Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 29, 1929, Image 7

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To Find Easter.
Even the youngest knows by this
time that Easter does not come on
the same day of the month year af-
ter year like Christmas. Here is the
rule for finding when it will come.
«hirty days hath September,”
Every person can remember;
But to know when Easters come,
Puzzles even scholars some. ;
‘When March the twenty-first is past, ,
Just watch the silvery moon; |
And when you see it full and round, i
Easter will be here soon. . {
After the moon has reached its full,
Then Easter will be here,
The very Sabbath after, |
In each and every year. |
And if it hap on Sabbath
The moon should reach its height,
The Sabbath following this event
will be the Easter bright.
Thursday, April 14, is observed by
services in the churches in commem-
oration of the partaking of the Last
Supper by Christ and His disciples.
Its rightful name, Maundy Thursday,
is chiefly derived from the words of
the ancient antiphon sung in the
churches and starting with “Manda-
tum novum do vobic.” Indeed, the
word Mandatum later came to stand
for the main ceremony of that day—
the washing of the feet of the cate-
Of the many queer customs featur-
ing this day in ancient times, perhaps
the most important was this washing
of the feet. This practice was preva-
lent in many parts of Europe in the
Middle ages, and there is even men-
tion of its performance in Spain as
early as the Fourth century. Grad-
ually, in the monarchistic countries.
the custom developed into the cere-
mony of the king's washing the feet
of as many poor men as there were
years of his age. In England the
practice continued in that fashion
until the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
who directed that the feet of the
poor men should first be bathed by
her servants in warm water and |
sweet herbs. James II was the last
English monarch to perform the cer-
emony, for his successor, william of
Orange, instructed his almoners to |
execute the duty; and the custom was
discontinued in that country in the
year 1754. However, it was carried
on until quite recently in several oth-
er European countries, and perhaps
even is, in a few, to this day.
In those times there were some
other ceremonials connected with the
day, one of which was the reconcilia-
tion of the penitents—mainly achiev-
ed by long periods” of prayer: *
other was the consecration of the
chrism, or baptismal oil. This oil
was used abundantly in Easter weeis,
and all that was needed for the Sun-
day was consecrated on Maundy
Thursday, and by the Fifth century
it came about that all the chrism
likely to be needed during the year
was consecrated on this da.
One more ceremony of this event-'
ful Thursday was the celebration of
the Eucharist. This was originally
taken fasting, but later many began
to take it in the evening after meat.
By the reissuance of some old laws
evening communion Was forbNiden,
but gradually it has crépt back into
Apart from these major celebra-
tions there were some minor observ- |
ances, such as the stripping of the
altars after vespers and the silenc-
ing of the church bells from Wednes-
day midnight till matins on Easter |
Most of these customs associated
with Maundy Thursday have fallen |
into the limbo of oblivion, but the |
recalling of them serves as a pleas- |
ant link with those less sophisticat- |
ed days. :
er epee
Seven State teacher colleges have
been rated as “A” class teacher prep-
aration institutions by the American
Association of Teachers Colleges.
Those given the rating are at Slip-
pe Rock, Shippensburg, Blooms-,
burg and West Chester. 4
«A” class rating is the highest ap- |
praisement which can be given under !
the rulings of the American Associa-
tion of Teachers Collegers. It includes
state, municipal, or incorporated pri-
vate institutions which have at least
one four-year unified curriculum, de-
voted exclusively to the preparation
of teachers. The regulations of the
Association further demand that in-
stitutions given this rating have legal
authority to grant standard bachelors
degrees. All institutions granted the
above rating must require for admis-
sion the completion of a standard
four-year secondary school curricu-
lum. The ratings of the above insti-
tutions were granted after personal
visits by agents of the American As-
sociation. Final action was taken at
the recent meeting of the American
Association held at Cleveland.
—The newly-weds on their honey-
moon had the drawing room. The
groom gave the negro porter a dol-
lar not to tell anybody on the train
they were bride and groom. When
the happy couple went to the diner
for breakfast next morning all the
passengers snickered and pointed and
eyed the couple knowingly. The
groom called the porter and demand-
ed: “Did you tell anybody on the
train we were just married?”
“No, sir,” said the dusky porter.
“1 told 'em you all was just good
friends.” :
. from Galilee and eastern Judea,
‘localities in wihch
‘turned to his
their vehicles
On Palm Sunday each year the
minds of millions of Christians the
world over are occupied with
thoughts of a scene in Jerusalem.
On the eastern spur of the’ Mount
' of Olives lies the little town of Betha- | yg slowly whispers,
ny a few furlongs away from Jerusa-
lem. On the memorable morning of
his entrance into the city Jesus se-
cured near Bethany the donkey upon
which he made his memorable journey
to Jerusalem. The occasion was the
feast of the Passover, and pilgrims
his ministry had
been performed, accompanied him up-
on the journey. As they beheld him
riding on an ass (the royal beast in
the days of David) the hopes of the
multitude were suddenly revived.
Quickly the news of his coming
spread through the long lines of pil-
grims. Those ahead tore palm branch-
es from the trees by the wayside,
while others spread their garments
and cloaks along the way on which
he was to pass, while they all joined
in a triumphant song:
Hosanna to the son of David !
Blessed is he who cometh in the name
of the Lord !
Hosanna is the highest !
Slowly the procession came around
the southern end of the Mount of
Olives, with the gorge of the Kendron
to the south, until the wonderful city
of Jerusalem burst into view. Jesus
entered the city through this gate mn
the midst of a cheering multitude of
people, who waved their palm
branches before him. Just as the sun
was setting behind the hills he found
his way to the temple. He sought
not a waiting throne, but a quiet
place for worship. Then in the hush
Daily Thought.
The bluebird chants from the elm’s long
‘ branches,
"A hymn to welcome the
| The south wind wanders
budding year,
from field to
“The Spring is
i here!”
William Cullen Bryant
! _The children so look forward to
Easter and the “Rabbit” that this is
: just the time to satisfy their longing
for a party.
| The party might be
| “Egg Hunt.” Hide jelly eggs in var-
'jous parts of the house and the one
finding the most eggs receives a
prize. A basket filled with colored
eggs, etc., which has been serving as
a decoration, may be used as a prize.
Instead of the usual “Donkey” Strut,
draw a rabbit on a pillow slip and
have the children blindfolded attempt
to pin on a cotton tail. A prize, of
course, goes to the most successful.
An attractive and useful decora-
tion is achieved by placing a large
rabbit in the center of the table and
' surrounding it with large cardboard |
eggs. Have an eggs for each guest
and a yellow or white ribbon running
to each place. A luncheon is placed
in each egg. Each guest pulls the
ribbon at his place and receives an
In the eggs he will find—thin
brown and white bread sandwiches
cut with a rabbit shape cutter; an
oblong of Angel Food cake with
enough icing on top tohold on a
small chocolate or sugar rabbit dec-
oration, and a clear candy rabbit.
Ice cream moulded in rabbit or egg
form and hot cocoa may round out
the refreshments.
of the evening, refusing to give any
encouragement to the selfish material |
populace, he quietly re-’
hopes of the
humble home in Beth-
The gate, as we see it today, is en-
tirely sealed. Many hundred years
after Christ had passed through it
the city fell into the hands of the
Turks, and it was their belief and
fear that our Lord Jesus was about
to return and re-enter the city
through this gate. It was not their
will that he do this, and they believed
that by sealing it up in this manner
his coming wouud be prevented, and
so it remains to this day, the Sealed
Golden gate, the most remarkable
and interesting Biblical landmark in
the world.
The dead must move faster, accord-
ing to city authorities in the capital,
who are now ordering modern auto-
hearses to take the place of the old
fashioned carriage drawn by horses.
French ..nerals passing through
the city from one end to the other
have always held up traffic and stol-
en time from important matters, they
say. It would not be so annoying if
the living as well as the dead could
An-—De- taken to the cemetery -in some
kind of conveyance. But the French
custom has long been for friends to
follow along after the hearse on foot.
The horses, naturally must make it a
slow trot. On corner turns they are
given free leeway and even a Paris
taxi-chauffeur would never dream of
crossing the procession.
The cult of the dead in France
hints very strongly of paganism. The
French respect their dead ones, no
matter what they were during their
lifetime—this means everybody, per-
haps except the different black-cap-
ped coachman and pallbearers who
are never happy unless their funeral
is a first class one, which of course
means higher tips for them. As it
passes through the city the corpse re-
ceives a tip of the hat or cap of every
man, including that of the fastest
chauffeur, as well as the sign of the
cross from every woman passer-by.
Agreements have been made by the
Pennsylvania department of high-
ways and several railroads to mark
41 grade crossings, underpasses and
overheads which have dangerous ap-
' proaches with a new type of continu-
ous flashing warning signal. A yel-
low cautionary signal light will flash
a warning well in advance of the dan-
ger point to enable drivers to get
under absolute control.
Cost of the signals and erection
will be shared by the department and
the railroad. The department will
maintain them. Recently the depart-
ment adopted two types of signals
for marking such points. A “slow”
type contains a yellow diamond
which is illuminated by a flasher
built in. The word “slow” is illumi-
nated by headlights of automobiles
and reflectors. The second type of sign
warning that lies
a crossing just
The first major hotel installation of
its new centralized radio system has
been announced by the Radio Corpo-
ration of America. To the Alerton
House of Chicago, largest hotel of the
Allerton chain, goes the distinction
of providing individual radio recep-
tion through a wall-type loud-speak-
er, to guests in 887 of its 990 rooms,
and pioneering in a new field of hotel
Other hotels have experimented with
radio service in guest rooms. Head-
phones, plugged into a base plug
switch and movable loud speakers
connected in the same manner, have
been installed in several hotels. The
Allerton House however, is the first
important hotel to adopt the standard
centralized equipment developed only
a few months ago by the Radio Cor-
poration’s engineers.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
bears an amber flashing cross with .
the caption ‘RR’ in reflecting glass. |
The cross will flash continuously as a i
— The custom of sending forth
messages of good will in the form of
flowers, booklets, or even the high-
ly decorated postal cards, is one that
has grown with the recognition of the
general rejoicing at the rebirth of
religious festival of Easter, or in the
trees and flowers. In either case,
the gift without a part of the giver
is bare. Little drawings are sug-
gestions for handwork in place of
bought cards and even in fragrant
blossoms convey your greetings of
the springtime to a dear friend. A
white card upon which you have
drawn and colored a little decoration
will make the gift doubly acceptable.
A little basket can be drawn with
i black ink, lined with a suggestion of
gilt, and the flowers quickly painted
with water colors, in pale blue, pink
or lavender, or a mixture of all.
In a tree form, the box and leaves
will be best if painted dark green,
with the few large flowers pale yel- |
low or gold. With your greetings of
the season it would be most appro-
priate when accompanying them with
a plant, possibly sent to brighten the |
room of an invalid.
Simple and effective is a little
wreath form of no flower in particu-
lar, which fact allows the maker to
use his own taste in the coloring. A
quick copy by means of carbon pa-
per can be made, the petals delicate-
ly colored and the card sent off in
about the time it would require to
select the manufactured kind.
One evening will give a supply of
greetings that will take with them
the sweetness of the personal touch.
Resolve to send one of these little
cards to every person who is strug-
gling up through the dark days of
idleness. If you can, remember the
little boy or girl who needs the sus-
taining thought that even the grown-
up friend has time for the little
things. And if your own little ones
be yearning for something to do, let
the pleasure of work be afforded by
allowing these to be traced and color-
ed by the children.
— The red-head will rule in Parisian
society this spring and summer, ac-
cording to Manuel, chief arbiter of
hair fashions and the world's leading
“The blonde and brunette have
both had their day,” says the French
coiffeur, who happens to be a Span-
iard, “and this year it will be Titian’'s
favorite tint that rules.”
“Jt will be a lovely auburn-red;
with golden high-lights and deep
shadows, nothing verging on brick
or carrot tones. It is a shade that
is becoming to nearly every com-
plexion and blue, green or brown
eyes will look well with it.”
More than this, the new red hair
will be long, or at least “longish,”
which means well below the ears.
The closely cropped
demode as corsets and petticoats.
Curls are covering the inbetween
stage and the return of the ringlet
is much welcomed by those who dread
straggling locks.
There are also charming litfle pins
and clasps with brilliants, pearls or
rhinestones which nestle in between
the curls.
| In place of the low bun on the
nape of the neck which has been
, widely-adopted by American girls,
French coiffeurs are
| swathed strands in the back. The
| hair is worn loose and sometimes
curled on the forehead and around
the ears, and the longer ends brought
around, crossed in the back and held
by combs or pins. It is a coiffeur
! which is becoming to many women
for it is neat and shows the form of
| the head. Fortunately too, it can be
‘worn under the very small hats,
' which is certainly much in its fa-
—Tuck-in shirts or waists are in
again for the first time in years.
Pastel colored linen ones are very
good with navy blue or black suits.
Boil together for five minutes one-
half of a cupful of sugar and one cup-
ful of water, add one tablespoonful of
cornstarch and cook for five minutes
longer. Take from the fire, add the
juice of one lemon and two table-
spoonfuls of butter and stir until thor-
oughly blended.
eee ——
started by an!
advocating |
—Small fruits soon die out in poor-
{ly cultivated ground.
| —Soy bean hay as a roughage is
equally as valuable in the ration asin
- the seed.
—The main thing in inoculating
| soy beans is to make them real dirty
with the right Kind of dirt.
| —Manure applied as with the ber-
iries or grapes, should, for good re-
sults, be put on in the spring.
: —Muir seedlings have thus far
proved to be an exceptionally good
root stock for the J. H. Hale peach.
—A new Gravenstein apple ‘which
has a solid, dark-red color and is a
decidedly attractive fruit as compar-
ed with the common Gravenstein is
being offered to fruit growers.
—The best time for transplanting
raspberries and strawberries is in
early spring, usually some time dur-
ing the month of April, or as soon as
| the ground becomes in workable con-
—Roup acts like a bad cold. There
'is first a watery discharge from the
eyes, with an offensive smell, then
the eyelids stick together and swell,
and there may be sores on the face
and comb.
— Some fruit will be produced even
if no pruning is done, but a syste-
matic annual pruning will increase the
[Size and amount of fruit, keep the
plants more vigorous and prolong
their lives.
—In the Far West alfalfa and
sweet clover are used extensively in
the apple orchards. There where the
moisture supply is under control
through irrigation fruit of fine size
and color is produced.
—One kind of blue grass is called
Kenutcky blue grass and another
kind is called Canadian blue grass. It
is generally considered that the Ken-
| tucky is the more desirable. Blue-
| grass seed is not very viable and it
takes a heavy seeding when a sod 1s
wanted quickly, and the seed is also
expensive. The best way to get a
field of blue grass pasture is to seed
it down to timothy and alsike clover
and let the blue grass come in.
—When the pullets are penned and
set to their work task of egg laying,
their need for succulent green feed
must be met, say the poultry special-
{ists of the Ohio university. Succu-
lent green feed provided for the pul-
| lets for the first few weeks after they
| are housed will keep them in good
i physical condition. Rap, green clov-
ler, and alfalfa are satisfactory for
| this purpose.
If no succulent green feed is avail-
|able, the pultrymen recommend a
{ dose of Epsom salts for the birds soon
| after housing. One pound of the
‘salts for each 100 birds should be
dissolved in their drinking water, and
no other water should be given until
| that containing the salts has been
| consumed.
| —Last Year, H. S. Newton, a fruit
grower of Oceana county, Michigan,
proved to his entire satisfaction that
without bees apple crops are impos-
sible. In a group of McIntosh trees,
i he caged one tree so no bees could !
' get to it. This tree was sprayed and
' otherwise treated just like the others
{in the orchard. At no time did there |
| seem to be any unusual buzzing in
‘the orchard, yet this screened tree
| produced but six deformed apples
| while those all around it averaged 15
. bushels of fine fruit per tree. So val-
uable has he found the bees in con-
tributing to the set of fruit that he
, arranges with his bee-keeper friends
to park several colonies of bees here
and there throughout the orchard un-
ja blossoming time is past.
—Jacob Schwartz, a farmer living
on the outskirts of Detroit about 54
years ago, was hauling a load of fer-
| tilizer whem the wretched road finally |
got such a tenacious grip on the wag- i
ron wheels that he was forced toun-
load the cargo. In so doing he cov-
ered some rhubarb plants nearby.
had dried out the |
. next spring he retrieved the fertiliz- |
After the roads
ler, and was surprised to discover
that the rhubarb kept warm by the
decaying organic matter, had been
growing all winter. The stalks were
not red, streaked with green, but al-
‘most pure red in color, and instead of
head is now as a large leaf at the top there was a |
The |
stalks looked so attractive that he |
| persuaded his wife to try them in |
.little leaf of creamy yellow.
, some pies. So delicious was the re-
i sult that he built a box over his rhu-
barb plants, covered it up warmly
“and found the stalks grew quite long.
Now, as everybody knows, winter
| growing of rhubarb is an industry.
—Differences as great as 51 cents a
day in the returns which different Ill-
inois dairy cows of feed have been
and above the cost of feed have been
discovered by J. H. Brock of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, in summarizing the
records of 4,920 cows tested for milk
and butterfat production the last
Those cows in the highest produc-
of fat for the.year and returned their
owners $213 above the cost of feed, or
58 cents a day a cow. In contrast
cows in the lowest producing group
had an average of only 121.4 pounds
of butterfat to their credit and paid
returns, over and above the cost of
feed, of only $26.07 each. In other
words, they returned just 7 cents a
day to be used in defraying other ex-
penses of production, such as labor,
equipment cost and other miscella-
the poorest
returned $113.13 more than their feed
Sos. for the year, or about 31 cents &
ing group each averaged 496.1 pounds
interest on investment, building and
neous items. A third class of cows
about midway between the best and
ones averaged 297.6 |}
pounds of butterfat for the year and
Who Will Take Your Place?
Wa you are here, everything goes
well. How will it be after you have
gone? Who will see that those for
whom you have saved will continue to enjoy
the income your care has provided.
Everyday people are losing money
through bad investments. Why not profit by
experience, and place your estate in the
hands of trained men. This bank has full
Trust powers, and they are at your service.
The First. National Bank
RE you expecting to take an Easter
Week End Vacation this year?
Before you go rent a Lock Box in
our Safe Deposit Vault and place your val-
uables therein. Then you can have a pleas-
ant Easter Week End without anxiety in
regard to their safety. Private Lock Boxes
here rent for $2.00 and up per year.
the Day of All Days that
you would be all Dressed Up
The Fauble Stores make it easy for you.
The handsomest New Spring Suits and Top
Coats we have ever shown.
Prices so low that everyone can come out
All New on Easter Sunday.
Let us show you. We habe a Surprise for
you. One that you won't forget soon.
Stetson and Mallory Hats
Emery and La Mar Ties
Walkober Shoes
Gordon Hose, all at