pl INK SLINGS. —On July first the new currency is to be put in circulation. Then everybody’s bills will be smaller. __We don’t know whether we're to have a frost every month this year but we've already had two in June. — The Vare machine has nothing on the Mellon machine in the matter of election frauds but both together have honest voters “in chancery.” — Lloyd George will be in his element during the next administra- tion of the British government. He can bargain with either or both sides. Now if President Hoover were like Colonel Roosevelt, Senator Jones, of five-and-ten fame, would be the the baby member of the Annanias club of America. — Some pseudo-wise man has pro- claimed that science is now training children to eat disliked foods. Science is doing nothing of the sort. If any- thing is accomplishing such a benefi- cent result it is either necessity or compulsion. We agree with Mayor Jimmie Walker, of New York in his belief that “there is nothing worse in pub- lic life than the solemn dinner,” but there is only one thing we ever knew of that proved infallible in taking the sol out of solemn and that can’t be had any more. Citizens of Jackson, Michigan, are in New York buying an elephant with which to properly celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of the Republican party. They say it was born in their town three quarters of a century ago.—Not the elephant, the Republican party. Some years ago a sheriff down in Florida attached a circus for debt. He took its only elephant in satis- faction of the claim, then the county came near going bankrupt buying hay for the elephant. __As we said, a few weeks ago, we don’t know John J. Raskob. For that matter we. don’t know Bishop Cannon, either. We know, how- ever, that when the Democratic par- ty falls into the control of a°*Meth- odist Bishop we're through with it. That is the reason we're hoping that the Virginia Democrats will have sense enough to realize that our donkey would starve to death be- fore a Bishop would feed it. Ordi- nary preachers are bad enough but Bishops only get to be Bishops when they come to be past masters at the art of riding up to your door, dis- mounting and throwing the bridle reins into someone else’s hands to care for the beast. Then they just naturally flow into the most com- fortable chair in the best room in the house and sit there to inspire awe until dinner is ready. And what do they do at dinner ? They start it by praying that the food may be consecrated to the use of OUR bodies and proceed to consecrate all the white meat to the use of THEIRS. No, Virginia Democrats, jon’t dally with Bishop Cannon or any other Bishop. Their place is in the pulpit, not in politics. — Surely we'll have to get better n Centre county. It was bad enough when they were compelled to build 1 “bull pen” in the court house, but iow that they are going to enlarge he jail the matter becomes more serious. Naturally a large jail will sost something. Then it will cost nore each year to maintain it. Af- ser it is enlarged there will be folks who'll get worried because it isn’t jlled up and there'll be a hue and ry for more sleuths to pick up ten- ints for the nice, sanitary apart- nents Dr. McCauley says must be yrovided there. More sleuths will nean more salaries and it will keep nm pyramiding bills for the tax pay- srs to settle. Almost we are per- uaded to suggest that it might be a etter plan to reverse our present yrocedure. It would at least be .conomical to reduce the size of the ails and cut the army of police offi- ers in half. The county hasn't rrown in population in the last wenty years. People don’t seem to )e any worse than they were twenty rears ago, so the only conclusion we an draw from that is that they veren’t being found out then and hey are now. And what we didn’t now, twenty years ago, didn’t hurt 1s a bit. — Rarely have we sat for a photo- raph. The reason is obvious. The 'hotographer doesn’t live who could nake a true likeness of us that vould inspire anything else than a esire to murder him. Several pen jctures that we have among our lippings have been moderately atisfying to our vanity but none so erfectly portrays just what we onestly are like as the bit of jingle ppended here. We don’t know the uthor. We regret that because we'd ertainly like to give him credit for ainting us, inside and out, more ke we realize we are than ever we hought would be done. would I were beneath a tree; A-sleeping in the shade; vith all the bills I've got to pay, Paid ! would I were on yonder hill, A-baking in the sun; 7ith all the work I've got to do Done ! IT would I were beside the sea, Or sailing in a boat, 7ith all the things I've got to write, Wrote ! Lately STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 74. Secretary Stimson Throws a Bluff. It may be assumed that Secretary of State Stimson appraises President Hoover's memorial day appeal for peace at its full face value. In a statement issued immediately follow- ing the President’s speech the Pre- mier of the administration at Wash- ington warns the public “that the au- thorized and contemplated naval programme for the construction of new ships alone amounts to $1,170,- 800,000,” and in addition, “there will be required very large increases in the already large naval budget to cover the operating cost of these new ships.” The obvious purpose of the Secretary is to frighten the govern- ments of Europe as well as the Con- gress of the United States away from the trend to profligacy. Ever since the Washington con- ference, held during the Harding ad- ministration, which accomplished nothing except the scrapping of two or three entirely new and very ex- pensive battleships of the United States navy, efforts have been in progress to procure an agreement among the leading maritime nations to fix another limit, not exactly on naval construction, but on naval strength. The Washington confer- ence set a limit on battleships bhe- cause we happened to have an excess in that type and Great Britain at once began the construction of cruis- ers, nearly as powerful as battleships. The subsequent purpose was to es- tablish a parity that might be con- sidered just and a limit at that standard. Meantime by building cruisers Great Britain was constantly forging ahead of the United States in naval strength and Japan crawling up to an equality while no agreement could he reached to check the evil. Finally Congress authorized a rather ambi- tious building programme with the idea of frightening England into a different frame of mind. The state- ment of Secretary Stimson may therefore be interpreted as a warn- ing that we have the money to bank- rupt any competitors in naval con- struction and unless an -agreeement to limit operations is agreed to we will use it to that end. It may have that effect on the minds of the new government of Great Britain and in that event it will be a step in the direction of world peace. ——— A ————— — Everybody is willing to help President Hoover to enforce prohibi- tion and all other laws, but in fair- ress he ought to indicate his plans if he has any. President Hoover's Memorial Speech. The theme of President Hoover's | Memorial day address was “Peace.” It was delivered at Arlington Nation- al cemetery, near the tomb of the Unknown soldier. Since the close of the World war each of Mr. Hoover's predecessors in office had discoursed on the same theme at the same sa- cred shrine and it is not invidious to say that his language rings truer to the hopes and hearts of the people than that of either Harding or Cool- idge. Yet it is not completely satis- fying. “If this agreement is to ful fill its high purpose,” he said in ref- enence to the Kellogg multilateral treaty, “we and other nations must accept its consequences. We must clothe faith and . idealism with ac- tion.” That is to the point and admirable. But he subsequently envelopes it in doubt. “If we are to earnestly pred- icate our views upon renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy; if we are to set standards that naval strength is purely for de- fense and not for aggression,” he con tinues, “then the strength in fight. ing ships required by nations is but relative to that of other powers.’ There is “the fly in the ointment. Each nation contends for the right to determine for itself what consti- tutes armament for defense and the inevitable consequence is competition in naval construction and other mil- itary equipment, and such activities are provocative of war rather thar incitements to peace. If the Kellogg mulilateral treaty had heen a sincere expression of its purpose, and had been accepted by the other signatories in good faith, it might have accomplished much good. But its absolute failure to make pro- vision for its enforcement discredit- ed it among thinking men, and the fact that its adoption was immediate: ly followed by legislation providing for a vastly increased naval construc- tion programme gave it the sem- blance of a grim joke. No doubt President Hoover is sincere in his de- sire for enduring peace, and possibly he believes in the efficacy of the Kellogg treaty as an instrument in that direction. But something more substantial than memorial orationg is needed to inspire confidence. BELLEFONTE. Governor Fisher's Curious Theory. The conspiracy to loot the public treasury enjoyed an unusual triumph in Harrisburg, on Monday. Five members of the Governor’s cabinet and four other State officials resign- ed their commissions, under agree- ment with the Governor that they would be reappointed immediately. The purpose of this operation was to juggle the provision of the State con- stitution that “no law shall extend the term of any public officer, or in- crease or diminish his salary or emoluments, after his election or ap- pointment.” During the recent ses- sion of the Legislature the salaries of these officials were considerably in- creased. Governor Fisher remarked “the increases are deserved by the meritorious services performed by those affected.” Two years ago each of the officials affected eagerly sought the places with a clear understanding of the sal- aries fixed by law. Since then there have been no additional burdens or in- creased labors imposed on these of- ficials in the performance of their duties. No criseses have since arisen that imposed additional tax on the physical or mental equipment of these men. No perceptible increase in the cost of maintaining their fam- ilies or supporting the dignity of their offices has occurred. Thousands of men equally fit, amply capable and quite as deserving were perfectly willing to asume the duties and dis- charge the obligations of these of- fices at the salaries fixed by the old law. It is not likely that either of them asked for the increase. But Governor Fisher seems to have adopted a new economic theory and is “trying it out.” His policy seems to be “collect like a hard-boiled miser and spend like a demented profli- gate.” He feels that the people of Pennsylvania will stand for any form of abuse. They have condoned all sorts of crimes and endured every type of outrage. The officials bene- fitted by this violation of the spirit of the constitution are his personal friends, and handing them a gener: ous ~ unearned bonus will increase their devotion to him. There may be complaints here and there but there is no tribunal to which appeal may be made. It is a cruel policy and represents a sordid purpose, but it is effective. enema Qe eee ——So long as the Athletics are one hundred points in front it may be assumed that the country is safe “and the government at Washington still lives.” | rr ————— A _———————— Mrs. Willebrandt Loses Her Fight. When Mrs. Mabel Walker Wille- brandt set out to fight Senator Dave Reed, of Pittsburgh, and the Vare machine, of Philadelphia, on the mat- ter of selecting a federal district at- torney for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, the Watchman predict- ed that she had taken on the fight of her life. It was a just quarrel. how- ‘ever, and for a righteous purpose. The enforcement of prohibition leg- islation in Philadelphia had degener- ated into an absurd farce mainly for the reason that the district attorney had not been in sympathy with the purpose. Rather than fulfill his ob- ligation he resigned and the Senator and the Vare machine undertook to put another man of the same type into his place. | Mrs. Willebrandt, assistant attor- ney general in charge of enforcement of prohibition laws, protested against such a perversion of power and de- clared that so long as she occupied her position in the service no man would be appointed to the vacancy ‘unless he had the approval of the | prohibition administrator of the dis- trict and the support of the militant prohibition element of the commun- ity. That meant either that Senator Reed and the Vare machine would be disappointed or else Mrs. Willebrandt would lose her job, and the result is that the newspapers, on last Tues- day morning, carried the surprising information from Washington that Mrs. Willebrandt had resigned and "her resignation was not only prompt- ly but hurriedly accepted. | This ends the happy prohibition day-dream of the complete drying up “of the booze streams and the elimina- tion of the bootlegger industry in | Philadelphia. These dreams, based jon promises before the election, made ito deceive, now vanish and like Mrs. | Willebrandt’s courage and purpose, | will soon be forgotten, while the ma- ' chinery of the federal district attor- iney’s office is preparing to resume { business at the old stand and in the old way. The President expressed | regret at the parting with the lady who had done so much for him in mo- | bilizing bigotry during the campaign, but he may find consolation in the in- ‘creased devotion of the Philadelphia PA.. JUNE 7. 1929. Pittsburgh’s System of Voting. Judge Gray, of Pittsburgh, obtain- ed an interesting description of how Republican majorities are created in Allegheny county, the other day. Three women had served as election officers at Homestead, in that coun- ty, at the general election in 1926, and having been convicted of fraud were before the court for sentence. The judge had told them of the grav- ity of their offenses and the evils of such things upon the public life of the community and then sentenced them each to thirty days in jail. This was a surprise as they had been told that “it had been fixed with the judge.” Apparently this promise had been made without consulting the court, or possibly the arrangement had been made with another judge. But the details of the operation are interesting. At noon of election day two Republican leaders, one a cap- tain of police of Homestead, visited the polls and expressed disappoini- ment at the few votes cast. Then they tore off twenty-five ballots, took them to an adjacent pool room, marked them as they desired and re- turning, deposited them in the ballot box. Subsequently the clerks were given twenty-five names to write on the voter’s list. During the after- noon the two party leaders brought bunches of negroes to the polls and voted them ’‘though half of them didn’t know what names they were to use.” One of the witnesses in- formed Judge Gray that “more than half the ballots cast during the day were illegal.” | Unfortunately the two Republican leaders who perpetrated these crimes are immune from arrest and punish- ment, more than two years, the time limit, having passed since the occur- rence, but they arestillin the confi- dence and favor of the Mellon ma- chine. The women victims of the conspiracy of fraud have received some reward for exposing the iniqui- ties. They have been paroled from serving the sentence and their af- fidavits will be forwarded to the Sen- ate committee now. considering the Wilson-Vare contest. In this the in- tention is good but may not prove beneficial. The Senate committee realizes that the Republicans need votes in the Senate and evidence of fraud will not influence the machine ito a just decision. | ——— County Commissioners to Enlarge Jail. | | The Centre county jail is not big enough to afford proper accommoda- | tions for the number of law violators who seem to persistently seek enter- i tainment there. During the past sev- eral years the number of prisoners has run anywhere from twenty up to over thirty, and the latter number really meant over-crowding. Then there never has been suitable accommoda- tions for female prisoners. There are only two cells in the jail for the ac- commodation of women, and to get to them it is necessary to go right through the main corridors of the jail and run the gamut of all the men prisoners. In fact back in November, 1927, Mrs. E. S. H. McCauley, Secretary of the State Department of Welfare, wrote a scathing letter to the coun- ty commissioners, with a duplicate copy to the court and the sheriff, in which she condemned the county jail in no uncertain terms and demanded that repairs be made forthwith. At that time the board consisted of John S. Spearley, James W. Swabb and John A. Way, and as two of them would go out of office on the first of January they paid no attention to the letter. | During the past year several repre- sentatives from the Welfare Depart- ment have visited the commissioner’s office relative to repairs at the jail but the board could not see its way ‘clear to do anything until now. They are now having plans made for an addition to be built on the south side of the present building, utilizing the space between the jail and the high wall around the jail yard. Entrance will be direct from the sheriff's office. | The new portion will be built on mod- ern lines and with all sanitary equip-' ment. The estimated cost will be ap- proximately $10,000. | ————————ee ee — The Philadelphia May grand jury demands the repeal of the Eight- ' .eenth amendment. The Three Tai- 'lors of Tooley street also had some | nerve. ——After the President's law en- | forcement commission has disposed | | of all other problems assigned to it | Charlie | | may interest him if he ever finds it i out. .it might find out who stole Ross. May “good digestion wait on appetite and health on both,” after the Democratic harmony dinner in ; underworld to his political interests. ‘ Washington, next week. , Tom employed | salary. Maybe there will be another NO. 23. State Officers Resign To Get Salary Increased. As a means of becoming legally eligible to the increase of salary from $8000 to $10,000 a year, provided in a bill passed by the last Legislature, five members of Governor Fisher's cabinet resigned, on Monday, and were reappointed within an hour. They were: Rev. Charles G. Jordan, Secretary of Agriculture; Charles E. Dorworth, Secretary of Forests and Waters; Adjutant General Frank D. Beary, head of military affairs; Benson E. Taylor, Secretary of Property and Supplies, and Robert R. Lewis, re- cently appointed Secretary of the Comomnwealth. Other State officials who resigned to take immediate advantage of in- creases under the revised code are: Major Lynn G. Adams, superintend- ent of State police, $6,000 to $7,500 a year; Harry L. Knapp, chairman of the Board of Motion Picture Censors, $3,600 to $4,800 a year; Mrs. Kath- erine A. Niver, vice chairman of the board, $3,300 to $4,500 a year, and Henry Starr Richardson, secretary, $3,300 to $4,500 a year. Under the law judges can legally accept any salary raise given them while in office. The increase from $7,000 to $9,000 in the pay of Judge Fleming, as well as all other judges in the State, became effective May 16th, but the increase will not be giv- en until their June pay check, asthe money was not available until the first of this month. Unveiling of Tablet Drew Large Crowd. The unveiling of a bronze tablet in honor of Elijah Chambers, Revoiu- tionary soldier, in Gray’s cemetery, last Thursday afternoon, accentuat- ed the always solemn services of Memorial day, and drew to the home of the dead, in Halfmoon valley, a crowd of more than three hundred people, a number traveling quite a distance to be present. gor: 8 _% The..Col.-John--Proctor- chapter, D. A. R., of Altoona, was in charge and was assisted by members of James L. Noble post Veterans of Foreign Wars. A squad of World war veterans fired a military salute over the Revolu- tionary soldier's grave and the bu- gler took part in the effective taps services which closed the program. Scout Boggs, of the Altoona Boy Scouts, gave the bugle call, which opened the program, and took part in the sounding of taps at its con- clusion. Miss Mary V. Turner, regent of the Colonel rected the D. A. R. ritual, which was a part of the services. W. Willard, of Harrisburg, a great- grandson of the patriot, who was honored at this time, gave the ad- dress, and the Rev. Willis Hartsock, Tyrone, led in prayer. Little Mariet- ta Larimer, a great-great-grand- daughter of the hero, assisted by Miles W. Morrison, Civil war veteran, who attended in full uniform, unveil- ed the memorial. At the conclusion of the D. A. R. service, the V. F. W. men, led by Commander Burket, and Sergeant Duncan, firing squad, conducted their exer- cises. ; “Big Tom” Must Tell. From the Pittsburgh Press. The Supreme Court has ruled that Pennsylvania shall have the “inside” in one of the most interesting stories of the State’s political history. ham of Philadelphia must tell the Senate where he got the $50,000 he contributed to the Vare senatorial primary campaign back in 1926. Big Tom now is sheriff of Philadel- phia. At the time he made his gen- erous donation to Vare he was clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, a position which paid $8,000 annually. That he had been able to accumulate $50,000 for a political fund on that salary naturally interested the Sen- ate. It was at least an example of canny thrift and almost superhuman investment intelligence. But Big Tom wouldn't reveal how he got the money, and defied the Sen- ate. Now he must tell. Maybe there will be disclosed to an acquisitive public the magic system in conserving his story. If it is the first it will interest and educate the small investor. If the latter it will interest everyone who wishes to learn about politics as the | game is played in Pennsylvania when {a United States Senatorship is at stake. ——Colonel Lindbergh's name now adorns the social register, ‘which ——Senator Borah has again as- sumed the role of “the bull in the John Proctor chapter, di- | The Rev. W. in charge of the« ' SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Clarence Stocker, who pleaded guilty to padding Reading's payrolls while a ' highway foreman, this week obtained a | second extension of the date for imposi- | tion of sentence when President Judge { Paul N. Schaeffer fixed August 12 as the ' day for his appearance. | —Mr. and Mrs. Milton Freeman, farmers near Jonestown, Lebanon county, arrived | home Friday night, after an absence dur- {ing the afternoon to find that a fifteen- year-old son, Paul, had taken a tractor from the barn, and in hitching it to a harrow ran over Clayton, fifteen months old brother, killing the child instantly. —Michael Condo, of Luzerne county, { who spent a pleasant hour stoning auto- ' mobiles which passed near his place, paid $22 before a Freeland alderman as well as costs. He proved to acrowd he was able to shoot a twister through the windshield of the car of Thomas Horn, or Jeddo. ~ —The United States Circuit Court of ' Appeals at Pittsburgh, on Tuesday, dis- missed, with the consent of counsel for the appellant, the appeal of Guy W. Brown, former State Senator and Fayette county banker, convicted of embezzie- ‘ment. Brown was sentenced - to serve three years in Atlanta penitentiary. , —When she leaned against the door of an automobile in which she was riding and it opened, Alice Connelly, 23, of Ad- dison, Pa., fell beneath the wheels of the car and was fatally injured. She died ! enroute to the McKeesport hospital. Three other persons in the car, when the acci- ‘dent occurred, were held for coroner’s in- "quest. | —Michael Sabel, 65, a hero of the Johns- town flood of 1889 in which he was said to have saved 19 persons from drowning, committed suicide by hanging at Pitts- burgh, on Monday. The body was found by his wife in his garage in East Pitts- burgh. Sabel had been brooding over his ‘arrest a week ago for injuring a boy with his automobile, friends said. John H. Kirck and wife, of West Lawn, Berks county, believed they were , victims of a ‘‘spell’” cast by some mali- ' cious person. They spent $646 to have the spell removed by a band of gypsies who had been occupying a Penn street store in Reading. Now the gypsies are gone and the police are looking for them with little prospect of locating the money. Fern Bowlby, 14-year-old daughter of H. M. Bowlby, near Beachdale, Pa., is recovering slowly from shock and burns “received the past week when lightning , struck the house, coming down the chim- | ney and tearing one ‘shoe from her foot and almost removing the other shoe. A steel arch in the shoe was torn off. She was standing near a stove. The chimney was torn from the house and joists in the basement broken loose. | _An hour after he had returned from devotions in church, Michael Mishock, a Natalie miner, had bitten off the left thumb of his son-in-law, Henry Hamura, Kulpmont, in a heated personal encounter, caused by a wordy battle between their wives, according to testimony in a damage suit before Judge Lloyd in the Northum- pberland county court at Sunbury, Monday. Hamura asks $5000 damages for his thumb. Mishock has been convicted of assault nad battery in the criminal branch of the court. { —The descendants of John Bell, who came from the north of Ireland in 1776 and settled in Mifflin county, will hold their first annual reunion, June 20 and 21, at the Mstunudist training camp, Newton Hamilton. Some of the clan will travel there from California. J. Ellis Bell, of York; Raymond Bell, of Carlisle; D. Bates Bell, of Beaver, but at one time a resi- dent of Bellefonte; Miss Marion E. Bell, | Fearon Bell, Miss Emory Bell, John Kin- | sloe, Mrs. W. R. Sloan, Robert M. Barr | and Mary Bell Stannert will be in charge. —A green grave for his dog and noth- ing for his former wife were the provi- sions contained in the will of Ricaman P. talker, an accountant, of Philadelphia. walekr died May 28. In his will filed he bequeathed $3000 to his son, Raymond P. Walker and daughter, Mabel P. Waik- er, with instructions to always keep the grave of his dog green. The testatcr called the canine a ‘‘true pal.” Walker directed that his former wife, from whom h> was divorced in 1905, should be given no monetary assistance from the estat2. | —Peter A. Fleming, of Williamsport, "driver for the Triangle Transportation | company, saved a $60,000 cargo of silk two miles east of Locust Gap, near Mount | Carmel, early on Monday. In a thickly | wooded section, a large car passed his truck, then turned crosswise on the high- ! way. Three men, with drawn pistols, de- ! manded Fleming submit to their search for ‘‘booze’’ on the truck, claiming they were prohibition agents. Fleming pulled ‘his gun and opened fire and the bandits ‘ran to their car and fled. A suspect was arrested this evening by State police. An attempt to destroy the home of ' Michael Martin, of Port Griffiths, Luzerne | county, was made late Saturday night when a charge of dynamite was exploded a few feet from the home as Mrs. Martin was preparing her five small children for bed. Aside from shock, no one was in- jured. Martin, who is employed at the Number six colliery, of Pennsylvania Coal company, where the recent Pittston mine warfare had its inception, was working when the explosion occurred. Police learn- ed that he took no active part in the disturbance of a year ago, and as yet have found no motive for the crime. It has decided that Big Tom Cunning- | —Running to catch a street car at Sha- mokin, Wednesday evening of last week, Miss Louella Honabach, 16 years old, of Mount Carmel, dropped dead at the corner of Shamokin and Commerce streets, at Shamokin. The girl, who weighed 200 pounds, had been with a companion, Ruth Miller, to Edgewood park to spend the day. Returning to Shamokin, they left the park trolley and started out to catch the car to Mount Carmel. As the Hona- bach girl reached the side of the trolley and was about to board it, she collapsed and died almost instantly from over-ex- ertion. In falling her head struck the street with resounding force rand caused an ugly gash in her forehead. When the Miller girl was apprised of the fact that her companion had been stricken and died, she collapsed also but was revived a short time later. It required several men to carry the heavy girl to a nearby store- room but she was dead when a physician arrived on the scene. The intense heat was a contributing factor in her death, china shop.” | together with over-exertion.