Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 19, 1929, Image 4
Pec tian Bellefonte, Pa., July 19, 1929. AS I AN P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Editer — Te Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. _ Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice at the following rates: ROSSMAN.—Mrs. Mary Lydia| BURD.—Mrs. William Burd died at Rossman, widow of the late Josiah [her home in Penn township, on July Rossman, of Haines township, -passed-| 8th, following an illness of some away at 7:30 o'clock on Monday | weeks. She was born in Miles town- morning, at the home ~ of her son, ship and was 56 years, 3 months and John B. Rossman, on east Bishop {29 days old. She was a member of street, Bellefonte, as the result of a ; the Coburn Evangelical church, the complication of diseases. She had Lodge of Rebekahs and the P. O. of not been in good health for several | A. Surviving here are her husband years and in the spring sold her home and the following children: Mrs. L. in Aaronsburg and came to the home Musser, of Woodward; Daniel Burd, of her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Corman, | of Plainfield, N. J.; Edward E. of - - ! Paid ig dn vance of year - Ri in Bellefonte. Less than two weeks Stanton, Miss.; and Paul, at home. _ Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 ago she went to the home of her son | Funeral services were held in the Co- Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter. In ordering change of address always &lve the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the paper discontinued. In all such cases the sub- scription must be paid up to date of can- cellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. esa FIFTY YEARS AGO IN CENTRE COUNTY. Items from the Watchman July 18, 1879. issue of President Downing, of the Snow Shoe Railroad Co., with his family, is now sojourning at the Clingle- clamooch house, in Snow Shoe, under the kindly care of Ed Nolan and his good wife. Mr. Stephenson, treasurer of the Bound Brook road, is also there. Mr. Morris Cowdrick’s latest archi- tectural achievement was a fifteen pound baby gal that put in an appear- ance last Saturday. Fifty years ago Bellefonte had four trains a day over the Bald Eagle Val- ley railroad. They arrived at 6:33 and 10:03 in the morning and at 4:35 and 8:32 in the evening. ' Wheat is $1.05, corn 50c, oats 30 c. and new potatoes $1.00 a bushel. Capt. Austin Curtin is going to try raising tobacco on his bottom land along the Bald Eagle. He received twelve thousand plants from Lock Haven recently. * Clearfield pays the principal of her schools $125.00 per month. The sal- aries of the other teachers range from $30 to $45. The casting house and foundry at the Howard iron works were destroy- ed by fire last Tuesday. A terrific storm passed over the county last Friday afternoon. Per- sons who were in the grain fields threw themselves flat on the bosom of mother earth in order to escape being carried away; families sought the safety of their cellars, some houses were demolished, many barns unroofed and whole orchards uproot- ed. In several instances farm fencing was carried so far away that the owners have not been able to locate it yet. Jonas Stine, of Patton township, fell from a cherry: tree, one day last week, and was seriously hurt. The grasshoppers are destroying almost everything in the way of veg- etation. In some parts of the county they have eaten all the grass and corn and are now working industri- ously on the fruit trees. - On Monday Mrs. Christian Derr, of this place suffered a sunstroke and the same day Wiss Snowden, the music teacher, fell over from the same cause. Mr. Johnston, living on one of the farms of Hale and Beaver, in Fergu- son township, fell from a cherry tree last week and was seriously injured. On Saturday morning a tramp, who Had spent the night in Johnston's barn, asked permission to pick a mess of cherries, climbed the same tree and soon came tumbling down, break- ing his wrist and fracturing one of his legs. Two ladies from Memphis, Tenn., have arrived in Eagleville, this coun- ty. They fled the southern city be- cause of the yellow fever scourge there. - MA DE tn fg roi Ati. MATCH CO. EMPLOYEES ENJOY HAM SUPPER. On Tuesday evening of this week, fifty-two employees of the Federal Match corporation motored to the Lo- cust Inn, at Martha Furnace, for their second monthly safety, welfare and good will meeting. A wonderful supper of baked ham and everything that goes with it was served at eight o'clock, after which the meeting was called to order. A report of acci- dents at the plant for the first six months of the year was read. They have an enviable record. With two hundred employees, there were only twenty-two minor accidents reported, only three of which necessitated lost time, and of these two were for less than a week, and one for about thir- ty days The guest of the evening, Rev. Thena, followed this with one of his splendid talks on good fellowship and what it means to be your brother’s keeper in industrial life. There were also several short talks by different employees along the same lines. In a very short time these meetings have become so popular, and the good results are so easily seen, that there isn’t any doubt about continuing them and having them bigger and better each time. react A nt ser ——County poultrymen will be in- terested in knowing that county agent, R. C. Blaney, has arranged for two caponizing demonstrations next week. The first will be held at the S. G. Walker farm at Spring Milis at four o’clock next Monday afternoon. The other will be at S. B. Wasson's, at State College, at nine o'clock, Tuesday morning, July 23. Experts will be in charge of the work and other poultry problems will also be discussed. township on May 22nd, 1858, hence where her condition became much burn Evangelical church, July 12th, worse and where she finally passed by Rev. H. C. Klepfer, burial being away. | made in the Wolf's chapel cemetery. Mrs. Rossman was born in Gregg Hl Il FURST—Mrs. Jennie Beaver Furst, had reached the age of 71 years, 1 widow of the late Cline G. Furst Esq., month and 24 days. Practically al] |died at her home in Lock Haven, on her life was spent in Gregg and Saturday morning, aged 88 years. Haines townships. She was a meni- | She was a native of Lewisburg and ber of St. John’s Reformed church, at a graduate of Bucknell University. Aaronsburg. Her husband passed: She married Mr. Furst in 1865 and away two years ago but surviving her | had been a resident of Lock Haven are two daughters and thrae sons, 'ever since. She was a member of the Mrs. H. E. Corman, of Bellefonte; , Presbyterian church and for over sev- Mrs. J. S. Burd, of Aaronsburg; John | enty years had been a teacher in the B. and Elmer C. Rossman, of Beiie- Sunday school. Burial was made on fonte, and Abner W., of Hazleton. Monday. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Is- | Il hol rael Spayd, of Centre Hall, and Mrs. | BATCHELER.—Simler Batcheler, Samuel Fredericks, of Farmer's Mills, | who for many years has been identi- as well as thirteen grand-children &ed with the business and economic and three great grand-children. | life of Philipsburg, died at his farm Brief funeral service was held at | home, near that town, on Tuesday af- the Rossman home, at 9:30 o'clock | sernoon, as the result of a general yesterday morning, after which the breakdown. He was born in Philips- remains were taken to Farmers Mills Tourg almost seventy-five years ago were regular services were held in the and spent his entire life there. Sur- Union church. Rev. G. A. Fred Greis- | viving him are his wife and six chil- ing was in charge and was assisted dren. Burial will be made this after- by Rev. Robert Thena, of Bellefonte. noon. PINE GROVE ACADEMY ' STUDENTS TO RENUE. There will be a big time at Pine Grove Mills, Saturday of next week, when a joint reunion of the old stu- dents of the Pine Grove Mills Acad- emy and the well known Fry family will be held on the old academy grounds. That it will be a big gath- ering is an assured fact at this time. Many old students of the academy are scattered throughout the land and a large per cent. of them will doubtless return to Pine Grove for this reunion, which will be only the fourth ever held. As to the Fry family, the ramifica- tions of its connections are so extend- ed throughout the old-time families of the western end of the county that there is no means of accurately cal- culating the number in the clan. The dean of the family, of course, is the versatile Capt. William H. Fry, of Pine Grove Mills, who celebrated the 86th anniversary of his birth yester- day. He is native to the sail of Ferguson township and has taken such a personal interest in the life of the entire community all his life that he is virtually the “father” of that section. The Pine Grove Academy dates back to 1852 when it was established by Thomas B. Patton, William Burch- field and William Murray. The first principal was a Mr. Ward, who re- mained two years and was succeeded by a Mr. Campbell, who was in charge one year. The services of Prof. J. E. Thomas were then secured and he was the principal until his death in 1872. During his long term Burial was made at Farmers Mills. ll I ARCHEY.—John Kelly Archey, member of the well known Archey family of Spruce Creek valley, died ! at his home at Martinsburg, Blair | county, on Wednesday night of last week, as the result of heart disease. He was a son of George and Mary Archey and was born at Graysville on January 15th, 1874, hence was in | his 56th year. His boyhood days were spent on the homestead farm and in | attending the public schools. Later | he attended Juniata college and the | Lock Haven State Normal, after which he engaged in teaching. He taught school six years then went to ! Altoona and entered the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad company as a brakeman. Six years later he was promoted to a conductor and for sixteen years ran on the Pittsburgh division. ‘He was retired two years ago owing to failing health. He was a member of the Memorial church of the Brethren. the Martins- burg school board, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Order of Railway Conductors and P. R. R. relief asso- ciation. ; . In November, 1905, he married Miss Eliza Harshberger who survives with one daughter, Mary Alice, at home. He also leaves two brothers and four sisters, T. Linn Archey, of Mount Union; H. C., of Franklinville; Mrs. Elizabeth Deeters, of Pennsyl- vania Furnace; Miss Ella, of Mar- tinsburg; Mrs. Kate Johnson, of Jun- iata Gap, and Miss Carrie Archey, of Altoona. Burial was made in the Fairview cemetery, at Martinsburg, on Saturday afternoon. I I MEEK.— Mary Martha Cross, wife of Dr. Reuben H. Meek, of Avis, died at their home in that place Wed- nesday evening, at seven-thirty. She had been ill for about three years with what remains an undiagnosed affection of the bone structure. Spe- cialists all over the country were in- ly unable to correct a condition that would prevent the bones from break- ing at the slighest pressure. : Mrs. Meek was a daughter of Cor- nelius and Jane Hartsock Cross and was born near Stormstown March 16, 1878. She was a woman of rare per- sonal charm and after her marriage and location at Avis became promi- nent in both the social life and church work of that place. She was a meni= ber of the Methodist church and Ivanhoe chapter of the Eastern Star at Jersey Shore. On September 23, 1908, she was married to Dr. R. H. Meek, at Waddle, and he sur- vives. They had no children. Two half sisters, Mrs. H. S. Taylor, of Bellefonte, and Miss Della Cross, of Galen Hall, Wernerville, also survive. Funeral services will be held at her FR CU REV. GOHN ADDRESSES LOCAL KIWANIANS. “Through the Eyes of Kiwanis” was the subject of the talk given by Kiwanian Herman Gohn, pastor of the First Lutheran church of Lock Haven, before the Bellefonte Kiwanis club at its luncheon, Tuesday, at the Brockerhoff hotel. In a well prepared speech, punctu- ated here and there with humorous sketches, Reverend Gohn pointed out and laid due emphasis upon several of the principles for which Kiwanis stands and what influence these prin- ciples have upon the Kiwanian. The speaker explained that the two ele- ments that are outstanding in char- acterizing Kiwanis are the inspiration it provides and the influence whic" it exerts. W. Harrison Walker, president cf | the Bellefonte club, appointed Arthur : Hewitt, Jr., as chairman of the new i Boy Scout committee which is further composed of Jesse Caum, Rev. Robert Thena, Philip H. Johnston, and G. Oscar Gray. This committee expects | to bring about a reorganization of the local troop in the near future. | Among. the visitors at the luncheon were Kiwanians John ‘Hafer and M. B. Meyer, of State College, Kiwanian J. P. Dennehey, of Lock Haven, J. C. Scholl, of the Altoona club, and C. S. , Thomas, of Potter's Mills. ns eens po etn ——Records for having traveled the farthest distance to attend the | twentieth annual summer session of the Pennsylvania State College, go to ' Miss Louisa Palmer, a young school i teacher from the sun-baked sands of : Honolulu, and a young physician, | Glenn E. Stevens, from the Univer- sity of Prague, Czechoslovakia, who { as just completed four years of | nedicine and will receive his bache- | “or degree from Penn State at the summer session commencement next | month. Mr. Stevens, whose home is | t ted in the case but seemd utter- ‘in Scranton, Pennsylvania, completed Sree | the pre-medical course at Penn State : jn 1920 and has just recently gradu- | ated in medicine from Prague Uni- versity. Miss Palmer, a native Amer- ican, is head of Hanahauloe school in Honolulu. She is enrolled in the in- | stitute of progressive education at Penn State. SEA ——On Sunday afternoon Harry Zimmerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman, of Reynolds , avenue, was hit by an automobile op- erated by Philip Bickett, son of Mr. land Mrs. W. W. Bickett, as he was | going out of the avenue onto Willow- bank street. The child was dragged | about fifty feet before the driver got his car stopped, but fortunately he ,was not run over. At first it was ‘not believed that he suffered any in- - dist parsonage. | little the Academy achieved distinction as lone of the best educational institu- | tions in its class in this section of the State. Klinger—Bowmastier.— W. Donald Klinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klinger, of Bellefonte, and Miss Nel- lie R. Bowmaster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Bowmaster, of Lock Haven, were married at the Metho- in Lock Haven, at 7:30 o'clock yesterday morning, by the pastor, Rev. J. Merrill Williams. Immediately after the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents and later the young couple left on a motor wedding trip. On their return they will locate in Bellefonte. The bride is a graduate of the Lock Haven High school and of late has been employed as a stenographer in the offces of the Fredericks Arma- ture Rewinding company in Lock Haven. The bridegroom is a gradu- ate of the Bellefonte High school and for several years past has been em- ployed in the Willard clothing store, Bellefonte. He is a member of Wetz- ler’s Junior band and an industrious young man. ; ou LIME COMPANIES AGAIN DEMAND REPARATIONS. | The Centre County Lime company and the Chemical Lime company, on Tuesday, asked the Public Service Commission to grant them repara- tions from several score railroads in the State for excessive freight rates charged for hauling lime products from Bellefonte and vicinity to other points in Pennsylvania. Last year the Commission found the rates to be too high and ordered the carriers to reduce the charges and the present ‘proceeding asks return of the amounts found to be excessive over the period from 1925 to 1928. BOALSBURG William Folk is roofing the Luth- eran parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Fernon Russell, of Lewistown, were visitors in town last week. Mrs. Alice Magoffin, of Hollidays- , burg, is visiting among friends in this , vicinity. Misses Ellen and Cathryn Dale spent Friday in Bellefonte and Pleas- ant Gap. Misses Mary Reish and Nora Miller are visiting Mrs. Irvin Stover, at Yeagertown. Mrs. William Meyer went to Mill- heim, Saturday, for a few days visit with friends. Miss Rachel Hunter returned, Tues- day, from a week-end visit with friends in Derry. | Miss Thelma Smith is visiting her late home this evening at seven-thir- | juries except cuts and bruises but an grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, ty. Saturday morning interment will be made in Gray's cemetery, in Half- moon Twp., at ten o'clock. I HOUSER.—John H. Houser died at his home on south Allegheny street, Bellefonte, on Tuesday of last week, as the result of a stroke of paralysis sustained the Thursday previous, al- | ward, Bellefonte, is out as a candi- | though he had not been health for six months. He was a son of J. W. and Sarah in good | X-ray taken at the Centre County | hospital, yesterday morning, disclos- | | ed the fact that the bones of his right | leg were broken in two places just above the ankle. After taking the | X-ray the boy was taken home. remem fp A eee seen. ——Herman Cruse, of the West ; date for borough council on the Re- ( publican ticket, and his platform is | American labor first and always on | Musser Houser and was born in Ben- | the street and in every other borough daughter, of State College, at Brunswick, Me. { Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coxey and chil- dren, of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ICoxey and Mr. and Mrs. Olsen, of Bellefonte, were guests at the Ishler- Coxey home on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. William Barrick, of ! Huntingdon, were week-end visitors at the home of Harold Fisher. Mrs. Edwin Dale entertained the young ladies class of the Lutheran Sunday school on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Segner and spent ner township over 56 years ago. He department. Mr. Cruse is circulating Sunday at the Charles Segner home. was a painter and paper hanger by occupation and worked at various times in Bellefonte and at State Col- lege. He married Miss Margaret McMahon who survives with five children, Miss Mary, of New York; Sarah, John, Byron and Richard, all at home. He also leaves his father, living at State College, and two brothers, Abram and Charles Houser, both of Rockview. Funeral services were held in the Catholic church at 10 o’clock on Fri- day morning, by Rev. Joseph Hesser, of Snow Shoe, after which burial was made in the Catholic cemetery. his petition for signers. Up to Tues- | day only three petitions were filed in the county commissioner's office by borough office seekers, those of W. M. Bottorf and Charles tor, and M. W. Williams, candidate this year. ——Theodore Leathers and son Friday, on the charge of bootlegging and gave bail for their appearance af the next term of court. Schaeffer, | Democratic candidates for tax collec- for registration assessor in the North | ward, providing one is to be elected ' | Bryan, of Howard, were arrested last | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer enjoyed a week-end visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Lee Brooks, near Spring Mills. Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart and daughter Martha, of Crafton, are spending some time at the home of Mrs. Emma Stuart. Richard Goheen has accepted a po- sition at Hollidaysburg, and, with Mrs ' Goheen, moved to that town, Tuesday, ‘where they will begin housekeeping. Student nurses attending summer session at State College are conduct- ing a class here in the American Red Cross, coming to town twice a week 'to meet the class. | UNIO. as Mrs. John Huff, of Tyrone, is visit- ing her children, Mrs. B. E. Holt and Mrs. Joseph Barton. Mrs. Jesse Irwin, who has been suf- fering from summer grip for several days, is slowly improving. Mrs. Wilson Hall and little daugh- ter, of Harrisburg, are visiting at the home of grandpa E. T. Hall Mrs. Mary Hall Williams, of Port Matilda, has been helping care for her grandmother, Mrs. Irwin, dur- ing her sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuntz and son, of Toledo, Ohio, were callers, last Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Frances Hall. Mrs. Sudie Wooden, Bellefonte, and Mrs. June Martin Pascoe, of Los An- geles, made a short visit among old friends in our town last week. Mr. Osra Hanscom, aged father of Arthur Hanscom, was taken to the hospital again, on Sunday, and is re- ported as being in a very critical con- dition. Isaac Irwin, of Jersey Shore, was a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Irwin, on Tues- day. Also, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Fry, of Williamsport. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rumberger and family, of Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Holderman, of Huntingdon, were guests of Miss Laura Rumber- ger, the fore part of this week. The Dorcas Bible class held a meas- uring social, last Friday evening, in the community hall. They spent a rery enjoyable evening, and also real- ized a nice sum for their treasury. Dr. Edward Russell and wife, of Maine, while on their way to New York State, stopped in our town for a few hours, on Tuesday, and called on a number of old friends and ac- quaintances. Last Sunday there was a happy home gathering of the children and ' grand-children of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brugger. George and family, of Can- nonsburg, arrived at noon in their car and brought home with them Martha Rose Brugger, who had visited with them for about ten days; also, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waite, of Stormstown, enjoyed the day at their parental home. On Monday Dr. John Becker and wife, of Philadelphia, nephew of J. E. Brugger, arrived by auto to spend a short time with relatives and friends. ; Mariage Licenses. Philip Nathaniel Rhinehart, of Clearfield, and Helen Marie Woomer, of Philipsburg. Richard N. Gunsallus, of Detroit, Mich., and Marie Bennett, of Runville. Randall W. Meyer, of Coburn, and Dorothy M. Campbell, of Williams- port. Andy Joseph Kachik and Susan Basalla, both of Clarence. Joseph A. Basalla and Mary A. Kirko, both of Clarence. ——Twenty fresh air children ar- rived in Centre county, from New York, on Wednesday. About fifteen of the number will be entertained in homes in and near Bellefonte during the two weeks of their outing. ——Sixty-three applicants for an auto driver's license were examined by State highway natrolmen, in Bellefonte, on Wednesday. BLUE RIDGE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY a a ao Tue Motor Coach has opened a means of travel for every one. v Make the trip to Washington that you have always wanted for $400 Baltimore G2 The most direct route to these beautiful cities over the historic and scenic National Highway v Special Rates for Parties of I'ive Leave Pittsburgh Daily 972 Liberty Ave. at 6 Trips Daily | 12:30 A. M. i 9:30 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 1:00 P. M. | 5:00 P. M. (Cumberland, Hagerstown ; only) I - -10:00 P. M. | EEE. EERE ) ——Only two borough councilmen: reported for the regular meeting, on Monday evening, which of course, was not enough to transact any busi- ness. Former councilman Theodore: Cherry was in evidence to make com- plaint about the condition of north: Thomas street and was informed that. it will be fixed this week. ALTOONA BOOSTER | MERCHANTS SAY: | Trade in your home stores first, but come to Booster Stores for the things your home Merchants cannot sup- ply. Shop With Satisfaction ren IN ee ALTOONA Booster Stores] You always derive satisfaction when you shop in a Booster Store! The quality of the merchandise is dependable! The variety offered is sufficient to permit satisfactory selections! The prices are fair! The service is satisfactory! Booster Stores have that “Come Again,” homelike atmosphere! In fact you always find a shop- |’ ping tour through Altoona §: Booster Stores a source of pleas- § ure, as well as profit! Every Wednesday | 3 00 18:0. Suburban a oso IN vas Booster Stores Plan to shop in Booster Stores each Wednesday and take ad- vantage of the many extra § values offered on account of §, Suburban Day and Summer Clearances. Vacation and Hot Weather Needs Can all be supplied to good ad- vantage in Booster Stores, where you can secure every need for the home as well as every personal requirement. All Roads Lead to Altoona Good Roads lead to Altoona § from all sections of Central" § Pennsylvania. : Follow Routes 36 or 264 to the- Business and Hotel District } where you will find Parking Space Available. Open Parking Space on Tenth Ave }. p=, we WS ea I a x > Enclosed Parking Space at: William F. Gable Co. Garage Rear of Eleventh Ave. Building Fleck’s Penn Alto Garage : 1409 Thirteenth Avenue Altoona Booster Association ow Strand Theatre “Enjoy Summer Paradise” Now In Operation, Our Mam- moth $30,000.00 Refrigerated Air Cooling System “Tons Of Cool Crispy Air” ONE WEEK Starting Saturday, July 20 SEE IT . - HEAR IT “The Gamblers” 100 Percent All Talking.