—— Unless Connnie Mack’s ma- «chine slips a cog half the games in ‘the next world’s series will be play- -ed in Philadelphia. —Next week you will not be bored with these fuluminations. It will be our mid-summer vacation period, there will be no Watchman to be made and we expect tn visit a town we have never seen—and it is not ‘located on Fishing creek either. —Mr. Tunney must have said :something to the Fogarty woman. “The manner in which he made the late Tex Rickard come across con- vinces us that Gene wouldn't have given up thirty-five grand if he was sure Mrs. Fogarty hadn't something {0 say that would not sound any too :sweet in Polly Lauder’s ears. —We always felt that Bishop Can- non of our church-South, would bear watching. The old hypocrite. When ever a preacher gets into politics, take it from us, he’s going to jump out of his Master’s vineyard. All the while he was raising his hands in “holy horror of the thought of electing Al Smith President, last fall, he was gambling in stocks through a New “York bucket shop. —Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, the one woman in our recollection who seems to have understood that it was her “husband—not herself who was chosen President of the United States, has purchased “Tarover” the historic home of Robert Bruce in Virgina. ‘Many put their thumbs in their «cheeks when Woodrow Wilson mar- ried Edith Bolling. Dolly Madison, “Frankie” Folsom and Edith Bolling were, perhaps, the most beautiful ‘women who ever graced the White ‘House but Edith has the distinction .of being the least photographed of all of them. Her husband was certainly one of the country’s greatest Presi- dents. She was and is carrying on as one of the country’s most dignified first ladies. = —Out in Pittsburgh the sueriff is going to sell the home of Col. Jim ‘Guffey. The Colonel is ninety years old and bed-fast.” In his day he wus a great figure in Pennsylvania poli ‘tics. One of the old-time leaders who played the game for the thrill of it and not for what might be in it for. himself. We can see him at Harrisburg, with his gray hair and flowing bow tie, as excited as the owner of a thorobred prancing at the barrier for the get-away. He was in it, not for what victory brought, but for the sheer love of winning. Thou- sands upon thousands of dollars we know Col. Guffey poured into the treasury of the Democratic party in Pennsylvania, merely. for the fun of it and it was one whom he had help- ed most who turned Judas when his leadership was waning. My, how we loathe such people and with the hope that the old Colonel might, per- chance, be able to read this para- graph we want to say here that ‘those Democrats of Pennsylvania who helped crucify him knew not ‘what they were doing. —To the distinguished, as well as the lowly, friends all over the coun- try who have written to congratu- late me on the end of my seven years of persecution I send this message: I always did know that real friend- ship meant loyalty; such loyalty as doesn’t falter in times of adversity, but steadily and fearlessly sustains those to whom it is given, whether they be up or down. The crucible in which it is tried is the one I've been ‘through. Only God and I know the rats who deserted what they thought ‘was a sinking ship. They were not friends. Never were. They have neither the mental capacity nor the heart to understand that friend- ship isn’t valued in dollars and cents, isn’t demonstrated by sycophancy or expressed by the material service one may render another. It is something ‘very much finer than all of that. Something so fine that it is just mis- understandable. I often try to ana- lyze it and always fail. Then my heart overflows in wonderment that that I have such friends as these and that’s what it is doing right now as I send this mesage of gratitude to you. —At a recent inter-club meeting of Kiwanis International Kiwanian Hughes proposed a rather startling and exceedingly radical movement for that order. He suggested that the United States army be employed for the suppression of crime in the country. While we all agree that crime needs suppression. that is a matter solely for the police power of the several States. Congress can pass no law taking the police powers away from the States and there is no process except by the declaration of marshal law or upon call of a Governor, by which a federal soldier can go into any State in the Union in the capacity of a police officer. It would be an exceedingly dangerous practice and result in the breaking down of the last vestige of our Dem- ocracy. Crime is costing the country thirteen billion dollars a year. Probably if twice that sum were explended in its suppression it would still be rampant. Whatever the cost in dollars and cents, how- ever it could never mount so high as to be comparable with the cost of the sacrifice of the rights of the States to the federal government. allman STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 74. BELLEFONTE, PA.. JUNE 2 8S. 1929. Tariff a Damage to F' Congressman Cordell Hull, of Tén- essee, formerly chairman of the Dem- ocratic National committee, declar- ed in a stateemnt issued the other day, that the real and paramount ob- ject of the special session of Con- gress is “the repayment of Republi- can campaign’ contributions made last year, in the form of higher tar- iffs, chiefly to manufacturing bene- ficiaries. These sinister and selfish forces,” he continued, ‘dominated the House tariff proceedings and unless the people bestir themselves will dominate the Senate. Agriculture for the 99th time is to be hoodwinked and humbugged by prolific promises of effective tariffs that are a fraud and a swindle, save as to certain mi- nor specialties. No tariff law has ever been written, or ever will be enacted, that will benefit agriculture in a country which produces a surplus of agricultural products. The price is fixed by the world market which disposes of the surplus. Such expedients as revolv- ing funds may afford temporary relief at vast expense to be paid ultimately by the producer, but gives neither substantial nor enduring help. For example, the 200,000,000 bushels of wheat of last year’s harvest now in surplus, may be bought by the pro- posed farm board and stored. An equal surplus of this year may pos- sibly be disposed of in the same way. The board will then have 400,000.000 bushels of wheat, an exhausted funa and an impoverished country. But the pending tariff law works injury instead of helpfulness to agri- culture in various other ways. The tariff on hidés, for instance, will yield nothing to the average farmer. But because of it the tariff on shoes and all kinds of leather commodities is vastly increased, to the advantage of a few corporations and the detri- ment of the millions of consumers. The tax on sugar will benefit a few beet sugar. producers and wih add nearly a billion dollars a year tothe cost of living of the people, including ‘ninety per cent of the farmers. The same is true -as to other subjects of tariff taxation. A comparatively few will be benefitted and- a wast majority mulcted to pay party debts. ———Tom Cunningham has no cause to complain against “the breaks.” He has been given plenty of time to frame a defense. ee ——— pee e— Crimes and Prevention. Opening the second conference of Pennsylvania judges at Bedford Springs. on Monday, Robert Von Moschzisker, Chief Justice of the Supreme court, made an appeal to the Legislatures of the future to give “society a fair chance” against crime. Eleven of the twelve recommenda- | tions made by the judges last year | failed of adoption by the Legislature this year. But the Chief Justice has hopes. “It was charged that the | failure of some of the measures was largely due to the efforts of lawyers in the Legislature,” he said, “but it (is my belief much of such opposition can be overcome wherever the pro- | fession generally stand back of a bill : for reforming procedure.” The widespread increase of crime, not only in Pennsylvania but through- out the country, and not only in the big cities but everywhere, affords ample reason for the concern ex- | pressed by the judges and other of- i ficials connected with the machinery j of justice. “There were 242 hold- ‘ups and robberies, 23 kidnappings, .114 murders, 49 persons shot but not ‘killed, 31 persons strangled, stabbed and wounded but not killed, 52 per- sons attacked and beaten, five police- men or officials assaulted, seven at- | tempted killings and seven instances ‘of gang warfare throughout the country within the last year which have come within his observation. That is a startling record of crime, to say the least. The Chief Justice does not lay the . whole blame for this lamentable con- dition to “faults in the administra- tion of law.” There are other causes, of course, and bad laws are among them. But there are remedies for all faults and it is the province of the Legislature to adopt them. The judges realize this fact and their ap- peal to the lawyers in the Legisla- ture is justified. But it is not prop- erly directed. The Chief Justice ought to have directed his remarks to the Mellon machine, in Rittsburgh, and the Vare machine, in Philadel- phia. Tom Cunningham and Max Leslie directed the proceedings dur- ing the last session and might have procured the reforms. ——TIt seems that ' Ambassador Gibson, of Belgium, is to furnish the “yardstick” to measure the strength of the several navies. Republican Leaders Condemned. . At the meeting of the Democratic advisory committee, held in Philadel- phia last week, John R. Collins, chairman of the State committee, said: “Governor John S. Fisher is the tool of a selfish political group. He came into office with a surplus of nearly $25,000,000. He has permit- ted this to be spent by the Republi- can State leaders without protest. One of the most glaring examples of his weak administration was seen in the mad dash of the beneficiaries of the salary raising bills. The law of the State of Pennsylvania prohibits any office holder's salary to be in- creased during his incumbency. With the approval of Governor Fisher this law of the State was evaded.” This plain statement of fact con- veyed no surprise to the readers of the Watchman. At the time this shameful exhibition of greed and graft was perpetrated it was expos- ed in these columns. But it is prop- er to repeat it and impress it on the minds and consciences of the people of the State. The fundamental law of Pennsylvania in unmistakable terms forbids it. And the evasion of which chairman Collins complains was not by officials in minor posts and of inferior intelligence. It was perpetrated by members of the Gov- ernor’s official family, the acknowl- edged leaders of the party, in collu- sion, it might justly be said in con- spiracy, with the Governor who is under sworn obligation to “support, obey and defend” the constitution. The members of the Governor's cabinet who thus deliberately violat- ed the spirit of the constitution which they as well as he had sworn to ‘“sup- port, obey and defend,” eagerly sought and gladly accepted the com- missions with full understanding of the salaries under the law. But in- fluenced by the base passion of ava- rice they entered into a conspiracy with the Governor to resign and be reappointed, thus evading the obli- gation they were sworn not only to obey but to defend. No defendant in a quarter sessions court who falsely testifies to escape the penalty of crime is more clearly guilty of per- New Evidence of Pittshurgh Method. At the session of the Board of Pardons, held in Harrisburg last week, application was made for the pardon of Charles Francis Godden, convicted of participation in election frauds in Pittsburgh in 1926. Godden and all. the members of the election board of the Sixteenth district of the twenty-second ward of that city were convicted. He was a captain in the . fire department service and chairman ‘of the Republican ward organization. e had been sentenced to serve a year but after seven months was paroled. Now he asks for pardon so that “he can be restored to citizen- ship and regain his standing on the fire department pension list.” It seems to Mr. Godden that his stand- ing in life should not be impaired for so trifling an offense. In support of Mr. Godden’s peti- tion a Pittsburgh lawver named Pritchard presented an oral argu- ment. He practically admitted that the frauds had been committed and that his client had participated in them. But it wasn’t his fault. “God- den had no choice,” he declared; “he was sent into the Sixteenth district by the Republican organization” and performed the work assigned to him. In other words, firemen, policemen and other employees of the city of Pittsburgh are obliged to perform any service, criminal or otherwise, which the organization requires of them. Lieutenant Governor James, who was presiding at the session of the Board, mildly remonstrated against that interpretation of the law. Some g(od might have been ob- tained out of this rather remarkable incident if attorney Pritchard had given the names of the masters in the organization which sent Godden into an election district of which he was not a resident to commit elec- tion frauds. But he gave no such information. “The Organization” is an indefinite figure of speech and an unknown quantity. in politics. You can’t put an organization in jail but there ought to be a way of fitly pun- ishing those of the organization, whether masters or minions, who jury. . Yet these are-the leaders:of’ plrpetrate or procuré crimes. That the party in control of the govern- ment of Pennsylvania. ————— lp eee see——— ——The real effort to enforce pro- hibition is now under way, according to information from Washington, and it is to be educational. Odd Stuff but Pertinent and Timely. The Hon. William B. Wilson, who for more than two years has been conducting a contest against William S. Vare for a seat in the United States Senate, addressed a picnic party at Harrisburg, the other even- ing, and recited some of the facts re- vealed by the witnesses in the case. The evidence, which he quoted free- ly, showed that frauds were perpe- trated in nearly every voting district in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and that outside of those two centers of political corruption the Democratic candidate for Senator had a major- ity of 97,345. An honest vote in the two cities would have cut this ma- jority somewhat, unquestionably, but not enough to wipe it out. But no way has been found to sep- arate the honest from the fraudulent votes in those cities. It has been clearly proved that a great number of Republican voters of the “better element,” both in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, cast their ballots for Mr. Wilson. In those cities, as well as in other sections of the State, the public conscience was overwhelming- ly in his favor. But there is no way of differentiating the ballots of that element of the electorate from those of the repeaters and ballot box stuf- fers who unanimously voted for Mr. Vare. The only way of justly deter- mining the question is to throw out the whole vote of the two cities, thus awarding the certificate of election to the winner outside. It is protested by those who are striving for a triumph of fraud that “that is old stuff” and has been iter- ated and reiterated for many months. But new evidence is being exposed every week in both cities and there untapped which strengthen the proofs already on record. Besides nothing is settled finally until it is settled right, and it is not only the right but the duty of William B. Wilson to keep on repeating the charge that he was defrauded out of a victory that he had fairly won. Not only that, but every man and woman who voted for him should join in the chorus of condemnation of a fraud that has . disgraced the Commonwealth. ——William B. Wilson's contest for a seat in the Senate is not a per- sonal affair. He is fighting for fair elections. was the purpose in sentencing God- den, and if the period had been ten years instead of one no injustice would have been done. —The movement among the jurists and lawyers of the State to revise the criminal court proceedings so that ten of the twelve men on a jury can render a verdict is aimed, of course, at the one man, or two, who often holds out until he brings the other eleven around to his way of thinking or hangs the jury. The wis- dom of the proposed change is de- batable, of course, but we are not going to debate it here. All we want time to say here is that a friend who was on a jury in a case recently tried in the Centre county court told us afterwards that he had never een “eleven more stubborn men.” —— re ———— —The Raftsman’s Journal, of Clearfield, which in recent years has been in charge of S. V. Border, has been purchased by a group of Re- publican politicians and incorporated under the name of the Journal Pub- lishing company, of which Congress- man J. Mitchell Chase is president; Mrs. Ella J. Mountz, vice president; Frank J. Smith, secretary and treas- urer and S. V. Border managing editor. The new owners have. in mind the making of a wide-awake newspaper as well as a pronounced political organ. ——— A A ——The friends of young Colonel Roosevelt are becoming alarmed over the delay of his appointment as Governor of Porto Rico. They are afraid of a real investigation into his qualifications. ————— po —————————. ——The infirmities of the anthra- cite coal industry began when poli- tics butted into the business in 1902 rand will continue until there is a complete divorce. rn ——— enn ——If Vice President Curtis de- | feats the aspirations of Theodore are yet fountains of information still | Roosevelt the social victory of Mrs. Longworth over Mrs. Gann will lose in brilliancy. ——Harry Sinclair's term of im- prisonment will not end in time for him to vote this year, but his con- tributions will be as serviceable as ever. -——Senator Brookheart is now re- peating the arguments of Democrat- ic orators during the campaign, but he is too late to accomplish results. nr———————— A ———— ——Don’t Look for a Watchman next week. Bellefonte to Milesburg Highway is ; Still Undecided. The matter of deflecting the route in rebuilding the State highway be- tween Bellefonte and Milesburg is still undecided. State highway en- gineers were in Bellefonte, last Fri- day, in conference with members of the borough council, but no definite decision has been reached. As stated in the borough council report, last week, the Highway De- | partment has rpepared plans which provide for abandoning the old route of the highway from Bellefonte to the old Central Railroad of Penn- sylvania shops by coming up along the route of the railroad, and by a long fill joining the present road out near the intersection of north Water street with the present highway. Py doing this, highway engineers aver, they would eliminate the reverse curve in the present route and have a much better grade than now exists. But the big stumbling block = to the borough is the expense of ob- taining the right of way. This, in itself, is regarded as almost prohib- itive. Then the road would run in the rear of the gas filling station located there and the owners of that plant would not be satisfied to be left high and dry on the wrong side of the road, especially as they own some of the land that would have to be secured as part of the right of way. It is ~'so reported that up town busines. en are much opposed to changing the route as they claim it will deflect automobile travel from the business section of the town. Just how it would do so to any greater extent than now is-not set forth, as the new route, should it eventually be chosen, will come back ' connecting onto the present road, with west Linn street, and traffic can flow in either direction, in Linn street and through the town proper or south on the north Water street extension. In fact it is reported on authority of the Highway Department that at the present time three-fifths of the traffic is by way of Water street. A story is told of “one automobilist who drove tHat route and when he reached Pleasant Gap stopped and asked where he could find Bellefonte. He had driven right through the down town por- ! tion of the town without knowing it. Regarding the proposed change in the route north of Bellefonte the county commissioners favor retain- ing the present route. They are of the opinion that the cost of rebuild- ing it will not be any more, and prob- ably less, than to build an entirely new stretch of highway from the old Central Railroad of Pennsylvania roundhouse into Bellefonte. Until the matter of the choice of routes is settled definitely highway engineers it is said, will figure on rebuilding with a concrete roadway from the Milesburg bridge to the old roundhouse, ‘on the route into Bellefonte. Boalsburg Sshool Boys Make Good Judging Record. The livestock judging teams rep- resenting the Boalsburg Vocational school won considerable honor during Young Farmers’ week at State Col- lege. The dairy judging team, com- posed of Ross McClintic, Harry Ging- rich and Fred Bohn, won third place in competition with 42 other teams. This team scored a total of 957.2 points out of a possible 1200. First place in the dairy contest went to Troy Vocational school with 1001 points; second, Shippensburg with 958.5 points and third, Boals- burg with 957.2 points. A difference of 1.3 points separated second and third places. In the individual scoring Ross Mec- Clintic scored 334.8 points out of a possible 400 to gain eleventh place. Fred Bohn won seventeenth place in the individual scoring. Boalsburg team, composed of Os- car Smith, Montgomery Hubler, and Wert Bohn, placed seventh in the poultry judging contest. This team scored 650.5 points out of a possible 1200 points. “Considering the fact that the vo- Boalsburg such a short time the boys representing that school made a very fine showing. Winning a contest which covers such a large area as the State of Pennsylvania, and in- cludes nearly 600 .boys, is a feat to be proull of,” says William S. Jef- feries, county vocational supervisor. ——President Hoover has managed to get rid of chairman Work, Mrs. Willebrandt and the leaders of the Ku Klux, but the odor of intolerance still’ clings to his administration. approximately : following the present route, hoping in the meantime that la definite decision will be reached ' SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE —A new one in automobile thefts oe- curred at Danville recently. Some one took out the fire truck of the Continental Hose ocmpany, drove it three miles from Dan- ville, and abandoned the apparatus . when it crashed into a bank and was damaged. —Although careful watch was kept while clearing away the debris in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Cris- pin, Berwick, no trace was “ound of a diamond studded wrist watch valued at $1600, lost when fire burned the home with $40,000 damage. —For the first time in ten yea.s, the Long wagon works, at Benton, is engag- ed in building a wagon. Recently the firm reecived the first order in that length of time for a large farm wagon, of the type it formerly built exclusively. It has been building commercial truck bodies. —The forty-fourth annual reunion of Central Pennsylvania Lutherans will be held at Lakemont park, Altoona, Thurs- day, July 18. Four services will be held fat 10:30 a. m., 2:30, 4 and 7:45 p. m. The , Tressler Orphans’ Homé band, Loysville, "on its fifteenth annual tour, will be at | the pars all day and will give the night | program. —When Harry Adams, a telegrapher, of Sunbury, was returning from work on + Sunday he was stopped by what ap- peared to be a man walking on the dark road above the city. Adams got closer, then stopped. So did a big black bear. i The bear turned and ran, Adams said, i while he was too surprised to move. , Bears seldom have been seen in that ter- ritory. . i —Two graduates of a burglar’s college | which offered a course in ‘safe breaking iin 10 easy lessons’ are sorry they did not study harder. C. J. Shindler, ex-coal j and iron policeman, Brownsville, and Wil- + liam E. Friend, Steubenville, Ohio, were | arrested as they lay in hiding near the 1 Moose temple at Charleroi. Besides pam- phlets on black-jacking and- how best to subdue a victim, the students carried au- tomatic revolvers, false moustaches, lens- less spectacles and quick-change clothes. —Philip Coyne, 35, of William Penn, Schuylkill county, was instantly killed on Saturday, at Lakewood Park when a soft drink fountain exploded, blowing ' off his head. Three girl assistants were injured by flying bits of the marble | fountain. Coyne had just obtained the position in the Lakewood Park store the day before. The blast was caused by an over-injection of carbon monoxide gas into a tank of water. A jagged edge of the tank, blown into the air, severed Coyne’s head. —Joseph Laughlin, of Ashiand, is in prison because he cheered for his son while the latter was giving testimony in court. The elder Laughlin was committed to prison for seven days when he could not pay a fine of $10 imposed by Judge Hicks.” Laughlin’s son, William, was on the witness stand giving testimony in a suit for nonsupport when the elder Laugh- lin yelled: “Tell it to ’em Kid!” Judge | Hicks immediately ordered a bailiff to " bring the elder Laughlin before him and imposed sentence. i Harry Ott, 35 years old, of Allen- town, dived 75 feet to his death from the top of the east structural arch of the Le- “high: “river bridge ‘to the canal. Ott's body, which stuck on the bottom of the canal, was recovered twenty minutes after the fatal dive. An examination by Coroner Fred R. Bausch disclosed his neck had been broken. Several compan- ions, who had been swimming with him, told police the dive was the outcome of a small bet which had been made on his ability to dive that distance, —Work on the new $100,000 athletic field for the Lock Haven State Teachers’ i college will be begun shortly in order to | have the field for use by November. The present field, as well as a part of the grounds adjoining the residence of the college president. Dr. D. W. Armstrong, has been sold to the Beech Creek exten- sion railroad, as it is in the right of way of the proposed branch of the New York Central railroad through that city. The new athletic field will contain a football gridiron, baseball diamond and quarter mile running track. —Selection of Ivan A. Getting, 17, of Pittsburgh, as the boy to represent Penn- sylvania in the national scholarship com- | petition of Thomas A. Edison, was an- nounced late on Monday, by Governor ! Fisher. Arthur M. G. Moody, also 17, Philadelphia, was named alternate. Get- | ting, who will compete with 48 other boys | from the rest of the States and the Dis- trict of Columbia, received the highest score in the competitive examination held by the State Department of Public In- struction. His appointment was recom- mended by Dr. John A, H. Keith, Sup- erintendent of Public Instruction. Pres- ident of this year’s graduating class of Schenley high school, Pittsburgh, Getting is the son of the Czecho-Slovakian consur in that city. —Officials of the Lock Haven Chamber of Commerce have completed negotiations for a new industry for that city, the Sylvania Products company plant, which ' will be located in the old condensary { building at Mill Hall, and will manu- facture a new style of radio tube. The plant is an extension of the Sylvania Pro- ducts company plant, at Emporium, where 850 persons are employed, which number: will soon be increased to 1000. A crew of workmen, is at work remodeling the interior of the Mill Hall condensary build- ing and the new manufactory will be in operation in four weeks, according to present plans, There will be 250 persons employed at first, 65 per cent. of which will be girls and women, and the number will be increased to 500 later. —Breaking of a small electric light bulb caused an explosion in the Penn ' Sam Kalb, 28, and Fred J. | Weimer, ‘who attempted to rescue Galla- Overall Supply comapny plant at Pitts- cational work has been in force at |purgh, Saturday, which killed one man "and injured three others, i fatally. James Gallagher, 27, was killed. one probably Those injured were Albert Weiner, 29; Luffey, 3C. gher, was reported to be dying. The others were injured seriously. Weiner and Kalb owned the plant. = The break- ing light bulb caused an explosion and fire in a filtration tank a few minutes after Gallagher had descended to clean out the tank, which was beneath the floor of the plant, and which was partially filled with gasoline soaked grease accumulated there for six months from the filtration of gas- oline used to clean old overalls,