Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 09, 1929, Image 5

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    CAREER ama,
iss Hepple, of Chicago, Ill, is
guest of her brother-in-law and
;r, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hines,
Main street.
rs. Fred Rachau came on from |
r York city for seceral week’s
- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
iam Guisewite.
r. and Mrs. Burl Bower, of Re-
5, have been guests of Mr. Bow-
aunt, Mrs. Holloway, and other
tives in and about town.
he Sunday schools of our town
hold their annual picnic Satur-
August 10th, at Woodward cave.
rybody is cordially invited.
rs. T. C. Bell and daughter, Miss
., of Coatesville, were brief call-
on Monday, at the home of Mrs.
's sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas
rs. W. J. Smith and son Paul
> been with Mr. Smith and their
st son Wesley, in Cumberland
ity, where they are operating a
tr. and Mrs. John Isenberg and
daughters, and Mrs. Clark Her-
,, of State College, were guests
day, of Mrs. Herman's brother,
3. Stover and family.
r. and Mrs. Ray Auman and their
jren, of Youngstown, Ohio, after
sit with Mrs. Auman’s mother,
: RWisenhauer and other relatives,
for their home, Thursday of last
enjamin Stover and daughter,
. Walter and son Nevin, and Mrs.
pin Musser and children spent
day with Mr. Stover’s younger
Frank Stover and family, in
tre Mills.
r. and Mrs. E. E. Ardery and
daughters, Mrs. Leila Cole and
5; Verna Ardery, of Bellefonte;
Mr. Ardery’s sister, Mrs. Apple,
\ltoona, were recent guests of
. George Weaver.
rs. A. M. Bower and daughter
2], and Nevin Stover and a party
riends, from Youngstown, Ohio,
ored to town, Sunday, and will
\d about ten days among their
tives in and about town.
r. and Mrs. Frank Bressler, of
1by, Minn., and William Bressler,
Vilmington, Del., have been guests
‘heir sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jay
ada, in Fiedler. Friday they call-
on former acquaintances in this
r .and Mrs. H. M. Coll, of State
ege; Mrs. Roy Swanson, daugh-
Gwendolyn and son Dick, of Aus-
Pa., and Robert Coll, of Phila-
hia, were callers, Tuesday, at the
es of Mrs. Thos. Hull and A. S.
rer, on north 2nd St.
rs. Horace B. Stover and son
|, of Youngstown, Ohio, have been
sts of her sister, Mrs. Samuel
ert, and her father-in-law, Mr. and
. George E. Stover. Mr. and Mrs.
w~vers, of Lock Haven, were also
sts of Mrs. Showers’ parents, Mr.
Mrs. Stover.
‘alter BE. Orwig, who for five
xs had been a patient in the Sa-
Heart hospital, in Allentown,
discharged on Tuesday of last
x, coming home the same day.
Orwig was badly burned while
\is work. While the burns are
ly healed he has been afflicted
boils caused by the poison in his
em. However he is improving
dly and expects to resume his
£ soon.
se Misses Amanda and Cora
ses had as recent guests, Rev.
Mrs. A. G. Wolf. of Rural Val-
Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Giesey and
of Loraine, Ohio, former pastors
the local Lutheran charge; Mr.
Mrs. John Hosterman, of Scot-
, S. D., whom the Misses Haines
mpanied to Centre Hall where
- were guests of their cousin,
mas Hosterman; Mr. and Mrs.
1 Hess, also of Scotland, S. D.;
and Mrs. Adam Kramer, of Rock-
, Il, and Mr. and Mrs. Cornel-
Musser, of Pleasant Gap.
r. and Mrs. William C. Mingle
daughter Ruth and Mr.and Mrs.
ry Mingle and two sons, all of
on, Ohio, motored to town, Fri-
and are guests of their respec-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
zle and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stov-
Mr. and Mrs. William Caris and
of Williamsport, were also
sts of Mrs. Caris’ parents, Mr.
Mrs. E. L. Stover. The Mingle
hers left their families here for
sisit while they returned home,
day, accompanied by C. G. Bright
grandson, David Orwig, who will
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
‘ht, in Akron, Ohio.
iss Grace Robinson, of Philadel-
, is here for "an indefinite
’ with her uncle and aunt, Mr.
Mrs. James Snyder.
se new house of Joe Davidson is
ready for the plasterers. The
ractor expects to have it ready
sccupancy by October 1st.
rs. L. E. Davidson, accompanied
ier son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
Mr. Willis Neff, went to Win-
\e, on Sunday, to visit Mrs. Sarah
rs. Mary McKee, of Wilmington,
"is here visiting her brother and
rs, Ralph McLaughlin, Mrs. Toner
er, Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. P.
[urray. ;
r. and Mrs. William Irwin and
sons, Ellwood, with his wife and
e children, and Claire, made a
¢ call here, on Tuesday, on Mrs.
a Irwin and family. They were
heir way home to Pittsburgh
, Jersey Shore, where they at-
ed the funeral of Mrs. William
n, who died last week.
Pontiac coach was crowded into
wire fence by a Ford coupe, the
r day, and badly wrecked. A
I boy in the coach sustained
minor cuts and all the occupants
badly shaken up but not se-
sly injured. The driver of the
1 failed to stop but the number
is license tags was taken and the
e highway patrol are after him.
Jacob Felty and Mr. Burchfield, of
Altoona, were week-end visitors in
| town.
Mrs. Jerre Zettle and daughter, of
Pleasant Gap, are visiting at the B.
P. Lonebarger home.
Mrs. Jennie Fortney and daughter,
Miss Beulah, spent Saturday with
friends in Pine Grove Mills.
Mrs. A. J. Hazel and daughter Jane
went to Slingersland, N. Y., on Sun-
day, for a ten day’s visit at the home
of Mrs. Charles Maxwell.
Odenkirk, of Centre Hall, were in
town, on Friday, Mrs. Odenkirk call-
ing on friends while Miss Smith was
looking after some business affairs.
daughter drove to Danville, Friday,
where Irene was admitted to the
Geisinger hospital for a tonsil and
home Sunday.
Saturday. On their return they were
accompanied by Samuel Weber, who
was enroute to Baltimore, Md.
The citizens of Harris township
are arranging to hold a big festival
on Saturday evening, August 17th,
for the benefit of the State College
fire company, which, in several in-
stances, have rendered valuable as-
sistance in our town.
George Gheen and Miss Louise
| Eckenroth, Pleasant Gap, were unit-
{ed in marriage by Rev. W. J. Wag-
| ner, at the Lutheran parsonage,
| Wednesday, July 31st, at 4 p. m. Mr.
and Mrs. Harrison Tressler were the
thousand dollars more. Seventeen Since selling some of her house-
Miss Grace Smith and Mrs. W. A. 4}, extent of almost six thousand | and Mrs. Boyd Tice.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ishler and Boggs Twp. .....
adenoid operation. They returned Ferguson Twp
Edward Weber, of Huntingdon, ac-! Halfmoon Twp.
companied by his mother and sister, | Harris Twp. .....
Miss Alice, were visitors in town, on, goward Twp. ...
| attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Gheen will |
occupy their newly furnished apart-
ment at Pleasant Gap.
| of Indiana. county, were callers in
town, on Monday, enroute to Juniata
camp. Mrs. Waltman was formerly
Miss Celeste Kilmer, and spent some
cle, Rev. G. W. Leisher, served as
pastor of the Lutheran church.
eel A eee.
Don’t forget the community picnic
to be held, Saturday, in the Ertley
meadow. Everybody welcome.
Mrs. Harry Hoy was called to
State College, last week, on account
of the illness of her grandchild.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher an
family, George, Elwood, Charles an
Prosser returned to their home in
ing a week's vacation with Mr. Fish-
er's sister, Mrs. Harry Hoy and son,
Luther Fisher.
the Auditor's Report of the School
District of Bellefonte Borough for
the year ending July 1, 1929.
Amount of School Tax:
Assessed Valuation ......... $1927012 00
For school purposes, 21 mills 40467 25
Total receipts ........omm. $91232 65
General Control (A)
Secretary . .$ 200 00
Treasurer .. - 300 00
Attorney .... ; 15
Tax collectors oh 1700 28
AUGHOTS ........ioi ic ceisicivninisinin 78 00
Compulsory Ed. and Census... 153 80
Other expenses ......... 111 76
Total Item (A) ........... $ 2558 84
Instruction (B).
Salaries of principals ......... $ 6600 06
Other expense of supervision. 00
Salaries of teachers .............. 44466 59
Textbooks ........... ve 2089 54
Supplies .... 3996 05
Teachers a 680 00
Tuition ........ 157 00
Other expenses ... tis 357 73
Total Item B) ................ $ 59247 47
Auxiliary Agencies (C)
Libraries ......... 3 339 76
Promotion of heal 145 49
Other expenses .... . 698 87
Total Item (CO) ................ $ 1184 12
Operation (D).
ages of janitors .......... $ 4026 30
Fuel... eerie 1999 22
Water, light and power 869 84
Janitors’ supplies 491 07
Other expenses ... 240 36
Total: Item (D) ............... $ 762679
Maintenance (E).
Repair of buildings .............. $ NN
Upkeep of grounds ....... ih 586 00
Repairs and replacements 1383 13
Total Item (B) ....con. $ 38740 24
Fixed Charges (F).
State Retirement Board ........ $ 1543 64
Insurance aise 602 07
Total. Item (FF). .....coennn $ 214571
Debt Service (G).
Payment to Sinking Fund ...$ 5000 00
Interest on bonds ............ 2866 00
Refunds, taxes, tuition, etc... 192 88
Total Item (G). ores $ 8058 88
Capital Outlay (H)
ew ground, improvement ...$ 245 59
Alteration old buildings ? ;
Equipment, etc. ......... a 1755 08
Total Item (H) ...cccomrerurnn $ "2117 36
Total Receipts... $ 91232 65
Total Payments ....siiiiiicnsn 86679 41
School sites, buildings, etc
Accounts receivable
Sinking fund .......
Balance in Treas
Total Assets .....
Bonded Indebtedness ............. $ 65000 00
Borough Auditors.
county, for a vacation to be spent in |
Connellsville, on Sunday, after spend- |
Per capita at $2.50 ..................... 6225 00
Additions to Duplicate . 42 50 |
Penalties, ............o.o ns . 432 80
Total amount of tax . 47167 55
Exonerations ................ 1391 46
Net amount collected .. 44364 99
Bal. on hand July 4, 1928 ..... $ 2085 02
‘To Interest ............ - 175 00
Sales, insurance, etc 822 56
Taxes .. ....c.ccpes 47038 15
State appropriation 20820 00
Tuition, non-resident pupils 20197 90
All other sources 144 02
Rev. and Mrs. Waltman and son,
time in town during the time her un-|
Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry EE SE RAN
—Read the Watchman for the news |
Balance July 1, 1929 .......... $ 4553 24 |
Balance July 1, 1928 .. 5000 00
1928-1929 appropriation 5000 00 |.
Rec'd from interest ... . 84022
Total in fund ........... $ 10340 22
Bellefonte, Pa., July 27, 1929. 74-81-3t. |
STATE APPROPRIATION UNIONVILLE. ——The Bellefonte Trust company
TO CENTRE CO. SCHOOLS. ais is making preparations to install an | divorce in Centre county is from six-
a NN ung her | oi) burner in their furnace. They ex- |ty to seventy dollars, not counting
Mrs. Clair Harper an ag two chil pect to place the tank in the concrete | attorney's fees, which shows Gp it
dren, Of Youngstowa, Oni, are visite bin, in the basement, formerly used |is more costly to get untangle an.
ing friends and relatives here. for storing coal. it is to get tied up.
The average court costs of a
The various school districts of
Centre county have received vouch-
ers from the State Treasurer for the
last half of the State appropriation! ars Bertha Lindenmuth has been
or Is year ending July 1st. The | ,, the sick list for some time, hav-
tota amount coming to tle county !ing serious trouble in one ear.
is over $7000 larger than the amount Leroy Huey, of Lock Haven, is
for the first half of the school | gspending part of his vacation with his
year, Bellefonte receiving over one | cousin, George Parsons, up the pike.
Encampmen! and Fai
Patrons of Husbandry
of Central Pennsylvania
districts in the county, in which | hold goods, Mrs. Medie Stere has
schools have been closed, benefit to | rented a portion of her house to Mr.
dollars. The net amount paid to Mrs. W. M. Parsons went to Phila-
each school district is as follows: delphia, Monday, taking little Jim-
Bellefonte Boro’ ..ovihris on 1145.39 | mie Peters and Kenneth Robison to
Benner TWD. .... 1812.06 | the Wills Eye hospital.
zee Mrs. Mary McGee, daughter and
2750.36 | granddaughter, of Wilmington, Dela-
2124.00 ware, are visiting Mrs. McGee's sis-
1030.38 ter, at Snow Shoe Intersection, Mrs.
4726.00 | John Smith, and attended the funeral
Ji23 00 of her aunt, Mrs. Clara Leathers.
1960.00 | Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
2655.00 | ri]l Reed, accompanied by Mrs. Eva
1538.32 | Cox Greenwood and daughter, Mar-
Burnside Twp. ....
Centre Hall Boro.
College Twp. .....
Curtin Twp. .
Gregg Twp. ..
Haines Twp. .
Howard Boro
Huston Twp. .
nn, Sy
Liberty Zp. ogee | tha, of Barnesboro, and Mrs. Alfred
arion Twp. . .18 | :
Rr. HE Cox and daughter, of Pittsburgh,
1155.00 while enroute to visit relatives at
2216.25 | Flemington, stopped here and called
976.43 | on their cousin, Mrs. Susan McEwen,
Milesburg Boro
Millheim Boro .
Patton Twp. .
Penn TWD. ..ooenr 1888.00 | : |
Philipsb B © 7gs3.75 | whom they hadn’t seen for many | - s
Ba a 2620.00 | years. They also looked up the old on the Bellefonte to Lewistown Highway
Rush Twp. ....... $320.00 home of Mrs. Greenwood’s grand-
Snow Shoe Boro
Snow Shoe Twp. .
South Philipsburg Boro ...
1463.63 | father, John C. Calhoun, which she
390.72 | hadn't visited for many years. She |
August 24 to 30, 1929
Encampment Opens August 24th
Exhibition Opens August 26th
The largest and best Fair in Central Pennsylvania: by
farmers and for farmers. Grounds increased to seventy
acres. Beautifully located. Shade and Pure Water. Elec-
tric Light. Telephones.
Spring TWD. ..oooreeeenees 4723.00 | was only ten years old when she vis- |
Tus College Boro 12346.50 | jted here the last time, but remem- |
Union Twp. ..... 1343.73 bered the street location and, upon
Unionville Boro . Soon inquiry, found the home which is now
Walker Twp. .. 797.00 owned by Mrs. Anna Finch. While
Worth Twp. ... .. 3881.04 :
2 i many changes were noted there was
still some familiar resemblance to the
old home.
eee fen.
John H. Huntzinger, of Philadel- | —Subscribe for the Watchman.
phia, and Verna I. Bahr, of Scranton. | rere r———————
Mark H. Grassmyer, of Curtin, and
Margaret Frances Nestlerode, of
Lock Haven. | ONE-DAY x y
George L. Shively and Grace E. |
Sampsell, both of Millmont. > EXCURSIONS A /
Samuel Clair Lykens and Jessie
Bell Woodring, both of Port Matilda. |
Joseph R. Weaders and Elizabeth | 00 Philadel hia
Johnston, both of Linden Hall. Round p
$4: Atlantic City
1 ors FoR sane in Bofletomes Squire
of B. H, er, eas gh St.,
Bellefonte. 75-13-t1. Sunday, Aug., 18
Marriage Licenses
A large display of farm Stock and Poultry, Farm Im-
plements, Fruits, Cereals, and every product of farm and
Liberal Premiums - - Free Attractions
Come and Have One Big Time!
Admission (for Entire Week) 50 Cts.
Fifty cents will be charged for parking automobiles.
| Leave Saturday Night preceding excursion
IRA D. GARMAN | oles Standard Time
v. Bellefonte . . o - M.
aE | Returning, Lv. Atlaatic City 5.00 P.M.
eStnuL Bt | || North Philagd ia. 6. . M.
PHILADELPHIA orth Philadelphia . 6.07 P.M
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum | Pennsylvania Railroad
74-27-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry {
JOHN S. DALE, Chairman
If you want a refrigerator so effic-
ient, automatic and care-fiee that
you will never have to give it a
thought, investigate Frigidaire
All the accumulated experience
that comes from building 1,000,000
Frigidaires is built into every Frig-
idaire unit . . . including the low-
price “Million Model".
An All Porcelain
Now, Frigidaire offers you an excep- Come In Today! See the new ** Cold
tional new model . . .an ALL POR- Control’ that is an exclusive Frigid-
CELAIN refrigerator. Inside it is 8 aire feature. Let us explain its op-
finished in ons searnless piace ot eration . . . and then you'll say
Mr a cory og nite. - 30 ining “That's the refrigerator for me’’.
ean. e, s ’
able TU-TONE porcelain . . . just complete You can’t help wanting Frigidaire,
the kitchen colors you'll like. once you see its remarkable value.
< few dollars down . . . then pay the balance as you use YOUR Frigidaire.
Ask about our Easy Payment Plan! It enables you to buy Frigidaire for a }
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