RRR RR ARR, Kay Dewan. Bellefonte, Pa., July 19, 1929. A —— KEEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ———Centre county's milk, eggs, wool and honey crop for 1928 amounted &0 $2.0%3550. ——Anyone having a secondhand plano to dispose of cheap or donate to a worthy small church will please eommunicate with C. C. Shuey, Bellefonte, Pa. : —A cool wave followed Sunday’s rain storms and on Tuesday morning the temperature was down to 54 de- grees above zero, which was rather chilly for this time of year. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlow entertained at dinner, at the Nittany eocuntry club, Tuesday evening, their guests including the employees of their Bellefonte, State College and Lewisburg stores. ——0On Monday Judge Albert W. Johnson of the federal court, signed | & decree in which the Centre County Banking company was formally ad- Judged a bankrupt. It is quite like- Iy a trustee will be selected in the near future to wind up the bank's affairs. . Announcement has been made By Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Olin Glenn, of Bradford, of the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Meek Glenn and Charles Firman Kindred second, of Philadelphia, the marriage having taken place in Bellefonte, on the thir- teenth of October, 1928. Both Mr. aad Mrs. Kindred are graduates of Penn State. . : ‘——On Wednesday afternoon former county commissioner D. A. Grove motored to Tangletown, near Milesburg, on 4 little business mis- sion. On the return trip his Franklin sedan stalled on the railroad cross- ing with a freight train in view, run- ning backwards toward Bellefonte. Fortunately the train was not running fast and the flagman was able to give the stop signal in time to bring the train to a stop before it hit the ma- chine. ~——On Wednesday morning Don- ald Lucas, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucas, of Howard, ran from behind his father’s milk truck right in front of an automobile being driven by Clarence Yearick. He was struck on the hip by the bumper, while, one of the headlights was brok- en on the lad’s head. He was brought to the Centre County hospital by Balser Weber, and while he is suffer- ing with head injuries, cuts and bruises no really serious complica- tions have developed. —The Bellefonte Presbyterian Sun- day school picnicked at Hecla park, Iast Friday, which in itself is merely & current news item, but an interes:- fing fact in connection therewith is that Charles Gilmour was amory those present. And this is news. be- cause it was his first visit to the park since his last trip as engineer on old Ne-has-sa-nee in October, 1918. when the Central Railroad of Pennsylvania passed into history. Naturally Mr. Gilmour could hardly reconcile the park of today with the more natural eonditions that prevailed there eleven years ago. John McCoy has not only fixed up the old stone house, at the McCoy works, in a palatial manner but has Had the barn gone over and, as a Housewarming for the latter his niece, Miss Rachel VanPelt, gave an old- fashioned barn dance there on Wed- nesday night of last week. Included in the party, in addition to Miss Van- Pelt, were Misses Kathryn Irwin, Louise Meyer, Emily Wilkinson, Dor- othy Runkle, Patty Lane Fay, Mary Pennington, Mary Curtin, Eliza Cur- tin, and Jacob Bottorf, Philip Wit- craft, Peter Meek, Alexander Morris, William Curtin, Orvis Harvey, Eu- gene Robb, Jack Montgomery, Max- well Kelly and Paul Crust. -Mr. and Mrs. Myron M. Cobb have received the gratifying an- nouncement of the promotion of their son, Arpeld C. Cobb. The young man | graduated at State College with the class of 1924, in the mechanical en- gineering course, and within ten days had gone to work for the Nickel Plate railroad in the company’s roundhouse, at Conneaut, Ohio. His job was that of trouble hunter and ‘first aid repair man on crippled loco- motives. There was no high-sound- ing title to the position but it was one of decided importance in keeping the rolling stock in proper condition Mr. Cobb did his work carefully and thoroughly and the result is that he has been promoted to night foreman of the company’s big shops and roundhouse, at Indianapolis, Ind. Last Thursday evening a party of gentlemen, which included two cap- tains in the ranks of State highway patrolmen, were standing on the pavement in front of the uptown A. & P. store when an automobile stopped on the opposite side of the street, in front of the Bellefonte Trust com- pany. Two men got out and started across the street towards the Brock- erhoff house. In the middle of the street one of them stopped suddenly and made a grab at his coat tail with both hands but he missed it and a quart bottle slipped from under his coat and crashed to pieces on the pavement. Neither of the men stop- ped to mourn the departed but with guickened footsteps made their way across the street and into the hotel. The license tag on the car showed it to have been from Williamsport. ONE MAN SENTENCED, | TWO PAROLES GRANTED. At a brief session of court, on Sat- urday morning, Andrew DeBrino, who escaped from Rockview penitentiary ‘on December 21st, 1925, and was “brought back to Centre county from the federal penitentiary, at Atlanta, Ga., on Thursday, was brought be- | fore Judge Fleming for sentence. De- Brino was originally sentenced in Erie county for eighteen months to four years for larceny and receiving stolen goods. Following his escape from Rockview he made his way into ' West Virginia where he was arrested rand convicted under the Mann act as a white slaver. He was sent to the federal penitentiary at Atlanta and officials of Rockview, learning of his where-abouts, lodged a detainer against him and when his time was up brought him back to Centre coun- ity to answer to the charge of break- ing and escaping. Judge Fleming imposed a sentence identical with his original one. Probation officer Roy Wilkinson presented the petition of Carson Rice for parole from the Allegheny work- house. Rice, with Ernest Leitch and David Shade, all of Clinton coun- ty, were arrested early in February on the charge of stealing chickens from Centre county farmers, the prosecutor in the case being Willard Yearick, of Marion township. Mr. Wilkinson told the court that from his investigation he believed that Price had been inveigled into the chicken stealing trip by Leitch; that so far as he could learn he had al- ways been a good citizen and had made but one trip with the men; that of the one hundred and fifty chick- ens stolen Price got only his share of the loot. He has a wife and four children and because of the 1 family needs his support. The men plead guilty after their arrest and Price has served about five months of his sentence. The court granted the parole. The next case called was that against Charles T. Noll for failure to obey an order oi court to pay $75a month for the support of his wife. Noll was arrested in Washington, Pa., over three weeks ago and has since been in the Centre county jail. Mr. Wilkinson told the court that he was first arrested in December, 1927, on a non-support charge and at that time he voluntarily offered to pay $75 a month to his wife, but in the twen- ty months that have elapsed he has paid only $45. In his own defense Mr. Noll told the court that he had done the very best he could do. That the company he had been working for at Homewood had gone under and he was out of work for awhile, and had only been at work at Washington eight days when arrested. Judge Fleming told him that he had no pa- tience with men who failed to proper- ly support their wife and children, and he was going to see that they did it while he is on the bench or he will send them to the 'Allegheny work- house and the money they earn there will be turned over to the wife. Con- sequently, Noll was remanded to jail until he can devise some means of giving bond to insure compliance with the court order. William Reed, who has been in jail for some weeks for failure to provide for the support of his children, was granted a parole on condition that he pay $15 a month towards the support of his three youngest children. CALLAHAN ARCHITECTURE STANDING IN BELLEFONTE. Already the razing of “Old Main” at State College has gotten under way and the roof and part of the | fifth floor have disappeared. Its de- molition brings to mind that Charles Callahan, the architect of the origin- (al building, once lived in Bellefonte several of which are still standing. He built and occupied what was later called the Philip Gephart hoine which stood on the site on Allegheny ! street now occupied by the residence tof the late Dr. W. U. Irwin. It would seem ‘that his fancy ran to red brick with marble trimmings for he designed the Judge Hals home, now the property of Col. J. L. Spangler, as well as the present Ma- sonic Temple. The original “Arcade” that stood where the Bellefonte Trust Co’s building now stands, was also designed by Callahan. It was sup- ful building in Bellefonte at the time. After it was burned Thomas Reynolds took the marble steps in its approach and used them as steps to his resi- dence on High street. That is now the property of Dr. David ‘Dale and the steps are still there. An interesting side light on these incidents is the fact that Callahan | was really a tailor. We have been unable to ascertain whether he car- ried on the work of an architect while making clothes or whether he aban- doned the latter work when he took up building design. -——The board of governors of the Centre County Motor club have set Thursday, August 15, as the day for the annual’ picnic .for all Centre county motorists. Invitations will be mailed to each registered car owner in Centre county, and as there are over 8000 registered pleasure car owners in the county, that will un- doubtedly be the biggest party to yet be staged at Hecla park, the play ground of Centre county. and designed many structures hers, | posed to have been the most beauti- STATE PROTHONOTARIES ; MEET IN BELLEFONTE. The State Association of Prothon- otaries held its annual convention in ‘Bellefonte on Wednesday and yester- day. The association is young in years as it was only organized last year at a meeting held in Allentown and’ this may account for the small attendance this year, as only sixteen counties out of sixty-seven in the State were represented, and four of them were by women officials. These were Mercer, represented by Daisy T. Morse; Venango, by Mrs. Squires; ‘Bradford, by Marian D. Fellswell, and Somerset, by June E. Werner. W. A. Wert, of Lehigh county. president of the association, presid- ed and in the absence of the regular secretary V. L. Greely, of Crawford county, was chosen secretary pro tem. | The committee appointed at the or- ' ghnization meeting to prepare. by- laws for the association read its re: { port, and with a few minor changes and amendments the same were adopted. The yearly dues were fixed at five dollars. The treasurer presented his first , annual report which was approved “snd ordered placed on file. The meeting then resolved into a . general form for discussion of ques- tions of vital importance to prothon- |otaries. Among these were the arbi- | trary power of salary boards in fixing: salaries of clerks, in which the clerk has the right of appeal if he doesn’t [think the salary commensurate with {the ‘work, while prothonotaries are denied such right. They contended that the present fee bill was out of date and should be revised and also seven as | contended that officials in counties | from the second to the sixth class ; Should be given an increase in salary, delicate condition of his wife his as the salary today is just what it was twenty-five years ago. It was the sentiment of the meet- ing that a legislative committee be {appointed to look after the interests of the prothonotaries at the next meeting of the Legislature. | i | | RINGNECKS AND FAWN HARVESTED WITH GRAIN. S. A. Homan, who farms what is known as the Bucher Ayres place near Pennsylvania Furnace, had two rather unpleasant experiences last week. While harvesting his grain the binder was drawn over a nest of young ringneck pheasants. Before they were noticed several were killed and some injured so badly that they had to be killed. Later the same binder was driven So the only thing to be done was kill it. 2 Some time ago the men on the Mary W. Meek farm, in the same neighborhood, were crossing a field when they discovered a nest of ring- neck eggs. As one of them was brok- en they figured that the hen would not go back to the nest so they took the eggs to the barn and put them nnd they had quite a flock of little pheasants. All lived but a few and now they go to the woods to roost at night but return every day to be fed. —— a COUNTY WOOL POOL SOLD FLEECE SATURDAY. The Centre County Sheep and Wonl Growers Association pooled their wool on Friday and Saturday of last week. The wool was purchased by a mill in Philadelphia. year consisted of a total of 12,462 pounds of wool. Out of this amount there were 694 pounds of rejections. The wool was graded into four grades; quarter, three-eighths, fine delaine and rejections. The grading was done by W. H. Henning and W. B. Connell, of State College. Accord- ing to W. B. Connell, sheep extension specialist, who has graded the wool for the Centre county pool for sever- al years, the wool handled this year was in much better condition than h had ever handled before. : The Centre County growers feel that by selling their wool on the pool plan in a cooperative way usually means from 5c. to 6c. per pound in- crease in price and the association through this system of handling wool has demonstrated the value of put- ting the product on the market in first class condition. CENTRE COUNTY JAIL WAS OVERCROWDED LAST WEEK. A record for inmates was establish- ed at the Centre county jail, Jast Friday, when, for a few hours, it had thirty-seven prisoners within its walls. It was so overcrowded, in fact, that when officers arrivad here with Andrew DeBrino, an escaped Rockview penitentiary convict brought back from the federal prison, at Atlanta, Ga., there was no avail- able cell in which to put him and he was taken to Rockview and kept there until brought into court, for sen- tence on Saturday.. : The release of several prisoners on Friday and parole of two others on Saturday relieved the overcrowded condition, but at that the number of inmates is above the normal. Plans for the proposed addition to the jail are now in the possession of the State Welfare Departmen: and they will have to be approved prior to the award of the bids on August 2nd. under a chicken. Everyone hatched | The pool this! EDGEFONTE MIGHT BE HOME OF STATE HIGHWAY PATROL. While no papers have been execut- ed at this writing it looks as if “Edge- fonte,” the Garman family summer home at Axe Mann, might be the final selection as headquarters for Troops C and D, State highway patrol. During the week Major W. G. Price, Capt. J. M. Bender, of the newly formed Troop D and Capt. H. N. Keller, of Troop C, have ‘been in Bellefonte and inspected every place offered and the one most adaptable for headquarters for the patrol is Edgefonte, at Axe Mann. The house is ~ located right along the main State highway leading from Bellefonte to State College, Lewistown, Lewisburg, and points east. It is advantageous- ly situated for ease of approach as well as constant vigilance on quite a stretch of highway. The house contains thirteen large rooms, six on the first floor and sev- en on the second. The large spring in the front yard furnishes an abund- ance of water which is forced into the house with an automatic electric pump. If Edgefonte is selected a heating plant will be installed and that is about all it will need to put it in shape. Edgefonte, which has been in pos- Session of the Garman family for nigh : onto fifty years, is well onto one hun- dred years old. It was built by a member of the Mann family as a home when Mann's axe plant was one of the flourishing industries of Cen- tre county. It was occupied by the Mann's until J. Fearon Mann moved ito a home in Bellefonte and after ithat the property at Axe Mann was purchased by the Garmans. CAMP WAPALANEE IS BIG ATTRACTION FOR BOYS. More than half the Bellefonte boys who went to Camp Wapalanee, on Wednesday of last week, are having such a good time that they have de- cided to stay the second week. The ! camp, located along Bald Eagle creek, {about three miles below Howard, is | very much of a success and the boys ' accord hearty words of praise for the ; management. But the real hero, in the eyes of all the youngsters, is Kel- ly, the cook. He it is who provides the edible provender to satisfy the rapacious appetites of the boys run- ning wild, and that’s some job. ! Boys who joined the camp this week were James Rogers, Bob Witter, Earl Heverly, Billie Brown, Daniel Thompson, Thomas Caldwell, Jack ‘Shope and Robert Guisewhite. i Sundays and Wednesdays are the | ony days on which visitors are per- 3 ! mitted at the camp and as evidence into a fawn that had sought cover in : the grain field. Its legs were cut off | that the people of Bellefonte are in- | terested in this summer outing afford- ed the boys through. the good offices of the Y. M. C. A., the following were at the camp on Sunday: Dr. and Mrs. 'E. S. Maloy and Jane Maloy, Mrs. { Ernest Benner, jana Dean Benner, Mr. and Mrs. Earl ‘Hoffer and son Jimmie, Mrs. A. C. ! Mingle, Miss Frances Hoffer, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson, with their sons Jack and ! Jimmie; Mr. and Mrs. Cronemiller, Mrs. Emma Smith, Bud and Carl Cronemiller, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. John- son, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and children, Martha and James, Mary Jane and Woody Johnson, Robert Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cherry and ‘daugh- ter Mary, Theodore Cherry and Mrs. A. L. Nichols. dlp eeea— MRS. BILLET ENTERTAINS CLASS IN MOUNTAIN CAMP. Mrs. Nelson Billet gave her class of week. She procured one of the Bilger cabins on the top of Nittany moun- tain and, on Monday, they went into camp there; remaining until Sunday evening. It was a new experience for some of them and a grand time for all. The fine weather made the out-of- door life ideal and the camp stove cooked good things to eat that rival- ed nature’s charms for the class. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Bil- let, Miss Marie Swartz, a nurse at the Centre County hospital, and the fol- class: Jennie Snyder, Arline Fisher, Mary Gertrude Barlet, Dorothy Lew- is, Lila Jodon and Mabel Watson. —e——— BRUNGART REUNION SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th The sixth annual reunion ef the widely known Brungart clan will be held at Hecla park on Saturday, Au- gust 17th. It will be in the shape of a basket picnic and a]l connections are invited. The president of the as- sociation .is Jasper R. Brungart, Re- bersburg, and the secretary, Dr. Fred E. Gutelius, Millheim. W. Harrison Walker Esq. of Bellefonte, is one of the vice presidents. rr —————————— ——Last Friday evening the ver. satile Pete Ferguson, of Philipsburg, gave a dinner to half a hundred of his friends, at the Flatrock club house, above Port Matilda. Among the guests were Senator Harry B. Scott, of Philipsburg, Judge M. Ward Fleming and Roy Wilkinson, of Belle- fonte. As Pete has been one of the handy political men in his home town for a number of years the dinner had the earmarks of a political pow-wow, but along what line has not been di- vulged. Charles, Geraldine : girls in the Bellefonte Lutheran Sun- i day school a delightful outing last lowing members of the Sunday school | | NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Miss Marie Seig is here from Washing- ton, D, C., a guest of her brother, William P. Seig, at his home on Curtin street. —Georgette Purnell is entertaining Leona Phillips, of Millington, Md., at the home of her parents, G. I. Purnell, on east Curtin street. —Mrs. Charles F. Beatty and her two sons, Billy and Tommie, are visiting with Mr. Beatty's sister, in Cleveland, having ' gone out to Ohio a week ago. —Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leathers, and their two children, are back from Steubenville, Ohio, for a summer visit with relatives and, friends at Mt. Eagle, the former home of both Mr. and Mrs. Leathers. Miss Ann Shafner, who is a house guest of her aunt, Mrs. James B. Lane, is here from Summit, N. J., for a visit with Mrs Lane, Mrs. John Porter Lyon and her family, and Miss Grace Mitchell. —Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Buckingham their daughter, Miss Loraine, and Miss Mildred Billings, of New York City, were among the week-end guests entertained by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. West, of Curtin street, and the Edward Widdowson family on Spring street. —Miss Celia Moerschbacher, of the fit- ting dppartment of McCreery’s store, of Pittsburgh, is home for her summer va- cation, which she is spending with her mother, Mrs. Charles Moerschbacher, of . Thomas street, and other members of the family in Bellefonte. —Miss Sue M. Garner accompanied by Miss Myrtte M. VanSciver, came up from Philadelphia, Wednesday, expecting to spend the remainder of July here visiting with Miss Garner's sister, Mrs. Bottor{ and the W. M. Bottorf family, at their home on Spring street. —Joseph Fauble, of Ashland, Ohio, ar- rived in Bellefonte, on Sunday, and spent several days here with his mothar, Mrs. M. Fauble, and his brother and sister. Joe is still in the clothing business in Ashland to which city he moved from Mononga- ; hela about fifteen years ago. —The Rev. Homer C. Knox, with Mrs Knox and their two younger children, Homer Jr., and Mary Jane, left the early part of the week, to occupy 2 cottage on the river above Harrisburg, during Mr. Knox's vacation, expecting to be gone until the middle of August. —Mrs. ‘George Gilbert and her grand- son, Master Gilbert Olewine, drove to State College, Saturday, from Bywood, for a week-end visit with the child’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris Olewine. Gilbert, who returned with his grandmoth- er, spends much of his time at Bywood. —Mr., and Mrs. Ellis O. Keller and their three children, have been with Mrs. Kel- ler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Steven- son, at Waddle, and with her sister, Mrs. Collins Shoemaker, in the Petrikin apart- ments, since giving up their home in Wil- liamsport, late in June. Until locating permanently again, the Keller family will be with relatives in Centre coun'y. , —Mr. and Mrs. John Herman and their ‘son Jack came up from Philadelphia, Sat- ‘urday, to spend a part of Mr. Herman's vacation with his relatives at Pleasant ' Gap, and with Mrs. Herman's mother and | sisters, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Ed- | ward Gehret and Mrs. Love, in Bellefonte. From here Mr. and Mrs. Herman will go to Wildwood, N. J., for two weeks. —Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beezer are entertaining Mrs. Beezer's niece, Mrs. , George Houghton and her daughter, Miss Edith, of Boston, who arrived here Tues- day, to spend a week or more in Belle- fonte, visiting Mrs. Beezer and her broth- er, B. D, Tate. Following their visit here, Mrs. Houghton will spend some time vis- iting with the Tate family in Nippeno val- ley. —Mrs. W. E. McCreedy and her daugh- ter, came over from West New York, Mon- | day night, to join Mrs. McCreedy’s sister, { Miss Emily Parker, all of whom are visit- ing with Miss Elizabeth Parker, at the Parker home on Howard street, and with i Mrs. James Schofield, on south Thomas | street. Miss Emily expects to be in Belle- | fonte until early in August, while Mrs. { McCreedy and the child will be here for { the remainder of the summer. —Miss Helen Beezer returned to Belle- | fonte, Sunday, and went directly to the Centre county hospital, where she has ! been while recovering from the fatigue of the trip home. Miss Beezer had been in . the Presbyterian hospital in Philadelphia under treatment for several months, going from there to Elkton, ‘Md., last week. From Elkton she motored to Lancaster and came from there by train to Lewis- town, where she was met by her mother, {| Mrs. Philip Beezer, Mrs. Witcraft and the { latter's son, Phil. 4 | —Included in the list of visitors in | Bellefonte, last week, was Frank P. ! Barnhart Esq., of Ebensburg, recently ap- | pointed an extra judge of common pleas {court for Cambria county, by Governor ! Fisher, in compliance with an act passed {by the last Legislature. Following his | appointment proceedings were instituted i at Harrisburg to debar him from taking | the oath of office because of some alleged irregularity in his practice as an attorney and the matter has not yet been settled. Mr. Barnhart was in this section primar- ily on a trout fishing expedition on Fish ing creek. —Finley E. Johnson, of Michigan; George B., of Beaver Falls, and Harry E., of Pittsburgh, sons of the late John T. Johnson, who fifty years ago served as postmaster of Bellefonte, were in Belle- fonte, on Sunday, and guests at the Brockerhoff house for dinner. It was tbe first time the brothers had been together in sixteen years and they decided to mo- tor to Bellefonte just to spend a few hours at the home of their youth and also see as many of their old triends as the limited time would permit. They also mad2 a trip to the Union cemetery where bota thai father and mother were laid to rest. —Dr. A. BE. Blackburn, accompanied by Miss Margaret Brisbin, motored up from Philadelphia, Saturday, Miss Brisbin hav- ing come up to spend her vacation here with her uncle and aunt, Col. and Mrs. J. L. Spangler, as has been her custom since a child. Dr. Blackburn, after an over Sunday visit, made the return drive home Monday, taking with him Mrs. Blackburn, who had been in Bellefonte for a month or more. Col. and Mrs. Spangler have al- so had as guests during the week, Dr. and Mrs. Blackburn's daughter, Miss Eliza, who with a co-worker in the Friends school at Overbrook, stopped here enroute home from a motor trip through the mid- dle west, EE —— | Mrs. Harry Garber, who is now | Flushing, L. I., is arranging for a day j visit with her sister, Mrs. George Thompson. ~—Miss Margaret Stewart is expect: home the early part of next week fro 8 two weeks visit with Mrs. Lathrop, Mount Joy. —George Geiss, with the P. R. R. Philadelphia, spent the week-end lefonte with his parents, Mr. a: Mrs. Wagner Geiss. . —Miss Emma Waite, with the local Be telephone exchange, is off for her summ | : her brother a: at . Bel ; Vacation, spending it with his family, in Williamsport. —Mr. and Mrs. John Teats came ov |itrom Punxsutawney, the early part of tI | week, for a week's visit with the Fin i binder family, on Bishop street. —Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Wynn and the two children came up from Philadelphi Tuesday, to visit for a part of July wi Mrs. Wynn's aunt, Mrs. E. H. Richard —Miss Mary H. Linn and Miss An; y McCoy attended a meeting of the exec | tive board of the Woman's Missionary s | ciety, of the Huntingdon presbytery, he in Tyrone, Tuesday. | —Charles F. Cook and his daughte | Miss Anna, have had as guests during tl week, Mr. Cook's son, Joseph and his so Richard, who have been here from Cley land for a summer visit. —Mrs. Nathan Kofman, with he daughter and two sons, Freda, Max ar Joseph, drove to Brooklyn, N. Y.,, We nesday, for a short visit with relatives . | both Mr. and Mrs. Kofman. —George P. Spencer drove over fro { Brooklyn, Saturday, to join Mrs. Spenc: and their little daughter for the week-en Mrs. Spencer is here with her mothe Mrs. Burnet, who is occupying the Has ings home for the summer, —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godshall, of Can den, N. J., arrived in Bellefonte Yyesterds for their annual summer visit at ti Michael Lamb home, on north Allegher street. Mrs. Godshall, prior to her ma riage, was Miss Florence Lamb. —John Snyder, one of the oldest res dents of State College and among its be. known ones, was a guest of friends on ! drive to Bellefonte, Monday, spending ser | eral hours here talking with friends an looking after some business matters. —Mrs. Edward J. Eckenroth was he: from State College, last week, spendin | the week with her daughter, Mrs. Harr Walkey, leaving Saturday to be away fc the remainder of the summer with anoth¢’ daughter, Mrs. E. G. Carpenter and he family, at Reading. —Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Malin, their tw children and Mr. Malin’s sister, Miss Sar: drove to Spring Lake, N. J., a week ag where Mrs. Malin and the children wi visit for several weeks with the Herbe: S. Meyers family. Mr. Malin and his si: ter returned home Sunday. —The condition of Mrs. Martin Faubli whose illness had become more seriou this week, was the cause for the comin home of all her children, Mrs. Seel hay | ing been here from Paxtang, Mrs. Tausi from Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs, Noll fro: Lansdowne, and Joseph Fauble from Ast land, Ohio. : —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Burlingam drove here from their home at Cazenovi: N. Y., Saturday, Mr, Burlingame remair ing for an overnight visit, leaving Mr Burlingame to spend several weeks wit her mother and aunt, Mrs. H. C. Valen tine, and Miss Mary Valentine, at thei home on Curtin street. For the time Mr: Burlingame is in Bellefonte, Mrs. Stanle Valentine and her son will be with friend at Narragansett Pier. —Mrs. Charles H. Young, formerly Mis Lois Kirk, who with Mr. Young and thei four children came in from Meadville las week, will go to Harrisburg today wit Mr. Young to attend a two days confer ence of engineers. Mrs. Young and th children expect to be here with Dr. an Mrs. M. A. Kirk, and with Mr. Young’ mother, in Clearfield, for a month, Mi Young having arranged to spend his vaca tion with his family during their stay. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gearhart, wh came here from Millville, N. J., a mont or more ago, intend making Bellefont their home, Mr. Gearhart havin, completed the filling station which he i having built along the highway a shor distance east of town, and of which h personally will be in charge. For th present Mr. and Mrs. Gearhart will mak their home with Mrs. Gearhart’s sisters the Misses Ann and Alice Fox, and thei brother, on east Bishop street. —In compliment to Mrs. E. E. Bimr and her little daughter, who are here fror Evanston, Ill, for a month's visit wit] { Mrs. Bimm’s mother, Mrs. Charles Cruse Mrs. Cruse’s entire family were home Sun day for a day together. In addition t Mrs. Bimm and her child, the party includ ed, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruse, of Punx sutawney; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Winslov and their family of Patton, and Mr. anc Mrs. Allan Cruse and their family, o Milesburg, with Miss Helen Cruse, who i here at home. —Mrs. Robert Deming, of Oswego, Kan sas, stopped in Bellefonte, Saturday, fo an overnight visit with relatives anc friends on her way to Boston, to join he daughter, Dr. Deming, one of the mos prominent psychiatrists of the east,is on trip to Europe, sailing Monday night. Dr Deming is going over to attend a congres; of psychiatrists to be held in Elsinor Denmark, and also in Berlin. Mrs. Dem ing spent quite some time in Bellefont: many years ago, and is a daughter of the late Rev. John Elliot, who built the Pres byterian church in Tyrone, her mother be ing a sister of Mrs. Andrew G. Curtin. —————————————— —1In the July issue of “Today,’ modern homemaking news publishec by the West Penn Power company and which is out this week, appears ¢ picture of the living room in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A Beezer, on Curtin street, Bellefonte The object of the picture is to show the most effective lighting, both from an artistic and convenience stand: point, in a beautiful living room. ——p——————— Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. WHEAL. ....onssismmisrmimsiimmismersissmssmitiomre ess $1.2( COMM enone seems mseaeesenes 1.0C Oats BC Rye 1.0 BATIOY cssssssisiwecrrsssmissinssassioss sos senna. wofB BUCKWHIAL * ceeeremsisesssrcciemsmemisatessaies &(