Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 19, 1929, Image 7
—4OLKS warned Jennie Maxwell of the Warren Way before she married Joe Warren. But she laughed at them. Joe was big, ean-bodied, clean-hearted, good-lock- g and he loved her. She loved him. he Warren Way didn’t bother ber 1e bit. For two qr three years Jennie did st as Joe's mother had done; she it along with things as they were , the Warren homestead. House- »eping tools were clumsy and old- shioned. Jenny washed by hand, us- g a pair of leaky wooden tubs and tin washboiler. It was hard work, wrticularly as she used her nice eces of linen every day. Somehow, ie just couldn't get the grime out of ie towels. When Joe had the place joined up ith the electric light system in the sar-by town Jennie saw help ahead. { the same time the barn was wired zhts were installed in the house. But aprovements stopped right there. Joe 1t he had spent enough money. One Saturday afternoon Jennie ove to town to do some marketing 1d happened upon a demonstration electric washing machines. Aft- - looking through the window at the owd of interested women inside the ardware store, she entered. Her fa- Jer had been a machinist and she had therited a knack for machinery. here was a joke in her family ‘to \e effect that if you gave Jennie a airpin and a button hook she could lend almost anything. This brisk, ipable labor-saver fascinated her. The simiest towel came out Snowy white. Jennie’s big dark eyes grew lumi- pus with longing. Two or three wom- a gave orders for a machine. One of jese women was the wife of a man ho worked, odd times, for Joe. Of yurse she had a big family. ‘How about you, Mrs. Warren?” je salesman asked, smiling at her, encil poised above order blank. Jennie flushed and shook her head. he wanted to talk it over with her usband, she murmured. Behind her ney Frost laughed. “That's all it will amount to—talk- \g it over,” Lucy said to the woman oside her. “My husband works for oe Warren. He's tighter than the ark to a tree. And set in his way— 1e Warren Way.” Jennie could not get away quick nough. She raced the car home. ucy Frost was a liar. Joe would, he Just after that, let her have the wasb- 1g machine, But Joe wouldn’t. : When he learned 1e price he was astounded. | “But, Joe/i—pleaded- Jennie; “you on’t know what you're talking about. ust see how the thing works before ou decide against it.” Nothing she said had any effect up- n Joe. His lips shut in a straight ne, his sandy brows drew down over is gray eyes. With a gesture he dis- lissed the washing machine forever. Two days later a truck drove up to ne barn. Two men got out and be- an to unload a huge box. Joe came anning from the field. Jennie was uzzled. What was it going to be ow? She went out to see. It was a milking machipe of the 10st improved type. Joe hadn't told er he was going to get it. They had nly four cows, registered Holsteins, hich Joe never allowed anybody else > touch. This expensive contraption ras for them, to save Joe that hour's ilking night and morning. Jennie arned around and went back into the ouse. She was washing, for Joe's hings got dreadfully dirty. She crubbed on the old washboard with 11 her might. Suddenly a cry burst rom her lips. She had torn her hand n the zine. It required bandaging. he couldn’t finish her washing that ay. Next morning Joe had something Ise to do, so Jennie drew the milk o the condensery. She drove the ight truck as well as Joe could and here was always somebody there to nload the cans for her, Her hand sas still bandaged and very sore. And ier disposition was sore, too. She felt he had as much right to a washing aachine as Joe had to a milking ma- hine. She was delayed at the condensery nd she went in to watch the ma- hinery. She peeped into the great ‘at where the fresh milk bubbled to he proper point of condensation in hree hours. Wonderful! She moved n to take a look at the way the cans vere being filled and capped automati- ally. But most amazing of all was he tireless carrier which hurried Jong with the empty shells while two rirls were feeding it with deft, swift potions. She knew the girls well. They were neighbors, young, alert, ;00d looking. “Say, Elsie,” she said, “how much lo you get a day for doing that?” “Five dollars.” “Pive—" Jennie was startled. ooks easy,” she added. “Qh, it is! And I'd like to stay on rere but—" she blushed. “She's trying to tell you she’s go- ng to be married the first of the nonth and her place here will be va- ant,” said Mary Fancher. “They are looking for somebody to ‘ake my place,” Elsie said. During ‘his conversation the girls didn’t once ause in handling the empty shells, Jennie turned around and went straight toward the office. As she went she made swift computution—$5 \ day for thirty days would buy her “It that washing machine. Meanwhi'e, she could hire Melissa Sprague to help her with the housework, When she went home she had Me- lissa with her. “What's the idea?’ Joe demanded. “Melissa is going to do the work here for a few weeks, Joe,” replied Jennie, “On account of your hand?” “No,” _Jennie tried to laugh but she was trembling all over. “On account of my taking Elsie Dumond’s place at the condensery.” “What are you talking about?” Joe's face was crimson. “J mean it, Joe. I've hired out for one month. I begin my work tomor- row,” Jennie’s tone sounded much steadier than she felt. Joe jumped up, overturning his chair, and dashed out of the house. He was angry clear through, but he knew—all that Jennie hadn’t told him. Jennie went to work next morning. She drove over to the condensery, She drove home at night. Joe said not one word. Nor did she, They sim- ply dropped the matter. But she knew when she looked at him that he wasn’t going to give in about the washing machine. The Warren Way had hold of him. It was the first time that Jennie had ever seen the hateful Way in action, and she hated it. Her mode of procedure had become now a chal- lenge. She was striving less for the coveted labor-saver than for victory over an inherited trait which threat ened to mar their happiness. After the first week Jennie’s work became monotonous, Just an endless handling of shells, Once she awak- ened in the night to find herself sit- ting up in bed going through the mo- tions on the ¢ounterpane. Night found her tired, her head aching from the pounding of the machinery all about her. Her washing machine was cost- ing much, much more than money. Could she hold out, could she? She held out to the last day ana che last hour until her month’s check was in her hand. Wearily she climbed into the car and started homeward. She had given up her job. She was glad to be through with that. But a harder job lay before her. If she got that washing machine it would add to the trouble, And the distance between her and Joe was wide and getting wider. Perhaps Joe's mother bad done the better thing; she had bowed to the Warren Way. Of course she hadn't lived ong. But what mat- ter? Jennie was worn out. Her thoughts were thouggts of defeat as she drove homeward, the big check in her pocket. Joe was nowhere in sight. She got out of the car and went slowly into the house. She heard Melissa slam- ming pans in the kitchen. There was a good smell of pot roast. She went to the door, looked into che room, at the grinning and excited Melissa, and at something else—the washing machine of her dreams stand- ing. in the.corner. that seemed JUSLI0 | goes to the art-galeries amd—fees=tof have been made for it. “Melissa!” gasped Jennie. “Where Jdid that come from?” “From Allen’s hardware. Just got nere. Joe told 'em to be sure and have it here before you got home.” “Joe?” Jennie felt tears coming. She ould hardly see Joe strolling in cas- ually. “Hello, Jen!” Joe said. He looked at her an instant, then went up to her, took her in his arms and kissed her. Melissa slipped from the room. Jennie put her arms around his neck, | her head on his shoulder. “You're a brick, I'll say,” whispered Joe. “But, Jen, say, if you won't go back to the condensery ever again I'll get you any- thing you ask for. I—I can't come into the house and find you gone Jennie. Why, it—it just about kills me,” A Heart-Searching Voice of Violin Best Music There is music on board, and to its merry tunes the great ship dances along on the silvery crest of the waves. The “white horses” leap and laugh, with the children sporting on deck. Gayly the music and the wind whips everything into movement and animation, and on goes the ship—a happy creature of freedom, carrying joyously its human freight. Or, perhaps, it is a tree-fringed road, white in the moonlight. A musician, in the midst of a strolling group of hill walkers, wildly plays to the night. Fantastically the shadows of his com- panions dance with the flickering shad- ows of the leaves. They merge, then part, as in a grotesque procession. Now. they pass, and the music, and the songs of the men, and the laugh- ter of the trees, mingle into one. But the best music of all is the neart-searching voice of a violin played by an open-air fire. To be car- ried here and there on the exquisite waves of sound, to watch the flames leaping, to inhale the. smell of the burning wood, to lose oneself in the blackness of the encircling earth or in the vastnesses of the starry sky overhead—is to hear music. Wanted—An Epidemic! The doctor's little daughter took a lot of interest in her father’s profes- sion. One day a lady friend called to see ner mother, and in the course of con- versation turned to the little girl and asked how she was and how her fa- ther was getting on. “Qh, we aren’t doing so badly,” re- plied the young womgn, with a new interest in the entertainment—‘not so badly, all things considered. There's plenty of colds, some bron- chitis, and a little fever here and there; but as daddie said yesterday morning, what we really want is a nice little epidemic.”—Exchange, | | | | | BRITAIN TO TEST NEW DIRIGIBLES One Will Visit Canada, Other | Goes to Egypt. London.—The world’s latest and most expensive experiment in aircraft construction will be given fits first test soon when gas is blown into the bags of the R-100 and the R-101, Great Britain's new $4,000,000 airships. Sir Samuel Heare, British air min- ister, recently announced in the house of commons that the two new airships would make flights to Canada and India in the fall if the trial flights were successful. Air experts of the world perked up their ears at this an- nouncement for Great Britain's failure in these two ventures may mean death for future airship construction. The R-100, the air ministry has de- cided, will go to Canada, while the R-101 will make the first long flight to India and Egypt, where arrange- ments already have been made for handling the ship. It is understood here that the R-100 might include the United States in its itinerary if Wasb- ington extends an invitation. But so far Sir Samuel has refused to divulge when the shed tests and first trial flights will be held. Pre- vious delays, and subsequent question- ings in parliament, have made him cautious. It was learned, however, that the bags will be filled some time in June, after which the first local flights will be made. The construction of these two 5,000,- 000 cubic feet gas-filled airships is rapidly nearing completion after in- numerable delays occasioned by changes in plans and the addition of many new devices which never before have been employed on giant airships. The R-101, in particular, represents several radical departures in the con- struction of the steel frame and in the arrangement of the interior. As the R-100 is fitted with ordinary petrol engines, it was selected for the flight to America, whereas the R-101, equipped with Diesel engines, is more suited to the warm atmosphere which will be encountered on the flight to India and Egypt. Pope Limits Use of New Vatican Money Rome.—Officials of Vatican City will continue to receive their salaries in Italian money after the papal govern- ment’s new money. is issued, it was un: derstood. The papacy’s own silver and gola coins will be few and their use lim- ited. Gold coins of 20 lire value and silve: | soins of 5 lire value (about $1.05 and 26 cents, respectively) are planned. The coins will be used to purchase Vatican City stamps, to pay entrance the holy congregations, especially to the congregation of sacraments in cases of annulled marriages. Robber Splits Loot So Creditors Can Get Pay San Francisco, Calif.—Kind hearted- ness of a robber mixed with the ora- tory of Herman Krieger reflected sat- {sfactoriiy upon the latter's creditors. Krieger told police a man came in- to his house, drew a pistol, and forced him to give up $85. He said he plead- ed with the man not to take all the money because he had to meet some bills. “All right, guy,” the robber an- swered; “we'll split it.” The robber counted out $42.50 ana gave it back to Krieger. The next day the creditors got their money. Gives Away Old Shoe With Diamonds in Toe San Francisco, Calif.—The fun started when Mrs. A. J. Jadig discov- ered her husband had hidden her dia- mond ring and his diamond stickpin in an old shoe—the old shoe she gave to the Salvation Army two days be- fore. The brogan search that followea Mrs. Jadig's discovery surpassed in | excitement the annual city Easter egg hunts by far and was successful. Salvation Army workers found the shoe among thousands of others and, what was better, found the $3,500 worth of jewelry. Begs for Life Term Minneapolis.—Raymond Askley told Judge E. A. Montgomery he had proved a failure at everything, includ- ing being a burglar, and asked for a life sentence so he would have some- thing to eat every day. The judge agreed. FRR RRR RRR HIRHEREXRRXX $15,000 Frogs Are Loot in Robbery Toledo, Ohio.—Toledo’s latest % pobbery, involving two frogs val ued at $15,000, is shrouded in mystery. Dr. Robert Wald, owner of the high-priced amphibians, told po- lice they were stolen from their tank in the rear of his home. Raised on artificial food and imported from Louisiana, the hoppers were the subjects of an important experiment, intended to prove whether amphibians could be raised in artificial sur- roundings in sufficient number to warrant commercial invest- ment. KR eH HHH SHR R HHH HRA RR HH XRH XXX i : i : : i * FRR RR XRRXREREXFREXXRRFRE HOY ARSENE SCT SER RII A an Phrases Long Stock of |= Writers and Orators An alternative sauce for over-state- | ment is hearty and spirited under statement. “Not ‘arf,” says the cock- ney, when wishing to say that a thing fs an ample whole. “The time has been,” says Macbeth, “that, when the brains were out, the man would die end there an end.” The British schoolboy has no terms of praise more emphatic than “pretty decent.” unless it be “good enough.” gense of the extreme barrenness of the Sahara a British statesman de- geribes it as “very light soil” To a woman brawling abuse from the door of an inn Charles Lamb imputes cer- | tain “murmurs not very indistinctly or ambiguously pronounced.” ‘America does herself equal justice. She it was that first called the At- lantic “the herring pond,” and “the drink,” and Noah's flood “the big rain,” and said that a rattlesnake's bite would “do you no good at all.” The Greeks had a recognized name for this ruse of saying much less than you mean in the hope that your hear- er's mind will make good even more than the large percentage of discount which you have deducted from the truth—cunning fellow, casting your bread on the waters, under the form of a kind of rebate, in sure and cer- tain faith that it will return to you puttered.—C. E. Montague in the Cen- tury Magazine. Production of Maple Sugar Natural Wonder Sugar is a purely vegetable produc- tion, as in common use, though large- ly mineral, carbon-hydrate, in its com- position. The sun has much to do with its formation; though, as the | beet crop proves, not as much as was formerly thought to be the case. We know carbon best in the form of coal. Some prefer it in its purest form as diamonds. It is in one form or an- other one of the commonest things in pature. How it gets up into a maple tree, it would be hard to say. “Out of nothing, nothing comes,” and no man would care to claim that the tree makes it, in the face of that dictum. If the roots search for and having found it in the soil, pass it up through the sap, they are very clever, or parts of a wonderfully clever machine. It is found in the combustion of vegeta- ble, and of some mineral matter, and there may be intimate connection be- tween sunshine in the tree tops and the searchings of the rootlets which gets it into the mounting sap. We shall find it all out some day.—Mont- | real Family Herald. —————————————————— Cold Baths A friend, in the hospital last winter, found his recovery hastened by fresh aiffgyhich was admitted to his room despite zero temperature. If the win- dow remained closed long he felt “wilted,” The fresh air was a tonic. ! Fortunately, he had been prepared to stand cold temperatures by daily cold plunges. The frequent bath is some- thing which the Western world learned from the Far East. India taught the British conquerors the value of the taking daily baths for a thousand years before Perry visited Japan.— | Grove Patterson, In the Mobile Reg: , ister. ———————————— Fish Armed With Knives A “physician” fish, accoutered with | razor-edged lances which are used to i wound, however, instead of heal, has | been listed with the Smithsonian in- stitution’s vast Philippine collection. It is known as the surgeon fish. On each side of its tall are sharp pieces of cartilage, so keen that they are veritable knives. In an instant they can be made to stand out from the body for a ripping blow. A slight slap from the tail is sufficient to cut a man’s hand to the bone. Many of the lances are poisoned. The surgeon fish Indian and Pacific oceans, ———————————— Hopeless the occupant of the chair opposite him fn the smoking room. At last the victim decided he would have to be | rude if he were to escape at all. -nd he gave a prodigious yawn. “Excuse me,” he said. But the club bore was a match for cerned. “That's quite all right,” he said. “It doesnt bother me at all ————— Accepted When little Bobby was taken to the hospital to see his newly arrived baby sister he was highly delighted with her. He. regarded her with beaming approval, taking in the fascinating details of her fuzzy nails and the lit- tle numbered identification disk on a cord around her neck. This last item he regarded for some time, and then said: “Well, when are they going to take the price-mark off of her?” Considering Posterity Old Multrox—Want ‘to marry my daughter, ‘do yon? Think I'll make a nice, comfortable father-in-law, eh? Young Allnerve—No, I don’t; but I'm: going into this thing with my eyes open. What worries me is that I've. picked a pretty rough grandfa- | ther for my innocent children. To spring in his audience a vivid daily bath. Oriental peoples had been is confined to the tropical parts of the | For more than two hours the club pore had been telling his stories to When the next story came to an | the best where rudeness was con- You see, | I've lived close to the entrance of a | railway tunnel for the last five years.” | Make Your will and Nore Us as Executor OT many years ago, when one was appointed i to a position of trust, requiring a bond, it was necessary for him to find a friend will- ing to go on his bond and become responsible far the proper performance of his duties. All this is past. Corporations now assume this duty. More and more, corporations are assuming.all fiduciary offices, including the administration .of estates. Corporate management offers many .ad- vantages. This bank is fully equipped for such work. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. oa AR NTR ape 1 a TI a, L RRCUINUHORR AANA RRS LE RCC PSSA RN ANNA VA NAA Desirable For Their Protection HAT you should protect your family by having your Will drawn now by a competent lawyer, and ap- pointing this Bank your Executor or Trustee is a matter of wise procedure. We invite you to consult freely with our Trust Officer. STATE COLLEGE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ee Rn es SoS ESS SS EIA SSSI CRAY) AERO TRUER (3 FRE OF DELANY, 3 Tea RI PE The Chance of a Lifetime Any Straw Hat in our Store WHILE THEY LAST, FOR $1.00 FAUBLE