-—— em — rm. Mothers Assistance Fund AUDITORS’ STATEMENT moun Paid to Sundry Mothers 3 559 50 Law Library Account TAXES OUTSTANDING oN THE DUPLICATE FOR THE YEAR 1928 Amount Levied | Bal. due Jan. 7th 1929 District i Collector 388 90 Penal Institutions n 1s i OF THE | Glsntoms Wo fide ot 2D wi ern Penitentiary ...... . : = = Sir —— | Hunting don Reformatory ............. 253 3 Philip H. Johnson, Services 200 9 - : Lay County State County | Bunt “fadustrial Home for Wo- Express 10 36 Belietorite’ Boro, Sarali Tove 157s mens. aie fC Ce $ 97|$ 4994 30/$ 3226 28]... I re 0 ntre Hall Boro. C. 1768 13 eg Glenn Mills School for Boys .. $ 227191 Howard Boro. ...T. 585 88 175 64 Western Penitentiary .............. Milesture Bard - Anna H. ee 2 8. FOR THE YEAR 1928 en ee DHL © res . psburg ..... J. Printing Account , Snow Shoe Bi SHIREY wocctnerivey- w Shoe Boro. ..L. M. Kelly .. Advertising Assessment ..... State College Bort Chas. E. ! ; Advertising Land Sale ... Expenses Unionville Boro. ... Ruth Lams RECEIPTS | Expenditures for the Year 1928 Auditors Statement ..... 50 Port Matilda Boro. D. P. Woodring .. Bal. in Treas, Hands Jan, 2, 1928.5 40320 02 | ADDIODIIRUION Lares Some TH Ie 178 00 : $ 1303'78 Boner Twp. ...... Paul Eckley ..... Amt. ¢'d from Commissione 05039 Assessors . =r . s TWD. --. = Bt, Bera rom Corl SSonieTw: as. So ig PE an Wrcasurars 00 Unseated & Seated Land Sale Costs | BosEoe. wD aE I iedortar 3ee Amt. from Unseated Land Tax... 2692 40 | Beard of Road Views 9943 70 _ Offices ......... 38 so L L. Smith, Treasurer, Costs ...§ 595 50 College Twp. wee. James Schreck Amt. from Seated Land Tax... $74 30 Bridge gm Sea Sundry Printing .... 97 | Ered B. JIeBly - i$ 00 Sarde rh ~0, M. Fetzer ———— {Coun oads . - . , EB, $264196 97 | ER - 10820 33 § 1611 34 | Redemption Fees .. 29 % fake To snes G Waker HA un cers Salaries rr ees . a Expense .. oan 0! Registrars Account $ 793 50 Half Moon Twp. .. HP Grif ' Commonwealth Costs 19731 35 Registering 1034 Births and 462 © R SISINS CaP. mee George {County Auditors - ‘ 986 2 t Deaths ii $ 61850! . R. Taylor, Ex. Sheriff |B | Bloward Twa. - 35 | 4236 i | Jail Expense .... 3567 47 Stationery and Supplies | Bary I lance due Jan. 2853 71 Liberty Twp. 72 00 Joba 5546 47 Baltimore Office Supply Co. ...... $ 186 | TE Brad bdl te aa | M Miles CU so | Na o issioners . 412 80 william G. Johnston Co. ..... 136 89 | S. Claude Herr, Prothonotary, In Account | Patton Twi Te 29 58 Notes Payalle vs 31000 00 Philipsburg Ledger .. 389 53 With the Commissioners of | Pon ry 58 58 | Mothers Assistance Fund 22303 30 Ruiz ees — 65 7 Centre County { Potter Twp.” 4 FA | PYIDHNE or gersgen 1611 34 The Centre Der 247 00 | py Ledger ACCOUNE ooo 2422 53 Rush Twp. ... 137 |Souiery > Wigows Bana) 1 x The i amoergt 2 i ® Te Sundry Indictments a 5 1 Sow She Zwp. er reenatitss ’ : pplies ... 2 Wolf Envelope Co. .. = | COSES rrr rrrnee 2424 01 i Twp. 1055 30 | Registrars ............ = "813 50 "Duninire Drinting ¢ = 62 nes | Taylor Twp, gE CO, | : 87 08 | Barge aim | ih Horders Stationery Stores i Ri. $ 4846 54 Union Twp. 107 83 ‘Sealer of Weights & Measures... 1303 78 Democratic Watchman ... Wl Worth Tw 596 29 inking Fun 2200 00 Miscellaneous ........mmereroomsmsrerrees 30 01 ; BY Voucher __....... $ 12H; vo Te | H. E. Dunla; a on Oa jap i 1000 00 | By Voucher Sundry ‘Foy Wilkineon - S24 Ian pg rmet £ let tel eit eet | $139038 74 § 20571 20. | Leo boden ..... 2620 86! Soldiers & Wid Burial avon rid E. R. Taylor TC as53 71 SWs Burial Avvonnt $ 3136 64 I : Ephriam_Bartholomew i L. L. SMITH, TREA N FEL dhe pe 239 35 George L. Huss ... 5 ( 300 | Born an, 7th 1630 1709 90 FUNDS ARISING. FROM UNSEATED TAN EO: AND PODS Interest on Notes & Bonds ...... 7587 43 Auarew Rearhon 7 00 | an aR rrr ND A a | State Aid Highway . Jian Eckley 7300 | B 13465 ROAD UNSEATED | Dedemption of Unseated Lands .. Zo - 75 00 : = ne an Th hands of Treas. Jan. Tth, Sor 65 5 se Willian Jlack 3 (e 0 | Boy . ‘Wilkinson, cre and Probation = ey TT Tn $221523 32 | Geor Ch Bo ! ge Emenhizer Salary LP | Sb | John T. Saylor ... » % | Expenses .. . g$ | ¢ | oivey | ES er Williams Hastings .... 75 00 | Ea st g 82 Appropriation Account Election Expense Account on RR oh, 7 00 3.900 | Ea : | E | - 3 Centre Co. Agricultural Assn. ...$ 2000 00 | Pri Charles Heverly .. 75 00 | Amount Paid to Com- istri ps pools ise fii fin ea. | Centre County HOSpital ....... 1000 00 | 5 aa Jordon John M. Fisher ...... 700 | missioners, Fines Disteaein iP Bo foo Buia sift of 5 Memorial Day kien wait T Hpson and son, Elec- Benjamin Espenshade 75 00, and Costs Collected $ 7676 73 he 2 eS br | ag Centre Co. Teachers Institute ... 200 00 | p uppiies $ 331 25 | Frederick Weaver .... 75 00 | FoR EE Bronze Bagkery 599 go | Erinting Ballots, etc. . .. 682 20 | James Mc. Clincy 75 00 Leo Bodin, County Detecti | = - fF. B~ gE a 223 32 | Registration Assessment © 266 64 | Burial of Soldiers Widows 900 00 | EE oiive | | roo I feaining Behool 20 of | Supplies etc. ....... . 163 97 | Markers for Soldiers © 1122 gp Salary 812 50 Te : LL : | Nations: Guard of Pools, .. 5 00 Delivering Ballots . Iw. PEER eee Expenses .. 908 36 Santer rr a a [8 I Versions $ 5 13 Homes for Crippled Children .... 25 00 | Tabulating Vote 24 54 3 532 0p Automobile 900 0 Busnside - Tw a Logan and Undine Fire Cos. ..... 20 00 Cn oe PA 20 o0 College Twp P 10854 $ 4113 72 Election aig TEs on 3618 8 YX. Dustap; Sheniy los Cash FTI mm» Curtin Twp. i 3 Te BY VOUCHOT viii iiiieinnn® Sv Ferguson Twp, Total Primary Expense ...... $ 5245 15 S. C ? Yow | Jas fo Tob. at 0 Aoeeors. Sneeunt daiisral Elesiton os : uals i Prothonotary 2 Commonwealth Costs Account Halfmoon Py 3 ; 2 2 oss ilin udgmen win i BUNATY ASSESSOTS coomoeeeeceeeeeeressreneenns $ 9358 48 Printing Ballots etc. .................. $ 1889 60 | By has 2 aros ip rR ons 3 ans > ford Tro. Ts 140 ra 312 34 a 0 00 WD Rork A . vent ising Election Proclam: i —— HU Nnting Chicken Huston Twp. 5 » vium Accoun 00 00 9 Thieves ~........ 836 20 Liberty Twp. Supplies .......... 333 61 5 3:8) = Marion Twp. ng Warren rum WY State Mighway Damage Claims | ALY an : 38 07 airview State Hospital - ID oA Ini | on We sirersssnensmrruiecsversuseinacessaitvrses sense tonsnssensnsnsans Fairviev Suis Homi Freight on Supplies .. ZG 5 99 Damage Claim Route No. 219 ..$ 146 50 H. E. Dunlap, Sheriff, in Account with the Denn THD 23 Wernersville 156 86 | Delivering Ballots .. 15% 8 Damage Claim Bald Eagle Road 16 3 f= "Commissioners pi Conise dvuuty Rush i 38 . PWYYT = Flection Officers Pay ......... 4063 24 Reiiie Confer Estate, Damage | 7052 Days Boarding Prisoners at Spring Twp. 1294 69 Bim Ee 30000 |. 70. cents Der day i... $ 4936 40 | Snow Shoe Twp. 15 &3 Board of Road View Total General Election ...... $ 8991 26 gi Jarod Long, Route Jo 3 ee 800 00 28 Commitients at 55 cents ... 127 50 | Taylor Twp. 92 1 1001 63 a i . an rs. S. cherges at 50 cents ....... J.: X. Johnston 256 30 Total Election Expense ....$ 14236 41 pote No. 34 S eck, 150.00 | 209 Turnkey Fees at 30 ils bs x Waiter Tv. : 2s 20 184 s, Attendin Hp. Shattuck 33 1 Insurance Account ee aan Damage sein Hy hs 0 c and Deputy, $3. 0 LE o wt Sar 399 00 TT ee 1% 7 100 00 81 i "J. Th : ngle, Route No. 219 ... 7 onveying Prisoners to Penal In- PE Womalsdort 232104. W sales Walker, Insuraine Bob, a17 10 Sori Nason, Route No. 107 ...... Lg | pStitutions .... I- ggg —————— _ 5 3869923 435608 22928 341180 BL EL i OS COldtuEh WM. Riga Tree Ts. vidson 165 00 | Telephone Service 22023 3411 80 ¥ 5 Hemi ee $53 8 | Wark by Prisoners in scoor Fe ihomosor Henry. EVE. 105:%0 | John #. Gay and Son. dnsurane e — a CONE .orivisinimsimmmssnorassnines st UNSEATED 31 oypson Henry 3s 2 Sons Gray and Son, Insurance Stone, Cement and Hardware .... 5 2 Praying and Notifying Jurors... 212 29 Benner Twp. : Wo Eby 5 2 10 (TOI pe D i Bash iBuppher 50 73 y 0 2 , - ADOT oosvmar.snssits Boarding I Boggs Twp. 10 73 Helen Shaeffer, ‘stenographer ...... B50] Tey irr 28 40 | Express and Freight ... is B Days 2 Line ar aety 2 4 qo | Burnside Twp. 1582 $ 2243 70 Pr TT Commissioners Expense ... - 157 Edney avers Prisoners at Collage ye 12 : : Bridge Account Interest on Notes and Bonds $ 5707 93 Revnre to Dept. c in WD: A Bi & Milesburg Bridge Bellefonte Trust Co., Interest State Aid High P ing a Haines TWD. ce 43 23 on ghway Account reparing 00 Half enadsansreseneveeuvsinrenit ats ssidaesontonrertions nnn Bo I a oR “$4900 00 | tate Ald Highway, Rush Twp 5 2955 52 | County Share of RO TEE: i 47 Spring Mills B ri Ee 06 - ... 3587 43 gts Aid Highway, Philipsburg 3501 Miscellaneous .. 25 93 foward wD dras¥ptrr insu nsesuistys comes eesrtn 29 % DE TCHrT Do 2 8 mrs | BOPO, rosie reresmseassons rs rms 4 on = TER Tabor, Material DE SIAL isa § 7587 43 | State “Aid Highway Maintenance: 30848 | rary Indictmen n 320415 | Liberty Twp. Bis arious Bridges... 296 46 Jail Expense Account Tm | r $ 12079 46 arion Twp, 3 7265 12 Miles Twp. 436 87 West Penn Power Co. ......... Patton T eeseeeenssanans 121 33 . $ 4129 91 Bullding Supplies EE 20 Tes Seams. Notes Fait | BE go Sommisstoners Penn Twp. rreeeeneoeeot] 04 ousty Roads Plumbing and “Plumbing Sup- 113 71 | Bellefonte Trust Co. .... $ 23000 00 BY aay c Init. 399. Re TRE eis it Fein] 7 70 Bad No. Lod S s;mosl ples Co ...... . 98 45 | First National Bank ... .. 3000 00 oe. ns Spring Twp. 2956 83 Electrical Supplies . 120 52 | Farmers National Bank .... .. 2000 00 nt 4224 15 AOW SHOE TWP. rvs er 2 20 Lumber etc. TE 285 02 Fenny Valley Banking Co. .... 2000 00 | Bal. due H. E. Tnton” ap Ba 265 2 Hurdware snd Supplies 303 Is . KE. Beller cores: 1000 00 | lap Jan. Tth, 1999 7855 31 Walker Top. orilresen 469 70 Bihar aH i b | ; Ton | 10078 th TT TD ase yr a 132 » M. A. Kirk M. D. Services 50 00 $ 981 ’ . 7 ; 7748 1580 00 8153 Yiater Rett 13 a1 STATEMENT OF TAXES OUTSTANDING ON THE DUPLICATES OF 1919 TO 1926 30s 55 Ammunition Year Colle Medical ton na Supplies 126 42 Hon Ohevtos ” IE iil = Jean Total POOR, UNSEATED risoners ........ 920 TT ees eecsomssinsese ro. ...... 8 SOHNE coo orathccme etre sores 1279 8g | Guarding Prisoner a © 5400 | 1991—Roy Wilkinson - IIT pipers Boro So S88 0 818 | Benner Te Is 238 Rian 8 Millheim and Madi- Repainag Typewriters 26 00 (1922 L. M. Kelley a - Dr — oy % ib Burnside Twp I” sa ? 2 2 L ISONIDUIE .....oor-ossgiesserssersrsrstacassisvesisnss entre County Hospital 1 1 hy TO sueecee TTT Road No. 9 Millheim and Coburn 240s = Stationery and Printing J % 1 B. Hoffman .......... ww. S. Philipsburg Boro. 118 31 125 91 College Top. | 2 a 215 01 Routes Nos. 219, Sundri 1923—Charles Freeman ...... Philipsbur; 0! Curtin T . eeneare 272 Eon Se Hh 149 25 es «137 05 |1923—L. M. Kelley ..... Snow Shoe Boro. rs 78 38 perguson 5 3] na 0 Pa Rot a maT ? BHT er a ". Burnside Boro. .... 1260 35275 | Haines Tem 7 5 2% Mlcolio cons - 1924—Herbert Auman . Bellefonte Boro. ... 517 30 Haines Twp. 8 04 i: : 1924—Charles Freeman Phili Halfmoon Twp. 8 04 nn an Juvenile Court Account ilipshurg Bore, .. 409 83 Hi 313 $ 19495 44 | Reed O. Steeley Ny Busy Snow Shoe Boro. .... 24 69 Harris "Twp... 975 x Court Expense Account CoS. may. Es ne es 3 Barnett . : ’ 4 » $ston Twp. SR 2 3 % a A ce MALY contain: . . Lohr .. . WD. cerca Orsi and Traverse. Turon Pay ne LC Say a 385 00 | 1995 Herbert Auman . ON 1 = os 1836 17 | Marion Twp. 2 2 se adnitl AR 27 Court Officers and Constables... 2362 70 | ficer EXPenSes ies 992 72 | 1925—Charles Freeman _ Philipsburg Boro... 563 19 Miles TED. 22 87 352 Gilbert Burrows, Court Stenog... 1079 50 | C-_C. Shuey. Juvenile Court Of- 1925—L. M. Kelley ...... Snow Shoe Boro ..... 60 78 Dorion ZWD: 301 23 ‘Uniforms for Court Officers ....... 245 00 ficer Juvenile Report ........... 32 50 | 1925—J. B. Hoffman S. Philipsburg Boro. 16 74 Depn THD. 80 so Advertising Court Proclamations 117 20 | Mary J. Kane, Care of Juveniles 815 60 1925—Harry Curtin ~. Boggs Twp. : 370 76 Potter Twn. 2 50 80 Printing Court Calendar... 90 00 | Childrens Aid Society, Training 1925—R. F. Barger ... Burnside Twp. . 302 Bush T¥D. 1166 2% Ivan Walker ........ 75 00 | _ Schools 910 25 | 1925—Wilson Homes Haines Twp... 20 i Spring Twp. 8 23] 280 00 14 74] 871 49 ‘Roy Wilkinson oo 76 00 | Care of Juveniles .. 90 33 | 1925—R. J. Barnett . Rush Twp. 77 > Snow Shoe Twp. 358 2 + 5 63 Sonting, Stationery & BOOKS ... 90 65 Phfladeipiie Protectory School Joab: 4, MePowel on. Spring Twp. . 1332 07 Walker Tors. 9-23 gus Ad writer he Or BOYS a iin . R. e tastssesnentrer tetas ten ananssararasasanns SYpewiiter - 8 02 al. Boy TE RR TR ah 141 50 Pe Dost Duke . Walker Twp. 450 70 5749 78 | Worth Twp. iran 43 92 15 82 83 27 27 ellefonte Boro. . 2591 85 B10]... Miscellaneous 44 0p | dren 276 50 | 1926—Charles Freeman Philipsburg Boro 1154 a I EER 18 70 > 7" | Boys Industrial Home .... 484 18 | 1926—L. M. Kelley Snow Shoe Boro. 107 a $ 2018 27 $ 10820 33 | Russian Monastery, South Ca- 1926—Harry Curtin Boggs Twp. : 387 5 ? 25%: L553 ms NAH, Pa. cinertmonim 270 00 | 1926—0. M. Fetzer .. Curtin Twp. 680 65 ; County Officers Salaries Laurelton State Village 392 12 | 1926—George E. Mey: Harris Twp. 79 31 \ Polk State School ....... e375 |1926—H. K. Mattern .. Huston Twp. ROAD, SEATED Fred B. Healey, Chief Clerk ....§ 1650 00 | Florence Crittenden Mission .... 34 50 | 1926—S. A. Bierley Miles Twp oi Sion Rachael Lambert, Asst. Clerk ... 1080 00 | H. E. Dunlap, Sheriff, Juvenile 1926—T. M. Huey ... Patton Twp. 3 Bellefonte BOTO, owwrerrmrrrcs 1$ 3 72| XT Se “Rowena Crawshaw, Court Sten- Costs >. soa 232 01 | 1926—R. J. Barnett Rush op oo 5 Snow Shoe Boro. T_T TTT 110 mms fries Bh OETADNGT orion 1500 00 , Transporting Juveniles ... 117 30 | 1926—S. H. Lohr ..... Seon Shoes T 14 Bonnar: TWP: irri een | 8899 nen Howard M. Miles Com. 1000 00 | Jeanette Potter, Juvenile 58 53 | 1926—D. A. McDowell Spring Twp 332 57 Boggs Twp. 270 20 18 00 9% 70 04 Newton I. Wilson, Com. 1000 00 | Clothing for Juveniles .... 109 46 | 1926—E. T. Hall ........ Union Twp. Ne Curtin TWD. = 52 me ony S. Sieatley, Som, — 1000 00 Stationery Sdn 25 00 ny R. Dunkle . Walker Top 13% 2 Besuen ion 102 58 re era, 0s = iam Moyer, reman 1200 00 scellaneous .... 68 34 26—D. P. Woodring ................ Worth Twp. WD, trier YY 29 ILI Toso Joeman i a TT eee Hl ia De. 194 8&7 10280 84 | Haines T : 8 2k Rosalie Yearick, Clerk of Co. Sow $ 5546 47 $ 18738 69 Eloward Twp. — 197 5 19% 2 900 00 ee a 0] 1104 John “rinichinder eseuivs 40 00 Jury Commissioners Account = Miles Twp. 11 04 ‘ 3 STATEMEN Rush 4 14 LL Smith, Co. Firess 2000 0 | 5. & el Se Te TENT OF TAXES OUTSTANDING on the DUPLICATE for the YEAR 1927 on Twp. gl 1% Arthur C. Dale, Co. 1i re enpestsubaRbAT SA sti esti tba spsvarsbebensaknss $ 15510 5 Spring TWD. wooo “ 13 82 BU, Don. C3, lor a0 He" meaniy Selvites andl Mile : | [Amount due Jan. 3 Amount due 3 Bl oD. | ns 2 5 mest | 3 BFE ou 149 70 fit 1928, including 5 Amount due Jan. 7 Union Twp. ” 5 5 —— £ 85 : $ 14930 00 | Rachae ert, Clsthiere || 10800 District | Collector et ven; 233d Worth Twa 2 391 53 5 | — tami . 4 Tourt House Expense Account § 41280 | County State | County | State nn salls | Fuel i Sinki Bellefonte Boro. "0864 28/8 34 16S i '$ 1139 428 18 00 ‘ ‘West Penn Power Co. i a 3 ag Fuad Accoun; Centre Hall Boro 3 86789. 2 yume Water Rent ... ve 260 72 Amount Deposited in Siking * | Howard Boro. Telephone .... a Fund m———— | 2200' 00 Mileshure Lo SCHOOL, SEATED oncrete Wor eim Boro. Gaines Paint, Oil and Painting Supplies” 155 0 Miscellaneous Account Philipsburg Boro. ..... Delmas BUY: | wee ——— -1¥..18 1310 Plumbing and Supplies ............ $71.18 | BXpress, Freight, Drayage snd Snow Shoe Boro. ....... S. Philipsburg Boro. mmm: I 63 04 Building Supplies and Repair PORARE. sins mon ig smd -$ 23850 | 8, Philipsburg Boro. J. 334 BOVE: Sane ore 164 70 01 Work 757 08 Disinecting Barns, T. B. Test ... 213 25 | State College Boro. .. 272 46 Port Matilda Boro. 85 387 20 Widening Street, Philipsburg ... 116 75 | Unionville Boro. .. 315 Benner Twp. : , 18 18 38 Mrs. Charlotte Witmer ............... 700 00 | Port Matilda Boro. 9 48 Boge TWD. 164 164 70 Tontors Supplies ............. 374 66 | Mrs. H. E. Acker, C. S. Haines .. 316 70 | Benner Twp. .......... Paul M, Eckley .. 1319 29... COIR Tor terrier 333 333 73 Repairs to Office Machines ..... 117 30 State Convention Twp. Supervis- Boggs Twp. .... - 15 54 LR Mh . . 67 67 70 C1eANING RUES weoeeemeeeemeeeeeeooseeesrorine 135 9¢ OPE erties itd pb irsanirtrrerneriyeed 150 31 | Burnside Twp. wid 8 82 Gregg Twp ET ner 20 90 72 ‘Repairing Se Derelire System. 290 30 | School Directors Convention .. 79 38 | College Twp. | J 11 60 Haines Twp. 63 63 51 Clock Repair work = 98 Bo | Commissioners Convention, D: Curtin Twp. .. : 551 60 45 67 Howard T 2 2 84 Pry Goods ....... 84 91 | and Expenses ... 176 10 | Ferguson 2 | 16685 40 86 44 Huston Tr: i . 465 465 58 Laundry .. 18 68 | Centre Co. Agr. Assn, Gregg TWD. ..... : G 1104 85 39 06 MEE TD, dbs tt init 33 83 08 Furniture ......... 90 95 | and Supplies T. B. Test 282 53 | Haines Twp. ... .|Harry S. Warntz | 1058 83 127 Rush Twp. 1 17 48 Flectrical Supplies 210 72 Care of Willard Walker ... 165 53 | Half Moon Twp. .H. P. | 490 69 i 19 Snow Shoe Twp 17 17 34 ‘Hardware ............... 331 g7 Treasurers Costs, Land Sal 480 48 | Harris Twp. ... George E. Meyer . 1310 49 41 01 SPPINE TWD, cn 55 55 82 Office Supplies .... 202 22 , C. F. Cook, Auditing Accts. Howard : . Blair M. Pletcher = 55 Taylor Twp. I 14 44 Drayage and Freight . : 113 51 | corder, Register and Proth. ... . 75 00 | Huston Twp. . . H K. M U Twp. e 151 151 ‘Miscellaneous 115 63 Roy Wilkinson z 97 | Liberty Twp 0. J 's tt 50 . ny Naner Twp 173 173 4 eesssesareserancasanermaseattasasarens Ss. C. Herr, Proth,, I Filir aes oe Mari 3 ¥ . . assessessrasrentnnse a tessssemmneecsSennetnaneneieasesensetesacrettatansassannsasies 5 . $ 10799 52 | otc. i 101 90 | Hoes Tp Sa 305 1a 34 8 oii = & 1 Guarding Joe Strecak at Hos- Patton Twp. T. M. 933 72 : County Auditors Account rl Hal voverienimassiies oven - 80 00 | Penn Twp. ... -W. T. 770 42| 88 07 -_ etree eree 3 3508. 01 $ 90008 4748 22m RI E. Musser, Services and Mile- ypewriter Repairs .........cu...... 20 50 { Potter ey We J 1786 29 25 68 - EE os 338 00 Les Mayes, Services at Land mom 5 ush T op. eaenirerssresanes 5 & 1431 66 4 04 BOROUGH, SEATED Samuel B. Holter, Services and Burial of Keefer Kline ....... 97 50 | Spring TWD. on D. A. McDo 4 ai Bellefonte BOO. orien Ads eage 320 84 well 1938 82 8 45 [8 3 o. 7 :*Hiover, Services and Sie: , Lioyd Stover, Recording Mort- SEYior Tw. a R. C. English he 67 09 Muiegbure wo tet ert ream 31 a it Setvameevirermmrys aries on S. DS OTOL eerrsssssirssssinmmm mrss sssitoestonds a EAA SABA SEARS SAS IARA ARR SOY 327 44 Miscellaneous . Rh 5 Walker TWD. |W. rE Du a S—— - 335 79 20 78 Snow Shoe Bo Ih awsasuthaunsnssimsesstemunst uasutteas a sami sae n 89 nkle ..... TS 40... Port Matilda —| 88 88 TY ; 5 a > P. Woodring ..| 27363) 4 00| un 1 's 32258 028 891 27 $ 15860 628 320 64 $ 2887... nner $298 57 Statement Concluded on bottom of page 7 columns 1 and 2