Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 19, 1929, Image 7

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Peworealic Watdpen
Bellefonte, Pa., April 19, 1929.
Food products displayed on streets
and in stores unprotected from dust,
flies, mice, rats, cats, dogs and from
other sources of contamination are
clearly in violation of the pure food
laws and persons responsible are sub-
—_ ject to prosecution, Dr. James W.
Former President Coolidge has two Kellogg, director of the bureau of
precedents to follow if he decides to foods and chemistry, Pennsylvania
run for U. S. Senator from Massachu- department of agriculture, says.
setts. | «The General Food law defines as
It has been asserted frequently i: peing adulterated any food or in-
the press that there 13 oy ono EL, gredient entering M40 (5, va way
, ion :
Quincy Adams, who became & Senator [. onner that would render the ar-
after leaving the White Flouss tance ticle diseased, contaminated, or un-
There is another Sue rlooked. wholesome,” the director explains ina |
mousy Re a almost statement issued ere, “THIS mesiis
+ ? that any operator of a restaurant,
Funeached IY te Sf. served pakery or retail store, who pers |
- the storage and handling of s in
March 4, 1875, and served for about such a obi that the foods would
five months. become contaminated from filth and |
Johnson, incidentally, became Pres: vermin, is plainly violating the law.
ident in the same way Coolidge did— 7
oe the death of his predecessor. Many foods manufactured gna
The rumor that Coolidge will run clean and sanitary way are ig e is
for the Senate gained little headway. unfit and often gengerous for £0 Be
Senator Gillett (Rep. Mass), said he sumption when they are kept or Su
would retire to make way for the for- ed in filthy storage and Sispeusing !
mer President, but expressed the places. Therefore, foods displaye > i
opinion that Coolidge would not care streets and in stores unprotes ed |
to become a Senator after rejecting fom ig Re } ine
i : other s
the Highest ofice #9 EER clearly in violation of the require- |
ments. Persons failing to prevent |
: such conditions will be held responsi- 3 Tocal tele
The yacht Mayflower, part-time ple. ; : |
home of five Presidents, slipped away , “The unsanitary manner in which |
from her dock at the Washington | foods are kept in certain classes of |
Navy Yard early on her way to | food dispensing places 18 being giv- |
Philadelphia, where she will be laid | en special attention by the food |
, | agents.
"Pan outcast, she sailed slowly | T«agents of the bureau are direct-
through the morning mists which en- | ¢q to warn all persons against such
veloped the Potomac, leaving behind | ynlawful practices and to take
President Hoover who recently order- | prompt action to protect the public
ed: her decomuzissianed a was Caph | health. . Comyn Bi result in
the captain's cabl oi of from o ;
wilson Brown, aide to President Cool- Ein public is entitled to whole- |
idge. Brown will proceed from Phila- | (ne clean foods and the depart- |
delphia to New London, Conn. to as- | Lont's duty is t o require full com- |
sume command of the submarine | pliance with this specific provision of |
e, ! d law.”
RN Com. Joel T. Boone, former the foo
Mayflower physiciam, soon will as-
sume duty in the Naval Dispensary. |
an evening of
living room
light costs
no more than
em ———— pe ————
phone call ..
— Read the Watchman for the news
.C. This
‘and cures scurvy,
\ " wi
ha gE ok at BE ;
| gE iE inl 5% LEGAL TROUT ARE
| see bow | E of | AWAITING LINES.
Districts 2s Ea Bd. Pe
PP ZR] 24 Fo mE Stocked to a greater extent than
i > | ge ever before and none at flood tide be-
I. boo | cause of torrential spring rains, the
| | | ‘streams of Pennsylvania should fur-
sua bhp 1G 1 Berner | sense I a ] nish unusually good fishing.
ET Bore: 1 061. =| 360s That was the prediction made here
S. Philipsburg Boro. 44 28... 44 5 by N. R. Buller, commissioner cof
Snow Shoe BOIO. 74). 3 43 41 fisheries, who each spring makes a
Po Bore 8 5 g 93 28 tour of the trout fishing country just
ERE TWD: coerpsnieeestursetemtnt I B 681 serra reese serss ss : §2 prior to the legal season. If heavy
Curtin Twp. _ i 13% rains do not mar the early part of the
Tea TWD. 281 27 season as they did last year, Buller
Haines Twp. .- 106 93}. 106 = believes good fishermen should have
Tawar = 4 04). 49 no difficulty securing the legal limit.
Miles TWD. wwe zn : 376 Aside from those which survived
Rush Twp. . 8 22|. 8 22 the legal season last year the com-
Snow Shoe T 2 28). 228 mission announced that more than
Spine Twp. - oa 28 77 1,000,000 legal trout will have been
Walker TWD. oe 2 73. 273 placed in the streams before April 15.
WOE TWD meer En Last fall 1913 were distributed
SE 42% Approximately 400,000 more have
© WATER, SEATED been placed in the streams, this
§. Philipsburg Boro. amma 22 89]..orrenenernneeeeens Jecernensmasnnrnenes |$ 2239 “pring: of the trout “Which the coms
LIGHT, SEATED ii mission distributed were at least six
a : a ee Ol mmm YX inches in length. When low water
§. Philipsburg BOFO. eerie last fall stopped further distribution
Bellefonte Boro. ..
Milesburg Boro.
S. Philipsburg Boro.
Boro. -.-
the already legal trout not distribut-
ed were kept at the hatcherie®. Fed
on the diet which the commission per-
mits many of them now have reached
50 eight or nine inches in length.
RL ee Attaches of the commission here
Haines Twp. have prepared lists showing every
Eo : : = = trout stream in the State and the
SCHOOL BUILDING, UNSEATED nearest town from which it can be
Corin TVD a earl Wl ny reached. All queries regarding good
trout streams are answered by the
NL oF’ Although the State boasts of hun-
To Retail Mercantile Licenses $ 13784 08 dreds of streams in which it is ex-
To Retail Mercabll® le. Liceiisos I xn a pected the fishing will be good the fol-
To: Biihats gg Too Bilacence 90 lowing have been listed as included in
To Pheatre LICENSES on 2h % the most popular:
TO Re Hunters Licenses © 12234 00 | Lackawaxen creek, Wayne county,
. nters Licenses . 60 00 which can be reached from Alden-
To Nn rine 3004 » ' ville.
To Resident Khe erm Licenses re punesszee 155 0 | Tobyhanna, Bro dhead’s and ‘Tunk-
ly rR 3931 50 hannock creek, Monroe county, reach-
To Fines Collected 375 00 ed from Tobyhanna, Analomink and
§ 54335 95 Nicholson.
s 1642 77 Raymondskill, Pike county, five
Py Commtesien miles from Milford: Dwarfkill, Pike
BY Crum slop: ne » county, Garvil Bridge: Vandermark,
Br Botege ions 788 55 Pike county, at Milford: Dingman's
50773 23 Brook, Pike county,
————— TOITY.
$ 54383 90 Loyalsock creek and Bear creek,
— EE Lycoming county, at Montoursville.
TION OF CENTRE COUNTY | Mud Run, Carbon county, at Al-
STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL COND | brightsville and Hickory Run, Car-
LIABILITIES bon county, at Lehigh Tannery.
Fishing creek and Young Woman's
nt. '
Qutsenaie re Bonen "Sheriff, Jan. 7th 1 { creek, Clinton county, at Lock Haven;
Balance due S. Claude Herr, Prothonotary. Jan. | Kettle creek, Clinton county, at
Estimated Commonwealth Costs
Estimated Exonerations | Westport.
Estimated Commissions
Outstanding Notes
at Dingman’s
By Vouchers
| Bellefonte; Black Moshannan, Centre
county, at Philipsburg.
Little Tionesta and Bear creek, For-
est county, at Tionesta and Marien-
Cash in the hands of the Treasurer Jan. Tth, 1929 .eccvenrisssssee renee $ 42678 65 ville,
Fun 55766 00 " :
Ca Un Tioatos 1010, £0 1026 mmr STS 09 | Dickeys Run, Falling Spring, Cono-
Outstanding Taxes on the Duplicate of 1907 com 16181 26 . cocheague, Franklin county,
Outstanding axes on the Duplicate Of 1928 cecomreummmssemsemmmsassssssssinsenemssensss gi 76 | cersburg, Chambersburg and Green-
Tax Liens File 887 22 | castle.
Qutstanding Bhscatea Land Tax 2061 %| Spruce creek, Garner's Run and
y Asylum s due County East Branch Stone creek, Hunting-
By Escaped Convict Account, 150% | don county, at Spruce Creek, Nefi’s
$183864 88 | Mills and Huntingdon.
Little Lehigh creek and Cedar
creek, Lehigh conn=7, at Allentown.
Pine creek, Wast Branch Pine
creek, Lyman Run, Genessee Fork,
Potter and Tioga counties, at Ansonia
and Galeton, Mill Creek, Slate Run,
Cedar Run, Potter and Tioga counties,
al Coudersport, Slate Run and Cedar
Various COUNLIES .oeceeieesemssmsssssmsssmnasensenasee
Liabilities in Excess of Assets $ 14841 00
We the undersigned Auditors of Centre County, having examined the accounts
of the Commissioners, Sheriff, Treasurer and Prothonotary of Centre County do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct account of the receipts and
expenditures of their respective accounts for the year 1928.
| Spring creek, Centre county, at 'but above all, and probably the HI05E
at Mer |
Auditors of Centre County
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania,
pril 3rd, 1929.
| ton.
Headwaters Tionesta creek, wild-
cat creek, Farnsworth creek, Four:
Mile Run, Warren county at Claving-
This the season when we should
like to think of lighter food, as well
as lighter clothing. It may be we have |
had many a meal of buckwheat
‘cakes, pork gravy, spareribs and all
the fixings of substantial breakfasts.
All our meals in Winter are likely to
be pretty heavy.
Perhaps that is why we get “Spring
fever.” We think it is the reason,
when, as a matter of fact, the symp-
toms are the natural effect of the diet
we have followed.
Fortunately for us, modern meth-
ods of refrigeration and express
trains, fast steamers and even the
airplane, are placing at our disposal |
the fresh things of the whole world. !
the |
Even in the country districts,
automobile has shortened the dis-
tance to markets where fresh fruits
and vegetables can be found.
In olden times the men on sailing
vessels, taking long voyages,
precisely the same, but it is near
enough like it to be recognized as of i
the same family.
In these latter days we have what
might be described as “hidden
scurvy.” It is not bold and crude, but
it has a way of producing uncomfort-
able symptoms of obscure origin. In
this sense it is certainly “hidden” as
to cause.
You will see children who are list-
less, easily tired, unable to study, ir-
ritable and even positively lazy. Such
symptoms are not unusual in the ear- |
ly Spring.
They are not confined to children
by any means. They enter into the
life of adults, too. If you have these
symptoms, even though you are pres-
ident of a railroad, or a member of
the Congress, it may be that you have
Spring fever from a like cause.
Loss of appetite, feeling of wanting
to quit work, unaccustomed mental
dullness, bad temper, faded complex-
" | ion, headache, sore joints-—all these
| are symptoms of what I have called
hidden scurvy. Every one of them
. may come from faulty diet.
In the early Spring, more perhaps
than at any other season of the year,
you need foods that contain Vitamin
is the agent that prevents
old-fashioned or
modern. You should eat the foods
containing it.
In the fruits and green vegetables
we find the element that is good for
you in the Springtime.
Cabbage, spinach, ‘lettuce, young
carrots, rhubarb and potatoes supply
it. Apples, berries, tomatoes and par-
* ticularly the citrus fruits like the
orange, are what you need.
Don’t wait to get Spring fever. Be-
gin now to reduce your intake of the
solid, substantial Winter foods and
give your body the treat of a lighter.
Springtime diet.
The cells of which cancerous
growths are composed are themselves
the agents of the spread of the disease
and no specific bacteria cause the
growth, according to Prof. Albert
Fischer of the Kaiser Wilheim Insti-
tute for Biology, says a Berlin writer
in the New York Times.
The rapid growth of the cells and
their ability to get nourishment from
many substances accounts for the
size of the swelling in cases of cancer,
he says. Prof. Fischer, who was cal-
led to Berlin from Denmark three
years ago, has been devoting all his
time to the study of cancer.
The cells are delicate and short-
lived, the professor says, and they
have a variable metabolism and are
able to obtain nourishment from
practically all other forms of cells.
From the blood serum, he declares,
‘cancer cells obtain sufficient nourish-
ment for their development. Healthy
cells give off substanecs which, when |
brought into contact with cancer
cells, prompt the more rapid growth
of the latter.
On: account of the adaptability of
cancer cells to all conditions and their
ability to grow by any form of nour-
ishment, their development is so rap-
id that other cells are choxed, just as
the growth of other plants is prevent-
ed by weeds, Prof. Fischer explained.
The reason there is a generation of
children with very little resisting
power coming into the world is that
they are built upon deefctive, porous
foundations, says Doctor Dowd of
Buffalo, speaking of the coming gen-
eration. Of the mothers of today he
says: “Their bodies are deprived of
nutriment by underfeeding so they
will not become fat, tobacco is used,
the smoke being inhaled, resulting in
| the absorption of nicotine which acts
most deleteriously on the nerve cells;
important, “the candle is burned at
both ends’ by turning night into day
with parties, etc.—Young women
must ke given to understand that ten
per cent of all babies born of smok-
ing mothers die before the second
year; that the same thing is one of
the most important causes of high
blood pressure (the nicotine irritates
the vasomotor centers, causing con-
traction of the vessels); that depriv-
ing themselves of sufficient nourish-
ment so as to remain thin jeopardizes
the lives of their coming children;
that rest, especially sleep, is conduc-
jve to resisting power in the unborn
baby; and that sunshine, not only for
herself while carrying the baby, but
later in life, is of the utmost import-
When you play, play hard; when
you work, you can’t play at all. Anon
A great man is made up of quali-
ties that meet or make great occa-
'| sions.~Lowell.
bad |
scurvy. That old-fashioned disease
is old-fashioned indeed. But almost |
every ancient ailment, has its modern
R. HENRY FORD, who is a great manufacturer, but who bas
some peculiar ideas about economics, says, that young peo-
ple ought to spend their money, and not save it.
This advice is not needed, for young people usually are good
spenders. They want to have what they call a good time.
Yet there is an element of truth in what Mr. Ford says. A
stingy young person is not a pleasing object, and one who saves ev-
ery penny he gets, is in a fair way of giving an undue value to
On the other hand, money is one of the most cheerful posses-
sions in the world. It gives one a sense of security, of power, that
nothing else imparts. Money is saved only by the exercise of pru-
dence and self-denial—qualities that will count largely for future
This sounds like a quotation from Poor Richard's Almanac, &
little book that those who are of Franklin's opinion, as to what
constitutes success in life, may do well to read. We think young
people ought to save part of what they get, and spend part. They
will be pretty old before they cease wanting to have a good time.
And the man who does not save, is doomed to failure.
The First. National Bank
It is not likely to be |
Strong, Financial
HE ample Capital and Surplus
of the First National Bank
gives you the assurance of
strong, financial banking. We invite
you to make this your financial home.
aL SO Lh 2)
Superior Values
en’s Suits
$22.50 - $27.50 - $32.50
They are the BEST Suits that that
much money can buy.
We invite you to judge. We know
you will easily see the great saving these
three price ranges offer you.
They are all at Fauble’s, Bellefonte’s
leading Men's Store.
es SSS