Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 21, 1929, Image 1

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— Nobody worries much this kind
of weather about keeping the home
fires burning.
—Hay making is on. Wheat will
‘be ready for the harvest by Fourth of
July and before we know it the crick-
ets will be singing, then fall won't be
far off.
— Where is the follow who scared
us into believing that the Earth is
cooling off? What has become of
those sun spots we heard so much
about this time last year?
—Looking for a job is the present
occupation of the army of graduates
that has been mustered out of the
colleges of the country this month.
From what we hear the looking is
easy compared with the finding.
—Over in Wilmington, Del., police
arrested an airplane pilot and charg-
ed kim with flying while drunk. Evi-
dence was produced to show that he
really was intoxicated but they had
to let him go because there is no law
against drunken drivers of anything
but automobiles.
—It appears that Ramsey, Mac-
Donald and Charley Dawes have set
out to do what the League of Na-
tions hasn't been able to accomplish:
[nsure peace to the world. They'll
aever get it done unless the English
Premier persuades the Chicago bank-
sr to take his country into the
—The sale of the Valentine prop-
ysrty at the corner of High and Spring
itreets is another step in the march of
yusiness to the downtown district
vhich began some years ago. Thir-
y years ago there were less than a
lozen business places on High, from
Allegheny to Water. Now there are
mly four residence buildings in the
wo squares. Is there so much more
susiness being done in Bellefonte, or
3 it simply being split up more?
— Last week we expressed concern
s to getting Bellefonte over the
our thousand mark before the next
ensus is taken and suggested that
omething be done about it. Yester-
ay morning when we stood in front
f the Elk’s club and watched more
han eighteen hundred little folks |
zramble into busses to be transport-
d to their picnic at the park we
ame to the conclusion that more
i being done about it than we
reamed of.
—1It is a fact worthy of more than
assing thought that the death from
coholism in Kansas, in 1927, had
creased six hundred per cent. over
atin 1919. Kansas is the pioneer
ry State, and long before the Eigh-
;enth amendment had beén made to |
1e federal constitution it was notor- |
usly arid. It is just as surprising :
1d significant that the increase in
ennsylvania, over the same period
as only one hundred and sixty-seven
sv cent. Others may have explana-
ons for these singular results in
stinctly “dry” and “wet” States.
‘hatever that may be ours is that
e “moonshiners” of Pennsylvania
e making purer liquors than those
—The tariff bill that recently pass-
. the House of Congress will put
: sarily a snob,
e farmers in a worse hole instead
helping them out of the one they !
e in. The new bill can’t possibly
Ip any other farmers than those
Montana, Kansas and North Da-
ta. The maximum benefit it could
to them, expressed in dollars and
ats, is about seventeen million dol-
'S. The other commodities raised
rate by the same bill would take
ree or four times the amount gain-
by the farmers of these three
ates out of the pockets of the
mers all over the country. The
-iff, in the last analysis, is only a
ck way of taking money out of the
kets of one class and putting it
o those of another.
—Last week was notable for big
~s events. There was the tragedy
the Altoona Speedway, “Hell'n
iria’s” visit to the King George at
lindsor palace, the passing of the
'm’ relief bill, the successful trans
antic flight of the three French-
n with the first airplane stowaway,
i several mystery murders. It was
: biggest week for live front-page
ff that we have known for some
ie, yet not a single metropolitan
vspaper played up the real sensa-
1 of the week. Anybody who has
ked at Queen Mary's picture as
en as we have and could not see
sensation that was lying in her
wouncement that she intends to
rten her skirts doesn’t know when
really big news is breaking.
~If you think times aren't chang-'
turn to our “Fifty Years Ago” |
imn and read what was regarded
a highly gratifying commence-
at program at State College fifty
rs ago. Then try to imagine the
rms of indignant protest that
11d be gathering around old Mt.
tany now had a replica of that
gram been pulled off there this
sk. The college boy and girl of
ay uncovers, stands at attention
reverently sings: “For the glory
old State. For her founders,
ng and great.” But would they
it if “artillery salutes” and lec-
3s on Martin Luther were re-
ed to give the thrill that bana
certs, theatricals, joy rides and
se parties now supply for com-'
VOL. 74.
NO. 25.
e South and the Democratic Pa
Sepator Simmons, of North Caro-
lina, Senator Blease, of South Car-
olina, and several other more or less
prominent Senators and Representa-
tives in Congress from that section
refused to attend a dinner arranged
for the purpose of promoting har-
mony in and inspiring hope for the
Democratic party of the country.
Their reasons for this abstention was
that they cherish a prejudice against
the chairman of the National Demo-
cratic committee, Mr. Raskob, and
felt that their presence might be
construed as paying tribute to a
man who had mustered the biggest
Democratic vote in the history of the
party without their help. But the
dinner was a great success without
them and the tribute to the chair-
man was both generous and enthusi-
Some southern Democrats are not
Democrats at all, but vote with the
party because they can depend
upon Democrats of the North
to protect them from vicious
sectional and pernicious legisla-
tion with which the Republican par-
ty constantly menaces them. Before
the Civil war the South was the
principal seat of Whigery, which
preceded the present Republican
party as a political entity. The Ham-
ilton theory of government has
still a good many adherents in the
South and the ties which bind many
Southerners to Democratic prin-
ciples are fragile and easily broken.
Only the fear of negro domination
has held many of the leaders of that
section to Democracy thus far.
Moreover the South has been and
still is, a breeding place for bigotry.
It is impossible to conceive of a Hef-
lin in the public life of a northern
community. It is true that we have
snobbery, hypocrisy and fanaticism
in plenty. But they are usually in-
fluenced by mercenary considerations
and their zeal is measured by the
recompense assured or expected. In
the South intolerance is the rule of
action and it is as deaf to reason as
it is impregnable to the force of
logic. Because of the solidity of the
South for the Democratic National
candidates the North is solidifying
rapidly for the Republican party. In
view of these facts it has become a
grave question whether the South is
not a liability rather than an asset
to the Democratic party.
——The young man who marries
his employer’s daughter is not neces-
and the young man
who marries a stenographer may be
a capital prize winner.
mm—————g A mses.
Tariff Mongers Serve Strong.
_ Senator Borah’s resolution to limit
“tariff revision upward” to agricul-
tural products was defeated in the
Senate, on Monday, by a vote of
thirty-nine to thirty-eight, and the
tariff mongers of the east have won
another great victory over the corn
belt. It was assumed that President
Hoover was in sympathy with the
purpose expressed in the Borah res-
olution but the records afford no evi-
dence of his helpfulness. In his call
for the special session he asked for
limited action and subsequently ex-
pressed the hope that his wishes
would be respected by the leaders of
his party. But when the Mellons and
Grundies and other beneficiaries of
tariff bounties adopted the opposite
view, he subsided.
The defeat of the Borah resolution
indicates the purpose of the Senate
to ratify the action of the House of
Representatives in increasing the
tariff tax on more than 2000 subjects,
and adding a billion dollars a year
to the cost of living to the American
people. The close vote on the ques-
tion might justify a hope that
some respect will be paid to the in-
terests of the people in the further
consideration of the measure. But
the tariff mongers are “in the saddle”
and they are not likely to relinquish
any of the advantages they now en-
joy. A few of the corn belt Sena-
tors may protest but their voices will
be drowned in the rejoicing over the
triumph of special privilege.
If the recently enacted farm relief
law had any virtue it will be destroy-
ed by the tariff legislation. For ex-
ample, if the farm bill helps agricul-
ture by taxing imported corn or
wheat or potatoes the tariff bill in-
jures' it in greater measure by in-
creasing the tariff tax on sugar, farm
implements, wearing apparel and
other commodities the farmers must
buy. Thus the platform pledge of
relief to the farmer is violated but
the promise to the manufacturer Is
fulfilled. It is the way of the Repub-
lican party. Favors are extended
freely and liberally to those who con-
tribute generously to the campaign
fund. It is a business proposition and
one that has grown into the class of
“big business.”
for a Successful Battle.
The appointment of an advisory
committee composed of fifty earnest
Democrats by State chairman John
R. Collins is an encouraging sign of a
hopeful fight for victory in Pennsyl-
vania next year. As was stated at
the recent meeting in Washington,
and has been repeatedly eryressed in
these columns, the outstanding need
of the Democratic party in Pennsyl-
vania and throughout the country is
a thorough organization and contin-
uous effort. A campaign of four or
five months every fourth year against
a disciplined and well equipped force,
always “on its toes,” is almost in-
evitably futile. The purpose implied
in the action of chairman Collins
means a correction of this fault.
The vote polled for the admirable
candidates of the party for Presi-
dent and Vice President, last fall, is
ample evidence that a large propor-
tion of the electorate of Pennsyl-
vania believe in the political philoso-
phy of Jefferson, Cleveland and
Woodrow Wilson. All the votes cast
for our candidates were not register-
ed as Democrats, but all of them are
in sympathy with the principles of
the party, and if properly encouraged
by hope of future victory will con-
tinue to support our candidates, while
most of the professed Democrats who
were enticed by the bogie of intol-
erance to vote for the opposing can-
didates will return to thcir party
allegiance when they discover they
were deceived.
The Republican party of Pennsyl-
vania is utterly demoralized by fac-
tional fights, personal animosities and
disappointed expectations. The lead-
ership of the Mellons is widely con-
demned as selfish and inefficient. The
single Senator in Congress is out of
step with the President and the Rep-
resentatives are in revolt against the
controlling element in that body.
Governor Fisher has become very
unpopular with his party, and
the jails of the big cities are yawning
for the leaders who have repeated-
ly and deliberately outraged the pub-
lic conscience. The time is ripe for
a general renovation, and chairman
Collins has adopted the most prom-
ising method of bringing it about.
The officers of the United
Mine Workers of America will not
promote the interests of the organ-
ization by quarreling among them-
May Be An Eventful Visit.
The contemplated visit of Ramsey
MacDonald, Premier of Great Brit-
ain, to President Hoover,
complish much good in various
directions. It is the Premier's pres-
ent intention to sail soon after Par-
liament adjourns, which will be about
the last week in July. No time has
been fixed for his return but ashe
expects to attend the Assembly of
the League of Nations in September,
his stay here will be short. But he
will have ample time to discuss with
the President many, if not all, the
questions at issue between his gov-
ernment and ours and come to an un-
derstanding, at least with the Presi-
dent, on complete adjustment of dif-
ferences concerning the freedom of
the seas and parity of naval equip-
There is no question as to the at-
titude of the new government of
great Britain in the matter of world
peace. Mr. MacDonald has always
been opposed to war, and from the
moment of his recent victory he has
been adjusting the machinery of his
government to measures in the inter-
est of peace. If the administration
in Washington is sincerely of the
same mind the proposed meeting be-
tween the President and the Premier
will produce results. There might be
wars, notwithstanding such an un-
derstanding between the United
States and Great Britain. But such
a conflict could not be world-wide cr
as crucl and destructive as if either
or both were directly or indirsctly
In any event it may be expected
that the visit of Mr. MacDonald will
reveal the sincerity or falsity of our
professions of peace. The Kellogg
treaty was a gesture in the right
direction but the immediately subge-
quent adoption of an ambitious navy-
building programme served as a
«:ontradiction of our prefession in the
minds of the leading statesmen of
the world. When the Premier meets
the President “the cards will be
spread upon the table” and there can
be neither evasion of the issue nor
deception as to the purpose. For
this and other reasons the visit of
Premier MacDonald may be welcom-
ed as a harbinger of better under-
standing in future.
rt Ap ———————
publican party may survive such
may ac- |
Republican Denioralization Impending
The consideration of farm relief
legislation in Congress has revealed
some interesting facts. It has
shown that the Republican party of
the country is hopelessly divided, and
though it has a substantial majority
of record in the Senate, it is unable
to enact any important legislation in
that body. The House of Repre-
sentatives is under complete control
of a hard-boiled machine which is ex-
ercising its power in the most ruth-
less manner. But it cannot create
laws without the concurrence of the
Senate and conscience has a stronger
appeal in that body than the exigen-
cies of party. The second vote on
the debenture provision of the farm
relief bill proves that.
But the differences among the Re-
publicans in Congress on the farm
relief question are trifling compared
‘with the antagonisms which will
develope when the tariff bill is un-
der consideration. In that contro-
versy President Hoover will be in
full sympathy with the recalcitrants
on the farm relief question. Mr.
Hoover is willing to swallow almost
feny pill made by Dr. Moses, of the
Senate, and Joe Grundy, who appears
Cures for Crime.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Indiana, like most of the other
States, has been investigating the
causes of crime.
The idea of investigators was to
discover the influences that lead a
“youth to commit some act which
brings him within the grasp of the
They went to Pendleton, where the
State Reformatory is situated. They
learned some illuminating and start-
ling facts. ,
During the last 20 years 20,000
young men between the ages of 18
and 25 have been committed to the
Of these more than 87 per cent.
came from homes where the father
and mother had separated and one or
the other had remarried.
Only 1 per cent. of the population
of Indiana is illiterate, yet that 1 per
cent. furnished 37 per cent. of the
.inmates of the reformatory. Among
all the 20,000 there had been but one
college graduate and only 15 high
school students.
No youth who had belonged to the
Boy Scouts had ever been committed.
The percentage of Negroes and
foreigners was very low, the great
majority of prisoners having been
born and raised in this country.
The obvious way to cure crime,
—There are now 5500 miles of roads
designated as ‘“Thru-Traffic’” highways in
Pennsylvania over which motorists may
drive with a reasonably assured sense
of safety.
—While en route to State College to
see her son graduate from Penn State
Mrs. Eva Ives, 50 years old, of Chester,
suffered a possible fracture of the skull in
an automobile accident near Middletown
on Saturday. The car skidded and over-
turned. Her son, George Ives, who was
driving, and his aunt were not injured.
—Berwick plant of the American Car
and Foundry company has announced re-
ceipt of an order for 106 thirty-ton steel
gondolas, ninety-four. thirty-ton steel box
cars, two thirty-ton steel flat cars and
sixty-six steel hopper cars, which are to
be shipped to South America. The con-
tract involves abou: twice as much work
as a domestic order.
—Lewis Edelman, of Tamaqua, con-
tracted rheumatism when the leaky rad-
iator of a truck under which he was ly-
ing to repair the springs doused his feet
and legs with water. Referee Thomas C.
Seidel, of the Workmen's Compensation
Bureau, has awarded him $405, to be paid
by his erstwhile employer, the People’s
Garage, of Tamaqua.
—Charles Meehan, of Centralia, lost the
seat of his trousers at the Columbia coun-
ty court house and he wants $7 for a new
pair. That was the amount of a bill he
submitted to the county commissioners,
accompanying it with a statement that the
seat had been forcibly removed by a nail
when he sat on a chair in the prothona-
tory’s office. His visit there was on bus-
iness, he said.
—Two convicts escaped from the West-
ern Penitentiary in Pittsburgh, last Fri-
day, by secreting themselves in packing
boxes which were hauled from the insti-
tution in a delivery truck. After the
truck had reached a point distant from
the prison the men forced their way from
the boxes when the driver left the ve-
hicle to make a delivery, stole the truck
and drove away.
— Further assurance of the construction
, of the New York Central railroad branch
| through Lock Haven was given when the
te be the master of the House, on jt would seem, is to end divorce and Beech Creek Extension Railroad company
tariff ligisletion, but he has male a
record in favor of limited changes in
tariff schedules on agricultural’ prod-
ucts while the bill under considera-
tion provides for a general increase
on manufactured products and vast-
ly ‘adds to, rather than reduces, the
burdens of farmers .
We are not greatly impressed with
Senator Brookhart’s threat to “form
a new party.” That Senator too fre-
quently “talks through his hat.”
But there is significance in the dec-
laration of Senator Borah that in the
event the measure of the tariff mon-
gers is to be pressed, “Congress may
as well adjourn now.” That means
that the insurgent Republican
Senators will keep the fight up
indefinitely, ana that they will
have the benefit of at least the moral
support of the President. The Re-
ine quarrel for a time
it will emerge from the battle so com-
pletely demoralized as to be beyond
resuscitation. But what is bad for
that bunch of bandits will be good for
the country.
——If the new Labor administra-
tion of England procures enduring
world peace, which is possible, it
will deserve perpetual life.
The Prohibition Problem.
Mrs. Flornece P. Kahn, member of
Congress from California and one of
the judges in the Hearst contest for
the best method of solving the pro-
hibition problem, commenting upon
the enterprise as well as the result
of the competition for the generous
prizes said: “To set up machinery so
cumbersome as to be in danger of
defeating its purpose, was if pos-
sible, to be avoided; the simpler the
modus operandi the better. The
plan itself must be practical and one
that would not take years to ac-
complish its purpose, with the chance
of conditions becoming worse in the
meantime.” This language may be
interpreted as praise of the Hearst
undertaking or criticism of another
action on the subject.
During the Presidential campaign
Mr. Hoover appraised the Eighteentn
amendment and the Volstead law as
“a noble experiment” and solemnly
pledged his best efforts to give the
experiment force and effect. In pur-
suance of this estimate and pledge
he has created a ponderous commis-
sion to review the Volstead law, the
| processes that have been employed
for its enforcement, all other laws in
the federal criminal code and the
| procedure in all federal courts, and
recommend such alterations, changes
and amendments as may seem to it
expedient or desirable. The chair
man of the commission estimates
| that it will take two years to com-
plete its work and it may take half
a century to put its recommenga-
tions into force.
The principal Hearst prize was
{awarded to- Franklin Chase Hoyt,
. justice of the children’s court of New
i York city. There were 71,248 com-«
_petitors and the grand prize was
| $25,000. Four other prizes of $5000
| each were awarded by the board of
‘judges, composed of Congressman
James M. Beck, of Pennsylvania;
| Congressman Florence P. Kahn, of
| California; former Senator James A.
Reed, of Missouri; Rt. Rev. Monseig-
nor John L. Belford, of New York;
{Rear Admiral Cary T. Grayson, of
| Washington; Rev. Dr. Nathan Krass,
Temple Emanu-El, New York, and
Archdeacon Joseph H. Dodshon, of
the Church Temperance society,
restore the old-time family life. Make
every boy join the Scouts and compel
them all to acquire a college educa-
tion. :
Which, of course, is absurd.
The investigators only half did
their job.
They found out where the first of-
fenders came from. It would have
been more useful to learn where they
If crime in this country could be
restricted to first offenders there
would be no need for President
Hoover's commission.
It is the men who have served 2a
term in our reformatories and have
not learned their lesson who are the
menace to our communities.
If lack of wholesome home life
starts a boy in a life of crime he
cannot be altogether to blame.
But if the reformatory fails te
teach him that he has evolved a
wrong impression of his place in and
his duty ‘to society, then surely much
blame attaches to it.
; The Senate’s Opportunity.
From the Pittsburgh Press.
| The tariff bill is now before the
Senate committee. As passed by
the House it was even worse than
the measure reported out by the
Ways and Means committee.
As approved by the House the bill
revises upward the duties on more
than twenty per cent of the ten
thousand items mentioned. It would
increase the cost of living $600,000,-
000 or $7000,000,000 a year. Rates
revises upward the duties on wear-
ing materials and other necessaries
are increased.
Consumers will be taxed beyond
reason for the benefit of small
The sugar tariff, for instance, will
cost the farmers of the country far
more than the relatively small num-
ber of beet sugar growers will gain,
to say nothing of other consumers.
Many of the agricultural tariffs
will benefit the farmers but little,
while the increase on manufactured
articles are certain to impose added
The Senate Finance committee,
we are told, expects practically to re-
write the bill. The committee should.
“It has an opportunity to consider the
“interests of the consumer, which got
small attention in the House.
| t——————————
“Washed” Postage Stamp Frauds.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
' The ingenuity of those who seek
for easy money is illustrated in as-
tonishing fashion by the indictment
of the ten men who are charged with
defrauding the Government of large
sums by washing used postage
stamps with a chemical solution and
selling them as new and valid to-
kens.. Except for a very slight dif-
ference in color they had all of the
appearance of perfectly good stamps.
The intimation that nearly fifty men
who specialized in “stamp collecting”
may be arrested is likely to make
some perfectly innocent persons feel
(a bit uneasy.
It seems amazing that any one
' would resort to fraud of this kind for
| profit. This is particuluarly true when
we are told that some of the stamps
were of the two-cent variety. Yet it
was not so many years ago that the
late Chief Flynn of the United States
Secret Service arrested a gang In
New York for counterfeiting pennies.
They were making big profits, too.
All of which goes to prove that the
little things are not to be despised.
| The crooks do not sneer at them,
| even though many honest folks are
| inclined to do so.
——Those southern communities
, Which voted for Hoover, for Presi-
ident, are indignant because Mrs.
| Hoover entertained a colored woman
——The cost of enforcing the dry New York. The decision was unani- ‘at lunch the other day, and we find
laws is vast in money and the toll jmous and the merit of Judge Hoyt's jit. impossible
in life is simply intolerably high.
| paper was quick availability.
to sympathize with
| them,
purchased two parcels of land, one in-
cluding the athletic field of the Lock
Haven State Teachers’ College. The land
was leased at a rental of $1 a year un-
til full possession is given and the full
purchase price of $52,000 will be paid.
—Mary Ellen Roush, 12, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roush, of Northum-
berland, was taken to the George F.
Geisinger hospital, at Danville, on Tues-
day, suffering from lockjaw. More than a
week ago she fell wh le at play and suf-
fered a deep gash in her knee. On Mon-
day her jaws began to lock and she com-
plained bitterly of back-ache, which phy-
sicians say are certain signs of tetanus.
—Bondsmen of C. Russell Walton, for
five years secretary of Berwick council,
have been notified by Council of a short-
age of $3071 in Walton's accounts, and
i asked to make good the amount within
sixty days as provided by the bond. An
audit of the books revealed the shortage,
showing the money as having been re-
ceived by the secretary but not paid to
the treasurer. Walton was not re-elected
as secretary at the beginning of this year.
—A driver of a cake truck was held up
and robbed by six men between Locust
Gap and the Wolfenstein mountain near
Mount Carmel, on Monday. The man,
Ray Snyder, told police he had been rob-
bed of $400. He said that as he approach-
ed a wild spot near the top of the moun-
tain the six masked men carrying re-
volvers spread out across the road and
ordered him to stop his truck. When
he complied with their request, the men
took $400 from his pockets and ordered
him to drive on. Snyder returned to
Mount Carmel and notified police, who
late Monday had found no trace of the
Reversing the natural habits of tur-
keys, the poultry department of the =
Pennsylvania State College agricultural
experiment station is growing 134 birds
in complete confinement. White Holland,
Bronze, and Bourbon Red varieties are
represented in the flock. The young
. poults were obtained from the Ontario
| Agricultural College.
A regular chick
starter all-mash ration is fed, with milk
the only drink allowed. The poults also
get cut green alfalfa. The experiment
includes the keeping of growth records
and weighing the turkeys every two
weeks. It is planned to carry the. birds
through to market age in complete con-
finement and also to follow the same sys-
tem with breeding stock selected.
—The body of David Fiddler, 43, who
had made several unsuccessful attempts
to commit suicide, was found in a hole
filled with water in a stone quarry at
West Myerstown, Lebanon county. He ap-
parently had ended his life with dyna-
mite on the edge of the hole and then top-
pled in. Four weeks ago neighbors found
Fiddler, unconscious, hanging to the raf-
ters in a barn. They cut the rope and hur-
ried for a physician, but when they re-
turned Fiddler was gone. An hour lat-
er he was found in a woods half a mile
away with bullet wounds in his abdomen
and head. He recovered from the wounds
and returned to work at the stone quarry
where he was employed as foreman. A
week ago a terrific blast was heard at
the quarry before dawn. Investigation
revealed that a large boulder had been
shattered by dynamite and nearby were
scattered bits of clothing identified as
having belonged to Fiddler.
—An adult female goshawk with one
young, also a female, was taken in Pot-
ter county recently by game refuge keep-
er Ernest Hunsinger of Conrad, Pa. This
is only the eighth known record of the
goshawk nesting in Pennsylvania, so far
as the records of the Game Commission
indicate, and it is hoped it will be the last.
The goshawk is a bad enough menace
during his sojourn here in winter, and
were he to become common as a nester the
small game population would decrease
greatly. At the nest of the goshawk kill-
ed by Mr. Hunsinger were found telltale
evidences of the destruction of valuable
game birds and animals. Young goshawks
demand an abnormal amount of food dur-
ing the first several ‘weeks of their exist-
ence and often eat double their weight
during this period. A bounty will be paid
on all goshawks killed during the period
between November 1 and May 1. The en-
tire carcass of the bird must be sent to
the offices of the Game Commission, at
Harrisburg, within 36 hours after killing.