Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 19, 1929, Image 6

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    Demmi adn
Bellefonte, Pa., July 19, 1929.
Yo ar He alth,
The First Concern.
—Losing one’s temper is danger-
aus, because the heart gallops and
She blood is forced at such speed and
pressure to the brain that a vessel
may burst. Temper has killed many
im that way. Reaction, too, may
‘Bring. a. collapse.
_—Food and health specialists have
Béen following with interest some
experiments made in feeding cows at
Rock River Farms, Byrn, Illinois,
with powdered seaweed. The object
of these. feeding experiments was to
determine: if the cows could thus be
made: to produce milk containing
jodine which: exists in the water of
the ocean: and in seaweeds. The
chensical analyses of the milk were
meade by Prof. G. W. Cavanaugh of
Corneil Universty. The results were
esieauraging, a. sufficient amount of
iodine being found in the milk to
warrant the hope that this might be
a means of preventing and possibly
curing common. goiter. The seaweed
added to the cows’ diet does not af-
fect the flavor or quality of the milk.
—What is the chief cause of dis-
ability in this: country? What mainly
eauses- absence from work, school,
Busifiess ?’ What gives the physicians
thé greater part of their work the
year around? It is the cri. That's
tahtamount to saying one or another
of the common respiratory infec-
tions; which include the following:
Coryza, the grip, tonsilitis, acute
sore ‘throat, septic sore throat, laryn-
gitis, bronchitis, influenza, pneu-
monia, tuberculosis, measles, German
measles, mumps, scarlet fever,
whooping cough, chicken pox, small-
Pox, epidemic meningitis, infantile
paralysis, diphtheria (in Asia, pneu-
monic plague).
Some of these diseases may be
gommunicated in other ways but all
of them are communicated by spray
ar droplet infection in most cases.
If every one having cri, coming
down with it, or “just threatened” by
it, who will not or cannot remain
isolated, would wear a suitable
screen, mask or veil over nose and
mouth while in contact with other
persons, all of these illnesses would
Become rare, most of the doctors in
Practice would have to retire or find
other means of livelihood, and many
millions of dollars would be saved
—Intelligent folk generally have
some vague notion about the danger
of spray or droplet infection in an
uncovered sneeze or cough, but not
many know that spray or droplet in-
fection among polite people is ordi-
marily conversational.
The only difference between an un-
govered cough or sneeze and uncov-
ered conversation is that the range
of the spray is not so great in con-
versation, being less than five feet,
whereas in coughing or sneezing the
range is 10 or 12 feet. The person
with cri who declines to wear a muz-
zle or mask yet persists in getting
within range of other persons is just
as guilty, if not as offensive, as is
the boor who sneezes or coughs upon
other persons, Undoubtedly the great
Bulk of all respiratory infection is
A person with cri who can and
does remain more than five feet from
other persons is isolated, to all prac-
tical purposes, provided he does not
eough or sneeze or spit at them. This
applies as well in diptheria. scarlet
fever or measles as it does in tuber-
culosis, pneumonia or coryza. to the
Best of our present knowledve.
—1Tt is rather a good sign as the
warm weather comes along to see
folks turning naturally to salads and
fruits and cutting out, or at least
cutting down, on oatmeal, butter,
fats, pork, puddings. and so forth
Because after all this eating busi-
ness is really a heating business, a9
fullv 80 per cent of what you eat is
used to keep up the animal heat in
your body.
In the cool weather, if you are
ouf doors to any extent, you wear
heavier clothing than in the summer
because vou wish to retain the heat
in your body, whereas in the warm
weather you are anxious to let the
‘héat get away from the bodv.
You can readily see that if all the
heat comes from the food and the
surrounding air is warm. naturally
this surrounding air will not absorb
the heat from your bodv. as
will cold air. The sensible thing
to”do then is to cut down on vour
fuel or food intake and thus your
bodv will create less heat. In a gen
eral way the suggestion would be
that vou cut down on the entire
food intake 10 to 15 per cent.
However, there is one point. as
mentioned before, where manv make
a mistake. Thev get outdoors more
in the summer than in cold weather,
plav golf, tennis, baseball or other
games, or indulee in lone walks. Now
salads. fruits and vegetables will sup-
ply the energy for these efforts but
thev are not such foods from a repair
or building standpoint.
Your body cells are best built
bv proteid foods
and eggs. This means then that if
vou exercise, that meat and eces are
needed just as much as during the
cool weather, because thev build uo
the cells worn out by exercise or
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
such as meat. |
This column is to be an open forum.
Everybody is invited to make use of it to
express whatever opinion they may have
on any subject. Nothing libelous will be
published, though we will give the public
the widest latitude in invective when the
subject is this paper or its editor. Con-
tributions will be signed or initialed, as
the contributor may desire.—~ED.
Mr. Hughes Ampliflies His Sugges-
tion for a Greater Police Force.
Mr. George R. Meek,
Bellefonte, Penna.
Please publish this letter in full.
I think its contents will interest your
1 appreciate the compliment you
paid me in commenting as you did
in your paper of Friday, June 28th,
upon the remarks I made in a recent
speech at the Centre Hills Country
club referring to the necessity for
the creation of a great police force
to properly combat the growing evil
of kidnapping, robbery and murder.
I think that you misinterpreted the
meaning of my expression to the ef-
fect that “the money saved in war
preparations together with the im-
mense surplus on hand every year
could provide such a force and many
men of the army and navy could be
used in such a service.” I based that
statement on the reasonable assump-
tion that many men now serving in
the army and navy will soon be re-
leased because of the peace
compacts and the apparent general
desire on the part of the leading na-
tions to lessen the expense required
to provide and maintain large ar-
mies and navies. Men thus released
because of their military training anG
experience would make up an ideal
police force that would soon put a
great check on the evils referred to.
Tt was not in my mind that men
while serving in the army and navy
~ould be used for the service refer-
ed to, but after they had been re-
leased from such service.
The necessity for the most efficient
kind of a police force to deal with
the terrible and rapidly increasing
crimes of kidnapping, robbery and
murder in our country must appeél
to every thinking person. and I am
quite satisfied in my mind that if a
Representatives at Washington had
passed through the agonizing exper-
ence that attend the deaths of dear-
est friends or relatives through be-
ing kidnapped and then mutilated and
murdered or through being “taken
out for a ride” and then murdered,
or being shot down in the banking
houses and busy stores, or on their
way to the banks to deposit their
money, or enroute to the great indus-
trial plants with the weekly payrolls,
long ago a law would have been pass-
ed, as I believe providing the most
strenuous action possible to put a
stop to these terrible crimes; and the
| technical phase of ‘States Rights’
which you have stressed in your
«Ink Sling” would have been taken
care of in some way, for it is my sin-
cere conviction that the citizens of the
various States, men and women,
boys and girls, would welcome the
law that would guarantee to them
their constitutional rights of “life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness,’
rights which the bandits, kidnappers,
robbers and murderers are denying
to thousands anually. I plead for
consistency in the matter.
When the crisis arises, our Govern-
of men at the cost of billions of dol-
ment responds and furnishes millions
to participate in wars which in-
volve the sacrifice of hundreds of
thousands of precious lives. That is
all right, that is our Christian and
patriotic duty, but let us be consist-
ent as a proud Christian govern-
Another crisis of tremendous signif-
! icance is at hand. Death, cruel death
i day by day threatens those nearest
~d dearest to us, at the hands of
«Master Criminals” and the cry from
he tortured and suffering from far
{and near is ringing in our ears te
| provide the needed relief. What is
'to be the response of our Govern:
‘ment? How long will the delay in
| taking drastic action prevail ?
No matter what the cost, let this
i police force in plain clothes be estab-
! lished, large enough to meet the
needs of the hour, stationed at thou-
sands of strategic positions, if needs
| be in every town and city and at all
the leading cross roads in the coun-
try, and let its efficiency remove the
i menace of the ‘Master criminals”
even as the “Yanks” overseas elim-
inated the menace of the cruel and
murderous Germans. When this will
have been accomplished no really pa-
riotic citizen will ever regret that
the principle of the “States Rights”
was waived to produce such a desir-
able result.
President Herbert Hoover has very
wisely appointed a “Crime Commis-
sion.” Let us sincerely hope that the
efforts of this Commission may bring
the relief for which the good citizens
{of the country are earnestly praying.
Very cordially yours,
Suggests a Tablet Memorialzing a
Public Benefactor.
Landsdowne, Pa., July 9, 1929.
Mr. George Meek,
Bellefonte, Pa.
Dear George:—
| A few days ago I had a very pleas-
| ant visit to Bellefonte renewing old
| friendships, and a visit to the old
| Spring which impressed me rather un-
| favorably in this way. I fully expect-
ed to see some marker or monument
|to Major Reynolds commemorating
his generous gift of the water to the
town. While the town had the right to
the use of the water passing through a
small pipe, the time came when they
needed more. The Major owned the
Spring and gave the town the unre-
stricted use of the water. Right
there an opportunity came to do the
thing by a proper acknowledgement
goodly number of our Senators and
of the great benefit you enjoy today.
It is certainly a priceless gift to
your people. I have always been
proud of having been born in Belle-
fonte' (in the Dr. Hibler house on
Allegheny St.) It seemed to me that
some one had been neglecting their
opportunity to do a good turn for the
Yours very truly
Real Estate Transfers.
Thomas Champ, Adm. to Orvis
Fleck, et al, tract in Philipsburg;
Lillian Shadow to Minnie Ham-
mel, tract in Potter Twp.; $10.
Amanda Kessler to C. L. Gramley,
tract in Miles Twp.; $135.
Centre County Commissioners to
Theodore D. Boal, tract in Patton
Twp.; $110. .
Centre County Commissioners, to
Theodore D. Boal, tract in Patton
Twp.; $1.
Centre County Commissioners to
Theodore D. Boal, tract in Harris
Twp.; $1.
Minnie Hammel, et bar, to Stewart
Jordon, tract in Potter Twp.; $1.
John N. Davis, et al, to William L.
Hicks, tract in Taylor Twp.; $115.79.
John N. Davis, et al, to William L.
Hicks, tract in Taylor Twp.; $1.
William L. Hicks, et ux, to John
D. Cox, tract in Taylor Twp.; $1.
James C. Furst, Exec. et al, to
Trustees of Honeysuckle Inn, tractin
Rush Twp.; $50.
Adam H. Krumrine, et ux, to Clay-
ton R. Orton, et ux, tract in State
College; $890.
Amos Strouse et ux, to Philip H.
Storch, tract in Potter Twp.; $1.
Sherman Lowery, et ux, to S. T.
Stover, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.;
J. D. Neidigh, et ux, to Maurice W.
Neidigh, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $1,-
Edward Kruger to Samuel Kruger,
et ux, tract in South Philipsburg; $1.
William P. Humes, et al, to Louis
Hill, tract in Bellefonte; $450.
Annie A. Matiyor, et bar, to Helen
Hancock, tract in Rush Twp.; $1.
Helen Hancock to Annie A. Mat-
iyor et bar, tract in Rush Twp.; $1.
Elmer E. White, et ux, to Gwen-
dolyn M. Aikey, tract in Bellefonte;
Gwendolyn M. Aikey, to Elmer E.
White, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1.
Harry E. Lambert, et al, to Tracy
G. Lambert, tract in Milesburg; $1.
——A good many Democrats are
spending a great deal of time and
wasting considerable energy in
knocking” conspicuous party leaders.
They would serve the party better by
urging party harmony.
A recent interview granted Inter-
national News Service by officials of
the New York Hotel Owners associa-
tion revealed some surprising facts
in connection with this question.
First came the statement that ap-
proximately 315,000 out-of towners
affix their names to hotel registers in
the metropolis every day during the
months of June, July, August and
These figures, of course, are swel-
led considerably on days and week-
ends when conventions are held there.
Next, came the assertion that ac-
cording to reliable estimates, ap-
proximately $5,000,000.00 is paid in-
to the coffers of meropolitan busi-
ness men daily by the influx of sum-
mer vacationers. This, if it held the
year round, would be at the rate of
$2,125,000,000 annually. How much
is paid by visitors to the railroads
for transportation to New York from
their home cities can only be guessed
at. >
The hotels, naturally, get the lion’s
share of this daily flood of provincial
dollars. There are about 20 first class
hostelries in New York City proper
and it can easily be figured that each
one of them must take in more than
$200,000 a day as a result of the
summer trade.
The huge majority of the spring
and summer tourists to Manhattan
come from the Middle West and
South, it is said.
Contrary to general belief, the
cties of these sections and not the
rural districts, furnish the most New
York sight-seers.
Chicago, Ill, and St. Louis, Mo.,
are at the top of the list in this re-
spect. The hotel owners report that
more than 5 per cent of their incom-
ing guests register from the Windy
City. Sligthly less than 42 per cent
come from the Mound City.
Atlanta, Ga., leads among the
cities of the South. Incidentally, an
interesting sidelight on the flow of
metropolitan visitors from Atlanta is
the fact that the average length of
time they remain there is less than it
is in the case of people from other
Atlantans apparently are disap-
pointed at the lack of sunny genial-
ity, to which they are accustomed, in
New York.
The average summer tourist re-
mains in New York about two weeks,
the hotel owners declare and during
his visit makes a thorough round of
the city, which is to say he visits the
Woolworth tower, the Aquarium,
the Fifth Avenue shops and, of
course, the Broadway White Light
Coincidental with these revelations
by the Hotel Owner's association is
the declaration by owners of sight-
seeing busses that their business vir-
tually triples itself in volume during
the summer months.
Preliminary plans for an all-day
conference of men from the Presby-
terian churches in the Presbyteries of
Carlisle, Huntingdon, Northumber-
land and Westminster, composed of
twenty-eight Central Pennsylvania
counties, to be held in Harrisburg
on October 29th, were developed at
a recent meeting of the general com-
mittee, of which President Judge Wil-
liam M. Hargest, of the Dauphin
county courts, is chairman. Others
on the committee are
Doctor C. Waldo Cherry, Doctor W.
L. Mudge, Doctor W. M. Cleveland,
A. M. Morrison, C. E. Shirk, S. P.
Eby, Harry W. Keeny, John T. Har-
ris, and G. L. Cullmerry, all of Har-
risburg; Frank A. Robbins, Jr, of
Steelton; Lindley H. Dennis, of
Shiremanstown; Doctor M. Glenn
Shafer and R. B. Deitrich, of Carlisle;
Rev. William C. Watson and James
B. Graham, of Williamsport; the Rev.
Harry E. Ulrich, T. V. Utley and
Cloyd B. Ewing, of Lancaster; Wal-
ter B. Hays and E. A. Hirshman, of
York and John H. Grazier, of Tyrone.
The object of the conference (en-
couraged by the department of men’s
work of the Presbyterian Board of
Education, with Charles H. McDon-
ald, D. D. associate general dirctor).
will be
1. To extend acquaintance;
2. To bring to men an inspiring
presentation of the general program
of the church; and
3. To arouse enthusiasm for shar-
ing in such.
A. M. Morrison and Harry W.
Keeny were named as vice chairmen
merry, of Harrisburg, was chosen as
chairman of the publicity committee
to be composed of an additional rep-
resentative from each of the four
Presbyteries. The representatives
already selected for such committee
Daniel Slep, of Altoona; Jesse S.
Bell, of Williamsport; Thos. V. Ut-
ley, of Lancaster; Walter B. Hays, of
York; and Allan Thompson, of
eee eee
Subscribe for the Watchman.
Used Electric Ranges
We have traded in, for new Gas
Ranges, a number of electric
ranges, many in good condi-
tion. These are for sale to
those in the outlying districts,
not reached by gas. Many of
these ranges originally sold for
$220 to $275.
Your Choice at $60.00 Each.
Central Penna. Gas Co.
of the committee—and C. L. Cull- |
keep the re-
ception hall
for one week
at the price
of a small
wax candle
Free sik HOSE Free
Mendel’s Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
men, guaranteed to wear six
months without runners in leg or
holes in heels or toe. A mew
FREE if they fail. Price $1.00.
for you’
9 O °°
complete with
«Cold Control”
Come in and see it today . . . the new low priced
“Million Model” FRIGIDAIRE.
In addition to
being equipped with the famous Cold Control,
it is all porcelain, white inside and Tu-Tone out-
side . . . shining clean and ultra sanitary.
- “That's the one for me”, you'll say when
you see itl And then, when you investigate our
Easy Payment Plan, making your purchase will
be a matter of only a few moments.
FRIGIDAIRE is now within easy reach of
any family budget.
If you have been “holding
off” because you thought the price was too high
that last difficulty has been removed. Get
your FRIGIDAIRE NOW and have the bene-
fit of lasting refrigerator satisfaction.
The “Nillion Model”
Only a few dollars down puts this or any other model of FRIGIDAIRE
in your home . . . immediately. Then you may have many months ©
pay the balance in convenient installments that fit your income.
Come in TODAY! Let us show you why FRIGIDAIRE, with its
multitude of excelling features has MORE users than all other makes of
electric refrigeration . . . combined.