Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 12, 1929, Image 4
* Benoa fit Bellefonte, Pa., July 12, 1929. — - ¥. GRAY MEEK, Si To Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. - Editer Terms of Subscription.—Until further ®motice at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance Paid before expiration of year Paid after expiration of year Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter. ‘In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the paper discontinued. In all such cases the sub- scription must be paid up to date of can- cellation, A sample copy of the “Watchman” will Pe sent without cost to applicants. EA FIFTY YEARS AGO IN CENTRE COUNTY. Items from the Watchman issue of July 11, 1879. e105 —Federmeyer, the man who some time ago started to push a 120lb wheelbarrow from San Francisco to New York, passed through Miles- burg a few days ago and was the object of much attention. He took breakfast at Kohlbecker’s hotel and immediately thereafter started for Lock Haven. —Capt. John Gilliland, of Snow Shoe, ‘and S. A. McQuistion, of this place, tripped the light fastastic at Pleasant Gap on the 4th. —Mrs. James Mitchell and her daughter, Miss Olive, have returned from a visit of several months in the west. —IJIra S. Garman, son of Daniel Garman, who is learning the jewel- ry business in Coatesville, came home on a visit on Saturday last. —Mr. Will Brachbill returned from New York on Tuesday, accompanied by a city friend. William has been away finishing up his trade—that of upholsterer. —Cadet James A. Leyden, of this place, has been promoted to the sec- ond lieutenancy of Co. E., 4th U. S. Inf. —At the Baptist parsonage in Bellefonte on July 3, George E. Fasig and Miss Maggie Wolf were united in marriage by the Rev. W. Biggart. —According to the report of Hen- ry Meyer, superintendent of schools in the county, we have 182 school houses, 217 schools of which 62 are graded, 167 male teachers, 51 fe- males, and 47 schools in which the furniture is injurious to the scholars who attend them. In the annual statement of the Bellefonte school district we notice that the liabilities in excess of assets are $25,971.31. The borough received from the State, during the year, $776.52, from taxes $5,888.41 and paid teacher's salaries to the amount of $2961.22. —The body of Dennis Jett, who disappeared from his home in Frenchville, Clearfield county last February, was found in the Susque- | hanna river, at Karthaus strait wa- | ters, on June 26. The body was discovered by a man named Bum gardner who was passing down {he river in a boat. ——On Saturady morning last, at about eight o'clock, a fire broke out in a dwelling, opposite the jail, oc- cupied by Mrs. Benner ‘and owned by Patrick Dooley. It immediately spread to the residence of Mrs. Han- nah McAllister, next door, and both were burned to the ground. The firemen were on the scene promptly: but could do nothing because work- men were repairing the pipes in an- other part of town and had the wa ter shut off. —Grain cutting is about over and the wheat crop is below the average —While driving home from church at Zion last Sunday morning the spirited horse: of P. G. Gentzel be- came unmanageable and dashed around the corner at the Lutherap church at such speed that the car riage was overturned and both Mr and Mrs. Gentzel were severely cut and bruised in the wreckage. —The following are the new offi- cers of the Centennial Temperance club: President R. A. Laird; vice president, Mart Cooney; secretary A. Morrison; treasurer, C. F. Richard; master of ceremonies, James Cornel- . ly; trustees, Gen. W. H. Blair and W. I. Fleming. —The opening “Social” at the Bush house for the season of 1879 will be held next Tuesday evening. The committee of arrangements con- sists of the following named gentle- men: Geo. T. Brew, James B. Lane, J. Howard Lingle, H. C. Valentine, J. D. Geissinger, H. C. Fenstemaker, J. Kyle McFarlane, Frank Cham- berlain, Ellis Orvis and W. F. Rey- molds Jr. —The Fourth in Bellefonte passed off very quietly. Most of the stores closed at noon so their clerks could have some time off. The only acci- dent happened to a colored boy nam- ed Cleaver who shot himself in the right hand mutilating that member badly. —While plowing in his field near Fillmore Noah Musser recently turn- ed up a barlow knife bearing a mak- er’'s stamp dated in 1760. —Pleasant Gap had a rousing Fourth of July celebration. It was also the occasion of the dedication of Haags' new hall. Col. Hastings made the oration from the balcony of the hotel and Smiths’ orchestra from this place furnished the music for dancing. Everything went fine until certain parties from Belle- fonte and elsewhere got too much aboard and started fighting. It got beyond control .of the Pleasant = Gap policemen and the hotel had to be closed and the dancing stopped about seven o'clock in the evening. It was too bad that such deviltry should break up what was otherwise a won- derful celebration. 2.00 : THAL.—Joseph J. Thal, who for ducted an ice cream parlor and con: | fectionery store, on High street, died very suddenly, on Monday afternoon, ! as the result of a stroke of apoplexy. He became ill while cleaning his Ford on the street in front of his store, about 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. He was able to make his way into +the store where he collapsed to the floor, after telling several men stand- ing nearby that he was very sick. One of them ran for a physician and while it ‘was only a few minutes un- til the doctor arrived, he was past all help and expired in less than ten min utes. : He was a son of Mathias and Cath erine Fusser Thal and was born op the old homestead, at Roopsburg, on November 2nd, 1873, hence was 5% years, 8 months and 6 days old. During his boyhood days on the small farm at home he attended school at Roopsburg, but while yet a youth devoted his energies to fruit- ful pursuits in preference to idling his time away. He gathered water cress from the fresh water streams sales and county fairs and thirty-two years ago he embarked in business in a small building on the site where his store stands today. # On January 14th, 1902, he married Miss Anna Holderman, of Tussey- ville, who survives with an adopted son, Francis Thal. He also leaves two brothers and two sisters, Michae) Thal, Mrs. Mary Beezer, Mrs. Cath- erine Beezer and Andrew Thal, all of Bellefonte. Funeral services were held in St. John’s Catholic church, of which he was a member, at 10 o'clock yester- day morning, by Rev. Downes, bur- ial being made in the Catholic ceme- tery. Il Il LONG.—Charles P. Long, who for many years maintained a State- wide reputation as proprietor of the Clinton hotel, at Mill Hall, died on June 30th as the result of hemor- rages of the stomach. On Wednes- day previous he motored to Phila- delphia to see the Yankees and Ath- letics play ball, returning home on Saturday morning. He was stricken shortly after arriving home and a succession of hemorhages caused his death. He was born in Centre county sixty years ago and as a young map went to Johnsonburg and became landlord of a small hotel conducted a confectionery store Twenty-seven years ago he sold hiy interests in Johnsonburg and going to Mill Hall took charge of ‘the Clin- ton hotel which he later purchased. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. M. E. Hagerty, Lock Haven. Funeral services were held at his late home, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, by Rev. C. H. Stein, of the Lutheran church, burial being made in the Cedar Hill cemetery. I I SEIG.—Mrs. Annie Wetzel Seig, wife of William P. Seig, of Belle- fonte, passed away, on Tuesday morning, following a prolonged ill- ness with a complication of diseases. She was a daughter of Miles and Jane Wetzel and was born at Selins- grove in June, 1874, at her death be- ing 55 years and 8 days old. When she was twelve years of age her parents moved to Steelton where she grew to womanhood and where she married Mr. Seig on June 15th, 1899. The Seig family came to Bellefonte sixteen years ago and during their residence here Mrs. Seig made many warm friends who sincerely mourn her death. In addition to her hus- band she is survived by one son, William W. Seig, of Rome, N. Y. She also leaves one brother, Charles Wetzel, of Monessen, Pa. She was a member of the Presby- terian -church and several of its al- lied societies - and Rev. W. C. Thompson had charge of the funeral on Thursday evening. On Friday , morning the remains were taken to | Harrisburg for burial. II 1} STEVENS.—Abednego P. Stevens, of Houtzdale, died at the Clearfield hospital, June 29th, following an ill ness of some months with a compli- cation of diseases. He was a son of Samuel and Susanna Gill Stevens and was born at Port Matilda on June 6th, 1850, hence was 79 years and 23 days old. During his resi- dence at Houtzdale he was engaged in the lumbering business. He was twice married, his first wife having been Miss Sarah Woodring and his second Miss Lizzie Melchor, both of Port Matilda. Both wives preceded him to the grave but he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. John Mills, of Houtzdale. The remains were taken to Port Matlida where burial was made on Tuesday of last week. I ll JOHNSTON.—Carl Hensyl John- ston died at the Altoona hospital, on June 28th, following a prolonged ill- ness with stomach trouble. He was a son of William and Adeline Johnston and was born at Blanchard on December 18th, 1889, hence was in his fortieth year. He was a gang foreman in the P. R. R. shops, at Juniata.. He married Miss Mary Ray, of Juniata, who survives with no chil- dren. He leaves his mother, living at Jersey Shore, and two brothers, Clarence Johnston, of Bellefonte, and Vernon, of Jersey Shore. Burial was made in the Grandview cemetery. Altoona, on Monday afternoon. almost a third of a century has con- and shipped it to New York markets. He put up eating stands at publie and also | of services which were held at 7 o'clock , LOHR.—Miss Annie Lohr, who has had charge of the household of Sam- uel E. Weber, at Boalsburg, the past twenty-three years, passed away at one o'clock Sunday afternoon, as the result of a complication of diseases. She had not been in good health for several years but had been confined to herbed only a few weeks. She was a daughter of William and Sarah Lohr and was born in Potter township about 77 years ago. She lived at and near Centre Hall all her life until going to the Weber home, af Boalsburg. She was a member of the Methodist church since girlhood Surviving her are one brother and two sisters, James H. Lohr, of Phila delphia; Mrs. Susan Lutz, of Centre Hall, and Mrs. Ellen Pringle, of Lock Haven. Brief funeral services were held at the Weber home, at 9:30 o’clock on Wednesday morning, by Rev. W. W Moyer, after which the remains were taken to Centre Hall where services were held in the Methodist church, by the pastor, Rev. H. F. Newman, burial being made in the Centre Hall cemetery. I Il CHANEY.—Herbert L. Chaney, of Tyrone, died on Wednesday, week, following several week’s ill- ness, though the direct cause was a Stroke of apoplexy. He was a son of Alexander and Sarah Peters Chaney and was born at Port Matilda on June 13th, 1866, hence was 63 years old. As a young man he entered the service of the Pennsylvania railroad and rose to the rank of conductor, being placed on the retired list only recently. He married Frances near Bellefonte, Irene Biddle, who died of eight years ago, but surviving him are three sons and one daughter, Ed- ward B. Chaney, of Akron, Ohio; | Alexander G., of Eureka, Cal.; Paul, ‘of Altoona, and Mrs. Thomas J. Barnhart, of Tyrone. He also leaves two brothers, Harry F. Chaney, of Detroit, Mich.; and Elliford, of Ty- rone. Funeral services were held at his late home in Tyrone at 2:30 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, burial being made in the Grandview cemetery. ll Il ! BRILL.—The remains of Mrs. Lillie Gregg Brill, widow of the late Rev. William Brill, who died at Sun- bury on June 29th, were brought to Bellefonte on Tuesday of last week for burial in the Brill lot in the Union cemetery. Mrs. Brill was distantly connect- ,ed with the well known Gregg family of Centre county, and many years. ago was intimately associated with the McMurrays and Liebs. Her hus- band during his life was a well known minister. in the ' Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Brill was the mother of Miss Julia G. Brill, of State College, and made her home with her until she became ill some weeks ago when she was taken to the home of her son, Francis A. : Brill, at Sunbury, where she passed away. ll | FARLEY. Mrs. Catherine G. Far- ley, wife of John Farley, died at her {home on Pike alley, Bellefonte, on ! June 27th, as the result of a heart affection. She was a daughter of Charles and Margaret Grafmyer and was born in Boggs township 74 years ago. In addition to her hus- band she is survived by three chil- dren, Mrs. H. M. Kustaborder, of Bellwood, Thomas C. and Elizabeth + A, at home. She also leaves ohne brother and three sisters, William + Grafmyer, of Milesburg; Mrs. Dora Thomas, Mrs Josephine Foust and { Mrs. Charles Burke, all of Altoona | Burial was made in the Union ceme- tery on June 29th. SCRUDENG. David Is Scruders. {a native of Ferguson township, died iat his home at Tyrone Forge, Tuesday of last week, following an illness of several months. He was a son of H. L. and Harriet Scruders 13th, 1864, hence was in his 66tk year. He married Martha L. Rey- nolds, of Graysville, who survives with two sons. He also leaves one brother and a sister. Burial was made at Graysville on July 4th. ——Summer time is water heating time, and you can do it cheaply, quickly, and automatically with the Monarch. Central Pennsylvania Gas Co. 27-1t rs — Al ————— BOALSBURG A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nevel, on Sunday. Mrs. Ella Barr is convaiescing nicely from ker recent accident. Communion services will be held in the Lutheran church Sunday 1aoin- ing, at 10:30. Charles Fisher has purchased the Faxon cabin, near the reservoir, and will make extensive improvements. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kuhn and children, of Dewart, weve visitors at the home of William Stover, un Sat- urday. Prof. and Mrs. E. H. Meyer and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of Newark, N. J, are spending the summer at their home on School street. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rossman, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. A. J. Lytl: and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crissman, of State College, were visitors at the Reish-Miller home, on Sunday. Ellwood Stover, of. Philadelphia, greeted friends about town last week. Ellwood spent his childh ad days in town when his father, the late Kev. S. C. Stover, was pastor of the Reform- ed church. of last i on and was born at Baileyville on May | | { This column is to be an open forum. i Everybody is invited to make use of it to express whatever opinion they may have on any subject. Nothing libelous will be published, though we will give the public the widest latitude in invective when the ' subject is this paper or its editor. Con- ; tributions will be signed or initialed, as , the contributor may desire.—ED. KIWANIS LUNCHEONS. As a rule we do not publish anony- ; mous communications but inasmuch as the two following letters are whol- ly impersonal we give them publicity | just because of the comment they "are likely to excite.—ED. i i To The Editor of The al Almost every week a half column or more is devoted by the papers published in Bellefonte regarding the Kiwanis luncheon. | The usual lengthy article again made its appearance while only a few lines were devoted to the Elk’s Kid- | dies Day picnic where 2000 worthy children enjoyed their annual outing. How Come? i Moneys expended by the “Kiwanis” for their luncheons could be utilized to better advantage were it used to | further the progress of Bellefonte by securing new industries for the town where some of the unemployed now , ,on our streets could secure work and | give happiness to their families . | THE TOWN CRITIC The Fourth of July, 1929. The Democratic Watchman, Bellefonte, Pa. Gentlemen: Will you please secure for me at ,once from the Centre County Com- ! missioners the rock bottom price : they are willing to accept for the Court House, including the front lawn and the Soldiers and Sailors ; ' monument. | I am prepared to pay cash on de- livery of the deed. | Should you be unable to secure a | i decent figure on this property please ' ‘get the best price possible on the Catholic Church property on Bishop , Street or on the Union Cemetery. I like all of these locations but prefer the Court House, it is so conveniently | situated near the middle of your | town. Yours truly, X.Y. 2 Bigler, Clearfield Co., Pa. P. 8. It would be understood of course, that I would make a reasonable i charge for the use of those two ‘drinking fountains your borough council is talking about erecting on the Diamond for the convenience of | tourists. 1 | ‘ | Probably that Spanish girl was” disappointed in the awdrds of the Galveston beauty pageant. UNIONVILLE i Mrs. Jessie Hall returned, last | Wednesday, from a visit at Cresson, i with relatives. Mrs. Harry Kerchner entertained i the Women’s club, at her home, on Tuesday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerchner at- tended the Shirk reunion at Run- ville, on the Fourth. | Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stere and Mrs. | Clara Leathers spent Sunday with ‘friends in Philipsburg. Miss Flora Brugger is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brugger. J. E. Hall, accompanied by Joseph : Brugger, started early Tuesday ‘morning on an automobile trip through the eastern part of the State. | Mrs. Eliza Jane McClincy closed | her house, on Monday, and left, with | her daughter, for a visit at Cherry | Tree, after which she will make sale { of her household goods. i The Methodist pulpit was filled, last Sunday morning, by Rev. Piper, ‘the regular pastor, Rev. Crawford, being away on a two week’s vaca- ‘tion in school, taking a special | course of study. Ap sm Real Estate Transfers. Fred H. Raymond, of Centre Hall, and Anna E. Rearick, of Spring Mills. George N. Dreiblebis, of State Col- lege, and Mary Kathryn Krebs, of Pine Grove Mills. Jesse G. Pennepacker, of Milroy, and Luella M. Breon, of Centre Mills. Aaron B. Myers, of Pittsburgh, and J. Edna Roberts, of Mahaffey. Arthur M. Dadd, of Renovo, and Clara V. Warner, of Fleming. H. E. Dunlap. sheriff, to A. N Lucas, tract in Liberty Twp.; $2700 Charles A. Eder, et ux, to Clara T. Bateson, tract in State College; $1 Clara T. Bateson to Charles A Eder, et ux, tract in State College; $1. —————— en ee: IN THE CHURCHFS ON SUNDAY. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH. 9:30 A. M., Bible school. 10:45 A. M., Morning service; Ser- mon, “The Great Refusal.” 7:30 P. M., Union service in Meth- odist church. Clarence E. Arnold, pastor. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sunday School 9:15, Wm. Osman, Supt. Morning worship 10:30. At this service the minister will begin a se- ries of sermons on, “The Fruitful Christian Life.” The subject of the first sermon is “The Life of Love.” Services at Marion at 7:30. Rev. A. Ward Campbell, Pastor. —Subscribe for the Watchman. Four big detour signs = were - erected at the intersection of Alle gheny and Howard streets, this week, directing through traffic destined for | lower Bald Eagle valley down Little ' Nittany valley and through the Cur- tin gap. This was deemed neces- sary because of the rebuilding of the Bald Eagle valley road from Miles burg to a short distance below Cur tin, operations on which have been started. i POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR JURY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce that James C. Condo, of Gregg township, is a candidate for nomination for Jury Com- missioner on the Democratic ticket, sub- ject to the primaries of the party to be held Tuesday, September 10, 1929. Mr. Condo will appreciate your support. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Farmers National Bank, No. 13118 at Bellefonte, in the State of Penn- Yivania, at the close of business on June ’ RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 146,249.26 Other bonds, stocks, and ¥ ities owned ..............L.0 10,715.00 Banking House........ $25,000.00 Furniture and fixtures, $2,950 27,950.00 Reserve with Federal Reserve 8,027.78 20,389.75 32.79 Total... oh ann $213,364.58 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in... $ 75,000.00 Sorplus ..i.c0 0 4,000.00 Undivided profits—net 1,986.89 Due to banks, including certi- fied and cashiers’ checks out- standing |... un he Demand deposits ‘Time deposits ..................... Bills payable and rediscounts .... Total State of Pennsylvania, County of Centre, S. 8: I, HAYS W. MATTERN, Jr, cash- ier of the above-named bank, do solemn- ly swear that the above statement is fue Pad the best of my knowledge and elief. HAYS W. MATTERN, Jr., Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of July, 1929. S. HARLEY otar 2 Correct Attest: y he REED O. STEELY W. M. BOTTORF J. P. ECKEL Directors. EPORT OF CONDITION OF THE R First National Bank, No. 9249. at Howard, in the State of Pennsyl- na at the close of business on June 29, RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .................... 140,311.77 United States Government as curities owned .......................... 36,800.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, OWHRBA . ...iiiiicsinnrnssimsiverenssossisssensis 232,027.67 Banking House, $4,000, Furni- : ture and Fixtures, $4,252.40 8.252.40 | Reserve with Federal Reserve i Bank lL. oil nl 17,097.00 Cash’ and due from banks ... 127,758.49 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. S. Preasurer... iii. cvncers sees 1,250.00 Total waa nail L $463,497.33 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in............ 25,000 00 Surplus fund.................. 5" 25,000 00 Undivided profits—net ................. 29,947.25 Reserves for dividends, gencies, etc. ............... ol 1,750.00 Circulating notes outstanding .. 24,600.00 Due to banks, including -certi- fied and cashiers’ checks out- standing... 00 191.99 Demand deposits . Time deposits Total .. 132,526.49 . 224,481.60 State of Pennsylvania county of Centre, ss: , K. McDOWELL, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. K. McDOWELL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July, 1929 WALTER YEARICK, Notary Public. My commission expires March 2, 1933. Correct Attest: WALTER J. KURTZ LOT H. NEFF W. C. THOMPSON Directors. 0dd Lots oad AM Jad —The Bellefonte Presbyterian Sunday school will picnic at Hecls park today. ors NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTS FOR SALE in Bellefonte, inquire of B. H. Shaffer, 117 east High St., Bellefonte. 73-13-tf. EALED BIDS will be received until August 1, 1929, for delivering to- the Bellefonte public school build- ings 300 tons high grade bituminous: coal. Bids must state mine from which. coal will be shipped. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 74-27-3t M. E. BROUSE, Sec'y XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testa-- mentary upon the estate of J oseph W. Beezer, late of Bellefonte borough, de-- ceased, having been anted to the une dersigned all persons owing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. BEN J. BEEZER, RUSSELL P.BEEZER W. Harrison Walker, Executors, Attorney, 74-26-6t Bellefonte, Pa.. A of the estate of Joseph D. Diehl, late, of Howard Boro, deceased. In. the Orphans’ Court of Centre county. Notice is hereby given that the said’ Court has appointed the undersigned Aud- itor to pass upon the exceptions to Lhe second and final account of M. I. Gardner- and Rena Z. Diehl, Administrators of said decedent, and to make a distribution of the funds in the hands of said Adminis-- trators to and among those legally en- titled thereto, and for that purpose a hearing will be held at the office of said Auditor at No. 20, Crider's Exchange. building, second floor, north Allegheny" street, Bellefonte, Penna., on Monday, the- 29th day of July, A. D. 1929, at 10 o'clock A. M.,, when and where all parties inter- ested may present their claims or forever be debarred from coming in on said fund. WILLIAM GROH RUNKLE, Auditor. 74-26-3t S writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-- tre County, to me directed, will be ex- posed to public sale at the Court House: in the Borough of Bellefonte on FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1929. The Following Property: ALL that certain messuage, tenement and plot of ground situate, lying and being: in the Township of Harris, County cof Cen- tre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stone at the inter- section of the public road with a private road leading to mountain, thence along middle of public road South fifty-one an three-fourt! degrees [East forty-eight perches to an iron pin in the middle of said road; thence in a Southerly direction thirty perches to an iron pin; thence" along land of William M. Meyer in a Westerly direction twenty perches to- Western side of private road leading to mountain; thence along said private road North seven and one-half degrees West fifty-four perches to the place of begin- ning; containing seven acres and ninety-- four perches. Being the same premises which Kather=- ine J. Lauck and husband, by their deed dated August 13th, 1913, and recorded in Centre County, Deed Book 121, page 155, granted and conveyed the same to Sarah Alice Johnsonbaugh, of the first part. hereto. Seized, taken in execution and to be- sold as the property of Virginia B. Horner and J. H. Horner. Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M. of said day. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff. H. Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. July Eth, 1929. 74-27-3t UDITOR’'S NOTICE.—In the matter HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a. ONE-DAY EXCURSIONS $4i.z. Philadelphia rp $4:2. Atlantic City rp SUNDAYS, JULY 21 AUGUST 18 SPECIAL THROUGH TRAIN Leave Saturday Night preceding excursion Standard Time Lv. Bellefonte . . M. Returning, Lv. Atlantic City 5.00 P. M. North Philadelphia . 6.07 P. M. Pennsylvania Railroad — I : = = 3 nN FR = $2.75 ; ® | Ic : ! = oh oe, MEN'S and WOMEN’S il fc Ue 5 Pumps and Oxfords § I} 04d Lots of $5, $6, $7, $8 and $9 Shoes b <i 2 s275 § Ue | LE Ic oe Cl -— Sonne Beginning Friday, July 12 Ending Saturday, July 20 Mingle’s Shoe Store BELLEFONTE RRR ] Colt a. = 1 ERS Te EES Eee lo eee lo lone