Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 19, 1929, Image 8

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Demonic ald
Bellefonte, Pa., April 19, 1929.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Smith
celebrated their silver wedding an-
niversary, on Sunday, by taking 2
motor trip to Williamsport.
—The new A. & P. store in the Mc:
Clain block, next door to the Watch-
man office, is stocked with groceries
and opened for business yesterday.
— Shirley Ann is the name of a
little daughter born to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Gates, of Hecla park, at
the Centre County hospital, on Tues-
day morning. Both babe and mother
are getting along splendidly.
The condition of Mrs. W. L
Fleming, who has been a patient in
the Centre County hospital for a
month or more, is slightly improved,
and she has been able to take liquid
nourishment, but she is still a very
sick woman.
A womanless wedding is a
unique innovation, but there is promise
that it will be portrayed to perfec-
tion by the Bellefonte Academy boys
on the nights of May 15th and 16th.
Keep your dates open for this amus-
ing entertainment.
——=Senator Schantz declares that
his obligations as chairman of the
Pennsylvania delegation at the last
convention of the National Legisla-
‘tors’ association increased his ex-
pense bill to double those of his col-
leagues. Hospitality is expensive at
——The House of Representatives
in Harrisburg, on Monday night,
passed finally the Scott bill appropri-
ating $6,261,000 to the Pennsylvania
State College, and the bill is now in
the hands of Governor Fisher. Of
the above amount $2,500,000 is for
new buildings.
——The ground was frozen yester-
day morning and the effect of the
cold on the cherry and plum trees,
which are in full bloom, is a matter
of much concern. If the crop has been
blighted it will be the third season,
in succession, of partial failure be-
cause of weather conditions.
——=Seven student nurses at the
Centre County hospital will graduate
on Friday evening, May 3rd, with ex-
ercises at the High school building.
The list includes Misses Florence
Doty, Adaline Rider, Mary Lockard
Helen Schreffler, Eleanore Yarnell,
Etta Mae Brumgard and Mildred
James I. Miller, of Millheim,
has taken charge of the Compressed
‘Grease Cup Manufacturing com-
pany’s plant, at Danville, and put :t
into operation after a brief shutdown.
He expects to manufacture a num-
ber of other articles in addition to
the cup and will give employment to
twenty men.
——Commencement exercises will
be held at Rockview on May 6 at
which time those inmates who elect-
ed to take academic work during the
past year will be given certificates of
merit in the subjects they have stud-
jed. Instruction at the institution is
under the supervision of members of
‘the faculty of the Pennsylvania State
——Centre county farmers who
held their potatoes over winter in the
hope of getting a big price for them
this spring missed their guess, as the
tubers are almost a drug in the mar-
ket. During the past three weeks
they have been seliiug in some Belle-
fonte stores at fifty cents the bushel,
and over in Pennsvalley, it is répor:-
ed, they can be. bought as low as
twenty-three cents.
——Judge Fleming, on Wednesday,
handed down an opinion and decree
in the case of Andrew Thal and
Bertha Thal, his wife, vs. Dr. J. V.
Foster, in which he refused a new
‘trial and ordered judgment entered in
favor of the plaintiffs in accordance
‘with the verdict of the jury. The case
dates back to the December sessions,
1924, when action was brought by the
plaintiffs to recover damages as the
result of an automobile collision. At
the trial Mr. Thal was awarded $450
damage and his wife $50.
——If the early fruit trees which
have been in blossom for some days
are not badly damaged it will be be-
cause they have greater resisting
power to the elements than is gen-
erally supposed. An almost contin-
uous downpour of rain, sleet and
snow on Monday and Tuesday, with
aunseasonably cold weather and the
ground slightly frozen yesterday
morning has been the record for this
‘week. Of course it is not unusual,
as it was ten days later than this that
‘we had the deep fall of snow last
year. And now that we have had this
spell there may be a change for the
The committee in charge of
raising finances for the Bellefonte
haseball organization is meeting with
sufficient encouragement to justify
assurance that the fans of the town
are going to get behind the team
and give it loyal support. The sea-
son ticket plan is proving a good one,
and already a number of tickets have
been sold with quite a number of
promised buyers listed. The board of
directors is composed of men who
‘know baseball from start to finish
and if they are given the proper sup-
port they will put a team on the dia-
mond that will make its mark in the
«. and C. league.
Property Owners Want East Burn-
side Street Opened to Public.
Just five members, a necesary
quorum, were present at the regular
meeting of borough council on Mon-
day evening, the absentees being
Badger, Brouse, Cobb and Reynolds.
Harvey Ricker, representing prop-
erty owners along the line of east
Burnside street, was present and ask-
ed council to open that street through
to Blanchard street. He stated that
he and two other property owners
want to build homes on lots they own
there; in fact have already started
work on the foundations. All told
there are some five or six property
owners who want to build there, but
at present they have no way of get-
ting into or out from their lots with-
ou: going over property owned
by others. Mr. Ricker stated that
two of the property owners are will-
ing to donate the land for opening the
street. He also asked that a water
line be laid out to the proposed build-
ing operations. President Walker in-
formed Mr. Ricker that he could as-
sist very materially in an early open-
ing of the street by securing from the
property owners a declaration in
writing of their willingness to do-
nate free the necessary land, and the
Street and Water committees were
instructed to take charge of the mat-
Harry Zimmerman, of Reynolds
avenue, appeared before council and
requested an extension of the sani-
tary sewer from the Daniel Houser
property to his residence, a distance
of approximately 75 feet. Referred
to the Street committee.
A written communication was re-
ceived from Mrs. Emma Snyder
Cooke making complaint about the
West Penn Power company littering
her lots on east Linn street with wire
and other material and asking coun-
cil to take some action to compel
them to remove it. It was the sen-
timent of council that if the alleged
deposits of wire are entirely on Mrs.
Cooke’s land, they are naturally -n
private property and are not within
the jurisdiction of the borough. How-
ever, the matter was referred to the
Street committee for investigation.
The Water committee reported the
collection of $12.00 on the 1925 du-
plicate, $12.00 on the 1926, $20.50 on
the 1927 and $1005.50 on the 1928, as
well as $20 from the Beatty Motor
company for rent at the Phoenix mill.
Mr. Cunningham further reported
that the Water committee had clean-
ed out the race and pen stock (water
wheel pit) at the Gamble mill and
found both turbine wheels in such a
condition that they are deemed un-
fit for use. A wheel expert will be
in Bellefonte in about two or three
weeks when the committee hopes to
obtain data on the cost of installa-
tion of new wheels. Mr. Cunning-
ham stated that the mill in general
had been examined from top to bot-
tom and it is all in excellent condi-
tion with the machinery intact.
The Finance committee reported a
balance in the hands of the borough
treasurer of $1283.40. Renewal was
authorized for two notes totaling $2,-
500, and the treasurer was empower-
ed to borrow $3000 from the Fire-
inen’s Relief Association for one year
at five per cent.
Mr. Emerick reported that the Fi-
nance committee recommended the
same millage rate for 1929 as that
of last year, which is 10 mills for
borough purposes, 10 for street and
5 for interest. Council approved the
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported receipt of a check for $25.00
from W. H. Noll & Bros. for ser-
vices rendered by the Bellefonte fire-
men at the recent fire at Pleasant
All miscellaneous business having
been disposed of the question of the
purchase of new fire apparatus was
taken up. G. L. Carpeneto, chairman
of the Undine Fire company, submit-
ted the bids of the various manufac-
turers, as follows: The Peter Perch
company, a flat $10,000 after making
allowance for the Undine squad truck
of $1250. The Mack bid was $12,-
700, with an allowance of $1700 for
the squad wagon and a further reduc-
tion of $250 if cash payment is made,
which would make the price $10,750.
The bid of the Buffalo Fire Appara-
tus company was $10,500 with an al-
lowance of $850 for the truck, or a
net price of $9,650. The American
LaFrance bid was $13,850, with an al-
lowance of $1850 for the truck or a
net of $12,000. This company also
offered to include $365 worth of ex-
tras if cash is paid. The Perch com-
pany offered to put in a 130 horse
power motor if cash is paid and the
Mack company bid included the ex-
tras for $11,000 cash.
Mr. Carpeneto suggested that the
purchase be made on a cash basis,
giving the local banks the interest
that will have to be paid the company
if the apparatus is purchased on time
payments. He also stated that the
committee is in favor of purchas-
ing the Mack apparatus, as the com-
pany is located at Allentown and it
will be easy to get repairs at times
when any are needed. He also rec-
ommended that the Mack bid of $11 -
000 cash with $365 worth of extras
be accepted.
Mr. Emerick then made a motion
that his motion of some weeks ago
appropriating $4800 to the Undine
Fire company be rescinded, and the
same was passed by council after it!
was seconded by Mr. Cunningham.
Mr. Emerick then made another mo-
tion that the appropriation be $5500
which was duly seconded and passed.
As it will be several months before
the apparatus will be delivered coun-
cil will have at least that much tfme
to arrange for financing its share of
the purchase.
Bills totaling $4200 were approved
for payment, after which council ad-
Representatives of the Mack and
Peter Perch companies were in Belle-
fonte and after council adjourned the
committee of the Undine company
and several councilmen remained to
close up the purchase of the new ap-
paratus. The Peter Perch salesman
was first interviewed but he stood
solid on his last bid with the one stip-
ulation that he would allow one per
cent. off for cash.
The Mack salesman was then given
a hearing and after considerable dis-
cussion he made the following propo-
sition: A cash price for the apparatus
$10,750. Extra equipment desired
figured up to $405, and he agreed to
stand for $200 of that amount the
Undines to pay $205, which made the
total for the machine and equipment
$10,955. After some discussion the
contract was finally executed.
The next thing will be to arrange
for the payment, but as it will be at
least three months before the new
quadruple combination will be deliv-
ered there will be ample time to
make financial arrangements. So far
as the Undines are concerned it will
be a fairly easy matter. They now
have about $3000 available for pay-
ment on their portion of the cost and
will likely have no difficulty in bor-
rowing the balance. As to the bor-
ough’s share, it will simply mean the
floating of a few more notes, and if
the borough treasurer can borrow the
money at five per cent. it will be bet-
ter than paying six per cent. to the
Mack company.
“It is only the brave who wins the
fair,” is very applicable to the fisher-
men who had the hardihood to ven-
ture out for the opening of the trout
fishing season, Monday morning.
With a temperature only a few de-
grees above the frost line, a full
day’s rain which at times was mixed
with snow the weather was just the
opposite to that of even fair fishing
weather. In fact snow fell in the
mountains to a depth of several
inches. Of course with such condi-
tions prevailing it was hard work en-
ticing the trout to strike at any kind
of bait.
Several carloads of strangers who
motored to Bellefonte for the open-
ing, tried their luck on Logan’s branch
and Spring creek, but finally quit in
disgust. One party of three didn’t
get a trout, while another party of
three got two fair-sized ones.
The first catch of any consequence
brought to the attention of the writer
was that of Charles Brachbill, who
had eight nice ones, caught at the
junction of Buffalo Run with Spring
creek. We know he had them because
he showed them to us.
Others who had the perservance to
stick to it in defiance of the cold
wet weather were rewarded as fol-
lows: John McGovern 4, Ed Nelson
8, George Keeler one 171% inches long,
“Baldy” Gordon 23 and his son 24%,
Russell Witmer 4, Dr. J. J. Kilpatrick
14, Robert Montgomery 4, Patsy
Bathurst the limit on Logan’s branch,
Jacob Barlet 1, Lew Smith 12, Dr.
Stevens 0, Joe Thal 11, Harry Duke-
man 11.
A young man named Walker
caught one 20 inches long out near
the Abramsen plant on Wednesday
evening and about the same time
Paul Haag landed two 14 incBes in
the lime kiln dam. And Vince Bauer
took two that measured 17 and 12
inches, respectfully, from the same
Reports from the Fishing creek
section were to the effect that five
trout constituted the largest catch
taken by any fisherman on the
——Why is it that every man elect-
ed to the Legislature or State Sen-
ate in Pennsylvania conceives the
idea that the only way he can best
serve his constituents is to introduce
a bill of some kind, no matter how
foolish or absurd the bill may be ? And
every bill introduced means dollars
out of the taxpayer's pockets. If you
don’t believe it hearken unto this. Up
to last Friday just seventeen car-
loads of paper, 425 tons, were used in
printing the various bills which were
presented this year and the legisla-
tive record, and five more carloads
were on their way to complete the
job before the Legislature adjourned.
Twenty-one carloads of paper costs a
pile of money and the printing of it
will run into hundreds of thousands
of dollars.
———Starting Thursday afternoon,
May 2, all stores in Bellefonte will be
closed Thursday afternoons during
months of May, June, July, August
and September. 74-16-2t
m—————— ee ———
——William Beezer, of Philipsburg,
but formerly of Bellefonte, is a pa-
tient in the McGirk sanitorium, at
Philipsburg, where he recently under-
went an operation for the removal of
gall stones.
Several weeks ago the Watchman
editor gave his impressions of the
| musical proficiency of Wetzler’s Jun-
ior band, as displayed at a private
! concert given for the benefit of the
parents of the 110 boys and girls who
compose the organization. And now
it is announced that the band will
give a public concert in the court
house on Friday evening, April 26th,
at which time the small admissiqn fee
of fifty cents will be charged.
The concert will consist of over-
tures, Indian and dance character-
istics, marches, waltzes, songs, solos
and duets. The American Legion
drum and bugle corps will also be
featured with the band in several
The band organization must raise
$1500 for the purchase of new uni-
forms and this is the first public move
made to this end. Members of the
band are canvasing the town for the
sale of tickets and we bespeak for
them a cordial reception. Buy as
many tickets as you can, and wheth-
er you can attend or not, buy a tick-
et, anyway. The band is an organi-
zation which reflects great credit on
both Mileshurg and Bellefonte. Neith-
er the boys, themselves, nor their pa-
tient, indomitable leader profits one
cent for the time they devote to prac:
tice or in filling public engagements.
Every cent of the money received
goes for expenses and the upkeep of
the band. ‘And the organization must
have new uniforms and is also badly
in need of a suitable hall in which
to practice.
The Junior band is the largest boys
band in the United States. Its mem-
bers range in age from 6 to 16 years
They have been organized only eigh-
teen months and we know you will
be both surprised and pleased at their
proficiency. Any one willing to con-
tribute anything to the uniform fund
should send checks to W. A. Ridge.
secretary and treasurer, or F. L. Wetz-
ler, leader.
On Monday morning, or just seven
weeks to the day from the time An-
drew R. McNitt left Bellefonte avow-
edly to go to Miami Beach, Florida, to
attend the Sharkey-Stribling prize
fight, information was received here
that he is now in Florida, though
not at Miami Beach.
The information came in the shape
of a telegram to the McNitt Lumber
company, which was delivered to W.
clined to divulge the contents of the
missive aside from declaring that
“Andy is in Florida.” The fact, how-
ever, leaked out that the message was
sent from Jacksonville, but whether it
body else is not known.
As stated above Mr. McNitt lett
Bellefonte on February 25th, and at
that time was expected to return
within a month. When he failed to
do so members of his family in Mifflin
county and business associates here
became somewhat worried, as no
word had been received from him
prolonged absence and apparently
mysterious disappearance were broad-
cast on the radio and through the
newspapers of the country. Detec-
tives and the State police were engag-
ed to assist in the search but three
more weeks passed before word came
on Monday of his location in Florida.
been given of his prolonged absence
and failure to notify his friends of his
whereabouts, but the fact that he has
been located relieves the mental sus-
pense of members of his family.
Nancy Carroll, one of the most
charming girls on the screen, sings,
talks and dances for you, and Buddy
Rogers, handsome star of “Wings,”
talks and plays five different musical
instruments in “Close Harmony,”
their new co-starring picture which
is a musical romance of life and love
theatre. Nancy has
headliner on the theatre
while Buddy is a home town jazz
band leader trying to break into
“Close Harmony” will be the at-
traction at the Cathaum theatre,
State College, on Monday and Tues-
day of next week, matinee and even-
ing. It is an all-talking, singing,
staged, and when you see and hear it
you will agree that it is one of the
greatest sound pictures made to date.
Miss Carroll sings songs that are
sure to be hits, there is peppy music
furnished by Jack Oakie and Skeets
Gallagher as a team of vaudeville
song-and-dance men. You will find
all that you desire in entertainment
in “Close Harmony”—and a great
deal more. It is a picture you should
not miss.
incite artes
——Borough officials, this week,
settled in full the verdict and costs
in the damage case of Laura Wright
against the borough for alleged in-
juries sustained in a fall on an icy
pavement, on Bishop street over a
year ago. The entire cost of the case
to the borough was approximately
$3400, and it probably could have
half that sum.
H. Bartholomew, bookkeeper, who de- |
was signed by Mr. McNitt or some-
from the day he left. The fact of his |
Up to this time no explanation has
behind the scenes of a presentation
the role of a
dancing, musical production, lavishly
throughout, and plenty of comedy is '
been settled out of court for less thap
—Mrs. John Guisewite has been here
from Meadville, visiting with her rela-
tives here, and with her sister, Mrs. Dale
at Oak Hall.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Andrews wil)
sail, April 26th, for the States, returning
from a winter in London, to spend the
summer at their home in Bellefonte.
—Mrs. R. C. Heverly, of State College,
was a pleasant visitor at the Watchman
office, on Monday morning, while on her
way to Howard to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Holter. ’
i M. I. Gardner and his son Harold were
ar:ong the Sunday visitors to Bellefonte.
having driven over from Clearfield to
spend the day here with some of their
many friends.
—Miss Doris Cobb, a student at Tem-
ple University, Philadelphia, has been
home for the week, visiting with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron M. Cobb, of,
west High street.
—Miss Florence W. Love was here from
Hollidaysburg early in the week, having
driven over with friends, Monday, remain-
ing for an overnight visit with Dr. and
Mrs. M. A. Kirk.
—Mrs. Harold IL. Londo and Her smzll
daughter are here from Green Bay, Wis.,
called to Bellefonte by the illness of Mrs.
Londo’s father, Joseph Beezer, who fs a
patient in the Centre County hospital.
—Miss Ethel Dale was among those who
came up from Philadelphia on the excur-
sion, Sunday, her time while here having
been spent with her mother, Mrs. Clement
Dale, at the home of Mrs. T. Clayton
their small child are expected here from
Westfield, N. J., for a week-end visit with
Mr. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs
George B. Thompson, at the Busii apart-
ments in the Arcade.
| —Richard 8. Brouse returned home,
Sunday, from the Blair Memorial hospi-
tal at Huntingdon, where he had under-
gone a nose and throat operation last
week. His condition is such that he will
not be able to resume his business at
—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rhinesmith and
their young son, who were here from St.
Mary's within the week, were guests
while in Eellefonte of both the parental
and maternal grandparents of the child,
Mr. and Mrs. William Rhinesmith and Mr.
and Mrs. Allen G. Waite,
—Mrs. C. G. Decker, of High and
Spring Sts. departed, on Monday, for a
week's visit with her brother, Allen Lim-
bert, and his family in Philadelphia. Mrs.
Decker’s daughter, Miss Erie, is in Phil-
adelphia, staying with the Limberts while
studying at the Academy of Music there.
—Jesse Derstine was in from Ambridge
the fore port of last week, for his first vis-
it home with his mother, Mrs. William
. Derstine, since his seven week's illness
' with pneumonia. His daughter, Betty,
came in Sunday, and will visit in Belle-
fonte with her grandmother for an indef-
inite time.
his first visit to Bellefonte within the
, week, since the automobile accident more
| than a year ago, in which he and Mrs.
Moore were so seriously injured. Mr.
Moore was called to Centre county by the
death of his niece, Mrs. Holter, which oc-
curred at Howard, last week.
—Miss Caroline Valentine returned to
' Bellefonte, Wednesday, and will be with
her cousin, Mrs. George R. Meek, at the
Meek home on Spring street, until next
! week, or while she is getung her home
ready to be occupied. Mrs. George B.
‘ Thompson will be with Miss Valentine at
! “Burnham Place,” for several weeks after
| she opens her home.
—Miss Margaret Miller was a guest
| Monday, of the Rev. L. Stacey Capers, on
a drive to Bellefonte, from Hollidaysburg,
| spending the night here at the Humes
‘home. Mr. Capers, who had come over
‘on a business trip, visited while here with
his brother, Dr. R. L. Capers and his fam-
ily on Curtin street. The party made the
return drive Tuesday afternoon.
—Mrs. Frank Montgomery, who with her
daughter, Patty, had been here for a vis-
it with Mrs. Montgomery's sister, Mrs.
C. D. Casebeer, left Monday afternoon for
her former home in Springfield, Ill. Mrs.
Montgomery had made her home in Som-
erset for six years and now with Patty,
is returning to Springfield, to join her
daughter, Betty and son, Frank Jr., whe
are both permanently located there.
—Mrs. George M. Glenn and her son
George, an instructor at the Harrisburg
Academy, drove to Centre county, Satur-
day. Mrs. Glenn came from Gettysburg,
where she had been for the winter, with
her elder son John and his family, to
spend the summer with her sister, Miss
Esther Gray, on the latter's farm up Buf-
falo Run. After spending a night with his
aunt, Mrs. Gray, George returned to Har-
risburg., Sunday.
—Charles A. Schreyer, of Oak Park, Ill.,
made his annual pilgrimage to Bellefonte
this week, visiting here from Monday un-
til yesterday, when he left to continue
his trip on east. Expecting to make a
number of short stops with relatives st
different places along the way and spend
several days in Philadelphia, he will then
end his trip as has been his custom with
a visit to Gettysburg, intending to return
home from there. Mr. Schreyer left Belle-
fonte fifty-two years ago, becoming one of
the successful men of the outside busi-
ness world and since retiring, has taken
time to make these annual visits back to |
Pennsylvania which are a great pleasure
to those in Bellefonte, who are fortunate
enough to know him.
—Among Watchman office visitors, last
Friday, was H. C. Angell, of Rush town-
ship, who came over to Bellefonte to
make his
the county commissioners. He was accom-
panied on the trip by Mrs. Angell and
their daughter, Mrs. Virginia Bigelow and
, son Clarence. Mr. Angel! he~ “een asses-
! sor in Rush township going on eighteen
' years, having been elected for his first
term in 1911 and renominated and elected
regularly ever since. But he admits that
the work is becoming rather monotonous
‘and wearing on the nerves, as it is im-
‘ possible to please everybody, and he has |
about decided to forego being a candidate
for re-election this year. Of course there
are probably other men in Rush township
who will be after the office but whoever
may be chosen will not be able to fill it
more conscientiously than Mr. Angell has
‘ done.
—Mr and Mrs. John I. Thompson and '
annual returns as assessor to!
i —Miss Adaline Anderson was In Lock
Haven, for the week-end, a guest of Miss
Nell Reed.
—Mrs. F. E. Naginey has returned from
a three months stay at the Hotel Jeffer-
son, in Atlantic City.
—Col. and Mrs. W. F. Reynolds, of
Bellefonte, are in Philadelphia and are
guests at the hotel Bellevue-Stratford.
| —Edward Wallace stopped in Bellefonte
Sunday, to spend a short time, with
friends, enroute home to Erie from Flor.
ida, where he had been for the winter.
Miss Alice B. Lewis, instructor of
English in the Bellefonte high school, was
home to Punxsuntawney, for an over Sun-
day visit with members of the Lewis fame
—Mrs. Martin Harnish, of Snow SHoe
Intersection, and her daughter, Beulah,
went to Philadelphia, Thursday, expecting
to be there with friends for a week or
—Miss Lida Jackson has been with Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin F. Garman, since leaving
the hospital, and will be their guest un-
til going to Shippensburg to enter the
Episcopal home.
—Included in the over Sunday guests
whom Mr. and Mrs. George Miller enter-
tained, at their home on north Spring
street, were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Curry,
of Williamsport.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Smeltzer were
recent visitors to Schenectady, N. Y., hav-
ing driven up for a visit of several days,
with their son, Norman, who is with the
General Electric Co., of that city.
—Dr. H. A. Blair was over from Cur-
, wensville last week to see his father, F.
i P. Blair, who is ill at his home on Spring
street. While here Dr. Blair was a guest
of his brother, R. R. Blair and Mrs. Blair,
at their home on east Linn street.
—On account of the absence of Mr. and
, Mrs. W. J. Emerick on a business trip,
the early part of the week, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Emerick drove up from Harrisburg
to be with Mr. Emerick’s mother, whe
lives at the W. J. Emerick home. F
—Mr. and Mrs. Scooley of Williamsport,
were motor visitors in Bellefonte, Sunday,
spending the time while here with Mrs.
Scooley’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
E. F. Garman. Mr. Scooley is principal
of the South Williamsport high schoot.
—Mrs. George M. ‘Gamble has been home
for ten days, from a five weeks visit with
her daughter, Mrs. W. T. O’Brien, and
the family, at Phillipi, W. Va., having mo-
tored up with her son ‘‘Mac,” who made
the drive to bring his mother home.
—Dr. and Mrs. David Dale intend mo-
toring to Waynesboro, Virginia, today for
an over Sunday visit with their daugh-
ter, Miss Anne Dodds Dale, who is a stu-
dent at Fairfax Hall in that place. They
will be accompanied by Miss Caroline Cur-
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Murtorff have
been entertaining Mrs. Murtorff's sister,
Mrs. Hugh G. Conley and Mr. Conley, who
have been here from Wilmerding visiting
with the former's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
, Robb, at the Murtorff home on Bishop
: Street.
—Thomas Moore, of Philadelphia, made |
i —Mr. and Mrs. Winslow of Patton, and
i their two children, have been here for
i the week, Mrs. Winslow having come
j over to see her mother, Mrs. Chas. Cruse,
i who only recently returned from Florida,
while Mr. Winslow is spending the time
; fishing.
| —Edward Grauer, of Philadelphia, stop-
, ped in Bellefonte last week, enroute west
ron a business trip, spent the week-end
+ with his mother and sister, Mrs. Louis
Grauer and Mrs. Gideon Payne, and left
| early in the week, to continue his journey
to Michigan. \
—Mrs. Patrick Loughrey returned to
Miss Roxey Mingle, are east for a two
weeks visit, the time as planned, will be
spent with relatives and friends in Phila-
delphia and New York. Leaving here in
{ their car, they will use it only a part of
the time, traveling by train for the re-
| —Mrs. Patrick Loughrey returned to
: Philadelphia, Sunday on the excursion,
! following a two weeks visit in Centre
‘county with her relatives in and about
Unionville and with relatives of Mr.
Loughrey in Bellefonte. When in Belle-
fonte, Mrs. Loughrey visited at the Kelley
home on Spring street and at the Charles
Shaeffer home on east Curtin street.
—John Furst and a party of friends
from Philadelphia have been occupyfifx
the James C. Furst cabin on Fishing
creek this week, while trying thefr luck
at trout fishing. Willis Shuey is the camp
chef and expert dispenser of the magic
words that lure the speckled beauties from
the water. Mrs. Furst accompanied her
husband to Bellefonte and is a guest at
the home of Mrs. A. O. Furst, on Linn
—Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Coxey, with their
daughter, Miss Dorothy, motored to York,
on Saturday evening, to spend Sunday
. with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Tarbert and their
family. They returned on Monday. When
it is remembered that Monday was the
opening day of the trout fishing season
and also that W. C. is one of the most de-
voted disciples of Izaak Walton it is to be
assumed that he thinks a lot of those
grandchildren down in York else he would
have certainly set another date for visit-
ing them,
| — A gas filled coal range at the:
‘home of Mrs. George Williams, on
i east Curtin street, exploded with ter-
| rific force, last Thursday, blowing out
{two of the kitchen windows and
{ hurling parts of the stove into an
| adjoining room. Workmen who hap-
pened to be in the house at the time
prevented a conflagration, but at that
considerable damage was done.
| ——Now that the borough has been
‘obligated to the extent of $5500 for
new fire fighting apparatus it is time
| to start work on securing a reduction
| in fire insurance rates, or the quadru-
| ple pumper will become obsolete be-
| fore it is allowed.
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
WWHBAL ..covveciorisisrinismimmiersivivivssmmesismmisnssssss $1.30
LOU eerie Non
Oats 50
Rye 1.10
BAPIEY .ccrcisimceiptesisiismtisiiisaiaaees mien 121 BO
| Buckwheat eects csiameee —— 90