Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 14, 1929, Image 1

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    —Prohibition administrator
Wynne is having a hard time with
bootleggers and politicians.
——The Prince of Wales won a
golf match, the other day. You can’t
fall off of anything while playing
——President Hoover is willing to
do anything for prohibition except
appoint prohibition federal district
——Now they are accusing Henry
Ford of “dodging” railroad rates. We
immagined Henry would talk himself
into trouble sooner or later.
——Owen D. Young's achievement
in the reparations parley has put
him in the class of Presidential prob-
abilities, though he is a Democrat.
——Some of the Mexican rebels
don’t know that the war is cver.
Several of them were killed in battle
in the State of Zacatecas’ the other
——The President is unlucky in
his week-end outings. He almost
“stuck-in-the-mud” last Sunday, and
previous experiences were even
——Governor Fisher has made
rules for the coal and iron police
similar to the provisions in the bill
he vetoed, but hasn’t given reasons
for the veto.
New Jersey has gained fame
at various periods for apple-jack,
sweet potatoes and mosquitoes. Re-
cently she is getting notoriety for
mysterious murders.
Judged from her demonstrated
ability to talk long and hard we
should say Mrs. Willebrandt should
prove a very well qualified counsel
for the Air Corporation.
—The “Afaletics” are standing well
out in front in the American League
race and we're hoping they stay
there, for Mr. Cornelius McGillicudy
must be about run out of alibis.
——Highways in Pennsylvania
have been vastly improved since 1913,
as State Treasurer Martin says, but
the people have paid the expenses
and he gives all the credit to the Re:
publican party.
The opponents of the newly ap-
pointed judge for the Middle District
of Pennsylvania are threatening to
carry their fight into the Senate. But
it will be a futile effort Senatorial
courtesy will save Watson.
—A little friend of ours, who is
very much interested in the Sunday
school which has been organized here
for the children of Hebrew families,
said “business is so good I guess we'll
have to have it twice a week.”
~—Taking of the new census will"
not start until April 1, 1930, so
there is yet time to make an effort to
boost the population of Bellefonte ov-
er that four thousand mark around
which it has been hanging for two
—A singular coincidence of the
final adjudication of the Centre Coun-
ty Banking Company's affairs was
that on last Friday the federal court
at Williamsport did exactly what we
asked the creditors and the court at
Sunbury to do on June 30, 1922.
—Thursday night's rain was a real
Sodsend. While it seems only a short
ime ago that everyone was fearful
‘hat the rains would never stop it
eally was long enough for the
sround to dry out badly and vegeta-
ion was beginning to show the ef-
—Pity poor President Hoover. His
s not an enviable job. With a Con-
;ress that is so torn by sectional in-
erests that it sees red every time
. suggestion is made that might
rove valuable for the country at
arge no President's lot could be a
appy one.
—In referring to a recent gather-
ng of saintly folks in a local church
. Spring street lad recently told us
hat he thought it was a “gossipful
1eeting.” And he might not have
een far off even though he couldn’t
ronounce the word gospel, which
e was attempting to use.
—Already a flaw has been found in
ae enabling act that was passed by
ae last Legislature in consequence
f the constitutional amendment that
1ade voting machines legal in Penn-
ylvania. A word that might nullify !
1e law got into the act in some mys- |
rious way and that is being seized
y those who don’t want machines as
reason for postponing théir pur-
1ase. It is just possible that some
slitical tricksters could explain how
got there.
—After seven years came Friday,
me seventh. No one who has not
VOL. 74.
Rum-Running at Detroit.
An intensive campaign against li- |
Tumbled Through a Low French
quor smuggling at Detroit is contem-
plated by law enforcement authori-
ties at Washington and it is high
time for such a movement.
Canadian House of Commons, at Ot-
tawa, recently, William D. Euler,
Canada’s minister of national reve-
nue, stated that he had shipped on a
rum-runner and was informed by an
officer of the ship that such craft
operated day and night without in-
terruption. He said that on occa-
sions United States customs agents
“assisted rum-runners to unload
their cargoes and no effort, so far as
we can see, is made by the United
States to seize any of these boats.”
It is small wonder that Canadian of-
ficials are relucant to interfere with
the traffic.
The prohibition authorities at
Washington have long been urging
Canadian revenue officers to prevent
the exportation of booze to the United
States. Mr. Euler declares that “the
United States customs always are
notified by us an hour before the
boats leave and occasionally we no-
tify them as the boats are leaving.
United States customs officials have
requested the Canadian authorities
to discontinue their daily telephone
notifications of clearance of liquor
laden vessels and have asked them
to mail weekly notifications instead.”
The purpose of this request was prob-
ably to give the rum-runners ample
time to unload their cargoes and get
away with the spoils of the traffic
without seizure.
Meantime President Hoover con- |
tinues to “pass the buck” and “pull
wool over the eyes” of the morons.
He now asks Congress to appoint a
special Congressional committee to
plan reorganization of prohibition
enforcement which will give the
bootleggers and rum-runners another
extention of time in which to con-
tinue their prosperous operations.
Some time ago Mr. Hoover announc-
ed that the enforcement service
should be taken away from Secre-
tary Mellon and lodged in the De-
partment of Justice. But he makes
no suggestion of that kind now.
Uncle Andy may be as averse to re-
linquishing any of the prerogatives
of his office as he is to giving up the
office itself, and Uncle Andy is a
vast force.
RE ——
——Henry Ford may be the great-
est automobile builder on earth but
some kind friend ought to admonish
him that he is “taking in too much
Drifting Toward an Oligarchy.
Senator Smoot’s proposition to
In the |
Window in Mistake for
Bath Room Door.
A brief item in the Watchman
last week, told of George Porter
: Lyon, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Por-
ter Lyon, of Bellefonte, having fal-
len from a hotel window, in Phila-
;delphia, at an early hour Thursday
imorning, and sustaining serious in-
{juries. No particulars were avail-
iable at that time, but latest reports
state that although his injuries are
| serious the specialist in charge avers
that unless unlooked for complica-
| tions develop the young man will re-
| cover.
| As stated last week George drove
ithe car which conveyed Dr. C. M.
Parrish, his daughter, Miss Mary,
|and Miss Anne Fox, to Philadelphia
[to witness the graduation of Dr.
| Joseph Parrish at Jefferson Medical
(College. On reaching Philadelphia
{the party went to the Hotel Clinton,
where the young medical student
was quartered. Wednesday night
George Lyon and Joseph Parrish
jwere out late with classmates of the
latter and when they returned to the
hotel George was pretty well tired
out and laid down on a couch in his
room to rest.
| He fell asleep and did not waken
until about half past five o'clock.
‘ Feeling slightly ill he started for the
bathroom, but a light outside an
open window led him to believe that
{was the room and he ran to it and
tumbled out before he could recover
‘his balance. His room was on the
| fifth floor of the hotel and the only
{thing that saved him from being
‘crushed to death was that he fell
(into a tree standing close to the ho-
tel and by grabbing hold of the limbs
| broke the force of the fall, although
{he was not able to save himself from
| going to the ground.
| He laid where he fell in an alley
aut half an hour when he was dis-
covered by a policeman on his round
| of duty. He was conscious and was
‘able to tell who he was, what had
! happened and asked ‘the officer to
:call Joe Parrish. The latter respond-
‘ed quickly called a physician and an
.ambulance and George was taken
‘to the Pennsylvania hospital. His
‘condition was such that a thorough
| examination could not be made for
| forty-eight hours and on Thursday
it was necessary to give him blood
| transfusions. To these he readily
| responded which was all in his favor.
When it was possible to make a
complete examination it was found
i that he had two fractures of the left
leg, one near the ankle and the other
{near the hip, a fracture of the pelvis
en through a similar ordeal can |
ive any conception of what we have |
ied to stand up under since the man
int was organized in 1922. We |
rgive those who organized it, but '
e can't forget.
hat the steadfast devotion of our |
any friends meant to us. Without
at and the consciousness that we
are not afraid to carry our troubles
the Supreme Judge of us all
obably we would have broken.
ight tell our persecutors of it. Now |
3 are only trying to conjure words |
at might express our feeling of
atitude to our friends and words |
at would convey that have never only agriculture but all industry as |
en coined.
And no one knows | of big business.
| an address delivered in Philadelphia,
{the other evening, said “the United
It |
1s a long journey. Some day we |
authorize the Treasury Department bone and a small bone in his left
“to issue short time certificates and {arm at the wrist and a fracture near
treasury bills up to ten billion dol- | the elbow, but fortunately no indica-
lars,” provoked an interesting and 'tion of any internal injuries has de-
somewhat acrimonious debate in veloped.
the Senate, the other day. Senator! As soon as they received word of
Smoot is chairman of the Senate 'the accident the young man’s par-
Committee on Finance and to a con- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lyon, his
siderable extent the spokesman of wife and her father, George Sunday,
the administration on the floor of the . left for Philadelphia by automobile,
Senate. The palpable purpose of his larriving there Thursday evening.
bill was to make available ample When it was determined that his
funds to continue what Senator | condition was not regarded as criti-
Couzens described as an “orgy of cal they all returned home but Mrs.
speculation” in Wall Street. The meas- { Lyon, who will stay with her son
ure would exempt from income | indefinitely.
taxation “any capital gains made by
the purchasers of the short tims WE SHOULD NOT FAIL
certificates and treasury bills.” OUR PROTEGEES NOW?
These bills and certificates would —e
afford adequate collateral for call | 20,000 children are still under the
loans and be capable of earning from care of Near East Relief.
ten to twenty per cent. profit every vania is asked to raise $50,000 be-
fifteen days during the recurring tween now and June 30th. Unless
speculative orgies and, exempt trom this amount is secured in cash or
income tax on such returns, would pledges this month, hundreds of
be veritably gilt-edged property, | children will have to be turned away
With Uncle Andy Mellon in control of from the orphanages.
the issue the “pets of the party”’| “Turning out” does not mean what
would soon be able to create an over- | it would in a country like ours,
flowing fountain of wealth beyond among their people who are living in
“the dreams of avarice.” Senator settled homes under their own gov-
Couzens, who has no love for Secre- |ernment. It does mean they must
tary Mellon, attacked the ambitious face life in tender years with no pro-
enterprise and was ably supported , tection, drifting into refugee camps
and which are still in a terrible condition
by Senator Glass, of Virginia,
Senator King, of Utah, and both the and into vagabondage of the worst
present and the previous administra- | kind.
tions were sharply criticsed. | The people of Centre county,
The purpose of this measure and thinkingly perhaps, assumed a re-
the drift of other legislation, pend- | sponsibility when the horrors of the
ing or contemplated, indicate plainly massacres and deportations worked
the purpose of the Republican par- us up to giving most liberally to
ty to transform the government of save lives, and that responsibility
the United States into an oligarchy ! will not end until those saved lives
Senator Brookhart, are trained to take their future in
of Towa, who helped to fool the peo- | their own hands. = If a majority of
ple during the recent campaign, in the people who have formerly given
to this work will give just a little
{more now, either in cash or pledges
{for 1929 and 1930, we can justify
tour former liberality and complete
the task.
Please send cash or pledges to
States is headed straight for the
creation of a tremendous peasant
class as impoverished, as hopeless
and as miserable as any in Europe.
“This is the plain and painful truth |Chas. M. McCurdy, Bellefonte treas-
and unless steps are taken now to urer for Centre county Near East
check the trend it will “wreck not | Relief.
—-Subscribe for the Watchman.
un- |
a number of parents and club spon-
sors, made up the calf club tour
through Union county, last Satur-
day, under the direction of county
agent R. C. Blaney, for the purpose
of observing the results of calf club
‘work conducted by the boys and
girls of that section.
_ Leaving Pleasant Gap early in the
morning, by automobile, the first
stop was made at the home of Doro-
thy Sheets, near Hartleton. That
young woman, who is a member of
three clubs organized in Union coun-
ty in three successive years, proudly
exhibited three calves which she had
purchased through her club organiza-
tions, and which were splendid ex-
amples of the care and attention
given them by the young owner.
The second stop was at the farm
of William H. Taylor, where the
tourists inspected two calf
heifers. Dinner was eaten at the
Buffalo Valley hotel after which a
visit was made to the farm of the
Shoemaker Bros. Five members of
the family of one of the owners, both
"boys and girls, are members of a calf |
club and the five calves were led out
and exhibited by the owner of each,
who not only told of the care and
feed of the animal but also gave a
detailed account of it’s breeding.
Several members of the Union coun-
ty calf club were present at the |
gathering at the Shoemaker farm,
among them Clair Ertley, of Mifflin-
burg, who has had the grand cham-
pion heifer in Union county the past
two years. He gave a very interest-
ing talk on how he raised his heifers,
stating that he had fed a balanced
ration of corn, oats, bran and oil
meal both during the summer as well
as when stabled during the winter.
The last stop was made at the
home of John Wehr, below Mifflin-
‘burg, where three calf club mem-
bers exhibited and told about their
calves. At this stop Prof. R. R. Welch
‘of State College, gave a demonstra-
tion and showed the Centre county
_mambers how _to get their heifers
ready to show at the round-up.” In
addition to the demonstration a
judging contest was conducted by
Mr. Welch for both boys and their
dads. The winner of the adults was
S. B. Wasson, of State College, who
was given a prize by H. L. Ebright,
of Centre Hall, key banker for Centre
county. Prizes were presented to
Earl Corl, of State College, and Ken-
‘neth Ishler, of Bellefonte, who were
the high scorers of their respective
groups. The four highest in the con-
‘test were selected as a dairy judging
team to represent Centre county in
‘the State-wide contest to be held at
State College on June 19th, as fol--
ows: Kenneth Ishler, Bellefonte,
score 88.5; James Biddle, Bellefonte,
score 81.7; Earl Corl, State College,
score 78.5; Eugene Homan, State
College, score 68.4. The three first
names mentioned will compose the
team and the fourth will be the al--
terate. He will judge as an individual
in the contest.
| ‘The tour while in Mifflinburg was
under the direction of L. E. Craumer,
county agent, and those present felt
that they observed and picked up
some ideas which will help them
1do a better job in caring for their
own heifers.
On Tuesday evening of this week
the safety welfare committee of the
Federal Match Corporation varied
their usual routine by holding their
regular monthly meeting at the Ev-
ergreen Club. The meeting was
preceded by a baked bean supper,
which, acording to those present,
could not be surpassed. There were
some fifty persons in the party,
which included the safety committee
and a number of employees, who are
old in point of service.
After supper the meeting was call-
ed to order and a number of very in-
teresting talks were given. Each of
these stressed the importance of
| “Good Fellowship,” both in and out
of the plant. As one of the speak-
‘ers so aptly put it, “The plant in the
past two or three years has doubled
its production. Of course, part of
this is due to mechanical improve-
| ments, but with all these, no progress
could have been made without the
' spirit of good will and co-operation
that is so splendidly shown among
the employees. This same spirit also
i makes it possible to operate as the
i plant has in the past without having
i serious accidents.” In the future the
‘monthly safety meeting will be held
{in conjunction with a get-together
| meeting, such as was held Tuesday.
' night.
| —Read the Watchman for the news
Sixty Centre county boys and girls,
Six young men, members of the
1929 class of the Bellefonte High
school, failed to pass their final ex-
aminations and hence did not receive
diplomas at the annual commence-
ment exercises held in the Richelieu
theatre, last Thursday evening. Every
possible advantage was given the
| boys to qualify. The exercises, which
for several years past have been held
on Wednesday evening, were set a
‘day later this year and examinations
| were continued up until late Thurs-
day afternoon to afford every stu-
‘dent all possible advantage, and the
failure of some of the class has
brought considerable unjust criticism
{upon the school board and members
of the High school faculty; unjust be-
‘cause they were just as anxious to
make a clean record in graduating
every member of the class as the
| students or their friends could be.
| A young man, Warren Wilson,
(took first honors this year, the first
time in some years that a girl has
not stood at the head of the class.
Second honors went to Caroline
| Kalin.
Prof. John H. Frizzell, of State
College, was the commencement
speaker, and his talk
graduates was
to the young
not only interesting
but replete with brilliant gems of |
thought and splendid advice to the
young students.
Dr. M. J. Locke, president of the
the Bellefonte school board, present-
ed diplomas to the sixty-one young
; men and women and also the prizes
'as follows:
Col. W. Fred Reynolds general excel-
lence prize, $10.00—Warren Wilson; hon-
orable mention, Caroline Kalin.
Miss Myra Humes general excellence
prize, commercial course, $10.00—Marian
Volynch; honorable mention, Elizabeth
Pleasant Gap Woman’s Club prize to
‘‘out-of-town’’ Senior student with high-
est average during the year, $10.00—Grace
Mrs. M. E. Brouse, biographical essay
prize, $10.00—Caroline Kalin; honorable
mention, Bernadine Williams and Anna
Rhoads. ani yo sng i ec
“Walter ~¢¢ "Cohen ' orchestra prizes—a
the orchestra.
Glee Club dramatic prizes—Gold ping
to William Markley, Clarence Owens,
Philip Witcraft, Elizabeth Kline, Kathryn
Irwin and David Locke.
Walter C. Cohen senior manual training
prize, $10.00— Clarence Owens; honor-
able mention, David Locke.
Col. W. Fred Reynolds Junior declama-
tory prizes, $7.50 each—Jane Musser and
Reynolds Shope; honorable mention,
Beulah Harnish and Samuel Bricker.
George R. Meek general courtesy prize,
$5.00—Ralph Rhoads; honorable mention,
Elizabeth Kline.
George R. Meek bookkeeping prize $5.00
—Betty Bathurst.
Dr. John M. Keichline hygiene prize,
$5.00—Pearl Rote; honorable
Dorothy Yorks.
Mrs. John §S. Walker household arts
prizes, $5.00 and $2.50—Isabel Jodon and
Gladys Walker. :
Chas. F. Cook mechanical drawing
prize, $5.00—Mahlon Mauck; honorable
mention, Ralph Haag.
D. A. R. history prize, $5.00— Paul
Taylor; honorable mention, Eleanor Hoy
and David Fortney.
A. C. Mingle modern history prize,
$5.00—Francis Koski; honorable mention,
Austin Furst.
| Mrs. M. E. Brouse general science
prize, $5.00—Virginia Irvine; honorable
mention, Martha Brugger.
Miss Myra Humes Latin prize, $5.00—
John Musser; honorable mention, Rob-
ert Thomas. /
Ogden B. Malin science prize, $10.00—
Gilbert Yorks; honorable mention, David
W. C. T. U. temperance essay prizes
$5.00 each—Pierce Rumberger and Betty
Casebeer; honorable mention, Stephen
Luckovich and Isabel Jodon.
P. O. S. of A. essays on life of Gover-
Hoy; honorable mention, David Fortney.
W. Harrison Walker and W. J. Emer-
ick biology prizes, $5.00 each—Charles
Shank and Mary Louise Walker,
able mention, George Walker and Helen
Miss Grace Mitchell mathematics prize,
$5.00—Eleanor Hoy; honorable mention,
Dorothy Runkle and Leonard Smeltzer.
The complete list of graduates is
as follows:
Fred Alexander, Jacob Bottorf, George
Ebbs, Sheldon Evey, John Gunsallus,
Lester Harper, Harold Harter, Clarence
Heverly, Robert Knox, Jacob Kofman,
David Locke, William Markle, Lester
Martin, Clarence Owens, Ralph Rhoads,
Hubert Rossman, Samuel Rumberger,
John Smith, Harry Stiver, Andrew Thal,
Chester Thomas, George Wagner, Frank
Wallace, Frederick Whippo, Warren Wil-
son, Philip Witcraft, Gilbert Yorks,
Louise Bathurst, Sara Bilger, Sarah
Bullock, Mary Carpento, Margaret Cow-
her, Iva Dillon, Margaret Evey, Helen
Glenn, Kathryn Hile, Mildred Houser,
Dorothy Hoy, Margaret Irvin, Kathryn
Irwin, Caroline Kalin, Elizabeth Kelleher,
Jane Kern, Elizabeth Kline, Ethel Lam:
bert, Sara Lindenmuth, Dorothy Lucas,
Helen Nelson, Ethel Parsons, Mary Pen-
nington, Anna Rhoads, Pauline ' Stine,
(Continued on page 4, Col. 4.)
gold pin to each of the 24 members of |
mention, !
nor Curtin prizes, $5.00, $2.50 and $1.25— |
Sara Macmillan, Paul Taylor and Eleanor |
honor- !
—— Se
—Claiming defamation of character,
Miss Florienna Rhoads, 19, Shamokin, has
brought suit in the Northumberland
county courts seeking $10,000 damages
Miss Rhoads asserts that she has lost
large sums of money as a result of talk
due to her business as a public stenog-
—One man was drowned and four nar-
rowly escaped serious injury when
a cable broke on the new Rochester and
Monaca bridge. The four men who wera
working on the bridge dropped 90 feet
into the Ohio river. The man who
drowned was Frank Watier, 28, of Wash-
ington, Pa. His body was recovered a
few hours later.
- -McKeesport High school instructors
do not approve of the stocklingess fad
among school giils. Six members of the
freshman class who appeared at classes
Monday were sent home, it became known
tedsy. Dr. J. B. Richey, superintendent
of school, declined to say what action
wouid be taken when an official report on
the matter was mad.
—Officials of the State Game Commission
had not the slightest notion that when
they offered pheasant eggs free to anyone
who filled out a form there would be se
many applicants. The incoming mail We-
came so heavy that it swamped the office
for some time and now the available sup-
ply is exhausted. Applicants should
not lose hope, however, because the com-
mission has announced that the number
of applicants over the supply will be
kept on file for future possible filling.
—Suffering from what her physician
terms rat-bite fever Gladys Marie Horner
six years of age, is confined to the Han-
over hospital in a serious condition. The
girl, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Addison
Horner, of Hanover, Pa., was bitten on
a finger of the right hand by a rat about
four weeks ago. The wound apparently
healed, but recently she began to lose
weight, grow pale and drowsy. Dr.
George P. Ard, of Hanover, ordered her
removal to the hospital. The child's temp
erature is 106.
—Ground will be broken in a few days
for a receiving station for Mifflin county’s
milk to be cooled and shipped to Phila-
delphia for retail trade. The plant will
be built along the Kishacoquillas creek,
in Lewistown, and will be ready for op-
eration September 1. This _will be the
only plant for shipping milk to Phila-
delphia between Huntingdon and Dun-
cannon. Each one of 150 farmers of Mif-
flin county invested $100 in the plant,
which is to be returned to them with &
per cent interest.
—Recommendation that firms receiving
contracts for road construction or public
buildings ‘‘be urged to hire the unem-
ployed in the communities of these activi-
ties before any importation of labor takes
place,” is made by Secretary of Labor
and Industry Peter Glick in the report
of Walter J. Lloyd, director of the em-.
ployment bureau. If the State would in-
sist that unemployed Pennsylvanians be
first employed, the greater majority of
our unemployment problems will have
been corrected,” the report asserts.
—Shot in the head by his father while
they were hunting muskrats, Wayne
Showers, 17, son of Stephen Showers, of
Annville, fell 25 feet to his death into ar
abandoned limestone quarry north of
that town. Father and son had become
separated and the former told Corner
Manbeck that he became convinced a
brown body he saw moving along the
quarry edge in the growing darkness was
a muskrat and fired at it. Examination
today disclosed the wound in the head to
have been slight, but in the fall the
boy’s neck was broken.
—Twenty minutes after Claude Sweit~
zer, 21 years old, of Evansville, Berks
county, volunteered to serve as his own
constable Saturday night and take him-
self to jail, a jail official telephoned Ald-
erman Roy F. Heffelfinger that Sweitzer
When accused of stealing
from the home of Amos Kauffman, of
Evansville, Sweitzer was given a hearing
and when held for court by the alder-
man, was told he would have to wait
until a constable arrived to take him ta
jail. “Give me the papers; I'll take my-
self up,”’ Sweitzer said, and he did.
had arrived.
—Vacation time is here, and it means
more to Robert Muir, of Allegheny coun-
ty, than to most folks. Muir, Scottish
miner, employed by the Pittsburgh, Coal
company at Montour, is on the high seas
bound for the land of the bonnie heather.
| It is his first respite from the work-a-day
life of a coal miner since he came to
' America to seek his fortune twenty-seven
years ago. Pittsburgh Coal company offi-
| cials estimate Muir, in the last twenty-
seven years has mined or loaded 80,000,000
pounds of coal. Friends of the 58-year-old
Scot gave him a farewell banquet before
he left. And what's more, the boss sent
word his job will be waiting when he re-
turns August 1.
| .
' —Felix Fertak, captured at Central City,
Somerset county, last Thursday, during
“a holdup of the Central City National
| bank, has admitted state police said, that
he had been a member of the Paul Jaw-
| arski gang and had participated with the
| gang in several payroll holdups and bank
| robberies in which two men were killed.
Fertak, also known as John Misick, Frunlk
Kraus and Stanley Stanko, was said to
have been identified by detectives from
Allegheny county, in which most of the
{ ronberies occurred, as one of the long-
sought members of the Jawarski gang.
, The officers termed Fertax as the ‘‘brains’™
of the gang. Paul Jawarski, leader of
the band, was executed at Rockview pris-
on early this year for the slaying of a
'guard in a payroll holdup.
—An animal ' of gigantic proportions
with the cry of a human being, or at
least so say the natives, is causing terror
in the Bone Mill hollow section of south-
| ern Lancaster county. Residents of the
territory, which is surrounded by a wood-
ed coutnry with dense underbrush, were
startled with a fierce-like cry from the
wilderness on Wednesday night. Since
then chickens have disappeared and
feathers and legs of white guineas have
been found outside of pens. Milton
Bucher, an elder in the Menonnite church
at Puseyville, and of ‘reliable’ character
in the community avers he saw the
monster Thursday night when he went
into the underbrush with a large dog to
ascertain the source of the noises. The
dog fled when the animal which he found
| hard to describe, let out a shrill ‘sound
and disappeared.
from Mrs. Thomas Manning, a neighbor.