Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 26, 1929, Image 4
Bellefonte, Pa., April 26, 1929. P. GRAY MEEK, = - Editer To Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50 Paid before expiration of year - 1.75 Paid after expiration of year - 200 Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the paper In all such cases the sub- " scription must be paid up to date of can- ; cellation. . A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. discontinued. FIFTY YEARS AGO IN CENTRE COUNTY. Items from the Watchman « April 25, 1879. issue of Miss Annie McAffrey will open a subscription school on Monday, May 5. Terms 75 cents a month. Miss Annie is an excellent teacher and will do her best to instruct her pupils. An Old Landmark Gone—The tear- ing down of the substantial old stone office on High street, next door to the residence of Judge Irvin (the present Y. M. C. A. building—Ed) for the purpose of erecting a new building on that site has removed one of the old- "est landmarks in Bellefonte. It was built by Judge Huston in 1806. While excavating for the foundation of the new building, so soon to take the place of its ancient predecessor, work- men came across the remains of an ancient charcoal pit that must have been used as far back as the year 1800, if not before, and it is supposed that the wood with which it was fed was cut from the lot just behind it. Think of what Bellefonte, now so handsome and stately, must have looked like when charcoal pits were burning on High street. Railroad Meeting at Hublersburg— According to previous notice a good- ly number of citizens of Walker town- ship met at Hublersburg and organiz- ed by electing Henry McEwen, prepi- dent; Anthony Carner, vice president and B. F. Schaffer, secretary. After considerable discussion of the move- ment to build a railroad through the valley a committee was appointed to arrange another meeting to be held at Hublersburg on May 3 when it will . be arranged to have some of the capitalists interested in the enterprise - present. The committee included STINE.—William Stine, a native of Buffalo Run valley, Centre county, died at his home in Johnsonburg on Sunday morning as the result of a general breakdown owing to his ad- vanced age. He was a son of Jonas and Eliza- beth Stine and was born in Buffalo Run valley on September 16th, 1842, hence was in his 87th year. As a young man he engaged in farming in Buffalo Run and Halfmoon valleys and later became a huckster in farm produce, buying from the farmers and marketing his produce in the Philipsburg region. Later he took charge of a hotel in Philipsburg, where he remained a number of years and thirty-six years ago moved to Johnsonburg where he became an em- ‘ployee at the paper mill of the New i York and Pennsylvania company, ' where he worked until advancing age compelled his retirement. As a young man he married Miss Amelia Quigley, who passed away ' some years ago but surviving him |are three daughters, Mrs. P. A. Ham- by, of Davis, W. Va.; Mrs. J. H. Gar- rity, of DuBois, and Mrs. J. M. Det- wiler, of Johnsonburg. He also leaves : the following brothers and sisters: George and John Stine, of Mattern- ville, Centre county; Jonas, of State College; Mrs. G. H. Gates, of Altoona; Mrs. Arthur C. Thomas, of Waddle; Mrs. Sarah Hoy, of State College; i ship, and Mrs. Catherine Sellers, of | Dungarvin. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church, at Johnsonburg, on Wednesday afternoon, by Rev. W. O. Calhoun, burial being made in the Wardvale cemetery, at that place. i I PARSONS.—Mrs. Sarah Parsons, | widow of Shadrack Parsons, passed away at her home at Unionville, on Friday of last week, as the result of injuries sustained in a fall a week previous. She was a daughter of Wilson and Martha Irwin and was born on the farm, on Dix Run, on October 3rd, 1854, hence was in her 75th year. When but nineteen years old she mar- ried Shadrack Parsons, of Union township, and all their married life was spent on the Parson’s home farm with the exception of three years, when they lived on the Gate's farm, on Dix Run. She was a member of the Methodist church at Unionville and a most excellent woman in every way. ; Mr. Parsons died on March 30th, 1928, but surviving her are seven children, Ellery L. Parsons, of Penn- sylvania Furnace; Howard W., of Vandergrift; Gilbert W., Jesse I. Messrs. Henry Brown, Ambrose Mc- | Mullen, Hon. John Divin, B. F. Schaf- | fer, John H. Beck, Michael Shaffer, | John Zimmerman, Samuel Decker, ! Jacob Dunkle and Solomon Peck. This was to have been the Nittany and Sugar Valley Railroad, but it was " never built—Ed. : A telephone is to be put up from ' ‘the office of the prothonotary in the court house to the jail. This will save considerable tramping to and fro. Jack Spangler, George Barrett, Cal Harper and Will Reber went to Washington on Monday last having been sent for in haste by Mr. Hayes. He wants their opinion as to the propriety of vetoing or signing the army bill. Mr. Thad Longwell has succeeded Ed Speer in the telegraph office here. In the annual performance of the Centre Minstrels to be given in Rey- nolds’ opera house, next Tuesday - night, for the benefit of the Belle- fonte “Mountain City Band” the fol- lowing popular local thespians will appear: Al Baney, Matt Dolan, Al B. Haupt, C. R. Nolan, Frank Baney and F. J. Newell, S. W. Dawson and T. H. Ryan. All the hotel licenses in Bellefonte expired at 12 o'clock noon, on Wed- nesday last, and from that time until the licenses are granted next week no bitters was or will be sold. Potters Bank had a fire on Monday morning last, in which the store of William B. Thompson was totally destroyed. Mr. Thompson, himself, barely escaped with a whole hide. it occurred about ome o’clock in the morning. The social hop in Bush’s hall on Friday night seems to have passed off in good style. Everybody was agree- able to everybody else. The two mile walking match was won by “Doc” McAllister. Prize $2.00. Time 12:50. tee een fp eee mms. ——The Bellefonte Academy stu- dents are putting in hours of hard practice on their forthcoming play, “a Womanless Wedding.” Ordinarily + anything of importance is always supposed to have a woman in it in some way, and especially, weddings, but the boys on the hill are going to demonstrate to the people of Belle- fonte on the evenings of May 15th and 16th, that there is at least a lot of fun and delightful entertainment in “A Womanless Wedding.” ——Among the unusual attractions booked for an early showing at the Cathaum theatre, State College, are Fred Waring’s Pennsylvanians in “Syncopation,” a picture of metropol- itan night life and Jeanne Eagles, the notable stage star, in “The Letter,” a screen adaptation of W. Somerset Maugham’s sesational drama. | sister, Mrs. Viola Lannen and Everett L., Parsons, all of Fleming, and Mrs. | Margaret Reed, of Pennsylvania Furnace. She also leaves fifteen grand-children, two brothers and one Jesse Irwin, of Fleming; Thomas, of Woodland, and Mrs. Vinie Peters, of Altoona. Revs. M. C. Pifer and C. M. Rishel ' had charge of the funeral services which were held at 10 o'clock on! Monday morning, burial being made in the Dix Run cemetery. | e 2 of | KERSTETTER.—John H. Kerstet- ' ter, a well known resident of Penn | township, died on Monday at his | home near Coburn as the result of | complications, aged 81 - years, 7 | months and 28 days. He was a car- | penter by occupation and for a num- | ber of years was employed in the in- dustrial department, at State College. He was twice married and is surviv- ing by his second wife, whose maiden ame was Miss Alice Cable, and the following children by his first wife: Maud Smith, of Philadelphia; Lloyd Kerstetter, of Reedsville; Mrs. Daisy Taylor, of Philadelphia, and Robert, of Milroy. He also leaves an adopt- ren. Funeral services were held in the Millheim Evangelical church, yes- terday afternoon, by Rev. H. C. Klef- fel, burial being made in the Millheim cemetery. I ll BIBLE.—Harry E. Bible, a native of Centre county, died at his home in Altoona, on Monday, following a brief illness with pneumonia. He was a son of Jonas and Alice Bible and was born at Potters Mills on May 28th, 1879, hence was almost fifty years old. He had lived in Al- toona a number of years and was manager of one of the A & P stores in that city. He married Miss Bertha Bubb who survives with his mother and two sisters, Mrs. Clark, Stover, of Madisonburg, and Mrs. Alice Hen- nigh, of Potters Mills. Funeral services will be held at his late home in Altoona this morning, after which the remains will be taken to Millheim for burial. i Il FOUTZ.—Mrs. Dora May Foutz, wife of M. R. Foutz, died at her home at Bellwood, on Saturday, following a long illness. She was a daughter of M. G. and Ellen Wolf Royer and was born in Pennsvalley, Centre county, on June 17th, 1869. When a young girl her parents moved to Johnstown where she married Mr. Foutz in 1896. Practically all her married life was spent at Bellwood. Her survivors include her husband and one daugher, Miss Mildred, a teacher in the Bellwood schools, as well as a number of relatives in Cen- tre county. Burial was made in the Logan Valley cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. D. R. Thomas, of Patton town: | Joseph Brenner, Mrs. Mable Boyer, of Sunbury; Mrs. | ed son, H. C. Cable, thirteen grand- | tunity to consult Mrs. England, at | children and five great grand-child- |Our show rooms, this week and next, GRAZIER.—MTrs. Rachel Meek Grazier, wife of Guy Grazier, of Ak- ron, Ohio, died at the Altoona hospi- tal, on Friday morning, of a compli- cation of diseases. She had gone to Bellwood, the latter part of March, to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. G. C. Kustaborder, was taken ill and removed to the Altoona hospital. She was a daughter of David H. and Anna Mary Meek and was born at Pine Grove Mills on June 13th, 1873, hence was in her 56th year. As a young woman she married Mr. Grazier and they lived at Bellwood and Juniata until about ten years ago when they moved to Akron, Ohio, where Mr. Grazier is a contract carpenter. In addition to her hus- band she is survived by four sons and one daughter, David, Henry, Walter ‘and Dennis Grazier, all of Akron, and Mrs. Monroe Miller, of Beckley,” W. | Va. She also leaves her parents and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Orlando Taylor, of Warriors- "mark; Mrs. George Hynick, Mrs. Wil- liam J. Cherry and Edgar M. Meek, of East Juniata, and Roy 8S. of Kansas City, Mo. During her residence at Bellwood she became a member of the Logan Valley Baptist church and funeral services were held in that church at : 1:30 o'clock on Monday afternoon, burial being made in the Logan vai- ley cemetery. 1 COWHER ~iGerald Edward Cow- | her, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowher, passed away on Monday af- ternoon following one week's illness. He was seven years old at Christmas time and early last week developed a severe case of influenza. Inside of forty-eight hours he lapsed into un- consciousness and remained in that condition until he passed away. In survive. Funeral services were held at the family home, on Logan street, noon, by Rev. Homer C. Knox, burial being made in the Union cemetery. Il NIEARTS Deemer Nihart, a na- tive of Harris township, died at his home at Dover, Minn. last Friday, following a brief illness, aged 30 years. He went west when only six= teen years old and engaged in farm- ing and stock raising, in which he was quite successful. He is survived by his wife and one daughter; his father, step-mother and a number of half brothers and sisters. The re- mains were brought east and taken to Lock Haven where funeral ser- ‘vices were held on Tuesday after- | noon, burial being made in Cedar Hill | cemetery. Brenner—Eberhart.—A wedding of interest to Bellefonte people was that on Wednesday morning, of this week, | at Washington, D. C., of Miss Ruby Belle Eberhart, daughter of J. Harry | Eberhart, of Bellefonte, and Clarence : a newspaper man | of Washington. The ceremony was ! performed by Father Fink, while the | attendants were Patrick Ganey and Miss Helen Eberhart, sister of the | bride. The bride is a graduate nurse | of the Punxsutawney hospital and | has been located in Washington for | five or six years. | — Rider—Johnston.—Elmet Rider, of | Gatesburg, and Miss Ethel Mae John- ston, daughter of Mrs. Martha Johnston, of Marengo, were married | at the Lutheran parsonage, at Pine Grove Mills, on Wednesday of last week, by the pastor, Rev. J. S. Eng- lish. Witnesses to the wedding were the bride’s grandfather and grand- mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Strayer, | of Marengo. The young couple will | live at Gatesburg. ——You are missing a treat if you fail to take advantage of the oppor- on your cooking problems. Consulta- | tions all day and special baking at | 2:30 daily.—Central Penna. Gas Co. | 17-1t —— Charles McCurdy Scott made a | flight to New York in an airplane, last | Saturday morning, returning home | by train on Sunday morning. The flight was made with a pilot friend of the young banker, and the latter is now able to sympathize with Will Rogers over his attack of mal de air when he flew over the Pennsylvania mountains, as the flight for most of the distance from Bellefonte to New York, on Saturday, was much like a ride in one of the old-time automo- biles over a road filled with thank- emams and hog wallows, according to Mr. Scott. ——On Tuesday evening one hun- dred Bellefonte boys and girls gath- ered at the Y. M. C. A. to see pic- tures and hear the many enticing features of Camp Cedar Pines as ex- plained by Mr. Balser, secretary of the New York Central Y. M. C. A., at Jersey Shore, who had charge of the camp last summer. Following Mr. Balser’s talk and display of pic- tures refreshments were served. ——The man McCracken who rob- bed the Elks home here about a year ago was brought up from Philadel- phia, on Tuesday, by Sheriff Dunlap and is now in the Centre county jail awaiting trial for his crime here. The sheriff met him as he was released from the eastern penitentiary where he had been serving time for robbing the Elk and Moose clubs in Williams- port. : addition to the parents two sisters | at two o'clock on Wednesday after- | SPONSOR FOR GAS CO. VISITS BELLEFONTE PLANT. A prominent visitor to Bellefonte last week was Joseph Swain Jr, member of the firm of Baker, Young and Co., who in turn are the real sponsors of the Central Pennsylvania Gas company. The purpose of Mr. Swain’s visit te Bellefonte was to inspect the present offices and now completed plant of the Gas company, which he had not had the opportunity of doing since the early stages of its construction. He expressed himself as more than pleased with the tremendous sales strides which have been made since gas was turned on in December, and with the large number of consumers already on the lines in this relatively short time. Sale of gas, sales of ap- pliances, and number of meters act- ually installed are all running sub- pectus. Among other successful util- ity companies who owe their sponsor- stantially ahead of the original pros: ship to Baker, Young and Co., are the Republic Service corporation, op- erating in Pennsylvania and Virginia, and the New England Power associa- tion, the latter one of the most suc- cessful and largest public utility com- panies in the East. eee ee ep eee. Notwithstanding the fact that the temperature, last week, touched the freezing point, a few farmers and fruit growers in Centre county who have examined their early blossom- ing trees express the belief that they have been damaged very little, if any, by the cold weather. And in the very nature of things this is the year for a good crop, especiallv of the smaller fruits, as the yield last year was small. ——Whether contemplating the purchase of an automatic refrigera- tor or not, you owe it to yourself to see the performances of Electrolux, the gas refrigerator, more wonderful ‘than Robot, the mechanical man. At ‘our show rooms daily.—Central | Penna. Gas Co. 17-1t | Rhodendron and laurel can’t be grown succesfully on lawns unless ‘the soil in which they are planted is highly acid. To secure the proper {acidity of soil for home culture of | these broad-leaved evergreen shrubs "use one-haf pound of crude aluminum ‘sulphate per square yard of surface occupied. Merely mix it well with the top soil. ——Starting Thursday afternoon, May 2, all stores in Bellefonte will be closed Thursday afternoons during months of May, June, July, August and September. 74-16-2t for you. food. hy ! cooking means : no flame or fumes thes You feel secure — even when you y are far away from the stove—when you cook electrically. child’s mischievous hand does turn the switch? — no harm is done. There are no fumes — no open flame — no worry about the fuel you are using. And as for the pos- bility of scorched foods, you know the heat regulator is watching out Women who use electric ranges | say that one of the things they like best about them is the relief they give from constant worry. For they not only safeguard the family; but | they are remarkably careful of The electric oven, itself, will take the responsibility for seeing that everything is perfectly cooked. You WEST PENN POWER CO ——Having completed fifty-four years service with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., R. B. Freeman will re- tire on May 1st. Officers of the com- pany will tender him a compliment- ary dinner, at the Bellevue-Stratford hotel, in Philadelphia, tomorrow even- ing at six o'clock. During the last few years Mr. Freeman has been in service at the Broad St. station, Phil- adelphia, but will be remembered by friends in this section as train dis- patcher of the Tyrone division and located at. Tyrone. IN THE CHURCHES ON SUNDAY. ‘ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 A. M. Bible School 10:45 A M. Morning service; Sermon: “The Testing Of Our Religion.” 7:30 P. M. Vesper service; Sermon: “Putting The Golden Rule To Work.” Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor. ——Starting Thursday afternoon, May 2, all stores in Bellefonte will be closed Thursday afternoons during months of May, June, July, August and September. 74-16-2t LY Woe WH fe _S Ds An All Talking Dramatic Thunderbolt / w THE LETTER | a Garamount ALL-TALKING Gicture Tee Monday and Tuesday STATE COLLEGE Apr. 29-30 | Matinee Daily at 1:30 < BELLEFONTE COOKS ELECTRICALLY 2 « + « here is why! What if a family. can be shopping or visiting or doing household tasks while the meal is bh cooking. You do not have to baste, or taste, or turn the food while it cooks in the oven. everything will be done to a turn and ready to delight your hungry Come in and let us tell you how easy it is to own an electric range + + « how much worry and work it will save you. In addition, actual tests prove that you save about 20% on food shrinkage when you cook in an electric oven. Cook elec= trically for economy. pres rm I By mealtime,