Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 26, 1929, Image 5

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    Ce ——————————————————————_———
In a statement issued today by Dr.
jeorge H. Ashley, State Geologist in
he Pennsylvania Department of In-
ernal Affairs, the geologist tells
jomething about Pennsylvania's high
jpots and how they are measured.
As a rule mountain climbers are
nore interested in the height and
teepness of mountains measured
rom their bases than they are in
eight above sea level. Thus the
righest point in the State is 3220 feet
bove tide. On the ground this is
mly a 150-foot knob that rises above
he general upland on the top of
Jegro Mountain in Somerset county.
feasured to the nearest large stream
_Casselman River, four miles away,
he height of this mountain is only
,620 feet, which is exceeded by many
ther mountains of Pennsylvania.
The figures given beyond were
npeasured from the topographical
naps and are not complete or final,
8 topographic mapping in Pennsyl-
‘ania has not been finished.
First honors go to Big Mountain,
. part of Tuscarora Mountain, 2%
niles north of the Lincoln Highway,
vhich at 2,440 feet above tide is 1820
eet above the West Branch of Cono-
ocheague Creek 1%, miles away. A
lose second is near Eagles Mere in
wullivan county where North Moun-
ain Tower on North Mountain is
598 feet above tide, while Muncy
reek 2.3 miles off is 798 feet, a dif-
erence of 1,800 feet. Close behind
he leaders are a bunch of hills over
750 feet high. Thus Jacks Moun-
ain 13 miles north of Juniata Riv-
r is 2340 feet above tide, 1770 feet
bove the river which is only 570
eet above tide. Wills Mountain near
Vills Creek station is 2720 feet above
ide or 1760 feet above Little Wills
reek at 960 feet. Laurel Hill south
f Youghiogheny River is 2900 feet
bove tide or 1750 feet above the
iver at 1250 feet only 1.4 miles to
he northwest. These are among the
10st outstanding climbs considering
orizontal distance as well as height.
To realize what these heights mean
- is well to recall some other well
nown elevations—well known be-
ause on main lines of travel. For
xample: 1,800 feet is more than
ouble the height of the mountains
1 the water gap of Peters Mountain
orth of Harrisburg. The river at the
ap is 320 feet above tide and the
op of the mountain is 1,200 feet on
he east side and 1,120 feet on the
rest side of the river, a difference of
»ss than 900 feet. Second Moun-
ain gap south of Dauphin is a little
eeper, the top of the mountain .4 of
mile from the river being 1320
set, giving a depth to the gorge of
,000 feet. Delaware Water Gap is
,200 feet-deep, the river being 285
set above tide and the mountain top
_ of a mile away 1,480 feet on the
rest and 1,520 feet on the east.
‘onemaugh Gap through Laurel
.idge west of Johnstown is 1,490
set deep, the river being at 1,230
set and the mountain top on the
rest side is 2,720 feet high. Mann's
larrows on the William Penn High-
ray above Lewistown is 1,220 feet
eep, the mountain tops at-1,860 feet
bove tide are that high above
-ishacoquillas Creek which is 580
set above tide, .4 of a mile distant.
llegheny River runs through a
orge in most of its course in Penn-
ylvania, but the hills arer only 600
) 700 feet above the river and com-
only less. At Pittsburgh the very
reep bluff just above Brilliant cut-
# is 530 feet high. Johnstown has
n inclined plane that is 500 feet
igh. The reservoir on the hill near-
y is about 610 feet above Stony
un on the main line of the Pennsyl-
ania Railroad approaching Horse-
10e Curve from the west is just |
000 feet deep at its deepest point,
je stream having an elevation of
480 feet and the mountain top of
480 feet. The railroad at the same
oint is 1,850 above tide or less than
alf way up the flank of the moun-
yin. Near the toe of the Horseshoe
urve itself there is a
levation of 1,040 feet from the low-
» reservoir to the hill at the north.
ee Ape
Glaring headlights again loom as
breeder of automobile accidents ac-
>rding to the Keystone Automobile
lub, which in a bulletin recently di-
scted attention of motorists to this
lenace and urged them to take prop-
» measures for their own safety and
1at of other users of the highway.
«Dazzling, blinding lights are en-
rely unnecessary,” says the bulletin.
With thousands of official adjusting
-ations located throughout the State,
‘here adjustments are made at a
ominal cost, there is no excuse
‘hatever for motorists to continue
ight driving lights that are out of
“Many fatal accidents have been
aused by cars leaving the highway
ecause their drivers were blinded by
pproaching headlights and, similarly
1any head-on collisions have occur-
sd with injury to the occupants of
1e colliding machines.
«It is well, also, for drivers to re-
ect on the hazard of driving with
nly one headlight. ‘One-eyed cars
ite high in the tabulation of acci-
ent causes. The menace of this
ractice is so apparent that we can-
ot conceive of any driver wilfully
peeding along the highway with but
ne light functioning. Yet the large
umber of such cars to be seen on an
vening’s drive forces observers to
se conclusion that the condition can-
ot exist without the knowledge of
«With the summer season under
ray, motorists will do well to look to
reir lighting and other equipment,
* the accident toll is to be kept with-
1 bounds.
—Preaching should not be compos-
i exclusively of attitudes and plati-
1des.—John A. rdolmes.
—Subsecribe for the Watchman.
The deep gorge of Sugar |
The Marengo picnic © is billed for
Saturday, August 3rd.
Mrs. Ada Krebs spent Sunday with
friends at State College.
There was a very decided frost in
this section Saturday morning.
J. H. Bailey and wife spent Sun-
day with Dr. Frank Bailey, at Milton.
The annual community picnic will
be held at Baileyville on August 17th.
Eight new members were taken in-
to the Lutheran church, at Pine Hall,
last Sunday.
William Elder, of Medina, Ohio, is
visiting friends hereabouts, the home
of his youth.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, of Mill
Hall, spent Sunday with the E. S.
Moore family.
Dr. Peter Hoffer Dale, of State Col-
lege, is housed up with an attack of
typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Farber are en-
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farber,
of Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Alice Buchwalter and son
Henry, of Lancaster, are visiting Cen-
tre county friends.
Miss Dorothy Aker, of Scranton,
is a guest of Miss E. V. Dale, at her
home on the Branch.
Dr. Grover C. Glenn and wife re-
turned, last week. from a several
months tour of Europe.
Earl C. Musser, wife and four chil-
dren, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday at
the E. E. Musser home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McGinley, of
Cleveland, Ohio, are guests at the
Charles H. Martz home.
Communion services will be held in
the Lutheran church, at Gatesburg,
Sunday, at the usual hour.
M. C. Wieland and family visited
the Charles Rosenburg family, in
Halfmoon township, on Sunday.
Samuel E. Fleming has returned
home from the Lewistown hospital
and is getting along fairly well.
Keep in mind the festival to be
held on the Academy lawn, tomorrow
evening, by the P. O. of A. ladies.
Dr. R. M. Krebs has improved to
that extent that he was able to at-
tend church services on Sunday ev-
Mrs. Sadie Lemon and sister, Miss
Gertrude Miller, lef. last week for a
several week’s visit with friends in
Royal Kline and family and Charles
Stuck and wife attended the Kline
family reunion, at McClure, last Sat-
Guy Glenn, Miss Maude Krebs dnd
Warren Bailey spent Sunday in
Northumberland, as guests of Dr. J.
‘Baker Krebs. and family.
Charles Meyers, three year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers, of
Fairbrook, had his right arm crushed
in a clothes wringer, on Monday.
W. Brooks Fry. truck driver for
Neidigh Bros. at State College, suf-
fered injuries to his right leg, Mon-
day evening, by a fall of stone.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Elder motored
{ over to Tadpole, on Sunday, to see
. Mrs.-
‘quite ill but is now somewhat im-
| proved.
Eugene Irvin and wife and Mr. and
| Mrs. Ed Frank left, on Monday morn-
i ing, on a ten days motor trip to Buf-
| falo, N. Y., Niagara Falls and eastern
| Canada.
Rev. J. S. English, wife and daugh-
| ter Maxine, will leave on Monday on
a motor trip to New York State, ex-
{ pecting to spend the pastor's vaca-
tion on the shores of Lake George.
Joyce Ash, daughter of Mrs. Myr-
I tle Ash, fell from the porch at the
| Frank Reed home, last Sunday, and
| broke her right arm. She was taken
| to the Geisinger hospital for treat-
Mrs. Kate Roan, of Rochester, N.
{ Y., spent last week visiting friends
here and at State College. On Thurs-
{day evening she and Mrs. Viola
difference of | Smith were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John S. Dale.
Communion services will be held in
| the Methodist church at Pine Grove
| Mills on Sabbath evening, July 28th,
lat 7:30 o'clock. Rev. M. C. Piper, of
, Milesburg, will deliver the message.
| There will also be special music.
Everybody welcome.
| Quite a number of friends gathered
jat the home of Mrs. Hannah Osman,
‘at Pine Hall, last Thursday, and
{ helped her celebrate her 82nd birth-
day anniversary. Most of her chil-
| dren were with her and the good lady
, received many gifts in commemora-
tion of the day.
Everything is set for the big joint
reunion of the Fry family and stu-
dents of the Pine Grove Mills Acad-
emy tomorrow. The various commit-
tees have done their work well and
all possible arrangements have been
made to handle the crowd anticipated.
There will be a good program of en-
tertainment for all. While it will be
a basket picnic gathering refresh-
ments will also be sold on the
grounds. Everybody is invited.
The Junior League of the Metho-
dist church journeyed to Woolrich
park, in Tice’s bus, for their annual
picnic last Thursday.
The Lucas boy, who ran in front of
Yearick’s car, last Wednesday, and
was knocked down, is home from the
hospital and able to be around.
The Howard baseball team played
three games, last week, losing two
and winning one. At Eagleville, How-
ard was defeated 10 to 8 on Wed-
nesday. On Thursday, at Howard,
Monument was beaten 6 to 4, and on
Saturday, at Boalsburg, Boalsburg
won 15 to 11.
The band is holding a four day's
carnival this week. Music on Wed-
nesday night was furnished by the
Howard band and last night by the
Odd Fellows band, of Bellefonte. The
home band will be in evidence again
tonight and tomorrow night the
| Orviston band will toot their horns.
.| ground for lack of moisture.
Lydia - Sunday, who: had been |
; Mrs. ‘Jesse Trwin is slowly improv-
Mrs. Amanda Comley, who has
been ill for several days, is improv-
Mrs. Medie Stere will offer at pub-
lic sale, at 3 p. m. tomorrow, all her
household furniture.
Miss Gertie Griest entered the
Presbyterian home, at Hollidaysburg,
as a guest last Thursday.
Mrs. Sadie Hall, of Lewistown, is
visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. David
Keatley, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elway, of Al-
toona, spent several hours calling on
friends here, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Delong and
little daughter, of Bristol, were over
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Holzworth.
On Monday, Glen Blackwood Jr.
while at work cutting crops with
other men employed by his father,
accidentally cut his knee very badly,
and was taken to the Centre County
Mrs. Martha Griest and daughter,
Mrs. Marie Mudgett, arrived, on
Monday, from Coronado, Fla., where
they have been located for several
years. Mrs. Mudgett has contracted
malaria and expects to remain here
for an indefinite time, hoping to im-
prove her health.
Rev. Crawford is taking two weeks
for his vacation and has left the
mid-week prayer meeting this week
in care of the women’s Bible class
and next week in care of the men’s
Bible class. The service next Sunday
evening will be in charge of the Ep-
worth League and the following Sun-
day morning in charge of Rev. Piper.
Mrs. Robert Malone is confined to
bed with illness, and her condition is
regarded as quite serious.
Mrs. Frank Peters, living near
Milesburg, who has been ill for some
time is not much improved.
Donald Irwin returned home, on
Sunday, from a week’s visit with the
Witherite family, at Osceola Mills.
Robert Garman, of Bellefonte, and
Miss Daisy Shawley, of Milesburg,
were callers on friends here, on Mon-
day evening.
Everybody in this section is hoping
for a good, soaking rain, as gardens
and farm crops are withering on the
Mrs. Irwin, who has recently been
employed at the plant of the Federal
Match company, in Bellefonte, is off
on a two week's vacation. On Sun-
day she and her two daughters, Mrs.
Florence Lucas and Miss Edna Irwin,
motored to Bland park, Blair county, |
where they met the H. B. Witherite |
family, of Osceola Mills, and spent |
the day together.
Spurned even by the dregs of so-
ciety among whom he is doomed to
spend the rest of his life, George?
Quien, who betrayed Edith Cavell, the
heroic English war nurse, into the
hands of the Germans to be shot asa
spy during the World War, is living
a terrible life on Devil's island, the
French penal colony in South Amer-
Not a man will speak a word to
Quien still maintains that he is in-
mocent of the charge which doomed
him to life imprisonment, but his
lawyers long ago gave up their ef-
forts to obtain him a new trial. His
parents have died of shame in Paris,
and his name dare not be spoken
among those who live in the village
where he once was a well liked neigh-
_ Quien has no work to do, for the
simple reason that other convicts will
suffer punishment rather than associ-
ate with him. The guards whose duty
it is to carry him his food leave their
trays at the door of his lonely hut
and hasten away lest he address a
single word to them.
Many times the authorities have
frustrated plots to kill Quien, for
they dare not permit him to be killed
in spite of their hatred for him. It
is significant, however, that the men
who have been caught plotting to kill
Quien never have been punished.
Quien, who at the beginning of his
imprisonment was a strong, healthy
man, today has wasted away until he
is a mere skeleton.
Sunday school at 9:15, Wm. Osman,
Supt. :
Morning worship at 10:30. The
sermon will be the third in a series
on “The Fruitful Christian Life.” The
subject of this sermon will be, “The
Peaceful Life.”
The Junior Choir will sing.
Jr. Evangelical League on Monday
at 3:00 P. M.
Sr. Evangelical League on Monday
at 7:30 P. M.
” Prayer service on Wednesday at
. A. Ward Campbell, Pastor.
9:30 A. M., Sunday school.
10:45 A. M., Morning service; Ser-
mon: “The Pearl of Great Price.”
7:30 P. M., Community service in
Reformed church.
Clarence E. Arnold, pastor.
—A diplomat is one who never
talks. about himself when his visitor
wants to talk about himself. —Atlanta
__ “A man who is content with the
world as it is today must be hardin
the heart and soft in the head.”
The traveling man opened the
telegram and read—“Twins arrived
tonight, more by mail.”—Wright En-
gine Builder.
OR SALE.—Coal range, in good con-
dition. Inquire at No. 3 S. Thom-
as St., Bellefonte. 74-28-2t.
The old Catholic church building in
Snow Shoe is for sale to the highest
bidder. It is a frame structure, 45x70,
and has much fine white pine timber of
large sizes such as could not be found
anywhere now. Buyer must salvage and
remove building. If interested write or
inquire personally of
Snow Shoe, Pa.
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
S writ of Fieri Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-
tre County, to me directed, will be ex-
posed to public sale at the Court House
in the Borough of Bellefonte on
FRIDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1929.
The Following Property:
ALL those two certain messuages, tene-
ments and tracts of land situate in Potter
Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
No. 1. BEGINNING at a stone by land
of A. F. Heckman, thence by same North
481, degrees East 54 perches to a stone,
thence by same South 583% degrees East
174.7 perches to_stone, thence by Church
lot South 361% degrees West 12.9 perches
to a stone, thence by land of P. E. Mer-
singer South 87% degrees West 68.7
perches to a stone, thence by same North
59 degrees West 132.8 perches to the place
of beginning. :
CONTAINING 48 acres, 143 perches and
No. 2 BEGINNING at stone corner,
thence along the centre of the public road
known as ‘‘Indian Grave Lane,” North
181, degrees West 92.7 perches to stone,
thence by land of J. H. Detwiler North 61
degrees East 73.5 perches’ to a stone,
thence by land of P. E. Mersinger South
1, degree Kast 106.5 perches to stones,
thence by same South 571% degrees East
25.5 perches to a stone, thence by land
now or late of Peter Smith South 341% de-
grees West 9 perches to a stone, thence by
same North 57% degrees West 29.8 perches
to a post, thence by same South 63 de-
grees West 28.9 perches to the place of be-
CONTAINING 32 acres and 29 perches.
House, Barn and other improvements
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Wm. R. Homan,
Gdn. of Susan Homan and J. C. Homan.
Sale to commence at 1:45 o'clock P. M.
of said day.
. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
July 18th, 1929. 74-29-3t
Registered Architect,
1420 Chestnut St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
74-27-t£ Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
OTS FOR SALE in Bellefontepinquiss
of B. H. Shaffer, 117 east sig St.
Bellefonte. 13-13«tl.
EALED BIDS will be received aumdtfl
Augu for delivering vio
st 1, 1929,
S the Bellefonte public school . build-
ings 300 tons high grade bit
coal. Bids must state mine from whieh
coal will be shipped. The beard reserves
the right to ne any or -all bids.
74-27-3t ~~ M. E. BRQUSE, Seey
E XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testa~
mentary upon the estate of J W.
Beezer, late of Bellefonte borou de~
ceased, having been granted to the runes
dersigned all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate are requested:ie
make prompt payment, and those ;
claims against the same must present
them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
W. Harrison Walker, Executors,
Attorney, 74-26-6t Bellefonte, . Pa.
A Court of Centre County, Pa. In the
matter of the Estate of William
Henry Gingerich, late of Harris Township,
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed
by the above named Court to pass upen
the exceptions to the first and final ac-
count of the executors, to hear the evi-
dence of all concerned, to make distriba-
tion to and among those legally entitled
thereto of the estate and to make report
thereof to the said Court, will attend 40
the duties of his appointment at his of-
fice in Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa., om
Thursday, August 15th, 1929, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, when and where
all persons are required to present their
claims before the undersigned or be .de-
barred from comine in for a share of the
S writ of Fieri Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleasof Cen-
tre County, to me directed, will be ex-
posed to public sale at the (Court House
in the Borough of Bellefonte on
FRIDAY, AUGUST .2, 1929.
The Following Property:
ALL that certain messuage, temement
and plot of ground situate, lying and being
in the Township of Harris, County of Cen-
tre and State of Penmsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a stone. at the inter-
section of the public road with a private
road leading to mountain, thence alo!
middle of i road South fifty-one
three-four degrees Bast forty-eight
perches to an iron pin in the middle of
said road; thence in a Southerly direction
thirty perches to an ‘iron : ping: ¢
along land of William M. Meyer. dna
Westerly direction twenty perches 40
Western side of private road leading “to
mountain; thence along said- te road
North seven and one-half degrees West
fifty-four perches to the place of begin-
ning; containing seven acres and ninety-
four perches.
Being the same premises which Kather-
usband, by ‘their deed
ine J. Lauck and
dated August 13th, 1913, and recorded in
Centre County, Deed Book 121, page “155,
granted and conveyed the same to” Sarah
Alice Johnsonbaugh, = of the first part
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Virginia B. Horner
and J. H. Horner.
Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M.
of said day.
. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
July Sth, 1929. 74-27-3¢
UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the Orphans’
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue - of ..a
A Low Priced
Porcelain Finished
You know how easy it is to keep a shining piece of porcelain
clean . . . and sanitary. And,
lain lined refrigerators have always
of course, you know that porce-
been much more satisfac-
tory than the plain enameled ones.
FRIGIDAIRE offers you
new low electric
finished, INSIDE AND OUT.
TU-TONE gray and white panelling,
this exceptional feature ata
refrigerator that is porcelain
The cabinet is in the attractive
while the food compart-
ment is one piece of seamless white.
OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN enables you to have a Frigidaire operating
in your home for only a few dollars down. Then, you can pay as you use
eo « « In convenient instaliments that fit right in with your income.
In addition, this new *‘ Million Model" is equipped with the
very popular Frigidaire ‘Cold Control’. That's the handy piece
of mechanism that gives you six different freezing speeds...
six degrees of ‘colder than cold" in the freezing compartment. .
These are just two of the excelling features that have made
Frigidaire the favorite in over one million homes. . . more in-
stallations than all other electric refrigerators combined.
Come in and see the ‘‘ Million
Model”. . . TODAYL it's on
Sf =