Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 26, 1929, Image 2
Beran — Bellefonte, Pa., April 28, 1929. ee] SPIRIT AND BODY. Said the Spirit to the Body: Come, let us go adventuring! There are mountains to be climbed, There are rivers to be crossed, On the lakes the winds are blowing, Our boat we should be rowing, Where the white capped waves are wildly tossed. Said the Body to the Spirit: Let us sit beside the fire, Underneath the whispering pine trees let us rest. For the afternoon is waning, The evening shadows gaining, > And the sun will soon be sinking in the west. Said the Spirit to the Body: Let us go a wand’ring, I have heard of a lovely canyon, far away. Grim, the mountains circle ’round it, Few, the travelers who have found it, For it lies beyond the desert, sad and gray. Said the Body to the Spirit It is better to be resting, In our peaceful, quiet home, Than on dusty deserts trudging— That yield their secrets grudging— Or climbing mountains to their icy dome. Said the Spirit to the Body: Let us go a treking To the tundras of the north. Where the wild geese are resting, Where the swan and loon are nesting, And caribou and reindeer forage forth. Said the Body to the Spirit: Oh, thou ever restless dreamer, I cannot venture with you For I'm growing old and weary And the prospect’s ever dreary When I think of things that we were wont to do Soon our partnership we’ll sever I'll not hold you back forever Then you can see the great adventure through. Into endless miles of space Your unfettered wings can race, Like light from star to star But as you joyous go forget not me, I pray, Just give some kindly thought ~ To the one who with you wrought And shall, then, be naught but clay. —By Will Truckenmiller. — er e——————— ON THE DOTTED LINE. (Continued from last week.) He was right. It could not £0 on. Fay’s tight- lipped gray-haired house- keeper enlightened him. The house- keeper whose fifty-odd years had taught her the wisdom of minding her own business but who broke such personal rules for Michael. There was something about him that made her think of a beloved son whose golden eyes had been dimmed in the now almost forgotten World War. “I hope you won't think I'm fresh. Mr. Michael. But it’s because—well, you remind me of someone, someone who was very dear to me, that I'm telling you all this! And she told him. Told him full details concerning the forthcoming elopement between Fay Waring Ben- nett and the prince who was visiling Hollywood. She claims, as she spoke, those golden lights in Michael's eyes turned black. She also says he did not utter one astonished word, but quietly thanked her for her kindness, and then walked out into the marvel- ous California sunlight. He hiked and hiked, unconscious of the passing hours. Horrible thoughts raced through his brain. He would kill Fay. He would murder the prince. He would—And suddenly he found himself back in his hotel suite. A telegram was handed to him. It was from the head of the life insur- ance company. Dully he read the black words: Am Waiting for Those California Policies California policies. He aloud—wild, hysterical laughter. Well, he would now return to New York. A failure in every way. A man who could not get the woman he lov- ed. A man who could not even insure one person for a meager five thou- sand dollars. He stopped short in his ravings. The great idea had dawned upon him. Fav was a double-crosser. Why not make use of her and secure a life in- surance policy. Such an action would not harm the woman. It was merely a good way for her to save money, and it might reestablish him with his by now infuriated employer. One huge policy was worth more than all the other fellows‘ conscientious striv- ing for small amounts. In this man- ner he could turn the tables on Fay and never let her know just how bad- ly she had hurt him. So, with his heart nearly bursting with emotion, laughed he joined Fay and the prince at din- : ner. Michael cleverly played his hand. He worked on a certain well-known theory. What women cannot have they usually want, specially women like Fay. He showed her the tele- gram. “I ecrtainly have not done any buisness,” he explained, trying his best to look shamefaced. It’s fortun- -ate they would never give you a po- licy, or I should have become a pest.” * “Why can’t I get a policy ?” she de- manded, her eyes flashing indignant- ly. “Moral clause. This company is very particular about whom they in- sure. They carefully investigate each applicant’s reputation.” “Reputation? I like that!” Now she was furious. “And pray tell me, Mr. Smart Aleck, what's wrong with my morals?" “Nothing that I know of,” he quick to reply. “But the Com would be sure to count up all those past. husbands.” “ Well, I divorced them, didn’t I? You just make out a policy for me, and I dare anyone to refuse !” That started a heated discussion. was pany. Seemingly reluctant, he allowed Fay to win. Within two weeks she pos- sessed a five-hundred-thousand-dollar policy, and Michael, plus his liberal commission, departed for New York, pausing for only a few moments to leave with the prince two telling American souvenirs called black eyes. Somehow he could not say a final good-by to Fay. He loved her, and the wound cut deep. It really is no wonder Bud Nixon seemed surprised when he rushed for- ward to greet Michael at the station. For Michael laughed.- A bitter laugh. “I've earned that first dollar, Bud he cried. “And I wish to heaven I had missed the thrill !” You probably have heard rumors concerning the rest of Michael's start- ling achievements. How during the short space of one year he wrote 10re insurance policies than anyone connected with his organization. The policies were for fabulous sums, and they said all his accounts were wo- men. That was why his actions seem- ed so shameful. He would rush a girl, make love to her, persuade her to take out an insurance policy and when he had pocketed the check for the first premium, he was on the next victim, or client, or customer, or whatever you choose to call her. He never failed to write a policy— this trait winning the admiration of all the men at the insurance office, who gathered around his desk each day in order to see what new business he had conquered. It was his phe- nomenal ability of invariably urging the lady to sign on the dotted line that caused the envious office wit to dub him, “Insure Mike.” The nick- name spread like wild-fire. He be- came ‘Insure Mike” to both friends and enemies. Most of his actions were inexcus- able. The sister episode being about the worst. It might never have been considered so terrible if he had not * gone around saying his pet abomin%- tion was sister teams, and then after the affair, or rather affairs, were ov- er, he should not have insisted upon asking people a question that sound- ed like, “What is worse than two sis- ters?” and when the puzzled listener inquired, “What ?” it was dreadful of Michael to go off into wild paroxysms of laughter and answer, “Three sis- ters!” : No one understood his nonsensical joke, outside of those who knew about the Sweet sister incident, but of course there were plenty of ped ple who chanced to be well acquaint- ed with those facts. . To do Michael justice, it must be admitted that he first took Ardele Sweet out because she was a superb dancer. And to him dancing was a thing apart. As for her mentality, he rated Ardele with a huge zero. Ardele Sweet, who performed with her twin sister Jessica in “The Friv- olities” Ardele, whom men usually courted in preference to Jessica. Michael escorted the prettier twin on the rounds of the night clubs, and before Ardele, whose feet moved fast while her brain virtually stood still, could quite realize what had trans- pired, she had allowed Michael to write her a policy for twenty-five thousand dollars. Ardele had been so easy that Mi- chael could not resist thinking of her twin. With him thoughts meant ac- tion, so pretty soon it was Jessica who became his partner on those night club dance floors. A thrilled and flattered Jessica, for it was the first time in her entire career that she won a man away from her sis- ter. Jessica took out a forty-thou- sand-dollar policy. This much can be said in defense of Michael's behavior. He honestly did not know there was a third sister. He meant to telephone Jessica. A strange voice informed him that the twins were out. “And who are you?” ventured Mi- chael. “Their younger sister.” Needless to add that he nade a date with her. In a way he was dis- appointed. The younger sister was not a good dancer. Yet, she had blue eyes and red hair. Besides, her figure was a cute one, and she let him in- sure her life for the family record- breaking sum of fifty-thousand dol- lars. Lucky for the Sweets that their mother had no more daughters. It is difficult to say how long such matters would have continued to shock the minds and pocketbooks of decent people, had not Bud Nixon put a stop to the whole business. At the time he remained totally unaware that he played savior to the bank- accounts of America’s pretty ladies. He only knew he invited Michael to a dinner-party. “An important client of mine is having some guests. I promised I'd drag another man along. You would be doing me a great favor to oblige.” i i portant client's living-room, he for- got about the pretty brunette, about Bud's qualifications as a pal, about the insurance business, and for the first time in many months he also for- got a little blond lady with purring manners and a voice like silvery bells. All Michael could see was a girl, so clean-cut, so refreshing, that he lost his poise and barely stammered through the formal banalities of in- troduction. She wore a plain black velvet din- ner gown. It had no adornments whatsoever, and its very simplicity emphasized her slim figure and smooth skin. There was something quite cool about that skin; it seem- ed so white. Her regal little head reached past Michael's shoulders. She was very tall. Her thick straight black hair was combed in a low coil that rested on her slender neck. She had a determined-looking chin. Her mouth was a trifle too large. A gen- erous mouth, thought Michael. Her nose was straight, Grecian. And when you glanced into her brown eyes, you knew that here was some- one who always would give a square deal. “Your name should be Diana—or Joan of Arc,” he said, and then grin- ned with embarrassment, for Michael suddenly remembered that during the exciting tumult of introductions he had missed her name entirely. “It’s Carlyn—Carlyn Dane.” Here was no deadly sweet sounds. ‘Her voice was low—husky tones that held him enthralled. “What do you do?” he asked, and subsequently wanted to kick himself. His brain stood still, he could think -of nothing to say. “I try to write——" A burst of loud laughter, of blaring jazz music, of shrieking voices rais- ed in conversation, drowned the rest of her reply. They were quickly ushered to din- ner, and Michael was abruptly icited ‘back to earth. He sat at the Dane girl's left, an elderly man was seat- ed by her right. He graduaily began to notice that all her attention was centered upon the old compaxion. A little beast started to prowl around Michael's brain. A beast, born on the day Fay Waring Bennett’s house- keeper spoke her mind. The beast talked a great deal to the mental Mi- chael. “Don’t let her fnol you. She's false like all the rest. Remember how Bud introduced you, ‘Just a working friend of mine!” She doesn’t know who you are, and she’s sure the old man has money. Don’t get hurt again, Michael, my boy. Just watch!” He watched. It was a revelation. The way this writer girl played up to her ancient dinner partner. The old man talked fast and often. Every minute he leaned close to Carlyn, patted her hand, and wag- gishly instructed her to call him by his first name. He told her lots of other data. Facts that Michael could not help overhearing. “I'm. the greeting-card king of America.” - The man was actually serious. Michael groaned. The Dane girl seemed so interested. “Yeh. I commenced on nothing, absolutely nothing. Wrote most of the verses for the greeting-cards, my- self. Remind me to send you a few of the best sellers. Now I have so much money I don’t know what to do with it ali. You know, I'm a widow- er.” He winked rougishly, and be- came very coy. “Yes, I'm looking for a young wife. Someone I could show off. Someone like you, who's got class!” Michael could hardly believe his eyes. The Dane girl seemed all at- tention. He shuddered. Then she was just like Fay. “Sisters under the skin game,” ne muttered. The monotonous rhythm of the old man’s voice once more broke through his thoughts: “I have one hobby—collecting wild flowers. Yes, I love them. No, I don’t dance, I was hurt several years ago in a taxi accident. It’s difficult for me to get around. I limp a lit- tle; not much, you really can’t no- tice it. I have two cars. I wish you would let me place one at your dis- Michael rudely turned his back up- on the Dane girl. He could not listen to another word. Later, he discov- ered that he also could not get her out of his thoughts. It was dreadful —to know all women were false, in- cluding lady authors. A week went by. A week of try- ing to forget the brown eyes of Carlyn Dane, her white skin, her smooth black hair, that husky voice. A week of idle loafing and of being kidded by the boys in the office be- cause he failed to bring in more poli- cies. “What the matter, ‘Insure Mike’? Is the new lady a tough proposi- “Who's going to be there?” asked tion 2” Michael. “Oh, probably a few customers of to arrive at a dreadful ‘my client. He’s in the novelty busi- ; golly, ian idiot out of him, | thoughts, when she Must you : like all the rest. Cet away from darling. He would fix her. ness.” “Any insurance people ?”’ { “No, I should say not. always talk shop? that terrible business for a change ! | I have no intention of telling them your trade.” And Budd laughed. “To think I have lived to see the day when I must advise Michael Phillips to stay away from work.” ‘Cll come, and I won't talk insur- ance, but I hope no other agents are there, It's a funny business, you nev- er can tell who is in the game. When is the old dinner, anyway ?” he add- ed, as an afterthought. “There's the rub. It’s tonight. Yes, +I know, a last-minute invitation, but really, he is one of my important clients.” So Michael broke an appointment with a beautiful prospect and went ‘to dinner. As he drove towards his destination, martyr-like thoughts ran him, spoiling his evening just to please Bud. That little brunette would surely have come across with a fat policy too. But Bud was a good pal, and with one of those I'min-for-it this-time sighs Michael paid off his taxi-driver. However, when he entered the im- through: his head. Pretty decent of Their continuous teasing forced him decision. By no woman was going to make taking up his was two-faced, Just an old man’s Yes, he would. Let that antique millionaire buy her some insurance as well as a limousine. He telephoned Bud Nixon. “Would you ask the one client to let you have the Dane girl's telephone number ?” : Bud, always agreeable, obtained the desired information. Afterwards, | when he talked to Michael, the lat- ter should have known. Bud was | laughing. “I hope. you're. not going to try to insure this lady,” he said. ; “Of course I am! You don't sup- pose I want to see any woman social- I » i Y ewe, if you can insure her, you're | the best agent in the world!” And’ for some unknown reason Bud hung | up the receiver. - ‘ When Michael telephoned the Dane girl she seemed glad to hear his voice, “Certainly, I'd love to talk to you. Why don’t you come up this even- ing?” So he went to visit Carlyn Dane, telling himself that he hated hey, and he was only out for business. She did not live in an elaborate apartment. There were no Fay-like dolls and fancy cushions. Just a snug place with chairs that were chairs, not decorations, and sofas that made you long to sink down, never wanting to rise again. It was odd, but Michael Philips, who had expressly come after an in- surance policy looked at Carlyn and completely forgot to talk business. Indeed, he scarcely said a word. He felt all hands and feet while he sat there, wondering how on earth one girl could be both entertaining and exquisite. Merely gazing at her, lis- tening to that voice of hers, made him feel peaceful, rested. For once in his life Michael did not even brag about himself: never mentioned his fortune, or the insurance pastime. It was at the very end of the even- ing that he clasped one of her cool hands within his own, and asked a question. A question which had been haunting him for a week: “Tell me, why did a girl like you bother with that old greeting-card fiend? Does money really mean so much ?” “Oh, wasn't he awful? But you see, I felt it my duty. After all, I work for my living, and he was a great prospect. It's good I can’t annoy you, ‘cause I gather you haven't any too much money!” And she smiled. ' “I don’t understand.” think. “It’s perfectly clear. I told you when we were first introduced. I try to write policies. I'm an insurance He could not agent. I—" Carlyn Dane never finished that sentence. Michael Phillips threw back his head and laughed. It was several minutes before he could tell her why. The boys at the office were gath- ered around “Insure Mike's” desk. They gazed at a new policy. They were too awed to sneak. At last one did break the silence. 'S too bad that kid's retiring, Yuh gotta hand it to him. I'd like to see my wife give me a policy. Fat chance, even if she had money. And on his honeymoon too. One hundred thousand dollars........ some bride. Jim- iny cricketts! And he don’t even need it. Well, them that has gets.” Of course the boys did not know that in exchange for Carlyn’s policy, Michael gave his wife one for five times that amount. Thus ended his business career. Perhaps you are wandering how I found out so much about Michael. Bud Nixon was his confidant, and Bud does happen to be one of my best friends, but that really is not all Michael's eyes, the lovely compli- ments he pays and the endearing way he says them. I did not obtain such facts from Bud. I must confess, T was one of the ladies whom Michael insured.”—Hearst’s International Cos- mopolitan. EXPOSES PRIVATE LIFE OF OYSTER. Since more oysters than human be- ings attend the dinners of the great, it has occurred to at least one scien- tist that the private life of these gen- tle creatures may be a matter of some public concern. In a somewhat formal expose of “The Private Life of the American Oyster,” Dr. P. S. Galtsoff of the bu- reau of fisheries credits the oyster with a sense of taste more refinéd in certain respects than that of its hu- man admirers. “It has been found,” he says “that the oyster reacts to the application of quinine and detects this substance in a concentration four times weaker than the minimum which can bé no- ticed as applied to the human tongue. “Apparently a well-developed sen- sitivity is a compensation which the oyster obtained for its loss of power of locomotion and absence of special organs of vision and hearing.” Its ability to protect itself from poison, he explains, has been measur- ed by putting different quantities of potassium salts and other chemicals in water where it was feeding. Efficient though they are, however, the oyster’s organs of sense are few, being confined to a double row of ten- tacles or feelers on the edge of each mantle, the soft layer of membrane which can be seen covering the crea- ture when it makes its appearance on the half shell. When the shell is open and the oys- ter is feeding, Doctor Galtsoff re- lates, the tentacles expand and stick out into the water, ready to contract at the first warning of danger through any mechanical disturbance or change in the intensity of illumi- nation of chemical conditions. As the tentacles draw in the man- tle contracts, the big muscle which holds the shells together closes them and the oyster may—if oysters can— revel in the sense of security which man enjoys when shut up in a warm, cheerful room on a stormy winter night. The oyster’s nervous system is a possession which might be envied by many a jump dinner guest. It Is so simple that, no matter what distress- ing occurrence is forced upon the oys- | ter’s attention, it always acts in the same way, shutting out trouble by closing up the shell and letting’ the rest of the world bo gy....... ——————r ———————— MOST COSTLY GRANGE HALL EVER BUILT. What is probably the most expen- sive Grange hall ever built in the United States, to be used exclusively for Grange purposes, has just been dedicated at Lakewood, Colorado. It cost’ $85,000 and is equipped with ev- ery modern convenience and with up- to date furnishings. ‘ Besides meeting all Grange needs, it will be made a genuine community center, and under. Grange leadership many welfare projects will be under- taken. In this expectation a gener- ous public response backed up the Grange building effort’ and the fine new hall was dedicated almost clear of debt. EYNON STRESSES VALUE OF “STOP” SIGNS ON STATE ROAD. One of the curious things about motor law enforcement is that before a proposed regulation is enacted into law, there are always hundreds of people clamoring for its adoption, and immediately it becomes a statute, they and everybody else interested with the possible exception of the en- forcement authorities, forget all about it. Prior to the enactment of 1927 of the Pennsylvania vehicle code, there was considerable agitation, newspa- per comment and comparison of our so-called “antiquated methods” with those of other States all bearing upon the question of establishing “Thru Traffic” highways, or as they are commonly called, “Boulevard Stops.” This was hailed as a inodern neces- sity in highway traffic regulation and the proponents of the measure not only claimed that it would speed up traffic on our arterial highways, and streets, but reduce accidents at inter- sections to an appreciable degree. Therefore, the Pennsylvanit vehicle code, when present:d to the Legisla- ture, carried a provision of this kind, permitting the Department of High- ways to designate certain routes as “Thru Traffic’ highways, and delegat- ed the same power to local authori- ties in cities of the first, second and third class. The Highway Department has dene this, and many cities have taken ad- vantage of the provision, and un- doubtedly the measure has to some ex- tent, accomplished what was claimed for it. That the results are not more no- ticezble, is due primarily to two causes. First, there seems to be lit- tle or no disposition on the part of the motoring public to observe the “Stop” signs and to come to a full stop before attempting to enter or cross a “Thru Highway.” It is a curi- ous trait that seems to exhibit itself only when some persons get behind the wheel of a motor car—they feel that nothing should impede their progress, even though it may be something designed for their -own safety. Second a similar laxity on the part of local authorities to enforce the regulation rigidly. These state- ments are not made in a critical BUCKNELL SCIENTIST HAS spirit, but simply te point out what might be done in the way of accident ' prevention and reduction if everyone was seriously interested in eliminat- ! ing accident hazards. An analysis of accident reports submitted to the bureau of motor ve- hicles for the month of January and February show a total of 236 auto- mobile accidents at street intersec- tions, of which fifty-six resulted fa- tally. At rural intersections, the to- tal of forty-two accidents, with one fatality. Of course not all of these intersections were protected by “Stop” signs, nor will the mere post- ing of those signs and enforcement of the regulation eliminate such acci- dents, but this does furnish’ a strik- ing example of the necessity for more care on the part of motorists at street and highway intersections. During the same two months, the State Highway Patrol reports a total of 630 arrests and convictions for failure to observe the “Stop” signs on “Thru Highways” throughout the State. It is not unusual for the careful motorist,, who, has come to a stop, and who is guaging his opportunity of either crossing or turning into the “Thru Highways,” to be startled by another car whizzing rapidly past him without any apparent regard for his own safety or anyone else's. It is this carelessness which breeds contempt and the motoring public and enforcement authorities bear an . equal responsibility although it would i ! seem that the greater burden lies with the individual motorist. Those cities which have adopted a plan of rigid enforcement have ex- perienced a gratifying reduction in accidents, and the Department of Highways so far as State highways are concerned, will continue its ef- forts through the State Highway Patrol to compel observance of the “Stop” sign. The threat of a fine is sometimes not as efficacious as an appeal to rea- son but it will be well to remember that the thoughtless motorist, who fails to stop at an intersection with a “Thru Highway” subjects himself to a possible penalty of a ten dollar fine, or a five-day jail sentence, to say nothing of the dire and tragic re- sults if he is involved in an accident. ey ees. THE LAST YEAR FOR SPECIAL RACING MOTORS. The 1929 automobile race season is on. Already the tiny speed chariots are beginning to arrive at Indianapo- lis to ‘be groomed for the Memorial day race. The Altoona Speedway management, having done extensive reconstruction work over the fall, are continuing with their spring pro- gram and have announced a 200-mile international championship classic over the monster Tipton speed-bowl for Flag day, Saturday, June 15. This being the last year in which the specially built racing motors will CAUSE FOR DEER DEATHS. That fly maggots may be the possi- ble cause of death of deer in central Pennsylvania was revealed by Profes- sor N. H. Stewart, of Bucknell Uni- versity, in an address before members: of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science which held its annual meet- ing at the Pennsylvania State Col- lege last week. Professor Stewart made a request that heads of deer found dead from natural causes be sent to him at Lewisburg so that he may continue with his research study on the cause of death of deer in the State. More than sixty prominent scien~ tists of Pennsylvania attended the two-day meeting of the Academy. Thirty-four papers dealing with bot- any, zoology, geneology, physics and chemistry were presented. How the X-ray is being used to tell the scienti- fic world new facts about zoology and entomology, the latest discoveries in the geological formation of the earth's crust of Pennsylvania and other de- velopment in the scientific world were discussed by the scientists at their meeting. THE FIRST LAW TO PROTECT BIRDS. You will find the oldest law pro- tecting our bird neighbors in the Bible. In the twenty-second chapter of Deuteronomy the Israelites are forbidden to take a nesting mother bird when they find her. “If a bird’s nest chances to be be- fore thee in the way or in any tree or on the ground—whether they be young ones or eggs, thou shalt not take the dam with the young,” you may read there. The Israelites were accustomed to: catch pigeons, doves, and quail for food, but even these birds they were ordered to spare when nesting. You can understand what a wise law this was, since it is easy to catch a nest- ing bird, but the destruction of such families would soon reduce the num- ber of birds in the land to nothing. Today we have laws protecting the birds in nearly every country and most boys and girls have learned to treat these helpful neighbors kindly. —Subscribe for the Watchman. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR TAX COLLECTOR We are authorized to announce Orian A. Kline as a candidate for Tax Collec- tor of the Borough of Bellefonte, subject to the rules governing the Republican: Primary election to be held Tuesday, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTS FOR SALE in Bellefonte, of B. H. Shaffer, Bellefonte. inquire 117 east High St., 73-13-tf. INN'S HISTORY of Centre and Clin L ton. counties for sale to the highest bidder. It is in splendid condition, Nothing under $15 considered. Make of- fer to this office. 73-14-3t. OURT PROCLAMATION. —WHERE- AS the Honorable M. Ward Flem- ing, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial Dis- trict, consisting of the County of Centre, having issued his precept, bearing date of ninth day of April, 1929, to me direct- ed for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans’ Court, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery, in Bellefonte for the County of Centre. And the Grand Jury to convene on the thirteenth day of May 1929, at 10 o'clock A. M., and the Traverse Jury called for the regular meeting of Quarter Sessions Court will convene on the Third Monday of May, 1929, at 10 o'clock A. M., being May 20th. And the Traverse Jury for the Second Week of Court will appear the of May, 1929, at 10 o'clock A. M., being May 27th. NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace, Alderman and also such Constables, (that may have business in their) respective districts, requiring to report to the Honorable Court) that they be then and there in their’ proper persons at the time specified above, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things to their offices appertaining to be done and those who are bound in recog- nizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are and shall be in Jail of Centre County, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 9th day of April in the year of our Lord, and the 153rd year of the Independ- ence of the United States of America. H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. 74-15-4t N Pennsylvania Theta Chapter of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, for sat- isfaction of two mortgages. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County, Pa., No. 27 May Term, 1929. To H. J. PATTERSON, and all other leg- al representatives of W. C. PATTER- SON, a deceased Trustee, and to ALL HOLDERS OF BONDS secured by the two mortgages hereinafter mentioned: In accordance with a preliminary decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, dated and filed of record in. the above stated pr March 4, 1929, I, H. E. Dunlap, 8 the said County of Centre, you and of you that the Pe Theta Chapter of the Phi Del Fraternity, has presented and said. Court of Common Pleas County in the above entitled pr } its petition setting forth, among other things, that all the bonds secured twe mortgages of the said Fraternity to W. C. Patterson, Trustee, dated July 2, 1906, and recorded in the order's Office for Rec Centre County, SnnSylvania, the first thereof recorded in Mo OTICE.—IN RE Application of the be eligible for competition, every ef- Page fort will be made by the drivers and manufacturers to establish new world’s records and the competition undoubtedly will be the fastest and fiercest in the history of the sport. To encourage these efforts the Speed- way management is offering cash pri- zes for every world’s record broken during the meet on June 15 and, as : the Altoona Speedway is rated the fastest in the world, several thousand dollars will apparently find their way into the pockets of the race pilots who are able to show an extra burst of speed. The 1930 rules call for strictly stock motors. The drivers and cars selected will go to Altoona directly after the In- dianapolis race and will be the pick of the field participating at the Hoosier event. —Subscribe for the Watchman. i te with interest thereon at the: rate of five and one-half per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and the second thereof recorded in Mortgage Book 30, page 61 &c., to. secure fi second mort- gage bonds in the denomination of $100.00, amounting in the aggregate to $5000.00, together with interest thereon at e rate of six per cent. per annum, yablé semi-annually, have been fully , sur- rendered and destroyed, but that, fox reasons set forth in said ution, satis- faction has not been entered upon the ree: ord of said mortgages, and that the said petitioner prays for satisfaction of record ereof! You and each of you are hereby further notified that by said preliminary decree of Court you are required to appear at the next term of the said Court of Com- mon Pleas of Centre County, to wit, at May Term, 1929, beginning on Moday, May 20, 192, and answer the’ sald’ peti tion and show cause, if any, wi the said Court should not direct satisfaction’ of said two mortgages upon’ the record thereof. H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff. 74-15-4t.