hdebted to the said estate are
Jotuestel re to Beestnt ment, and
uglay 2 JOHN C. HOFFER, Adm.,
or to Philipsburg, Pa.
GEO. W. ZEIGLER, Atty., 70.50.6t
Philipsburg, Pa.
UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Matter of
the Estate of LOUISE T. BUSH.
In the Orphan’s Court of Centre
County. The undersigned having been
appointed Auditor by the Court, to pass
upon the exceptions filed to the eighth
and partial account of the Bellefonte
Trust Company, Executor and Trustee,
and to distribute the funds in the hands
of the fiduciary, gives notice that he will
sit for the purpose of his appointment in
the Law Library of the Court House at
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, on Thursday,
the 10th day of October, 1929 at 10 o'clock
A. M., when and where all parties in in-
terest may attend and be heard.
74-37-3t Philipsburg, Pa.
of Levari Facias issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre
County, to me directed, will be exposed
to public sale at the Court House in the
Borough of Bellefonte on
The Following Property:
an Iron Pin at the edge of Turnpike
Road and Grant Street; thence along
Turnpike Road South forty-eight degrees
east ninety-nine feet to corner; thence
along lot of Joseph Stone, south fifty de-
grees west two hundred twenty feet to
an alley; thence along said alley North
thirty-five and one-half degrees West one
hundred fiftv-four feet to Grant Street;
thence along said Street North sixty-five
and one-half degrees East two hundred
feet to the place of beginning, containing
Fifteen Thousand seven Hundred and
seventy-one square feet.
NING at a post on Grant Street; thence
along Liberty Street South thirty-five and
one-half degrees East eighty-five feet jo
a post; thence South fifty-five degrees
West one hundred seventy-five feet to a
post; thence North nineteen and one-half
degrees West one hundred feet to Grant
Street; thence along Grant Street North
sixty-five and one-half degrees East one
hundred and thirty-six feet to the place
of beginning, containing Fourteen thous-
and Eight Hundred and Forty-one Square
Being the same premises which Samuel
A. Reitz et ux by deed of even date
herewith and intended to be herewith
recorded, granted and conveyed to the
mortgagor, above named.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Amanda Rhoad,
Edward L. Rhoad et al.
Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M.,
id day.
of sua day H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, Pa.,
September 17, 1929. 74-37-3t
G5 Leva SALE.—By virtue of a writ
Valuable Real Estate.
‘By virtue and: in pursuance. of and in
conformity with the terms and conditions
of an order issued out of the Orphans
Court of Centre County, Penna. Septem-
ber 9, 1929, reference to which is hereto
now made, the undersigned executrix of
the Estate of John H. Weber, late of the
Borough of Centre Hall, Centre County,
Pennsylvania, deceased, will offer at pub-
lic sale, (for the payment of debts of the
said decedent) on the premises situate
in the Borough aforesaid, on
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M.
All that certain messuage, tenement,
lot and parcel of ground, (known as the
homestead premises of the late John H.
Weber) situate in the Borough of Centre
Hall, aforesaid, bounded and described
as follows, to-wit: —
Beginning at the North-east corner
of Pennsylvania Avenue and Allison
Street; thence by Allison Street West
10 pereches to Logan Alley; thence by
said Alley North 4 perches to lot of
A. P. Luse & Son; thence by said lot
East 10 perches to Pennsylvania ave-
nue; thence by said Avenue South 4
porCnes to the place of beginning;
ING HOUSE containing 12 rooms and
fully equipped bath and hot water heat-
ing system.
so large barn and other necessary
out-buildings, all of which buildings are
in first class repair and condition; splen-
did fruit.
TERMS OF SALE: Fifteen per cent. of
purchase money to be paid in cash to the
udersigned Executrix when the property
is knocked down and declared sold, and
the balance of eighty-five per cent. to be
paid in cash upon the confirmation of
sale, and delivery of deed. Possession
will be given when terms of sale have
been fully complied with.
MARY WEBER, Executrix of
JOHN H. WEBER, deceased,
Centre Hall, Pa.
Attorney for Estate, Auctioneer.
Bellefonte, Pa. 74-38-3t
= =
| Je SALE.—New 16-inch lady's blue!
. . A.good. bargain.. Inquire:
of George Glenn, Bellefonte. - :
: -74-38-t1..
JR SALE.—The Mrs. J. Richard Lutz:
home, in’ Spring township, located!
1, mile from court house, Belle-
fonte, along Jackonsville road. 8 rooms’
house, with bath, in good condition.
HOSPITAL. Notice is hereby givemi
that the annual corporate meeting of the:
TAL, will be held at the Court House
in Bellefonte, Pa., on Monday, Octoberr
14th, 1929, at 8:00 o'clock in the evening;
of said day for the purpose of electing in.
accordance with Article IV of the By
Laws of Centre County Hospital six trus-
tees as hereinafter indicated.
Three of said trustees shall then be
elected for the term of three years, to:
fill vacancies then arising among the:
trustees for District No. 1, which District!
consists of Bellefonte Borough and
Spring, Marion, Walker and Benner
Townships, and two of said trustees shall
then be elected for the term of three
years, to fill vacancies then arising among
the trustees for District No. 2, which
District consists of State College Bor-
ough, College, Ferguson, Half Moon, Har=
ris and Patton Townships, three of said
last above mentioned five trustees to take
the place of three of said trustees’
for District No. 1 whose terms
of office then expire, and two of
said last above mentioned five trustees to
take the place of two of said trustees for
District No. II whose terms of office then
expire, and the one additional trustee
shall then be elected for the term of one’
year, being for the remaining unexpired
portion of a term of three years, to fill a
vacancy in District No. IV, consisting of
Millheim Borough, Haines, Miles and”
Penn Townships, arising during the cur-
rent year by the termination of the
trusteeship of William S. Shelton, which:
vacancy was filled by the Board untill
this annual meeting by the election of
J. Randall Miller.
Bach of said Districts Nos. II and IV
is entitled to hold a preliminary meeting
of the members of the corporation resi-
dent in each of said Districts respective-
ly at a designated place within their re-
spective Districts, at a convenient time
prior to the above mentioned date, and
to report the result of such preliminary’
elections to said annual meeting.
If, or insofar as such preliminary elec
tions are not held and so reported, am
election will be held at the said annual
meeting to elect such trustees represent-—
ing such Districts as have not been prev-
iously elected at such preliminary elec
By the Order of the Board,
MYROW M. COBB, Secretary.
writ of Levari Facias issued out ofl
the Court of Common Pleas of Cen~
tre county, to me directed, will be expos-:
ed to public sale atthe Court House in the:
Borough of Bellefonte, Pa., on :
The Following Property:
All that certain messuage, tenement
and lot of ground situate and being ims
the borough of Bellefonte, Centre County,
Penna., bounded and described as fol-
BEGINNING at the southwest cerner of
lot of Annie Taylor, 150 feet from the
division line between lot now owned by
Willis Wion to the said Annie Taylor lot}
thence westwardly along. Howard street
to lot of Salinda Shutt; thence northward.
ly along lot of Salinda Shutt to Burrows
street; thence eastwardly along Burrows’
street to lot of Annie Taylor; thence’
along lot of Annie Taylor: southwardly to
the place of beginning. Being situated”
on the north side of East Howard street.
Seized, taken in execution and to bes
sold as the property of A. W. Stine, in-
dividually, and A. W. Stine, Admr. of the
estate of Dora Stine, deceased, Dora Ben--
ner, Charles T. Stine, Clarence A. Stine,.
May Pauline Stine, the last two by their
guardian, Charles T. Stine appointed by
the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, be=-
ing all the heirs and legal representatives:
of Dora Stine, deceased.
Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock p. m.
of said day.
H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.,
September 24th, 1929. 74-38-3¢
Sr SALE.—By virtue of a
writ of Fieri Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-
tre County, to me directed, will be ex--
posed to public sale at the Court House:
in the Borough of Bellefonte on
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1929.
The Following Property:
ALL that certain piece or lot of’
ground situate in the Borough of Miles-
burg, Centre County, Pennsylvania.
bounded and described as follows, Sow
BEING Lot No. 138 in the Southeas
al of Mill and Hazel Streets in said:
Borough. 4
BRING the same premises which
Elizabeth Gingher and John I. Gingher,.
her husband, by their deed bearing date:
September 17,
tre County in Deed
granted and conveyed - unto
Hugg, now Deceased. :
Seized, and taken in execution to be
sold as the property of Toner A. Hugg,
Individually and as Admr. of the Estate:
of Emeline, decd. and Mrs. Annie Withe--
rite, Tyrone, Pa., Jennie Davidson,
Mrs. Walter Smith and Harris Hugg’
and Heirs and Legal representatives of
Jennie Davidson, decd. to wit: Alexan-
der Davidson, Andrew B. Davidson,
Clara M. Guyer, Dora M. Swaford, Wm.
T. Davidson. Raymond E. Davidson,
Helen Ehrenfeld, and Robert E. Burns,
a minor who has for his Guardian
Joseph A. Burns.
Sale to commence at 1:50 o'clock P. M.
of sald day. . o pYNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff't Office. Bellefonte, aP. ;
September 24th, 1929. 74-38-3t
Sot of SALE.—By virtue of a
1420 Chestnut St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium
74-27-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
OTICE is hereby given that applica-
tion for clemency will be made to
the Board of Pardons of the Depart-
ment of Justice of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pa., on
October 16, 1929, on behalf of John L.
Corman, escaped convict from the Western
Penitentiary at Rockview Farm, Belle-
fonte, Pa., now confined in the Western
Penitentiary at Pittsburgh, Pa. 74-38-2t
ty ear old corporation has an
‘ opening for an energetic man, will-
ing to work long hours in building up
his own business in this community. Op-
portunity to employ others and develop-
ing his’ own assistants. Requiremenis:
Age 25 to 50, reliable, executive ability,
steady, convincing, and dependable. Cred- |
it and character must be of the bast: a
home owner, established in his community
will be given preference. Must be able to
judiciously invest sufficient capital him- |
self. In writing, state age, business ex-
perience, education, other qualifications.
All correspondence confidential. Idlers, or
those not sincerely interested are respect-
fully requested not to waste the time of
those who value it. If you are sincerely
care Watchman
ay the price success with
work write “F. 8. Aad
$ 50
Luray Caverns
$50, Grand Caverns
Sunday, October 6
Saturday, October 5
Leaves Bellefonte . 7.40 P. M.
Returning, leaves Grottoes (Grand Cav-
erns) 10:50 A. M., Luray 12:20 P. M.
Pennsylvania Railroad
it of Fieri Facias issued out of
A ort of Common Pleas of Cen-
tre county, directed, will be ex-
posed to public sale at the Court House
in the Borough of Bellefonte on
Friday, OCTOBER 18, 1929.
The Following Property:
ALL that certain tract of land situate
in Boggs township, Centre county, Penn-
sylvania, bounded and described as fol-
lows, to-wit:-
BEGINNING at stones, thence along’
lands of James Kreps and David Bennet
North thirty-two degrees West ninety--
three perches to stones; thence along
lands of Peter Ammerman North fifty-
eight degrees East nineteen perches to”
pointers; thence along same North five:
degrees West twelve perches to stones:
thence along lands of D. C. Poorman
North fifty-three degrees East one hunm-
dred and twenty-five perches to stones;
thence along lands of Curtin and John
L. Shope South thirty-seven degrees:
East one hundred ,one and one-half
perches to stones: thence along lands of’
D. F. Shope South fifty-three degrees
West one hundred, twenty and one-half
perches to stones, and along the same
North thirty-seven degrees West eight
perches to stones, and along same South
fifty-thre degrees West twenty perches
to stones: thence South thirty-seven dee
grees Hast eight perches to stones?
thence along lands formerlv of James
Kreps South fifty-three degrees West
sixteen perches to the place of beginning.
CONTAINING Ninety-five acres and
six perches more or less.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of W. E. and Edna
Myra Shope.
Sale to commence at 1:40 o'clock P. My
of said day.
H. BE. DUNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff's. Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
September 24th, 1929, 74-38-3t
Sree of SALE.—By virtue of a