Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 19, 1929, Image 2

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    always wore his dooden legs hollow
not because he was trying to ape
Paris styles, but because he just nat-
urally didn’t see the use of a man
lugging around a lot of dead wood.
Also he maintained it was cooler, and
the hollow was a handy receptacle
Bellefonte, Pa., July 19, 1929.
Ee ———
It comes to me often in silence
When the firelight sputters low—
When the black, uncertain shadows
Seem wraiths of the long ago;
Always with a throb of heartache
That thrills each pulsive vein
Comes the old, unquiet longing
For the peace of home again.
tom plugged up. The only way a
holdup man could rob Pa Isom was
first to pull his leg, and if all he
could steal was a fish license and a
mule recipe it wasn’t worth a hold-
up. And if they stole his leg Pa
wouldn't have much of a kick com-
ing. He made his own legs of his
own gum logs, and even if some of
them were crooked a straight man
like Mr. Isom didn’t mind much. All
he asked in life was just a mule.
‘You suppose we could get him
off? demanded Bud suddeniy.
“Not unless miracles can happen
to mules,” retorted Stacy. “All
white water below him, and no land-
in’ place—"
“Aw, the poor old scout—livin’ up
in this shanty year in and year out
on corn bread and hog meat! Why,
he’s dreamed of havin’ a mule like
folks would a baby! Stacy, if we had
a line to that animal we could sort of
cordell him alnog shore and work
him into a landin’ place and—"
“We'd just skyrocket him off that
rock! You're crazy, Bud! We nad
bad enough time cordellin’ our skiff
up past the shoals, didn’t we? Took
two hours haulin’ and bumpin’ and
we was along shore out of the bad
water at that. Smashed a gunned
and lost an oar. Wore my hands off
pullin’ while you tried to keep ‘he
skiff worked off the jagged points.
Look at it and then think of a mule
out a hundred feet or more towards
the middle !’ :
Bud looked. The bank ran steep-
ly down sixty feet or so to the rocky
jumping off. Through the greenery
you could see the yellow white of the
freshet water surging from the Blue
Ridge coves into a deep-channeleld
Broad. Another foot of water and
Oscar would not find foothold on his
sunken shelf against the current.
“If we took our two lines together
we'd have a hundred and fifty feet of
rope. If we made fast to that big
tree on the point and laid heavy on
the oars up and out, we might swing
down on the shelf.
Tm sick of the roar of cities,
And the faces cold and strange;
I know where there's warmth of welcome
And my yearning fancies range
Back to the dear old homestead
With an aching sense of pain.
But there’ll be joy in the coming,
~~ When I go home again.
“When I go home again ! There's music
That never may die away.
And it seems that the hands of angels
On a mystic harp of play
Have touched with'a yearning sadness
° On a beautiful, broken strain,
To which is my fond heart wording—
When I go home again.
Qutside of my darkening window
Is the great world's crash and din,
And slowly the autumn shadows
Come drifting, drifting in,
Sobbing, the low wind murmurs
To the splash of the autumn rain,
But I dream of the glorious greeting
When I go home again.
—By Eugene Field.
reef eed.
Pa Isom took off his leg, looked
through it from the stump socket to
the peg and then sighted it up to-
wards the sky as an honest mariner
might a forty-inch telescope.
“And that’s what comes of perou-
sin’ down the mountain in such a
hurry,” lamented Pa, “had all my le-
gal papers right safe in my leg. Now
I lost the whole boodle. Lost my fish |
license. Lost my road tax. And
now I gone and lost the recipe for
Miller's mule.
“Recipe ?” suggested Stacy Adams.
“For that Oscar mule?” added
Bud Long—“Pa, you mean—'
“I made Miller give me that recipe
so folks know I bought him. Been
savin’ six years to buy a mule, and I
wanted it legal, boys. Wouldn't
trust Miller without a recipe.”
“Recipe wouldn't do that Oscar
mule any good now,” said Stacy
with real sympathy. “His goose is
cooked. He's a gone mule, Pa. What
did the fool ever try to swim the
French Broad for, right above the
rapids with a risin’ river?”
“Don’t ask me what a mule
thinks !” Pa blew through his leg
testily, rubbed the brass peg band
and strapped it on. “Miller delivered
him to me last night around by the
county bridge. I heard Oscar hee
hawin’ round in the lot before day- |
light, and he must have broken out’
and seen Miller's barn right across
the river on the fur ridge. Must |
have gone down to the flat and flop-
ped right in and swims across. Of
course he couldn’t climb them rocks
over there. Then the current must
have tired him and he gives up and
‘heads middle river for that big rock
Shelf. He lands on it and now he
stands there up to his middle with '
his ears pointed towards Miller's
and his tail towards me what’s his
legal owner. I see a big drift log
come roarin’ downstream and butt
him. What'd Oscar do? Why he gits
madder’'n a pup ! Whirls around and
kicks that log with both feet clean
down towards the rapids. Then he
resumes gazin' at Miller's barn a
mile off there. Let the dern river
roll, says Oscar— he’s thinkin’ of
mother, home, and the big red
‘Stacy laughed. Pa Isom grinned
worriedly but tragedy stalked the
old man’s comical courage. You save
two bits, four bits, six bits—a dollar,
hoeing corn on a Carolina red clay
hillside clearin’ for six years to buy
an ornery mud-colored mule, and
this goes and commits practical sui-
cide the first morning, and you'll
know its tough luck,
Stacy and Bud sat on Pa’s worn
fence right below his cabin above
the steep wooded bank of the tu-
multuous French Broad river, and the
whole panorama was spread before
them—Miller's place far back
against the foothills, the intervening
fields, then the rocky bluffs opposite;
and in the middle distance the Oscar
mule, marooned but defiant, on a
submerged shelf of stone midstream
‘with the yellow flood plunging white good to vou three vacations up along
among the serrated teeth of rocks the river, saving a seventeen-dollar
a hundred yards below his refuge. mule wasn’t much in return. Stacy
Head pointed home and tail in lord- ' was now as grim for the job as Bud
ly scorn towards poor old Pa who had been............ He had heard th: fal-
had lost even his recipe for mules. ter in Pa Isom’s voice when he had
“By Swanny!” sighed Pa, “I'd told of the Oscar mule being a com-
give a pretty to have that mule back fort to his old age.
here. Yes, sir—give that new leg J] ! Stacy had the two long lines tied
got seasonin’ up on top the spring together and the end of one about
house to whittle down for a Christ- | an oak tree that leaned out from a
mas present to myself next winter— | rocky point just above their camp.
yes, sir, I'd: give half a cord of wood- Oscar, with the yellow swirls of wa-
en legs just to know that mule was ter twisting along his flanks, stood
back here like I dreamed of him, a out there calmly gazing across the
comfort and a prop to: my old unscalable opposite shore towards his
age livin’ ' alone up on this clearin’. | old home.
Always thought of him here as; “The fool could get out of his fix
.stickin’ his old snoot over the fence if he’d swim back to Pa’s side,”
every mornin’ when I got up, and grumbled Stacy, “but he won't. That's
wantin’ a pail of mash; and here he the mule of it.”
‘didn’t stay long eonugh for me to |
bawl him out once for trompin’ my the rough skiff which Bud kept
shoals; and then if we got the line
to that animal's neck and could get
back, and we all laid hold, we could
yank him off—”
Stacy gazed admiringly at Bud.
“Get back? How'n the mischief
would we get back?”
“Hand over hand—on the line sit-
tin" in the skiff—"
“One end of the line to the tree and
the other end to the mule. You
think that brute’d stand for that ”
‘“He’d have to—" retorted Bud
smoothly. - “Even if he didn’t all he
could do would be jump and rare,
and he’d be swimmin’ on the line
and while we hauled up to the shore
we'd haul Oscar in after us. I help-
ed snake colts across Big Pigeon once
on a line, but course it wasn't nad
water like this—"
“And it wasn’t a mule headed the
other way. Oh, all right!” Stacy
moaned but he climbed off the fence.
“Let's go down to the flat and take
a look-see. Sure a fellow can get
there—if he don’t get drowned first.
It’s getting’ back anchored to a
When the boys were half way down
through the timber they saw Pa
Isom stumping out to where they had
sat on the fence. Pa seemed sur-
prised to find his two young friends
morning, rowing their skiff with the
camp outfit the ten miles upstream in
the easier stretches of the river to
where they had to battle past the
rocky shoals. The shoals were bad
enough at any time but a fellow
could make it wading and “cordel-
| ling” with pull-rope and push-pole
along the bank. But with a swollen
river seething into the narrows it
had been all but impossible. Down
on the flat Stacy and Bud had spread
all their wet outfit, and then gone up
to say “howdy” to their old friend of
the clearin’. And to ask how come
a mule out on that submerged shelf
where, at low water, they had often
fished from the long flat rock in the
deep pools below it.
“I'm as- crazy as you are,” com-
mented Stacy wien they had looked
at the job; “but old Pa was ready to
weep. He's been pretty good to us
out the lines, Bud!”
“It can be did,” sang out Bud
blithely, but in his heart he doubted.
He had proposed it to Stacy, because
<orn patch.” steady in the rushing water, and coil-
“Out of luck, Pa,” sympathized ed in his line on the stern seat.
Stacy. “Want any help on those oars?
“But just think of Oscar,” put in This line will be a drag, Bud.”
Bud Long. ‘That mule is in bad. The { “No, I'll make it. The trouble'il be
rate the river is risin’ Oscar is goin’ |in holding the skiff on that shelf
off that shelf soon and not towards while we make fast to Oscar. Must
Miller’s sde either. Once the old pel- | be three feet of swift water over it.”
ter is down in the narrows he can’t | Then Bud laid to his oars. The line
climb ashore anywhere for a mile, slid off the coil by Stacy’s side, plop-
for his valuables if he kept the bot- rum
The line would
hold us from goin’ down on the’
They had just showed up this |
three campin’ seasons up here. Kick ,
if a fine old mountain man has been |
He slid down the rope, dropped in
ft ———————————— I —————————————————
when Stacy swung a boat hook down
to catch in the projections of the
rock. But he didn’t wait. He dropped
his oars and plunged overside in the
swift water, grabbing the short head
rope as the stern swung viciously
not ten feet up from Oscar's wet
Pp. s
“Hold her!”
Stacy staggered to his side and
they stopped the rush of the plung-
ing skiff as the swirls dragged at
their bodies. If Stacy hadn't luckily
jammed his foot into a bracing crev-
ice of the rock, they'd all gone of
the shelf towards the foaming rapids
a hundred yards below.
“I can hold the skiff, Bud. Now
you hook to that animal. Say, hand-
holdin’ this skiff back up the line is
goin’ to be awful. Look out for his
“He can't kick in this water,”
grunted Bud. “Hold the skiff. I'll
get ‘round to his neck. Listen to Pa
; —he just discovered this plot. Hear
him yell. Wonder what a mule
thinks........ Look out!
{boat bump him.”
. The two rescuers stood waist-deep
Don’t let this
The theory that thieves are per-
sons of subnormal intelligence, or
they would not be thieves, seems to
be borne out by an investigation at
one of the State's penal institutions
by Dr. G. F. Wlley, field psychiatrist
of the Department of Welfare who
“has submitted the results of his ex-
on the shelf, Stacy fighting the head- ,
rope of the skiff, and Bud warily
wading towards Oscar's skinny neck
with the slack end of the cordelling
line. Pa Isom had stumped down to
the oak on the point and was shout-
ing unintelligible warnings to the
life saving crew.
“Don’t mind him,” gasped Stacy.
“Get your line on Oscar. He can’t
kick ........ too weak. Nothin’ but a
bag of bones, and seventeen dollars
of poor old Pa’s money.
hurry this job !”
“Whoa,” said Bud and wading
: application.
Oh, Bud—'
along Oscar’s flank with the noose, .
he put a hand to his stiff mane.
“Whoa, Oscar
But Oscar began to wheel stiffly
but stubbornly. His ears had been a
regular compass pointed towards his
old home, but now they swung ma-
jestically North, Nor’east, North by
East, and—‘“Whoa, Oscar,” Bud
pleaded, reaching for Oscar’s .houl-
der. But Oscar wouldn't have it. He
kept wheeling and this kept Bud
stumbling along his side. They had
made nearly a half turn, so that
Oscar was headed upstream, when
Stacy began to yell frantically to his
struggling companion.
“Lay off that! Don’t you see
you're windin’ that line right around
his legs? Keep it up over his back
or corral him the other way round.”
; 'round.”
“Won't work. He’s bound to keep
his head ‘away from me. Whoa—"
| “Look out!” yelled Stacy frantic-
‘ally. “Don’t put any weight on ais
line! I can’t keep the boat from
twistin’ off when you pull it broad-
Side. Can't keep my foothold, Bud...
We'll go off the rock and never get
the boat back on it again.
| Bud stopped. Oscar stopped. That
mule was gazing calmly upstream.
Maybe he saw Pa Isom now. Any-
how, he laid back his ears and gave
a loud derisive “heehaw. But the
minute Bud, holding his coil of line
tried to come near his neck he am-
bled around and presented a determin-
ed bony rump to the conspirator.
“You see?” grunted Bud. “Pretty
hard to keep a foothold over here,
Stacy. This mule can stand in deep-
er water than I can. He won't let
me get near his neck—”
“Hook his tail, then!” whopped
Stacy frantically. “I can’t keep this
boat steady forever. Current keeps
sweepin’ us shoreward and into big
water. Twist a slip hitch into his tail
We caint wait. Do something
, quick !”
“Gosh—"” muttered Bud,
der now?” And he put a hand to
Oscar’s bony back. “You old crow-
bait, stand steady—"
He rubbed his fingers down Oscar’s
clammy hind leg. If ever a mule had
a tail to fit a tie-rope Oscar had it.
Covered with bony projection and on
the end the bushy remains of what
had once been a beautiful, well-trim-
med mop but was now a stiff, bristly
brush, wild and unkempt since Oscar
degenerated to become a seventeen-
dollar mule.
| “He'll be surprised—" mutterad
Bud, and slipped his hitch tight
above the black bristles: “Now,
Stacy, look out. Look what you're
doin’! Hold that skiff—aw, be a man,
“Get away from him! Sheer that
stern off........ I can’t hold it. Lost my
balance when the current side-swip-
ed.”—Reformatory Record.
——— et m—
Thousands of small game birds
and animals, as well as song and in-
sectivorous birds, can be saved dur-
ing the months of May and June—
the harvest periods. Mowing ma-
aminations to Benjamin G. Eynon,
commissioner of motor vehicles. Of
seventy-five inmates examined by
by Dr. G. F. Wiley, field psychiatrist
of normal intelligence.
The men subjected to examinations
were those arrested one or more
times for larceny of motor vehicles,
or who for physicial or mental rea-
sons were considered risks from any
standpoint. Many of the seventy-
five admitted that although they had
never been licensed they drove motor
vehicles at will—some of them de-
claring they made their living by
driving trucks, and a checkup of the
Motor Vehicles Bureau files by Com-
missioner Eynon revealed that the
cards of twenty-five had been sus
pended or revoked.
Nearly a score of the seventy-five
admitted never having had a driver's
license, many of them saying they
apply for the driving privilege on
While the licenses of
only twenty-five were revoked, “stop
cards” have been placed in the files
at Harrisburg against the other fifty
and should they apply for the driv-
ing privilege they will be denied until
a thorough investigation has been
As classified by Dr. Wiley the
men examined rated as follows:
Mental defectives, 45; epileptics,
2, imbeciles, 1; victim of hysteria, 1;
chronic alcoholics, 3; normal intelli-
gence, 10; visual defects, 2; psycho-
pathic criminals, 2; constitutional
criminals, 3; border line intelligence
5; unstable, 1.
“Section 604 of the motor code pro-
vides for non-licensure of individuals
adjudged feeble-minded, insane or
epileptic,” wrots Dr. Wiley. “Of
course many of our prisoners have
not been so adjudged, yet our exam-
inations show them to be of low-
grade intelligence, or to have men-
tal or nervous symptoms. The pres-
ence of this disqualification may
never reach the judicial cognizance.
The most important of all observa-
tions in the examination of aproxi-
mately 2000 prisoners is the frequen-
cy with which low-grade, feeble-
‘minded and others presenting mental
“I won- |
and neurological symptoms have re-
ported truck driving among their oc-
Commissioner Eynon is of the
opinion that before long American
States will require that applicants
for drivers’ license submit themselves
to a mental and physical test, de-
signed to show whether they are
capable of operating a motor ve-
“This requirement is closer than
the average citizen imagines,” he
said. “Eventually holders of license
will be compelled to submit to such
examinations at stated periods—per-
haps once in three years or five.”
“How many unlicensed drivers are
operating cars on Pennsylvania
streets and roads?” Eynon was ask-
“That is something we propose find-
ing out at an early date,” he replied.
“The fine for operating without a
drivers’ card is $10, or the viola-
tor may be imprisoned for five days.
Men and women who are violating
the motor code in this particular
may soon discover that they have en-
gaged in some very costly economy.” :
ee fA re ————
Six new buildings, approximating
a total expenditure of two and a half
million dollars, will be constructed
on the campus of the Pennsylvania
State College within the next two
years, according to plans approved
the board of trustees of the college.
Funds for the program and from the
i $2,250,000 State appropriation signed
~ {replacements,
by Governor Fisher, and from the
emergency building fund raised sev-
eral yearrs ago by alumni and
friends of the college.
As much of the program will be
completed in the biennium as funds
will permit. Overcrowded conditions
on the campus will be relieved by
the new construction but it will not
permit immediate expansion or larg-
er student body because of needed
long delayed. The
schedule calls for the construction of
the following buildings: rebuilding of
Old Main and a new power plant,
both under way; new mining build-
ing; an addition to the present min-
ing building;
tional work in home economics; a
chines destroy as much beneficial new unit o fthe liberal arts building;
wild-life during the harvest daysasis a botany greenhouse; general experi-
killed by thousands of hunters who, ment station greenhouse;
go afield during the game seasons.
plant feed house and a building for |
| Recently it was the privilege of a rural engineering.
field officer of the Board of Game |
Commssioners and some interested
| Sportsmen to follow a mowing ma-
chine in a twenty acre tract. On this
small area four nests of rabbits,
three nests of Bob-white quail and a '
killdeer plover nest were saved. As
| the game birds flew up ahead of the
horse-drawn mower a search was
‘made for the nests, and when they
; were found the farmer was asked to
mow around them which he very
kindly consented to do.
As a result of taking time to in- [Mao in Italy then. The report im-
vestigate the sportsmen possibly sav- |
i ed'28 Cotton tail Rabbits, there being
seven in each nest; 54 Bob-white
| Quail, 18 eggs to the nest and two
| Killdeer Plover. This was certainly
{ worth while,
on the east campus
which will be remolded for instruc-
If your are tempted to reveal
A tale someone to you has told
About another, make it pass
Before you speak, three gates of gold:
Three narrow gates—first ‘Is it true?’
Then “Is it needful?”’ in your mind
Give truthful answer, and the next
Is the last and narrowest: ‘Is it kind?"
And if to reach your lips at last
It passes thru these gateways three,
Then you may tell, nor fear 3
What the result of speech may be.
—Girls will be boys this summer,
at least at the smart beaches and
hoilday resorts, if one is to judge
from the costumes now appearing at
chic dressmakers.
Long trousers, straight and am-
ple, or caught under the knees to
suggest the zouave line, are accom-
panied by jackets and blouses of
every type and length. They come
in every color of the rainbow, us-
ually the gayest ones make pleasing
contrast to the other garments worn
| with them.
Sometimes the jacket is straight,
Proper storing of potatoes, for
both seed and table use, will be
shown by means of miniature stor-
ages erected on the grounds of the
‘Potato Exposition at State College,
August 19 to 22. The demonstra-
tions will include a storage pit part-
ly constructed to show the process of
sometimes, half-length or hip length
boleros, with the trousers
either tucked in very high waist-
line trousers or with short flaring
peplums cut and buttoned in gilet
effects. The one-piece beach gar-
ment, with short bodice stitched or
buttoned onto a straight trousers,
just like little boys’ wear, is also ap-
pearing at many houses.
One house uses creamy-white or
oyster-flannel trousers with sleeve-
less jersey sweaters and a bright
flannel sash swathed in Basque fash-
ion. Over this is worn a plain
straight-line jacket in navy-blue
with brass buttons.
New little jersey bathing-suits are
of one-piece and the very shortest
possible piece at that, with a tiny
little flared skirt attached. A model
in white is banded and bordered with
red applique fishes, another in yellow
has its tiny skirt lined with orange
to match the neck border and still
another in blue has a great coral fish
appliqued the whole length of the
bodice, its silk tail flapping free.
—Skirts will undoubtedly remain
short this summer, except those of
the dressier afternoon and evening
frocks which are universally longer.
They will just comfortably cover the
knees for the very simple reason
that most women will not have them
In the demi-season collections now
being shown there are a few which
reach half-way between the knee and
the ankle, and many others which
are shorter than ever barely cover-
ing the knee joint.
The same is true of the waistline
for while the majority of the design-
ers raised this center nearly to its
natural position, there are many oth-
ers who continue to place it at the
hip bone. It is more likely, however,
that belts will still be placed at the
hips. The natural waistline is all very
well for the slim young thing, but
for a figure the least bit inclined to
plumpness it is quite out of the ques- .
The princess form of frock is even
more prominent in the new collec-
tion than those shown earlier in the
season. Properly cut, these frocks
with their long, semi fitting bodices
and skirts which burst into godets or
long, graceful points well below the
hipline, are becoming to good figures,
save the extremely plump or ex-
tremely slender.
—The return of the little white
collars and cuffs is certainly conspic-
uous in many of the chic collections in
In pique, georgette or organdie, it
is used almost universally on sports
and morning frocks, sometimes in a
deep cream or ecru but for the most
part, in pure white. No one can deny
that a vestee, collar or jabot of fine
lingerie or lace makes a
frock all the more feminine, dainty
and distinctive. And this is what
everyone wants these days.
One designer puts a white pique
collar on both the one piece frock
and coat of a very smart ensemble
of green lace weave woolen, and an-
other is showing collars and cuffs of
very fine white beads with narrow
lines of red on a frock of blue wool
In lace embroidered mull or silk
pique, white collars are seen on
dressy afternoon gowns and several
of the houses are using deep cuffs
and narrow round collars edged with
old fashioned rickrack braid. Deep
flaring cuffs like those of the old
cavaliers come in heavy white silk
charming |
pique, scalloped at the edge and with
flat round collar to match.
Another charming touch of white
is to be seen in the encrusted bow-
knot on both silk and wool street-
frocks. It is sometimes sewed per-
fectly flat to the garment and some-
times stands out a bit in relief.
One of the most amusing and in-
, the
—Penn State has reorganized the:
2-year course in agriculture to per-
mit students wider choice of sub-~
jects, Dean R. L. Watts, of the
School of Agriculture, announces.
Nine curricula will be offered, be-
ginning this fall. These include:
agronomy, animal husbandry, dairy
manufacturing, dairy production,
floriculture, ornamental horticulture,
pomology, poultry husbandry, and
vegetable gardening. Besides re-
quired subjects, a number of electives.
are possible in the 2-year course.
Applicants who have had at least.
two years of high school! training:
will be admitted, or they can take:
an entrance examination. Full in-
formation on the course can be ob--
tained from Dean Watts.
—Poultrymen of Pennsylvania will
take two auto tours beginning in the
eastern and western parts of the:
State September 16 and ending at
State College the next day in time:
for a banquet and meeting of the
State Poultry and Baby Chick As-
sociations, John Vandervort, poultry
extension specialist, announces.
Plans have been made to visit five:
prominent poultry farms on each
tour. Dr. R. D. Hetzel, president of"
the college, will speak at the ban-
quet. On the following day, Profes--
sor James E. Rice, head of the poul--
try department of Cornell Univer--
sity, and Professor E. M. of’
the State College poultry staff, will.
appear on the program at the joint.
meeting of the two state associa-
—According to experiments in.
Pennsylvania and elsewhere, red.
clover cut in full bloom made the
most pounds of hay per acre. Of
even greater importance, the crude:
protein in the clover decreased as.
the heads began to die; in one case
from 539 pounds per acre when in.
full bloom to 469 pounds when ‘some
heads were dead” and to 421 pounds.
when the heads were all dead. More.
or less similar figures would hold.
for alsike clover.
Another important factor is that.
the earlier red clover is cut, the.
larger and more certain will be the
second crop, says County Agent R..
C. Blaney. The only arguments for
delayed cutting are that the more
mature clover is the more quickly and.
easily cured, and that the weather
is more likely to be settled. Weath-
er permitting, probably the best.
stage is just as the heads begin to-
Most of our clover is mixed with.
timothy. Many farmers delay cut-
ting the crop in order that the timo--
thy may attain its maximum growth.
As with the clover, early cut timothy-
makes much the best feed, and near-
ly as much of it. In a Missouri ex-
periment the average of three years.
gave only 553 pounds more hay and
12 pounds more crude protein when.
cut in full bloom over that cut just
coming into bloom. Waiting till the:
seed was formed gave only 125.
pounds more hay per acre and 34
pounds, or 23 per cent less protien
than when cut in full bloom. When
the seed was in the dough stage
there were 51 pounds less hay and 15.
pounds less protein, while with the:
seed ripe there was a further loss.
of 291 pounds of hay and 6 pounds:
of protein.
Whether the timothy is with clov--
er or alone, early cutting gives by:
far the best hay with trifling lossin.
tonnage. Quality is much more im-
portant than quantity, especially if’
the hay is to be fed to cows. Early
cut timothy will also make more sec-
ond growth than late cut and sod:
will remain thicker and more vigor--
“Shall I plow down the old straw--
berry bed or renew it for another
If the patch is relatively free from.
weeds, the stand good, and the soil
fertile and well supplied with or-
ganic matter, it will probably be-
worth-while to renew the bed for an-
other crop. On the other hand, if"
the bed is very weedy, the stand ir-
regular, and the soil lacking in hu-
mus, it is not likely to be profitable
to try to get another crop from it
next year.
If the patch is to be renewed, the
the work should be done as soon as:
possible. The first step usually con-
sists of mowing the patch, keeping:
knife high enough to prevent.
any injury to the strawberry crowns.
After the leaves have dried some-
what, the bed may be burned over,
preferably on a day when breeze
| teresting trends of fashion has beep will carry the blaze rapidly. On a
the evolution of the sweater. Surely still day when the patch is very dry,
a drab grub has evolved into a color-
! ful butterfly.
Despite all other sports clothes, it
the blaze may do considerable harm.
to the plants. If the patch has been:
relatively free from diseases and in-
In the early days of printing this is still the ideal wear, either for sects, the mowing and burning may
art was much of a mystery, and ig- | strenuous participation in a game, > , be omitted.
norant people thought the printer
evoked the aid of the powers of evil.
Aldus Manutius, the famous Italian
printer of the sixteenth century, went
merely for spectator wear. In
new colorful being, it is part of every
i stay-at-home and travel wardrobe.
And designers corrugate
to Africa on an exploring expalition | brows in their efforts to give sweat
and brought back with him a very |er wearers ever newer and gayer plow or harrow, and the soil between
black negro boy. Negroes were a
mediately gained circulation that the
printer had been employing the black
art in his work and that the pick-
aninny was in reality an imp of Sa-
tan. He was called the “Little Black
Devil.” The charge became so se-
| Sportsmen and farmers are urged rious that the printer was forced to
erate whenever possible in saving announcement he said:
| by the Game Commission to co-op- | exhibit the negro in public. In his
and he'll be pounded up so the only | ped under water and curved down- game and protected birds during the
recipe that'll fit him will be just |stream. In no time at all it was a | grain-cutting season. Farmers are dus Manutius, printer of the
drag on the manful oarsman. Forty urged to watch and to cut around Church and to the Doge, have this
plain mule hash. Tought luck, Pa.”
Pa Isom fanned himself with his | feet out and Bud had his battl> to
hat and stumped up to the spring | keep from being swept down past the
house for a gourd of water. Stacy submerged shelf. Pa Isom’s mule
looked at the round ring marks that |
Pa’s peg-leg made in the clay. Pa what the commotion was behind him
any nests they might find. They
thereby render great service to them-
selves in saving and increasing song
| making game conditions better.
“Be it known to Venice that I, Al-
day made public exposure of the
printer’s devil. All those who think
he is not flesh and blood may come
never even turned his head to see and insectivorous birds as well as, and pinch him.” Thus originated the
term “printer's devil.”
| editions of their favorite garment
ts |
Enough of the mulch should be re-
moved, Ross declares, so that it does
not seriously interfere with cultiva-
their tion. The row can then be narrow-
ed down to 10 or 12 inches with a
the rows thoroughly cultivated. With-
The latest tendency is to use perfect- | in the row, the plants should be thin-
ly plain sweaters in charming colors | ned to 5 to 8 inches apart and all of
—Navy blue alpaca fashions a
Gerlaur suit that is stunning. The
, skirt seems straight line but really
over a tight drop skirt with kick
plaits in each side. The coat slopes
from hipline in the back to a short
eton in front. All edges are bound in
matching satin showing the season’s
tendency to high-light style.
—What length coat can you wear?
Hip, fingertip, three-quarter, seven-
eights or full? It all depends on your
type. You can ruin an ensemble by
wearing the wrong length.
five gorges hanging as loose panels
the old original plants removed. It:
may be well to Jeave the plants at
one side of the original row to insure
that none of the old plants will be
If the vigor is rather low, a mix-
ture of equal parts of nitrate of
soda, and acid of phosphate will be
found to be a very good fertilizer.
Application of about two pounds to
75 to 100 feet of row should be
made, being careful to put the ferti-
lizer 3 or 4 inches from the plants
and none on the leaves. An applica-
tion of well-rotted manure can gen-
erally be applied profitably.