Bellefonte, Pa., May 3, 1929. ‘NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——A hard thunder storm, with hail, pased over Centre county on Sunday evening. . — Among the deficiency bills signed by Governor Fisher, on Sat- urday, was one for $33,949 for Rock- view penitentiary. ——1If you haven't bought your lit- tle onions for spring planting better do so at once as the supply is running low in Bellefonte, some dealers being entirely out of them. ——Ninety-three lodges were rep- resented at the Central Pennsylvania Odd Fellows gathering held at Lew- isburg last Friday. The meeting will be held at Danville next year. ——Up to the present time $90,000 of the $93,000 of Bellefonte borough bonds which fell due on April 1st, have been received and paid by bor- ough treasurer G. L. Carpeneto. ~ ——David A. Barlett, this week, purchased the Mac Weaver farm of eighty acres, just north of Zion, and will probably move his family there for the summer. Most of the land is under cultivation and it will be work- ed this summer by a neighboring farmer. -Miss Sarah E. Love, who dur- ing the past two years has been col- lector of borough taxes in Bellefonte following the resignation of Herbert Auman, has decided to be a candi- date at the fall primaries for nomina- tion on the Republican ticket for a full term. ——George L. Luse, of Centre Hall, has been selected as one of four dele- gates from Pennsylvania to the third national 4-H club camp at Washing- ton, D. C., during the week of June 19th to 25th. The selection was made by the State club leader, A. L. Baker, of State College. ——The Woman's Club met, on Monday evening, in the High school building, and was addressed by the Hon. Charles E. Dorworth, Secretary of Forests and Waters. He took for his subject “the Human Side of For- estry” and told of the experiences of forest rangers who endure many hardships in their isolated mountain homes. ——Charles Isenberg, of Boalsburg, was arrested, on Saturday, by coun- ty detective Leo Boden on the charge of manufacturing home brew and selling to State College students. Two full cases of beer were confiscat- ed. Isenberg was brought to the county jail but had an attack of de- Jerium tremens and was removed to the Centre County hospital for treat- ment. ——Rev. John Wesley McKelvey son of Rev. and Mrs. E. E. McKelvey, former residents of Bellefonte, and who is now a Senior at the theologi- cal seminary of Drew University, has been awarded the $1500 fellowship of the Jarvi Commonweal fund, of New York city, for study in the Hol, Land. The young divine’s father was Pastor of the Bellefonte Methodist